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Pipe Stress Analysis for Static and

Dynamic Loading
A Review of Certain Modern Techniques

This paper is addressed to the gross elastic properties of the system treated as a canti-
action of three-dimensional piping systems. lever. With the latter properties as the
Its objective is to expand, with considerable basic ingredients, the handling of static
graphic illustration, upon the matrix ap- indeterminacy is brought out in application
proach suggested by Brock for the benefit both to thermal-stress problems and for
of engineers w h o must set problems up for computation of influence coefficients. Fol-
machine computation. A section on ele- lowing a section on intermediate, partial
mentary matrices makes the text self-con- constraints, the use o f influence c o e f -
tained. T h e p r o p e r t i e s of the individual ficients in ascertaining the properties and
pipe elements are described, together with characteristic shapes of free vibration are
certain transfer factors, which relate forces described. With these latter properties in
at singular points to elastic action else- hand, handling of forced m o t i o n with gen-
where in the system. With their organiza- eralized co-ordinates is exhibited. Formal
tion in the matrix notation made clear, they solutions for both steady-state and impul-
are used to develop the detailed elastic sive (shock) motion are demonstrated.

INTRODUCTION up correspondingly. More than ever, arranging

Nuclear power has created a vivid interest in has come to occupy a dominant place in prototype
machinery arrangements aboard ships. I t was production.
But while more competing arrangements have
applied first aboard submarines, arid has brought
steam back to this class of vessels. More than had to be processed, the relative quality of each
ever the art and science Of arranging could not be has become increasingly obscure. The pictorial
impression of one array matched against another
accepted as the mere spotting of functional equip-
ment items--rotating machinery, heat exchangers, can be deceiving. This in a large measure reflects
and the like, in convenient or traditional arrays. the quantitative evaluations demanded b y shield-
ing, foundations, piping, accessibility and weights
Indirect items have obtruded. Foundations,
radiation shielding and masses of piping, none of and centers. T h e y have to be processed fast and
which yields a direct functional output, have efficiently. At the Electric Boat Division it has
become customary to some degree to use automatic
become of vital concern. The number of possible
configurations for a given requirement have gone data-processing machines in the performance of
this work.
This paper has to do with one of these--the
t A s s i s t a n t O p e r a t i o n s Research Manager, Electric B o a t Division,
General D y n a m i c s C o r p o r a t i o n , G r o t o n , Conn. gross, elastic action of piping and principally with
• Presented a t t h e A n n u a l Meeting, New York, N. g . , the setup for machine calculating. Of course the
N o v e m b e r 14-15, 1957, of THE SOCIBTY OF NAVAL ARCHXTECTS AND
MARINE ENGINEERS, methods of hand calculation of pipe stress'---par-

ticularly short-cut calculations (references l0 s and type of condition there are no external loads to the
17 for example) are indeed important. However, system; the pipe itself tends to grow, and the sup-
there are some difficulties in applying these in ports fix its boundaries and thus constrain; and
cases of complex and frequently, oblique geometry often the supports themselves also will grow or
on the new piping runs. In all events, the texts on alter position providing still another stress stimu-
these methods are quite self-contained. At the ius. In fact, intermediate components, pumps and
same time the increasing criticality of arrange- the like, m a y be mechanically designed for some
m e n t has promoted a large number of geometri- thermal movement. The absence of external
cally oblique systems. The margin of safety in loading and the basically static nature of the
some cases takes on a much greater irhportance-- stressing make this class of problem relatively
particularly in the systems open to the cores of simple. The difficulties accrue, as always, with
nuclear reactors. And these too have forced us to material properties, with acceptable stress levels,
examine other loadings of p i p i n g - - t o look at the with the degree of refinement, with intangible
effects of vibrations and mechanical shock as well elastic elements, with estimates on degree of sup-
as at thermal loads. Piping fortunately is resili- port offered, and with local concentrations,
ent, and fracture is rare; b u t the grave effects of However, piping is often a rather low-frequency
fluid loss thereby make a closer look most impera- system, and on shipboard, at a n y rate, it m a y find
tive and the need for optimizing more obvious. some steady-state tuning. The actual value of
A substantial literature has appeared on two vibratory stresses is not easy to compute, par-
methods of analysis suitable for machine calcula- ticularly at resonance, and experimental evidence
tions. One, developed b y the M. W. Kellogg is missing on this. Even with vibratory stress
Company, has been incorporated in a recent book levels considerably below thermal values, they
(1). The so-called " m a t r i x " or Brock method was can be of concern because of the possible numbe'r
first brought out in 1952 (2). Subsequently, a of strain cycles involved.
number of papers, such as (11) and (12), have en- On submarines, and to some degree on other
larged upon the latter approach or have developed naval vessels, mechanical shock is of utmost con-
variations upon the theme t h a t Brock presented. cern to the naval designer. Stressing occurs from
Nevertheless, the author has felt t h a t a more de- the inertial lag of the pipe mass behind the motion
tailed presentation of this line of attack directed of the supports and from differential displacements
toward design engineers who would set up prob- of the supports, which force a change in the
lems, would be desirable. Furthermore, it seemed geometry of the system.
advisable to show the extension of these ideas to To be sure, piping usually has the saving grace
dynamic problems following the logic of classical of substantial resilience. Failure of piping sys-
mechanics. This paper, then, comprises an illus- tems is rare; if it does occur, it is usually at a
trative review of the matrix approach. Some of stress concentration. Under thermal loading a
the notation and algebra presented here is new, certain amount of plastic flow on the stress cycle
and this represents an effort to be especially ex- m a y occur only once. In unloading, the pipe, has
plicit. This is particularly true of influence co- in effect, become cold sprung, and succeeding cy-
efficients; three kinds of influence coefficients ap- cles produce action t h a t is elastic between two
pear here. But since the entire problem has stress levels, unless strains of over twice those at
ancient roots, the paper can be considered es- yield are forced.
sentially a treatise on the bookkeeping of complex The budget for pipe stressing on a ship can be
pii~e-stress analysis. a fairly major item, especially with minimum
weight and o p t i m u m arrangemefits in mind, and it
behooves us to consider wisely the precision with
LOADINGS--SHIPBOARD ENVIRONMENT which we go about the business. I t is the conse-
quences of failure, however remote, t h a t should
The stresses produced b y the constraint of pip- lead to intensive, vigorous exploration. On no
ing systems under thermal conditions are fairly piping is this more obvious than in primary
obvious. We can be most honest about them, for coolant systems which communicate directly to
we feel most sure of--their existence;, o f - t h e i r the cores of nuclear reactors. There is no denying
values, and of their repetition for each powering the lethal quality of main steam on the loose, par-
cycle. (In fact, because of cycling, it has become ticularly on a submarine. Nor does it take much
customary to design to a "strain range" reflecting imagination to picture the problems of main circu-
fatigue incurred in a plant life-time.) Under this lating-water piping in an undersea plant; there-
fore its security, too, is linked with basic ship and
Numbers in p a r e n t h e s e s refer t o t h e ~ i b l i o g r a p h y at t h e e n d of
the paper. personnel safety.

GROWTH OF MACHINE *TECHNOLOGY approach of the latter makes the logic of the steps
All t h a t is said in the foregoing is true. But somewhat more direct and clear-cut and has chosen
under some of the geometries, or some of the con- Brock's central, technique, adding some of the
ditions, of partial constraint, and certainl3r under notions of Soule (11), I t might be stated in pass-
some of the loadings described, it is simply an un- ing t h a t the two main methods of Brock and Kel-
reasonable assignment to expect hand computa- logg can be interwoven. This is not unnatural;
tion. N o t only is a large number of simultaneous they are both based on the same inherent ideas.
equations often involved, b u t the bookkeeping
t h a t leads up to and a w a y from them can be an
inordinate task. One m u s t consider personnel To better serve the ends of this paper it has
factors--morale, fatigue, and replacement train- seemed advisable to omit certain related items, as
ing in this type of work. But reasonaby advanced, follows:
high-speed digital computers are accessible to all At bimetallic pipe joints, transient, thermal
in one w a y or a n o t h e r : e v e n to independent gradients along a n d / o r across pipe walls have
workers at computation centers. I t is mani- caused severe stressing. This thermal-shock
festly clear t h a t the theories involved in a n y problem has been v e r y much with us in nuclear
analysis of the gross elastic action of piping are old. work. I t is, nonetheless, a different class of prob-
T h e y are, in fact, r u d i m e n t a r y regardless of the lem from t h a t which we examine here; this prob-
raw and unfriendly look of some of the algebra lem and its literature, references (14) and (18) for
t h a t is required to express little ideas. T h e arith- example, is fairly well self-contained. I t will not
metic steps are actually repetitive and familiar in be discussed further in the paper.
the routine of high-speed computation. Nor has damping of piping been included in this
discussion. I t s inclusion would complicate the
CHOICE OF THE MATRIX METHOD demonstration shown here; it brings in phase
Here is a communication problem. This is not problems, the m a t t e r of d a m p e d natural frequen-
intended a s a pure bromide. I t is literally true cies, and so on. The reader, in observing the
t h a t the use of conventional algebra and the emergence of a classical form of differential equa-
symbolisms involved can get completely out of tion of undamped, forced motion of pipe m a y sur-
hand to the point where large amounts of m o n e y mise fairly well the complications produced b y
and time are involved in the exchange of ideas damping terms. Damping properties of piping are
which, in principle, are elementary. Each con- v e r y little known. I t is certainly a worth-while
ference becomes an exercise in semantics often field for experimentation and analysis.
prefaced b y instructional review and with an The phenomenon of fluid-excited action of pip-
agreement to abide b y the old laws of Navier, ing is in somewhat the same category as t h a t of
Castigliano, Maxwell, and others. This is not thermal shock in so far as load derivation is con-
frivolous, for the old truths are too often hidden b y cerned. I t can be a : t r a n s i e n t or s t e a d y shock
the algebra. Obviously piping is not alone in this action. This too is in a separate problem cate-
category. Since machines are called in, their gory t h a t has been rather well covered. T h e
programmers are to be a p a r t y to the communica- Kellogg book (1) possesses a good s u m m a r y of this
tions, and it will be they who code the problems together with an excellent bibliography on the
for machine input and t h e n r e a d the output. T h e subject. The loading so incurred on the system
last thing t h a t we should like to do is to indoc- can be handled subsequently by the techniques
trinate the programmers completely into the brought out here.
various nuances of the elastica upou each contact; The performance of piping in the p!astic state,
thus, the matrix algebra. And thus the inclusion also lies in a different category. Work now is in
of a very elementary s u m m a r y of this in the b o d y its infancy.
of this text. For with it the expression of physical Both the emergence of nuclear piping and the
facts is greatly condensed. The language is not at need for a new piping code (4) in 1955 brought
all difficult to learn, and it has the further virtue ahead of t h e m a flurry of literature on the specifics
of placing the problem in a completely mathe- of flexibility factors, of stress intensification, of
matical f o r m a t for the benefit of programmers. anchorage flexibility (i.e., shell attachments), of
When the physical facts of piping are reduced thermal cycling philosophies; for example, ref-
t o this format-and then the methods o f manipula- erences (13) and (18). T h e t h o r n y m a t t e r of
tion are compared, the operations of the Kellogg strain-rate effects is implicitly hidden in the
method (1) and the t r e a t m e n t of Brock (2) have present text, and it, too, has a substantial volume
much similarity. T h e choice m a y be somewhat a of literature. Under sponsorship of the N a v a l
m a t t e r of taste. The autho r feels t h a t the general Reactors Branch of the A E C and of Code 1500 of

the Bureau of Ships USN, a handbook o f nuclear hangers. With thiJ background of detailed static
piping is now in preparation; it will endeavor, properties, the text then proceeds to formulate a
among other things, to collate and summarize procedure for determining the natural frequencies
much of this work. Used in conjunction with the and the characteristic shapes of the systems in free
piping code, it will provide a self-contained and vibration. The latter is prerequisite to a discus-
convenient designer's guide. The author felt sion of undamped forced motion under the stimulus
these matters were quite heterogeneous. The both of the steady-state harmonic motion of the
main topic itself requires considerable amplifica- supports and of impulsive, shock motion of the
tion. The inclusion of these other items would supports. A summary of operations for both
dilute the principal objective. static and dynamic analysis and some supporting
m a t t e r for the text appear in the Appendixes.
GENERALITY If the paper appears perhaps overgeneralized
With some trepidation the author has involved and therefore encumbering, this may be defensible
the system example with a large array of external on the grounds of machine economy. Ordinarily a
loads. The reader may be disturbed' b y this in the machine operates on an organization-wide basis,
light of his experience. Most. of the time he will and in the setup of a program the most complete
be concerned with thermal problems where all of anticipation of problems, within reason, normally
this seems foreign. In addition, in most instances, leads to the best economy. The short cuts and
he probably has been disposed to restrict his at- compactions for specific problems should be
tention to flexural bending and torsion of piping generally visible to the reader, as he studies the
and m a y be disconcerted to find continuing general format.
reference to the elastic action of flexural shear and
of axial loads. The author on his part is aware of
the risk of discouragement that m a y occur after
the soothing words delivered above on the innate
simplicity of the problem. I t is the ordering, how- NOMENCLATURE
ever, that demands a degree of formalism. Para- The following nomenclature is used throughout
doxically, the exhibition of possible forces or of the paper:
nonexistent (phantom) forces (which are useful in
deriving the field deflections), once accepted, can au, a12,...a33--direction cosines (footnote 11)
be reassuring as to the basic simplicity of the D,, D j , . . . - - d e f l e c t i o n (translation of ro-
static problems. By doing this, both the deter- tation) along or about a lo-
mination of thermal loading and the development cal axis
of more complete elastic properties requisite to D01, D02,...D06--displacement of origin sup-
dynamic analysis, can be treated virtually as p a r t port of cantilever system
• of t h e same piece. along or about X, Y or Z-
METHOD OF THE PAPER D01--"starting velocity" of origin
This text commences with a discussion of ele- 'along axis, X
m e n t a r y matrices and their manipulations. Fol- ef,--characteristic response param-
lowing this, the static properties of piping systems eter
are discussed; this is necessary both to the actual r=6 .j =n' j=n'
solution of static stress problems and also to dy-
r=l j=l j=l
namic analysis. This is accomplished first in sec-
tions describing the setup of the problem with the FKp, FK,, • • . - - i n t e r n a l forces at point
structure treated as a cantilever and of the nota- f~, f 2 , ' ' .f6--proportionality factors of di-
tion and conventions used throughout. A section mensionless origin displace-
follows on the key matrices of the analyses--the ment function uo(t), to de-
arrays of quantities describing individual element fine instantaneous displace-
flexibility, of factors that transfer force systems ments; i.e., Dol(t) = uo(t)fj;
from one frame of reference to another, and of the D02(t) = uo(t).f~; etc.
general flexibility of the cantilever structure. ks, k2, . . . - - s t r a i n - e n e r g y component fac-
Typical static problems are then discussed; ther- tors (Appendix 2)
mal stresses, detailed flexibility parameters, and /K--expanded length of pipe ele-
separation of the system by branch. A separate ment
section is included on intermediate a n d / o r partial /--distance along pipe element
constraints on the system--particularly those of from control point

mv,ma,mK,ms,m.,--arbitrary oontrol points u0m--amplitude of uo(t) in harmonic

rhj--mass or moment of inertia cor- forcing
responding to inertial forces V~,--displacement transfer factor
(or moments) in specific. (from origin) relating rigid-
sense (in this case the j body movement, say, ~2~ to
sense at me) component of origin move-
m--number of control points ment, Dot
m ' - - n u m b e r of load points of v---elastic component of displace-
cantilever system ment of a point in forced
n--number of forces or moments motion in local, X- Y-Zsense
external to cantilever sys- ~--elastie component of displace-
tem ment of a point in forced
nP--number of forces or moments motion in local, ~-~/-~-sense
clear of all supports vZ~--absolute displacement of a
n,(t)--impulse integral in shock re- point in forced motion in
sponse (corresponding to local (-~-~"sense
mode of response of system) W--total elastic strain energy of
= c0, f ~ ~0(r) sin w~ (t -- r) dr W~--total elastic strain energy of
K t h pipe element
X, II, Z - - m a i n co-ordinate system at
N~--maximum value of f,n,(t) origin (point of eantilever
(spectrum value) support) ~"
XK, Yr, ZK--axes parallel to X, Y, and Z at
w, 1)0~ (r) sin w, (t -- r) dr
] max
local control point
a--coefficient of thermal expan-
P,, P j , . . . - - a r b i t r a r y forces external to sion of pipe metal
cantilever system aj~--influence coefficient of given,
q,(t)--generalized co-ordinate of dis- constrained system
placement fulfilling the re- OK, ~K, ~K,--Euler angles at point rnK; See Fig. 3
lationship: ~j~--a normal mode amplitude
q~j~'--assumed value of normal
i=n t
mode amplitude
Oj = ~ q,(t),j, ~, 7, ~--local axes; see Fig. 3
r--intermediate time between in-
S~---element influence coefficient ception of shock and time
at end, mR, of the K t h ele- for response analysis
ment as if cantilevered at o~---an :arbitrary (circular) f0r_cing
mK~-I .... frequency
$~,--free influence coefficient of c0c--natural (circular) frequency of
cantilever system ith mode of free vibration of
T~--transfer factor (of force on system
cantilever system from a ~ ' - - a s s u m e d value of normal
load point to any control mode amplitude prior to
point). (To gi4ce force in clearing of lower mode ef-
direction, p at m~: statically fects
equivalent to P , . )
t--time Subscripts :. ,.
u--rigid-body component of de-
flection of a point in local i, j, s, p, ,r--~/rbitrary senses of direction of
X - Y - Z sense force or displacement at given
zi--rigid-body component of de- points
flection of a point in local F, G) K, T, W-~order numbers of arbitrary con-
~-~-t sense . . .. t.rol points
u0(t)--dimensionless forcing func- N - - n e t component action
tion (see definition of quan- E--elastic effect only
tities, fi,.- .f~) T--free thermal effect only

O--pertaining to origin 12 (R)--force translation matrix

R--effect at redundants only (at i3 (S)K--matrix of element influence
" c u t " ends of cantilever sys- coefficients at mK
tem) 14 ($)--matrix of free-influence co-
X - - e f f e c t clear of supports only (field efficients (of cantilever
action) system)
RR--interaction between r e d u n d a n t s 15 ( / ' ) - - m a t r i x of transfer factors
only (of forces)
R X - - i n t e r a c t i o n of field effects on re- 16 {~}--matrix of rigid-body com-
dundant points ponents of displacement
X R - - i n t e r a c t i o n of redundants on field 17 ( V)--matrix of displacement
action transfer factors (from ori-
X X - - i n t e r a c t i o n between field effects gin)
only 18 {~}--matrix of elastic compo-
K F - - p e r t a i n i n g to effect at rotecaused nents of displacement
b y action at m r 19 ( a ) - - m a t r i x of field influence co-
j i - - p e r t a i n i n g to effect in j sense (at efficients of given struc-
mo) and action in i sense (at ture
my) 20 (0)--co-ordinate rotation matrix
21 (~), (w~)--diagonal matrix of natural
Key Matrices
(circular) frequencies
NOTE: ( ) or [ ] indicates a rectangular or
square array ~/[ATRICES
{ } indicates a column array
( )' or { }' indicates a transposed matrix A n Elementary Introduction
( ) - i indicates an inverted matrix The matrix algebra is used in ,this text simply
(0) indicates a null matrix b e c a u s e i t allows us with great brevity to discuss
(1) indicates a unit matrix the behavior of a large.number of quantities. It is
1 (a)K---direction cosines of local merely a shorthand. To the degree that it is used
axes with respect to X- Y- here, it is simple and easily picked up. We use it
Z system only to express a large number of simple algebraic
2 {D}--displacement array along or operations. Reference (3) offers a good text on
around local axes this matter.
3 {e}--array of characteristic re- A matrix is simply an array of numbers or of
sponse parameters, es~, other smaller matrices in a rectangular pattern•
for all i We may know nothing much about the relation-
4 {F 1K--internal force array at mK ships of individual elements of the matrix, and the
5 {f} = { f l , ' " - f , } - - a r r a y of factors, fl,f2"" "f~, single matrix symbol tells us nothing about what
relating dimensionless we might do with the quantities. 3 To " n a m e " and
forcing function, uo(t), to to locate the individual elements in the matrix:
specific displacements of double subscripts are used. Thus, if a n n X m
origin matrix, (a), contains elements, an,a12,,~,
6 (rh)--diagonal array of inertial a21, aa2,- • • ; anm the pattern of the matrix is inter-
components preted as follows:
7 (N)--diagonal array of shock 7
spectra I ally a12~ a13~ •, aim |
8 (n(t))--diagonal array of impulse a21, a2~, a23~ •, a2m

integrals, n ,( t)
(a) =
9 { P } - - a r r a y of forces external to .°
cantilever system
10 (p)R--array of forces at "cut" anl, an2, "° • t anr~
ends of cantilever system
due to separate applica- Certain Special Matrices
t i o n of unit field forces Null Matrix (a) = (0). All elements of a null
in all senses
11 {q }--column array of generalized T h i s is in contradistinction to determinants, which are actual
numbers since the operations to be performed on the elements axe
co-ordinates, q,(t) clearly identified b y the determinant notation I [.

