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Original Research

Intrapartum Resuscitation Interventions for

Category II Fetal Heart Rate Tracings and
Improvement to Category I
Uma M. Reddy, MD, MPH, Steven J. Weiner, MS, George R. Saade, MD, Michael W. Varner, MD,
Sean C. Blackwell, MD, John M. Thorp Jr, MD, Alan T.N. Tita, MD, PhD, Russell S. Miller, MD,
Downloaded from by BhDMf5ePHKav1zEoum1tQfN4a+kJLhEZgbsIHo4XMi0hCywCX1AWnYQp/IlQrHD3i3D0OdRyi7TvSFl4Cf3VC4/OAVpDDa8KKGKV0Ymy+78= on 09/22/2021

Alan M. Peaceman, MD, David S. McKenna, MD, Edward K. S. Chien, MD, MBA, Dwight J. Rouse, MD,
Yasser Y. El-Sayed, MD, Yoram Sorokin, MD, and Steve N. Caritis, MD, for the Eunice Kennedy
Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD) Maternal-Fetal
Medicine Units (MFMU) Network*

OBJECTIVE: To evaluate intrapartum resuscitation inter- or tocolytic administration. Fetal heart rate pattern-
ventions and improvement in category II fetal heart rate recognition software was used to confirm category II
(FHR) tracings. FHR tracings 30 minutes before intervention and to
METHODS: This secondary analysis of a randomized analyze the subsequent 60 minutes. The primary out-
trial of intrapartum fetal electrocardiographic ST- come was improvement to category I within 60 minutes.
segment analysis included all participants with category Secondary outcomes included FHR tracing improvement
II FHR tracings undergoing intrauterine resuscitation: to category I 30–60 minutes after the intervention and
maternal oxygen, intravenous fluid bolus, amnioinfusion, composite neonatal outcome.

*See Appendix 1, available online at, for a list of other members of the NICHD MFMU Network.
From the Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, Bethesda, MD; the Departments of Obstetrics and Gynecology, the
University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston, Galveston, Texas, the University of Utah Health Sciences Center, Salt Lake City, Utah, the University of Texas
McGovern Medical School at UT Health, Houston, Texas, the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, North Carolina, the University of Alabama at
Birmingham, Birmingham, Alabama, Columbia University, New York, New York, Northwestern University, Chicago, Illinois, The Ohio State University, Columbus,
Ohio, MetroHealth Medical Center-Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio, Brown University, Providence, Rhode Island, Stanford University, Stanford,
California, Wayne State University, Detroit, Michigan, and the University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania; and the George Washington University Biostatistics
Center, Washington, DC.
This work is supported by grants HD34208, HD53097, HD40545, HD40560, HD27869, HD40485, HD40512, HD27915, HD40544, HD40500, HD68282,
HD68268, HD27917, HD21410, and U10 HD36801 from the Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD)
and by funding from Neoventa Medical. Comments and views expressed in this article are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent views of the National
Institutes of Health. Neoventa Medical did not participate in the monitoring of the study; data collection, management, or analysis; or manuscript preparation. Funded in
part by Neoventa Medical.
Presented at the Society for Maternal-Fetal Medicine’s 37th Annual Pregnancy Meeting, January 23–28, 2017, Las Vegas, Nevada.
Dr. Rouse, Editor-in-Chief of Obstetrics & Gynecology, was not involved in the review or decision to publish this article.
The authors thank Ashley Salazar, RN, MSN, WHNP, for assistance with protocol development and coordination between clinical research centers; Elizabeth Thom, PhD
and Michael A. Belfort, MB, BCh, MD, PhD for protocol development and oversight; and Catherine Y. Spong, MD for protocol development, oversight and outcome
Each author has confirmed compliance with the journal’s requirements for authorship.
Corresponding author: Uma M. Reddy, MD, MPH, Yale University School of Medicine, Department of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Reproductive Sciences, New Haven,
CT; email:
Financial Disclosure
Alan Tita reports his institution received funds from Pfizer. Russell Miller reports money was paid to him from Janssen Research & Development, LLC, for serving on
their Advisory Board service (unrelated to this manuscript topic). He also received funds from UpToDate (chapter author unrelated to this manuscript topic). David
McKenna’s institution is a satellite site for The Ohio State University for the NICHD MFMU, which pays his institution for patients enrolled in MFMU studies. Edward
Chien reports that money was paid to his institution from MetroHealth. The other authors did not report any potential conflicts of interest.
© 2021 by the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists. Published by Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved.
ISSN: 0029-7844/21


