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alt lonn trent

Jenny Capel knew she had some fitness left fol-

lowing her win at the San Diego 100 in June. So
the 40-yearold mother of nvo from Reno, Nevada,
decided to try something epic why not tackle
the lTGmile Tahoe Rim Trail in record time?
Capel and Jason Ostrom. 37, of Fort Collins,
| *'--,
l1 u6-'
-\. :-
Colorado, set off together from Echo Summit at "\"\'t?' :
r- r:
4:00 a.m. on Saturday, July 27. Capel's goal was
' b=-,'
to lower the 2004 women's (supported) record
I :--t"
of 55 hours, 22 minutes set by former Hardrock
100 champion Betsy Nye of Truckee, California.
Capel ran strong and steady, generally fol-
lowing a 49-hour pace through the Mount Rose
Summit Trailhead (about 90 miles). Earlier in
her run, Nye had helped Capel and Ostrom
through the Desolation Wilderness section
of the TRT. By the time Capel arrived at the
Kingsbury Trailhead at about 5:00 p.m., it was
obvious Nye's record was in serious jeopardy.
Capel'' only major challenge was feeling sleep-
deprived; running downs and flats were fine,
but Capel for-rnd herself feeling increasingly
sleepy on the climbs.
Nye. one of the sport's more $racious souls, re-
roined Capel for the final l5-mile push ftom Big
Meadow. They were joined by TRT veteran Victor
Ballesteros as Capel ran to a triumphant finish.
Capel arrived back at her original starting point
at Echo SunTmit in 53 hor-rrs, 39 minutes, to the
cheers ofher crew, which included husband Steve,
the couple's tvvo sons, and Capel's father. Roland
N{artin. It was Martin who served as Capel's inspi-
ration. ln 2000, Marlin, Joe Braninburg and Robet
robsey. all of Reno. became rhe first "official" tRt
thru-record holders with a 66:20 run.
Ostrom finished in a notable time as well,
one of the top 10 fastest supported times
ever recoroeo ror tne lKl tnru. Krran Jornel ser
the men's thru record of 38:32 in 2009.
Capel's prize lor her effor-t? Nye presented her
with a piece of wood that she had found on the
trail, signifying a passing of the TRT women's
torch fiom one generous competitor to another. X

(clockwise from top !eft) Passing the torch, Betey
l,Jye {l) :nd Jennifer Capel; qetting r;rslructions
from Mike Hclmes at Watson Lake; a1 Barke r Betsy, Jen^y and Vicl:r Balleste:os. ienn;'
with her parents, Roland and .Judy Marlin

Editor - me being asked to crew/pace/photo-document I am extremely grateful for the opportr,Lr'

I 'lrorLeltr nricht eniov the lattachedl photos
r oLr for lellow Florida ultrarr-rnner Will Glover at that you have given me and will contir-r,.rt
r.,.,,r rhi-q Vear's Badwater aird Keys 100 races, as this year's Badwater, which I also believe will use this energy to drive and motivate mvser.
r r:-rl-.lisl.iir.rg of the Drop & Give Me 50 race eventually lead to me running in this "beyond pursue my pas'ionr and fulfill all ol nrv r
:i - -.
r'riten bv Eric Friedman) aion$ with my epic" race for Team BAP and Praxis Haiti, one
' :-,::-ed and rrotii-atecl ure to shoot for day soon - a chain of events that was created Jean-Baptiste Smith
-- . \-r. nn. Tll.. I believe. Ied ro by you and your decision to publish our work. vemoroKe rlnes. _tL

., : - -r'.-r- -,-ilirlurlllaf) get lOSt OnCe At the Heartlancl Hi;r-.:r:.-: .. ..f . :' lo xn intersection or trailhead
r --: :,:r rl--\a r. trlat thef.fe nOt all olle year, nrlt friettd artcl I ,.'.er.e i::..:.'. -
-. nh n'ould be marked br"rt isn't?
' "Li'rg 30 ro 100 a lone stretch of counrn lo.,d cj..,p rr' . . : ii-rLl might be offcor-rrse. Look
' i : : ..,.. t-.i' ..' ltultch of stran$ers Hills talking ercitedll, when a pickur- :: -.:. : .:.. 311\: fOOtprintS Or marks in
- , - :-.ti-.:. ;.:..r,tt t]le area in such pulled up next to Lls. A guy in a battered co','.'rrtr,, ' r. ir.;.,i1. No sign rvhatsoever of
, , 'l.,r,i i, eoine ro hat a.ked u5 where \ c werc qoing. "To lcr.,c. - .. - ' \ oll \ c qglq rhe wronu way.
- -r . . rr..i :. cltalleitge! Hiil." I answered confidently, the location of the r- ui .uddenlv get verl hard
.: .- :- -rii-S :ee lll to have a gift for next aid station. to distinqr.l::l-r: \..,r'ii itor-i-na1ly' find such confi-rs-
'.:r'a r'ujlne]-s need a reassuring
Ji-rst as confidently. he responded, "No you're iirg area-s nrai.^ecl ir vou n'ere oi-l collrse.
'. - ,: .,1','.'stick ir-r tl're dark forest, not. You missed a turn about two miles back." Once r cLr'l t -, r. far enotrqh ro cortvirrce
- - .. ::.:.;eci sigi-r. Thel'do sllch a tre- So we backtrackec'i to the spot where we'd yourself there are no markiirgs r-rp ahead and
. - :. r:air rLrnners usnallv breeze missed a clearlf inarked turn onto a sin$le track you've waited a while and seen no other run-
-: .r:t r-r..':robien-i. Ur-rfortr-tnately. that we had blorvn by because we were shooting ners. backtrack in the direction you carre from
: : ::1:, a,rd r';l.ien it does. Vou can orrr nrourh* offand rrot payrne attention. and look for the la.r cour.e mirkine thar vorl
. ' ,- '.';:r'qiLier. leafi spot all alone The danger is there when you're running par:cd. Mo.r of rhe rinte rhis i: goinglo get vou
. ::-t i Lliti. ttrt. realiZin$ that alone as well. You can get so wrapped up in out of trouble. You usually come to a trail junc-
.--...::: your thoughts or in your music that you stop tion where you missed a turn, or maybe you
ir . : .:-.r-.--: r.c-Earding getting being arvare of your snrroundin$s. I've come out stayed on a road and missed the flags jr-rst down
- ::-. .:. ,: s,.rcl'i a way that it of a reverie so deep that I realized I'd covered the trail you were supposed to take.
: : .:,- :r r,.cier of business is a couple of miles without being aware of anv- Once you reconnect with the correct route,
, - - - .-.:'. :r cloes happen. thin$ around me. If I'd missed a tnrn, I wouldn't yoLl're allowed to officially complete the race
: : :-; -r, r'r rrr:. r'ou shor-rld have a have known about it. as long as you returned to the point where you
. ': .r---Jilall.n provided to partic- The problem is compounded at night when first got off course by foot. You're also allowed
-. race . Fanriliarize yourself with it's dark, you're drowsv, and your mind wanders. to brag about running some bonus miles or
-: ,.rr :rr lou hale a good idea of how It's extra hard to keep a sharp focns on the trail. make jokes about getting more for your mon-
' .:i,. I. r ''-ro-point coverinq CIou .rickr. Iittle bution liehrr. and reflective ey than the other runners who were not lucky
- -' ::r. ''.,hole n'av? Out and back?Are tape are used to $ood effect these days to mark enough to get lost.
. .. i:iile eishts? Are vou clear on the the course at night, but you still have to be dili- If backtracking to find the last course marker
..' :;i.e distance takes versus the route gent. Be sure to move yorlr light around from doesn't work, you've got a few options. One is to
' .-. 'ies? time to time. lf you keep ir locked on the trail use your cellphone to let someone know you're
. - :r:'.lish the point-b1'-point course de- right in front of you, you can miss ,a ribbon lost. If that is not an option, use the whistle you
- : :i .Lr'.lple of tiines. These are often long hanging high above. '.':: :
,' , brought along or yell to make some noise in
--::::ri:cated. so von're not going to retain In one race, i was following reflectiv€l,for!*t-ser- hopes that other runners are not too far away
,:.ri rou'll get ; feel for how ihe vice markers through dark woods when the trail and will respond. If there is a landmark in sight
, -.::.i r ou can pick up some key pieces of took a big fork to the left. I went that way and ran that you recognize lhat you can use to navigate
'' ' ' -rrar mighr heln vou larer on. a mile belore giving up and returning and meet- by, you can try and reach a familiar area on
.' re the race. pay carefoll alrention ing another runner doing the same your own, or if there is a road in the vicinirl'
- ...e directors pre-race briefing. Typi- the fork, we saw the coffect routewas wirh some traffic on it, you can go there and
- -; .1 find out about the standard course right-hand fork marked by reflective a seek help. Whatever you do, don't leave the trail
.-. an! special q'pes of markings, such were high up on two trees on either s and try to make your way cross-country. ffid
, r'.r:eii ribbon to mark tums. and any con trail. Durin$ the day, those arrows Ifall your options fail, then you need to follorr r:"
the classic advice and stay put. Continuing do..-, r:
a trail could be taking you farther away fto::-
where people will eventually be looking for v:'
.:: :liiector will call special attention to certainty and confusion on.your part. Chances are you are not far &om the corrse: ri -
. :.:ckr or confusing turn or loop on the seem possible that you went wrong, just don't know it. Your absence will trigger s*.::: tr
,:. lir:r ir-rformation can sometimes save are not seeing anycourse markings or lnd rescue when you have clearly missed a ci,::.
: .'. -.rld of &ustration when you find, for ners, you need to take stock. First, ta nt or Failed to show up at the finish. You: .-,-.' -
:r :. i oLr',.'e doebled back to the start/finish note of the direction you're going and is to relax, get out of the sun, and wair
It is rare to get completely Iost in an ultra. : .
ing offcourse is bound to happen once:-
rile if vou do enoush racind. There are a - '
confuiing trails out there. People can
-. :'.r' don't let vourselfget so distracted Ask yourself iF indeed the rnarkings th the flags. Your attenfion can fail you ar _--:--
' ' -. .: .:an nlissing rurrrs. And especially don't course have been at re$ular intervals ) critical momenL lts just part of the spt:
:,.---:r..'herrunnErstobedoingall thenavi- haveclearlyexceededthetimethatsh, hey, ifyou do run an
getting more for yourpgney
h -Dl\ Tl^Nl
tv ll\Jl\


:L,ort: \uti iriorrisf

-::: l.rR RACE BEG|NS, YOU BECOI\4E D Si, - r - --

.::-]:"-3.'i i-1OT CONDIT]ONS" FOR THE STARTTHE I,Ji,.._ -_ T : -: ::.c- r-rsually caused by imbal-
.'-:rcies in electrolyte stores
- .J .:T:'] _]YDRAT ON," iHEN READ TH]S ART]CLE VERY CAT-,E;. : - ,.:-. er-id are characterized by
- r 'aiR IPEED

. : -r r-. :.-:t-:,nkir-rg volrr goal pace and plan

r '-.,
Does this mean we do not need to replace socii .-,,. . .,i-, .]:lt:X:;rttH):it3Jjfl
r -.-. : - '.::.. Hear stresses the body. Slowing um and electrolyes losr in sweat? No. bur rr rirar ..r. " r'ise in core re-peia-
. ,-u-.irrabLe pace readjusts that stress. mean we need less-than we think we do. Ahhh... r'.;-.. ,-. -:.-;:> -. rj neakness as well as pos-
. r'. ,'.:t that ad,jr-rstment, should you stop messing too much with Mother Nature. sibie r::.-r:t;. \.rlniriltg and a headache.
- i .: : -l; :ne strategv tl-rat yor-r trained so Much has changed regarding hydration in the I Heaisrroke :s r.,tere the core temperature ris-
- .. -:
'.'.... ,.,.ifi? \Vhile some things, such as past few years. Tim Noakes has written about es ro 10+ or hiqher ar-rd symptoms include
i-: :.-r --,-i:re. do call for a neiv plan if the race the research in his new book, Watedoggert. And t-eaknes.. confiision, and pbssibly uncon-
- : :-::.-r. r.. be hot i.e.. slon' down and wear Loyola Universitys Jonathan Dugas explains, "lf scior-rsness. Because heatstroke is a complete
,:. :-=. teied shin - surprisingly, hydrating you run a lon$ race and you have no access to faiiure of the bodys thermostat, sweating
, - -r. .r-.; :'ealli' do not. especially if you are fluids, here's what's going to happen. Your per- ceases and the skin becomes dry or hot. This
.. ..:: ::rared. E!en' rur-rner r,vill benefit fiom formance will be affected because your bodls is a life-threatening emergency where imme-
':. -,::.:r-r-.aiization. eYen if vour race is in cool- core temperature is rising slightly [due to no diate medical attention is necessary. Accord-
, , -- .r :i, \1!rf e aboLlt this later.) fluidsl. But you wouldn't get too hot-you would ing to Dr. Noakes and Dr. Dugas, we don't
slow down. The magnitude of that performance actually know a lot about the mechanisms
:...:qS OF RUNNING IN THE I.IEAT detriment is i to 3 percent, when compared of heatstroke, but it rarely happens to en-
. . -:.---;=h dehvdratror"r'' is the word that against those who drink to thirst. The body durance runners The consensus of current
. . :--lis to r-nind rvhen discussing hot will self-regulate, given the conditions. You can research suggests that some combination
: j- :t t--.1]li119. ]-rvdration actually does very drink up to 100 percent
'-: -- reclrLce cofe telrlperature. a potential ofyour body mass, and
::->..rpper nten rut-rning rn heat. In extreme it won't keep you from HOW MUCH SHOULD YOU DRINK? CURRENT
:':, ro anlolillt ofdrinking is $oin$ to change TUNNiN$ SIOWCT.,.
t tne annaern ^
: -:.I that voll're going to go slower. I nrorc
l-:r bodies have a self-regulatory system - has is that people cin- "AD LIBITUIVI" - TO YOUR THIRST - ENOUGH T0
.-t :rotT altticipatiol-t - where our neruous sys- tuse the ideas of fluid LIMIT FLUID LOSSES T0 TWO PERCENT OR LESS
:-- :isulates our performance by allowing us balance and volume
'.',:r'k hard enough to reach our highest safe bal-
- 'crruefRlure. but no higher.
. main-
>.. :s hvdration still important? Yes, hydra- tAiNin$ performanc? CAUSE YOU To DEVTLOP THE POTENTIALLY
.:r . still kev to fluid balance and being fluid- ^ 0alanced
belng llurcl
,. .:rced means yoll keep that fluid concen- -.un, you keep that FATAL CONDITICN 0F HYPONATREMIA
:. :--:: rhe san-re inside and outside the cells. fluid concentration the
. .-:-r: is ker'. You don't want to end up like an same inside and out-
::' :.:le pluur (too mr-rch fluid) OR a wrinkled- side the cells. "Drinking even half of what you of genetic predisposition, infection, musclr
: ::-"-.i-e,roo little). sweat out during a race will accomplish this damage, sleep deprivation and high leve1,
. ,.,-i i:alance allows us to go faster before we goal, a wonderful revelation for those who have of exertion may lead to heat stroke.
..-: : hieh core temperature. To be more spe- suffered bloated runs for far too lon(."
::- --r: ::king flr-rids allor,vs us to keep our blood HEAT ACCLIMATIZATION
- :'. to t]ormal which in turn keeps our IIEAT ILLNESSES Proper heat acclimatization is probably i
::- r'-:it irieh. nhich in turns cools our body For the sake of explanation, dehydration and most important thing you can do to decre:
'-' ,...--'.',s nrore ovgen per heart contraction heat illnesses (heat cramps, heat exhaustion and rhe dangers of running in the heat. preven'
. ::=-.,,;r.ecl to or-rr workin$ muscles. heatstroke), can be a concern of ultrarunners ex- perthermia and increase your performance -
:: .' ::r-r;l.r sl-rouLd vou drink? Current ACSM ercising in hot weather, but not as much as one come in a race. This can be accomplished :
- : .-.:: r.iirrmllend drinking "ad libitum" to would think. According to Eric C,oulet, Ph.D., of a tworweek period by slowly increasing trai:-
, -.-.::-'i .nolrqh to limit fluid losses to two Sherbrooke University in Ouebec, after looking volume, and then intensity in the heat. Wte:'
-::-.- -r' .::s of r-our bodv mass. Drinking too at five studies that had athletes perform time you go to a hot place to train and acclimar..
. ,' ::lr ieep Vou cooler, and it could cause trials at various stages of dehydration, his find- wear layers of clothes and exercise in a s;.,
- ::: ...'-. dre potentially fatal condition of ings, released in the British Journal of Sports your body will go through different stasr.
r ':u-:,.. :iponatrerria is literally "water Medicine, contend that not only is drinking to heat adaptation.
' -:- :'. . :::-ditior-i r,i'here the runner acts thirst the best method of staying hydrated, but In addition to environmental heat il:..
r ": , : r: ..:i.. -Jnink. As the blood volume those who drank less or more than their thirst ing body heat, the body naturally produces .
, ::.:: '- -- :-:-.-;::l ,.'.ater.thebOdybeCOmeS mechanism indicated performed poorer in the as a result of breakin$ down energy store: i
-:,:' - ::a)r'-inr cOncentratiOn.thrOw- time trials. the amount is proportional to exercise inre r'.
: :-- . -: :t.' it-:i l..rallv Out Of whaCk. thus raising an athlete's core body rempe
. .'-' .:a :::erizatior-t. vour body As the brain senses an increase in core ter
'' --., ::.::11llltl intake. If your ture, blood flow is increased away from th.
. ' - : : t-. -la>i. .odirut-r losses in ofthe body. resulting in an increase in
r .. - r.. adverse eflects.

, output and increased heart rate durine .

.;.,:;"'' :.. 'prc1uoua,tpFttl alas pnprnpw unro
..,, elul tet'do slg apew - tljOl moh rlsqqara pua [lasmofi'rulofin lmtu no.71
'atmpa Suuuntt ro 1aJlpelu su "tou'anlnufap m
penusuol aq 01 iou q I'anueuauodftq ot anp
sal:TUil [o nqtmm a lo s4tlrap a1p uo pesaq
pafluatp aMLI sa"ullapu1fl uorruryfu1 lrqt sseu
-e.Luwa alaan ol papualw sL e7)ufi slql :31oN
']eaq o] a:nsodxa aq) sem par;e^ ]eq] $uture;1 aqi
Vsrul* o+ 7^t0+S u,:a;! sA va {ns< fr4var@ 3o arard dluo aq1 'slueruuorlua taloo) ur aler
,{aqi uaq,tr uaAJ 'JJueLu;oJ;ad 1er.r} Jtun lnot{
s8eg uase6l -euo pue ]ndlno .rartrod Ierulxeru 'tndtno lelpleJ
IEr.ulxeLu 'ploqselq] JlelJel 'xEr.u 761 :ano.rdtur
o] adoq srauunJ IIe sernseaur aqt ur sureF parnp
-o;d s;auun; peureri-leaq pemoqs ,{pn1s 1eq1
'dpn1s uofla;g go ,{1rs;anru11 }ueJer e o1 fiutp.ror
;'nod.roj sIJo^\ auo qlrq,ry\ aes o] sat8ale;]s uotl AIlueJSruFrs aq uer )ee ol ajlsep erl] asnelag -le 'Furure;] ]eoLI Jo lraga lueseald Jeqloue aq
a -e:p.r{q pue Fur1ary tua.ragtp .ttl pue a}eurlrl€ 'JJrnos lJry e se ]BJ uo JJuerlJr -raq pa,tordrur ol lno surni rrrLlf isMru poo8 aql roJ MolJ
o] a-rns aq os oi sassaulll ]eaq pue IIUJ ol aler{ iou .{eu :o ,{eru aqs 'uaeq seq }uaLuuoJ ]eaq aq] o1 uorleldepe
7. "rnrro alaldruor E Jo af,uaprla o;e srelreru aserl] 'Jaqla;
Z uals.{s arrr}ra}o.rd lensn aq} Fursner '}EeIUaAo oi -r^ua ]oq e o] uorlEzrleLullsJu s,louunJeJlln 3LI]
Z purpuadaq iuoliezlllin 1e3 uo d1a.r -oJ '{ro.{\ Jo }unotuB etues aq} urJoJjao o} p3
l Jlasir urerq aLIi roJ elqrssod osle sr lt pue (,{e,u Ila.ry\ ^\oq uo
-,{ue ayrq,lae .ro3) .,uorle"rp.{qap lsed qsnd,. ol ayq llr]\ pue olreuaJs slq] pro^e ueJ no^'pJZllBtulll -poau sjequ allsn(U Jo J3qLLInu pasEorlap e pLIe
5 -rssod sr ll '+esltEJ e lou \l ursrtteqJJu :tqt dus -re )eaq are nod Jr 'asrnol gg druanga opsnw ',{]rsuelur osrf,raxa a^rlelaj paseaJrap'aleJ ]ee^\s
deq] ua.ta inq 'syadxa aq] tuod ]uallnJ sasearJep a:nle;adua] allsnu ut aseo;f,ul ue pes€arlur ue qFno;qt lelorual ]eeq pasealllll
^alllpe e se .{poq aq} uo uleJis uI uolilnpaj
]saq aLI] sl slqJ JIeslI lua^e eq] Fulrnp ISUIHJ asneleq pue Aneder Ieulxeru ;o eFeiuar;ad JO Unsar
e ot palnqu]]e eq uel (,,ctqorae o] JIqoleeLIE
xno^ ol )\ltc 'urql pue peterp.{q rrer ro alrtelar ;aqBrq e 1e olelqle aq]-o] anp
uru Furure;] ;no.4 ]rels o] alns aq '[teruruns u1 uorleTrlrln leJ pJSeJrJap pue Jsn elelp^qoqre) urog e^our aqi osle pue) leJ uo oluellal pesEajl
AUVWnnS paseaJrur ur sllnseJ
]eaq aq] ut Sutute;I
'isrrq] rraq].!sr1es ot qpnoua slur"rp uos.rad aq] se 'spaau .{F;aua raq} }eeLU
fiuo1 se arueuuoJred uo ll3Ja ou st a;atl] palelp 1yr1s .{aqr }eq} InJarel
st ACOE unc
'nO cNrr:r
-.{qep luauad-o,^ t sauoraq .{l1enperF pue pa}erp aq ol pseu salalq]e os IVHM NVHI E]HIVU HCIVM UNO NO C]SV:
-{q ,{ttry }se} asrf,raxa ue sutfiaq uos;ad e uaq,u 'a+rladde pasear)ap o]
'TJAaMOH 'ueJq \L aJUBLU"rOl.rad UO rrag: antteSau peal uer ]uaruuojr^ua llnC:HOS NOIIVUCAH V l\ 0l-l0l z\-lSf-lOUOOi:
e 'arout .ro pate:p.{qap }uar.rad-o,ul }sa} astllaxe ]oq e 'la^e.^ oH 'arnle UON ,,AISUIHI:U,NOA ]EOI]B YNIEC, ON O:
ue surtaq uoiled e uaq yasrf,raxa Jo ]noq e o] -radrual,{poq ure}ureut
;oud a:nsodxa leaq a.r.tssed q8no;qt palnpul sdlaq ]uaruuoJllue
sr uorle.rp.{qap 'sarpn}s atuos ul 'urlell uollelp aq] asneraq iuauad ang .{lelerurxo.tdde dg ape -ul aql 'a1ejp.{qoq.rer uPq} laq}el alrnos lery !
-trqap luer;ad-ol ] aq] palsa] s;aqlteasal -ra^e uo paseajJap sl JlPl Jlloqeieru Butlsax se ]eJ uo oluerlar relea.tE e snql pue rustloqL'-
^\orl 'Futute;] fiur.rnp .ro3 pelunolf,E -Jr.u JrqorJe ol JIqOJJBUP r.uo{ ulqs iuergtttdr-
uo \Jrpnls ue)MrJq JJUeIJ#rp drq e tr a;aqf
'a1se1 alqeaa.rfle aq] o] ppe pue sptnu
Jo uorl aq ]snLU leq] ulslloqelaru ul sulqs Ielenas salua
e dq payeur osle sr uorleldepe ataldruo3
-d.rosge JSBJTJuT osle lll^ 'utloJ tJlqel Surnlossrp -r.radxa toq sr leql Juo or a;nteladrual JlerJpoul
'sjaa.l o.&\] ur palelduror sr ale; ]ee.,lts uI aseaj:
ro JlnsdeJ ul uJlet ro lulrp sljods e uLqll\\ pe ro loof, e tuo4 FuroF ;auunrerlln uV 'Luealls -ul IIry aqJ'asrf,raxe Fur-rnp (Futloor .ro;) alesrr::.
-]e;od;orur raqlla'satdloJllolg]uaruuotllua ]oq pootq aq] Fuuaiua prnbtl pue salrolet Jo aler -LuOl Ol AiUl ]EaA\S SOSeAIJUI pue SIASaJ ule.Ll
e ur Burure;t uaqm isaq are splnu plol o] Ioo:) ramols E Dursner snrl] 'u.{\op oF uortdrosqe }ua aqJ 'aur.rn pue ]ea.ry\s uI ]sol sl ssal oJoJe"Iau-
'dpoq aql ,(q paq.rosqe uer tr dlirrnb pue -rJlnu pue Fur.rirdrua l.rlseF 'dn oF sa:nle.tadrua] pue alueleq otdlorlJale a.uasa;d o) aplrolll ptr:
sluanuul se'dlateun].ro;un'anfrteg a;nletua.rd ]uana;d unrpos Furq.rosqea: ].reis uaq] s,{aupt>1 aqJ'}Ea'r;
alalqle ue o] aq III.{\ }I alqElEIPO
^\oq ^l pup sretsuep Jnoqe Jq] JZll-ururLu ol lueuodtut aql ur Furstr.taxe allq.l uoluaxe pa.ntar;ad _1t-
luergruprs uer afie:aaaq e;o a;nle;adrual aq1
'saldtuexe roJ leqopls aql aas sr rBaq Jql ut sJJet pue sunr Buunp ptng pue aier paseajrep pue olel uEer{ paseajlap e s3sllE:
'arnleradula] .{poq lo;ltror dlaq a;garaql pue 1ary arenbape ur JIBI sleuunrerlln tBql 3utrnsu3 ]er{} arunlol eurseld uI aseartul ue sI a.Iatll
pezrloqelau ueq,&\ ]eaq ssel alnpoJo spooJ asaq] SC:llt', NOIIVUOAH ANV ADHINI uollerriBufllJJe 1o s,{ep M4 lsrU aql Sur.rnc
'uorlrppe ur 'pue (.reqg go Ilel oi anp qloq) ,,11ry,, reeq ,ipoq pue alsE.1',
yaaS no.{ aIelu }ou op lsaFtp o} Jatsee ale spooJ iluroF tafi puu s.ra,{e1 er}xa aq} }no iaB Jo lP^oruar aq] aursealJul pue .&altlap uafl,trc
asaqJ'spooj anprsal-Mol asEalJul o] sl uolloo ro puelsr ]oq e ol du) ]eLI] ueld os'Furute;] apn] Furureluretu dq uorlrury JIaq] aleullJeJ o] salr
puoras V 'a1e.rp[qar o] pasn splng Jo ]ua]uor -rllE o] relrurs s€.{\ }laJJe eq} Jo apn}Iuderl aLIJ -snru purryom o] palnqr;isrp uaq] sr poolq srL{I
JrJolEJ aql JseJJJul o] st ,{8:te't}s tsrg JLll'pJlJ
-plsuor Jq plnoq\ surBluoJ pooJ e (laqU) Jnptirl
Jo tunoue aqt pue palsalur plng Jo sad,[^aq1 laqel aqt uo ]unoup iaqr+ aLlI )laql - sreg slods ]sot
'saJJnos ]uaJaJJIp lela^as qDnolLI] satloo: '{pue: pJeq 'satl}sed - snoauPlla)sllA reonsTm ea1 pa)l'sepos'sa)tnf
slaunq lnu 'l3unq ]nuead - slel ptnll 'xolnpuf 'ouluV
]aLU aq ueJ speau dfi;auE 'suotlels ple aql ]e nrlol ']sealq - salnlrlsqnS leaN 'sleaN ^ia^o)au
'3]rJano)aU 'Mar€ fua^olaung - slutJC
pue sBeq do;p ur qtoq 'elqelte^e sprng pue ^a)Jnl
)lrur alelo)oq) ro )1ul ua^a 'asaaq: 'yn6oA - futeq ^la^o)au
,,{6rau3 pautelsn5'ruanladra4
spooJ alqeteled 3o [1aue.r. epr.{\ e a^eq o} }saq 'pulMlleI'Z-drlf MaJgng'eulrrtln'paaH'aperoleg
'xe s) u r J
1ur1s1noqr1m)saotrelodt"#?'r""1;fi ff *n;"']i" u oy{1'ord o q r p) - y":
sr ]l 'asr)Jaxe qrns Fur"rnp alqeaa;Fe elsel leq] 'sur+nu 'sllor 'pearq alrqm - sarlr#l1$n"# :"t#.,:: r:t?f ft :l
sprnu pue spoo; $tluapt o] teuun;€Jlln ue lo; solnotl iluo'tv) utH9tH
]ueuodrut sr ]r 'sluaLLIUo;IAua ]oq uI palnpel