m a t r i x , (a), a r e z e r o ( a l l -~ a t 2 = a,j = 0). a n d c o n t a i n s nonzero e l e m e n t s o n l y along t h e

Unit Matrix (a) = (1). T h i s is a s q u a r e (n = diagonal, a n -4- 0 a , ,
m) m a t r i x a n d t h e d i a g o n a l e l e m e n t s a u = a2~ =
a~ ..... a,, = 1, all o t h e r e l e m e n t s b e i n g zero.
S i m i l a r l y , if (a) = ( - - 1 ) , t h e n all d i a g o n a l ele-
m e n t s , a n = a22 . . . . . a,, = --1.0, a n d a g a i n i.e. (a) =
i all0 0
' 0,
a22, O,
0~ a33~ 0,
all o t h e r e l e m e n t s a r e zero.
Transposed Matrix. T h e t r a n s p o s e d m a t r i x of a
m a t r i x , (a), defined as above, is o f t h e following , ann
form, t h e c o l u m n s a n d rows of t h e original m a t r i x
being i n t e r c h a n g e d : Operations
W h e n we p e r f o r m c e r t a i n o p e r a t i o n s on one or
ail, a21, , anl
m o r e m a t r i c e s t o f o r m a new m a t r i x , we are im-

a12, a22, , an2
plying c e r t a i n a l g e b r a i c o p e r a t i o n s to be per-
a13, "
(a)' = • f o r m e d on i n d i v i d u a l e l e m e n t s p u r e l y a c c o r d i n g to
conventions, some of which a r e i n d i c a t e d here.
T h e basic c h a r a c t e r of t h e r e s u l t i n g m a t r i x is still
[..aim, , anm t h e s a m e as s t a t e d in t h e first p a r a g r a p h of this
I n this t e x t t h e p r i m e on the o u t s i d e of t h e
p a r e n t h e s e s o r b r a c k e t s will a l w a y s i n d i c a t e t h e Matrix Addition and. Subtraction
t r a n s p o s e d m a t r i x of t h a t m a t r i x within.
If a m a t r i x is d e s c r i b e d : (c) = (a) + (b) we
Symmetrical Matrix (a) = (a)'. These, too, are i m p l y t h a t t h e e l e m e n t s of t h e new m a t r i x (c), are
s q u a r e m a t r i c e s (n = m) wherein a~L = ax2;
as follows: Cn = a n + bll; c21 = a2a + b~l, etc.
a31 = a~3; . . . a , ~ = a ~ , . - . ; and, thus, it a n d its
Or if we wish t o e s t a b l i s h a m a t r i x (d) = (a) -
t r a n s p o s e a r e identical.
(b), we a r e t h e n i m p l y i n g : dn = a n - - b n ; d22 =
Column (or Vector) Matrix {a I . If m -- 1, t h e
a2~ -- b~2; etc. .
m a t r i x d e g e n e r a t e s to one w i t h a single c o l u m n
o n l y a n d we use t h e braces, { }, so to d i s t i n g u i s h Matrix Multiplication
If a m a t r i x is m u l t i p l i e d b y a single n u m b e r - - a
s c a l a r - - t h e effeet is t o m u l t i p l y e a c h e l e m e n t of
I a~, 1 t h e original m a t r i x b y t h a t n u m b e r . T h u s
actually implies: "
k(a) = "

If we o c c a s i o n a l l y s h o w m a t r i c e s w i t h the e l e m e n t s
in a row, this is t o s a v e space, for braces, { },
L ka,1, kanml
i d e n t i f y t h e c o l u m n configuration. A m a t r i x (e) = (a)(b) m a y be f o r m e d wherein
Row Matrix. T h i s is a m a t r i x w i t h a single r o w i t is u n d e r s t o o d t h a t its e l e m e n t s a r e s u m s of p r o d -
only, a n d is, of course, a t r a n s p o s e d c o l u m n u c t s of t h e e l e m e n t s of t h e original m a t r i c e s , (a)
matrix a n d (b), in a r e c t a n g u l a r a r r a y a c c o r d i n g to t h e
•••OO•OOoOOOOIOOQOOQ•O•OOO following c o n v e n t i o n

[-(anbn "4- ax2b..l + . - . - 4 - almb,1), (anbl2 -4- a12622 -4-...), ... (all~lm -~ al2b2,, -4-'..)]
|(a2xbn 4- a22bn + . . . + a2mb,l), (a..,1b124- a~2b..~ + . . . ) , • • . . . . . . . . |
(e) =-1 (anbn + ' ' ' + a3mb"~)' " . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • , . , .. . . . . . . . .

I(a,lbn + . . . A- a,mb,~),. . . . . . . . . . . . . . (a,lb~m + " " + a,,,b,,,)_J

NOTE: n ---- m in t h e a b o v e ease.
A g e n e r a l e l e m e n t of t h i s n e w a r r a y , it is seen,
e a n be expressed
{a}' = [an, a,1, a 3 1 . . ' a . l ] kffi.,
etj = Y] a,kbk
Diagonal Matrix. A d i a g o n a l m a t r i x is s q u a r e k= 1

The condition for forming a matrix product, (since (--1) ~+s = (--1) s+2 = + 1 in this case).
(a) (b), is t h a t the n u m b e r of columns of (a) The a r r a y of all the cofaetors 4 of the original
must equal the number of rows of (b). elements is termed the a d j o i n t (matrix) of the
original matrix, (a), shown as follows
M a t r i x Inversion. ( E x p r e s s i o n f o r ,Solutions of
Simultaneous Equations) An, A m A m A,1-]
Consider the following set of linear simultaneous [A ] =


• I
equations solvable for, X l , X Z . . "Xn with the co-
efficients a n , a ~ , . . "a2n,'' "ann, and the constants, L_A,~, As~, A'~
bl,bg.,. • • b,, as known numbers
The inverse of the original matrix, (a), is defined:
a n ' x l + als-xs + . . . . . . . + a~..x~ = bl (a) -1 = [.4]/[a[ where la[ is the determinant of
asl.xl + an'Xs + .......... + a2n'X,~ = b2
the original matrix. This inverse is, of course, a
matrix a r r a y itself since it amounts to a product
anl"Xl + ans'Xs 2v . . . . . . . . . . 2V a , , ' X n = b; of a matrix, (.4) (of cofactors) and a constant
We can consider the a r r a y of unknowns, Xl,X~., (number), ~ and this has the effect of multiply-
• •., x~, to constitute a column matrix ing each element (cofaetor) of (.4) by the same
= • .... number.
.Now with the foregoing definition of the inverse
F r o m the definition of matrix multiplication we matrix, which we see is calculable, the a.rray of
ean consider t h a t the a r r a y of complete terms on solutions to the original set of simultaneous equa-
the left-hand side of all the equations is a matrix tions is as follows
product. And it can be seen t h a t the a r r a y of
right-hand terms in the same equations constitutes {x} = (a)-l.{b}
a column matrix {b} = { b l , b 2 , . . . b , } . We And this, with the rules governing determinant
could then write the whole idea in a single matrix solution, completely evaluates the problem. In
equation as follows: (a){x} = {b}. And our job, fact we could express the solutions to m a n y sets of
as before, is to form the column a r r a y (matrix), simultaneous equations having the same coeffi-
{x}. cients, a, but with various arrays of constants, b. In
Consider, now, the transposed matrix this we would have a collection of column matrices,
I all, asl, anl {x}, and of eonstants {b}, which, as entities, now
a12, ass, an2 become multieolumn arrays. T h e set of solutions
(a)' = • •
to all of these problems would then be expressed
aln, as,,, ann [x] = (a)-1[b]
Now there is a determinant corresponding to (a) t where only one inversion is required.
all, a21, a81, a41, anl SETUP OF PROBLEM--THE CANTILEVER
als, " a22, a~2, a4s, an2 STRUCTURE
laI' = a13, a23, a33~ a43~
We are to discuss both the thermal and dy-
namical body loading of piping systems. T h e
aln, ash, ash, ann formulations developed here are generalized up to
In this determinant each element, as,, has a cofac- a point to cover both types of loading. The pip-
tot, A:,, which is equal to its minor (determinant) ing system shown in Fig. 1 serves as an example•
multiplied b y (-- 1) *+ J. For example, the eofactor I n virtually all piping analysis it is most con-
of the element, as2, in the matrix, (a)', is equal to venient to reduce each problem to t h a t of a
the residual (minor) determinant remaining after cantilever, fixed at one of the anchor# of the pipe. those elements in the same row and Under any loading, thermal or otherwise, the loads
column as ass (as indicated b y bold face letters in (and moments) induced at the other points of sup-
second column and second row above); namely port are, then, external to the cantilever system
and are so treated in the main p a r t of the analysis.
all, a31, a41, , an1
au, a$3, a4z, , an3
4 It is clear t h a t this is a m a t r i x of calculable numbers
Ass -~ a14, au, a~, since they are formed from determinants.
5 If the connection at the fixed end actually has some flexibility,
then in those directions we can mentally attach springs of the ap-
propriate strength between the actual end of the pipe and the rigid
" w a l l , " or one can imagine a weightless flexible extension of zero
aln, a3n, a4n, ann length.

I \
t - ~ /--


:+,:+: +i
+ /:Y :~!i:i: :+(" "+~++++++.-/,++~
.+++,,.:+ J+ +++i:..

+ii'~+ +
• u

• ,+
+ + .
, -+-

+ .:."
/ + +[
+ ,. . . .
' [
/ ~

+-. ++++::+.:..+

7 :

, .k.k~+i+ +. +. ~++.++ + + 4"" ("

• :++.S++,+: ....

i;~~ . ?~.~:."i~.,~i++.+.
• .,:::~,.:~ -~ . + :.. ~: ,:-: • +~ ; . ~ : . -:


I t can be shown that if the elastic properties of the In dealing with thermal and body loads we are
cantilever, which accurately substitutes for the concerned in some cases with elastic movements
real structure, are ascertained in some detail, then at the ends (where the supports really exist) and
the solution to the over-all problem is close at at other times also with deflections and rotations
hand. throughout the system. To prepare a general
Fig. 2 is a representation of the Original struc- formulation we should be prepared for any or all
ture of Fig. 1 and is a cantileveff fixed at the point of this. Thus Fig. 2 shows six forces or moments
O. The figure shows a large number of forces and at any place where we might consider a force or
moments 7 both at the ends which have been cut moment to act or wherever we might want to
off and elsewhere. We explain this as follows: know about elastic movements. These points are
termed "load points" even though in some specific
problems some of these forces or moments m a y not
s I f t h e r e a r e i n t e r n a l l o o p s t h a t reclose w i t h i n t h e s y s t e m , o n e
m e n t a l l y can cut the loop internally. This is discussed in the section in fact exist.
"Typical Problems."
The term, "control point," is to include any
T h e s e forces a n d m o m e n t s are t a k e n a l o n g o r a b o u t l o c a l axes de-
fined in t h e n e x t s e c t i o n . load point (including support points), any point

Pn -4.

! :-X
--.----- . f

~P~ I ' P~



mr6 d'g m,~t


AXES ( S E E FIG. 3 )



where stress may be desired, where the properties Co-Ordinate Axes

of the piping change (i.e., section geometry change, The main, X-Y-Z-system is orthogonal with its
radical temperature change, material change, or a origin at the point of support, 0, of the cantilever
transition from straight l e n g t h - - t a n g e n t ele- system and with the right-hand rule of signs being
m e n t - t o a bend). In the example of Fig. 2 we followed. The co-ordinates of an arbitrary con-
designate trol point, say mK, are then XK, YK and ZK. Axes
parallel to the X-Y-Z-system can be ereeted with
(a) m ' = 16 load points origin at mK labeled XK, YK and Z/c, respectively.
(b) m = 26 control points But the XK- YK-ZK-System m a y not be the most
(c) n = 6m' = 96 possible or phantom convenient on which to resolve forces or moments.
forees or moments ex- Fig. 3 shows a pipe element between the control
t e r n a l to the cantilever points mK 1° and mK+, (either a bend or tangent).
system The local XK, YK, and ZK-axes are shown. But
(d) n ' = n - 12 = 84 possible or phantom also a new set of orthogonal axes, ~K, ,1K and ~'K are
forces external to the shown and are easier to use than the first set.
given (three anehor) These too follow the right-hand rule of signs and
system can be related to the XK-YK-ZK-system by the
Euler angles OK, 4~K,and 3K shown in the figure, or
For convenience, the term "force" includes b y direetion cosines defined later in terms of these
moments, and the term deflection implies either Euler angles. The eonventions for these angles
translation or rotation. are shown in the figure, it being especially noted
that the center of a bend must lie on the-positive
•Fig. 4 shows the internal "force" system at mK
(either at the beginning of the bend or tangent).
Ordering of Control Points These F forces have double subscripts. The first
subscript is the order of the control point, K; the
Fig. 2 has shown the possible force system ex-
second subscript refers to the direction of the force
ternal to the cantilever system. These external
or moment comprising the system
forces (and moments) are designated in this text
by the letter P. Internal forces (and moments) {F}K = {FK~, FK2, F,¢3, FK,, FKs, FK6}
are designated by the letter F.
of the figure. FK,, FK~ and FK3 are actual forces
Each eontrol point is assigned an order number.
along the }K, 'IK, and ~'K-axes, respectively, while
The lowest order numbers are assigned to the
FK4, FKS, and FK6 are moments about the same
points of supportSthat have been mentally cut off.
axes in the same order. The foregoing notation in-
The other order numbers are assigned sequentially
troduces the notion of the system as comprising a
down the branch to but not including a p o i n t o f
column matrix, {F} K.
juncture with another branch (branch point). 9
At a load point six forces are considered to act
The next order number assigned is to that eontrol
externally to the cantilever system along or about
point nearest the end of the other branch running
the local }, 'I, or ~-axes. But a different single sub-
to the same branch point and thence sequentially
script system is used for these forces. As an ex-
inward again, including now the branch point, if
ample, the arbitrary load point ma is selected with
there are no further branches joining at that
the external load system, ,{P~-2, P~-I, Pi, Pi+.1,
point. This method is thus followed on inward
P~+2, P,+3} • The subscript of. the first load refers to
to the last point before the fixed end of the
it as a force along the local }a-axis.
cantilever. The system is followed in Fig. 2. The
control points m, and m2 are support points of the Rotation of Forces Systems
real strueture. The next control point, m3, is in
I t is quite true that any internal or external
branch II, and the number system continues to
the point mn; thence the following control point, force system at a point acting along or about the
m,~, is the last nonsupport point on branch I I I , local ~, '1, and ~'-axes eould as well be aetually re-
and the system can be followed on in past the solved along or about the local X, Y, and Z-axes.
A t mK we can define six such forees (in this ease
braneh" point, m2, to m~.6--the last before the fixed
internal) and as a matrix array, {F'} K, they can be
point O.
defined by a matrix product involving the force
s According to the s y s t e m suggested in this paper this will not in- system referred to the }K, 'IK, and ~'K-axes as before
clude intermediate points of supports•
For example, point mtt, in Fig. 2. ~ m g is arbitrary.

-ZK ~/41N~~ K= XK "

X, -YK*
_ PLANE _ ×K



~K R~



~ K - ~"K

ZK Z I ~11

FIG. 3 LOCALAxis SVSTE~t --~K -- nk -- ~K

{F'}K = (0)'K{F}~ ........... [11 a n d t h e t r a n s p o s e s y m b o l in E q u a t i o n [1] is ex-

T h e force s y s t e m {F}K is a l o n g or a b o u t t h e ~K,
~K, a n d ~'K-axes, as p r e v i o u s l y defined, while t h e n A c t u a l l y t h e m a t r i x (O)K' is t r a n s p o s e d from (O)K w i t h sub-
m a t r i c e s (a)K a n d t h e n u l l , (0), a s f o l l o w s
force s y s t e m , {F'}K, is defined along a n d a b o u t
t h e XK, YK, a n d ZK-axes in t h e s a m e sense a n d in (O)g =
[ ( a ) K, ( 0 ) ]
[(0), (a)gJ ..................

t h e s a m e order. • (0)'K is a 6 X 6 s q u a r e m a t r i x A n d ( a ) ~ is 3 X 3 s q u a r e c o n s i s t i n g of d i r e c t i o n c o s i n e s a s f o l l o w s
a n = cos OK c o s OK; a21 = - - c o s OK s i n OK COS •K -}- sin OK
c o m p r i s e d of d i r e c t i o n cosines,'1 a n -- aaa; it can sin flK
be shown for o r t h o g o n a l s y s t e m s t h a t t h e i n v e r s e a12 = sin OK; azi = c o s OK c o s BK
at3 = - - s i n OK c o s OK; at| = pin OK s i n O K c o s B K + c o s 0K. sin flK
of (O)Kis also its t r a n s p o s e . T h e r e f o r e we h a v e a31 = cos OK s i n OK s i n flK + s i n OK c o s flK
a,2 = - - c o s OK s i n BK
aa, = - - s i n OK s i n OK s i n BK + COS OK COS B K
{F} = (0),,{F'}K OK, OK, a n d flK a r e E u l e r a n g l e s , F i g . 3.