© 2021 by the American College of Obstetricians

and Gynecologists. Published by Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc.
Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
RESULTS: Of 11,108 randomized participants, 2,251 hydration, tocolytic administration, and amnioinfu-
(20.3%) had at least one qualifying intervention for category sion.2 Given the paucity of data, we evaluated how
II FHR tracings: 63.7% improved to category I within often these standard intrapartum resuscitation inter-
60 minutes and 50.5% improved at 30–60 minutes. Only ventions lead to an improvement in category II
3.4% underwent cesarean delivery and 4.1% an operative FHR tracings within the recommended time frame
vaginal delivery for nonreassuring fetal status within of 60 minutes.4 The primary outcome was objective
60 minutes after the intervention. Oxygen administration improvement to category I at any point in the first
was the most common intervention (75.4%). Among 60 minutes after the intervention. Secondary out-
American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists-
comes that were evaluated included an improvement
defined subgroups that received oxygen, the absent FHR
of the FHR tracing to category I in the period between
accelerations and absent–minimal FHR variability subgroup
30 and 60 minutes after the intervention to allow time
(n5332) was more likely to convert to category I within
for the intervention to have an effect and composite
60 minutes than the FHR accelerations or “moderate FHR
variability” subgroup (n51,919) (77.0% vs 63.0%, odds ratio
neonatal morbidity rates in the group that improved
[OR] 2.0, 95% CI 1.4–2.7). The incidence of composite to category I compared with the group that remained
neonatal adverse outcome for category II tracings was 2.9% category II after 60 minutes.
(95% CI 2.2–3.7%) overall; 2.8% (95% CI 2.0–3.8%) for
improvement to category I within 60 minutes (n51,433);
and 3.2% (95% CI 2.1–4.6%) for no improvement within The authors had access to relevant aggregated study
60 minutes (n5818). However, the group with improvement data and other information (such as study protocol,
had 29% lower odds for higher level neonatal care (11.8% vs analytic plan and report, validated data table, and
15.9%, OR 0.71, 95% CI 0.55–0.91). clinical study report) required to understand and report
CONCLUSION: Nearly two thirds of category II FHR research findings. The authors take responsibility for
tracings improved to category I within 60 minutes of the presentation and publication of the research find-
intervention with a relatively low overall rate of the ings, have been fully involved at all stages of publica-
composite neonatal adverse outcome. tion and presentation development, and are willing to
FUNDING SOURCE: Funded in part by Neoventa Medical. take public responsibility for all aspects of the work. All
(Obstet Gynecol 2021;138:409–16) individuals included as authors and contributors who
DOI: 10.1097/AOG.0000000000004508 made substantial intellectual contributions to the
research, data analysis, and publication or presentation
development are listed appropriately. The role of the

O f the almost 4 million patients delivering each year

in the United States, approximately 75% undergo
labor.1 Intrauterine resuscitation is commonly attempted
sponsor in the design, execution, analysis, reporting,
and funding is fully disclosed. The authors’ personal
interests, financial or nonfinancial, relating to this
to improve fetal oxygenation in response to concerning research and its publication have been disclosed.
fetal heart rate (FHR) tracings by improving maternal
blood flow to the placenta, increasing blood oxygen con- METHODS
tent, or ameliorating umbilical cord compression. For We conducted a secondary analysis of data from the
FHR tracings characterized by absent variability and Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child
recurrent late or deep variable decelerations (Eunice Ken- Health and Human Development Maternal-Fetal Med-
nedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and icine Units Network STAN trial, a large, multicenter
Human Development category III), there is an increased randomized controlled trial of fetal ECG ST-segment
association with neonatal hypoxia and metabolic acido- analysis used as an adjunct to conventional electronic
sis.2 However, category III tracings are relatively infre- fetal monitoring in laboring patients with singleton
quent, occurring in about 0.09% of fetuses within pregnancies at more than 36 weeks of gestation. A total
30 minutes of delivery.3 The majority of fetuses are well of 11,108 participants underwent randomization at 26
oxygenated, and therefore not acidotic in labor, but will hospitals in the United States between 2010 and 2014.
have FHR changes that fall into category II, which is The methodology of STAN has been previously re-
defined as any FHR tracing that is not category I or ported.5 Inclusion criteria for this analysis was a partic-
III. The efficacy of intrauterine resuscitation procedures ipant with intrauterine resuscitation interventions of
to improve the fetal condition when there is a category II interest performed for a category II FHR tracing in
FHR tracing is based on limited data.2 either the first or second stage of labor. Participants
Commonly performed intrauterine resuscitation were excluded if they had less than 60 minutes of inter-
techniques include maternal oxygen, intravenous (IV) pretable FHR tracing postintervention, unless a

