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Jean Paul Paradelas


Physical Science

2 November 2021

Chapter 4./Study Guide

Terms: Democritus, Law of Conservation of Matter, Law of Definite Proportions, Law

of Multiple Proportions, John Dalton, J.J. Thomson, Plum Pudding Model, electron,
Ernest Rutherford, gold foil experiment, nucleus, proton, James Chadwick, neutron,
Niels Bohr, Bohr Model, Erwin Schrodinger, electron cloud model, orbitals, atomic
number, mass number, isotope, kinetic-molecular theory

Be familiar with the four models of the atom that we discussed in class.


Who was the first man to develop a formal atomic theory?

John Dalton

What was the first atomic model to have electrons? Were the electrons moving or
were they stationary?

J.J. Thompson. And the electrons were stationary.

How were the Plum Pudding and Rutherford (Nuclear) Models similar? How were they

They both believed that atoms contained negatively charged electrons. And in
Thompson's model everything was stationary. In Rutherford's model they were
orbiting like planets

What percentage of an atom’s positive charge is in the nucleus?


Most of an atom’s mass is in its __________?


In general, how much of an atom’s volume does the nucleus comprise?


Describe the components of the Bohr Model of the atom.

The nucleus is in the center and is surrounded by rings with electrons on them.

Describe the components of the electron cloud model of the atom.

The nucleus is somewhere in the middle and the electrons are scattered everywhere.

Make sure that you watch the kinetic-molecular video in the

files folder!

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