I/\, ~ FKp'F~, / ~"


FKI~=FK2 /
~ t FKp~'FKs| ,X(''fFKp'FK'

F.t-F,, /-/ F'F~£,~ "







F, = ~ C , . F ~ e ( s e e F i g . 4)
l/P 1 2 3 4 5 6
1 cos ~b --sin ~b 0 0 0 0
2 sin ~b cos ~b 0 0 0 , 0
3 0 0 1 0 0 0
4 0 0 R K ( 1 -- cos~) cos ~ ~sin ~k 0
5 0 0 --RK sin ~b sin ~b cos ~b 0
6 RK(1 -- cos ~b) RK sin ~b 0 0 0 1


l/p 1 2 3 4 5 6
1 1 0 0 0 0 0
2 0 1 0 0 0 0
3 0 0 1 0 0 0
4 o o o 1 o o
5 0 o +~ o 1 o
6 0 -~ 0 0 0 1


Fz = F4 = FE3 [RK (1 -- cos~b)] + FK4 (cos~b) + FKs ( - - sin 6)
Ft = F~ = FK3 ( + ~) + FK5 (1)

THE KEY MATRICES This system, too, can b e linked to the internal
"element-end" forces b y a matrix p r o d u c t
(a) P i p e E l e m e n t F l e x i b i l i t y ( S - M a t r i x )
Fig. 4 shows either a bend or a t a n g e n t element {F~}K = (C)K{F}K . . . . . . . . . . . [a]
following an a r b i t r a r y control point, inK, as if the which is to s a y t h a t a n y internal force at a point
element was cantilevered f r o m the next control can be described
point, mK+l. T h e forces applied to this reduced
structure are comprised simply of the internal F, = ~ C,~FKp . . . . . . . . . . . [41
force system, {F}K 12 referred as shown previously P=I
to the local ~K -- ~K -- ~'K-axis system. A t a n y
according to the requirements of static equi- -
point within the element, there are statically
librium. T h e matrix of C is called an " e l e m e n t "
equivalent forces, Ft, in the senses shown b y Fig. 4,
transfer matrix. C,p is t h a t factor of the force
and t h e y too can be said to comprise a matrix
FKp at rnK which defines its e o n t r i b u t i o n , C ~ F g p ,
wherever along the element we m a y choose
to the force, F~ within the element, and the ele-
{Ft.}K = {F1, F2, F3, F4, Fs, F6}, F~ ments for either a bend or a t a n g e n t are listed in
Table 1 in terms of the locus of the specific point.
being a n y of the six forces, where
W e require influence eoeffieients for the element
F, = Ft, tensile force along axis (or t a n g e n t to end, mK, to define the displacements and rotations
same) at point of this point for unit internal forces, FK~ acting
Fz -- F2, shear force in plane of bend (~K -- ~K- separately on the h y p o t h e t i c a l l y cantilevered ele-
plane) ment. These n u m b e r s are designed, S, and are
F~ -- F3, shear force normal to plane of bend identified
F, = F4, m o m e n t a b o u t local axis (or tangent) of
lffi6 f l K
pipe (torsion) S~p ~--- "i'~=1 ktCz~Cz,~dl . . . . . . . . [5]
F, -= Fs, bending m o m e n t n o r m a l to plane, ~K --
~K. is the 7r-deflection at m K of the cantilevered ele-
F~ -- F6, bending m o m e n t in the plane, ~K -- ~K m e n t due to a unit force in the p sense at rag. ~8
t2 T h i s internal cut, at MK, is t a k e n i n f i n i t e s i m a l l y in toward
MK+ ~ from the poitlt of application of a n y external, P, forces t h a t 13 For example, t h e q u a n t i•t y $53
K .
*s the rotation of mK a b o u t t h e
might exist at the point. local ~tK-axis d u e o n l y to a u n i t force a l o n g t h e ~'K-axis.

I SKn, SKt2, "' " S ~ ]

SK21, SK22

(s),, = (sL) = " ]. " [6]

•, SK66

[-TX ,,_=, TK,,~_~, TK~, T~V,.,,+,, TX,.,~+2 TS,,,+a. ]

(T)^.v I T~,~_~ [s]

L T"~,,- ~, ", T~a. ,+ a _]

O Q O O O Q Q O Q O O O O I Q a Q O O O O O O O Q I Q O O Q O O I O I O Q Q O O Q O O O ~ ~ O O O

where tor." Therefore under a set of external 15 loads,

as in the transformed example used here, an in-
k ~ o n s t a n t associated with the type of elastic ternal load or moment at any point can be taken
action caused by the force, Ft. For ex- as the sum of linear products: At the point mg,
ample, !f l = 6 in a bend this constant is for example
kl = k6 = ~6/E[, and Ks is the bending i~t
flexibility factor at the .point where F, FK~ = ~g T % , P , . . . . . . . . . . . [71
acts and which in this case according to i=1
the Piping Code (4) is K~ = 1.65rm2/tRn
for all external loads, Pc. As before, the force (or
I n - - t o t a l length of element along its axis
m o m e n t ) , F~p implies its orientation in a unique,
E - - Y o u n g ' s modulus of material
p, sense along or about one of the local axes,
/ - - f l e x u r a l m o m e n t of inertia of pipe (or
~ , hA-, or, ~'K. And TvS~is a transfer factor for the
fitting) cross section
load Pc at the arbitrary po!nt rnv in the sense shown
y ~ - - m e a n radius of pipe material from axis of
for the letter, i, as it effects t h e particular p sense
load, FKv at,inK.
t--thickness of pipe wall
Obviously the value of the number, T~, will
RK:-radius of bend center line
be zero if the point mR is further down the line
The various constants, kz, are discussed in detail in' toward the origin than rnK, or if it lies in neither
Appendix 2, together with the derivation of Equa- the same nor a common branch. Thus in Fig. 2
tion [5]. the force P,= at the (actual). anchor at the end of
The "element influence coefficients" are 36 in Branch I I I cannot of itself prodime a n y internal
number at each control point, rnK and comprise load at any point in the Branch I I if the whole
6 X 6 square, symmetrical matrices, x4 Table 2 structure is treated as a cantilever.
contains the value of these influence coefficients in F r o m the foregoing, it can be seen t h a t there
terms of the properties of the bend or tangent. must be a collection of 6 X 6 = 36 such transfer
The matrix is described in [6] above. The deriva- factors connecting a load point, my, with a con-
tion of these terms is shown in the Appendix• trol point. The array of these is termed a "cross-
transfer matrix" as shown in [8] above.
(b) Transfer Factors ( " T " Matrix) The numerical values of such transfer factors
In a cantilever structure with.a single external must, of course, be evaluated. In the first place
load (or moment) at the same or at another arbi- the a r r a y of external forces at mr, of which Pc is
t r a r y point, it is clear t h a t a n y internal load can one, is referred t o ' t h e local ~v-~/F-~v-system.
be determined b y multiplying t h a t external load We have already shown t h a t such a force system
b y a f a c t o r - - t h i s to be known as a "transfer fac- can be " r o t a t e d " to the local Xv-YF-ZF sense by
matrix multiplication: {P'} F = (0~'{P} ~. Now
14 T h e s y m m e t r y o f t h e m a t r i x of influence c o e f f i c i e n t s d e r i v e s be-
c a u s e of M a x w e l l ' s r e c i p r o c a l t h e o r e m w h i c h s t a t e s t h a t t h e deflee-"
it can be shown t h a t the rotated force system can
t i o n of a n y p a r t i c u l a r p o i n t in a n e l a s t i c s y s t e m d u e t o t h e a c t i o n of be translated to the local Xx- YK-Z~-system at the
a u n i t f o r c e is e q u a l t o t h e d e f l e c t i o n a t t h e p o i n t a n d in t h e d i r e c -
t i o n of t h a t f o r c e w h e n t h e s y s t e m is l o a d e d b y a u n i t force in t h e point m~ and whieh system is statically equivalent
sense of t h e original d e f l e c t i o n a n d at t h e p o i n t w h e r e t h e d e f l e c t i o n
w a s first m e a s u r e d . 15 T h i s , of course, i n c l u d e d l o a d s a t t h e m e n t a l l y , c u t b r a n c h ends.

Element Bend Tangent
RK ~ - [kl + k2 + 3R~kd + sin 2 a K [kl -- k2 + R~k6] +
Sn k~.l~
sin aK[--2R~.kd I

$2~ = Si2 RK t sin

~ aK [--kl + k= -- R~k,] + cos ag[--R~k6] + R~k6 } 0
0 0
S~ = S~ 0 0
aK(R~k6) + sin aK(-R~k6) 0
&2 RK t ~ [kl + k2 + R~ke] + sin 2aK [-kl + k, -- R~k6] t
&2 '= $2~ = S~.~ = &~ 0 0
&~ = &~ 0 0
&= = &~ R~k6[1 -- cos aK] k#&/2

RK t OtK[ka "}- 3R~_~_k, .~_ R2k.__~5
] + sin a,: [--2R~k4, +
sin42aK [R~k4 -- R~ks] f
$43 ~ $34 R~ l sin aK(k4) "4- ~ I--k, + ks] + sin2~K [--k4 + k ' ] f 0

$5~ = $3~ R~ t cos aK(k4) -- k4 + sin2°~g(k'-k~)l " -&k#2

0 0

$44 I aK
R~ -~ (k, + k~) + sin 2a/¢ (k, _ ka)l lKk4

&, = &~ ÷ 0
S~ = S . = S~ = &~ 0 0
R~ l a~K (k4 + k~) + sin 2oeg ( - k 4 + ka)
( R~k~)~ Igk6

to the original system at me. Following is the which is to say

translation operation
{F}~-= (0),,{(R)KF{P'}F}
{F'}~- = (R)KF{P'}e = (R)Kv{(O)'~{P}F} . . . . . [9] = (e),c { ( R ) ~ e { (O)', { P } F } }
= . . . . . . [13]
(R)KF = [(1) + (r)v -- (r)K] . . . . . [10]
The matrix in brackets, [ ], in the foregoing ex-
and [11] on page 17. pression is the required transfer matrix, (T)KF, by
The total translational matrix, (R)KF, is shown our original definition; i.e.
as [12], page 17.
At first glance this may seem like a "round-about" ( T ) z d = (O)K(R)~F(O);, . . . . . . . . [14]
way to express the idea that moments are affected
by translation from point to point in space while and, treated as an operator, it accomplishes the
forces are not. The format, however, makes sys- "double rotation" plus translation of a force system
tematizing more convenient, particularly for {P}F at me in the ~v-nF-~'F-sense, to a statically
machine usage. equivalent set, {F}~ at m~ in the ~K-fx-fK-sense.
But the transferred (equivalent) force system I t is normally a 6 X 6 array, and is termed a
{g'}~, le being in the X~-YK-ZK-sense;can be "cross-transfer matrix."
rotated again to give the required system {F} ~ in In the end we want an array of all such cross-
transfer matrices--a "matrix of matrices ' u T -
the ~K-~-~'K-sense
written as shown, [15], on page 17 for the example
{F}rK = (0),~{F'}~ problem.
tt T h e superscript implies the effect of forces at mF only. 1~Matrix (T) is thus "partitioned" into the submatriees, (T)KF.

O, O, O, O, O, 0 J']i
O, O, O, O, O, 0
(r)F = 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 [11]
0, -Z~, +YF, 0, 0, 0 ..................
+Z~, 0, - X ~ , 0, 0, 0
--IF, +XF, 0, 0, 0, 0

I 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 -]
0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0
0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0
(R),¢v = O, - Z v + Z~, Yv - YK, 1, O, 0 "" [12]
ZF -- ZK, O, --X~. + X~:, O, 1, 0
L - YF + YK, XF -- XK, O, O, O, 1

(T)I,, (T)m (T)m • • , (T)1.25-1

.... ....... : ...................... "...................... "..... /
(T) = : . : : | ........ ,5]

F(T)I,, (T),~q Submatrix (supports
(a) .~-~ ( T ) ~ = L(T)2~, (T)~2] to supports)
I-(T),,, (T)l.2s] Submatrix (field load
(b) ,-., ( T ) ~ x = L(T)2,, (T)2,25 points to supports)

(c) ~ , ( T ) ~ - - Submatrix (supports

• [16]
to field load points)

(T!a,251 Submatrix (field
load points to
(d) ,--., (T)xx = F (T)3,, • field' load
(Ti2~ 25_] points)
L ( T).2e,,

This is termed the "transfer matrix" (overall). There is still another way which is useful to
It should be noted that this matrix is rectangu- conceive--this as a column matrix of matrices
lar but not square since some cross matrices, such
(T) = {(T)I, (T)~, • ........... , (T)=6}
as (T)13 do not appear; the control point, m3, in
the example is not a load point. where
The dotted lines shown in the foregoing expres-
(T)I = [ ( T , , ( T ) , ~ , . . . . ,
sion divide (partition) it into arrays which we can (T)~ = [(T)2~,(T)22,. • • . , (T)2,251,
designate as in [16] above. • • •etc.
And all of this permits us to visualize the over-all
transfer matrix partitioned in another way Each dement, (T)I, (T)2 .... is the array of all
cross transfer matrices to single points, ml, m2. . . .
F(T)RR, (T)nx-] . . . . . . . [17]
from all other load points.
(T) = L ( T ) x ~ , ( T ) x x 2 The meaning of Equation [7] for F~p is that for
any set of internal forces, at a control point, we
This has its uses, brought out further on. have the matrix expression

{F}~ = (T)K{P},. . . . . . . . . . . [18] considered as a cantileveri There exists, in short,

a matrix of such coefficients, ($), n X n in order
The conditions for the constituent cross-
(i.e. 96 X 96 in the example problem). And this
transfer matrices to be nonzero are as follows:
can be defined
(a) The order, F, of the load point must be of K=m K=m
the same or lower order than K. ($) = ~ (G)K = Y~ (T)~,iS)K(T)~¢..[20]
(b) The points, mK and mv must lie on the same K=I K=I

or a common branch of the cantilever structure. This, it appears, is the same thing as saying t h a t a
Thus (T)32 is zero while (T)26.6 is nonzero applied single free influence coefficient can be described
to Fig. (2).
In the case of thermal stresses only, it will be SJ, = E rlJ E T,~,S,,, ...[21]
found t h a t only the reduced matrix; {(T)RR, k=l ~r=l
(T)xn}, will be necessary to determine. But if and
field b o d y loads are required, the entire matrix
should be constructed. (s) = . . . . . . . . . [221

(c) Free Influence Coeflicients--($) M a t r i x

where, as before, the subscripts imply
The main purpose in considering the given
structure as a cantilever has been to establish cer- ( $ ) n n - - a r r a y of infliaence coefficients of all sup-
tain properties of it, which are powerful tools port points due to possible unit forces
toward the satisfaction of the given problem. at these points
Specifichlly, we wish to know the effects produced ($) u x - - a r r a y of influence coefficients of support
generally throughout the cantilever structure due points due to unit forces at those
to the application of unit loads, each one b y itself. points clear of supports
The extensiveness of our interest depends upon ($)xn=-array of influence coefficients of points
the nature of the original problem. clear of supports due to Unit forces at
The element influence coefficients together with supports
the transfer factors provide the keys to this. The (8)xx---array of influence coefficients at points
relationship is derived in the Appendix and utilizes clear of supports due to forces also
the second theorem of Castigliano which states clear of supports
t h a t the partial derivative of the total strain
I t will be noted t h a t only. the array, (8)RR is of
energy of an elastic system with respect to a
significance in thermal-stress problems unless de-
force (or moment) (phantom or real) is equal to
flections clear of the support are desired.
the deflection of t h a t point in the sense of t h a t
F r o m all this any elastic deflection pattern of
force. In the Appendix, it is shown t h a t this
the.cantilever can be expressed
formally includes, for every element, the strain
energy of axial loading along the pipe axis, flex- {D} = ($){P} . . . . . . . . . . . . [23]
ural shear in and out of the local plane, bending
for all load points. For example
in and out of the local plane, ~-~, and torsion
around the pipe axis.
The a r r a y of element-influence coefficients at
Dj = ~ $~,e, . . . . . . . . . . . [23a]
each control point is (S)K. For each control point
a matrix, (G)x, can be described And these deflections will be those of the given sys-
tem provided t h a t all forces, P,, are compatible
(G)K = (T)~(S)K(T)~: ~." n X n m a t r i x . . [19] with the given conditions of the problem as to con-
where straint.
(T)K = [(T)K,, (T)m, • . . . . (T)Km'] TYPICAL PROBLEMS
as described in the previous section.
(a) Thermal Stress
I t is shown in Appendix 2 t h a t the a r r a y of in-
fluence coefficients of the full cantilever structure, A thermal-stress problem is usually presented'
8~i, can be described as the summation of such b y the s t a t e m e n t of metal temperatures i n the pipe
matrices, (G)K. 8at is defined as the defection in and the displacements of the anchor points of the
the j-sense (at an a r b i t r a r y load point, say, ma) due pipe system. Exclusive of the dead-weight of the
to the application of a unit force (external to the piping and its contents there is seldom a n y ex-
cantilever system) in the i sense at another (or the ternal or body load taken t o act on the piping.IS
same) point, say, mr when the whole structure is m H y d r o s t a t i c p r e s s u r e e f f e c t s c a n be a d d e d in a t t h e e n d .



ORIGINAL \\ ..--......--7"%



r l:)i_l

( L o a d point is a c ontr ol p o i n t at wh ic h e x t e r n a l forces m a y exist or deflections d e s ir e d

The deadweight loads are usually small, and it is What we have just said is that in the matrix of
often the practice to provide nominal spring sup- loads
port to the piping to balance these. Thus these {P} = ]{P}e, {P}x]
loads are normally neglected. A stress situation,
derives under thermal conditions due to the in- external to the cantilever system the submatrix,
ducement of loads at the suppOrts, because of their {Plx, of external field forces is zero. For every
constraining effect on the free expansion of-the control point we can ascribe a ~matrix of "free
system. Relative to the chosen cantilever system, thermal defleetions"--those deflections the point
then, there exist external forces at the support would have relative to the origin were there no
points where the structure has been mentally cut. forces exte~rnal to the cantilever. This is termed
And it is the principal task o f t h e analysis to ascer- {DqKT, where the elements are 19
tain the value of the forces. l~ I n t e g r a t i o n s a r e c a r r i e d a l o n g pipe run.

m a t r i x - o f free influence coefficients. Equation

D'~ = j~-K aTdx; D'~T, = 0 [26], of course, represents a set of simultaneous
equations as described in the section on matrices,
and the m a j o r problem lies in the inversion of
n'~ = fro~ aTdy; D'K~ = 0 . . . . [24]
($)RR. With the external force system computed,
{P} = {0}},
D'~ = L zK aTdz; D'~ = 0
the internal forces at a n y p a r t can be made avail-
where the integrations are carried along the pipe able through the transfer matrices (18)
from the origin in its displaced position to the
{F}K = (T)K{P}.
point in question, and
And the stress system corresponding to these fol-
a--coefficient of linear expansion of material lows directly.
corresponding to local metal t e m p e r a t u r e
In the example problem the redundant force
T - - t e m p e r a t u r e difference between design tem-
matrix, {P} R, is composed as follows
perature of pipe metal and original tem-
perature {P}R = {Px, P2, "" • • P,, PT, • : • P12}
Naturally the free deflections along or a b o u t the covering six unknown forces (or moments) at the
local ~, 71, and ~'-axes would be convenient, and points mx and m,.. Here it would be necessary to
since the deflections are vector quantities, just as invert a 12 X 12 matrix
are the forces, the system can be rotated
Sn, $21,
{Dlxr = (O)K{D'IKT
All of this, of'course, applies to the support

812,12 ]
points which have been mentally cut away. T h e The inversion of a matrix of this order is a modest
a r r a y of all free thermal deflections of load points requirement for, say, an I B M 650 computer.
(according to the local axes systems) is And it might be noted t h a t problems with a v e r y
{O}r = {{O}Rr, {D}x,} large number of supports can be broken down to
computation orders t h a t are within the capabili-
And, as before, the subscripts, R and X refer to ties of intermediate computers where the auto-
free thermal deflections at and clear of the points matic solution as a whole is not feasible. Section
of support. (c), which follows, for example, discusses a solu-
In most cases the net movements of the anchors tion b y branch as an example of this.
with respect to the origin are known2°--in fact I t is interesting to note t h a t if a number of dif-
being p a r t of the given problem. T h e y are the ferent thermal conditions for a pipe run are given,
composite equivalent of the free thermal growth the problems, in effect, can be solved at one time
of the pipe plus the displacements caused b y the as a whole. T h e column matrices become rectan-
forces external to the cantilever system. The gular, in which each column represents one ther-
a r r a y of net deflections for all load points is mal condition• T h e matrix solution for the various
sets of redundant forces (each set corresponding to
{D}N = { D } E + {O}r = {{D},N, {D}xx}..[25] a given condition) can be expressed with the
where the subscript, E, denotes the elastic actions rectangular notation
of the forces only. (P)R = ( $ ) ~ - ' [ ( D ) n N -- ( D ) u r ] . . [27a]
We do not know the a r r a y of redundant forces
at the cut points of support, {P}R. But at these B u t in all of this the major inversion operation,
support points we can say ($)RR-1, is exactly as before.