410 Reddy et al Outcomes of Intrapartum Resuscitation Interventions OBSTETRICS & GYNECOLOGY

© 2021 by the American College of Obstetricians

and Gynecologists. Published by Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc.
Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
decision to deliver for nonreassuring fetal status was
made before 60 minutes. Fetal heart rate pattern-
recognition software was used to confirm category II
FHR tracing 30 minutes before the intervention and to
analyze the FHR tracing 60 minutes after the interven-
tion as previously described.6,7
Interventions were defined as any of the following:
maternal oxygen, IV fluid bolus, amnioinfusion, or
tocolytic administration. If more than one intervention
was performed at the same time, each intervention was
included in the analysis. If the patient had more than
one episode of intervention for a category II FHR
tracing, the analysis was limited to the first set of
interventions for each patient. The primary outcome
was improvement to category I at any point in the first
60 minutes after the intervention. Improvement of the
FHR tracing to category I in the period between 30 and
60 minutes after the intervention was a secondary
outcome. Secondary neonatal outcomes selected a
priori were compared between groups with an improve-
ment to category I within 60 minutes and the group
without evidence of improvement and included a
composite of intrapartum fetal death, neonatal death,
5-minute Apgar score 3 or lower, neonatal seizure,
umbilical artery blood pH of 7.05 or less with a base
deficit of 12 mmol/L or more, intubation for ventilation
at delivery, or neonatal encephalopathy5; individual Fig. 1. Flow diagram of participant exclusion and inclu-
components of the composite outcome, 5-minute Apgar sion. *None of the four interventions of interest for a cate-
gory II tracing. †No category II tracing in 30 minutes before
score, umbilical-artery blood gas results, and admission intervention, per the PeriGen interpretation. ‡Did not have
to the intermediate care nursery or neonatal intensive at least 60 minutes of tracing after the intervention and did
care unit. not have a decision for cesarean delivery or operative
In a post hoc analysis, we further analyzed category vaginal delivery for nonreassuring fetal status before
II tracings according to American College of Obstetri- 60 minutes. STAN, fetal electrocardiographic ST-segment
cians and Gynecologists’ Practice Bulletin No. 116 (Fig.
Reddy. Outcomes of Intrapartum Resuscitation Interventions. Ob-
1), which provides two different approaches for the stet Gynecol 2021.
management of a category II tracing. For patients with
category II tracings characterized by “absent FHR
accelerations and absent/minimal FHR variability,” using SAS 9.4. P,.05 was chosen to denote signifi-
delivery should be considered if there is no improve- cance. No adjustments were made for multiple compar-
ment with resuscitation efforts; those with tracings that isons. No imputation for missing data was performed.
are characterized by the presence of “FHR accelerations
or moderate FHR variability” can continue surveillance RESULTS
and intrauterine resuscitative measures.2 We compared Of 11,108 randomized participants, 20.3% (n52,251)
these two subcategories of category II tracing for the had one or more interventions for a category II FHR
rate of improvement to category I after each interven- tracing meeting the criteria for duration of FHR trac-
tion, except for tocolytic administration due to its small ing preintervention and postintervention (Fig. 1). The
numbers. overall characteristics of the participants included in
Institutional review board approval was obtained this analysis are shown in Table 1 and compari-
from all participating centers. Categorical variables son with those excluded in the analysis cohort in
were compared with the use of the x2 test or Fisher Table 2. Description of the labor and intervention
exact test, as appropriate; continuous variables used characteristics of the cohort including the number of
the Wilcoxon rank-sum test. Odds ratios (ORs) and patients receiving more than one intervention are
95% CIs were calculated. Analyses were performed described in Table 3. Overall, 89.4% of interventions