:j, :
^ rf,tto<tinn<tn
- ^ 3
- ''.rlJl

:a : .\nn: -
:,:rd an e\peft opinion on this runninybeer , -..::.:rcred mv first lo0-mile race (San Di-
;.l+-on. Ir-e heard that beer acs as an anti-in- e:!: , -,, and failed; only made it to mile 5t.
i,.-::-.:::arcn-. Hare you ever had a "cold one" after \er$ I iiel more intimidated to tackle another
,. a-:! mn? Do I'ou think it aids in your recoveq/ 100-miler. \\hat can I do to alleviate the intim-
aciuallv prefer a stronger IPA after a hard idanon and fear factor? Post-IO0-mile attempt,
* -Lre - .rroneer
-.-^*n^, tDA^
lPAs L^-.^
have a^ L:,L^.-
higher rDr (tn- n$$Q
tsUr /r.^ I feel unmotivated. How do I get out of this
----'..,:..nal Bittemess Units) rating and I am -,.f slunrp periodz
,',::iering if this better effects my recovery. - Super Turtle
::-.-, -r.ight into this or your experience and Dear Super Turrle.
::.:e:ences ri'ould be wonderful. I can torallv relate. You may not realize it, but I
- Glen did not firrish n.n'first two attempts at 100 miles.
I learned r-rlore those two experiences than I did
' '- . .,- araalient qnestion. You must be a very from the approximate twenty 100-mile runs I
.:".: i'-:ie. Screntific studies have shown that have finished. As I see it, this is a great oppor-
"n.ed heln rlirh inflammation. There tunity to do what I did and reflect on what
, . -r.:::.: correlation between IBUs and the bev- worked and what you would do differently pre-
ch bouquet of polyphenols, chemical paring for and running your next big run.
.:.:-::s found in many plants that, among My hunch is maybe you were a bit underpre-
::rr-rgs. sLlppress viral replication" and Ann - pared and unaware of the physical and mental
:r-..e the innate immune system positively," What are the must-have items you advise put- preparation that goes into successfirlly complet-
. . . rai _'^
for --t.'_.'-D.-''
fishrinE off -a cold. ting in your dropbag for a loo-miler? Have ing your first 100. The first thing you need to do
''-. -,, d:s:nnoint hrt the beer of choice you ever screwed up packing your dropbag is figure out what specific problems made you
' -:-: .rierrtists is indeed non-alcoholic. Accord- and forgotten to include these things, and if drop at 51, and research and practice ways to
. -- -ire \nl
York Tnnes in April zott, "A new so, how did you manage to get through it? avoid or get through those problems next time.
.r', t.porls that beer is an excellent recovery - Sarah You should also take into consideration the
. ,.:-:'..e fbr rnarathon runners. But you may not Dear Sarah. specific conditions that you encountered at the
-.r-. :. start a raucous celebration just yet. The I love dropbags. They can be such a great tool race. According to Scott Mills, the race director
-ree,ir e nnlr. if i1 was nonalcohol.ic." in your racing strategy. Mileage of dropbag loca- for the San Diego 100, "the heat index at the hot-
-..r. r.ou are probably speculating that alco-
tion, and the time of day are two key ingredi- test and toughest sections of the race was esti-
..: rvould be drenched in polyphenols, ents to proper use of this wonderful seryice that mated to be 113 degrees." So, do not beat yourself
' - l:. Scheer. of the Technical University of so many races provide. up too much as only 46% of the field did finish.
1.1-::-.,;rL. rr,ho did the study, did find that in- I am a firm believer that either dropbags As for feeling in a slump, we've all been
--.- j ...lcoholic beer does contain loads of poly- should contain what will not be at aid stations, there. Ask yourself what made you want to try a
::-..:-...,s. The key issue is the amount of beer a or grabbing your items from a drop will be 100-miler in the first place? It's okay if you can't
- -.r:;: ,,',-or"ild have to consume. FOr maximum much faster than grabbing from the tables at reconnect yei with that desire to graduate to a
.r-.ii. rhe runners in the study had to con- the aid station. It is unlikely that an aid station 100. I suggest you put that goal on a shelf for a
:, -:-.: -., liter and a half of beer a day. will have extra batteries and/or a long-sleeved while - maybe months, maybe years and fo
.'. ir not kr-row whether the side effects of al- shirt in your size for a cold evening. cus on doing your best and having fun at 50Ks
- .-. ..: ileer rvould cancel out the positive effects Pack and re-pack, my dear. You will want and 50Ms. Importantly, run these races at paces
.. : : r rl'e nolr,,nhenols." Dr. Scheer wrore. "Fur- items that you are sure to use on top and ones faster than your goal pace for 100 miles.
rr '\ not no\\ihle ro drink one and a hall that you may want on the bottom. Once you nail those distances and builci
. ..r.'oholic beer per day. especially not dur- And, think ofyour pacer, ifyou are fortunate back your confidence, then you'll get that irch
'. : r-r---ioLrs training." We all know that, right? enough to have one. I always asked pacers what to try a 100-miler again, and you'll be mucl:
-::c are sorne wonderful non-alcoholic they might want to add. more ready for it.
.-:.. ::.iai. r'es indeed, I have been known to A very important rule is to think about who Another great way to overcome fear and gai:-
. ..: -., :lld one after a run. My favorite at the is going to be schlepping your dropbag around. motivation for a 100 is to get out on a 100-mr :
:'--rr-:r-.: i: Erdinger Weissbier N/A A good No kitchen sinks! Race directors should not be course as a pacer or crew person. Watch ar.--
-. .:-.:. :--:s iold r-ne her favorite postrun drink concerned about whether or not they have dis- learn from those who are doing it. I bet you .

:.. 1;: bv Guinness). I have also been known ability insurance if an aid station volunteer her- return from a weekend of crewing and want :
' -.= :eer as an ice pack after a hard race. niates a disk carrying your bag around. sign up for a 100-miler right away. lf thar d .
l : i::.rck rt: when else can you have two Of course I have forgotten critical items or not do the trick get energized by runnine ;:
. '. r '.-.:rl-t one stone? wished I had added an item. My favorite story your favorite trails.
is when a good friend, to be unnamed, forgot Dump the slump! I
extra batteries and/or an extra flashlight in his
drop bag. Bummer. Both he and his pacer's Aym Trason k a l4-ttme womet't's chnnpion at '.. -
flashlights ran out of juice with to miles of Western Sfates 100, and set World Records at : .
pitch-black running to go. They ended up "bor- s)-wile (s :40:18 1n 1991), looK Q :00:47, 199s), 12-H c
rowing" glow sticks for lights. Not a fast way to (9l n.Jles 1312 4ards,1991) md loo*ile (13:47:42. t9.
get to the finish of a 100. distmces. Anttwas co diector oJ the Fretatls sc'
, Lastly, always - and I mean always remem- northel'n Califoniafor 10 leors, md, has tattgh ,
; ber to get your drop from the finish. Get an app ence at the htgh scltool and" coLlege levels.
6 for your phone, leave a note on the dash ofyour
! vehicle but, for pete's sake, pick up your drop
{ from the finish and take it home.
,rl ' ' ,-..,,i.,.

-"- t'lo '' '=

qf _: .-
L-rr.i1l1-e I l

.; 1:
' ;E;'>

-:i rn 1970'
..: - . ' r -i,::.:. oi.ernighting in cheap motels...
- -- itook uilts l:-:..
. or cellteterre! :t-:) :t- - t.-r ,: r ).
r: lli.1,!ii"i{1111g:li'rl*,:fJl i had ever ru' my map Qle\\ a' .i - ,
',:" ill:l'i':T::'ff'\ i'i"'"vti";o :,isandra took ne to aLkan:;:. 31.1 .c.r nt€ out.
road' a week later i:horred rrp ..-.'. ..:..
.-i*1:*;; the call or the oPen
(she loves to tell people
,,. always find my r,vav thathorre
i-rt_r nrarre r rvhere she dumps me, i
to run' r

to plan new places

:,i,.:'tl'.'o:t?:lHllLt:tltile the ciry'
,: somewhere along the way.
my goal became to add every cor-rntv in the state to my map...
l,' :tlsl ILl,I,ffi:
;"i i' ;' ;"'k" of course there are rules.
l r,l :],'i':H ;:, ;"^'J
all the lines have to connect.
. i eor orrr ,:i'lji".TLlse,
_ _,.r lll: i had been. the n.rap i have now is something to see.

, . .l't r,\'\1lti,i$$:ffi it is 30 leet long, and 5 feet tall.

it is crisscrossed with lines;
. ::1[';^' .ve*he it is not enough to do every county,
:"-....-t.. ' i have to do every route between every cit5z.
{ the annexation of new cour-rties eventually slowed.
t. rutherford counties
t ,t-- tt-t;'o,l-,tot; included
lincoln' moore' and (there are 95 counties in tennessee)
many of the counties are far away.
tt a con cep'i . some lacked suitable roads for trekking.
,' I : . I iI;':: i?f,?JtX' i::ili,'ii''11
tf; and i spent a lot ofhappy days running new roads in counties
arreaoy on tne map.
' ,:l'\l,ti"t ,Ji?"atnnta mv capabilities' but the map has never stopped growing.
you could run no frrrther'
. -::rq \\-as not just what happened when i.have never real)y had a plan.
'',*: there were so tnany counties, and so many runs to do.
i would just pick something new, plan it and do it.
l::::':" i''T,i.'.J"lilfr'r'^y:)r'
the hortzon
. ,,.'ii',"tt"-panded beyond ' i.have seen s_ome changes durir-rg the,13 years of this project.
the days of doing 30 mlles at 9 minutes ; mile,

i;,i'ffX#lLn;il' ::'$;$ pl;"h ffiff:,J"
a mbi ti ous
- and calling it "taking it easy" seem like a dream.
these days, as an old man with over 100,000 miles on the
odometer, and a crippled leg,
20 minute miles feel like flying.
a noob catr ntake' but i have never forgotten the ultin,ate goal.
-, r ntaking every mlslake altho i cannot go "fast" any more!
,."*i*'x n::',ul *fi f i's'iir,l.,:"ll' vo I st al e
the horizon is still only limited by the time i have available.
For another ctayl
r,.,l1r-rl,' lt'Jnither last night it dawned on me that the end is drawing near.
mv skill set and mv it was finally time to sit down and take a count on what i have lei
:i"'i'l';J;*0.{,;1"1t"'.l:: what i came up with is 7 "runs" on my bucket list.
r0omler fannv pack' 7 "runs" i have to do before i die.
:[1,1 5:!ili l"l':t55h"''
""" if i could do any run i wanted.
i, : t'J#
:'r:itil.x l ",1x3'J : Jil'
i:lil these are the runs i would do:

tn bartlett to.milan (haywood and crockett county) - 80 miles

growine ryv':ry llliTif ,t?l'i;l;
il:H,'li iL1ti,;,'!'"il
ian ouernisht ;i to sandra's dad's house brownsville bisects this one right in the middle.
convenient for making this a nice challenging 2-day run.
ikkton for i ran the 1976 jackson marathon, which wentlnto Crockett,
1T wd5 rF
d ',""-''-; : I .-:::':^:0,1,"Ti]"
wrrrLr,r ^,. yOU
went. and does connect.
o n,Y:'^tl"
i ng on
Jepending ]:':t'--
5",'".*. but,that was pre-map, and apparently the actual course is
i.[.nruutiy ill.:l \1:n; lost to hlstory.
ii5;Ht'i',il'ffi ,.d"{iqm*#il',i$J,\rJ[gh"'ru'"it'
wav to the eatherlnes
#fi0*:t;,:'"#iL:?' ih;i; it doesn't count unless i can mark it in.
J]]UINVI ^rv9,t r3!.t\v) vuc\vs - cvluas stHl so-o\c -- -
'pEor uedo aLI] -Jo IIer aq] Fuueaq ]noqil^\
'Aul^ll iou sI FUI^rl
'eq plnoqs 1r .{em aql sl }Elli Pue
'aiuIiaJII e ul
alalduror ueJ l ueql atu ol flur11er peo"r uado alou sl olaq]
deu aqt elaldtuoc oI sunl eq] sI ]sll slql
'auopun laq}oJo sirazop dq }q3nef, se'^ a'(a '{ut
1au{ se speo;
' r'stt srql Surieda.ld sE.^ I se eurll eures eql ]E
'a111 ,(tu 3o unr 5a1ea.rfi rq] rq plnom ]Eq] Iulql I
' e s n r o3
1 1
*"' r
?,1 [:J
trtffi rt',?i' Xl' ti"ri':^':iJ
.{ru;o ued e uaaq a^eq oqm sloq}o pue 'urp pue'qrnp
'qsIUU iuealp Alu uI
..'surrr.. rsJql op o] JLU ro1 alqrssod tr 3ut1eu pue
o,^ il,1 H 3i"tr","'i i;;m::t
's;ee.{ }uaca; ur 1ry;aptio'tt uaaq anbq '{aqt pue
's.rea.{ aqt JaAo spual{ pooF 'tueut epeiu anetl }nq
^l SI
'suolletlull IBIJU^BUU Aui
sdep asaql allelsqo leal eql 'suollelltull lells^qd AUI JllOSJp
']qFrr sruaas tsnf (sutee-tP
,{uelu os ;o ar-uoq) Iv eqi }e Furpua lnoqe Eutqlaluos
's uJr.r.l lJulo lcafotd".{ru atelduror-ot unr agi e{II sruaos lsnf srql
sapu 0s (&uhbr rooiun) 1re'rt uerqreledde
oq] o] uI^&Ie ol AlIr uosuqoL
''"f3yHl.$'frf#""' .{aql aJns }ou ure I pue 'ssapaplnotls eq oi pasn s:peo'r asaqt
'rgJe.I] ]slJnoi I
1ru f1orus aqi lo3- ldarxa 'oFe atut] puol e stql auop a^eq ptl
szltwr_61- (satlunol
Jarlas pue apor) alpuoul o] elllzr-lalles ol ]Jod'l ou ol olllluaa;d
'surelunotu ,44oius aqt ur dn
sallul 8z - (satlunoo ;41-tuc
pue uosuqof dln gnlq oi uoltlisq€zlla o] AlIl ulelunolu o] Iolsllq
'srnoq 9€ punoleJo uru snonuDuoJ e sE slql op 01 a^ol plnoM I 'ilI sn uo
sallur'gg - (sartunor auaalfi pue uoltulqse'u) u'^AolslJlolu o] Iolsllq
]a,{ -}rauuor iou sJop }l lnq 's861
punole iteq suII,^ Eq pue lro)ueq uI un.t alltu 0? e plp I
^lunor 'dep Fuol auo
salru 09
- (Aunoc 4rorueq) alprrs;aFo-t oi alll^paeus o) Flnqseloour
'trep poo! auo
'salrru 9t - (rlunor uorun) l1a,uaze] o] alll.{xouI


by DonaLd h,waglio

Over the past several years, innovations in hy-

dration science have evolved at a somewhat
steady rate; it seems like every summer there
are advanced formulations, newly discovered
ingredients, or enhanced electrolyte blends that
promise to improve our performance. For the
containers that hold those drinks. however. it
was a different story.
Historically, ultrarunners had one of three
options for carrying fluids on the go: a 20-oz
water bottle in the hand, a bottle in a waist
pack, or a fluid reservoir in a backpack. And
while there are minor differences from one
company's products to another's, there has
been relatively little variation in those prod-
ucts from year to year, and minimal expansion
of the types of products thal were offeied.
Recently all that has changed, and now
there's almost a larger and more varied selec-
tion ofhydration carriers than anyone can keep
track of, That's not to say we can't have fun
trying, though.
This is the first of a two-part series devoted
to all the options at your disposal to make hy-
dration on the trail as fast, efficient, and us-
er-friendly as possible. In part 1, we'll look at
handheld and waist-mounted packs (or as I like
to call it, Bottlepalooza), with back-mounted hy- size and shape are rampant; if you can't find and UltrAspire's Molecular Belt System -.
dration packs to follow in Part 2 next month. something you like, you haven't looked hard fer 8-oz bottles as part of their lineup, E,
So how do you determine where you stand enough. time you step up to tO-oz bottles, almosi : ,
on the bottle vs pack question? For most of Take size for example, where less has appar- one's at the party: CamelBak, UltrAspire_
us, it's a matter of trial and error. personal ently become more. Small-volume fluid contain- timate Direction, Amphipod and Nathar
preference, and situational needs. Having ers debuted on the triathlon scene, but ther/ve have entries in this category.
said that, it's safe to make a few qeneralities crossed over almost seamlessly to rhe ullra com- Small flasks can be carried in hand holsr.-
about deciding between a bottlJ pack and munity. The smallest trail running flask is Salo- worn on the waist either individually or ::-. *-
hydration pack. mon's 5-oz Hydro Sense (ga0 for the handheld tiples. For example, CamelBak's lineup in: . :
Bottle packs either hand-mounted or waist- version) soft-sided container, while CamelBak's the Arcl waist pack with one bottle (g3s). th; r::_
mounted - carry less fluid and gear, and typical- Podium Arc, Amphipod's Runlite Air6tretch, with two bottles (gas), and the Arc4 (960) i:- . _
ly weigh less than a vest or backpack. Hydration
ro packs are built for larger volumes, and are ideal
when you have limited support or need to be
I prepared for a wider variety of conditions. Con-
{ sequently, many runners use hydration packs
E for long training ourings, or for ultras that fea-
ii ture multi-hour stretches between aid stations.
; Smaller, lighter handhelds or waist packs are
often preferred for training runs with periodic
access to aid (such as a drinking fountain, con-
venlence store, or your car), or races with more
lrequent aid station support.
Bottle packs are more versatile and generally
considered easier to clean than hydration packs, as
the standard 2Goz bottle is simple to wash, dry
and re-use. However, that's not alwa5n the case with
some of the new bottles, as we'll discuss shortly.
They also used to be the cheaper option. but with
some of the more advanced bottle sr,stems. vou can
shell out as much as you will for a backpack or vest
So what exactly has changed in the world of
bottle packs? Mainly, it's the bottles themselves.
That standard 20-oz bottle you used to use is
anything but standard nowadays in fact, it's
almost becoming the exception. DifFerences in


We recently had the good fortune of talking David Horton also is race direc,-, - : , --.r\. arld the media. It is not con-
with ultrarunning legend David Horton out at of our sport's greatest ultramarathor: :.,.-:. : . .: :, :. -:.'lnnatic sport for old runners to
the Western States 100 this summer. Mountain Masochist 50-mile. the Pror.n::; ,-': - - i :-: '.'.le 11 they can't run laster any more.
David is a Professor of Health Sciences and 50K and Holiday Lake 50K. . -.' . -: . ,e nd rvill continue as ultrarunning
also teaches running classes at Liberty Univer- Naturally we started firing questior-is ar r:-... .: : r r.: .rrd rlore $ood press. And you can
sity in Lynchburg, Virginia. His running class man, and this is what he said: :.:-...:-... ... :r in tl-re field at Western States every
is unique in that for the advanced class's final -!i:ir..-. .'. .'.lre|e the top ten performances could
exam. the students get to run an ultramarathon. UR What is your biggest take away from \\iesr a'.i r.l:t- '.'.:rr :0 lrarlv other races in years past.
And who better to teach and inspire people ern States this year?
to run ultras? David has completed over 100 of DAVID I thought the top three runners' per UR \\hai is rhe biggest difference in east and
them, with over 35 wins. And we're not talking formances this year were better than all other n'est coast ultlas?
just any wins. David won the Hardrock 100 in performances before. In others words, all other DAVID This is trickl, because you can't lump all
1993, recorded a remarkable finish at the Barkley rlrnners' times would have been ranked below east coasi races into one category, and vice versa.
Marathons, completing the five grueling loops of the top three this year. Mike Morton was just so n'ith d-iat proviso. I think more of the east coast
the course in 2001, and the JFK 50, among numer- five minutes off his course record time from 16 tultras are events." What do I mean by events?
ous others. Hofton's philosophy and passion is to years ago and it was hotter and more humid Most Llltras on the east coast have pre- and post-
pursue and achieve one's full potential when run- than I have ever seen it at WS, the conditions race gatherings/meals and each finisher under a
ning, and this drive has taken him beyond even were bad and yet the men's times were unreal. designated time wins a usable award. I think this
ultramarathons. In 1991, he set the speed recordfor It will be hard to top this year. may relate to one big fundamental difference. Is
the 2,144-mile Appalachian Trail in a mere 52 days the objective of the race to make money or put on
$cteaking the prior record by ro days). UR How do you think the race has changed a great event? I think more of east coast ultras C:
Over a dozen years and thousands of miles
over the years? not have a primary objective of making moner'.
later, David set the record for the 2,627-mile DA.VID The biggest change in ultrarunning over
Pacific Crest Trail (PCT) in 2005, an adventure the last 20 years is in the number of runners who UR You have a long history of bringin.Q pe.
that is documented in one of our favorite mov- want to run races like Western States. and the ple into our sport. especially some very strou:
ies of all time, The Rr{ruxer. But our intrepid, age of the runners competing. More and more youn$ ultrarunners. How have you been a1: -
and competitive, tunner didn't complete his youn{ fast runners have taken up u\trarunning. to do thist
epic-fast, long lourneys lust on trails, he also Many very fast collegiate runners now continue EAVID i have tau-eht and sti\\ rt:: .
taceh actoss [meirca anh pos\eh \\e $rrb-\ast- \o run aher co\\ege and more and more of ilrem and advanced rLlnlllr)E \ra:> di L,u.,
est crossing of our country on foot, covering are trying ultras. I think the biggest reason that siry. For the advanced cla.s. I requrr'- .

over 2,900 miles in 6,1 days. this has happened is because ultrarunning is complete an ultra. Each semester. r.r:,,..
now more accepted as a real sport by the average entire class is successful in completir:.