{D}RN = {D}RE + {O}Rr = (b) Influence Coefficients

($)RR{P}R -}- {D}nr (net movements) . . . . [26] The influence coefficients of the given struc-
ture as constrained are of particular significance
in shock and vibration problems. These consti-
{P}R = (8)RR--~{{D}RN -- {D}RT}..[27] tute the static deflections--translational and ro-
tational due to the individual applications of unit
which, we note, makes use of a part, ($)RR, of the
forces along or a b o u t the local axes at the various
~0 T h e r e are o c c a s i o n a l c a s e s w h e r e c o n s t r a i n t is partial, o r me- load points clear of the supports. At each of these
chanical m o v e m e n t is a r r a n g e d f o r in certain directions. Some of
t h e s e are discussed in a l a t e r s e c t i o n . load points there are n t such quantities.

Thus the quantity a~,, for example, represents in approximating the action of the system under
the deflection in the j-sense at ma due to a unit a set of body loads varying along the length of the
force on the constrained system at a point, mF, in system. In the case of dynamic loading the load
the /-sense. Maxwell's reciprocal law holds for points selected often will represent points a t which
a n y kind of influence coefficients; the matrix of it is convenient to lump the mass of the system as
some will be symmetrical (i.e., aj~ = a~). will be seen in later sections of this paper.
T h e application of a n y unit load external to the
given structure induces forces a t the supports, (c) Solutions by Branch
which then also become external to the cantilever In previous sections we have been implying
system, b u t which are undetermined at the outset t h a t an entire piping system is to be solved in
just as in the case of induced support loads in each case virtually in one step. But this might
thermal problems. involve the inversion of matrices t h a t are too
We are dealing with a set of static p r o b l e m s - - a large to be handled easily b y computing equip-
set of unit load applications--which can be ment. We could have proceeded otherwise.
handled as a whole. T h e a r r a y of all forces ex- T h e pipe could have been cut mentally at the
ternal to the cantilever system for all the in- junction point of the branches, at the outset, as
dividually applied unit loads is expressible: (P) = illustrated in Fig. 7. For a period, then, we could
[(P)R, (1)]; since (P)x = (1), and (P)R 21 consti-' have considered t h a t each branch constitutes a
tutes the sets of forces at the cut supports for each system in itself with origins at each of the ter-
and every unit-load application. minal a n c h o r s - - a n d each with an unknown a r r a y
In most problems, as in t h a t of Fig. 1, there can of (6) forces. In the example we would have
be no m o v e m e n t s at the supports; this is expressi- origins at the original origin of the entire cantilever
ble: (D)R = (0). B u t system, at the point ml and at m2. At the outer
point of each branch, as cut in this way; namely,
(D)R = (8)RR(P)~ + ($)Rx(P)x,
at the common point, m21, we would derive free
or (branch) influence coefficients using a different
local axis system for each branch, as discussed
(0) = (8)RR(P)~ + (8)RX(1)
elsewhere in the text. Each of these axis systems
and this, of course gives an immediate solution for can be related to a common X - Y - Z - s y s t e m b y ro-
the sets of redundant forces tation matrices, (0) l, defined as before. ~3 (The
(p)~ = - (~)~-'(s)Rx ........ [28]
superscript, i, in this case refers to the branch
number, I, I I or I I I in the example case.)
which requires the same inversion as in the ther- In a thermal-stress problem With each branch:
mal case. end influencematrix, ($)~, (for branch i) deter-
With the redundant forces (at the cut supports) mined, we could write the' expression
now determined, the sets of deflections for each {D'}~n = { D ' } y n - {D'}~R-- (O)'{(S)~R{P}~}
unit field load applied separately can now be ex- ............... [30a]
pressed in the matrix notation. And these are the
influence coefficients which are needed: where the array, {P}~, is unknown, and {D'}~R
is the a r r a y of free thermal deflections of the
(a) = (D)x = (8)xR(P)B + ($)xx(P)x'( branch according to the common, X - Y - Z - s y s t e m
= _ (8).~(8)~-~(s)R~ + ( s ) . ~ ) at the junction (which can be computed). {O'} ~R
is the a r r a y of deflections caused only b y the force
Corresponding to this the sets of internal forces system. And {D'}NR is the unknown net deflec-
for all these separately applied loads on the given tion of the junction also in .the X-Y-Z-sense
structure are measured from the base (unstressed) position.
(F)K = (T)K[(p)R, (1)1 ==. . . . . . . [301 The foregoing equation can be transposed to
T h e influence matrix derived in the foregoing
characterizes the elastic properties of piping sys- { P } ~ = [ ( 0 ) ' ( $ ) ~ . ] - ' . {{D'}NR -- {D'}~.R}... [31]
tems in considerably more detail t h a n do the cus- B u t the set of all forces on all of the branches at
t o m a r y (thermal) calculatmns. T h e y are useful this one point is, after all, internal to the given
system and m u s t comply with the conditions of
21 T h i s particular matrix can be replaced b y the l o w e r case designa-
tion, (P)R specifically t o indicate the array of r e d u n d a n t loads for static equilibrium--which is to say (noting t h a t
u n i t - l o a d a p p l i c a t i o n s only.
22 I t will be n o t e d t h a t each column of t h e m a t r i x , [(P)R, (1)], or
of (F)K, represents one u n i t field-load application w i t h the end loads 2s A c t u a l l y as used now (0)i c o n v e r t s to the X - Y - Z - s y s t e m w i t h o u t
induced b y it. transposition.



they must be rotated to a common axis s y s t e m ) This last expression designates a set of six
that simultaneous equations wherein the only six un-
E (0)~IP~ = {0I knowns are arrayed in the matrix, {D'}Nn. With
i=l,II,lll {D'I,vR solved, we can use the Equations [31], to
or, using the value, Equation [31 ], for {P}~ d.erive the forces, {P}~, at the end of each branch,
(o)~[(o)~(s)L~]-,{{D'},,,,,- {D'}~,,~} = 10}
i, at the junction. Thence one proceeds as before.
I t is"significant to note that b y this separation
=z,.,m ....... [32] into branches, it is only necessary to invert m a t -

(P}:,(P}: AND { P } ~ ACT ON BRANCHES I . ~ # N D 11I



FIQ. 7

rices, [(0),(8)~R], of order 6 X 6., I t also should nuclear plant it m a y be t h a t a coolant pipe
be noted t h a t at the control points in bram_'hes I I running out of a reactor goes to a steam generator
and I I l of the problem a new set of axis systems is t h a t is permitted some f o r m ( s ) o f mechanical
involved owing to the shift of origins for each m o v e m e n t for thermal reasons. Thence the pipe
branch. continues to one or more coolant p u m p s which
There are other ways in which the inversion m a y b e fixed, to all intent and purpose. Such a
order can be reduced, as mentioned farther on. system could be considered as a single system
There m a y be eases where, as references (2) and with the s t e a m generator acting as a section of
(12) point out, the solution b y branch is desirable. pipe of infinite stiffness with one Or more selected
mass point a t which certain defined constraints
INTERMEDIATE SUPPORTS AND PARTIAL can be described to act. Another case occurs with
CONSTRAINTS a snubber-type hanger designed to constrain the
In the foregoing e x a m p l e - - a three-branched pipe rigidly in a certain direction when the ve-
pipe run--full constraint has been presumed at the locity of motion 2~ exceeds a certain value.
ends of all branches in all directions. There are I t is difficult to generalize all cases of such con-
m a n y cases, h o w e v e r , where intermediate b u t
partial support is provided. For example, in a 24 In shock or vibration.

(o,)° -- F (O)l
• L(0), ( ~ ) d
/3n = cos 4'A COS 0~; ~ = COS 4~ COS 08; ~ = COS ~N COS ON;
/3~ sin 4~a; ~3~.2 = sin 4~; /3~3 = sin ~bx; ~ . . . . [34]
/~ --cos ~ba sin Oa; /~3~ = --cos ¢~ sin OB; ~3 = --COS ~bX sin 0N)

straint, b u t it is possible to describe a method of the supporting transfer factors (T), all discussed
handl!ng such cases. in previous sections. I t has provided a set of de-
Fig. 6 shows a pair of spring hangers attached to flections, {/9}6 at m6 for the given loads in the re-
the original example run at the load point, m6. duced system.
T h e y are oblique to one another and the axis of A special co-ordinate system can be assigned to
each is skewed to the local axis system. These the hanger system as shown in Fig. 6. The axes of
hangers will exert forces on the pipe in the direc- this system will be described ~A, ~B, and ~N, the
tion of their axes of magnitud e proportional to the first two being the axes of the two hangers and (~
-deflections of the pipe-irr-ttrose, d irectiorrs;--~.i.e . ...... b e i r t ~ h e * ~ x i s o~, the-r~rmal'~t,o tl~e,$~.~plane,,at:::<,=:'~ , ,
the point m6. This is not an orthogonal system of
PA kADA~ . [33] axes. I t is related to the local ~¢-~/6-~6-system b y
P~ kBDBJ . . . . . . . . . . . . the (azimuth) angles OA, 08, and 6N on the ~6-~-6-
where kA and k ~ a r e the constants of the springs plane and the (altitude) angles CA, CB and ~bN in
and DA and De are the actual corresponding deflec- planes normal to the ~6-~-6-planeas shown in Fig. 6.
tion components. We assume an a r b i t r a r y system The system of deflections {D*}6 describes the six
of loading (thermal or otherwise) on the over-all deflections of m6 along or about the axes ~A, ~B,
structure. I t is a reasonably general situation. and ~N- Correspondingly, the force system {P*}6
As suggested before, it is to some degree a mat- describes the forces external to the reduced pipe
ter of taste as to how one might approach this system corresponding to these same oblique axes.
matter. For clarity now the general problem is Each system is related to equivalent deflections,
separated: {D}6 or forces {P}6 referred to the ~6-~/6-~-6system
(a) T h e pipe run is analyzed as before, as if the b y a special rotation matrix, [34] above, such t h a t
hangers did not exist. This is the "reduced {P}6 = (0")6{P*}6 .......... [351
system." Influence coefficients at mG due to
{D}6 = (0")6{D*}6 . . . . . . . . . . [36]
forces along or a b o u t the local axes are determined,
constituting a 6 )< 6 matrix (a)6. All quantities or conversely 2~
except the free influence coefficients, (g), and
transfer factors (T), which stem from this analysis {P*}6 = (0")6-'{P}6 . . . . . . . . . [37]
will be designated with a bar over. {D*}6 = (0")6-~{D}6 . . . . . . . . [38]
(b) T h e incremental m o v e m e n t of the pipe at
But, of course, the conditions of the problem give
rn6 due only to unknown hanger forces is then de-
rise to the degenerate state of affairs
scribed. Thus the net movements of m6, corre-
sponding to the first t r e a t m e n t (a) and the latter, {P*}8 = .{kaDa, k,D,, O.D~,, O'DAM,
can be evaluated algebraically. O'DBM, O'D~M}. . [39]
(c) T h e algebraic results of (b) must be made
where DAM, DBM, and DNM, a r e the rotations
consistent with the specific requirements, Equa-
about the ~a, ~B, and ~N-axes, respectively. And
tion [33], of the two hangers. This provides the
this simply expresses the conditions of the springs
evaluation of the unknown forces in the hangers.
plus the fact t h a t there can be no force external to
(d) T h e results of (c) can be converted readily
the reduced pipe system normal to the plane of the
in such a way t h a t the effects of the resultant ex-
hangers nor any m o m e n t a b o u t a n y of these new
ternal-force system a t m~, the equivalent of the
axes. The result, Equation [39], could itself be
two hanger forces, on to the reduced system can be
described as a matrix product
superimposed on the results of (a) to provide the
net values required in the given problem. {P*}~ = (K)6{D*}e . . . . . . . . . . [401
There is no need to discuss the step (a). I n ad-
where (K)6 is the diagonal matrix
dition to the matrix, (~)6, it provides us with
values, {P} R, of the support forces at ml and m2, as 25 U n l i k e t h e case of r o t a t i o n b e t w e e n t w o o r t h o g o n a l axis s y s t e m s ,
t h e i n v e r s e of a r o t a t i o n m a t r i x is n o t also its t r a n s p o s e w h e n one of
well as a free influence matrix (0) together with th e s e s y s t e m s is a s k e w s y s t e m .

T h e r e are, as said, m a n y other ways of looking

E 1
ks '0 at such problems. For example, the expressions
(K)6 = 0 [41 ] as in.this section for the force and defection system
0 0 ..... at m6 could have been derived prior to analysis of
the cantilever system, and then set up in line with
the expressions derived in the previous section.
This is a formalism which, while apparently re- O r each hanger could have been considered as a
dundant (as some of the previous steps), actually short branch of the whole system---each being a
compacts the mathematical definition of the pipe element of peculiar elastic properties. In
problem, directly or indirectly, f o r computation these and in other ways of approach, the matrix
programming. algebra is available formally to describe the
To continue, the force system, {P}6, gives rise p r o b l e m - - e a c h set of expressions inherently stat-
to additional deflections, (a)6{P}6, at m6 in addi- ing the Same set of thoughts, and each is suscepti-
tion to those derived from the analysis of the re- ble to adjustments b y the programmers for final
duced system such t h a t the net deflection system, coding to the machine.
{D}6 at m6 in the real problem is
[ P } 8 = { / ) } 6 q- (~)6{P}~ . . . . . . . . [421
A piping system with its associated fittings
Equations [35] and [36] can substitute for {P}6 constitutes an infinite-degree-of-freedom system,
and {D}6, respectively, since the hanger forces are and in most shipboard piping the modes of natural
sensitive to the net deflections. These substitu- vibration are coupled.
tions give But, a s in one-dimensional systems, a piping run
will assume a characteristic shape when vibrating
(0")6{D*}6 = {O}6 q- (~)6(0*)6(K)6{D*}8..[43] at any one of its natural frequenc!es. This shape
is defined b y a space curve in association with a
and this can be solved for {D*}6 pattern of local torsional displacements from the
{D*}6 = [(0)6 -- (a)8(0*)6(K)~]-'{/9}8.. [441 rest positions.
Again it is possible to lump the mass of piping
with only a low-order inversion required. systems at singular mass pointsfl 6 which are also
Equation [44] now essentially determines the load points of the system. Some of these points
whole problem, for with {D*}6 determined, we are actual points of mass concentration, such as a
immediately can evaluate the resultant {P* }6 sys- center-line intercept of a fitting with the pipe
t e m with Equation [40] and thence the system axes. Substantial moments of inertia m a y exist
{P}6 with Equation [35]. about the local axes at these points.
F r o m the work on the influence coefficients, . In the example problem (without the hangers)
(6)6, of the reduced system, together with the new we shall assume t h a t mass can be concentrated at
knowledge of the actual force system in the }~-,76- all the original load points of Fig. 2 t h a t are clear
~'6-sense at rn6 the residual activity is simply 'ofle of the supports. And, for the sake of example, we
of summing a group of products (of these actual shall assume t h a t there is an appreciable m o m e n t
forces and results for unit-load application at ms of inertia of the local mass about each of the local
in the reduced problem). Superposition with the axes at each mass point.
results of those of the reduced system with the I t is desirable to attach a special nomenclature
given loading, provides the net solution. for mass and m o m e n t of inertia for reasons t h a t
This general approach b y superposition is avail- should be apparent further 6nY The inertial
able virtually at all times in eases of intermediate " m a s s " associated with a given direction of motion
and partial support. I t has provided a pure!y at a mass point will be labeled rh with a subscript
mathematical definition to the problem which then corresponding to t h a t of an external force in t h a t
ean be compacted by the programmers to a more sense and at t h a t point. For example, at the
or less degree depending on their talent a n d / o r point, m4, (the first external load point on Branch
machine eapacity. I I ) we have
As another example, a pipe with an internal
loop could be cut at one of the loop branches. The r~13--mass associated with translation along ~4-
axis ~8
system could be computed without the interacting
forces at this other cut. These latter forces 2~ I t will be presumed, in a p p r o x i m a t i o n , t h a t these p o i n t s will be
centers of g r a v i t y of the associated masses.
could be determined later f r o m 4 h e compatibility T h i s p o i n t of view was first b r o u g h t o u ( b y Blake a n d O ' H a r a
at the connection. Finally the net effect could be (~).
T h e t e r m s mls, ml4, a n d tin5 will, of course, ~.etually be numerl-
gained b y superposition as in the foregoing. cally equal t o the actual mass c o n c e n t r a t e d a t this point.


. ' ".:. Yi

\ .ALF ...L,TOOE
: .... :?ii: :::
+.+ .. +.+ . . ~,

:: .' . " % :5.1.:'

I . +

'12';. :'" . . ....

',p' sense~,a:. 4 " POSITION OF PIPE AT "



Note: I n Fig, 8, correct t h e Pi e q u a t i o n to read Pi = wi~miqSii

~ h 4 - - m a s s a s s o c i a t e d w i t h t r a n s l a t i o n along 74- s p e c t to its s h a p e s a t a n y or all o t h e r n a t u r a l fre-

axis 2s quencies f r o m a g e o m e t r i c a l p o i n t of view. H e r e
@15--mass a s s o c i a t e d w i t h t r a n s l a t i o n along ~-4- we can n o r m a l i z e a r b i t r a r i l y b y s e t t i n g t h e a m p l i -
axis 28 t u d e of a n y n o r m a l i z e d v i b r a t i o n in one sense
r~16--moment of i n e r t i a of m a s s a b o u t (4 axis a t s a t one p o i n t e q u a l to unity39 W e c a n prescribe,
m4 then, for a n y n a t u r a l (circular) frequency, ¢0,, a
r ~ ' z - - m o m e n t of i n e r t i a of m a s s a b o u t 74 axis a t set of n u m b e r s , $1t, $2,, • • • q~," • • q~n't, r e p r e s e n t i n g
m4 t h e a m p l i t u d e s , o f m o t i o n in all senses a t all m a s s
t h i s - - m o m e n t of i n e r t i a of m a s s a b o u t ~'4 axis a t p o i n t s for this frequency.

s0 T h i s is e v i d e n t l y only one of m a n y ways by which the modes can

A normalized, free v i b r a t i o n is one which be normalized. F o r example, a n o t h e r device often used is to set the
n u m e r i c a l l y describes a c o m p a r a t i v e s h a p e of t h e
pipe a t a n y t i m e (including its " t w i s t " configura- ETa i Cjl 2 = 1.0
tion) for a p a r t i c u l a r n a t u r a l f r e q u e n c y w i t h re- =1

Mass, ma, with normalized free vibration, will tion. I t can be demonstrated 32 t h a t this iteration
describe a motion in the j-sense of 4)j/ sin ~/t will converge on the first normal mode. After R-
with a m a x i m u m acceleration in this same sense iterations the normal mode values will be in ap-
of --w~24)j/ and presenting an inertial force on proximation
the system at this time of, ~/2rhj4)jv This force
will produce a pattern' of deflections throughout. 4)11 ~ - M 1 [4)jlR]. ~/f2 [4)J1R]
Ms[4)~l~], 4)21 ~ M.[4)j,~], [48]
At the point, mw, the deflection in the p-sense will
be of magnitude etc., and the natural frequency:
j=n' j=n'
~ ~ V/(1/M.[*,I~])
j=l j=l
The R t h iteration can be expressed in matrix
Or we could say for the column matrix of normal form
mode amplitudes
{M[{4)}]} = (a)(rh){4)R}l . . . . . . [49]
{4)}/ = {4)1t, 4)2i, " ' " 4)nti}
= w/2{ (a)(rh){4)}/}.. [45a] where {4)n}l.iS the a r r a y of approximations of the
first normal mode after the (R - 1)st-iteration.
at this frequency, where (rh) is the diagonal The second-mode properties can be computed
matrix in the same way as the "first. But first the as-
sumed second-mode shapes

I 1
r~2 0 { ~ ' h = {~,~', & A . . . }
(~) = 0 .[461 must be cleared of any vestige of the first mode.
T h e cleared assumption for a second mode-ampli-
tude will be of the form
and (a) is the a r r a y of field influence coefficients 4)12' = [q~2' -- a14)11]/(1 -- a 0 . . . [501
(see Equation [29])
which is normalized and where
(a) = --($)XR(S)RR--'($)RX + ( 8 ) x x . . [29] j=n' jffin'
Equation [45] or [45a] constitutes the funda- a~ = Z: rn~4)~$~2'/ Z:rn~4)~l ~ . . . . . . [51]
j=l j=l
mental relationship of a normal mode of vibration,
algebraically identical to the counterpart in one- The iterations then proceed as before. Normal
dimensional vibration (say of a beam). With modes will be sequentially computed up in fre-
lumped masses approximating the general dis- quency. For the ith mode the assumed mode
tribution of the system, we have an n'-degree-of- shape, { ~ ' } / m u s t be cleared of the vestiges of the
freedom system. For its frequencies and mode i -- 1 mode shapes, thus giving "renormalized"
shapes we can use the foregoing fundamental rela- assumptions
tionship. In the present instance the Vianello- l=i~l l=i--1
Stodola method 3° is picked, partially on the pre- 4)jtt [~jtt a~4)j,]/[1 -- ~ a,] ... [50a]
sumption t h a t only the lower modes will be of in- /=1 /=1
terest in practical problems and partially because where
its general.application is most simple, in explana- j=~t j=n t
tion. 3
.a, =. ~] rn~4)j,~// ~ rn34)~?. . . . [51a]
In this approach the first normal'mode is purely j=l j=l
assumed: {4)'}1 = {4)11t, 4 ) 2 1 t ' ' " } with, of course,
the value, 4),1' = 1.0. For each sense, p, Opera- The foregoing clearing operations depend upon
tions [47] the powerful Orthogonality property of the normal
j=n t
mode amplitudes
j~n t
My [4)jl'] ~-" E ~7flJOlpj 4)jl' [47]
j=l rhj¢~¢~l = O for any l .# i . . . . [52]
are performed yielding n' new numbers. When
each is divided b y the number, Ms [4)S], normal- and upon Maxwell's reciprocal theorem, au~ =
ized numbers result and the operation can be re- a~p..
peated, followed again b y a renormalizing opera- Any elastic form t h a t the pipe run m a y take,
statically or dynamically, m a y be expressed ap-
to See reference (6)
tl For higher m o d e s the m e t h o d m a y offer obstacles in precision and
awkwardness. s~ See reference (6), (7), or (8).
Y t~

_. - ---[- Do, (t) INITIAL


- ~X

m 0
P i
TIME -t. , , ~ "~
.,..... ~L:I: :~!i?:/:; "!.:: ~ : ( ? ::. /i :i i::i;/i:i~;~i::::::::::::::::::(/:i::
,. . ,i.:

..... , :, ....... ,. ~ _.,,,"'-"-%: ,..... TIME - t Do


TIME - t

.. .: .... . .,..__e._.._.._----4--":, , .