VOL. 138, NO. 3, SEPTEMBER 2021 Reddy et al Outcomes of Intrapartum Resuscitation Interventions 411

© 2021 by the American College of Obstetricians

and Gynecologists. Published by Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc.
Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Table 1. Characteristics of the Study Population Table 2. Characteristics of Analyzed Cohort
(N52,251) Compared With Participants Not Included
in the Analysis
Characteristic Value
Age (y) 27.166.0 FHR
Gestational age at time of randomization (wk) 39.561.2 Tracing
Self-identified race and ethnicity Included Before
Non-Hispanic Black 526 (23.4) Participants Intervention
Non-Hispanic White 810 (36.0) (N52,251) (n5806) P
Asian 70 (3.1)
Hispanic 797 (35.4) Age (y) 27.166.0 27.466.0 .31
Other or not recorded* 48 (2.1) Gestational age 39.561.2 39.361.2 .001
BMI (kg/m2) 33.567.0 at time of
Education level (y) 12.862.5 randomization
Nulliparous 1,336 (59.4) (wk)
Cervical dilation at randomization (cm) 4.661.3 Self-identified race .008
Induced labor 1,363 (60.6) and ethnicity
BMI, body mass index. Non-Hispanic 23.4 24.8
Data are mean6SD or n (%). Black
* Includes the following: Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander, Non-Hispanic 36.0 34.4
Native American or Alaskan Native, other (not specified), not White
recorded. Asian 3.1 1.6
Hispanic 35.4 38.5
Other or not 2.1 0.7
occurred in the first stage of labor. Eighty-three per- recorded
cent had one intervention, 16% had two, and 0.7% BMI (kg/m2) 33.567.0 32.566.9 ,.001
had three administered in combination. Of those with Education level (y) 12.862.5 12.762.7 .29
Nulliparous 59.4 45.4 ,.001
more than one intervention, 89.1% involved both Cervical dilation at 4.661.3 5.161.2 ,.001
oxygen administration and IV fluid bolus (with or randomization
without amnioinfusion or tocolytic administration). (cm)
Of the participants with an intervention for a category Induced labor 60.6 58.4 .29
II FHR tracing, 63.7% improved postintervention to FHR, fetal heart rate; BMI, body mass index.
category I at some point within 60 minutes and 50.5% Data are mean6SD or % unless otherwise specified.
improved to category I between 30 and 60 minutes
(Table 4). Oxygen administration was the most fre- FHR accelerations and absent/minimal FHR variabil-
quently performed intrauterine resuscitation interven- ity” subgroup was more likely to convert to category I
tion for category II FHR tracings (75.4%, n51,698), tracing within 60 minutes than the FHR accelerations
followed by IV fluid bolus (29.3%, n5659), amnioin- or moderate FHR variability subgroup (77.0% vs
fusion (10.7%, n5240), and tocolytic administration 63.0%, OR 2.0, 95% CI 1.4–2.7), due to improvement
(2.0%, n545). Improvement to category I tracing in variability. After IV fluid bolus the “absent FHR
within 60 minutes was observed in the majority of accelerations and absent/minimal FHR variability”
participants for each intervention (range 52.1–67.1%) subgroup was also more likely to convert to a category
(Table 4). Only 3.4% (77 participants) had a decision I tracing within 60 minutes than the “FHR accelera-
to undergo cesarean delivery and 4.1% (92 partici- tions or moderate FHR variability subgroup” (77% vs
pants) had an operative vaginal delivery for nonreas- 65.4%, OR 1.8, 95% CI 1.1–2.9). Amnioinfusion was
suring fetal status within 60 minutes after the not associated with a difference in conversion to a
intervention. When excluding those 169 participants, category I tracing within 60 minutes for the two cate-
cesarean delivery occurred in 30.8% (441/1,433) of gory II FHR tracing subgroups.
those that improved to category I within 60 minutes The incidence of composite neonatal adverse
and 28.5% (185/649) that did not improve and were outcome for category II tracing was low overall,
still at risk of cesarean delivery. 2.9% (95% CI 2.2–3.7%); 2.8% (95% CI 2.0–3.8%)
In the post hoc analysis, of the 2,251 participants, for those with improvement to category I within
14.7% (n5332) were in the absent FHR accelerations 60 minutes (n51,433) and 3.2% (95% CI 2.1–4.6%)
and absent–minimal FHR variability subgroup; oxy- for those with no improvement within 60 minutes
gen was administered in 75.9% of these cases (252/332) (n5818). However, compared with the group with-
(Table 5). After oxygen administration, the “absent out evidence of improvement, the odds of needing