18 ,
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VFuel founder Alan Smith en rout'e to finish;ng
ll 'Erlln lsarllard aql sl IrorprBH ']qnop e lno zruoq] ]e ssarrns ;nod or .'.:'
I'llerJ operolo:) aq] auole apH elrq uretunoru -iltlM'00I lrorpreH oq] sr op plnoqs rauunreri sem ]eqln pue asaq] ur nod .rog ]no s)Jrls rE-.'"
elltu-Otg e roj operoloc o] papeaq Lu,l clnvc 1n d-ra.ta aJu-r raqiouv 'sralrru-gs snourelunoru 'sroleapua Furlea;q-p.rora.r alrur-sn1d-g9g'7'-
zlxeu s.ieqM un tsour Furuuru ueql JapJeq sr da11:eg le dool -Ilei al.eM - lJuunlBl]ln auallxJ uE \e \6 i -
auo furuun; 'alalduor o] af,El erlln ]sap.req d;eurp;oe;txa ,{ueru palarqf,e aleq no1 t ^
'elqrssod tqanoq] re^a .{aq} ueq} aroru a^arqre aqt sr .{ay1.reg }eq} }qnop ou sr araql .,ta11;eg 1e
$lloJ Aurdleq pue serlln 0Z ro^o Furlf,arlc CIAVC dooy auo unr plnol .rauun; .{.re.ta qslr\ I OI4VO 'saau4 dru uo
11oi firq e {oo} s08 aq} ur p.:
zJo pnord ]sotu no^ erE ]eLIM zunJ JeuunJeJtln &ale plnoqs arer l€riM Un se]lln peoJ eql IIe pue speol uo B)IJotug sSr-;:.
'uods srql qlnru os pa^orqre a^eq no^ un (Buruun.r tsnf tou) flune.r lurq] I 'salnlr ra:,.
' daql
{urq} plnol\ auo se prer{ se reeu 000'eII {ur ur aeul dru }no aJo.^ I asneraq p:: -. :
)00I 3]eBIIeH aq] aq^eu ]ou pue ury Jo ]ol e ,{aqJ 'sun.r ,{ep-rr1nu ;aa:el Furuun;e;lln .{14i 'Furure.t} pue saluj -
pue x09 pue'J esrruo.rd aq] unj plnoqs Jauunr arou eq IIr^\ aroq] 'arnlry aq] ur IUrq] I olnvo 'speor ssal pue slrEJl arolu unj plnoM I cl^y:
-eJlln 'e;11n.{sea up roC '}uena Jrssell E sr Zpuer] Aurprarue ue se aes no.{ op }eqM Un zja.\c -:
^rala o] ]l peq no,( ;t aflueqc nod plnort ]eq^\ E ^
'spuer{Jo }ol e e^eq o}
)red leuorlpN eronba5 ur uouoH prneq aleunuoJ d;a,r rue I 'pJoJer qFno] B leaJq Jo 'as.rort ]aF IIy\\ ]l )reJ ur iafiueqo o1 fiurop io-: ,
C las i,uel nod 1eq1 ]noqllM 'Jld or{} roJ ,^ arl puarl srqJ'dn 119 sare;.{ueiu os }seJ Moq sr '. - -.
1ee;p e peq I ieq] Iurql I 'prorar Jld agl rau€ )qFr-r Furuun.rerlln ]noqe alrl ].uop I leL{M s:::.
auot aneq s;auun; raqlo ou ler{} atu sasud:ns erou pue aroru ]e dauou azr.rd r{11eug puu 's;: -.
c .{11ea; 11 'hlnory aqJ ur ir pe;nlder seq euuag -unJ lseJ Bunod e;ou; pue aroru 'sreuuruE-- -
a[ leql pelF zfta.t ure I pue IIe]i 1ea-rfi leqi uo erou pue orour 'serlln arou pue erow clny:
! ploJel aq] ras aleq ol parouoq fuan ue I '1316 ;fiuruurue4p3o errury eql rq sserq nod op ruqrr t ^
aq] uo proJaj aql seq uosluerlllM ilor5
'las I teq] prorol I:)d aq] ^\ou
ro prof,ar JV aq] se 'seJer aseqlJo euo rllee alalduol sluapr-:
furp;e,ua; se ]ou lnq turp;erita; se,u 'a1ru ;ad JauroJ ro luerrnf, erour ro 0e aleq dllensn :'"..
sI:6 pue ,{ep ;ad salru st Furpe.rane 'eruauv 's)09 orrt] ]rerrp I 'sessell .{tu Jo auo Jo esnE:r,:
ssone fiuney 'eroJeq ]eqi a>11 Furqtauros op erlln )sl5 rraq] unr e^eq oq1\\ sjauunr Jo sp:,:
o] pau] peq ouo o51 'dep ;ad salrru 6tr .rano pur -unq lerelas uaaq aleq ereq] leqt .{es p1nc ,,.
-Tesane '166r u1 (rv) IrErJ uerqrelpddy aqt uo 'llal\ se erlln ue unl o] lJala ruar{}Jo duuru 'u;-
a1d1s furuun; e ur prora; paads aqt ]es ol auo ue atalduuor sselJ paJuenpe JLp J)s sselJ i..
rsrg rql urrq r^pq o1 pno.rd fuan ure I CI1VO -un; SuruurFaq ur sluepnls reqlo aq] asnEt::
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'LllEr o] pa]"r€]s tr 'oslv'3uo sE pasln3slp .{1"ra.talo ISqLLIIIJ lofelu o.u} sB.u }l
asneraq.{1ure11i'q[ul] Ieug aq] se^\'rena.e\oll 'laal plnoJ 1 $Lrtqt auo
.{-raltol aql ur palctd s}aF auteu .{r-u lriun .trou1
renarr II,l Furlaa; e sur:d uorllrur e pue 'apr.rd lred auo Jarlar t:ed aug
'JJEJ{\oH sso;re daa:l ot urBaq altrus }atnb E aas pll-lol I }nq 'oE o}
ssed ;oleru roqlorru peq IIIIs aM isr?A\oupll&\ aq] pruolluatu 1aF i,ua,teq
l 'pro^ .{ru puy 'eprs raq}o arp tto lurualstlF a1e1 puelsJ pue aluelslp
aLI] rrr sJerso 'q.radns se.nt drue,trrg ]ue;5 dole .t\aIA atl] 'utepe arno
'LuJJuOf, OlErLrrUBsl
E saLurlauos sr 3^tlv 'plE.\\roJ Bnrnou puE a^rle ruaqi daal plnor leq]
purleru-uorsnap prnb pue puILU pantrlel-ssa1 aq] Iofuo lqFrut daql tnq
lqsrug rr.l] ot ta8 ol:ared e Luo{ LIot}EAI}oul qlnru paau IIIeal },LIop sra
->lJorpreH'aLLrEs aq] roJ a^oqP spllat{ lno pJrll}E,\\ puB'speJq s,rrqloue
J1lo uo rnlul dorp ol roll iE or'JulL luJl{Jrp u palrrd l Jtnol ruqr lool
er^\oH os 'peaqe srauun.r aql .{g pauro3 uaaq peLI speqqrir,tls 1qfr1
'rrpunqr dutntolleq qlrM prllU'pBrLlu spnolr
IrEp oq] purlu -ra^au ']ua.&\ a.u srnoJ IIe LIo ra^o pue d1 .te,nr aq] st ]eql .'z. 4?a
a: '' ..-.-.. .
's11og sala ;no[ qnr'sad leql turru:guor'LIns aq] ur parratsrlF slJIreW ?' ?
: 'Wr*
tz..--'". -&'*
.'i. /;
i,l 11e,* dnlqprerls e Jo ose.q.-1yl
l'- i::p.y.:l,Jr::i.":t:::+^l^l:l:t:ll::..^ " i.;.2a.€,:"2
! IIE^\ ctn ]qirErls u rlrl pajool '3req LUo{ qlrq^\
a 'ssed ]LIETC paLUEJ aLIl do1 arp rrlo{ uaas 39 plnoJ 'rJ^JMoq'sE,tA '&&L
; ]EqM 'alletsqo ue se pelrrnor i.use,\\ srq] 'rlFnoLra dlFurtsa.ralul tad-ruc
Jjrl tuaas paralunoJUa ,,{1snot.r.a.rd p,l IIer} lelruq)a} .{ue apeut }erli plog
: snle] e uo ]ualsap daals e ,{q pa.ttoylol }eJJ 6il'€I }E )^sed sref,so Llo }no
Surddot se,tr '(qlgi srq) uaqt lEr o] pe)rl ar.t\oH se ,,3lrelsqo,. ]srg rno
ulJlS 'lW isJulsnq ttt IlEq 11:s,{Lu puno; I
'ez alltu ]e 'qLUrlf, ]ooJ 009'n el]lrl rilo uo ralel inoq uv']r o] Ileq lqirr ]aF
pue u^\op pooJ aluos ]snf ll.JH 'stq] laqslug IloJp.tEH atutl-tno;
E IIa] o] a^Eq ],uop no,{ 'aru .ro3 ,{lateun}.rog 'uol}En}ts aq} sex5 uago 'dn
o] u.{\op Jo Lr,&\op ol dn - sdnort apsnru aLI} ut L[JuA\s E q]tl\ paulquol
sul\o] atl] ur sLlorlulala le.ry\ol rq] ',{11ensn 'polredxe }nq p3l€al aq o}
tou sr pallar.{\ trlalnyosge Ftrrlaa3 pue'sel-Iolel LIo A\ol 'snoJsnetr flurlaag
'IJorprBH s,]r tpres I aIr-I'pllof,as allo JoJ paulellloJ ],useM I ]nq'AIleJr
arrr ]soqA ]eq.{\aluos ''}se}u'J u€Lrr ssat tiffi ",
iJ"il;T:f ;jffirt", t.t,
- ":
s,]l 'LI]90I ut Ual aq rlrll^\ 'asno-I5 ]e ]aIuEIq e lspun srnor{ snlcl-'rnoj
reqlolre pue rnoq uE ralo JoJ satplleH uo IJoJ B rJpun !ur.{1 .rage 'are1d
qlze Lil uollels pIE aq] olul r eu Irulel se palloqs pools I 'oalll aq]
a.r.oqe 'apesseur arr u€ uEru raqtoLle
^Ino3a.trF puar.rl,{oq .{ru I '}LIBILI
arp olur Ileq rea] prre uorlels pre aLI] qfino;qt a.toru dlssalueas .raq Fnt
-r{J}E^\ JaUe 'dn .trorF I LIaLId\ IeIuIl eu€IC a1r1 tsni aq o} "ra.{e-rd }ualls e
pres I 'fioi Suru;oru e ro; Yed aql ol dn pallorls tsni peq aq aIII palool
oq.&\ 'pooM aleyg pua3al LIIIA\ uotleslalllof, atru E peq I 'xEW 'LIos plo
-.rea.{-91 srq ,{q pered 'ut pa11nd uosdutt5 ,{1119 se satzzry-LlllE.t\ aLp }oF I
'IJo"rp-reH €I0Z ar{} o}ut sallur 8'ZZ Mou 'q8no"rqt aLLIol puel{ e {uuut
aas o] f]run].roddo aqt peq 1'8uru-roru ]xau aLI]'rIe 00:/ ot'ru'd 00:01
ruorC 'sarlnp Funed ,{ru }tE^\E o} aru Ual .{arp araqm 'apt;n11e1 .{11eng
pue .{erng 'asnor3 'tllerlFuruunJ r13no;qt sralluru}uo{ aql Furserp .{ep '*+-- *
aqt luads I 'qlns sV 'are1d qirno3 alul o] uo ]ua^\ oq.{\ alloor >llolpreH
€ 'orr-rd suqJ s,eru:oJlle3 fluu'ta-rr 1o a;nseald aLI] peq I '-read srql I ,
'Jrrror-l JLuoJ
lIe JA.JA\'3trtlttui t-uo{ rrnq
.{lalenrrlrFal s>1aaqr.{ur,{ep aqtgo pua aq},{q pue autnt a)rl sMoU raaq aq}
'prrELIS are sarJols 'rala se paqc.{sd }nq 'paqle}}BLIn stJq}o 11t1s 'tur,uarr a,:-aa. .
pue tuned s.raqlo 'rea.{ srq} Futuun; auos }no pue ttt !utruealls ,{11ne1s ...:a2.. :
-uor aq IIu sralsrs pue s;aqlorq (.rea.{ auo :oj) tsol tuol -rno,{ IIe asnelaq
'snrqow ]E auop fue la$ o] ]radxa ],uoCI os op no.{ puaLuluof,sl
,{1r-1Frq p.r ptre 'aroldxa o} .tt}unor lryItneeq Jo salllu ssalpua aleq no.{
'Furlednrued ],uare no{JI'lerrteur JrE unr aq} o} dn furpeal s,{ep aql
']see papeaq pLrE rer aq] dn p?peol I '.ree.{ lqBre"rts prrq} aq}
roJ 'os puv 'ppom Jq] ut erel .{uu LInJ ueq} IJorpreH }B MJrJ ptre ared
-rarller p.l 'aruapuuot ]sorrln aq] LIlr.4\ srLll ,{es l1tts I }ng 'oroz 'llaM zJIss
-dru ]r nn; I aleq saur].{ueu.nog'pututttue;}1n ur "rea.{ aq};o pLIaIaaM
aluoAEJ .{u u.tlop spuELI sr tl '}no Futsstut .{11enp a"r,no,{ uaql 'pa;pung
IrorpreH aqlgo l"red E uaaq laAeLI a.t,no.{;t puy'a1alduor 1e,{ 1ou st a1ll
rnotr '.[rros Lu,l :srq] des aru ta1 'suenf-ueg aq] o] LIJJq .ranau an,notr 11
'ralllaFo] Ileq AIILUeJ aq] a^eq o] alueql
aLI] ssrLLI oi ]noq€ ],usE.{\ J puE '>laa^\ IJolp-IEH seM li oF isnl p,l
'atrr trLI ]r
'leaq aarpap 001 ur unr ,{ur .rage peLLInsLIof, p.l sJaaq eqi ajtl lsnf 1ng ';aru
-urns srq] uoua^ps o] ia3 o] Snto! se,n l JI -Io uar{M "to MoLl i,Llplp
3lfVX r =
1'.{pi[;o rplnog ]sed srqi V1 ralo sjro.{\arg aLI} paqrie^\ pLIe poo}s I sV
lt* ?

€ ''

Flora Krivak-Tetley climbing the f irst of three The Hunchback of Hardrock, Adam Hewey's Winner 5eLr Chaigneau celebrates with his pacer,
pitches toward Virginius Pass hard-earned finish Scott Jurek, after kissing the rock

Again. Nevertheless, we pushed hard along with fiiendly folk, the ultrarunners and the jeepers. ful alpine wildflowers, or the pros and cons of
Greg Hartman. also going for his fifth finish, Both groups were courteous, lriendly and fun, trekking poles.
over Cataract-Porcupine and finally the ridge. but dressed very differently and carried quite Later. during the race. after my daughter Alan
With that, all obstacles (by Howie's definition) disparate equipment. Both groups shared in na (a fledging trail runner) joined me as a pacer
were complete. I just had one more of my own. theastoundingvertical awesomenessoftheSan at Ouray to conquer the greatest continuous
Now, I don't know how exactly it happens, Juan Mountains, but had some difficultly un- climb of the race - Virginius Pass - a fellow rac-
but I've experienced it in all three years l've derstanding each other's methodologies. er passed me and said, "Your daughter..." and
been coming to Hardrock. Other pacers have As part of my rapid acclimatization program I nodded yes. Nothing more needed to be said.
confirmed. You better be able to close, or you're (not medically certified). ultrarunner Clare the understanding was clear, she was becoming
going to get dropped. The sweet, sweet siren is Abram and I ran to the top of Engineer Pass part of the ultrarunner family, "my people." l
calling from her rock. She's the face of a goat. fust shy of 13,000 feet) on a
And she wants to make out. spectacularly beautiful day.
Howie, like all those who had come before him later to bejoined by a group of
and the many who would follow was consumed jeepers. They were very friend-
with emotion as we crested the final path to town. ly as we took in the amazing
The sheer magnitude of what had just been accom- vistas, but wondered where
plished and endured was more than anyone coulc our jeep was and were incred-
handlg including me. As if that wasn't enough, ulous when we informed them
22 a vibrant double rainbow arched over rendill that we ran up here. I have to
Mountain, welcoming Howie Stern, teacher, musr give them credit and say I was
. € cian. and now five time Hardrocker, home. a bit envious as we enjoyed
i j And that's what it is right there. our measly granola bars and
: E Hardrock is more than just a run through warm, plastic-flavored water
( the San Juan Mountains. It's more than just the while they feasted on deliciou'
- toughest 100-miler around. It's why whether my deli picnics and ice cold beer.
name gets picked for 2014 or not. I can tell you (There are some advantages to
this with absolute certaintv. driving up.)
I'll see lall in Silverton. However, there was not the
unspoken understanding be-
VERTICAL AWFSOMENE55 tween us that occurred when
}IARRIS GOO9MAN NOTES: we met other ultrarunners pre-
Ultrarunners are my people - Arriving in Silverlon, narinp
r*. '"b'"' for the hio race. each
Colorado, a week belore the infamous Hardrock and every single one ofwhom
100, I noticed that the small mining town was stopped to talk about the im-
filled primarily with nvo very different groups of pending event! or the beautr-
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Before the sun hits, runners qet some miles in between Badwater and Furnace Creek No kidding!

l, Despite temperatures over 120 degrees with a and race promoter fiom Portugal who has had staff alike. It would be a long grind, with each
consistent 2G30 mph wind on the first day of impressive finishes at top ultras around the world. runnels three- to six-person suppoft crew working
the 48-hour race, 81 runners completed the fa- Stovepipe Wells, at mile 42, is famous for its overtime to keep their athlete hydrated, fed, and
bled fs-mile Death Valley to Mt. Whitney route enormous and heavily photographed sand dunes, regularly doused with a garden sprayer pumped
with over 13,000 feet of elevation gain. After all, while for Badwater runners it represents the hot- full of ice cold water, as they all fled Death Vallev.
Badwater runners prepare for the heat in sau- test part of the day and race course. Pearlman As the runnen headed westbound, their departure
nas, and train at the hottest parts of the day blazed through there in 5:38, followed 20 minutes from Death Valley took them down an 1l-mile, 5,00G
while wearing multiple sweatshirts, a raincoat, later by Sd, and seven minutes later by Lopez. foot descent into Panamint Valley, to the third time
a wool hat... Traveling to Badwater, the lowest Not surprisingly, the women's race was led by station at Panamint Springs, mile 72. It was there thar
noint in North America ar 282 feet below sea Pam Reed, a 52-yearold race promoter from Jack- the race figuratively heated up, with frontrunners Sa
ievel, they revel in the heat and embrace the son, Wyoming, who was the 2.OO2 and 2003 overall and Lopez passing through the roadside oasis in a
Death Valley to Mount Whitney race route as Badwater winner and is a perennial frontrunner. dead heat with a one-hour lead on the third mar.
"Mother Nature's Greatest Sports Arena." She passed through Stovepipe Wells in 7:2o like a Charlie Engle, who was retuming to his favorite race
The race got off to a predictably fast start, with metronome, 17 minutes ahead of Catherine Todd, after four years away, nearly half of which he spen,
rookie entrant Oz Pearlman, a 3Gyearold men- a 34yearold university professor who is Australian, famously locked up by the feds for defaulting or.
talist and magician who recently won the New but lives in the United Arab Emirates, and compet- a pair of mortgage loans, as had millions of othe:
Jersey Marathon, setting a blistering 2:70 for 77 ed her first Badwater in 2012, placing sixth female. Americans (who weren't imprisoned).
miles to the first time station at Furnace Creek. After Stovepipe Wells, with temperatures well It was at Panamint Springs and beyond that th.
26 over the official high of t20 and a 2G to 3Gmph incredible spirit of the Badwater family revealed :-
Pearlman was followed five minutes later by Os-
waldo lopez, a 41-year-old Mexican national who side wind creatin$ convection oven conditions, self in tr,vo illustrative instances: firsq race leade:.
lives in Madera, California, and has one previous the runners began the 17-mile ascent of Towne Sd and lopez opted not to try to psyche each oth.:
Badwater victory and three iunner-up finishes to Pass, the exit fiom Death Valley. Amazingly, the out on the eight-mile, ZOOGfoot ascent to Fath::
his credit. Two minutes later was rookie entrant gMegree temperatures at the 5,000 foot summit Crowlefs viewpoint. Instead, they and their two p;:
5 Carlos Alberto Gomez de SA. a 39-vearold runner actually felt cool to runners, crewmembers, and ers settled into a rhytJrm toge*rer, and chatted :