I:..--" : : . \ .-~, ;,,,-" ..... -.: .":...: ~.:::::.-..--'-...-.:i .- ":. -: -... .~. : .-.:: ~:--.:.:.:."
me.IN j SENSE- T I M E - t
m e IN J SENSE - T I M E -
Fio. 9

proximately as the sum of shapes geometrically motion of the whole support configuration and
similar to those of the normal modes, a set of elas- really defines rigid-body part of the motion of any
tic displacements being described point; for it can be shown that the array of rigid-
i~tt ~ i=~t ~ body displacements of m a described u~-l, i~,...,
D~ = ~ , q,¢~,; D2 = ~ q,~a2i; or . . . . .
uj+i in the ~a-~o---~a, System, can be expressed
/=1 i=1
{~}a ---- u o ( t ) { ( V ) o { f } } ......... [57]
{D} = (~b){q}. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [5.3]

(v)~ = (o)o(R)'~ .......... [581
I (~11, (~12, (/)In'
(~) = ¢2,, • .. i54] displacement transfer matrix from origin

~Pn'l, e n ' n ' "-] (0)o---rotational matrix for point

(R)'0o--transpose of translational matrix to
is the set of all normal mode amplitudes in all origin of point, Equation [12]
designated senses and
Actually any point in the system will be subject
{q} = {ql, q2", . . . . . qn'} . . . . . . . [55] to elastic as well as rigid-body-type displacements.
constitutes a set of generalized co-ordinates which The array of elastic displacement components in
are independent of position and sense. the ~G-Ya-~'a-sense are designated
(~)~ = {oj-1, vj, ~+~,~+2, vj+3, ~i+,} "4

(a) G e n e r a l And it will be these last components which will be

The stimulus for motion of a piping system of real interest in stress analysis. The total dis-
normally comes from motion of the supports placement (from the rest position) will be desig-
rather than from describable forces external to it. nated
It is from this point of view that the matter is dis-
zVs = ~j + ~ . . . . . . . . . . . [59]
cussed here. Damping is not brought out. Shock
load, particularly at the connections to compo- or
nents, is the main interest, and in this, damping
{z~}a = {~}a -b {O}a. . . . . . . . . . [59a]
plays a fairly small p a r t . .
We describe here the response of the example At any point, row, the elastic component of dis-
system to a linearly dependent "rigid-body" mo- placement in the p-sense will be the result of the
tion of the support system shown schematically totality of absolute inertial forces-- mj~aj; which
on Fig. 9. By this ~ve mean that all time-depend- is to say that
ent components of motion, Dol(t), D0~(t),..., j~n t j~a I
Do6(t), (translational and rotational) of the origin, ~E - ¢nj,~,j~i +
0, are proportional to a single forcing function, j=l j=l
uo(t). Thus j~t
- ~j~,;~j ..... [601
Dot(t) = fluo(t); Do:(t) = f2uo(t) . . . . . etc. jr1

Another way of saying this is to describe the 6 X 1 Now it can be shown that this displacement, ~v,
matrix of time-dependent displacements of O can be broken down into
{D(t) }0 -- u o ( t ) I f } . . . . . . . . . . [56]
~p'--elastic component caused b y rigid-body
where effects, -- r~j~j
• {D(t)}o = {Do~(t), Dos(t) . . . . . . Do~(t)} and
and ~p"--elastic component c a u s e d b y relative
{f} = {fl, f~ . . . . . f,} .......... [56a] (elastic) effects only; --~j~
And this array of quantities is not time-depend- In the Appendix it is shown t h a t each of these
ent. ~3 This completely describes the rigid-body components of elastic displacements can be ex-
~ As a n e x a m p l e of t h i s d e s i g n a t i o n , iff~ = 1.0 a n d f t = fa = f~
f~ = fs ffi 0 w i t h uo(t)~ = sin oat, we describe a t r a n s l a t i o n a l harmonic
pressed in terms of the normal mode components
motion of t h e s u p p o r t s p a r a l l e l t o t h e X- a xis, and of u n i t a m p l i t u d e . as follows
W h e r e a s ; i f f t = f t ~ = 1 a n d the rest equal to zero, the motion is har~
monie a t 45 deg t o t h e "Xkaxis a n d of a m p l i t u d e , x/2. O r still a g a i n ,
i f f a = 1.0 and the rest e q u a l t o zero, we d e s c r i b e p u r e r o t a t i o n , of the a4 T h e bars are used to distinguish c o m p o n e n t s of d / s o l a c e m e n t or
supports about t h e X - a x i s a t 0, a n d of c o n s t a n t v e l o c i t y if uo(t)' alteration with respect to the local axis s y s t e m versus those with re-
hr. spect to the local X - Y - Z - s y s t e m .

i~n t
under the summation sign will vanish identically,
(a) Op'(t) = go(t) E e~,¢~, and this means t h a t for each ith p a r t of the re-
i=,' . . . . [61] sponse, a simple differential equation can be writ-
(b) ~,"(t) = - E ~,(t)4,~,/o,, ~ ten
~(t) + ~0~2q~(t) = oJ~2eld~o(t). . . . . [66]
In t h e second expressions the terms ~,(t)
This is the familiar type of result t h a t one obtains
derives from the notion t h a t the entire elastie
component of the displaced pipe run is the sum of i n applying generalized co-ordinates with normal
mode component factors to any undamped elastic
shapes geometrically similar to those of the nor-
structure. I t is, in form, similar to t h a t of the
mal modes. This means t h a t the total elastic dis-
placement at a point can be expressed simple harmonic oscillator under a r b i t r a r y forcing

o:(t) = ~, q,(t)¢~, . . . . . . . . . . [62] (b) Steady State--Harmonic Forcing

For harmonic forcing the term, uo(t), becomes
and q~(t) is a time, but not a position-dependent, U0m sin cot for a n y linearly dependent type of sup-
generalized co-ordinate. I t can be recalled t h a t port motion, {f}, and ~vith forcing frequency, o~.
¢~ is the position-dependent but not time-depend- By direct analogy with the simple oscillator the
ent mode a m p l i t u d e - - a characteristic of the sys- steady-state solution to this forcing (with tran-
t e m ; (~(t) is the second time derivation of q~(t)). sient terms omitted) applied to Equation [66] is
In the first expression the t e r m e~ is another
generalized co-ordinate which is neither time nor F ¢o?uo~ef~ 1
position-dependent. I t characterizes the ith p a r t
of the system response to a given character, {f}, of
stimulus under unit conditions, /~0(t) = 1.0. I t is If the support motion is parallel to the axis X with
termed a "characteristic response p a r a m e t e r " and fl = 1.0 and f2 = f3 . . . . 0, then u0~ is the ampli-
for a given a r r a y o f f can be evaluated 3~ tude of displacement of the supports parallel to
r=6 j = n' ] y= n' this axis. In this case the characteristic response
ef i =- -- E fr Y] rn~Vj,ckj,/w, 2 Y] rhfkj, 2. . . . p a r a m e t e r is
r=l j=l / jr1
j~n t j~n t
....... . . [63]
ef, = - E ~JEi¢~l/~ ~ E m~¢~?..[68]
j=l jr1
V~, is the j-r-element of the { V} a matrix defined
b y Equation [58]. In Equation [61a] it will be The steady state of displacement of a n y point,
noted t h a t we use the second time derivative, ma, in the f s e n s e is
~i0(t), of the general forcing function.
Now if we take the equation for the simple = Ii~ ' wt2u°me/idP'i 1
superposition of these two components, ~/ and L,=I sin - [69]
~/', as follows
0r = ~ ' -]- v7 . . . . . . . . . . . . [64] The j t h amplitudes
and substitute Equation [62] for ~j, Equation = Ii~ ' wi'u°me/idPJt l
[61a] for Oj', and Equation [61b] for Vj,,3e we will
have the equation °')°" L, o, .....
i=n t i=n' i=n ~
The a r r a y of all such amplitudes in matrix nota-
E q,(t)¢,i = uo(t) E eI,¢~,- E il,(t)4~,/°~, 2
i = 1 i=1 i=1 tion is

B u t this can be put under one summation sign {O}m.. = uo~ IOP)I~,~e,,/[1- (~2)2]}}... [711
i=n ~
E [~,(t) + o~,2q,(t) -- ¢oi2eld~o(t)]¢~,/co,2 = 0 . . . in which

I t can be shown a t h a t each t e r m in brackets

........ [65]

*5 T o fulfill its definition, the t e r m ell m u s t h a v e the formal d i m e n -

sions of (see) ~.
l[1 -

16j a n d p are each e q u a l l y arbitrary.

is a column array for all i. Expression [69] still
s7 See A p p e n d i x 3. represents simple harmonic motion regardless of
P I P E S T R E S S A N A L Y S I S FOR S T A T I C A N D D Y N A M I C L O A D I N G 227

t h e geometric-algebraic complexity of the ampli- o f the origin support. I f this is not possible, it
• tudes. In general, only a few modes of the sum- can be noted that the maximum value of the term
mation in i would be calculated. For off reso-
nance the computed amplitudes can be reasonably • co, 1)01(r) sin co,(t -- r)dr
good approximations to the elastic excursions of
t h e system, giyen the amplitude of base motion, is a "spectrum" value, N,. Tlie shock spectra of
even without damping terms. N, plotted against the frequency, cot, for repre-
(c) Re.sponse to Shock Motion sentative structure can constitute design specifi-
cations. This provides an "envelope of maxima"
For shock, the forcing term, Uo(t), is nonperiodie or a maximum possible solution
and of impulsive character. Again the solution to
the differential Equation [66] comes from direct 1
{~}m.. = f (¢,)(N){e} . . . . . . . . . [771
analogy with that for the simple oscillator under
impulsive forcing as
where (N) is also diagonal.
qi(t) = eI~ Ico~ £ t i~o(r) sin co,(t-- r ) d r l . . [ 7 2 ]

F 1
N2 0
or -(N) =
q,(t) = ei~ni(t) . . . . . . . . . . . . . [72a]
Or in still further approximation, the spectrum
ni(t) = co, £ /~0(r)sin co,(t -- r)dr can be considered linear
Ni = D01coi. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [78]
is a form of the well-known Duhamel integral; or
where J901 is a proportionality factor which physi-
cally can be interpreted as an X-velocity acquired
n,(t) = fi1 col Do~(r) sin co~(t -- r)dr. .. [731
instantaneously by the support O at time zero
and maintained indefinitely thereafter. This ap-
and r is any time between the inception of shock, proach is known as the "starting velocity"
t -- 0, and the time of interest, t. method. 39 Under this assumption the expression
The elastic displacement is for the elastic displacements becomes
i=n t
L)01 ~=n~
O~(t) = ~ elin,(t)g~ji . . . . . . . . [74] (~j)m.~ = -~ ~_~ co~ei~e~si . . . . . . . . [79]
i=1 t=1

In matrix form the expression for all elastic or in matrix form

displacements is
{~lmax = ~ (~)(co){el . . . . . . . [79a]
{0} = (¢)(n(t)){e} . . . . . . . . . . . . . [74a]
Where the.matrix (n(t)) is diagonal where.the matrix, co, is diagonal

= --In'(t) n~(t) o COl CO2 0


L 0

and {e} in column configuration

{e} = {e~, e~, • -. el,- • es,'l... [76]

n,, (t)J""
(co) =

(d) Forces and Stresses

Equation [71] for the response to an harmonic

forcing and either Equations [74a], [77], or [79a]
¢0 n
. . [80]

Because of the n~(t) terms, the solution, Equation for the response to shock-induced motion consti-
[74a], demands a prediction and integration of the tute formal solutions. Nevertheless, stress is the
entire time history of the X-direction acceleration
as See reference (7) for example• a9 See reference (9).

dominant interest. For these the a r r a y of all a larger number of inversions of lower order.41 Or
cantilever forces in further approximations, having determined the.
displacement pattern b y presuming an n'-de-
{P} = {{P}~, {P}x} gree-of-freedom system, one can solve for a more
is needed. The field loads are ' limited number of forces out of the whole group
t h a t would give the same deflections at a reduced
number of points and for a reduced number of
Equation [,57] can be used to determine the a r r a y senses. While these forces would not be quite
of rigid-body accelerations correct, the stress level at critical points would be
approximations of the results computed b y the
{u} = iio(t){(v){f}} . . . . . . . . [81] longer, inversion.
where the matrix (V) is of order n ' X 6; i.e. Be this as it may, with the field-force situation
computed eonsistently or in approximation, the
(v) = {(v),, (D2, .. • (v),.. • (y),.l.. [82] redundant-force system can be computed b y
L = n'/6 reference to the results of the influence coefficient
calculation (see Equation [28])
In order to determine the elastic component of ac- (p). = _ (S)R~--I(S)Rx
celeration, the differential Equation [66] can be
written for an a r r a y of unit forces, and therefore the true
qi(l) ---- ~-¢0,2efi[u0(/) -- hi(t)]40 redundant forces

and we have {P}R = (P)R{P}X . . . . . . . . . . . [87]

i~n t
And from this, as before, the internal forces at
i% = ~ 0,(t)¢ji . . . . . . . . . . . [83] any control point, rnK, are
{F}~ = (T)K{{P}m {P}x} . . . . . . [88]
This enables us to express the external (field) force
system in the following form In summary, three approaches in descending
order of precision have been stated with respect
{ P } x = --(r~){a0(t).{A} - {B}}.. [84] to shock :
where (a) Time-history method, represented b y equa-
tion [74a].
{A} = {(¢)(¢02){e} + ( V ) { f } } l (b) Shock-spectrum method, represented b y
{B} {(~b)(~2)(n(t)){e}} (." Equation [77]
(c) Starting-velocity method, represented b y
and the matrices have all been defined previously. Equation [79c]
Unfortunately the Expressiofi [84] for the ex- The expressions for each point out a most im-
ternal forces requires still more knowledge of the portant aspect .of this matter. Except for v e r y
motion of the b a s e s - - a t least of the m a x i m u m 'simple piping (straight, or otherwise une0upled
values of their acceleration and displacement, as pipe) the induced loading of the piping is complex
well as some estimate of the terms, hi(t), just dis- and multidireetional regardless of the directional-
cussed. ity of the motion of the supports. I t is sensitive
Another approach is to solve the problem "in- (via the p a r a m e t e r e**) to this, but it is far from
ternally." For the relationship between forces unidirectional. This is certainly illustrative of the
and displacements (elastic) difficulties in applying any system of shock loads
(~){P}x = {D}x = {v} of a certain number, of g singly and in stipulated
and from this derives The case of nondependent motions of the sup-
{ P l x = (a)'-~{~} . . . . . . . . . . . [86] ports has not been treated here. In general prin-
ciple the analysis of such eases follows the general
The matrix of influence coefficients, (a), can b e forms shown here and in the Appendix with a
rather large for inversion on an intermediate type specific difference if the supports individually
of machine. This can be handled b y performing describe different motions. References (5) and
(8) give some clues to this. I t m u s t suffice to
4o F o r s t e a d y - s t a t e harmonic motion, we let:
remark t h a t in the latter case more intermediate
hi(t) 2 sin cot
,- 41 T h i s i s c h a r a c t e r i s t i c of any set of simultaneous equations (see

properties of. the pipe run must be ascertained, residual steps in deriving normal mode shapes,
from the static cantilever analysis of the struc- characteristic response parameters, and the ulti-
ture. mate calculation of response to forcing follow
along quite readily. This latter statement is made
CONCLUSIONS with some assurance because, as a m a t t e r of prac-
The three-dimensional character of the present tice, only the very lower modes of response are
problem and the fact that we are principally deal- likely actually to be calculated. With higher
ing with more than n-degree-of-freedom approxi- modes rather sophisticated arithmetic problems
mations, give rise to conjectures on practicabil- can accrue.
ity---even with machines in use. Thermal-stress I t most emphatically does not hurt to stress the
analysis of very complicated piping systems with close correlation between vital economic factors
many points of support has been well proven out, and mathematical efficiency. Machine program-
to be sure. Matrix inversions of high order are mers with experience can pick up from the type
normally well within the capacities of available of formulations presented here and manipulate to
machines. avoid redundant steps. For example, in explain-
What can we say, however, of the introduction ing the physical steps here, it seems clearer to
of these large number of external loads required in demonstrate co-ordinate transformations from
dynamic work ? Certainly, while these techniques one skewed set of co-ordinates to another such
of dynamic analysis have been applied on numer- set at another point in space, and this is reflected
ous types of structures, the numerical size of the in the algebra presented here and in what might
problem class discussed here is large b y compari- be given to a programmer; he in turn may well
son. Fortunately, matrices can be partitioned; 42 decide to revert to parallel (X-Y-Z) systems in
intermediate results can be printed out on cards, the actual machine operations. Or he may use
with the internal memory of such machines then special devices for eliminating the great number
being cleared for the next stage; and with the of nulls some of the matrices=say,
previous card outputs being ready at the proper the (T) matrix. B y auxiliary coding of control
time to be reinserted. In principle, a machine of- points to designate applicable branches the ma-
the order, say, of an I B M Mod,el 650 can solve, in chine may be made to execute simple decision
breakdown, almost any size problem in this gen- functions of, say comparison or ranking, the ma-
eral class. Obviously, there is a limit to such chine itself thus deciding whether a given set of
breakdown as a practical economic matter. Con- forces will or will not have an elastic influence on
stant replenishing could become a sheer manual an element in question. Or in another case it has
drudgery resulting in a "house of cards." I t can been found convenient at Electric Boat Division
to present the planes (i.e., the ~-~, G-g"and ~-~"
be estimated that with ten lumped masses, giving
planes) at a point, in the form of three sets of co-
60 degrees of freedom, the intermediate (i.e., 650
ordinates of points in the plane, say, of a bend,
type) machine would be taxed to its practicable
and b y means of a separate subroutine to force
limit. Recourse to larger machines would
the machine to compute the necessary direction
thenceforth be in order. Certainly, m a n y com-
cosines appearing in the rotation matrices.
panies would have strong hesitations about
Any organization will be c o n c e r n e d a s to how
physically acquiring such machines. But even
much generality to arrange in its machine pro-
then outside service is fairly readily available 43
gram. The author's feeling is that the program
and far more so if the problem is expressed in the
for computation of free-influence coefficients (of
matrix language so much belabored here. The
the cantilever system) can be made almost com-
operations summarized here constitute essentially
pletely general. The determination of redundant
simple subroutines---even if they are long. Much
forces also m a y be made standard for routine
depends on avoidance of excessive indoctrination
problems. On the other hand, we have encoun-
(of programming groups) into the physical con-
tered certain problems of partial a n d / o r inter-
cepts, particularly when the actual data process-
mediate constraint of equipment items a n d / o r
ing is subcontracted. Perhaps the best test of
with involved internal loops, all of which are con-
feasibility of handling by an intermediate type of
sidered to be parts of a unified loop. To a t t e m p t
machines lies in the handling of the field influence
to cover all such possibilities of this sort in a single
coefficients (i.e., the 8 matrix of the text), in a
machine program m a y well overweight the system
given problem. If these can be handled, the
in its routine duties. 44 On this there m a y be some
41 D u r i n g the preparation of this paper the E l e c t r i c B o a t Division
42 T h u s , a large n u m b e r of small matrix multiplications followed prepared a simple f o r m a t for presenting d a t a for virtually a n y t y p e
b y addition can substitute for a single large matrix multiplication. of constraint. P r o g r a m m e d subroutines are available for either
4s l~aehines of the I B M 704 t y p e are available either for rent or at I B M 650 or 7 0 4 - t y p e c o m p u t e r s for incorporation in a t h o r o u g h l y
data-processing centers for contracted work. a u t o m a t i c process.