412 Reddy et al Outcomes of Intrapartum Resuscitation Interventions OBSTETRICS & GYNECOLOGY

© 2021 by the American College of Obstetricians

and Gynecologists. Published by Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc.
Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Table 3. Labor and Intervention Characteristics*

Any Intervention Oxygen IV Fluid Bolus Amnioinfusion Tocolysis

Characteristic (N52,251) (n51,698) (n5659) (n5240) (n545)

Stage of labor at intervention

1st 2,012 (89.4) 1,496 (88.1) 602 (91.4) 237 (98.8) 42 (93)
2nd 239 (10.6) 202 (11.9) 57 (8.7) 3 (1.3) 3 (7)
Study assignment
ST analysis 1,043 (46.3) 792 (46.6) 313 (47.5) 117 (48.8) 18 (40)
CTG only 1,208 (53.7) 906 (53.4) 346 (52.5) 123 (51.3) 27 (60)
Given in combination with another 376 (16.7) 370 (21.8) 340 (51.6) 37 (15.4) 20 (44)
IV, intravenous; CTG, cardiotocography.
Data are n (%).
* If more than one type of intervention was performed at the same time, the case will appear in multiple columns.

Number of patients receiving more than one intervention listed in table. For specific intervention, refer to number receiving intervention in
addition to another listed intervention in table.

higher level neonatal care (intermediate or intensive DISCUSSION

care unit) was 29% lower in the group with an About 20% of low-risk participants in labor at more
improvement to category I within 60 minutes than 36 weeks of gestation underwent intervention for
(11.8% vs 15.9%, OR 0.71, 95% CI 0.55–0.91). The a category II FHR tracing, as determined by objective
group with an improvement to category I within pattern-recognition software for FHR tracing interpre-
60 minutes had a slightly higher umbilical cord pH tation. The majority of patients improved from cate-
than those without improvement (7.2460.06 vs gory II FHR tracing to category I within 60 minutes,
7.2360.08, P5.007) (Table 6). but 7.5% of the participants underwent either cesarean

Table 4. Intervention Characteristics and Improvement of Fetal Heart Rate Tracing to Category I

Any Intervention Oxygen IV Fluid Bolus Amnioinfusion Tocolytic

Characteristic (N52,251) (n51,698) (n5659) (n5240) (n545)