BADWATER 135 t ornrn vALLEy, cA IJULy r6 ll2,1

135 MTLES 21. Marylluleo:no, 35, ON 33:12:46 42. Grif Griffith, 49, CA 40:47:03 63. Linda Ouirk,60, FL 44:0- --
1. CaorsAlberto Gomes de 54,39, PRT24:38:16 22. James Kern, 55. CA 33:57:30 43. Mikael Andersson,40, SWE 40:51:40 64. Ben Gaetos, 56, CA 44.C:'.-
2. Grant Maughan,49, AUS 24:53:57 23. Sukhee Park.46, KOR 35:54:07 44. Mark K Olson, 66, CA 40:51:56 65. Elaine stypula.48, Ml 44.1- -t
3. Oswaldo Lopez,41, CA 25:27:Q3 24. Ed Ettinghausen, 50, CA 36:17:12 45. Mark Woolley, 49 40:53:16 66. Heidi Perrv 42, WA 44:'-. -.
4. Harvey sweetland Lewis lii,37,0H 25:49:50 25. Nahila HernandezSan Juan,39, CHL 36:17:13 46. Joilson Ferreira,40, BRA 40:53:59 67. Jeff Ashizawa, 47, ON 44:5- :t
5. Charlie Engle,50, NC 26:'15:35 26. Amy Campbell. 30, NZL 36:32:38 47. Eric Meech,43, CA 41:17:32 68. Chris Moon, 5'1, UK 45:C- --
6. Oz Pearlman, 30, NY 28:03:55 27. lris Coopetrimhof. 54, ON 36.42:40 48. David Clark,42, CO 41:24.50 69. Dan Marinsik,54, CA 45.2.::
7. KenZemach,44, CA 28:37:22 28. David Jones, 61, TN 36:5'l:56 49. Parker Rios, 46, Wl 41:27:5'l 70. Alexa Dickerson. 25, CA 45.:' .'
8. Mark Matyazic, 48, CA 28.46:49 29. Ray Sanchez, 46, CA 37:30:17 50. Stacey shand. 33. 5K 41:48:13 71. Michael Denoma, 57, UK 45::: -
9. Otto Elmgart, 43, SWE 28:57:44 30. Chor Kin LaW 36, HKG 37:50:59 51. Geoffrey Foote,45, AZ 41:55:24 72. Rico Dorsey, 47, GA 45:i' :-
10. Douglas Long, 31, TX 29:34:44 3'l. Lane Vogel. 36, FL 37:58:23 52. Bill Thompson,47, PA 42:08.45 73. Sergio Radovcic, 39, FL 45::-: '.:
11. CatherineTodd,34,ARE 29:55:29 32. Hiroyuki Nishimura,43, JPN 38:08:40 53. Marshall Ulrich, 62, CO 42.20.50 74. Anthony Portera, 42, NY 46.'- :
12. Glen Redpath,47, NY 29:58:41 33. Carlos HenriqueGusmo, 34 BRA 38:1 1 :09 54. John Radich,59, CA 42:25.27 75. Karla Kent. 50, NV 46:;: :
13. Pamela Reed. 52, WY 30:39:58 34. Will Glover,42, FL 38:3 5:08 55. Emilv Bello. 27, KY 42.21 .29 76. Parvaneh Moaycel|49, TX 46.:: .
'14. Dave Krupski,36, FL 30:53:27 35. Amv Costa. 48, FL 38:40:54 Todd Bello,40, KY 42:27:29 77. Kimberlie Budzik. 53, TX 46:
15. Jay OH
smithberger,44, 31:43:51 36. Eduardo Calisto.34, BRA 38:53:00 57. Chervlz\earka\e5k1, 55, CA 42:28.04 78. Darren Fortney, 45, Wl 46 =.:
'16. David Ploskonka,3l,MD 32:Q7:51 37. Bruce Dailey,42, AUS 39:40:08 58. Nghee Huat Lim, 60.sGP 42:34:37 79. Behnam Kanrani, 38, Ml 4. ' :
17. Dean Karnazes, 50, C.A 32:27:17 38. Darris Blackford,49, OH 40:16:38 59. DannyWestergaard, 54, CA 42.41:28 80. Alexander Lalonde, 30, ON d- --
18. David coggins, 38, TN 32:44:10 39. Ciro Di Palma,44, ITA 40:19:33 60. Ke th straw, 58, PA 42:44:46 81. Tammy Ll!551e, 41, MD 4- :
'19. Nobumi lwamoto,47, JPN 32:46:38 40. Hajo Palm, 63, DEU 40:32:38 61. Seow Kong Ng, 51, CHN 42:51:4Q
20. Meredith Dolhare.39, NC 32:52.40 4'1. lain Hughes,50, OH 40:40:14 62. Paolo Bucci.60. ITA 43:51:50
v i?'
, :." t.;,,
]uejlua arjool se^\'cft:zs:z€ uruELLloM p-rlw 3qJ 'gruryr,{a1,tro;3 ;aq}eg 'ueds .rnoq-ez u ;a,to purqsrng 'are; eq1 atr'-i
'p.loJar +0S s.uJLuoM Jq.l SulsslLu ,{1,r'tolleu '8S:6C0t aLI] pa.rerls peq aq trroq.M qlrl\ rauuru asanFnuod ol rlqe qp^\ peo; otuo rr rr'
ur IIereAo qlel pue slEUeJ plroJas pallsrrr5 paau Jqr ol lr^\e puB ullls .rg ruo-u 1r patrurdun apEru oq.{\ sjalrunj aq} Jo auo }nq IIE ,r81 . .
'67i99i62 Lrr 'ilEra^o qlII pue 'uordrueqr s,uauro^\ Jrl Jr.rrl qsrug JLll le lnq't rJqurnu qrq ua,rri uaaq 'salels 1errs,{qd pue Ie}Lra[r uo Furpuadap :
aq] se aurl aq] passorr aqs Teg Iool ],uprp pur? peq aq':ea[ sn{} a}aduro] o} arer aq}Jo uordrueqr rqbu,{1"rerir ot eerqt r-uo4 :.raq,ll,{rru \.lJLr.l.-
Lz paax passBd ppoJ 'auld auol olur ,{e.u aqt u6 \.uJur luJ)J lsoll.I Jq] sV'IO:,17:ST ur pjrql trr zad uer ]ELI] qurp furlarut e s,U'uorlelalo Lrr 1..-:-
'ur,u.r{11ryedoq pue '%00I }e {-I se.{\ arrrl aq} ra^o }xaN 'Ls:ts:+z Jo aLLrD lBrru e ie Ieuod ,{au11q,rr1 }E eurl q:^rug s€I airrlr .:-
, , ,.^, ,-i
Lr,uojrJu ot rLuoJ pBq aqs '.{\o} Lil Ma.rf, rale^\peg .roJ'0s:z ur uoqrereLuJluq lllqdn JBug ltsqr Sut.raro: ]LrarsE ]ooJ O00s allur-fl IeuU eq] nrlaq :.;:. .
ipeox rLI] araq] tuo{ prru 'ZZI eV.LLr }e Aalrtnlr\\ -,
raq LIIrM 'u?elo LrBrpul arl] ol JInS uErqe-rv aq] leuod aql dn ared rsalsE slea.{ srq} }as aH
LUo{ Salriu 6tI Jo Ja}url\ aq} lano un; arrlle;d 'Jurd Juol le ))PQ :Jinurrrr ut hnf puE r-lr,4 rec ]e ]ooJ aLI] ie auu auol qflno.rql sass€d a:e.r ..
rale^\peg e eLrop p,3rls 'puel uasap Furqrrors e I)Eq 10:t o] pJsolJ pell ]nq ''3rrud5 ruLLUBuPd le 'stl JalE.{\peg aq} sB Lr.{\oLrI ri.l
'salerrrug qe.rv pJirun aq] ur Burnr-I '.roucl rea.{ e purqsq oz:I pue s11a1,4 adrda^ols ]e ES purqaq rnoq ,{prue3 yenuue aq} }E sr }r oS 'seF Jo IuEr .::
ue uJJq peq rJle,ry\peg e 'ueqdnepl ruer1,1 parpunq s,LLrEa] .raq .ro1 pred peq ']rr3LU:1 .
]nqap srIooJ r3q aJurs eJeJ srqt JoJ pa-rEoajo pue
paurer] peq'-ralqfnep s,paay aq o] qfinoua Funo,{ ur sa,r.r1
.{pua:;nr oq.{\ erle.r}snv ruo4 ure}der s,drqs "raq Furaas 'MarJ s,rauuru raqlolre leqi parr.ia:
.{y1e:alr1 pue'pea; alrl apuolq pue .{uu 'ppol }nq p1o-read-61e 'ueqFnew lLreJC se \ ',{ueu ;o asr.rd 'uerr uoddns s.Luea] iaLI ruo{ pr€J }rpa.n .r:.1
'salrllr 00I rJAo roJ plag s,ualuo^\ JaqLualu-€z aq] -rns alp o] 'oq^\ 'are1d puoras Jo peaqe salnuru; sI fiug1at ruog pau-rnlar aqs uaqM'spF rro111,--
Jo ]S3r 3qi pue ppoJ eLruallleJ pa1 aq5'dn pe)l]ol ra,ro lsnf urq ]nd arur] Furqsrug 9l:gtiz srH 'asrnol lopxrs aqlJo ILre] IIry e "ro3,{ed o} }Lra^\ alt: , .
af,er s,LreLUoM eq] pErl paau ru€d puaFal .Iale^\pefl JLpJo plrqr leuU Jqr lano aFjns rlqplrpturr e qrm paurllep p-rBr ]rpaD raLI punoJ r3qLLr3Lu.,.\:.:r :
]eq] ]qFnoq] a.leq lq8ru sla,{lesgo bllq.{\uEew peaqe pa-ra.uod uaqt pus 'qurp ;ofeur pnoras 'sFur:d5 lurtueued ]e Itreq 'fiuru.rour ]\alr :
';t:SItgZJo aLUr] e qU./ prorar dnor! JFB +0S s,uJlu aqt .roj uordrueql Ii6Z aql LIiI^{ dn panreat ',{a1ye,1 'plp oH'peaqe uo aF;oj o] e5 pa;:.: '
,\\au B pLrE qsrug a.tgdot qUU sll paluee oq,{l qleac sso]]e uru ,,]5^E ,{I1enser.. e qtrlt unFaq peq pue paxnllrep zadol 1nq bred rraqt rlu.rap:r:
'alFrrg alFeql ,{q pa,tro11o; 'erer eqt te qslUU ratsej eH :af,Er lrayad e painlaxa ,,(laslrt peq oq \ FS sol patsaFFns ES Uouln] ul{\req alp }E Lror}Ets :.. ,
dla,r.rlnrasuor prlqt slq 'Og:6r:sT ur 'HO 'rleuunLrr3 -re3 rauLrrar asenpnuod aql se.&\ aurl aq] JaAo isrrl JIr[r aq] ]E lalBl lietrr a^r]eln[rn] rraq] ot .r::.'
'salnrrmr 21 ,{ra.ta Jarls^ruu auoSo aBe;a.te ue 'to1 fl urqsnd a11q,tr pqq.riq qsrlFuE-asanFnuod-rl{. -.
i .
3o 29 a3e 'sr,^ a'I pusllaaM5 ,{a,treg se \ qunoc
a6ur:q: aoqs e s,{ofue oxuj preLiroq: e p-rP,lno] sanoLu ,{1rpea1s ro:

i Meredith Dolhare a 3gyearold manaeel ot a tJro:-

I lotte, NC-based non-profi t called Runn i n g\\brLs.
This yeals field included 21 women and 7J men.
aged 2s to 76^ u.4% finished, which is on par nith
the 85% average finishing rate ofthe past five vears
(but double the usual finishing rate fiom the 199X|
Notable DNFs were Lisa Smith-Batchen and Chns
Frost, both of whom were hoping to notch their
tenth Badwater finishes, along with Shannon Farar-
Griefer going for her sirth finish and Frank McKin-
ney going for his seventh. Dean Kamazes did eam
his tenth race finish, placing 17th in 32:217:17. Another
of the many impressive finishen was rookie entrant
Linda Quir( age 60, of Jackonville FI. who broke
the llyearold women's 5O+ record with a time of
44iAJ:49. Also of note this year was that five new
countries were represented for the fint time in race
history: Portugal, Malaysia, Philippines, South Korea,
and Singaporg while the first ever female entrants
from Mexico and Iran also completed the race I
left - Stunning mountain backdrop as the sun
gets lower; right * Resting, or throwing up -
it's all the same

'thtfu"9adfr€F{dus,; WATERPROOFSEATCOVER- Z.z':t:

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ecr caoands
^ c: :acanos
et *"Spryl irAr. \ r: , :, Pn iF N i -:\ lt \al
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'sndruec reqnq rraq] le - FuoFuolloMgo dtrs.raa.ru11 .ttou ]efl"re] ureru du 1nq 'read s1q] 'S'n aL{} ur yud lsapoq aqi para^ol I ylasdu pauesald pue
aq] - rtrs.ra.trun uerlerlsnv ue JoJ Iro a I 'Furlaau s00I arou .raa3 e puruunr eq II,l INIUIHIV) 's11a1,4 adrdanolg or 'puo.{aq pue (sa1ru /t) 1ae;3
rfua lerrpauorq ur qrreaso; q}tl,r'FuuaaurFua 1er ;a.raq no,{ loJ txau s.}eqM Un af,Eurnc o] oF Iled iuo{ eLIt }el I jNlulHIV)
-r;Ilala ur ;ossa3o.rd ]uelslsse ue Lu.l jNlUlHlV) Z,{Faiults are; ;no.{ se.M }eqM Un
;qoi Fep "rno,{ s.reqM UO 'Furxoq pue fiutruut.trs
'$urpdr 'Burypped se qrns 'pututer]-sso;r 3o 1o1 'uJIJlr.lJ lo ]eJru pJJ ou rnq salqera8an pue
'Ileq arrrol o1 adoq op I os acuauadxa u op osle 1'purure;1 eunus roJ paou ou sl a;aql (uralo;d ul qFlq sr qlrq.&\ 'uorules ,{lleroadsa)
role^ peg aql a^ol d11ee; 1 iees s,la'I lNlHlHlVf reqnq ur leeq aq] quM (spaq .ra.r.rr dn par.rp) qsg ]Ee I 'ueuelalsad e iu€ I 'oN lNlulHlv)
Z;ear{ }xau )I]eq Furuor noz{ a;y g6 srpe,l Jql ul pue sulelunou 'peor uo salnte;ad ZJrar{i }no }BJu }eJ no{ ptq 961
-uroi qFIq ur lee^\ u un; fiuo1 auo qlrm 'ruqnq
'1a,{ 1as uaaq l.useq }r inq ur leaq aq] ur Furuunr3o ]ol E op I INIUIHIV) 'selpoou pue 'opelo^e pue
(elnsurue4 uerqerv arl] uo sar;lunol Jo IIlunoJ ZiUJAe Slql ]Oj ure.rt nO,{ asesr{r rl}r.M saqlr^\pues pooJ prlos a}e pue
uorie;adoo3 JInC) llC aq] ur araq aFualleqr e op oq Surure;) .rno,{ .ro3 ,{a1 ser,t }eqM Un 'xruafiesl 1ur.rp uralo;d eqt Iuerp osle I 'rale.
^ r{tr^\ sa}nurul str d"ra.r.a 's}alge} iles pue 'l3teM
I sr qrrq.^ 'un.r efie1s-a1fiuls )6tn e op osye ,{eur
1 'tr197'Ltenuef 'uerug ur erueurosuerJ aq] sI 'ruJJSe Jql eler-u aLu Padlaq suods'eldlenby- sa{1o;lra1a loo} I lNlUlHlV)
,{11ea.r .traro ,{ur pue 'aurl qsrug oll} uo pasnroJ Z,{Fale.rls uorle:p,{q pue 8uryary rnor{ se.u }EqM Un
reqnc ur surerl pue ,{ra.r, fiurureruar .{yletuaru il qfinorq} paqsnd 1
s)ror ppol auuaqlel uordtreqr s,uauog ]nq ']ualse ,{autrqM }unow aq} uo }utod auo ';alempefl ,{ylenadsa }nq 'er}ln ,{ue .rog
le parr] ]lal I tlleluatll trrueu,{p lua.ragrp ,{.ran fa>1 sr qrrqm 'uraq] pro.te oi .{lyerrfa1e.r1s
e sr tuog aqt ur Furaq ol raseql wo.g SutoD -a;d se,rrr 1 os '.rea.{ isel ap€ru I sale}srru aLI} ruo;;
Zj 'lJle,ry\peg ]e a.raq ,{11errads: paureal d11ea; 1 'os1y'raqtaFot IIe,&\ slrozrt ]eq]
f 'Jauun; paruauadxa pue fiuo.r1s e qf,ns sr rued s€ uea] Fuo;ls,{.ran e ;o1 saletu }eq} os 'raq}o qlea
'fiuo.r1s 1ya3 1 qpnoql uola 'aru qtrietr plnom eLIs qir^\ llr,M 3uo1e lap osle [aq1 'sleqro rqr siuJrl
f ]eqr pruroM se,lr I rrq passed I rrUV'atu pulqrq -aldruor ]nq luaraJJrp sr ]eq] oln] .ro qlBua;ts
raq Jo ernssard aqt peq I uaql inq 'puo.r1s qeg anbrun E seq pup paruarradxa sr requratul\aJJ
6Z lllls I S1 e1ur ]noqe le par; Lue4 rapeal 8ur qrelIBIrnrr sem uorlJrlas ma.n d61 INIUIHIV)
-ssed dlyeug reUV 'arer aql Jo ]soru )noqFnorql eu op no^ plp MoH
.,qBrq alqels,, e pEq I Jr sE loaj I JNIUJHIVf 'srnoq xrs flurddoq,u e ,{q teqt pa^eqs nod rea^
Zlurod Mol ;nof, ]eqM Un srql's;noq 9e JaAo ut paqslug nod;ead lsel Un
'uorlua]]E lerrpelu paau ro ojoql lsaJ :sld;erxa atuos are er3H 'srepmr rno roJ suor)
o] paruees aldoad go ]ol e ]slrq^\ qFnorq] ,ttau -sanb pa;a.trsue,{1snone.r! aurJaq}e3'snoasneu
I qllq \'sFur.rds ]urueued olut luttuor aldoad furlaag pai.rels pue panfiqe3 arueleq arls aroJaq
'eurl qsrug
Jo tol e fiur>1e1.raao peuets pue yya.u Furoe; sem lnq JJo alo.M er.roqdna Ierlrur oq] roUV
I ssed Jumof persalJ I JLul] ,{g 'ared ,{pealr aql ssojJ ppol euueqleS rauurM s,uaruol!\ sseu
lnq rlqelroJruoJ e qlrM adLda,rol5 o] rrer rq] Jo -]r.4 o] Iel;od,{autnlM }e aq o} eteunuoJ eJer eM
'qsrp Furzeue stqt go lqpnoq] serl asle 'aruauadxa srq] ]noqEnorql peq 1 sfiutyaa; ]seq aql ;lurod .rnol rnod sem ]eqM Hn
auodue a^arlaq ],uop 1 'dnos ua>ptql SOIUVf Jo auo tqnop ]noqlr^{ se^\ a)ul aq} Fulrnp zadol
aFurure;] ;o fiune; fiurrnp oplemso qlu perl 1 drqsuorueduor aqJ SOlu\D 'ulan o1 pafeueu 1 r{yaleunuo3
ualee aAELI no.{ poog }saFue-r}s aq} sr }egM Un zaler aqlJo ued dllrs ro ury ]soru arp sem ]eqM Un sarlrlrqe .{ur paacxa o} }ou JapJo ur paxela; alE,r
fru plp I 'a]alr{}e adr{}ute}unotu e Jo a;otu tlr.l
']uauruo;rlua alrlqaduoc,{qqeaq e ur drqspuel4 reuuruerlln leuorssa;o.rd e aq o1 pno.rd,{;el ure 1 :aJeJ pEor 3uo1 e qrns pareJ Jo^au a^!l 'ujEal
uul eral0 .&\oqs o] slqe ara.&\ a^\ JaqladoJ
an.rl aq .uou os 'Fune; o1 .{larqua 31asdtu a}elrpap o} peplJ pue ]r aJuauadxa 'a;aq a[rof, o] sem pa]ue.{\ I
-ap pue qoi.{tu 1so1 I oFe s.rer.{ oml }noqv SO1U11J IIp pue rale^\peg isrg .{ur se^\ srql SO-IUV)
?s ap sauroS ouaqlv solre) :uorssa;o;d E roJ op no^ op ierjM Xn Zr{fiaie:ls arer ;no.{ sEM }eqM Un
'ge6nyo6 u.rorl 'uordLreq) s,ualA
'aleJ ilnJgJrp dlarue;]xa raqioue')snF ,{poq.,{ru go loor dldturs ro Iurrp oi raq}aq ,'
-nvJo pua aq) ]e luelS ]uow np lrerJ ertln aql 'ralel\ alu fiulrrrt dpuelsuol'p[]o.&\ slqiJo tno sE.,.
uo alel o] Fuuede;d rup l .^ ou tqFN SOIUVI rueal dnlceq.{qi'dnos uaIrllll pue'pearq'1af pl
zlxau s,teqM un -br1 'sprng lool ]rrLU qsr4Jo rol e a1e 1 a:e.r aqr a:
--rnq -nod )e ]qfire;rs Eunuor{.rp pue }e:-.
'Furuuru eloru pue'Furuun; aq] roJ osle 1nq satueqr uorlelola pue aluEls.:
'Furuunr tnoqe .{ylerrseq sem Jlas}r Burureri aqJ s1r .ro; ,{1uo iou 'qFno} r{.rarr
sr ele.r aqJ SOIUVI
luaq aa;Fap-6gl JaAo uI unr o] eLu pa^\olle ]EI{} z.{Faiu;ls uonelp,{q pue Fur1ary ;nod se.u }eLIM U a
letnuo6 ur aAeA\ ieeq e peq lsnfpeq o,4 asneloq
.{pn1 sem I 1nq',{a11en q}eaq ul raq}Eem aq} o} 'arnlua^pe ralel^pefl srr{} .
pasn ]aF oi atur] qrntu aleq ],uplp I SO1UV) palrEqua ueql puB Irurlerlln €rrepew aq] L- :
;lueAJ srq] ;o3 urer] no,{ 'salqes sap uoqlerew ol JJo uer l uaqr ',{-run
plp zflurure;} rno^ roJ .{a>1 se.u }eqM Un ur enperuory pJqLurlJ I 'sluJuruoln uJ Jo ..'i
lle ur unr o] prpllJp pue lensn ueqr rleoa -.'
'qFno.rrp ]r aperu I pue atu pesl^pe .roirop.{tu .{1 -J{Jlp plemolJlas,{r"u ias 1-rea,{ srqlgo 3urLr.r.--
aleunuol 'anulluor ol JIqe Jq ]ou ILISILU I tq8noql aq] ]v'relEMpeS ]noqe preaq seq sof,er arrrr-- - ..
I ]ualllolu leql ]v']sjo aq] lEaJ alu epelu qleulols -ua pue aru€]srp Fuol go alelqle .&a^A SOIE;l
^ no.{ JAErJ saler aruelsrppuol raq.}o r: -
dru ur ured Suo;ts .{ra.t e 'Furuuru Jo sJnoq o g 2auop
.rage lurod LrDl-g9 arll punore sE^\ I UaLIM SO"lUVf z$eJ sg Jele \pug aq] ]noq€;eaq noz{ prp :^


by KnrL Hoafl"and

When people inevitably ask me why I do ultra- Stovepipe..." Finally we reached Stovepipe \\'ells i had no choice. I altered my gait and
i:-.e',., 1
marathons my answer often is, "Because of the (mile al) but there was no relief and the ice '.',e .::J .io\\'n solrle nice
fast miles on moderate
places they take me, physically and mentally." was sold out. Ahead of us awaited the deatlr Lrph.i,.. Iair and Mike took over for many toulh
Now that people are asking me what Badwater climb to Towne Pass - 5,000 feet of ascent over nriles as nrornin$ broke.
was like, my answer is, "lt's way beyond the a l7-mile ribbon of scorching pavement. "We're Fast tbrnard: Glen arrives at the base of
places that other ultras have ever taken me." getting in the car and changing your shoes," l \,Vhitr.rer Portal. a 5K from the finish, and right
It's been four days since my friend Glen Red- insisted. He tried to say no but was too weak to at 29 hours. BLrt that's a sK with 1,400 feet of
path crossed the finish line at Whitney Portal, resist. He was cramping and literally screaming climbir.rg. ar.rd rvith 132 miles (!) already on his
and t still cannot get scenes from the race out ofin pain. I blew on his steaming hot feet and bodv. Nobodv runs it. and rare is a one-hour
my head. Just being in Death Valley is an experi- massaged them. then slathered more vaseline split from there. Ian and I drive to the fin-
ence. I imagine ifs like being on another planet. on them than is used at a maternity ward on a ish line r'vhile Surf, our pacer reinforcement
One that does not support life as we know it. I full moon night. from L.A. r,vho answered our call in the wee
was there to crew and maybe pace hours and has now taken Glen over
for him on my surgically-repaired-
but still-not-running-on-it ankle.
..JUST RUN, MAN. RUN!'' 20 miles, paces him up this final
wrenching climb.
Glen, who lives and trains in New The clock hits 29 hours, 50 minutes.
York City, is one of the most talenf Ian and I start walking back on the
ed and experienced ultrarunners I have ever Just after dark we finally crested Towne Pass. course to help bring him in. After about a third
known. His specialty is 10o-milers; he knocks The temperature dropped, it lelt almost cool, of a mile, still no Glen. We stop, and watch, and
them out flast, along with completing races like
and Glen started Suddenly the wait. Its getting bleak, I'm alraid to look at my
the 158-mile Spartathlon, in Greece. race was on. Glen cruised into Panamint, and watch, but when I finally do it says 29 hours 56
All weekend Glen's mantra had been: Under then murdered the next climb, and over to Dar- minutes. "Oh well," I think.
30 Hours. Monday morning at 10:00 a.m. in Bad- win. The only problem was! our team had not Then on the low horizon of the steep, reced-
water, the godforsaken heart of Death Valley, Glen really done the math on the 118 ing pavement, Glen's head appears. Even though
miles of the race
took off like he was running a 10K but soon after that can be paced. We had Ian Sharman, who I think he has no chance at sub-30 hours, we all
reaching Furnace Creek (mile lz) the heat had re was facing his own 100-miler on the opposite holler and whoop at him. He is running, prettv
duced him to a broken, struggling man fighting to coast in three days, Mike Redpath, Glen's broth- fast. He gets up to where we are waiting. He is
survive. The thermometer in the car was hitting er, who is still somewhat new to ultrarunning, now running really fast, and goes by before I
over 125 and it felt like being in an oven. Kim Dunbar who hadn't run much all year, can tell him there's not enough time. We catch
For Glen there was no relief I can best de- and me, the gimp. CIen was now runninq so him and he is cruising uphill saying, "Where
scribe his state as that of a person in advanced fast that he had dropped his most recent pacer, is it? Where is itz" We scream:'Just run. man.
old age and declining health - every movement prompting us to suggest he do the next stretch RUN!" And he does, crossing the line in 29:58:3i.
taking major effort. Yet here he was, in the mid- on his own, "But I'm scared out there in the Six months of planning and training, and
dle of a desert, trying with all his might to pro- dark by myself" was his response. 29 hours and 56 minutes of toil came down to
pel himself forward, down a desolate road that I had already exceeded my lO-mile limit and that gut check. Moments like this stay with us
seemed to lead to nowhere. my ankle was puffy and painful from downhill forever because they reveal the depth of humar:
As Glen's crew, we were worried but stead- on pavement, so I gave him his bottle refill and will and the immensity of our potential. Maybe
fast with our 100 pounds of ice and ever-present turned to get back in the car. His plaintive re- that's a big part of why we all are so drawn rc
spray bottle, and Glen mumbling, "gotta get to sponse was, "Stay with me, run with me..." and this wonderful sport of ulrrarunning. I


Runners at sea evei between Furnace Creek The final brutal stretch from Lone Pine to He'snot hallucinating: Glen Redpath with ;
and Stovepipe Wells Whitney Portai bevy of trail angels at Whitney Portal
leustull lele^^oeg Moil31 e
'oralo e)ruolA Jaqurauj
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by Zach Adaxns

I think my system has finally managed to digest My new friend and race partner, Michelle, and
(or at least excrete) the overdose of epic energy I hit the turnaround just before dark and well
that I consumed on April 2zth and 28th 2073, at within cutoff We picked up my pacer, Joell,
the Inaugural FlatRock 101K Ultra Trail Race. with only 25K to go and more than 10 hours
This race is a double out-and-back course that to do it. It was not a matter of if we'd finish,
is covered in shifty rocks, steep climbs, craggy but when. We powered forward and eventually
limestone overhan$s, and even the occasional made it off the trail and to the half-mile stretch
pile of horse dung. Located on the amazing of road leading to the finish.
Elk City Hiking trail near Independence, Kansas, Although it was nearly 2:30 in the morning,
it make runners feel more like they have been the Epic Ultras finish line did not disappoint.
teleported to Arkansas or Colorado. A laser light show illuminated the fog, while
Spending some quality time with ultrarun- cowbells, air-horns, and shouts filled the air. As
ners is always a good time, and the Friday eve- we made our final approach to the massive in-
ning pre-race spaghetti feed was no excep- flatable Epic Ultras finish arch, Race Director,
tion. Despite the soggy conditions, nervous Eric Steele, was there, cheering and smiling. He
anticipation buzzed in the air like electricity treated Michelle and me as if we had won the
that couldn't find a path to ground. I love that race. In my own mind, I absolutely did. Nearly
buzz! Epic Ultras founder and RD, Eric Steele, 21 hours after that "C,O!" I was an official fin- Kimberly Spielman from Newton, Kansas,
gave us a great welcome, a handful of details isher of the Inaugural FlatRock 101K Trail Run pushes to the f inish in 1-/:25:42
regarding the race, and passed out some thanks and had a beautiful buckle to prove it. I
to people involved.
The days leading up to this race consisted of
cool temperatures and a significant amount of
rain. I have completed the FlatRock 50K the last
two years in a row (in late September) and have
never seen a muddy spot on the trail, leading to
personal delusions that the course had some sort
of magical drainage system - in spite of the fact
that it was still raining on race morning. After
getting detailed race instructions, Eric set us off
with a hearty "C,Ol" f?om our imaginary starring
line right next to the shelter house. My plan was
simple, just keep moving. Of course I had plans
on nutrition and hydration, pace, and thoughts
of cutofftimes crossed my mind, but my primary
goal was to just finish. Knowint this challenging
course very well, it seemed a legitimate strategy.
The first 50K outand-back went very well. I
spent it slipping and sliding in the mud, forg-
ing water crossings, and talking to other runners.
Between a lew old friends and some new ones
I met on the trail, I didn't spend much time
running alone. Aid on the course was outstand-
ing, the Epic Ultras Brigade manning the aid
stations were as supportive as any runner could
ask for and then some.
compet:#or' GmTl
Once back at the start/finish I forced myself
to focus on what I needed to do before setting ,-,-' J4N-r,rr'*
back out, and do everything I could to not think
about the remaining distance I would have to
cover. I ate, relubed, restroomed, and boogied
back out on the trail. A.
(y Inllnll o
The second out-and-back I knew would in- GNEEN'/,lYER
clude several hours of darkness, so my primary
Aoal was to hit the final turnaround before dark.

