2 PlanningThemes Adopted

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Chapter 2

One City, One Plan

Planning Themes

Promote Livable and Sustainable Neighborhoods
Protect the City’s Natural and Built Environment
Enhance Mobility Through Transit, Pedestrian
and Bike Systems City-Wide
Advance Downtown’s Role as the Region’s
Center for Commerce, Culture and City Living
Promote and Encourage the Integration of
Sustainable Practices

Adopted June 3, 2010

One City, One Plan– POCD 2020

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gies and goals. Following is a description of the
Vision Statement Planning Themes
theme, the goal related to the theme, and a list of
Hartford is home to over 124,000 residents, objectives designed to reach the goal.
headquarters for many of the country’s largest
Livable and Sustainable Neighborhoods
insurance companies, and the State Capital of
Connecticut. Everyone who lives or works in Hartford’s neighborhoods are vital to the suc-
Hartford wants it to thrive. This Plan envisions cess of the city. This is where the vast majority
the Hartford of the future to be: of residents live, go to school, shop, worship,
recreate, and interact. It is important for these
“A clean, safe, culturally diverse community
places to be livable, with good quality housing,
where residents can get an excellent educa- abundant open space and recreational facilities,
tion and become a valuable part of the work- efficient community services, great school facili-
force. Families and individuals can find ties, ample employment, and low levels of
affordable, attractive housing, both Down- crime. They must also be sustainable physically,
town and in vibrant neighborhoods, and socially and economically. For instance,
have access to efficient transportation. neighborhoods must be places where environ-
mental impacts are minimized, resources are A house located on Allen Place
Natural and historic resources are well-
used efficiently, the carrying capacity of the
protected, and sustainability is at the fore-
infrastructure is not exceeded, diversity is
front of all activities. Hartford’s government
treasured, citizens are engaged and involved,
works with residents and the business com-
and the local economy is vibrant.
munity to leverage local investments and
regional opportunities, and advance down- In order to achieve livable, sustainable neighbor-
town’s role as the region’s center for hoods, diverse sectors must work together. For
commerce, culture and city living. “ example, the quality of schools is connected to
the quality of housing, which is affected by the
Planning Themes for One City, One quality of transportation options, etc. Activities
Plan in these and other areas can have positive
effects on the livability and sustainability of
One City, One Plan is guided by five (5) broad Hartford’s neighborhoods.
planning themes. The themes provide the frame-
work for the plan and are woven throughout the Frog Hollow Perfect 6’s
chapters of the POCD, tying together the strate-
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Goal: Promote Livable and Sustainable oldest continuously settled communities in the
One City, One Plan– POCD 2020
Neighborhoods United States and with almost four centuries of
Provide quality housing history, Hartford has a significant number of his-
Promote maintenance of housing & toric structures and neighborhoods. Protecting
neighborhoods the City’s natural & built environment has a
Ensure affordability of housing significant impact on the character of the City and
Revise housing-related regulations the vitality of the neighborhoods.
Improve schools Goal: Protect the City’s Natural and Built
Improve community facilities Environment
Consolidate municipal facilities
Increase Park programming & educa- Parks, Open Space & the Natural Environment