Improvement to category I
At any point within 60 min 1,433 (63.7) 1,105 (65.1) 442 (67.1) 125 (52.1) 27 (60)
Between 30 and 60 min 1,136 (50.5) 872 (51.4) 357 (54.2) 105 (43.8) 22 (49)
Cesarean delivery decision 77 (3.4) 51 (3.0) 26 (4.0) 11 (4.6) 7 (16)
within 60 min*
Operative vaginal delivery 92 (4.1) 78 (4.6) 29 (4.4) 3 (1.3) 1 (2)
within 60 min†
1st stage only n52,012 n51,496 n5602 n5237 n542
Improvement to category I
At any point within 60 min 1,362 (67.7) 1,046 (69.9) 425 (70.6) 125 (52.7) 25 (60)
Between 30 and 60 min 1,090 (54.2) 835 (55.8) 344 (57.1) 105 (44.3) 21 (50)
Cesarean delivery decision 67 (3.3) 45 (3.0) 19 (3.2) 11 (4.6) 7 (17)
within 60 min*
Operative vaginal delivery 24 (1.2) 19 (1.3) 12 (2.0) 2 (0.8) 1 (2)
within 60 min†
2nd stage only n5239 n5202 n557 n53 n53
Improvement to category I
At any point within 60 min 71 (29.7) 59 (29.2) 17 (30) 0 (0) 2 (67)
Between 30 and 60 min 46 (19.3) 37 (18.3) 13 (23) 0 (0) 1 (33)
Cesarean delivery decision 10 (4.2) 6 (3.0) 7 (12) 0 (0) 0 (0)
within 60 min*
Operative vaginal delivery 68 (28.5) 59 (29.2) 17 (30) 1 (33) 0 (0)
within 60 min†
IV, intravenous.
Data are n (%).
* Decision for cesarean delivery for nonreassuring fetal status made within 60 minutes of the intervention.

Vacuum- or forceps-assisted delivery for nonreassuring fetal status within 60 minutes of the intervention.

VOL. 138, NO. 3, SEPTEMBER 2021 Reddy et al Outcomes of Intrapartum Resuscitation Interventions 413

© 2021 by the American College of Obstetricians

and Gynecologists. Published by Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc.
Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Table 5. Intervention Characteristics and Improvement of Fetal Heart Rate Tracing to Category I Within 60
Minutes by American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists Category II Tracing Type

Accelerations or Absent Accelerations and

Characteristic n Moderate Variability* Absent or Minimal Variability* P

Any intervention 2,251 1,189/1,919 (62.0) 244/332 (73.5) ,.001

Oxygen 1,698 911/1,446 (63.0) 194/252 (77.0) ,.001
IV fluid bolus 659 366/560 (65.4) 76/99 (77) .03
Amnioinfusion 240 108/207 (52.2) 17/33 (52) .94
IV, intravenous.
Data are n/N (%) unless otherwise specified.
* American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists category II tracing type in the 30 minutes immediately before the intervention.

delivery or operative vaginal delivery for nonreassur- thermore, sheep studies suggest that when fetal hyp-
ing fetal status within 60 minutes after the intervention. oxia is not due to maternal hypoxia, maternal oxygen
Maternal oxygen supplementation was the most administration results in increased free radical
frequently performed intrauterine resuscitation inter- markers in the fetus.9 Primate research demonstrates
vention (75%). We observed that after oxygen admin- that, although maternal oxygen supplementation may
istration for a category II FHR tracing, the “absent correct fetal hypoxia, it will not correct acidosis.10 In
FHR accelerations and absent/minimal FHR variabil- the only three randomized trials investigating the use
ity” group was more likely to convert to a category I of maternal oxygen supplementation in laboring
tracing within 60 minutes than the “FHR accelerations patients11–13 as well as the Cochrane Database of Sys-
or moderate FHR variability” group due to improve- tematic Reviews,14 oxygen supplementation was not
ment in variability. Because we do not have a control demonstrated to be of benefit to the fetus. The most
group without oxygen administration, we are not able recent study was a nonblinded trial in which 114 par-
to determine if this improvement in the FHR tracing ticipants with category II tracings were randomized to
was due to oxygen administration itself or would have room air without a facemask compared with 10 L of
occurred even without oxygen administration. The oxygen per minute by nonrebreather facemask until
same limitation applies to all the other interventions. delivery combined with additional resuscitation meth-
Under normal physiologic conditions in sheep, the ods after randomization; the study found that room air
supply of oxygen to the fetus is twice the metabolic was noninferior to maternal oxygen supplementation
demand; thus, fetal oxygen uptake is not affected until for the improvement of umbilical artery lactate, a
oxygen delivery is reduced by more than half.8 Fur- marker of fetal metabolic acidosis.13 There was no

Table 6. Neonatal Outcomes by Fetal Heart Rate Tracing Category Postintervention

No Improvement to
Improvement to Category Category I Within
Outcome I Within 60 min (n51,433) 60 min (n5818) OR (95% CI) P