FLAIROCK '101 I rruorne ruoENcE, KANsAs I ApRrL 27 | l 3,4

't0'l KM Grace Lin, 32, NJ '15:16:35 Deb Johnson. 53 17:05:2 5 GenevieveSpivey,36 19:5!
1. Brian Ortell, 46, lA 12.07:59 10. Scott Hill,34 15:26:45 19. Paul Rejda, 37, OK 17:13:1 1 28. Michele Mccrew. 34, OK 2A:4a
2. Joshua Pool, 33 13i09:25 1'1. Michael Mora, 37 15:41:31 20. Kimberly 5pielman, 37 17:25:42 Zach Adams, 35 2A:t.
3. Paul Schoenlaub, 53, MO 13:34:47 12. Reggie Bollinger, 35, NE 15:47:53 21. Dennis Haig.53 17:55:52 30. Adam Monaghan,30 20:5:
4. Ronald Lapoint,3l 13:41.31 13. Zach Jones, 31 1 6:08:39 22. Arnold Begay, 50, OK '18:28:38 31. Ddve Renfro,42, AR 22:::
5. Cole Starkey, 28, OK 14:01:46 14. Sean Randle, 45, AK 16:2Q:20 23. Jimmy Brown,43. NE 18:38:3 5 32.
6. Randy Ellis,61, OK 14:35:04 1 5.
Coleen Voeks. 39 16:29:36 24. Bryan Warren, 42. OK I 9:56:52 33. Dennis Crosby, 66, OK 23 . -
7. Kevin Kwilinski, 44, lL 14:40:40 16. Theresa WheeleL 46 1 6:35:56 Tammy Winn, 44, OK ^19:56:52 34. Ken Childress. 53, OK 23:
8. Candi Paulin, 32 15:16:35 17. Stuart Johnson, 53 17:05:25 26. Nicole Parkhurst. 32, MO 19:59:22
6lOlesnA'nn/Utl,t @ eslpueqcrot4 solels urolso1 dotts
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anq hy[ atp ry pa\s1ryd ara,vr stlnsa/ qmu.1 Wohag* af,er e uo Furllnd Jo pauEJrp peq oq.{\ 'splrar{ aq] ur a;r,{\ oqr.L splo:ea.{-61 ;epun jo a1i:-.
aleuorssed ,{yqrpa;rur o.&\} paqJ}e,rlt I puv tnq ueu-p1o-.{1ea,trs e a.tep pue dn ped.---:,
rqlnrl os ]oN zparoq ]nfl 'srnoq 'erlln ]sru raq poqsruu rprrq 3"In]ry s.pu3r{ 'qaLull uJ70p ,M{ p rJl5Ji B Jo puell J-l- ..-
17 'ro3 dool e ur puno:e unr prp 1 ssanp 1 'og ,{ru se a;aq} sEM I 'rel\ e Jo ult})Il e sEA\ oLIA\ 'asrnol aql Buole palsod Journq pLrE rrr-.-: ,
'aJII roJ dfiFos .r{ets 11r,u ,{aql arns tue I puar{ ualleJ e Jo rouoq ur selrlu 00I patalduor ;o suBrs pmr I sE palrlus pue pallrrqr I ..
pleq os ur u paleos .{aqt se wearp rlar{} rzIIEe.I pue daap Fnp puauS reqioue sE paqrlem I eL{}JIELIlurqtnel pue sarour,s lurloor :.:'-,
'uraql ualrfl eleq dlrunuruor Futuun.t aqi pue 'spuar4Jo dno;F e qlrm,4 opealu EJo alpprru aLIl punore )es spuar{Jo dno;F apnq e sE tsr.. :
Furuuru leql sFurssalq aq] IIe ro3 peq e.te$ leqt ur s,uoa, aFer.rreui Jraql .^Aauar aldoad a.toyur-.{1daap psllalus I 'alel e uo paouB) sarlrllreJ prr? -. -.
on\t Me5 pue 'sle]\ Jq.r rJpun agr,an ,{r"u pJssryuoou ado; uapoo,a,r pequrll sun,Funod sE p:L;r-l
-rJUp llE sapul-Jlnurursl pue Suru.rour 1u sellLu 'ilalilrJ rJrllo ssJliunoJ pue'3rd nLilr.-
1se;6uruun-l uo]+rif rrl lnlrolol sAeMle aqt -alnuru-xrs ]no >lrouI dppnq u paqrle1,,1 .{ddeq fiur1oo1$oop e'as;noJ aqlJo JaLuoJ srri l:. .
.: :":,-'.' sela, aqs pue .4ep II€ raqlou slq qlyrt 3utuuru I sE s.{\on ,{1aug pa.{ofua oqm ra}soo.r .: .:.
un,Funod fiur>1aas-lruuns turzetue_ leql^A\es I Jo llry ureq pue plru e'o11aq,{e' or p'-.; .
'suorloo ueBa^ eq o] salnurlu g7 Ltarc s,uor pureas 'spuar.g p:.i:r.
eral{} pe}uent sCX aq} asneJaq dnos 1r}ua1 aperu qlrm salrus Jo sparpunq fiurfueqrxa 's;r-,;
-euoq snonrlap auos ale I 'ralru-0ol rJllloue luq1ap :apnpur urarl] 3o.,a1drues IIErLri :: --
Furqsrug raue aurl aq] ssorle .{pe1 lryrlneaq iaur] parplill'!; : -
.rr f,rrpr nr rrF 'r,rplp 'O1nO,n puefla1 lJqlOuB -
,{ru pauue.u pue salluum ayrrus Aur c- .. -
JraqM lJuueq Jqr pJl)eus | '.tlotJr^ eq] LurElr leq] saruar:adxe ssellunoJ peq I slloll ;: -
orrrllLU-00t eql Jo sJlrui teuU Jqr Fuunp 'sa1tu erl] roJ pue 'Jo alal\ anr uaql sladtr--..-
alnurru-]q$ra qlrm peaq o] peaLl op ntoul 1 uaru uo tuailuv leuorleN aql pafeyd s,rarr,,]-.-
lsJlseJ eqi Jo omr paqJrBM pue 'stqBrt prrrIJJqJ spuJr{ lno se pJUJ}srL uaqt :.rn1rrd dr. ..'
ur pualal fiuruun.r e LFrI\ pe]]eqr 'surelunotu e .ro; pa;eqteF IIp 4.4 'uels eJpr aql or .: :
.relnrelrads JaAo ]asuns eq] pue asuuns aLI] Mes " .{11en1ti .
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e sE . .
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/4111tr11 i3r
53't3ull NI ShilNNnH
st_tm| cNoA::



by Trishul Cherns, RD

In the pristine natural beauty of the Mohonk

& Minnewaska State Park Preserves, Rock the
fudge so-mile race set a number of firsts. Not
only was it the first ultra-distance race the Pre-
serves have hosted, but Rock The fudge entrants
raised over $100.000 to benefit the Mohonk Pre-
serve, the most money ever raised for a Preserve
athletic event. Firsts also included establishing
course records for men and women for what is
now to be an annual event.
Rock The tudge, inspired by and launched in
connection with the 50th anniversary of the Mo-
honk Preserve, boasts picturesque views from a
course that winds along the carriage trails, con-
necting both parks. There are 3,s00 feet of el-
evation gained and 3,500 feet of elevation lost
along this course with the last 20 miles mostly
downhill. Combined with the good footing,
this makes the course fast; perfect for the trail
racer wanting to run a swift time.
The challenge included 174 runners, walkers
and hikers in three divisions: Individual s0,
Team 50 & Team Relay 50 Miles. In the Indi-
vidual s0. there were 81 starters and zs finish-
ers. There were 15 teams entered in the Team 50 Earlv morninq start at the Testimonial Gate in the Mohonk Preserve
Mile division with all 15 teams crossing the fin-
ish line. Each team could have the minimum was moving, he beat the first place relay team by entire race with SO degrees in the morning and
of two and a maximum of four athletes. All just over 15 minutes. Jacqueline Kehoe finished 72 degrees in the afternoon. The aid stations
members of the team are required to run the in 7:42:39 to take first for the women.Team Pizza, were well stocked with all sorts of food for the
full distance. To be scored in the final tally, the comprised of Emily Luker and Aaron Moskowitz, runners and manned by shiny happy volun-
last member's time determines the team's place. won the Team 50 with a time of 10:09:09. teers. The event was particularly happy for one
The men's first place time, of 5:18:20, was run Perfect weather conditions met us at the start- participating couple; a marriage proposal made
by Ben Nephew. To get an idea ofhow fast Ben ing line and remained with the runners for the and acceoted. I


plArz, Ny I MAy 4l L3,2
50 MILES 32' Susan Hoger 10:0,]:30 47 . Bobbie Clopine. 43 1
:36:1 8 62. Kel ly Torres 1 3:56:3:
'1. Ben NepheW 37 6:18:20 33. Scott Field '10:05:32 Russ Clopine, 47 11:36:18 63. Bruce schmidt, 58 14:03:0:
34 2. Dylan Armajani 7:03:48 34. Sara sessions,48 1 0;09:32 49. Lawrence Gillet, 52 11:46:18 64. Ciay Spenser 14:03:i -
3. Jeff Holy 7:09:18 35. Chris Blaich 1 0;09:38 50. Jim Demis 11:49:48 65. Rahul Koganti 14:31:2'-
4. Jason Friedman,4l 7:29:26 36. William Buford 10:09:49 51. Glenn Lapolt,43 11:49:5Q Ashlee Willaman '14:31:2:
5. Mike Maurer, 29 7:32:20 37. Caitlin Gliedman 10:16:55 52. Danielle Costa 1 1:51:06 67. MviamBaurhald 42 15:44:C.
6. Alexandre Tilmant, 42 7:39:20 38. Greg Brown, 42 '1
0:30:'1 0 53. Drnnw \A/pi<hFr^ 11:51:07 68. Kelly McGrath '11:35:24
/. Etran taoaK 7:41:37 39. lan Erne I 0:32:56 54. Robert Harris, 65 12.02.40 69. Heather Aderson | /:7J:-
8. Jacqueline Kehoe 7:42:39 40. Christopher Regan '10:35:06 55. 5am Karllin 12:29:05 Renae Servidio 11:35.)'
9. Morgan Thompson, 32 7:50:59 41. Tom Reynolds,31 10:44:30 56. Javm€ilrJltz 12.53.24 71 . Arthur Cooke, 34 17:49.4'
q '10. Joel Johnson,25 7:52:14 42. Trishul Cherns, 56 10:44:48 57. Davide Bruzzone '13;06:30 72. Sarah Toppinq 18.04."
1 1. Christopher Solarz,35 8:09:51 43. Gary Lundgren 10:47:20 58. A.lessandra Echeverria. 26 13:38:29 73. Deirdre Altman 1 8:34:l
12. Alan Ruben, 55 8i14112 44. Jill Hartlev 10:49:34 59. Jaron Abbott 1 3:40:56 74. Mustafa Bhagat 18:41 .' -
13. Kaj Johnson,30 8:36:01 45. Ravi Misra,35 'I :17:08 60. Michele Yasson. 51 13:49:59 Matt Eyler -tr
1 18;41
14. Michael Embler,47 8:46:52 46. Katv 5chlichtman 11:23:51 61. Joe Wolff 13:53:49
'15. Craig Moyse, 25 8:48:10
'16. Brian Hsia, 32 8:51:34
17. Kenneth Posner,42 8:52:40
18. Takeshi Yamazaki 9.04:44
19. David Staley,28 9:1 3:50
Michael Clark,47
Brian Maupin
Heidi Schalle
23. PaulMullen.38
9:1 5:01
365 BftH,"innins
Matt Bednorz's journey into ultrarunning began with
24. Bryan Brady 9:42:29
25. Nick 5chewtschenko 9:42:54 the Chicago Marathon of 1995. After the Collegiate
26. Joseph Bafaro )r,42 9:45:35
27. Christopher Campos, 38 9:46:'19 Peaks 50 Mile, he was hooked. Follow Matt through
28. Juliette Ciaccia 9:46:39 a year of ultrarunning and experience the highs
29. Ethan Cohen, 38 9:47:47
Michael Cohen, 50 9:47.47 and lows of this challenging sport.
31. Jessica Frev. 27 9:59:32
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by Cl"ay Shaw

The race director of Squaw Peak, John Bozung,

and I are good ffiends. We met at the Na-
nisivik Marathon in the Canadian Arctic in
1996. We were also roommates on the Antarc-
tica Marathon trip in 1997 and have enjoyed
many other marathon trips together. We are
both originally California guys, and we share
a common bond with running. I have helped
lohn (JB) at seven of his Squaw Peak so-milers
and have seen and been involved with the set-
up and tireless work that he puts into hosting
this high altitude run in the mountains in the
ProvoOrem area of Utah.
This year, a mild winter made for good course
conditions. Combined with ideal weather for
race day, it was close to perfect for the Squaw
Peak s0. A record number of 238 finishers com-
pleted the 2013 running.
Eric Storheim was first across the finish line
in 8:43:38. He was followed by Dominick Lay-
field in 8:45:46 and Brian Beckstead in 8:53:38.
Rounding out the top five were Ford Smith in
8:5810 and Cameron Kasteler in 9:01:51.
In the women's race, Meghan Woolley, the
defending champion, had a successful repeat, Marci Lamoreaux and Amie Blackham float alonq the trail
clocking in at 936:.42. Darcy Africa, a previous
winner at Squaw Peak, was second in 10:05:47.
Also on the podium was Amie Blackham, who mountains but doesn't do well with altitude. the 2:30 p.m. cutoff time. At that point, she was
finished in 10:07:4 for third. Alexis Crelin was Okay, not the ideal debut course, but she hung headed into the high country and Windy Pass at
fourth in lO:37:47 and Deb Mclnally was fifth in there and seemed to be holding her own over 9,000 feet in elevation. While photograph-
in 10:51:21. through the halfway aid station. In order to see ing the top runners and most of the middle-oF
My wife, Karen Mitchell, had decided to give Karen. I drove around the mountain and saw the-packers during the afternoon at a beautiful
it a go and made the trip from Pennsylvania more of the course than I had in my previous meadow just above aid station 10, I got a phone
with me. Karen has run 100 marathons but no six trips out. call from Karen. At a rare moment. she had
ultras other than one 50K in Texas in 2000. She Karen made it through mile 33, the Little Val- phone seruice and let me know that she was
loves trail running but hates to fall, and enjoys ley aid station, with tO minutes to spare before having a bad patch and wasn't happy. I decided

SQUAW PEAK 50 MILE TRAIL RUN I enovo, urAH lruNE 1 lA s,3
50 MILES 29. Alexis Crellin, 27 10:37:47 58. Ronald Cox,43 11:54:44 87. Adrienne Parsons, 37 12:39::!
1. Erik Storheim, 40 8:43:38 30. Mike Young, 49 10:41:34 59. lill Bohnev 48 11:55:12 88. Blaine Nelson,44 12:42:2-
2. Dominick Layfield, 41 8:45:46 31. Deb Mclnal u 43, WA 10:51 :21 60. Teancum Bryant, 29 11:55:59 89. Paul Atkinson, 38 12.42:3:
3. Brian Beckstead, 31 8:53:38 32. Robbie Asbell, 38 '10:57;39 61. Marci Lamoreaux.45 11:56:19 90. Dave Martin, 56 12.43.' -
4. Ford Smith, 17, TX 8:58: 10 33. Derek Forest, 35 10:57:52 62. Jeff Bethers, 28 12:02:05 Cam Martin, 25 12:43:'
; 5.
Cameron Kasteler, 38
Charles Corfield, 55, CO
34. Christopher Jones, 38
35. Ben Corrales,39
1 :09:40
David Rose,40
Deanna Morley.46
92. James Mitchell,41
93. Marty Heim, 38

7. Curtis Eppley,46 9:26:45 36. Matthew Bero, 39 11:13:24 65. Josh Kasteler, 29 12:10:12 94. Lisa Deyoung, 45, NC 12:46 '-
8. Luke Martin, 26 9:35:46 37. Christopher Smemoe, 4l 11:15:43 66. Nathan Younger, 33 12:11:09 95. Daniel lhnat,47 12:47 -'
9. Thomas Burke,46, NV 9:36:25 38. Christian Gardner,40 1 1 :1 6:08 67. Kirk Dyches,47 12:11:42 96. Carrie McAdam marx. 47 12.4a -.
10. Meqh!n lvaqlley,27 9:36:42 39. Divesh Bhatt, 36, Wl 11:22:59 68. Bradley Neuenschwander, 40 12:13:13 97. Terry Foust,50 12:50::
1'1. Daniel Wadley, 39 9:47:07 40. Christopher Nielsen, 32 11:25:34 69. DrewWittwer,42 12:16.17 Cy Waldron, 39 12:50 l:
12. Seth Wold,29 9:53:31 41. Darrell Phippen,35 11:26.42 70. Julie Godderidge, 55 12:18:02 99. Michael Bevers, 52 12:51 .
13. lan Farris, 31 9.56:42 42. Cory Johnson, 48 11:26:58 71. Joanne L[!hgqe.40 12.20:06 100 Dmitriy Kernasovskiy,30, CA 12:5T :,
14. Blake Josephson,3T 1Q:02:52 43. Matthew Baird, 39 11:29:12 72. Quintin Barney, 53 12.21:04 Sarah Kernasovskiv. 27, CA 12:51 ::
15. Darcvl\fura.38, CO 10:05:47 44. Jamie Frink. 40, CA 11:32.28 73. Laura Downey.32 12.2'l:29 1Q2. Colleen Ford. 51 12:5L -.,
16. Amie Blackham. 34 10.Q7:42 Gretchen Bruqloal 39, CA 11:32:28 74. John Brown,32 12:24:18 103. Willard D. Peck,69 12t5L :
17. Phil Allen, 53 10:09:00 46. Rob Davies, 44 11:34:4Q 75. J. Turdl Miller, 44 12:24:29 104. Tom Warr, 38 12.5a : -
'18. Jonathan Love,32 1 0: 1 5:02 47. Clark Hirschi,49 11:35:05 76. fony Sieverts, 53 12:24:48 1 05. Galen Garrison,43 12:5a ::
Brett Wilking, 38 1 0:1 5:02 48. Alicia Hude son. 28, Wl 11:35:32 77. Mark Dabell,36 12:25:19 1 06. Jacob Petersen, 37 1 2:5: : :

20. John Evans, 50 1 0:1 5:55

AO Barry Miller,55 1 1:35:39 78. Ernie Floyd. 58 12:28:42 107. Joshua Floyd,36, CA 12:5-'-
21. lsaiah Price, 27, NV 1Q:2Q:42 50. Jamen Nelson,28 1 1:35:41 79. Brian Wade, 39 12:29:14 1 08. John sieverts, 54 12:5 --
22. Brian Harward, 39 10:20:55 51. Allison Conovef, 34 11:36:59 80. Dan Knight,39 12.29.28 1 09. CarolvlLurk4! 46 12:59 --
23. Tom Remkes, 51 1O:21:19 52. Patricia Beaty. 46 11:44:45 81. JeIf Levy, 42 12:29:46 1 10. Tyler Call, 43 13:0: i -
24. Scott Zipprich, 31 1O:24:54 53. e/".6 C^dd6rid^6 (q
11:45:11 Courtney Scaife. 44 12:29:46 111. Matt Harrison, 37 13:0: .

25. Chris Benoit, 31. TX 1 0:30:1 0 Jason Eichhorst, 36 11:50:57 83. Eric Eide, 50 12:29:48 1 12. Tyler Alderman, 42 '13:0- ' :
26. faylor Scalley, 39 1O:31:37 55. Nick Mingo, 37 '11:51:09 84. Nancy Cleveland. 50 12.30:29 1 13. Eve Davies.46 13:C: :-
27. Shaun Christian,40 10:32:32 56. Holly Trapp. 42 11.54.19 85. Sam Clarke, 40 12:31:O4 1 14. Brian Pontius. 36 1 3:C- - ,
28. Derek Ward, 40 1 0:37:1 3 Stan Sieverts.39 11:54:19 86. Joe Crilly, 5'1 l2:3'l :53 115. Jon Morley, 51 13:C- :,
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'3l31dWOJ lAOW 1311 3ll SCVHASd


by Scott Lwingston

Saturdals inaugural Ca],uga Trails 50 was a

great event. My wife, Debbie, and I made the
trip to Ithaca, New York so that Debbie could
run the 50 mile trail race. The start/finish was
at Robert H. Treman State Park, which was our
home for the weekend.
The race made use of the trails in and around
the park and nicely wound its way through sev-
eral aid stations multiple times. The start/fin-
ish was blessed with an amazing playscape, so
our kids and about a dozen other children were
suitably entertained.
In 2O74, Cayuga will be the USATF sO-Mile
Trail Championships. Race director Ian Golden
also promotes the Virgil Crest Ultras, so he is no
rookie when it comes to holding a big event. He
and his team ofvolunteers did a fine job ofput
ting on Cayuga. He brought in loads ofsponsors,
which permitted an uncharacteristically large
prize list for an ultramarathon and attracted
some top talent. He also instilled some charac-
ter in the race and even started the runners by
blowing through a ram's horn.
Debbie struggled mightily, but kept plugging
along and got to the finish in just under 10 Adam Hill runs into the top- 10 Effervescent Kristina Folcik had an a. ,
hours. It was an emotionally and physically on the trails and took the win in i -= '
draining day for me with responsibility for both
of our kids and crewing duties. I love to see finish line, though I know she was hoping for In the women's race, Kristina F: :
her run up front, but she and I are both learn- better legs on a big day. another breakour performance. r'. ':'
ing that juggling family, work, community, and The men's race was very competitive with and finishing 12th overall. She na:
athletic responsibilities is a challenge. I hit my Sage Canaday winning in 6:47.He was followed Sandi Nypaver, Amy Rusiecki. Je>.
40s last year and she is approaching hers in by Matt Flaherty. Jordan McDougal, Brian Rus- and Jacqueline Palmer. I was rea..'
18 months and the days of focusing solely on iecki, and Yassine Diboun. There were several with Kristina's effort. She pushed r-...:
sports are lon$ $one. No excuses for either of us. other notables in the top 10, including long-time over the lead when Cassie Scalit:-.
I'm really proud that she found her way to the friend and New England runner Ben Nephew fering from what appeared to b; :


38 50 MrLEs 34. Katie O'Req?[ 28 9.42.00 68. William S Sycalik, 41 1 0:48:00 102. John Sylvester, 45
1. Sage Canaday, 27 6:41:00 35. Soohie Limoq€5, 33 9:43:00 69. Michael Hughson,35 1 0:50:00 1 03. Susan Baehre,5d
62. Matt Flaherty, 27 6:52:00 36. Mike Kirk,41 9.44:00 70. Marqllqll3cjlc, 30 1 0:52:00 104. Anna Sumerlin, 25
::' Jordan McDougal, 26
Brian Rusiecki, 34
Heather Wesolovski, 30
38. Laura Buckholz-Cockrell, 29
71. .Joseph Kula, 34
72. Jane Donovan,49

1 05.

