Dangerous Sports: Interview With A Climber

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Advanced 1 Unit 3

Unit 3
Dangerous Sports

Interview with a Climber

a. Do you remember the TV interview with Martha Moore in the computer lesson? Complete
each of the following sentences about the interview.

1. Martha is being interviewed about rock climbing

2. The interviewer asks Martha to explain why she likes taking risks sports

3. When Martha is rock climbing she doesn’t let herself think about falling

4. Martha views each new climb as a new challenge

5. What Martha loves about rock climbing is a form to pushing her limits

6. Martha is going to give the interviewer a climbing lesson

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Advanced 1 Unit 3

b. What can we learn about Martha Moore from the video? Mark true or false.

True False

1. She is a daring person who likes to take risks.

2. She has never risked her life.

3. She started in a local climbing gym.

4. She is never afraid when she climbs.

5. She has only climbed in the U.S.

6. She tried to rock climb outside for the first time last week.

c. Match the sentence or expression in column B to the sentence or expression in column A

that has a similar meaning.


1. risked your life a. requires a lot of courage

2. I was hooked! b. I won’t be any more prepared later.

3. takes a lot of nerve c. go further than you ever have

4. have second thoughts d. get past difficulties.

5. overcome challenges e. put your life in danger

6. push the limits f. think you might change your mind

7. Ready as I’ll ever be! g. I wanted to keep doing it.

1.e 3.a 5.d

2.g 4.f 6.c 7.b

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Advanced 1 Unit 3

d. Martha was invited to another interview at her old high school. Read the answers
she gave and write the reporter’s questions.

Reporter: (1) Are you well-know for you rock climbing ?

Martha Moore: WeII, yes, l am weII-known for my rock climbing.

Reporter: (2) Did you take risks when you where in the school ?
Martha Moore: Yes, l did take risks when l was here. l was not a quiet, weII-behaved pupiI.
Once l did an experiment in the chemistry Iaboratory, but l’d better not teII
you about that.

Reporter: (3) What risky sport have you tried ?

Martha Moore: l have tried hang gIiding; you know, when you use a gIider to fIy
without an engine. l’ve done some mountain cIimbing in the HimaIayas
and l’ve jumped off some taII buiIdings with a parachute; l was arrested for
that! l’ve even dived with great white sharks.

Reporter: (4) Can you tell us what do you mena by a thrill ?

Martha Moore: That’s a difficuIt question to answer. How can you define what a thriII is?
Perhaps you couId say it is a rush of bIood to the head, or a great sense of

Reporter: (5) What would you do if you will be a role model ?

Martha Moore: lf l am a roIe modeI, l’d Iike to be thought of as a person who is daring
and not afraid of taking risks, but at the same time l aIways take precautions.
l’m reaIIy very cautious about everything l do.

e. Practice the interview with a partner in class.

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Advanced 1 Unit 3

Just in Time
a. Do you remember the story from the computer lesson? Mark if the following statements
are true or false.
True False

1. OnIy Nick has a piIot’s Iicense.

2. The doctors have experience parachuting.

3. The doctors speciaIize in parachuting to pIaces that can’t be reached
any other way.
4. The boys knew the doctors were on the way to heIp.

5. AII three boys were reported to be badIy hurt.

6. Hank saw the teenagers first.

7. Nick circIed whiIe the other doctors jumped.

8. OnIy Eddie was taken to hospitaI.

9. Now the boys warn other teenagers not to go on fooIish adventures.

b. In the story, there are several words that share similar forms: they can be both nouns or
verbs. Choose from the words in the box in order to complete the sentences below. You
may have to change the form of the nouns or verbs. There are more choices then you

aid • base • caII • circIe • cIimb • contact • dare • edge • end • faII • find • jump
land • Iicense • map • need • panic • parachute • point • reach • rock • search
size • study • take off • trip • turn

1. Don’t panic ! HeIp is coming.

2. The first parachute jump is aIways the most frightening.
3. The search for the missing cIimbers is stiII going on.
4. One of the doctors waIked to the edge of the Ianding site.
5. The E.M.P. doctors must be abIe study the medicaI needs of
injured peopIe very quickIy.
6. The injured peopIe drew a huge in the sand to show the doctors

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6. The injured peopIe drew a huge __circle______________ in the sand to show the
doctors where_to land___________ when they jumped_____________
7. l _dare__________________ you to teII Nick that we are Ieaving him in the pIane
because he is a very bad parachutist!
8. He ___tripped____________________ over the stone and hurt his toe.
9. There were no trees so the injured waIker took sheIter under a big
__rock______________ and waited for medicaI _____aid______________ to arrive.
10. From my __point_____________________ of view, a heIicopter is more usefuI than
a pIane.

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