Composite adverse outcome* 38/1,377 (2.8) 25/790 (3.2) 0.87 (0.52–1.45)

Intrapartum fetal death 0 0
Neonatal death 1 (0.1) 0 (0.0)
5-min Apgar score 3 or lower 8 (0.6) 5 (0.6)
Neonatal seizure 2 (0.1) 1 (0.1)
Umbilical artery blood pH 7.05 or less 17/1,376 (1.2) 17/790 (2.2)
Intubation for ventilation at delivery 19 (1.3) 11 (1.3)
Neonatal encephalopathy 2 (0.1) 2 (0.2)
5-min Apgar score 9 (9–9) 9 (9–9) .24
Umbilical artery pH 7.2460.06 7.2360.08 .007
Intermediate care nursery or NICU 169 (11.8) 130 (15.9) 0.71 (0.55–0.91)
OR, odds ratio; NICU, neonatal intensive care unit.
Data are n/N (%), n (%), median (interquartile range), or mean6SD unless otherwise specified.
*Composite adverse outcome is composed of any one of the following occurrences: intrapartum fetal death, neonatal death, 5-minute Apgar
score 3 or lower, neonatal seizure, an umbilical artery blood pH of 7.05 or less with a base deficit of 12 mmol per liter or more,
intubation for ventilation at delivery, or neonatal encephalopathy.

414 Reddy et al Outcomes of Intrapartum Resuscitation Interventions OBSTETRICS & GYNECOLOGY

© 2021 by the American College of Obstetricians

and Gynecologists. Published by Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc.
Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
difference in resolution of recurrent decelerations group of category II tracings without intervention; the
within 60 minutes between the O2 (n557) and room FHR pattern may have improved within 60 minutes
air groups (75.4% vs 86.0%; P5.15), but the sample without any intervention. However, the feasibility of
size was underpowered to detect a significant differ- having a control group without intervention for a
ence.15 Based on a review of the available literature, category II tracing is unlikely given the prevailing
Hamel et al16 concluded that maternal oxygen supple- clinical practice of intrauterine resuscitation.2 The
mentation in labor should be reserved for maternal cohort in this analysis may not be representative of
hypoxia and is not supported by current evidence as the entire population in labor given individuals who
an intervention for nonreassuring fetal status. There were already receiving interventions were excluded
are currently at least three trials identified in Clinical- from the STAN trial. Furthermore, category II FHR comparing supplemental oxygen to room tracings were considered as a single group when, in
air in participants with category II fetal heart tracings. fact, there is heterogeneity in patterns, which may
17 have differing underlying mechanism and progression
In 63% of participants receiving IV hydration, rates to category III tracings. Lastly, because the inci-
amnioinfusion, or tocolytics as intrauterine resuscita- dences of the composite neonatal morbidity were rel-
tion for a category II FHR tracing, there was an atively low in the subgroups of category II tracings,
improvement of the FHR tracing to category I within this study is likely underpowered to detect a difference
60 minutes. The underlying mechanisms for the in this low-frequency outcome.
potential benefits of these interventions are plausible. In the majority of cases, an intervention for a
Most patients are restricted from taking oral fluids in category II FHR tracing was followed by an improve-
labor and typically receive 125 mL/h of IV fluids, ment in the FHR tracing to category I. The overall
which is inadequate to maintain fluid balance during incidence of composite neonatal adverse outcome was
labor under typical circumstances. Adequate placenta relatively low for category II tracings in this study.
perfusion and therefore optimal oxygenation of the The participants without improvement of the FHR
fetus depend on optimal maternal intravascular vol- tracing pattern after intrapartum interventions did
ume.18 Randomized controlled trials have demon- have an increased need for higher level of neonatal
strated the clearest benefit of amnioinfusion for cord care. The results of ongoing controlled trials should
compression patterns most likely associated with oligo- help us understand better the magnitude and limita-
hydramnios, such as those occurring early in labor or tions of the benefits of these widely used interven-
in a growth-restricted or postdates fetus.19 Tocolysis tions, particularly oxygen administration.
with subcutaneous terbutaline 0.25 mg was the least
frequently used intervention, accounting for only 2% REFERENCES
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© 2021 by the American College of Obstetricians

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