1 06.
Liz Kuenstner, 23
Kristen Hyer, 29
-5. Yassine Diboun,34 7:11:OO 39. T. Michael Thornton, 43 9:49:00 Bard Hovenga, 24 1 0:56:00 Christina Friedma- :-
Jim Sweeney, 31 7:34:00 Daniel Young, 53 9:49:00 74. Kellv Wilson, 45 1 0:57:00 '108. Karen Braswel, li
Ben Nephew 37 7:37:O0 41. Thomas Joslin, 34 9:51:00 75. Alex Millet,23 10:58:00 1 09. Jon Marks, 53
Adolfo Munguia,28 7:58:00 42. Nicho as Viglione, 26 9:52:00 John Toscano, 39 1 0:58:00 1 10. Shannon Gallaql€j -.
9. Cole Crosby, 24 8:00:00 43. Debbie Livinq$ao 38 9:53:00 77. Paul Chenery, 56 1 1 :16:00 111 . Hideki Kinoshlta,:-
10. Adam Hill, 37 8:01:00 44. Gary Gagliardi, 30 9:56:00 78. Robert Seltzer, 46 1 1 :1 7:00 Ramon Ferrer Jr, ::
11. Timothy O'Shea, 41 8:02:00 45. Kevin Ravasio,25 10:00:00 79. Jamie Gartenberg, 45 1 1 :1 8:00 1 13. Doug Nash, 59
12. Kristina Folcik,35 8:23:00 46. Katherine Aldridqg 39 1 0:04:00 80. Brian 50rrells,43 11:23:00 1 14. Jodi Kartes Heinc -:
13. Benjamin Lloyd,42 8:32:00 47. Cory West, 37 1 0:06:00 81. Peter Gagarin, 68 11:24:00 115. Sagar Mehta, 33
14 Sandi NVpalcI 24 8:45:00 48. Patrick Belanger, 43 10:07:00 82. Will Fox, 38 11:27:00 116. Peter Willis, 43
8:45:00 Helene Michaux.28 1 0:07:00 83. Christopher Rozmarin. 46 11:35:00 117. Michael Garcia,29
16. Jason Friedman,3T 8:47.Q0 50. Daniel Grimard, 30 '1
0:1 1 :00 Joshua Rossi,29 11:35:00 Sebastien Rode. :-
17. AmLB!t!€!kl, 33 8:54:00 Tim Grant,35 '1
0:1 1 :00 85. Dana Munget 39 1 1 :40:00 119. Sean Bailey, 19
18. Jessica SnydeL 28 8:58:00 52. Gerrit Van Loon, 52 10:12:00 86. Graham Nekut, 24 1 1 :46:00 120. Anthony Ng, 29
19. Morton Castet 27 8:59:00 Matthew Robinson, 24 10:12:00 87. Neil Policelli,63 11:41:O0 121 . scott shiba, 29
20. Chris Coulston,45 9:06:00 54. Marvin Russell,40 10:13:00 88. Kira Novakofski. 29 1
:48:00 Lucy Ledezma, 3C
21. Bill Nadeau,36 9:07:00 55. David Wise, 42 1 0:1 4:00 89. Will Noonan, 43 1
:49:00 123. Jennifer Carlson, l:
22. Jacqueline Palmer.25 9:'1 3:00 56. John Graf,48 1 0:25:00 90. Daniel Vandam,20 I 1:50:00 Matthew Mi ler, 3-
23. Ed Housel, 54 9:'14:00 Melissa Pastore. 52 10:25:00 91. Caitlin Baran.26 l'1:55:00 125. Dave Janosko, 5r
24. Elizabeth Matthews,32 9: 18:00 58. Elaine Allen.45 10:29:00 92. James Miner,64 11:56:00 Jayme Dubinsk!. ::
25. Ralph Crowley. 28 9:22:00 59. David Emch, 31 10:31 :00 93. Christine Reynolds.43 11:59:00 127 . Leo Oconnor,45
26. Denis Larochelle,32 9:29:00 60. Joe Lyman, 40 1 0:33:00 94. Jerry Williamson, 50 l2:01:00 John Budge, 30
Benoit Beaupr?, 43 9:29.00 61. JennrWqbh, 31 1 0:35:00 95. Kelsey Battige. 26 12:02:00 129. Jason Noel,42
28. Nicholas Robinson,33 9:32:00 Margaret Frank.27 1 0:35:00 96. Dave Champion, 54 1 2:04:00 1 30. Si-Ning Li, 26

29. Austin Burling,20 9:34:00 63. Peter Sherman, 27 10:36:00 97 . Gene Dykes. 65 12:05:00 131. Kenneth Rowe, j-
30. Rache Nypaver. 24 9:35:00 64. Justin Trana, 29 1 0:39:00 98. Michael O'Connor,42 12:17:00 132. Karen Fennle,)i
31. Keith Bourassa,29 9:36:00 65. Chris 5enez, 23 10:44:00 99. Kristen Levy. 28 12:19:00
32. Michael Michaud,30 9:39:00 66. Yoshihiro Nozaki,38 10:45:00 1 00. Gary Hebert, 48 12:20:00
33. steve Desmond,23 9:40;00 67. Adam Russell, 32 10:47:OO 10'l . Bill Buchanan,5l 12:28:00
Urqs rapeal srr.{ #o smoqs {epeue3 e6e5 ;auur1,1
Z ury
l I'puaIaam
leLllou€ se,^ u 'llE ur IIV 'lryllneaq se,an fuauars
-c srli pue s;olellads roJ ]earp sel\ eler aLII
.qsrug eq]
o1 1r fiur>1eru srouunr n9I Jo gg1 roJ palllas arpr
aqJ 'asrnor qFnot e ilrls se.M tr tnq 'palledxa
aqs se Furfiualer{J se },use.&\} pue aJeJJns
aqt ]eq] pres arqqac '1ce.rra1Furs pappru pue
'slrer] pe^ed qanor 'lrer] paped-p;eq Jo xru
e sel^ araq] pue urES uorlE^ala Jo ]aoJ 000'0I
ueql aroru peq af,er eqJ'paFFolrale^\ slrEr] ei{}
Jo suor}JJS JpBru rlJrqM'ater sfep;nle5 tno
-qFnorqi Jo pue uo pourer i1 ',{epr.rg uo urel
fueaq;age.{fifintu pue druep peu.uep.riep aq1
'srauun.l 69-ralo arll o] dn uo lqpr.r sarueru;o3;ad
dno;F aFe Fur.rrdsur auros aJaM a.raq1 '.{rnfur
erlqe6 lalqbnep
iaq uror, enrl-q6rq e sla6 uolsburnll elqqac
aql ur nl uaL{I
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q)E}ag u!lsacl
aql ralua plnoqs
noA 6qm suospal
o t fnouq ol luD/Y\
Er+ln qcEag



.',:':.1€ll KolJLsoll

- :i nrnning
of the Bighorn Mountain Wild
.': Trail Run and the 12th running of
!:e :rrc
- : i..:--om Trail 100 were marked by the fall
' :.. -.: Charles Hubbard's course records in
' : :l ::r:Le. 50K, and companion 30K trail runs.
r - : :-:.:.1. one of only a handful of people who t
:.. :-.mpleted all four distances at the Big- t
--.. :.r \
rhe records between 2001 and 2003 and
:) :. lrember of national running teams. The
- :-.. ',,.irhstood multiple assaults by very elite
- r-r--r': fbr over a decade with the 52-mile and
r :. :-::lr-ds considered relatively unassailable.
', '
- r-.r n'ere these records broken this year,
' .. '.',-ie blorvn away!
:=::: S,..,anson obliterated Hubbard's S}-mlle
' :r'- --:;;+3:53. set in 2002, with a time of 7:17:05.
. ' \f ihell derrroved Hubbard's 50K time of
= -rll ',,,irl-i a time of 3:50:53. When one consid-
: : rr: r:echnical difficulty of the trails and the
: -:->. tl-iese performances were phenomenal.
:-; lOGr-rrrle event began in the mouth of
,: :,.; River Canyon at a.m. on Friday,
. r :' --iir. Runners ascend the Tongue River and
i-..: Creek drainages to the head of the Dry
. :.: -::he Little Bighorn River, descend the Dry Near the turnaround at mile 48 - still snow above 9.000 feet
: :. -. rhe r.r.routh of the Little Bighorn River,
. ---. ::e r.i ascend the Little Bighorn River drain-
... :.- Jarvs Trailhead at 48 miles. ing point at Scott Park in Dayon, Wyoming. The
Weather was excellent the week before the
.:-.: ;ourse fbatured exactly two miles of new l0Gmile course includes over 75 miles of very which significantly helped in drying oui
- .iai'.'s Trailhead replacing exactly nvo miles technical single{rack trail with difficult footing be- the famous shoe-sucking mudhole below Bear
.: -' ,.1 rhar had gone to the prior turnaround cause of rocks, roots, and ridges left from animal Camp on the 52-mile and too-mile course. Hou.
'-. --: Porcupine Ranger Station. There were tracks. Bighorn features over 18,000 feet of climb ever, mud and water were particularly preva
::':::ciable differences in elevation or course and approximately 250 feet more of descent. Ient on that course between Elk Camp and
= . -. ., rrh rhese changes. Jaws Trailhead al- Great participation was recorded by the event Jaws Trailhead again this year. The temperature
.-r ::ie organizels and runner's crews much with 167 runners in the 100-mile, 189 in the 52- dropped into the low 20s in the wee hours oi
. :. ,.ricle access and parking than Porcupine mile, and 215 in the 50K Crowding on the course Friday night in the upper Little Horn Canyon
:-=:: Sr-ation and was very well received by the is not a significant issue as the races start at dif- and at Jaws Trailhead but there were only a fer','
:'r-:t':. .t-e\\-. and aid station volunteers. ferent spots and times in the Bighorn Mountains. minor snowdrifts left over from winter.
.'.. -f}-nile participants then return via the Runners are taken by bus to their starting points Over 30 trees had to be cut flom the trail L.i
r': :--.i:e and finish four miles past their start- with all races finishing at Scott Park. race volunteers on the Wednesdav priol ro'r--

G IORN TRAIL 100 1 onvror,l, wyovltNG lruNE 14ll s,4

_ -ES 28. Jeremy Suwinski, 34, UT 25:57:55 56. ShellLcroenke, 55. MN 29:21:52 84. StaceL5halld, 33
"' ,.:;- <aouraki, 44 18:51:55 29. David Schuetze,43, NC 25:58:45 57. Scott Rassbach,42, MN 29:21:53 85. Lori Herron, 53
-- " :. ?7 IIT 19:13:01 30. Tim Stroh,51, WA 26:03:06 58. Jeff Wr;ght, 51, WA 29:23'.26 86. John Tavlor, 51, MN :
20:09:04 31. Mark Rostan, 43, NC 26:10:05 59. Jonnifer Lacanlale,4329:33'.32 87. Jeanne KvsElea{ey, 47, CA :
::: 30. OR 20:16:4132. DennisNorrisll,49,NC 26:10:05 60. GregoryMurdick,36,MO 29:33:37 29.33.3/ 88. Allen Danlek,40, TX
E6. AllenDarilek,40,TX : .- .
- l:-'rck, 37, lD 21.10:1533. Tommy Doias.41, MO 26:17:51 51. RogerJensen,63, CO 29:38:00 89. Jorge Delplata Arias, 57, CC i- : _

22:09:4534. Daniel Barnett, 50, UT 26:26:27 62. Jay Mack,49, MT 29:45:45 90. Noe Cdstanon,42, CA
22:13:5635. Jason Antin, 30, CO 26:57:15 63. FrancoisTrocha,4T,CO 29:45:46 91. TravisAnderson,38. CO i- _ -
22:17.3336. Brian Myers, 36, wA 27:11:52 64. Phil Atkinson,40, WY 29:49:54 92. Larry Sandhaas,44, tL
- )--^. 40, CO 22.23.5037. Matt Hagen, 42, WA 27:20:46 65. Danny Speros. 36, AZ 29.5l|:19 93. 5hannon Rochelle,48, W. i. i
:- . -az Lowe, 40, MN 22:23:50
, 38. Thomas Etter, 49, WY 27:36:40 66. Joey Luthet 33. CO 30:02:1 / 94. B.uce Damdn, 44, Ml
- . , ^ -. .gton, 28, CO 22:25:5239. Steve Restad, 59, MT 27:53.12 67. Jeff Jones, 51, AZ 30:04: I '1 95. Chelsev Anderson. 28, M- . : _ .-
.-::-::j i.lT 22:28:1240. AndrewPoland,2T,CO 27:53:52 68. Karl Jensen,63 30:16:55 96. Ben snyder,37, WY
.. ::-.:; ;' UT 22:28:4241. John Brower. 37. MS 28:00:47 69. Kelly Soohoo, 33, CA 30:17:40 97. HonevAlbreqht!, 53, AZ
: 32:: ..
22:30:3842. Bradley Olwin, 56, CO 28:05:36 70. Karla Holgers. 34, WY 3O:23:54 98. John Adams, 52, MO 32 i-: :-
-::::_::l: -:: r: r1, ! CA 22:49.17 43. Cory Kohm,38, WA 28:06:25 7 1. Kara Teklinski. 39. CA 30:24:31 99. Scott Snyder. 58, CO 323?.
:, ::.: ):-:- 10, UT 23:20:0744. Btyan Shuman, 39, WY 28:22:12 72. Mike Place, 35, UT 30:25:59 100. Sheila Huss.37, CO
,: : -': - :: :r 23.29.2445. Stephen Brown,53. MT 28:23:54 73. KrisQuandt,39, WY 30:33:55 101. Erik Dalgaard,49, MN 32:5' --
-:-:' :--: :: -- 23.45.5746. Meaqh€lBrc]ryt 24, NM 28:23:55 74. Andi Ramer.39, CA 30:52:59 102. Roy Lunde, 42, CO
23:56:5147. Rodney Kammerdiener,40, CO 28:29:08 75. Andrew Barney, 40. UT 30:57:01 103. Kris Hawbaker, 28. Hl
- :, :::: _a:: 24.00.3948. Davy Crockett, 54, UT 28:29:55 76. RaymondMullenax,46. lD 31:06:41 104. GavinHawbaket 19,TX 325:-:-
: :::; :: '.'l 24.36.5049. Adam Parkison, 24, MT 28:44:52 77. Matk Parish. 30. CO 31:11:20 105. Elaine Stvouia.48, Ml 325 '
24:42.5650. Pamela Reed. 52, WY 28:45:05 78. Andrew Pfeiffer, 30, CO 31:12:56 106. Jaime Garcia, 36. TX 32 aE -.
25:03:53 51. Wayne caudet, 55 28:45:36 79. Dana Katz. 37, OR 31:13:26 107. Allan Holtz, 63, MN 33:0a ::
:C 25.11.17 52. Alan Lam, 40 28:45.36 80. Rick Gaston,41, CA 31:13:21 108. Joyce Hollowav 51, WA 33:1a :
25:31:01 53. James Holland.36, TN 28:50:14 81. Drew Brazier,29, CO 31:18:57 109. Anita Schiltz.48, WA 33:
25.48:44 54. Sultan ldlibi,34, NC 28:55:52 82. WillieRoberson,4l,TN 31:'19:07 1'10. RickRochelle,49,Wy 33:l-:'
25:51.12 55. Marta Ostler.45, WY 28:59:17 83. Urban Ljungberg,42 31:20:38 1'l 1. Genia Kacey 37, WA 33'.
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? -*e

There were 14s finishers out of 189 starters in bard's 50K record, a record that had never been
the 52-mile who were able to come in under approached in 13 years. Sarah Keller was the
the cutoffof 15 hours, a 77-percent finishing rate. women's champion in 5:14:27.
This figure reveals how challenging the 52-mile
course is and how impressive Swanson's perfor-
Michelle Maneval, Karen Powers, Melanie
Green, and Cheryl Sinclair of the Sport Stop
mance was in this event.
The 5OK race began at the Head of the Dry
Fork at 8:00 a.m. on Saturday, June 15th, with
in Sheridan did a superb job in directing the
race. Over 300 volunteers assisted with the event.
Many of the volunteers had to backpack into
runners ascending over 1,200 feet on Dry Fork their aid stations because of the remoteness and I
tudge and fuley Point before taking the 2,300- inaccessibility of the course. Aid stations were
foot Elk Trail descent into Kerns Cow Camp. At stocked with the usual ultra food plus embel-
Cow Camp, the 50K participants join the 52- lishments unique to a particular aid station.
mile and 100-mile course ascendine 1.200 feet For example, Upper Sheep Creek amazed the
to loop back to rhe Head of the Dry Fork and participants with their shrimp feast on ice with
then traverse the Sheep Creek and Tongue fuver dill seasoning, peaches were a hit at Elk Camp,
drainages to finish. and Cow Camp had their traditional bacon and
Dane Mitchell bested Chris Lundberg by t7 elgs breakfast, just to mention a few. I
minutes while taking 14 minutes off of Hub-

45. Meredith Edwards,28, WY 11:09:15 103.TracyVearrier,35,ND 13:21:21 15. Joanne Gupov,49 5:27:50 73. Tiki McDaniel, 41, MT
46. Bob Martin,49, MT 11:09:18 104. Russell Johnson, 54, GA 13:22:44 16. Matthew Scarlett, 16 5:28:56 74. Lori Johnson, 43, MT
47. Katie Noelck, 30,CO 11:12:33 105. Sandra Biller. 25, WY 13:23:44 17. Joey Licata, 30, CO 5:29:57 75. Vicky Mix, 51, MT
48. Matt MT
Ross, 22, 11.12:42 106. Bill Metcalf,51. UT 13:24:40 18. Jeff Bollman. 45, MT 5:30;58 76. Nora Hellman,33, Mi
49. John Weiner, 48. WY 1 l:16:31 107. Julia Fraser.45, CO 13:26:26 19. Nicholas Armitage, 37, MT 5:31:39 77. Tara Christman. 37, fii
50. Katie Gibson,39, MT 11:16:57 108. Ted Niemann. 50, OH 13:27:28 20. Cindy Stonesmith, 49, CO 5:36:5'1 78. Carl Lea, 32
51. Cody Stekly. 31, MT 11:23:33 109. Wally Hesseltine, 69, CA 13:28:20 21. .Jeff French,43 5:39:34 79. Jeff Fostet 56
52. lustin Liddle, 35, CO 11:27:12 1 10. Galen Garrison, 48, UT 13:29:52 22. Lisa Belmonte, 44, CO 5:39:49 80. Neal Neumillet 39
53. Kristel Liddle.35. CO 11:27..12 111. Rob Rikoon,58, NM 13:31:45 23. Kathryn Oyler. 34, N,4T 5:40:17 81. Evan Peat,29
54. Will Robinson, 29, CO 11:33:39 1 12. Eddie Turnel 54, CO 13:32:24 24. Kent Walter, 51, CO 5:42.11 82. Neil Thagard,4S
55. Ragan Driver, 29. WY 11:35:53 1 13. Samantha Waggett,47, CO 13t38:07 25. Tim Brooker, 62, MT 5.46.51 83. Juli Conder.39
56. Becky Rileu 50, MT 11:36:14 1 14. Justin Data, 41, ND 1 3:38:07 26. Emilee Walker. 31 5:47:O3 84. Liz Mccoff-hayes. 53 .'-
57. Sarah Sullivan. 35, MT 11:36:57 11 5. Patrick Baumann, 56. WY 13:40:39 27. Dan Blankenship,5T, CO 5:50:37 85. Andrew Seidel, 35, CC
58. Tom Hayes-Mccofl,62, MT 11:42:38 1 1 6. Marianna Inslee, 47, CO 13:41:36 28. Phil Uecker, 49, SD 5:51:48 86. Don Rice, 63, SC
59. Paul Grimm, 44, CO 11:44:31 1 T7. Mark Barringer, 37, WY 13:42:35 29. Russ Hall, 40, MT 5:52:13 87. Eric Klaphake,41, CC
60. Jim Chase,44, MT 11:44:59 1 18. Todd Scholl, 54, CO 13:44:25 30. Jennifer Kruq€I 41, MT 5:53:45 88. Travis Elliott, 41
61. PeterSchnorbach,50,MN 11:51:34 1 19. Bobby Moelter, 29, CO 13:44:43 31. Bradley Rhodebeck. 51, CO 5:54:41 89. Diane Roman. 52
62. lim Murphy,42, Mf 11:52:44 120. Allie Wood, 51, MT 13:45:07 32. George Mathes, 41 5:56:12 90. Aaron Redland Bra-:: :l
63. Toby Ballard,41, MT 11:53:41 121. Tim Woolley. 51, WY 13:51:27 33. Courtney Cresoin. 27, CO 5:57:59 91. Pamela Estill, 42, t..-
64. Barry Hamilton, 51, CO 11:54:31 122. Melanie Davton, 40, MT 13:52:50 34. Diana Crabtree, 38, CO 5:58:10 92. Adam Noe ck, 28, C:
65.TracLrykNab,54 11:58:34 123. John Dayton.42, MT '13:52:50 35. Glen Johnshoy, 66, MT 5:58:26 93. PeterTaylor, 35, i\.'-
66.Zack Lamb,37, CO 11:59:42 124. Jennifer Bartel,3l, WY 13:55:07 36. John Matthesen,44,5D 6:00:23 94. Ann Hilton.37, U-
67. Mark Heaphy, 50, MT 12.01:53 125. Ashley Funderburk,36, NC 13:57:58 37. Amanda Grimes. 34, CO 6:03:24 95. Chris Neavi le, 49 .':
M 68.Julie Seydel.46, CO 12:03:00 126. Janey Bell,51, CO 13:58:14 38. WhitneL5wccny 35 6:03:33 Eva Gonzales. 52 ',1
69. Mark Robbins, 36, UT 12:04:18 127. Terri Handy,48, CO 14:09:40 39. Justin Kinner, 26 6:07:50 97. Andrew M ller, 4: :,
70. tvlike Ard, 36, MT 12:04:31 ]28. Ted Bross,23, OH 14:09:57 40. Peter Schmid, 36, 5D 6:08:23 Dana Mi ler.41, C:
71.Zachary Roth, 27, CO 12:13:1 1 129. Chad Wolf, 24, OH 14:09:58 41. Kate Levine. 30, CA 6:09:47 99. Tom Horan, 48, 5l
72. Kevin Twidwell, 49, MT 12:15:33 130. Joe Maylish,34, NV 14:14:49 42. Sarah Kostin. 33, CO 6:10:51 100. Steve cage,47
73. Kyle Kramer,23, CO 12:19:09 131. Ethan Matyas,36. lL 14:19:44 43. Bina Peters.31, MT 6:11.11 101. StaceyGrohne, l-
74. Katie Oqlesby. 41, CO 12:20:09 132. JefI Malin,31, CO 14:26:17 44. J Walther, 42, CO 6:11:33 102. John Muir,41
o 75. Paul Choi.37, OR 12:20:13 133. Lydia Perr,32, CO 14:26:17 45. Johnna French.42 6:12:06 Justin Muir,34
76. Riley Brinkerhoff, 32, MT 12:22:46 134. Shannon Velez, 37, MT 14:27:24 46. Allison Onstad. 37, MT 6:14:00 MelindaDavis,40
77. Natalie Stamo. 39, SD 12:23:55 '135. Beth Weisenborn. 38, PA 14:27:48 47. Brett Farrell,28. OR 6:14:31 105. Liz Prax.43
78. Wano Urbonas, 56, MT 12.25:53 136. Rodd Wohlfeil, 47. MT 14:29:20 44. Lane Eskew, 49, CO 6:15:20 106. Elizabeth MVe6 2- a:
79. Robert Miller. 36, WY 12:26:06 137. Brian Darnell,41. WY 14:32:40 AO Patrick Hatfield, 61, MT 6:'16:06 107. Laurie Beyer.44, CC
80. Tim Steele, 51, CA 12:26:35 138. Danielle Coffman,37, MT 14:33:18 50. Kath een Swanson.44 6:16:07 108. Laura Koltiska. 36
81. Tamara Day. 42 12.30.17 139. Allison Mouch, 30, MT 14:33:19 51. Randy Colbert, 46, l\,47 6:18:37 109. cary Edgeworth,..l2
82. Sophia Vern Holm. 29, MT 12.32:06 140. Vivian Doorn,47,WA 14:34:2Q 52. Kara Daume.37, MT 6:19:54 I 10. Brennon Worthinc::- :
83. Carol Williams. 56 12:33:46 141. Ed Marsh,66, NC 14:36:28 53. Jeff Vucurevich, 42 6:21:18 11'1. Daniel Hillman, 4r '. -
84. Gene Bassette, 57, MT 12:36:23 142. fom search,31, MT 14:37'.24 54. N,4ara Beard. 39, MT 6:23:46 1 12. Shelly Paciu li. 36
85. JeJfO'Reilly, 53, CO 12:44:35 143. Gary Bolton, 60, WY 14:37:42 55. Tim Rost, 26, MO 6.24.31 1 13. Barb Manrella, 49
86. Emily Booth. 38, CO 12:44:51 144. JorLobertson, 55, CO 14'.39:23 56. Kara Monaco. 32, MT 6:24:55 114. Paul McDowe l, 62
87. N,4elinda Yelton.46, NC 12:45:48 57. KathLwilktnjon. 54, MT 6:25:52 115. E€l€n€flonu,51, CC
88. Bill Johnston, 60, MT 12:46:06 5O KM 58. Kathy Bick. 49, MT 6:25:53 116. Toni Broadbent,58 .'-
89. Kameron Kershaw,38, MT 12:48:03 Dane Mitchell,35, CO 3:50:53 | 59. Jason Sagen, 30, CO 6:26.28 1 17. Beckv Hoff. 31, ND
90. Derrick Kanashiro,49 12:48:42 Chris Lundberg,30 4:07:13 60. Jacqueline Drecksel. 48, lD 6:30:00 1 18. Jon Haukaas, 44, Ca
91. Victoria Winters. 29, WY 12:50:02 Lucas Crespin, 28, CO 4:34:20 61. Allison Armitage. 32, MT 6:30:14 119. GregJepperson,3- '. -
92. Fred Hampel, 48, CO 12:53:48 4:47:13 LyndsevtQrryels, 35, MT 6:30:14 120. NancLErc, 55, CT
93. Jesse Froehling, 32, MT 12:58:00 Doug Wadle, 40, MT 4:58:44 63. Lvnn Rafter. 53 6:34:38 121. JaymeThels,35, CC
94. Pj Anderer, 35, MD 12:58:22 6. Adam Rhodebeck, 18, CO 5:07:50 Lauren Buyan.21 b:J4:5b 122. lo ene !a-1 o d :- : -
95. Seth Townsend,36, WY 12:59:08 7. Tomas Dumbrovsky, 42, Mf 5:08:1 0 65. Travis Fack,31 6:38:18 f Zf. Arnunau ff**l ::
96. Alice Lippitt. 30, WA 13:01 :34 8. Eric Bindner, 56, CO 5:09:46 66. Carolyn Hicks.55, CO 6:39:12 124. Katie Everson, 25
97. Genevieve Hale-Case. 28, WA13:01 :35 9. Jared Oyler, 33, MT 5:14:1 5 67. Wendv Mader. 40, CO 6:39:52 125. Kelly Bourq€lls, l: '.'-
98. Aaron Bishop,39, lD 13:03:34 '10.
5arah Keller,47, MT 5:14:27 68. Mark Johnson. 32 6:41:20 126. Da lin BrackeN, 38
99. Rhonda Srricklett. 38, MD 13:06:24 11. Sippy Schwartz. 38 5:1 5:12 69. Rick Spady, 60, MT 6:42.07 '127. Ange a 5m th, ,14, '.'-
100. RickW'sh Camper,39, MT 13:09:27 12. Jason Roesier,4l 5:25:O9 70. Thomas Bass. 38, MT 6:42:21 128. John Moyer,63, Cr
101 . Kevin Davis, 42, MT 13:10:59 13. Karen Koenig,5l 5:25.28 71. David Elkin,47, MS 6:42:22 129. Adriana McKenz: -a "-
102. Alyssa Davis.43, MT 13:11:00 14. Jenny Fox. 33, CO 5:26:08 72. Ryan Grubb, 50, MT 6:43:24 130. Ma.lay re Wo.- ; : .
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bq Jerry C'ra4, RD