Tree Planting tional activities Update the Parks Master Plan

Improve communication regarding rec- Plan for park maintenance and improve-
reation programs ments
Enhance Public Safety Protect existing open space
Emphasize complete streets Manage the tree canopy
Ensure a skilled workforce Improve stormwater management
Improve access to jobs Protect the Connecticut River
Attract new businesses Enhance environmental education efforts
Help existing businesses to remain in Improve water quality
Built Environment
The Natural and Built Environment
Reduce development impacts
Hartford’s visual character is defined by both its
Promote good urban design
natural landscape and its built environment. The
City’s most notable natural feature is the Historic Preservation
Connecticut River. There are also 2,000 acres of Protect historic resources
parkland, the Park River, and several wetland Update Historic standards & regulations
areas. Given Hartford’s almost completely devel- Ensure appropriate redevelopment,
oped nature, the visual character of the City is restoration and rehabilitation
dominated by built form elements. These ele-
Mobility: Transit, Pedestrian and Bike Systems
ments, such as homes, schools, hospitals, office
The Mark Twain House
buildings, roads and highways, are the buildings The City of Hartford serves as a transportation
blocks of Hartford’s neighborhoods. As one of the
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hub between Boston and New York and other Transit
Planning Themes
New England locales. The presence of Inter-
Implement the New Britain-Hartford Bus
states 91 and 84, Connecticut Routes 4, 5 and
Rapid Transit (BRT) plan
44, train service at Union Station, the path of
Improve existing bus service
Connecticut River, a fully developed system of
Improve passenger rail
busses and a pedestrian-friendly street grid have
all influenced the City of Hartford’s transportation Roadways
system in many ways. Improve roadway connectivity, efficiency &
The loose gridiron arrangement of the majority of
Hartford’s streets provides a strong web of Mixed Modes
connections that can be utilized by pedestrians, Emphasize “Complete Streets”
bicyclists, and buses as well as automobiles. Reduce dependence on single occupancy
These connections should be strengthened by vehicles (SOVs) Union Station
improvements to the streetscapes, pathways and Implement the Hartford Transportation
roadways, as well as better integration of trans- Pathways Strategy & make improve-
portation systems with land use. For example, the ments to the Union Station area
transit oriented development (TOD) planned for Make specific corridor and area improve-
the Union Station area will be vital for the suc- ments
cess of the planned New Britain Hartford Promote Transit Oriented Development
Busway and the NHHS Commuter Rail. TOD (TOD)
around Union Station will help create a vibrant Improve regional connectivity
pedestrian friendly Downtown with easy access
to mass transit options while enhancing mobility Downtown as the Region’s Center for Commerce,
Culture and City Living
throughout Hartford.
Goal: Enhance Mobility Through Improvements to Although Hartford has a large workforce (80,000
Transit, Pedestrian and Bike Systems City-Wide jobs in Downtown) a much smaller number of
workers reside in Hartford. Downtown Hartford
Pedestrian & Bicycle Systems
has a relatively small number of housing units
Improve pedestrian connections, condi- when compared to downtowns of similar size.
tions & level of service (LOS) Despite recent additions of new housing units,
Improve bicycle infrastructure including several high-end apartment com- Charter Oak Landing
Elevate walking and bicycling as modes of plexes, there is still a gap between housing and
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the employment base. Closing this gap by creat- and Constitution Plaza East.
One City, One Plan– POCD 2020
ing downstairs shopping and entertainment with Develop urban commercial centers into
upstairs living and working will create a diverse, transit activity. Transit stops should be
vibrant & attractive atmosphere for resident to intensive activity areas.
work, live and play.
Goal: Advance Downtown’s Role as the Region’s Develop Hartford’s “Creative Economy”
Center for Commerce, Culture and City Living Diversify Downtown’s economic base
Help existing businesses to remain in
Improve pedestrian connections, condi- Pursue existing economic development
tions & level of service (LOS) activities
The Hartford Riverfront Improve regional connectivity Increase occupancy & improve appear-
Improve Downtown vehicular circulation ance of existing commercial buildings
& connectivity
Integrating Sustainable Practices
Rationalize Downtown parking by devel-
oping a comprehensive parking strategy Sustainability can be defined as “development
Make specific corridor and area improve- that meets the needs of the present without
ments compromising the ability of future generations
Housing to meet their own needs.” By its very nature,
Hartford’s urban fabric is much more sustainable
Create new housing units
than other forms of development. With its high-
Promote mixed use development
density development patterns and mixing of
Arts, Culture & Entertainment uses, the City makes much more efficient use of
Encourage 24/7 activity its land than traditional suburban development
Promote Hartford through coordinated or “sprawl” development patterns.
The City of Hartford has been actively working to
Redevelopment improve environmental quality and promote
Implement redevelopment initiatives sustainable practices, and to identify future
in keeping with the three recently strategies for accelerating the “greening” of
completed redevelopment plans for Hartford. Hartford has recently undertaken a
Statehouse Square number of renewable and “green” energy
Downtown North, Downtown West II
initiatives. Hartford’s goal of becoming a greener
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city will benefit residents and businesses while Reduce environmental impacts
Planning Themes
attracting investors and visitors to the City. Improve water quality
Sustain public health
“Sustainable” relates to more than just the
Economic Development
Environment and “green” buildings. Economic
sustainability is the City’s ability to produce a Make Hartford the regional energy
workforce that can meet the employment needs efficiency capital
of the current local and regional economy but
also be flexible enough to adapt to troubling
economic conditions. That is why sustainable
education and economic development practices
must also be adopted.

Goal: Promote and Encourage the Integration of Single-stream recycling Downtown

Sustainable Practices

Emphasize clean & renewable energy
Evaluate the City’s Energy Use

Improve air quality
Green Building
Promote green building practices
Improve stormwater management
Promote good urban design
Promote Transit Oriented Development

Reduce waste through reduction, reuse,
and recycling
Installation of a Green Roof at the Betty Ruth and
Environmental Health
Milton B. Hollander Foundation Center
Enhance environmental education efforts
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One City, One Plan– POCD 2020

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