difference of opinion. For field-influence-coeffi- uncertain. But the insight into the behavior of
cient work this particular p a r t of the computation this now major shipboard item awaits a spirited
is the lesser p a r t of the task, numerically speaking. inquiry.
I t does not seem too m u c h to ask the engineer to
define the constraints of his particular system in ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
the matrix notation. As noted in the section, " I n - The author is most grateful to m a n y for as-
termediat e Supports and Partial Constraints," this sistance in this work: To Mr. T. W. Dunn, Dr.
tends to resolve into fairly simple subroutines of L. Chen, Dr. A. van Woerkom, Mr. R. H. Roberts,.
matrix multiplication and inversion. The com- Mr. R. A. Kelsey, and Mr. S. P. Spaulding, all
putation of normal modes, natural frequencies, of the Electric Boat Division of General Dynamic
and response should be ones t h a t can be kept Corporation he m u s t express sincere appreciation.
standardized for most cases of rigid-body motion And once again he mus t acknowledge great in-
of the supports. I t also has been possible to debtedness to Mr. R. E. Blake of the N a v a l Re-
maintain a general program for actual internal search L a b o r a t o r y who has done so much to
forces and stresses. This has included formula- illuminate the subject of underwater shock to our
tions to cover the combination of 'stresses to fit profession.
specific failure theories; i.e., m a x i m u m shear
stress, shear-stress energy, etc. Appendix 1
As to dynamic analysis in general, the author
stated in a previous paper (8), t h a t there is a gen-
eral lack of intuitive judgment on this. But it is Data--Thermal Stresses
obvious t h a t we m u s t be quite selective in pursuing 1 Given thermal conditions: Displacements of
this. Certainly only the most vital of ships' piping all supports, metal temperatures throughout pipe
can afford such analysis--this from a ship and system. Base temperatures.
crew safety point of view. In observing early ar- 2 Coefficient of thermal expansion at appro-
rangements we certainly should welcome some priate temperatures throughout.
means of quickly distinguishing fairly obvious dy- Dynamic Information (linearly dependent-rigid
namic deficiencies. This already indicates the body motion of supports)
need for trend studies--in fact, a research pro- 3 Amplitude of support displacement(s) and
gram. steady-state forcing frequency(s).
The reader has doubtless discerned here, as 4 Direction of forcing--establish matrix {f} --
elsewhere in dynamic stress analysis, t h a t his {fl,f . . .fo}.
modes of thinking must be altered" from his atti- 5 (a) Time history of shock motion at point of
tudes towards static-stress analysis. I t m a y be origin.
necessary to envelope possible answers rather than (b) Or shock spectrum of origin support.
to predict a single set of working stresses. I t m a y (c) Or starting velocities of support points.
mean thinking statistically. I t is certainly evident Preliminary Steps
t h a t the very loading of piping itself is sensitive 1 Establish origin and main X, Y and Z-axes.
to the geometry of the system. In some cases it 2 Determine control and load points of system
m a y be concluded t h a t all t h a t can be done is with tabulation of co-ordinates of same. Specify
simply to rank various conformations as to dy- order numbers of these points.
namic superiority. But a n y of this is much bet- 3 Establish element geometrical properties
ter than nothing. Even a lumping at a v e r y few (i.e., length of tangent or radius of bend RK, and
mass point s with the application of fundamentally subtended arc, aK).
correct procedures on dynamic response is superior 4 Establish local axis systems: ~K-~K-FK.
to the use of arbitrary, unidirectional weight fac- 5 Determine basic integration constants of
tors to structures with such highly distributed each element : kl, k:, • • •k6.
mass and elasticity. 6 Establish weights and mass m o m e n t s of
Here again the first steps are the most taxing. inertia a b o u t local ~ , ~K and FK-axes at control
There is a natural desire to see the whole thing points mK (for dynamic problems).
simplified. There is no doubt t h a t it can be. One 7 Compute net thermal m o v e m e n t s of load
often a t t e m p t s to build b y simple steps, b u t there points with respect to origin in its t h e r m a l l y dis-
is a limit to this process. Sometimes simplifica- placed position(s).
tion destroys reality. This is a case where a single
substantial step in the approach to analysis is ,Formation of Key Matrices
superior. T h e degree to which such analysis 1 Establish matrices, (a)K, of direction cosines
actually will be used as a m a t t e r of production is for ~K, ~K, and ~'K and thence rotation matrices

(D)x = (.) = ( s ) . . ( p ) . + (S)xx

(0)~ = FL(o) (°)
(a)Kdl = - (s)..(s).~-,(8)~x + (~)**
2 Establish cross-translation matrices Normal Modes and Natural Frequencies
(R)~e = [(1) + (r), -- (r)~] 1 Set up (rh) matrix of inertial elements.
2 Assume first normal mode shapes Cj,'
where (r)~ and (r)s are defined in Equation [10]. (normalized, say to ¢~1' = 1.0)
3 Determine cross-transfer matrices 3 Perform operations
(T)e~: = (O)~(R)Io,(O)F'
4 Establish over-all transfer matrix

(T)n, (T)12,

(T) = I (T),cv,

@ @ @ @ @ @ O O I O Q Q O I Q O O O O Q @ O Q O O @
5 Compute element influence matrices (S)K
(see Table 2) for element values.
6 Compute (G)r matrix for each control point E ~}'lJOlpidi)Jl!
(G)K = (T)'~(S)r(T)K
for all p.
7 Arrange matrix of free-influence coefficients, 4 Renormalize and repeat iterations follow-
(8) 'ing same operation to reasonable convergence on
k~m k=m first normal mode, ~b~l.
(~) = 52 ( a ) ~ = 52. ( r ) ~ ' ( S ) ~ ( r ) ~ 5 Calculate first normal mode frequence
k=l K=I (circular)
Static Problems--Solutions j~n p

Thermal Stress (for a given thermal problem): ~01 = (1/Y] ~n:as,4~n).'/'

1 Convert thermal movements to local ~K-nr-
~-axis system to give {D} eN and {D} nr (or the 6 Assume second normal mode shapes, ~z'
total {D}T). 45 7 Compute first normal mode vestige in as-
2 Establish matrix of redundant forces sumptions as follows
j=n' j=n'
{P}n = ($)ne-'{{D}nN- {D}er} al = 52 %¢jd, jW 52 ~nj~j~
j=l j~1
3 Compute internal forces at various elements
8 New" assumptions (renormalized) are
{F}~ = (T)~I'{P}n, {0}}
~j2 r -- al~)jl
~j2 ! --
4 Stresses follow directly from internal forces, (i - al)
Thermal Deflections 9 "Carry out iterations as for the first mode.
5 Matrix of field deflections is 10 Second normal mode frequency is
j~l t
{D}x = ($)XR{P}e + {D}xr ~2 = ( 1 / 5 2 ~.¢j~)'/,
Influence Coefficients (series of unit field loads
separately applied in each sense) 11 Iterations for each succeeding mode can be
1 Redundant-force matrix for each sepa- carried out identically after lower mode vestiges
rately applied unit force application are removed as in the foregoing
Forced Motion(linearly dependent-rigid body
movements .of supports)
2 Establish matrix of field-influence coefficients 1 Compute displacement transfer matrices
( V)o for each ma
15 T h i s need only b e a c c o m p l i s h e d a t ends of c a n t i l e v e r unless field
d e f l e c t i o n s are required. (v)o = (a)o(g)0o'

thence bW
Dj - /)p~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [89]
(Y) = {(Y),, (V)~,. ..... (Y)~}, L = n'/6
2 C o m p u t e characteristic response parame- where W is the total strain energy of the system
ters, et~, for pertinent modes under the n loads. T h e load, P~, would act ex-
r~6 j=n t j=n'
ternally to the system at ma along or about one of
e:, = -- Y] f , ~_, ~n,V,r¢,,/wi z ~_, rhflJji 2 the axes (i.e., in the sense, j) ; it m a y or m a y not
r=l j=l j=l actually exist in a given problem. Or we can say
3 (a) Undamped Response to Harmonic Forc- K=m OWK
ingv--Uom sin cot = uo(t). Steady:state amplitude Z:--. ........... [90]
K=~ bPj
at driving frequency will be
where WK is the total strain energy of the kth ele-
Oj)ma,' = '="'
Y~ co,2Uome1,4~,/ [ 1 -- ( ~ ) 2 ] ment only following the control point, inK. But
bWK P.-X6 6 W K ~FKI,
(b) Response to Shock Motion of Supports - L -- [91]
i=n t 5P~ P = 1 ~)FKe OPj . . . . . . . .
(i) ~(t) = Y~ e/~ni(t)¢j~-by time-history method since WK is a function of the six internal forces,
FKe, acting on the kth element at mK.
I t has been established in the text t h a t these
l i=n' forces, FEe, are linear functions of the external
eliN,'¢j,, b y spectrum
(ii) VJ)max = fl
- i =~1
forces, P~ (of the cantilever structure)
method, where
FKe = ~ T ~ Pi . . . . . . . . . . . [92]
N , = fi(ni(t))m,, i=x
where T ~ are transfer factors defined pre-
(iii) w h e r e N , = co~D0by starting velocity method viously. Thus, in Equation [91]
4 External Forces in Forced Vibration
{ P } x = (a)-l{O} - TT,'~. . . . . . . . . . . . [92a]
and influence matrix, can be compacted for re-
duced number of loads in approximation.
5 Redundant Forces in Forced Vibration ()WK p=6 ~ WK
- ~ Tp~--. ....... [93]
= ~Pj p =x ~)FKe

6 Internal Forces The element strain energy, WK, is

{F}K = (T)K{{P}R, {P}~.} ~=6 ~K kl
WE = Y~ ~ (F,)2dl . . . . . . [94]
7 Stresses follow directly. l=l

the integration being carried out along the length,

Appendix 2 lg, of the element to the next control point, inK+l,
and the six values, k,, under the integral are
Free-Influence Coe)ficients kl = i/Ae; ks = k3 = 3/Aa
We seek an expression for a n y deflection (trans- k, k, o/F_I; ks Ko/FJ )" " [ 9 5 ]
lational or rotational) at a n y control point of the
structure treated as a cantilever due to the ap- where
plication of a system of n loads external to the
KI(.= 1.0 usually)46--tensile flexibility factor
cantilever system and consistent with the con-
Ks = K3( = 2 usually)46--shear correction factor
straints of the true structure.
for in and out of plane
At an a r b i t r a r y control point, ma (supporting
flexural shear
point or otherwise) consider the deflection, D., of
K4 ( = 1 usually)--torsional flexibility fac-
t h a t point along or about any of the three local
axes, ~a, no or ~'a. According to the second
theorem of Casti'gliano this deflection can be ex-
46 Tensile and flexural s h e a r s t r a i n energies are often ignored w i t h
pressed n o r m a l l y flexible lines, b u t should be included in stiff s y s t e m s .

~ ( = 1 for tangents)4~---out-of-plane bending Equation [101] is an influence coefficient of the

flexibility factor element, itself treated as a cantilever constrained
~ ( = 1 for tangents)47--in-plane bending flexi- at the point mK+~; it is the deflection of such a
bility factor cantilever in the ~r direction at mK if loaded by a
unit force in the p direction at mK. 48 We call this
We have by differentiation of [94] term, S.~
" bWK ~=6 f bF~
- E J , ~ k,F, dl. [96] S~p = ~
(s)~. = Y]
/=6 I
k,C,.C, p d l . . [ 1 0 2 ]
~F~ ~=l ~ . . . .

1-1 1=1 K

But we have noted that the internal forces, F~, This can be used in Equation [101 ]
within the element can be expressed as linear func-
tions of the internal forces at mE b W T ¢ _ ~ n P, ~*£6 T:~S.~} ...[103]
OFKp i=1 i f ffit
F, = ~, C,eFKp . . . . . . . . . . . [971 We are now prepared to employ the Value [103]
for ~ W K / b F K p in the Expresson [93] for b W j c / ~ P j
from which
bF~ = Tp~ P, T.iS.p
= C~p . . . . . . . . . . . . . [98] bPj p=1 i =1
= ~" P i ~,£6 T~, [ . £ 6 T ~ S , , I ..[104]
In the Expression [96] we can use for F~, the al-
i=1 l,p=l L,=I
ternate equation to [97]
To make things simpler we can symbolize
F~ = ~ C~FK~ 7rffi6
(h K = T .S . ......... [105]
and for b F l / b F K p the term, Cz~, .is used to distin-
guish between a specific FK~ and the dependency which converts Equation [104]
of F~, itself, on all the element-end forces, FK,.
Thus we say bWK _ p, T~a(h)~, . . . [106]
bPj i =1
bWK -_ ~ k,C~ C,.F~. dl. . [99]
and now we can set
W e note n o w that because of [92] G Kjf = ~ T ~Kj ( h ) x~ =
i=n p=l pE
=l " ~,~=1 .., .f
F~. =. ~ T~Pi ............ [107]
which alters Equation [106] to
and therefore
~WK i=n
- = E P,G'~, . . . . . . . . . [1081
i=1 [/ffil ~r=l
~Pj i=1
.............. [lOO] But we are really seeking a general expression
If we denote for the deflection, Dj, of the real complete struc-

48 T h i s d e r i v e s d i r e c t l y f r o m Ecluation [99], w h i c h could be w r i t t e m

(s)z~ = f kzC~pC~, dl in t h e f o r m
dl K
for a particular set of l, p, and ,r, and rearrange - - = ~ k~C,. pFKp dl
~FK. l=l • [#ffil
Equation [100], we have and is t h e deflection of t h e e l e m e n t as a c a n t i l e v e r f o r a n y a r r a y o f
internal forces, FKp, (or FK.) a t inK. I f FKp = 1, f o r o n e valile-of~
bWK = ~'_p, ~ T.i" [~6 (S),.]}..[lO1] # only a n d zero for all others, then w e w o u l d h a v e

bFKp i=1 t.=l [_l=1
- - FKp
\O~-]i'xFK-]FKp 1 f o r u single p
0 for all o t h e r p
The q u a n t i t y in rectangular brackets, [ ], in

*7 T h e 1955 P i p i n g C o d e (reference 4) allows t h e s a m e flexibility

f a c t o r for in a n d out-of-plane b e n d i n g in a b a n d w i t h circular are.
F o r circular thin-rolled t u b i n g , for e x a m p l e t h i s is ~5 = ~ = 1.flS/h. ' z=~ I
1=1 K
A good discussion of t h e b a c k g r o u n d on this is contained in reference
15, p a g e 128. (h = tRK/rm 2) which is t h e expression in q u e s t i o n .

ture last expressed in Equation [90] Appendix 3

Kffi~ ~)WK
K=l ~Pj
1 Clearing of Lower Mode Components in an
With Equation [108] now being used, this be- A s s u m e d Deflection Shape. If, after a determina-
comes tion has been made of the first normal mode ampli-
K=m i=n i=i=n ~K~m t tudes, ~bjr, an a r b i t r a r y a s s u m p t i o n i s made of the
D~ = Y]~ Y] P~G~ = E 1 P i G ~,, . . . [ 1 0 9 ] second normal mode shape, and it is designated,
K=I i=1 "= tK=1
$j~, it will actually have vestiges, aa, as, .. "an p
The quantity in brackets { }, is another type of of the first, second, third, etc., modes.
influence coefficient, $j~, of the whole structure This is expressible
considered as a cantilever. I t is the deflection in
the j-sense at ma for a single, arbitrary, unit load; @S = ax~b~l + a~¢j~ -[- a3¢~a -[- . . . . . [112]
P~ = 1.0, operating alone in the/-sense at a point, If each side of this equation is multiplied b y rh)~bj~
my, of the cantilever structure. In other words, it and then summed over all j, we will have
can be called j=n' j=n'
K=m k=m p=6 rh¢~l$¢2' = al ~ Ihj¢il ~
~,,= E a ~X, = E E T x, , , th~K
jffil j=l
K=I Kffil p=l
K=m /,ffi6 r=6 "~- as E ~'~JeJl~)J2 -Jr_ :...
= E E r~, E T~,S:, . . . . . . . . . [110] j=l
K=I p=l r=l
But each t e r m under summation sign on the right-
We thus have for a n y deflection of the real hand side, save the first, will vanish because of the
structure under a n y system of loading at the given orthogonality of the normal modes
load points j~n I
i=n rh¢¢jiO¢~ = 0 f o r l ~ i
D j = ~ PiSs, . . . . . . . . . . [111] j=l
And thus al, is the only unknown quantity left in
as long as this force system, P~, includes all forces the revised relationship. I t is evaluated
(including moments) a t the support points (where
the structure has been mentally cut) which forces al ~-- E m1¢115t2
- t #tj~bJl 2 . . . . [51 ]
completely fulfill the conditions of the complete j=l I j=l
structure as to constraints, thermal expansion (if
any), and equilibrium, and the stipulated external Thus the revised assumption will be
loads. (ibj2' = (5t2 t -- ai¢11)/(1 -- al)
The problem, then, begins with the determina-
tion of these "free-influence coefficients," 8j~, of since ~s2 t = ~bs2' = 1.0, the t e r m in the denomina-
tor appears in order to renormalize the revised
the cantilever as built up from the "element-in-
• fluence coefficients," S~p,K and the transfer co- assumption. I t is apparent t h a t other com-
efficients, T~, and T K, in the manner described. ponents, a2, a3, . - - , can be evaluated in similar
In the text these quantities are shown as col- terms as indicated b y Equation [51a] of the text.
ective groups in matrix form. B y reference to the 2 Displacement Transfer Matrix (from Ori-
section on elementary matrices, it can be seen t h a t g i n ) - - M a t r i x . If the supports of a piping system
the matrix operations shown there can be referred have undergone a rigid body-linearly dependent
to t h e algebra shown in this Appendix. And we set of displaeements, the set of displacements at
can thus say for the matrix of free-influence co- an origin, 0, defined, {D} 0, completely governs the
rigid-body m o v e m e n t s of the entire system. At a
efficients, Sj~
point, Me, the a r r a y of six rigid-body displaeement
K=m K=m eomponents in the Xa-Ya-Za-sense have been de-
(s) = (8),, = E (G)~ = E (r)idh)~ fined {u}o. Related to the origin displaeements
K=m this can be seen to be
= E (T)~.(S)~(T)~
O, 1, O, - Z a , O, +Xo
T h e use of these free-influence coefficients for {u}~ = 0, 0, 1, Ya, - X o ,
various cases of gross thermal expansion a n d / o r 0, 0, 0, 1, 0; 0 I)Do,[
for a given exfernal load pattern is made clear in 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0 /[D0d
the text. O, O, O, O, O, 1 J~Doe]