Seven hours, 35 minutes and 3 seconds. Setting range to take that record also. Emily Judd took
an insane pace, Dakota Jones shattered Matt Car- women's third place in 7o.42l.34, a mere three-
penter's previous record f?om 2OO4 by almost 25 quarters of an hour from the record.
minutes! In the process, he knocked nearly 40 In spite of major wildfires burning to the south,
minutes off his 2010 time, which was the same the course remained safe and the air remained
time as Jason Schlarb's in 2072, both in a tie clear. Creek crossings in Alpine Gulch were not a
for the second fastest run on the course at that problem and snowfields were virh-rally noncxistent.
time. Jason came in second this year in 8:07:13, An experiment using bar code scanners for
knocking nearly six minutes off his 2012 time timing at aid stations was generally agreed to
and placing him jusr over seven minutes away be a failure. The scanners did not perform well
fiom the sub-8-hour-Freak-of-Nature category. in sunlight, so runners had to stop and then
Crested Butte runner Josh Arthur came in third help shade the bar code on their bibs. This
in 8:39:03, making that Freaky category a definite resulted in some awkward moments as anxious
possibility in the future for this young runner. aid station scanner operators attempted to hear
Petra McDowell took first in the women's di- the beep confirming data capture while runners
vision in 70:26'.57, positioning her only slightly tried to stand still enough long enough for that
over half an hour away from Anthea Schmid's to happen. The race committee has decided to
2002 women's course record. Silke Koester was abandon this process for future races. I
the second woman rn 70l.36:26, well within

First creek crossing in Alpine Gulch,
by headlamp

SAN JUAN SOLSTICE 50 MILE I LAKE crry coloRADo l ruNE 22lA s,4

50 MILES 43. Charlie Nuttleman,36 11:34:12 86. Lara Moscatelli,46 13:05:54 '129. Joe Salette,63 14:45:53
1. Dakota )ones,22 7:35:03! 44. Jon Tiesher 11:36:34 87. Molly Roberts,44 13:07:02 130. Gail Leedy, 59 14:45:57
2. Jason Schlarb, 35 8:07;1 3 45. Jay Meservy, 24 1 1:37:00 88. Craig Spivey, 41 13'.08:22 131. Flora Krivak-Tetley, 32 14:46:14
3. Josh Arthur, 26 8:39:03 46. Tim Davis, 35 11:37:13 89. Fred Ecks,46 13;08:28 132. NicholasJuskiewicz, 52 14:46:17
11:39:36 13:16:15 '!33. Kyle Stone.44
4. Luke Nelson, 39 9:15.27 47 . Allen Hadley.55 90. Thomas Dinwoodie, 48 14:48:28
5. Jesse Rickert,4l 9:28.56 48. Mark Thompson, 56 11.44:48 91. Jesse Grizzle,39 13;16:15 134. Nicholas Lang,30 14:52:46
6. Chris Dickey,41 9:33:41 49. Neera.j Engineer,36 11:48:09 92. .Jennifer Price. 36 13:17:35 135. George Jones, 43 14:54:46
7. Ryan Smith, 40 9:33.42 50. Joshua Johnson,40 '1 1:5 1:10 93. Tom Kelecy, 57 13:19:37 136. Devin Gardiner,35 14156.11
8. David Phiipps 9:48:16 51 . Megan Morrissev, 44 11:52:13 94. Meoan Sweeney. 33 13:20:17 137. Devin Farrell,43 14:56:20
9. Matt Morrill, 34 9:48:39 52. Leah Fein. 33 11:52:24 95. Jill Bohney.48 13:21:05 138. Phil Redinget 42 14:57:23

46 10. Kevin Koch, 56 10:12i34 53. Paul Sullivan,33 '1

1:53:56 96. Geoffery Clover, 41 13:21:35 139. Elinor Fish.38 14:59:49
1 1. Jeason Murphy, 33 10:1 8:29 54. Bill Swift, 32 '1
i:54:33 97. Sandra Caroenter.40 13:22:49 140. David McMillan, 36 14:59:49
12. Jason Morgan,38 10:25:24 55. Ross McMahan, 43 '1
1:55:45 98. Jacob Ku, 38 13:22:59 141. Adam Lint,29 1 5:00:23

13. Mark Mobley,42 10:26:29 56. Jaime Krefting 11:57:22 99. Matthew Kolz,42 13:26:51 142. laylor Ogilvie. 35 15:01:24
14. Petra Mc Dowell 1Q.26:57 57. James Brennan, 54 12:02:32 1 00. Troy Strayer 13:27:36 143. Jim Williamson, 49 15.02:27
15. David Coblentz, 50 10.27:54 58. Benjamin Clark,35 12:07:17 101. Jonathan Paddock,39 13:29:55 144. Nicole Hola, 38 1 5:02:53

16. Ted Mahon,35 1 2

0:36:1 59. Colleen lhnken.49 12:09:30 102. Candice Burt.3'l 13:30:04 145. cJ King.38 1 5:06:1 5
17. Silke Koester. 30 1 0:36:26 60. Chad King, 38 12:11:50 103. David Hill, 56 13:33:1 1 '146. Thomas Wong, 43 15:14:15
q 18. Ja me Verba 10:39.47 61 Alv55a Wiklcbgs 34
. 12:14:37 104. Roger Squires. 52 13:34:22 147. Janiefaylor,39 1 5:1 5:1 8
1Q:42:34 62. Chr;sty Mahon. 37 12:15:47 '105. Martha Levine,39 13:35:03 148. Paul Salazar,50 'l 5:1 6:5
19. Emily Judd. 31 T

20. Matt Schrier 1Q:44:02 63. Jeremy Phillips,33 12:17:39 106. Stephani Dalbv.37 13:36:06 149. Jason Lippman,4'l '1
5:1 6:5 T

21. Ben Woodbeck, 43 10:51:02 64. Loren Wohletz, 28 12:17:59 107. Walter Olsen, 35 13:39:44 150. Susan Murphv 41 1 5;1 8:01

22. Garr€tt 5mith, 33 '10:52:05 65. Lnns Frsner,4) 12:19:38 108. Ryan Martin,43 13:41 :08 151. Pamela Fletcher, 55 1 5:1 8:01

23. Max Nuttelman,36 10:55:50 66. Lucky Q'Dubhaigh 12:21:32 109. Walther Edwards 13:45:20 152. Ryan Mcafee,32 15:20:31
24. Mark Porter,44 '10:58:03 61. Wes Thurman, 33 12:23:17 1 10. Joe Burleson, 63 13:50:14 153. Amanda Geisler,28 15:22.01
25. Carson Rickey, 24 10:58:04 68. Matthew Larsen, 38 12:23:17'111. JudyBlake.43 13:56:04 '154. Ulrich Brunhart,55 15:23:01
26. Missy Gosney. 46 11 :0'l:09 69. Josh Gilbert,3T 12:27:20 112. Neil Blake,47 '13:56:04 155. Jim Milar,51 15:28:07
11.Q2:12 70. Russell Valdez, 51 12:32'.01 '13. Sheri Atkinson, 49 13:58:30 156. Carlos Perez,35 15:29:11
27. Jon Webb, 38 1

28. Harsha Nagaraj, 39 11:04.27 7'l. Jeb Watts, 25 12:32:29 1 14. Patrick Tubbs 13:58:52 157. Mike Price, 62 1 5:30: 1 6
29. Shawn 5t Sauveur, 34 11:08:01 72. Evan Delaney,4l 12'.34:50 115. Rebekka Hannula, 49 14:04:11 158. Lance Johnson, 47 1 5:30:l 6
14:13:37 '15:30:50
30. Jeff Mohrmann '1
1:08:06 13. Jay Hunt, 33 12:35:30 116. Annie Murphy. 36 159. Michelle Schwartz, 45
31. Reece Ruland 1 1:08:30 74. Darin Schneidewind,43 12:35:41 1 7. Annette Fortune. 45
1 14:19:19 160. Patrick Kelley,39 15t32:1 1

32. lames Varner, 35 11:10:24 75. Rick Aster, 52 12'.39:31 18. Shane Becker, 47
1 14:23:10 161. Juan Escobar, 50 15:33:33
33. Daniel Evans, 35 11:11:22 76. William Alexander, 57 12:40:56 1 19. Laura O'Connell. 44 '14:27:17 162. Marc Pevoteaux,3l 15t46:49
34. Christina BaueL 33 1'l:19:24 77 .Darrin Young, 39 12:50:1 5 120. Amanda Hartman. 35 14.27:30 163. Diana Todd,50 15:46:58
35. Rick Hessek,47 11:21:03 78. Tyler Costin, 32 12:52:10 '12'1. Brenden Goetz, 28 14:28:13 164. Steve Westlund '15:46:58

36. Neil Popovich, 35 11.21:45 19. Gilles Cote,51 12:52:32 122. Kevin Van Harn, 25 14:29:56 165. Sarah Andrews,3l 15:48.47
37. Jarrod Regan, 31 11:22:45 80. Brian Stefanovick 12.53:48 .123. Trevor Gates, 34 14:36:27 166. Meghan Coqswell, 34 1 5:53:09

38. Brett Gosney, 53 11.23:33 81. Chris Antinori, 36 12:54:15 124. Paul Gtmm,44 14:42:47 167. Arthur Miles,32 1 5:55:'16
39. Pete Mehok, 34 11.26.16 82. Jess Asmussen, 34 12:56.35 125. Patrick Mcnulty. 41 14:43:35 168. Mandy Caldon. 45 15:51.13
40. Clark Sundahl,42 11.29.46 83. Stephanie Lynn.32 12:58:40 126. Robert Wolfe, 45 14:43:37 169. Louie Telles, 52 1 5:58r40

41. Rebecca Hall. 27 11:32:27 84. Aimee Hoyt. 40 '13:00:33 127. Lori Enlo 14:43:47
42. Scott Klopfenstein, 42 11:33:23 85. Michael Grady,27 13:03:27 128. Caitlin Howard, 29 14.45:46
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prnbrl ;o sallroq o^\l luers .{6i ',{ep aqr;o purleru 'uorlef,ol ]Jarrof, aq] o] ref, rno ur aJeJ .raq .ro3 .&olrr.t srqJ'z€:tl ur IIEra^o prrr{} paqs
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I slauunr peal aq] 'ur€Jrat ]lllJUJrp aqt atrdsaq
-AJs Ot pJleJrl 5e,ry\
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Furqurrp Jo ]aal 000'sI ol 000'tI Lraam]aq i
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spor sql dn 6urqurp ]]enelg llel4 pu? 'ueldey uo1 'uos:apuag {uo1 rlsupd Jqruorleull\rp LeuS Jqr ot qre6 Srro- '
u.ttop Furnurluor pue (err.raruv Lrr salrq lsap.
xrs aq] Jo auo paler dltuara;) Llled s,lrnae ar{- :-
-.rtoyyog saFpay Apor u.a,top
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rlll ol s.r4Jl nolluew Jo lluM rql i\. '
ur urer] ro a^rl oq.^ sn Jo ssorl] Jol \.
Jo surelunory Ilplsle3 eLIi LIFnorq]
lurod ayrur-9g ;no 3o fiuruuru ls;g allt .r - -
)eeJF aleq o] sn JoJ palueJJe'suef,ue-,-
uernbuoply aqt go spuraq lr.rrds 'ncr ,
cu'lopLD ,
t5v3 3Hr io I5V38 r l"'.1 _
tDNlntu s,nc_

Sheryl Wheeler, second place woman iim Porter uses his hands on this chin-scraper port!on of the trail

do something about my hydration. I sau' some in their insanely fast pace, just trying to demor- hill. After a few minutes I warmed up a little.
water slowly dripping from mossy walls of the alize me. Ryan was demonstrating the classic got into my sprinting mode, and decided to
mountain so I just stood there and let water winning strategy for ultra races by staying a bit make a counter-offer. I went offtrail. flying past
drip from the rocks onto my tongue and got behind all day just to pull offan impressive win Ryan on rocks and quickly disappeared from
some from wet moss. Somehow, I made it to the ir-r the final miles. i didn't like this scenario and his view.
next station in one piece and spent some time had to start working again. I stuck right behind Overall, the race was incredible. Trails like
there drinking bottle after bottle of water and Ryan and Cory, not letting them get ahead of this cannot be found in any other runnin!
juice. I was still running in first and remember me more than few feet. For several more min- event and I am happy to be the first person to
saying that I would be surprised if more than utes we were $oing very fast on technical down- ever complete this course. I
three people finished this race.
Apparently, some people had way more fun
on the course than I did. During the whole race,
Ryan was not that far behind, gradually getting
closer. on a mission to finish his hunt by pass-
ing the poorly paced leader near the end of the
race. He was only seven minutes behind me at
the end of those steep climbs. I was unaware of
this hunr and of Ryan's proximity.
After the hardest climbing (mi1,e a2 to 48) I
was taking it quite easy, trying to get home safe.
T Then, out of nowhere appeared Ryan and his
pacer! Cory. They passed me around mile 48,
flying. I understood that there was some bluff

llauuoc,o IlraqLur; - dLueq: )0s s,uaLUoM salru rnoJ LIIrM rlFra1 ]r{8ner I 'pua erl} qFno'rqt IIrI\ ]r /!\Oq Iesrg ro eIelu qlrql\ slualLi,r..
;';z 1 plnor I leqt Eurlaal poo! puno;e11e Furugap are araq] 'slq] alrl ale; e ur uaUC
*:&: -*?" 1
;* ;t*'*-' -= lrpuBurelsns
JJuJpuuoJ Jqt qlrM dool ptro:as rql roJ uJl 'Purruool Purqir
I ']qFrs ur sde.tale urq tutdaal pue slllq u,Mop Jo ]r+ 000'0t Luqt.,iqr Sutuun; prLrr'.' '
pue dn luroF ruqfqr srq Furqrreru tpeol oq] u,no ,{ur oiur rlllJs ot FuL,{-rr [11enlur,la '.r-.: .'
ralo loot oqm,'q8ra1 uo sqe] tdal 1 '3urop ol pal )09 aq] pulqaq flur1re.rr 3Jo ]es I 'aur1a$pr.r ' . _
-]rluruor ,{pearle peq trrrds pue purtil du ieq,u Iulseol aq] spJE.Mo] peor eq] dn '1ua,n : , .-
o1 purpuodsa.r uelag.{poq ,{w 'saltru 0I }xeu arl} 'raag,{r"u q}rM }rrp eql ul ssolr aqt 1o rr'.
rr^o ]Er..l] punoJ I 'qunoJ olul Surnouu .ragy fiur1eu ;agy 'aFpr:g ole3 ueplo5 aLIl -+.
2oP o1 Purl1tu, I s€.ln rEJ .^ oq puu
realllEls^rJ luargrufieru oLI] se Ila^\ sLi :.
]uem I prp leqm id;nfur Jo Isu ueql a;otu uol] afiue;o lqBuq dru dn SutlqFrl ,{pea"r1e :'.'
-f,rluor Jo r{}8uer}s }noqe se^\ 11 '.{ep aqt qor eql'olrlesnes ur ra]Eg uoc leeu'LU'E 0a:j,:
l:oJruoJsrp .&u.rodua] ,4u la1 p1no.l,r I raqtall,4 'erer o1 pelePrlqo ]lal J 'rui ..
pue a^eq ol Furop se.{\ I aler Jo pur) }eq,4 alcun .{u iuo{ iuauuruuor e ual}oF iu. -.
ino a.rnfg o] pepeeu I ']no )raqJ dlletuaur ol 'sdrq pue uaruopqe ,{ur ur ssautqFr} lenp.:..
iou ro rJqlrq,M rplrep oi pJpJJu I 'llJM se dn papru llrls -u;'e 00:' le JIoMe I 'leJu. .. '
aru Furssed sraqlo qlrM'atIroAEJ e tuILI eperl rfl\\ Jauurp are.r-ard e -ra!V'rllln5 uea.rn -
snlels uerJlal Jlrle esoq^ ']]rtutlJS qBtal 3ut pue da11en poo^DIeO sE qJns slreJ] a,rnr:-
-pnllur >ped e ,{q passed Furaq pue 11elano Fulppe.{q aFualleqc srLI} pollre} 0q lnt\ :
qug o] paddo;p pur.teq 'ur srnoq aarqi rapun -.ta;d a;oru opeqdool aletu spuEIpEeH -:.. i
tsni '97 alrur ie 3lasdru- puno; dlptnb I 'uun'I ur suorleirurl alrrl\4'JarlJea $laa^\ o^u j'.
ur^e) rllu peal eqt Fuueqs pue srnorl oM] }uala; e ruo4 uondruaper pue .:r :
ur .{a11en oapo; qFno-rq1 dool alru-91 }srg aq} ureFa; o] ,{rrunuoddogo aJeJ e sB Jalll\-.".
!urqsrug puu Fuo;ts Furl;ets raUV'arer aq] uI aFual1eq3 erilll urrery aq] pemar^ I 'ar-.-.,
,{1;ea aruer s}ueLuolu asoq} Jo auo '}no urn} sasrJJ se ujoq 3re sasur ]sJo,{\ erl}'3}:r,._.
uoshplor! i,.":
])NICIINO) 9NlNrVg!r
l9NlllvH)vu.Lllr, :-

Dean Karnazes and Bill Clements enjoying some miles together Pen Perez elated to finish her first 50-miler

to go, but before I could get to full speed, it was

'-"fri3 "': I descended the mileJong trail and tran.
too late: Kevin caught us both. ::'/' tioned to the pavement, level with the Goli.
Before this final surge, Leigh and i shared Gate Bridge. The sure footing allowed me -
one of those "only in ultras" moments. Run- push to an all-out sprint. With .25 miles to r:-,
ning side by side, we engaged in a bit of
general small talk about life for five minutes.
'1:: end, I said some encouraging words to a 5, :
.i runner and then hit the final 200-foot straisl--
Clearly, there was a competitive fire in each i: away with cowbells welcoming me to the fir'r.:
of us that drove us to push like this so far - It was ovet. 7i2ot27 after beginning. T .

into the race. i think the exhaustion from the I minutes and forty seconds short of victon-. r: .
effort afforded the opportunity to converse I setting the table for the future. I had n'or.:
with someone who knew what it had been hard, stayed focused, and found a bit of r:::
i{ __'._-.r
''"id'i. conhdence
like during this journey that was now wind- irr:,*3 a(ain. Today
confidence agarn. i: the foundatior.r .i'
Todav is
ing to its conclusion. tomorrow is the reward. I
Tracy Bowling on her way to f irst place in the 50-mile


50 MILES 35. Chris Blagg. 36 10:56;41 9. Mark David, 37 4:56:49 44. Elizabeth Ging, 16
52 1. Kevin Lunn,21 7:17:47 36. Nicholas Banaszak. 26 1Qt57 t42 1 0. Laura Kinq, 38 5:17:42 45. Min Wang, 35
2. Jonathan Gunderson, 35 7:20:27 37. MarkWeinberg, 51 10:58:02 1 '1
. Steve Luker.39, UT 5:20:46 46. Bryan Richardson, 24
3. Leigh Schmitt, 40 7.27:41 38. Nancy Warren, 47 1 1 :03:28 12. Kristi Rossi,45 5:23:22 47. Vivian Stanley 56
4. Luke Garten, 30 7.34:43 39. Karen Pierce, 50 11 .03:29 I3. Marianne Baldetti,48 5:29:23 48. Alvin Lubrino, 42
5. Ryan Witko, 29, NY 7.42:11 40. Cally Warren, 24, AZ 11 .07 :11 14. Jeff Landauer, 45 5:32:20 49. Michael Pawloski, 43 6;l! ..
6. Fernando De Samaniego, 28 7.44:27 41. Geoff Qulck, 49 1 1:30:59 1 5. Katie Murohu 30 5:33:14 50. Anna Jefferis, 27 l:a' :.
7. Judd Haaland,43 7.51:45 John Mark,60 1 1:30:59 16. Molly Zurn, 42, NV 5:37:19 51 . M ichael Lewis, 33 l:a' :-:
8. Chris Campbell,33 7:59:06 43. Brian Ko, 32 11:40:16 17. Patrick Cole, 37 5:37:24 52. Dwight Brown. 52 7.')
o 9. Tracv Bowling, 34 8:25:21 44. Kristin Riqby 29 11:41:50 18. Adrian Palomino, 46 5:37:36 53. RogerGing,5l J:'- -
10. Mark Tanaka,46 8:31:03 45. Kevin Berry. 38 11 .42:06 19. Lance Hoopet 43 5:37:53 54. Kenneth Fong, 51 7.24 '

1 l. Yasushi saito,45 8:38:30 46. LauraMalz.2T 11:43:38 20. Jay Johnson, 34, NY 5:42:48 55. Kate Panepinto. 37 7.2- '

12. Sean Curry,45 8:52:21 Megan Lacey, 29, WA 1

:43:38 21. M chael Tooker, 28 5:44:26 56. Pattvt5hila, 53 1.2a :
13. Chris Eide, 37 9:00:57 48. Kynan Ma|z,28 11:43:40 22. Christopher Sheehy. 32 5:44:27 57. Veronica Perez,44 1.2- '
14. Clare Abram. 42 9.03:47 49. Jeff lones, 59 1 1 :53:01 23. Melanie Roberts.23 5:47:59 58. AmLDlqUly 37
1 5. James Gerson, 28 9:06:12 50. Josam Mulinyawe,35 11 .55.21 24. Roland Burgmann, 50 5:48:57 59. Ellen FletcheL 46
16. Armando Rodriguez, 34 9:13:48 51 . Mike Aberg, 47 12.20:19 25. lvan Moseman, 45 5:51:28 60. Katherine Wondolleck. 50 7 .j: -:
17. Brian Mulder,42 9:15:51 52. christy Bentivoqlla, 42 12.20:28 26. Matthew Lanz,24, NM 5:52:'18 6'1. Steven Payette,49
18. Brenda Blinn.46 9.17:35 53. Jon Beard, 58 12:25:26 27. Timothy Quinn, 51 5:53.17 62. Karen Peterson.43
19. Daigo Echizenya,44 9:25:51 54. Michele Southlhan. 43 12.30:41 28. David Grover,47 5:55:23 63. Leigh-Ann Wendlinq, 45
Dean Karnazes, 50 9:25:51 55. Nick Barsotti, 27 12:37:49 29. Kelly Akyuz. 39 5:57:46 64. Peter Beck, 52
21. BillClements,34 9:25:55 56. Richard Ball, 38 1 2:38:03 30. Kristine Clevenger. 35 5:58:06 65. Andy Noise, 50 1::- :-
22. Btian JoseIf,21 9:38:43 57. John McKiernan, 55 l3:00:41 31. Lisa OVcl], 51 5:58:19 66. Gary Brickley, 60
23. Tim Roush,46 9:42:42 58. Ramon Santana,49 13:37:52 32. Charlotte Winthrop. 27 6:01:19 67. Heather Sutherland. 42 8:Ci -
24. Ga(y Lindberg,44 9:43:24 59. Pen Perez.45 1 3:40:38 33. Annie Trent. 23. NV 6:03:28 68. Dennis Parsons, 53
25. Sarah Lavender Smith. 44 9:43:45 34. Stacie Riddle. 33 6:04.49 69. Chuck Wilson, 64
26. Elissa Price. 32 9:46:11 50 KM 35. Asa Parker, 27, VT 6:05:25 70. Yoko Hosova. 34 8:i:::
27. Shaun Woody, 35 10:00:28 1. Ryan Neely,23 3:52.47 Tina-Marie Freeman. 24, VT 6:05:25 7 1 . Rose Repetto. 44 d: _ '
28. William Nguyen,25 10:03:58 2. Victor Ballesteros, 43 4:10:27 37. Jonathan Lucchesi. 32 6:06:27 72. Mimi Dobrid. 50 a.t: _