But inspection of this first matrix in the product system, as it affects the ith mode of r e s p o n s e . .
and comparison with the definition of the matrix, Equation [115] can be multiplied by rh~b~ for
(r)o given previously, shows t h a t this can be any l, and summed over all'p.
written p=n'. rf6 jfn,
{u}o = (R)'0o{D}0 -- X rnuCu, 52 f, X ~'~lV'rOtPJ
p=l r=l j=l
pfn' ifn'
According to the local ~o-yo-~a-system the dis-
placements are p=l i=1
{a}o = (O)o{u}o = (O)o(R)'oo{O}o or
r=6 j=n p #=n p
In the case of forced motion the origin dis-
placements have been expressed slightly differ- -- E f , E ~ , V , , 52 ~zpo~,p¢~,2
r=l j=l p=l
ently i~n r #ffin /

= ~-~ e~-t 52 ~tp¢~t~p~; since a~j = a~p... [116]

{D}0 = uo(t). {f} i=l p=l.

and therefore On the left-hand side of Equation [116] the term

{a}o = uo(t) [(O)G(R)'o~l{f} p~n p

52 ~ p ,

{~}o = ue(t)(V)olf} is equal to ¢~l/wl 2 because of Equation [45] of the

text. On the right-hand side the summations over
And this gives the definition of the (V)G matrix all p will be zero except for i = l, due to orthogon-
(V). = (O)G(R)'oa. . . . . . . . . [581 ality. The equation therefore can be written
r~6 j~n' p~n'
3 Elastic Displacements Under Forced Motion.
-- E f r E ~n~Vj,¢,,/°~, 2 = e,, E rh,~, ,2- [117]
(a) Effect of Rigid Body Accelerations--:@ By r~l j~l #=1
definition this contribution to an elastic displace-
ment, f~(t), s And this provides for the evaluation of ef~ (or
O;(t) = Mu[--i~(t)] = ~ --#~aufi;~(t).. [113] r=6 j~n" j=n ~
eft ~- -- ~ f~ ~ ~ , V , r4~itloh2 ~ r~jCj,2... [63]
rffil jffil j~l
But it is clear that
A summation in all p is, of course, equivalent to
~tj(t) = ao(t)[Vii f, + V~f~ + . . . + V~,f,] one in all j.
where V~, V ~ z . . " V~ and are appropriate ele- (b) Effect of Elastic Acceleration ~j. By defini-
ments of (V)a matrix discussed previously. Thus tion we have
Equation [113] becomes jfn ~
V," = M~[--9~] = -- 52 rh~a,~9~... [1181
~jT_nn"=' rf6 1
O;(t) = --i~o(t) ~ ~.., thjot m 5 2 Vjrfr
t j=l r=l f But it has been decided that:
05 = 52 qi(t)¢,
-- 52 fr ~ ffz~V~,a,~ . . . . [114]
a0(t) r = 1 j = 1 and
But the quotient, itself describes a set of elastic iron t

displacements characteristic of a unit value of the ~ = 52 ~i(t)¢~,

forcing function, ao(t). This being so, it cart be ex-
pressed as the sum of shapes geometrically similar Then Equation [118] is
to those of the normal modes. We have the equa- j=n' i=n'
j=l i=1
r=6 jffin ~ i=n ~
- - ~ f , 5 2 ~ j V ~ r v t p ~ = 5 2 eytdppt. [1151 or
r=l j=l i=1 im~$ t j~l s

And e~t is a generalized co-ordinate defined as a 52 ~ti(t) 52 r~j.,j¢~,

i=l j=l
characteristic response parameter corresponding
to a certain type or direction of forcing on the But
236 P I P E S T R E S S A N A L Y S I S FOR S T A T I C A N D D Y N A M I C L O A D I N G

j~n t j=iI t

r~j¢~ 2 ~ 0
j=l j~l

from Equation [45] of the text. and, obviously

Therefore this contribution is ~2 # 0
i=n t
Therefore, for Equation [120] to be eorrect: Q~ =
Op" = -- Y] ~i(t)¢p,/wi 2 . . . . . . [61b]
i=1 0. When expanded and rearranged this is

4 Differential Equation of Motion in General- (t,(t) + ~dq,(t) = 02i2eldio(t)

ized Co-Ordinates. In t h e text it was found that This differential equation can be written for each
the following equation involving the normal modes mode independently, and. eaeh is similar to that of
of free vibration would express the elastic response a simple, single-degree-of-freedom system•
of the system to linearly dependent, rigid-body
motion of the supports Appendix 4
=n t

E [~,(t) + wi2qt(t) -- wi2el,iio(t)] Cj_i = 0 . . . [65] USE O F PARTITIONEDMATRICES

l=1 wi 2
It has been brought out throughout the text
We can let the value, Q~, represent the quantity in that with a large number of load or control points
brackets; i.e., or with an excessive number of SUl~ports, an in-
termediate type of machine may be taxed unless
Qi = [0i(t) + wi2qi(t) -- ¢oi2e~,iio(t) ] the subroutines of matrix multiplication, or in-
version can be somewhat broken down.
And thus Equation [65 ] becomes
It already has been demonstrated that matrices
i =n t
can be subdivided, (partitioned) into submatrices
Q#;d02d" = 0 . . . . . . . . . . [119] which permits a breakdown. This makes .possible
the handling of a larger number of operations on
Actually, Equation [119] would be written for all smaller units.
n'-senses of deflection, j. It therefore signifies a
set of n ~ linear homogeneous equations in the
quantities, Q,. For the quantities, Q,, to be non-
zero the determinant
• t
¢11/0212~ ¢])12/0232
¢21/0312 ,

¢n ~1/0212, en ' n ' / ~ n '2

would have to vanish. T h a t this i s not so, can be

demonstrated, first, by multiplying Equation O O Q O O O O O O I @ O O D O O O O m I O O O O Q O

[119] b y rh~¢~, and summing over all j as sug-

gested by Blake and O'Hara (5) giving
j=n p i=n t Multiplication. A square matrix, (a), can, for
E ~J¢~ E QieJi/02,2 = o example, be taken as an array of four, equal-order
j=l i=l
i~n p j~n t
= [(a)", (a),, l
i=1 j=l (a) [_ (a)21, (~) 22J
But again a summation over all j will vanish ex- Now, if (b) is a matrix of the same order and par-
cept when l = i, and we have titioned in the same way then the product of the
Qi j=n' two original matrices can be expressed as follows
E=, = o ............. [12o] using the usual basic rules of multiplication:
•,. ":=
F ( a ) l l ( b ) l I 3[_ (a)12(b)12, (a)n(b)12 ~- ( a ) 1 2 ( b ) ~ 2 1
BUtnormalanothermodesCOnditiOnisof the orthogonality of the ( a ) ( b ) = m(a)21(b)n + (a)22(b)21, (a21)(bl~) + (a)2~(b)2~J

Inversion. Consider two column matrixes, {x} Physicists," by L. A. Pipes, McGraw-Hill Book
and {b}. Each of order, n X 1, and the square Company, Inc., New York, N. Y., 1946.
matrix, (a), of order n X n. Then a set of simul- 4 "Code: for Pressure Piping," (ASA B31.1-
taneous equations in all x is expressible, as before 1955), ASME, New York, N. Y.
5 "Dynamic Response in Three Dimensions
(a){x} = {b} of Linear Elastic Structures to Independent Mo-
But the matrices, {x}, and {b}, can be partitioned tions of Multiple Supports," by R. E. Blake and
equally G. J. O'Hara, NRL Report 4739, May 15, 1956.
6 "Steam and Gas Turbines--vol. I," by A.
{x} = {{X}l, {x}2} and {b} = {{b}l, {b}2} Stodola and L. C. Loewenstein, Peter Smith, New
And the simultaneous set is expressible York, N. Y., 1945.
7 "Dynamics of Linear Elastic Systems,"
by R. E. Blake and E. S. Swiek, NRL Report
(a)~,, (a)~J({x}2! ({b}2! 4420, October, 1954.
8 "Piping Under Dynamic Loads," by L.
And this means that Crawford, Journ. ASNE, vol. 78, 1956, p. 345.

{ (~)2,{~}, + (~)~2{~}~)
(a)l,{X}~ + (a)12{x}2~ --_ ~{b}l(
9 "Shock Calculations for an Elastic Sys-
tem with Distributed Masses, Using the Starting
Velocity Concept," by Westinghouse Electric
But, of course, this implies the existence of two Corporation, WAPD Report 115, December,
equivalences 1954.
10 "Piping Stress Calculations Simplified,"
(a)l,{x}l + (a),2{x}2 = {b}l.. [121] by S. W. Spielvogel, S . N. Spielvogel, Lake
(a)21{x}l + (a)22{x}2 = {b}2. . . . . [122] Success, 1951.
11 "The Solution of Multiple Branch Piping--
Each of the Equations [121] and [122] can be Flexibility Analysis by Tensor Analysis," .by J.
solved for {x}, and {x}2, using inverted matrices. w. Soule, Trans. ASME, vol. 78, 1956.
Then, as in ordinary algebra, a matrix equation 12 "An Evaluation of Piping Analysis Meth-
containing only the submatrix, {x}~, can be ods," by K. L. Hanson and W. E. Jahsman,
derived which is solvable for it; but noting that KAPL--General Electric Company Report 1384,
(a)21(a)ll # (a)ll(a)21, etc. 1955.
13 "Elastic Constants and Coefficients of
{X}1 = [(a)22-1(a)21 -- (a),2-1(a)n] -I Thermal Expansion of Piping Materials Pro-
X [(a)2~-'{b}2 -- (a)12-1{b}1].. [123]
posed for 1954 Code for Pressure Piping," by R.
By similar manipulation Michel, Trans. ASME, vol. 77, 1955.
14 "Quantitative Evaluation of Thermal
{x}2 = [(a)21-1(a)22- (a)n-'(a)12] -1 Shock Resistance," by S. S. Manson, Trans.
X (a)21-~{b}2 -- (a)n-l{b}l.. [124] ASME, vol. 78, 1956.
Although the algebra shows far more operations 15 "Piping--Flexibility Analysis," by A. R.
than in the straight inversion, the order of matrices C. Markl, Trans. ASME, vol. 78, 1956.
to be inverted in Expressions [123]:and [124] is in 16 "Classical Mechanics," by H. Goldstein,
each case n/2 X n/2 as against the n X n array Addison-Wesley-Cambridge, 1951.
originally presented. 17 "Simplified Method of Analysis of Reac-
tions Developed by Expansion in'a Three Anchor
System," by B. Louchak, Trans. ASME, vol. 66,
1 "Design of Piping Systems," by The M. 18 "Final Report--Joint AEC-ASME Pro-
W. Kellogg Company, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., gram on Thermal Stress Fatigue," by L. F. Coffin,
New York, N. Y., 1956. Gendral Electric Company KAPL Report 1411,
2 "A Matrix Method for Flexibility Analysis September, 1955.
of Piping Systems," by J. E. Brock, Trans. 19 "Mathematical Methods in Engineering,"
ASME, vol. 74, 1952. by T. von Karman and M. A. Blot, McGraw-Hill
3 "Applied Mathematics for Engineers and Book Company, Inc., New York, N. Y., 1940.


MR. WARREN C. GALLE, Associate M e m b e r AND

D R . R O B E R T . H . O W E N S , 48 Visitor: The author
has clearly shown the design engineer that there
are two new tools for his kit; namely, (a) aknowl- PCx,y,o) IA(,,.,y,,,o)
edge of the art of high-speed computation, and
(b) a knowledge of matrix analysis. Item (a) is
rapidly becoming a requirement. Item (b) is ~P
already a requirement if the engineer wants to
solve certain types of problems (even though they
may be of elementary nature as in this paper)
which are simply not tractable when expressed
in standard mathematical symbols. In this
event, the design engineer must devote about 2
weeks to the study of this mathematical shorthand
in order to read about and apply such methods.
M P:-(yA-y)F;A F;.A+M',..
Moreover, he cannot expect the researchers to
carry out their investigations in the traditional
' Ju ' . a i r e

z~X A = ~--~X'A ' 'LxYA 3fV,q e_]M'~ ~

notation just so he can read it.
' i ~I
The author is to be congratulated for bringing Ny,q =g'z ~- M, p( yA - y)d C
forward this point of view, and applying it, with
such well-needed emphasis.
We differ with the author in the philosophy of EI z.,^:-5(Y, gFJ,,,
his appeal to the engineer. Perhaps it is from a FIG. 10
pedagogical point of view that we feel a simple
example should b e developed and the general
case deduced from this, and in deducing this
general case a simple and suggestive notation M , p = - - ( Y A -- y)F~A + (xa -- x)f£A -1- M z A
should be of primary importance. It is felt that
the notation-used in the paper and in Brock's Deformations are given by Castigliano's theorem
paper, reference (2) is a deterrent to wide engi- and are
neering use of the method. Consequently, we 5U 5U /)U
propose to develo p such a simple example here,
• ()fyp ~[za
generalize it, and make it possible for an engineer
to set up the equations for a piping system, with Then
no constraints, of any degree of complexity.
Given a cantilever "beam," Fig. 10, herewith, AxA
, = ~1 f o a -- M , , ( y a -- y ) d L
fixed at 0 and free at A, we shall compute de-
flections and twists at A resulting from the appli-
cation of the moment and forces shown at A. E I A ; A = -- /o A (31A -- y) [--(YA - - y ) F ; A
Note that the familiar b e a m problem usually
treats the force. F£A only and the algebra is then + (Xa -- x ) F ~ a + M~A]dL
quite simple. The strain energy U is given by
Computations are greatly simplified if the right
member in this equation is made independent of
U = f0 A~ dL the co-ordinates of A. This is partially accom-
plished as follows: Let F,A, FuA, mzA be the in-
Where M~p is the moment, acting as shown, at ternal forces at O. Equilibrium requires F,A =
any point P ( x , y, o), and the integral is a line in- FxA, Eva = F£A,
tegral from 0 to A; i.e., integration is carried out MzA = - - y a F z A "-[- XAFyA -'}- MzA
over the run of the beam. Static equilibrium
gives SO that

*a U n i v e r s i t y of New t i a m p s h i r e , and P o r t s m o u t h N a v a l Ship-

yard, P o r t s m o u t h , N. It.
EI,5;A = -- f0 A(yA -- yj [yFra -- XF~A + M : a ] d L

D,,=,qF. + CFo
D a . C F , , ÷ BFo
///~ N'~A

C l# , 0 // r:;lr;l
F, . lCyl.
t~'J LM.J

O n . ,qFn ÷ GFn + Ego

0 X D8 =GF~ ÷BFn ÷ GFc

FI~. 11
Dc. EP,~ + GFo ÷ CFc
FxG. 12
T o complete tlae elimination of the co-ordinates
of A, we let Aza , AvA, Cza be the equivalent defor-
Now, we introduce the notation
mations at 0. Prom the geometry which relates
deformations at 0 and A we see t h a t A~a =
A~A + ya¢~a Sxu = xy dL, S~ = ydL, $1 = dL

AVA = AvA - - Xad#zA, dpza - - q~'zA so t h a t

and we obtain

EIA~A = 2 y[yFxA -- xF~a -t- M~A]dL

E y2dL = Av~,
Y0 x dL = Ax, etc.

In this notation the equations are,

These transformations from F' to F and from A' EIA,A = AuuF~a -- A~uFuA + AvMzA
to A correspond to the transfer matrices and their EIAua = --A=uF~A + AzzFuA -- A=MzA
transposes which the author lists as (1) + (r) --
(ra), Equation [10]. This last equation, together Elep~a = AuF~a -- AzFuA + A1MzA
with the two equations for AVA and ~zA which are and defining matrices
obtained in a similar manner, m a y be written in
the form
Da =
r ~ l l,
EI/&~a FA ----
A k@~aJ LM~aJ
EIA~a = F=a f a
y~dL- Fja
I xydL
A A~ ~ -A~ ~xZIX

+ M,a I a ydL -- A • AN A]
the "performance" equations became
Da = A F a
EIAvA = -- F~a I a xydL
where A is the "flexibility" matrix for the point A
with respect to O. Of course A is here used to
+ F~A
l a x2dL " M~a l a xdL denote b o t h the point A and the flexibility matrix
to t h a t point. I t is d e a r from the context what
EI@,a = F~a Y/ y dL
interpretation should be placed on A.
Incidentally, if we take

ff xdL + M~a

we see, for instance, t h a t have formulas for these 6 X 6 flexibility matrices.

Azu These formulas are a by-product of the theoretical
Ava = EI development which leads to these general equa-
tions. However, this brief t r e a t m e n t will enable
T h a t is, - A x u / E I is the y-deformation at A due one to apply the analysis providing he will accept
to a unit force in the x-direction. In this manner, these formulas.
we can give physical meaning to all the elements A word about the flexibility matrix computa-
of the flexibility matrix. In particular, this en- tion is in order. The flexibility matrix S is given
ables one to compute these elements b y experi- b y a formula of the type
ment, if necessary. Thus, the 6~u which are "de-
fined" in the paper really follow logically from the
theory. Excessive use of the unfamiliar Max-
S = £ H ( L ) d L where H ( L )

well's reciprocal theorem is unnecessarily made.

is a 6 X 6 matrix (just as each element in the
If the configuration for the simple example had
simple 3 X 3 case is an integral from zero to
been chosen as in Fig. ]1 of this discussion, an
S). Suppose we want to compute
identical analysis but with more and longer equa-
tions would have led to
Da = A F A + CF~
G =
fl H(L)dL

DB = CFa + BFB and the branch OG of Fig. 12 appears as in Fig. 13.

where the matrices B and C are obtained from A We then write G in the form
b y replacing A and B and C, respectively. How-
ever, in this derivation one must use the fact t h a t
the formula for M=p takes three forms depending
+ + --

on P being between 0 and C, C and A, or C and B. and if we had formulas for these integrals their
We observe that the B-loading influences the sum would yield G. Thus, we need formulas for
A-deformation only up to C where the B-branch a straight section and a bend. Suitable but un-
leaves the A-branch. Thus the B-loading con- necessarily complicated ones are provided in the
tributes CFB to the A-deformation. Similarly present paper. For if the local axes of a n y piping
the A-loading contributes CFA to B-deformation; section are chosen properly the local flexibility
i.e., it influences the B-deformation only up to C. matrix, is diagonal for a straight section and for
This remark is general. So are the foregoing a bend, in addition to the diagonal elements,
equations. For suppose we are analyzing the only four other elements are nonzero.
three dimensional system shown in Fig. 12 of this Finally, if we define the matrices
discussion, where

D DB , -P = F8 , S = B

A~ F~
[_De_] t_FcA G
D = E1 andF = F~
M~ our equations for the four anchor system become
L;: _.1 L>,>':. D=SP

represent deformation and loadings, respec- which is the performance equation for the system
tively. Then if the three free ends or "freed t h a t just appears as Equation [23] in the paper.
anchors" are acted upon b y loadings FA, FB, Fc so Moreover, use of the rectangular T - m a t r i x is
t h a t Fig. 12 represents a four-anchor system, the avoided. Employing this matrix seems to over-
performance equations are tax the use of matrix algebra.
Since the desired result of all this analysis, the
DA = A F a + GFB + E F c
set of loadings P, requires inversion of the matrix
DB = GFA + B F 8 + GFe 6, a remark should be given about the matrix-
inversion formula listed in the author's s u m m a r y
D e = E F a + GFB + CFc
of matrix theory. This formula provides a theo-
in which the flexibility matrices A, B, C, etc. are retical inverse and is of little practical value.
6 X 6 matrices. Systems with more than four In a matrix as small as a 6 X 6 this inversion for-
anchors are set up just as easily. Thus, in a few mula requires the evaluation of 36 fifth-order and
moments, we can write correctly this set of 18 one sixth-order determinants, a back-breaking
equations in 18 unknowns. Of course we must task which would probably not be accomplished

without m a n y errors. Consequently, one m u s t the particular choice depending on the size of the
become familiar with approximate inversion available computer, the power of the mathe-
methods. matical methods employed, the time and money
The axes orientation might better be specified available for programming, and so on.
b y the more familiar direction cosines rather than 2 . Problem results as obtained from the
the less familiar Euler angles whose use here computer should be compatible with require-
serves only to complicate Fig. 12. ments of the ASA Code for Pressure Piping
In the paper the author does not make clear (1955). I t would also seem desirable t h a t the
the use of branch-by-branch analysis. If he is pressure stresses be included in the results, even
referring to the Soule method of reference (11) though they are not combined with the stresses
which is based upon the fact t h a t t h e solutions due to expansion.
for individual branches can be coupled together, 3 Results should include, in addition to the
then matrices of the order 6(n-l) must be inverted forees and moments at restraints, the m a x i m u m
where n is the number of anchors. If he is re- combined stresses at each end of every segment of
ferring to the solution of the equations for DA, straight pipe, elbow, or bend. I t also will fre-
DB, Dc as written above, it is true t h a t only 6 X 6 quently be desirable to ,compute the pipe move-
matrices need be inverted, b u t there are so m a n y ments at several specified points in the system.
involved t h a t the process is more complicated 4 The amount of problem input data should
than the general setup which he develops. be kept to a minimum. Since piping systems con-
Lastly, the author's t r e a t m e n t of spring sup- taining 50 or more segments will not be too un-
ports, is either completely incorrect or the nota- usual, the amount of d a t a to be hand calculated
tion and development are so abstruse t h a t the can m o u n t very rapidly, and the advantages of
writer misses the point. In short, he states t h a t programming the computer to derive as m a n y
the forces P6* on the spring supports, which is the quantities as possible from a minimum a m o u n t of
desired information, can be obtained b y merely given data should be obvious.
solving the reduced system a n d then obtaining 5 The program should be designed so t h a t
D6* from Equation [44] and P6* from Equations operation of the computer is uninterrupted from
[39] and [40]. This reduces the problem of add- beginning to end of the problem. Operator
ing constraints to a triviality. -In particular, it intervention is expensive and could lead to un-
implies t h a t the forces which exist at the anchors detected errors in the solution.
of the reduced system are not affected b y the The writer also would like to remind the reader
presence of constraints such as the spring sup= t h a t although computed results according to a
ports. This is not in accord with physical reality. .predetermined program are becoming a virtual
.The t r e a t m e n t of systems with constraints, is not necessity, there will probably always exist piping
difficult b u t must be made a p a r t of the entire systems which cannot be described fully b y such
problem as the forces at all points are interrelated. an automatic procedure, owing to special con-
In conclusion we point out t h a t the results of ditions which must be evaluated according to the
the author's paper are not restricted to piping experience and judgment of the engineer. T h e
systems. Any network of structural members existence of systems which can become over-
m a y be analyzed b y the methods described. stressed due to "elastic follow up" furnishes one
example of this.
The author also has given some thought to the
MR. JOHNW. SOIJLE, 48 Visitor: Since this paper
problem of dynamic loading. The paper points up
is addressed to those engineers or programmers
the m a n y mathematical difficulties in dealing with
who must set up problems for solution on elec-
t h i s problem, and evidently much work remains
tronic computer, it seems desirable to supplement
to be done on this. In this regard, the writer would
the paper by stressing a few general characteristics
like to call attention to some recent work done by
which a useful program for pipe-stress analysis
Gabriel Kron, of The General Electric Company,
should have. In the writer's opinion, these are
on mathematics of large physical systems. This
as follows:
particular branch of analysis has been given the
1 Versatility, or the ability to handle prob-
name "diakoptics. ''49 In the writer's opinion,
Iems of varying complexity, plus geometrically
intensive study of these methods will lead the
oblique systems, as well as the simple configura-
way to new solutions of m a n y problems similar
tions. This objective m a y be attained either by a
to the one of dynamic loading of piping systems,
single general program, or b y a series of programs,

*9 D e s c r i b e d i n a s e r i e s ' o f a r t i c l e s i n The Electrical Journal ( L o n -

48 United Engineers and Constructors, Inc., Philadelphia, Pa. don), beginning in J u l y 1 9 5 7 .

as well as improvements to e x i s t i n g m e t h o d s . desirable pipe conformation to the attention of

Present methods of piping-flexibility analysis the profession. If a vertical hairpin bend is com-
require either the direct solution of a large number bined with a following horizontal hairpin bend
of simultaneous equations or a reduction of the an extremely flexible length of pipe will be pro-
order b y inversion and "reinversion" (an adapta- duced, and one t h a t can solve some tight prob-
tion of Thevenin's theorem). The writer's most lems.
recent thinking on the extension of tensor methods I t would seem desirable for the author to have
to piping problems leads him to believe t h a t the given the actual dimensions and other conditions
process of reinversion also can be eliminated, of the subject piping system so t h a t alternate
leaving only a series of inversions of low-order methods of solution could be tried.
systems. As a last point, would it not be definitely de-
In conclusion, the writer would like to con- sirable to retain the name " H o v g a a r d flexibility
gratulate both the author and his c o m p a n y on factor" in pipe-stress discussions? The late Prof.
their rigorous approach to the more difficult William Hovgaard was an ornament to this
problems in analysis of piping systems, and to Society, and world engineering.
t h a n k the author for his invitation to discuss the Once again the author is to be thanked for an
paper. extremely interesting paper.

ALAN OSBOURNE, Member: The author is to

Prof. John E. Brock, 5° Visitor: In this excellent
be congratulated on showing the old problem of
paper the author performs the useful service of
pipe stresses in a new light. I n particular his
deriving in considerably finer detail and with more
studies of piping systems in shock and vibration
fundamental motivation the developments of the
are novel. Also his paper can be used as an
writer's paper (author's reference 2). This should
easily available reference on matrix methods.
result in making these powerful matrix methods
However, there does not seem to be enough
available to a wider range of users. I t is evident
emphasis on the fact t h a t setting up a pipe-stress
f r o m this and other modern treatments of the
problem is the real job. The solution, whether
piping flexibility problem t h a t matrix formula-•
with matrix or relaxation methods, or using hand
tions of the problem provide a most important
or digital computers is the lesser part of the whole.
guide to thinking about the proble m and its
The author mentions "local concentrations."
ramifications; not only is the engineer of t o d a y
• M a y it be assumed t h a t he is speaking of local
increasingly familiar with the powerful matrix
concentrations of stress. As we are well aware, in
methods of dealing with complex linear systems
an ordinary piping system there are small areas.
but the advent of high-speed digital computers
o r islands in the bends where the actual stress
makes it all the more necessary, if their advantages •
greatly exceeds the yield point of the piping ma-
are to be exploited fully, to have formulations
terial. I t has been found t h a t no h a r m results
which are relatively easy to translate into " m a -
from neglecting these overstressed areas in
chine language."
ordinary practice. B u t are we sure t h a t the effect
Quite independently several persons or groups
of this when combined with metal hardening due
have developedsuccessful programs for treating
to atomic radiation will be equally harmless?
the piping flexibility program using digital com-
The author also states, "piping theories are
puters. Because of the highly specialized ideas
rudimentary." If so, does it not seem odd t h a t
and notations involved in programming for such
pipe-stress studies involved some of the most
computers there has been little point in a t t e m p t -
elaborate work of men like Theodore von Karman,
ing to describe these programs in the literature
H e n r y Meyer, and William Hovgaard, to mention
except in rather general terms. In a recent paper
b u t a few. the writer mentioned or described some of these
The writer prefers to solve pipe-stress problems
programs31 T h e most recent such effort of which
b y a c o m b i n a t i o n of graphical (not grapho-
the writer is aware is t h a t currently in progress b y
analytical) and relaxation methods. In this com-
the New York D a t a Processing Center of the
bined method only a scale and a 10 in. slide rule
Service Bureau Corporation, an I B M subsidiary,
are needed, although a hand computer is useful.
in conjunction with the Pittsburgh Piping and
T h e writer believes t h a t some such approach
Equipment Company. Mr. Stanley Poley, of the
is the only practicable one for an expert witness,
Service Bureau Corporation, a highly experienced
and the best one in dealing with regulatory
To m a k e a wide digression from the exact 5~ U.S. Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, Calif.
51 " H o w G i a n t B r a i n s Solve P i p i n g P r o b l e m s , " b y J. E. Brock,
m a t t e r in hand the writer would like to bring a Heating, Piping and Air Conditioning, M a y , June, July, 1957.

p r o g r a m m e r and stress analyst whose name is t h a t the author describe briefly in his closure any
well known in computer circles for his SOAP I actual analyses of this nature which he m a y have
and SOAP I I programs for the I B M 650 and for carried out. In this connection also;for the benefit
other special programs, was given the job of of those who are working on the dynamic problem,
developing the program. H e elected to develop m a y we call attention to the work which also
this new program around the matrix point of uses matrix notions, of Prof. E. Pestel at Hanover 52
view and invited the writer to participate in the on vibrations of complex structures. The recent
effort. This was made possible by the co-operation work of Prof. E. Volterra might also be cited) ~
of Midwest Piping Company, Inc., which kindly Except for this very difficult problem of
released a retainer clause. Several weeks of work- dynamic loading, the writer feels t h a t the piping
ing together here in M o n t e r e y resulted in the flexibility problem regarded as a linear problem
solution of all the problems which confronted a is almost completely disposed of. We still need
full automatization of the problem. Some details much more information regarding flexibilities of
remain to be worked out; t h a t is, the actual components such as valves and strainers, and
programming of subroutines, and so on. I t is of local effects at tees, nozzles and wyes. We need
expected t h a t the program will be completed in much more information regarding significant
March 1958, and the service will be available for stress-intensification factors (or a suitable equiva-
use b y all interested persons, either b y direct lent) applicable to all piping components. How-
arrangement with the Service Bureau Corpora- ever, the theory, a n d actual computer programs
tion, or through the agency of consultants such as well, are presently developed sufficiently so as
as the writer. to be able to m a k e good use of this information
The metrical geometry of complicated con- as soon as it becomes available.
figurations is little different, except for sheer
volume, from t h a t of relatively simple con- AUTHOR'S CLOSURE
figurations. I t is the topology of complicated
configurations t h a t poses difficult problems for the LYNDON CRA~,VFORD" The attention given b y
programmer. These we feel we have solved fully; the contributors to the discussion is most cer-
multiple anchors, branches, loops, partial con- tainly appreciated b y the author.
straints, concentrated and distributed loads--none Mr. Galle and Dr. Owens call attention to the
of these imposes any problem to the fully auto- problem of notation. This is certainly a t h o r n y
matic input. We are at the stage where it is matter, and one m a n ' s m e a t is certainly not to
possible to unroll the drawings in front of the every m a n ' s particular taste. A three-dimen-
computer and say: " G o get 'er boy!" sional elastic structure, such as a piping system,
This program will be for the I B M 704. The poses special problems in notation. The au-
availability of up to 32,000 words of solid-state thor's feeling has been t h a t the terminology for
m e m o r y means t h a t even the biggest and most flexibility factors has been.a bit loose in the past,
complicated problems can be handled without and hence in the text the author has been at some
the use of relatively slow auxiliary memory. pains to distinguish between various kinds of
The very high speed of this machine means t h a t flexibility factors (or influence coefficients) in the
great economies are effected in machine rental notation. These contributors prefer to refer de-
and in technical manpower. The consumer m a y flections back to the origin. Here it is a m a t t e r
specify a variety of outputs~-external and internal of taste. Personally in static problems one finds
force components and reactions, stress range, t h a t the physical explanation of such displacement
deflections, or combinations of these. transfer is slightly difficult to m a k e clear since
Returning to the paper under discussion, the the origin of a cantilever system does not, in fact,
author has outlined t r e a t m e n t of the problems of move at all. The algebraic development of Mr.
free and forced vibration of piping systems. This Galle and Dr. Owens is quite similar to t h a t of the
is something which Mr. Poley and the writer did Kellogg C o m p a n y (1). T h e author's personal
not treat and which has been set aside for a future feelings on this approach are t h a t the technique
extension of the program. As the author points requires consideration of these transformed dis-
out, the difficulties are of a higher magnitude t h a n placements (i.e., XA, Ya, and Za), which are not
with the static problem. Vibrations or shock always easy to vlsualize, especially When one is
loadings are, of course, of much greater impor-
tance in marine practice t h a n in stationary practice s2 1V[uch of Professor Pestel's w o r k on this subject is as y e t un-
published. S o m e v e r y interesting results on plane structures are
and we will follow with the greatest of interest given b y G. S c h u m p i c h , a s t u d e n t of Professor Pestel, in his dis-
sertation, " ' B e i t r a g zur Kinetic und Statik ebener S t a b w e r k e mit
.any further developments which m a y be made gekrfimmten S t ~ b c n , " T . H. H a n n o v e r , 1957.
s~ E. Volterra, Ingnieeur-Archiv, vol. 23, 1955, p. 402; vol. 24,
along this line b y marine engineers. M a y we ask 1956. p. 317 a n d p. 392.

looking forward not only to static but dynamic (neglecting the hangers), not only must the redun-
problems. In the latter case one is interested in d a n t force system be solved for t h a t system under
a large number of influence coefficients at mass the given design conditions, but also the solution
points clear of the supports; if these were "trans- for the infuence coefficients of t h a t system (as
ferred" to the origin after the manner of the con- constrained) must be obtained for the point of
tributors and later brought into use in a dynamic a t t a c h m e n t of the hangers. In order to do this,
context, the results might be most difficult to the reaction system for unit loads applied sep-
follow. arately at the spring point m u s t be established.
These contributors mention the complexity of Thus when forces of the springs are actually de-
the element infuence coefficients of Table 2 of termined by the method of the text, the influence
the text; one might point out t h a t these terms ac- coefficients, so computed, are used which most
tually contain the effects of all possibly significant certainly takes into account the effect caused on
contributions to the strain energy of the elements, the other points of support b y the spring forces.
including flexural shear in two planes as well as Mr. Soule has pointed to m a n y aspects of
the effects of direct loads along the axes. Perhaps machine programming with which it is hard to dis-
this explains some of the complexity. I t is true agree. As to versatility of program, it is pointed
in the case of bends t h a t a transformation to the out in the text t h a t at the author's c o m p a n y a
center of the bend will simplify the expressions program has been arranged which appears to
somewhat. For the sake of clarity in explanation, meet virtually all conditions of intermediate,
it has been felt better to use the outer terminal partial constraints, reentrant loops, and the like
points of the elements as points of reference. Mr. and requires no intermediate processing even for
Galle and Dr. Owens wonder about the use of the very involved runs when arranged for the I B M
T-matrix, but in its place in the final expression 704 computer. The actual program in use does
for the deflections of the cantilever system they carry to the point of stress solutions. And these
propose a series of terms, A,B,C,E, and G which, do include pressure stresses, stress-intensifiication
in effect, bring us to the same point. And once factors, and combined stresses according to the
again it m u s t be stressed t h a t the use of the force- Piping Code. The solution for extraneous move-
transfer factors, T, ar~ somewhat more convenient ments under design, static conditions are a
in anticipating dynamic problems. In connec- natural outgrowth of the influence coefficient pro-
tion with axis rotation it m a y be more convenient gram. Also the author might say t h a t the m a t t e r
to think in terms of direction cosines and the of input has been reduced by a very large factor
space angles relating axes; actually the a-terms to the point where virtually only co-ordinates of
in the rotation matrix are direction cosines, the points must be submitted together with pipe prop-
Euler angles being used only because they lie in erties, bend radii, and arc lengths, the rest being
readily definable planes. handled automatically. The author appreciates
As to solutions of, multibranch systems by the references to recent work in the dynamic as-
branch, the author cannot agree with Mr. Galle pects.
and Dr. Owens. Given a series of n-branches Mr. Osbourne is quite correct in pointing to the
emanating from a single branch point with no hitherto vital problem of problem setup. I t is
intervening points of support in the individual only b y going to the large-capacity machines t h a t
branches, then associated with a given branch so much of this time has been recently obviated.
there are always six and only six internal' forces As to radiation effects on stress concentrations,
attacking the branch expressible in terms of the the author feels t h a t this is quite dependent upon
fexibility matrix of t h a t branch end. There are coolant fluid employed. In water-reactor plants
branch-free thermal deflections, and the unknown, the decay in the outside loops is such t h a t this is
net deflections of that point (of which there can be of doubtful concern except possibly at the reactor
no more than six). Thus forces equilibrium can nozzles. With coolants of longer half life (i.e.,
always be expressed in terms of inversions of order sodium), this m a t t e r m a y be of considerable
no more than six, and in the final set of equations significance. Mr. Osbourne wonders about the
there can be no more than six u n k n o w n - - t h e net " r u d i m e n t a r y " nature of the problems. This
deflections. Thus there are n -k-1 inversions re- word is used only in the connotation t h a t the base
quired, but each is of order no more than six. elastic actions are relatively primitive, consisting
Finally as to the question of the spring supports, of flexural bending, direct axial action, torsion and
somewhat the same thing is involved; two inver- flexural s h e a r - - a n d these applied for the most part
sions are required as against one larger inversion on circular tubing. This is not to deprecate the
encompassing all the unknowns. I t is stated in past and continuing effort to establish basic
t h e text that, in considering the reduced system knowledge on actual behavior of piping in bends,

nor of the general efforts of all who have had to put points of support; I should t h i n k t h e " H o v g a a r d
a good bit of system into the whole business. flexibility factor" could scarcely be more appro-
The author has wondered about graphical priate.
methods as to their applicability when he requires I t is pleasing to note Professor Brock's allusion
a substantial number of field-influence coefficients; to the degree of generality that can be incor-
this is worth exploring. Certainly their useful- porated using the matrix methods. As mentioned
ness in static problems cannot be denied. In com- elsewhere, the author's company also has gone
menting upon Mr. Osbourne's "double hair-pin" over to the I B M 704 type computer and certainly
configuration, the author notes that this con- has appreciated the value of the vastly improved
figuration might possess rather good dynamic storage capacity. The author also agrees on the
shock properties as well. The example of the need for further work on the flexibility and stress-
text was derived solely for illustration and has no intensification-factor work for special fittings.
numerical dimensions. The author would like to The stubby pipe runs of submarine systems make
remark that his company has performed numerous the m a t t e r ever more pressing. ParadoxicallY ,
checks of various methods on other real systems the dynamic continuation of the matrix method
using the matrix approach, the Kellogg method, has received much more attention at the Electric
and the Spielvogel hand methods with results, Boat Division in solving problems of large and
especially for the first two, in close agreement; complex foundation structures--this in connec-
and it has been found with judicious use of the tion with acoustical work. Virtually the same
Spielvogel method that its accuracy,, at least in principles have been involved as in the case of
"first guessing" is extremely good. The author piping. In normal mode computation for this
chose to use the phrase ihfluence coefficient in the the Jacobi method of handling the frequency
interests of precision .of language and because of determinant has been used in preference to the
its general usage in the dynamics of other struc- VigneUe-Stodola method. Experimental testing
tures with special reference in aircraft analysis. at this company has corroborated the calculated
It might be well to have a special, "extra" name natural frequencies and mode shapes, with very
for those influence coefficients associated with the close agreement with predicted values.

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