29. Gavin Austin,36 10:04:18 3. Jacob Singleton, 24 4:24.51 38. ArmandoBettencourt,41 6:'19:03 73. Grace Lindo.43 8:la :
30. Robert Schipsi. 52 10:08:53 4. Kimberlv_to D!!ncLl, 23 4:27:59 39. Nate Dunn.33 6:20:48 74. Tawnya Dozier. 8:3i --
31. Tom Wilhelm, 53 10:27:59 5. Kirk Ferris,32, NV 4:28.21 40. Clive Saffery, 58 6:22:14 75. Jennifer Blake.44 8:;9 : .
32. Joe Miller,45, VA 10:34:11 6. MichaelStricklan,30 4:53:20 41. Scott Yates, 38 6:22:53 76. Linda Robinson. 63 9:C!:
33. Kengo Kato, 31 10:41:16 7. Christopher Wolff, 41 4:53.48 42. Jacqui Saffery. 53 6:30:39
34. Robert Macias,46 10:42:30 8. Jim Atkinson,42 4:54:50 43. Roderick San Andres,44 6:30:40


by Scott Gddtngs

On the fourth weekend in June, the Greater offering a change of pace, scenery, and mental became affectionately known as the "Motivarii
Omaha Area Trail Runners (G.OAT.z) hosted stimulation as ascents became descents, and Station." There was also comic relief in ringi:
their second-ever event: The Dizzy GOAT. The course arrows changed from pink to green (and cowbells, upbeat music, humorous signs throti.
race was a fixed time event of either 3-, 6-, or vice versa). Participants navigated treelined dirt out the course, costumes, and a giant foam fin..
12-hours held at Schramm Park State Recreation trails, open grassy sections, historic fish hatchery to show runners the way.
Area, which is situated on the northern banks of ponds, a steep asphalt road appropriately nick- Race winners were awarded the Billy G..
the Platte fuver in Eastern Nebraska. named, "What the Hillz", crossed two wooden and Nanny C,oat plaque for their achieveme :'
I With its wide and challenging off-road trails bridges and one knee-buckling suspension bridge. The l2-Hour Billy C,oat was Mike Christens-
and scenic beauty, Schramm Park provided the The design ofthe race allowed speedsters and who completed 6t.ts miles, and the l2-Hi.
perfect venue. The goal was to complete as many back-of-the-packers the opportunity to meet and Nanny Goat was Angie Hodge, who ran 5r.-
3.2*mlle loops as possible within the chosen race greet, share encouraging words and offer hun- miles. There were 63 runners who comple'.-
time. Twelve-hour runners began their day at 7:00 dreds of high-fives throughout the day. distances greater than 29 miles, many of tht
a.m., 6-hour runners at 1:00 p.m., and 3-hour run- The post-race survey confirmed that our volun- running their first ultramarathon distance.
ners at 4:00 p.m., enabling all participants to teer G.OAT.z were truly in their element on race Huge congratulations go out to the 152 r--
share the trail and celebrate one another's ac- day. The depth of dedication, time and attention ners and walkers from twelve states who bra',. -
complishments as all races finished at 7:00 p.m. paid to each runner prompted many runners to the 95-degree heal lo challenge their limit. - .

The uniqueness of The Dizzy GOAT was that comment on "the best" treatment they'd received ing the inaugural Dizzy C,OAT. I
every other loop was run in opposite direction, at a race. The water stop at one trail intersection


o )
Flying high * Paul Crisman and Kristina Myint Encouraging high-fives between Jenni Richards, Di Liska, and Juiia l. -.


1 2 HOURS Van Dewald,43 48.75 Karma Basnyat, 39 42.25 Austin Schwart, 19

I Mike Christensen, 55 61.75 PeLPcllsan,48 48.75 BillColbert,43, lA 42.25 Kristina Muh!, 30
2 .Jeremy Morris,34 s8. s0 18. Tj Ernst, 34 45.50 Tasha Breitbarth, 31 42.25 Max Austin, 65, lA
Shawn Palandri.3T 58.50 Richelle Hall,29, lA 45.50 35. Cliff Watson, 42 39.00 Brian Dunic,19
4 Tom Lewis, 44 55.2 5 Tom Volk, 47 45.50 Chris Krueger. 41 39.00 Diana Liska,38
Joseph Kilzet 42 55.25 Paul Peterson,32 45.50 Bryan Tlamka,38 39.00 Justin Wardyn, 35
Angie Hodge, 33 55.25 Tim Scheidt, 38 45.50 Ron Ruhs, 45 39.00 Chris Hug, 47
Nick Bakke, 20 55.25 Mike Klug, 37 45.50 Darren Sorgenf rei, 45, MI 39.00 Tammie Kruszczak,45
Sean Cain,28 52.00 Mary Duda,45 45.50 Joshua Ruckman,3l 39.00 Chris Richards,35, lA
Paul Crisman,4l 52.00 25. Cainon Brown, 39 42.25 Joa n B uch ma n, 40 39.00 Jenni Richards,38, lA
Wendv:Eqqle, 48, lA 52.00 Laurie Haloenny,40 42.25 Mark Witt, 37 39.00 Doug Weaver, 49, KS
Joe Lane,48, MA 52.00 Tracy Callahan, 34 42.25 Jennifer M;sbach,38 39.00 59 Lana Melroy, 36
Kim Moore. 45, lA 52.00 Bobbie Ruhs. 51 42.25 Brett Behrens,39 39.00 James Walker, 57, K5
TonvaLllje$ln, 34 52.00 Michele Weaver, 44. KS 42.25 Rob Owens, 36 39.00 Caryn Kusleika,39
l: Julia Noe,41 39.00 Ron Ehlinger.54
Jana Voracek,42 48.15 Adama Anderson, 28 42.25
r! Rrv.a R:rnett fg 48.75 Ken Childress,53, OK 42.25 H!-dcn Mrkc5e1l, 1 9 39.00

L0:92:8 V9'Dt T]eng=p5 ,t IS:VO:L )N '0t TillsElE Enlll 0s lz:Lz:g V9 't€ TsnE E€ zj:vs:9 st TEurs[ull€lEl]jm 9.
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f t'tv l.z rNnr lvNrouv) H-Lnos -Luornvrs lvulln IH9IN HsuvlN cvs
tsuuaprsuof, ar€ oqAA sJauunjeJlln roJ elua "'Furuerra ar{} }noqflnoJq} uo paIea;}s srarrl.:-
-uadxe learB E sr erlln ]qF1N qs;ery ^^au
peg aqJ
s5 9ZIJO speaq Fulqqoq aq] pue'ul'd 068 ]E pauu :
I iFul{e} ar,no^ 1\\oN ,,if,rsnlu a^rl aluos ,,iread ]xau ir FurJer o] preMJoJ )ool pue af,ej arll ore,4 sduelpeoq aql 'rea,{ roud aq} ueq} ral!1 :
sr .reed ]xeu paeu e.4 IIV 'serlln Jo IlolspooM padofua .,iyqano.roqr I 'llEra^O 'paads qtvn saarFep arnleradiua] aql Furddorp 'ur pa-' .
aql sr rlsJew peg,, 'Furlels lsaq dn ]I psuruns unr ilnlsrp ilor.u P roJ apBru lrep ^ue qrlrd aLIl JZJalq looJ e inq'lr paTrleJJ ]ou JAeq,{eu slaLr.::-
pl3uuepS rpuelS loalunlo^ Ellln'sellooJ teo ]nJ ur IrEr] aq] Buruun; ]nq (ealo) qtnos ulo{ aleq sJea^ srq]'eslnof, eq) aull qrlq^{ saurd IIE} arp r:'
lJals JpEureuroq 009 ueq] Jjotu SullunsuoJ Jo pa^oru ]sni I se eru roJ JolJeJ € ar3^\ ruo{ }no pEaq s}r pa)aad uooru radns ar{} \-
slraJJa aq] ro'r{srew er{}'uooul llry aq} }I ag, aq] lou ]eaLI JtlJ ']uatuJlJ llnJslp JJoUI^lrprrunq
P Fut ,,'qsruu aq] qFno.rqi ared ]eq] urelu.:,-
golnr rnoq-auru ar{} rapun soel -ppe rpaaueL{l etueF aloq^ aq} u^ op }ua1\\ uns oi alqe se^A 'pue eleJ aloq aqt ?r:-
uo^es eq] elaldruoJ 29 ,^Aes o,4 'a3er eq] peuels aql eJuo lnq sJSlnoJ ra]]eu uo Jrou el8SnJls "{la}eunuoJ
]ualsrsuo) dfla;d
^ or :
e fdal 1 'ared dru ,&e.t --
lell] srruunl gzt eqlJo'lq8rl plaqpuell ro dLuel I tlleuosrad 'urerra] .{sea pue Anrldrurs str JJIoJ o] sJJrq ou JrJM JrJql alJq ]nq 'slro... -'
-peaq e Fur.rearrr elrqa FurleJ oJrllerd pue alul] roJ esrnoJ eL{} pa.{ofua L, 'pa}e}s pue 6zi6eft Jo daals aql Jo oruos olrq uago I 'slrerl urelur.- -.
alduE rraql Fur.trF 'are; ]qFIuJeAo lslu llaql Jurrl B ur JJer s.uJr.uo.M all] uoM {ql1e61 e;e5 uo Furuuru LUe I uaqM )0s e llrls s,]r ]eq] JI:\'..-
purpurua.r ldal 1 1nq lseJ oo] tno SuroflJo p:' : '
a^r+ del alaldtuor sE1\\I 'saaualleql u1!\o str poluosord ]r ]a.{ r:.:.:
sauor )tret\ pue (luor+) l613 A uMeqs slas uns aql se dn slenl ururJal laeqll ]l apetu asrnof, ]elj ar[,, 'po]eis Irll{) rlt:90:; -
urM llere^o srq rauv 'url sdel o^\] qlL\\ j:
Iooi IJJD rFrW iloJrq srurl rnoJ a)eld pri . --
O f
pBa[ J]eJ [[era^o Jq] 'ue]s 'rl'd 00:9 e L{r:...
I - 'aunf-plru ur epr^ord s]-i: -
uoJneeg erll leq] ,irlprrunq qFlq ol anp sra'-.--,
-eJlln pef,uauedxa pue au qloq aBuallE-':
sanurluoJ asJnoJ IEI' {1au.ra.r1xa eql 'pa\---,:
ueeq aluls sBI{ }eq} qleo }JeJ plo aq} Ja.\Lr : - "-
pue asjnorJIOF pasoltr e uo sr asrnor aqr -' !
IIry aq] elaloluol o] osr^ ))op saturl ua^as -.--
qf,q^A bsrnor dool aIu-9'7 e sornlEal puE >: -.:
aJeu qsrew serlln ,&lunof,l^o'I aq] Jo ar'.i -. ..
-runs isrg oq] sr erlln lqFrN r.lsrew pBfl :--
'lqAIuPItu JaU€ ls:. :' '
aql qsruu ,,]nH eLI] eqe[,, pesseu]rM Lr3'-: :
aurl Fur].rels aql le sueJllad alqetegur :.".: -
peteueu eln inq of,Er eurnlsof, e eq plr,: r ..
]eq) pJJunouue Juo oN '1107 Jo ]sn8n\ :-. -
ll,a.^ uoolu IIry ]safuel aq] sn anrF plno..', -:
'uooru;adns aqlJo a8eluelpe ele] o] Iu:.:r' -
ralBl IrrM e areld Ioor )09 erlln ]q6r\ - .
peg lenuue Jt{f 'prrem lofi }snf s; . -- .
srqt ]nq '.sn Jo II€ ur ]sro. eq] selxrlai-:,' :
rsrq rql lno sFuuq uoour llnJ eLl] lerl) .r.
NOOru ]]ni V UICNn NnJ



by Jailce O'C,rady, R.D.

There is nothing more satislying to a race di- %z-,

rector than to see runners finishing their very
first ultramarathon, always with big smiles and
sometimes with tears of joy. At North Fork 50-
Mile and 5oK, firsftimers have always had a
higher finishing rate than veteran ultrarunners.
And that was true again this year. Fortythree
first-timers started the 50K and the 5O-mile, and
all but two finished with flying colors-a 95%
finishing rate compared to 88% for veterans. In-
teresting, isn't it?
North Fork is a great course lor newbies, as
well as veterans. It is 100% trails, mostly single-
track with some double-track, in the Pike National
Forest on the Front Range of the Rockies, only
40 miles from Denver. There are some beautiful
views of 14,00Gfoot peaks, but the course itself
reaches a relatively mild marimum elevation of
8,400 feet. The trails are mainly smooth decom-
posed granite, with only a few rocky and rooted
sections. The climbs and downhills, though long,
are not terribly steep. The 4,550 feet of climb in the
50K and 2350 in the 5Gmile are moderate com-
pared to many mountain races. It's not a multiple-
repeat loop{ourse like some of the ultras "down Adam Bamesburoertraverses an old burn-scarred area overlookino the lush oine forests
the hill." The scenery is beautiful in the forests of
Ponderosa and Lodgepole pines, and a couple of
open areas burned in past fires offer views oftow- Paul Landry to win the race by six and a half ish, runners pass a lovely lake, cross the rir t
ering rock formations and the high peaks in the minutes. Women's winner Letitia Dusich, sec- and turn a corner amon$ towerin$ pines to 1--.
distance. The course is challenging, yet very doable ond place Kristin Biris, and third place Rachel greeted by lots ofcheering voices. lt's a veru -l'
by mountain trail race standards. Ramirez, were in the top 10 overall. cial ending 1s s special erperience.
Two of the first five s0-mile finishers were This year's race was cooler than usual, with
first-timers, including 5O-mile winner Pat Sul- even a brief but brisk thunderstorm that in- fVIAfT TEONI ADDS:
livan, who finished over 27 minutes ahead of cluded some hail. One 50K runner who finished My knees and quads were screamin$, but I v,':,
second-place finisher Evan Kimber. Though he during the storm said he was jogging down the cooled off hydrated, and out of danger fi.or:'
missed the overall course record, Sullivan set a last big hill at 10:30-per-mile pace, but when the the lightning. I rounded the bend and saw tl:.
new 30-39 age group record. Eleventh place fin lightning and thunder started, his GPS showed sign indicating 0.8 miles to the finish. A gleeF-
isher Adam Harmon, running his first ultra, set his pace increased to just under a 6:30-per-milel self-proclaimed newbie went skipping b1, i:-
56 Lightning is a great motivator. Clouds kept the her way to a fantastic first finish. I had to u'a.,
a new 29-and-under record. The women's lead-
ers, both veterans, were strong in the 5o-mile, temps moderate all day. and almost all the fin- most of the downhill sections in order to p:.
with winner Kara Henry and second place, ishers looked lresh and strong when they came serue my strength for the final half-mile, bui
Elizabeth Campagna, finishing sixth and sev- across the finish line. There were lots of smiles. had enough pride left to not walk through ti::
o enth overall. just seven minutes apart. especially from the first-timers. finishing chute.
Veterans fared better in the 50K. with all of One of the best things about the North Fork As I rounded the lake and then crossed th.
; the top 10 having finished at least one previ- race is the finish next to the rushing North Fork bridge, I could hear the crowd roar for the ne..,
ous ultra. Andrew Maxwell pulled ahead of of the South Platte River. Approaching the fin- bie. I was about one minute behind, and cou,-'


prNE, coLoRADo lruNE 2slL3,3
50 MILES 19. Patrick Flynn, 35 10.09 .47 3 8. Laurie Nakauchi.43 '1
1:08:34 50 KM
1. Pat 5ullivan, 36 7.44:32 20. loe Seracuse, 51 10:10:22 39. Amarilda Rucaj,30 1 1 :1 3:05 Andrew Maxwell, 28 4:20 -
2. Evan Kimbet 36 8:11:09 21. Rachel Garcia.28 1 0:1 1 :38 Kent Steinmeyer, 42 1 1 :1 3:05 Paul Landry, 42 4.27 .
3. Alberto Rossi, 31 8.24:14 22. Kristina 5iladi,28 10:14:56 41. Theresa Weidmann, 32 11:31:46 Greg Coplen, 38 4.46. - -
4. Joe Ziegenfuss, 38 8:38:20 23. BillAhlers,50 10:15:14 42. Jonathan Geurts,29 1 1 :36:'1 5 Letitia Dusich, 32 5:07:i:
5. Tom Amble, 39 8:43:20 24. )eff rrujillo, 44 10:1 5:1 5 43. Michae Rose, 48 1 1:47:45 Corky Dean, 52 5;10:i:
6. Kara Henry, 28 8:50:26 25. Ben Moritz,38 10:15:41 44- Kurt Hardester,45 1 1:55:1 5 Jerry Armstrong, 36 5:13::-
7. Elizabeth Camoagna, 34 9:05:01 26. Diarmuid Truax.43 10:1 5:48 45- Mark Agcaoili,34 11:56:49 Tim Miller, 43 5:22.::
8. Jonathan Wuerth, 50 9:12:04 27. John Hig9s, 48 10:20:20 46. Nandi Xie, 49 1 1:59:53 Kristin Biris.43 5.26.;'-
9. Heath Kirschner, 35 9:15:27 28. Paul 5erafini,45 10:21:00 47. JennLPlrKlla[ 29 12:02:04 Marc Buffington,3l 5:38 l-
1 0. Roger Stones, 40 9:16:01 29. Christopher Keyes,28 10:22:04 48. Ed Husar, 45, lA 12:11:23 10. Rachel Ramirez. 28 5:39:
1 1. Adam Harmon, 23 9:18:19 30. Tr Maloney,45 10:22:06 49. Wil/iam Jennings, 25, OR 12:41:50 11. Jason Hatfield, 28 5:39:-
12. Cole Petersen,2l 9:24:19 31. Ben Barthel, 33 10:34:12 50. Dakota Ma acara, 46 12:44:16 12. Adam Bamesberger, 33 5:43 C-
13. Adrian stanciu,43 9:29.29 32. Mark Benedict,3l 10:35:'1 5 51 Howard Mayson, 60
. 12.57.13 13. Mark Lisak, 56 5:45 C -

14. Stuart Cohen, 29 9:39:51 33. Josh Meyer, 25 10:35:'16 52. Michael Johnson,46 12:58:20 14. John Lacroix, 31 5:46 C:
1 5.
Liz Sanchez. 28 9:46:28 34. Tammy Wuerth. 45 1 0:39:50 53. Kimberlerlloqlel
39 13:00:46 15. .lohn Brandt, 42 5:46 C:
'16. Travis Mclntosh, 37, WA 9:48.02 35. EricWeis,32 10:49:56 54. Elliot Denholm, 40, TX 14:05:04 16. Lisa Mills.51 5:47 C

17. Bret White,43 9:54:03 36. Stephen Gartside,4S 10:51:33 55. Carson Greenhaw 29 14:18:15 11. Michael Brenner, 54 5.48 t'-
18. Jimmy Mac, 36, CA 10:07:12 37. Jennifer Murdock. 22 11:04:56 18. Dave Ross, 42 5.49 a.
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^llrexa .
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L, ^ressa)au .
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,{q padder 'DIUup pue anbeqreq Iryrapuom e jo uorlrod poofi e qFnorqt sunr esrnol aqJ -tladwor .{ueru areq.,u'ela urapoui . -
o] palear] ara.&\ e^^'Furqsrug uodn ,{la}erpawtul rsooq F1q e se.^ r{lrll.4 'saurl aldUlnru a?r o] sauof, ]r UaLIM ;og adoq plnc.. :
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.*; -6W -;+-


by Ctwis Stores, RD

As the old saying goes, the third time was truly the Perhaps a bigger culprit behind those low fin- late June day in
charm. Since its inception in 2011, the Black Hills ish rates, though, was the one and only Mother western South
100 has eamed a reputation as a deceptively tough itature. Race directors obsess over so many min- Dakota and the
race From a distancq the Black Hills themselves are ute details when putting together an event, but nearly 200 par-
not all that intimidating. They arg after all, called the one thing they have absolutely zero control ticipants in the
"hills" and not "mountains" and their relatively tamg over is the weather. late June in South Dakota is Black Hills 10G
undulating nature just doesnl strike fear into the typically quite pleasant, with highs in the lower mile, 100K and
hearts of runners the way the sheer mountain cra$s 80s and the chance ofa relatively innocent, shoft- sGmile took full
surrounding Silverton or leadville might No t+,ooo lived thunderstorm or tvvo rolling through in the ^ 1..^ - l +^:^
duvdr rdHs.
foot peak reside herq with Hamey Pea( the highat afternoon or evening. Temps into the 90s or triple The benefits of the agreeable weather coni -
point in South Dakota, rising to a mere 7244 feeL digits and high-severity storms are generally much tions started manifesting themselves early ir-
C-onsequently, finish rates of35 percent and 37 per- more common in July or August. There are always the afternoon as the 5Gmile race unfolded. Th.
cent the first hvo years seemed ridiculously low for exceptions to the rule, though, and zott and 2O12 first course record ofthe day fell to Alison Frase:
a race with "on$' le,ooo feet of elevation gain and proved to be exceptions. The inaugural Black Hills who became the first woman to break 11 hour:
altitudes reaching no higlrer than 550O feet 100 in 2011 had quite normal weather right up fipishing in 10:50:36. Local runner Holly Koppii:
So. what exactly led to those sub-40-percent until about i030 p.m., when a large severe thun- was second in the women's field in 11:3914 fr-
finish rates in 2o1r and 2012? derstorm rolled slowly over the course, dropping lowed by Kris Rosenbush in 12:32:14. The mer:.
Well, despite its innocent appearance, the Black torrential rain, hail and lightning in its wake. The race didn't result in a course record, but Jaso:-
Hills 100 course does offer its challenges. Specifi- storm drove many lOGmilers off the course and Tischer. running in a last Iong tune-up race pri.
cally, the Centennial Trail, which represents the resulted in just 32 finishers, with only the top tvvo to his lOGmile debut at lake Tahoe, ran an ir-'
majority of the out-and-back route, is an almost breaking the 24-hour mark. In 2012, the storms pressive 8:2638 to claim the overall win. Charle.
constant rollercoaster of ups and downs. Until stayed away, but race day was the first truly hot Corfield, who took third in the 5Gmile race las'
you reach mile 99, there is never a point where day of the summer with highs climbing into the year, claimed second this year in 9:24:36. Rour::-
it's safe to think,'Well, it's all downhill from here." mid-gos and higher than normal humidity. As the ing out the top three was Eric Herzog in 10:03:1=
There is almost always another hill. And another. day progressed, runners who were not acclimated A familiar face led the 100K-fie1d this ve::
And another after that. Few of the climbs or de- wilted in the heat, resulting in only 38 finishers John Horns, who won the 100K in 2011 and n':.
scents exceed 1,000 feet or are more than a couple with the top three earning sub-2+ buckles. runner-up in the 100-mile last year, claimed a: -
of miles long, but what they lack in steepness and other 100K victory, finishing in 11:51:03. Secon:
Given that brief history the big question then,
length. they compensate for in quantity. place honors went to Steve Liptezky, finishir:.
of course, was what Mother Nature might have
The crux ofthe course is that the entire thing in store for the 2013 Black Hills 100. The law of in 12:48:41, fresh offa fourth place finish at ti.
is runnable. Of course, "runnable" is a relative averages says that at some point the extremes competitive Bighorn 30K nvo weeks prior. -\ '
term. Like a mountain lion on the prowl, the have to be balanced out, and that's just what hap drew Pope claimed third place in 13:28:35.
Centennial Trail lies patiently in hiding, wait- pened. Ironically, the weekend before the race saw Kate Fogelberg won the top prize in the n'o:r -
ing to strike until its prey is tired and weak. a series of severe thunderstorms pound the area en's 100K race with a 16:03:00. Second and thiL:
Runners who foolheartedly charged up every with baseball-size hail in some locations, reminis- went to Kim LoveOttobre and Michele Harn',:.
"runnable" hill early in the day often find them- cent of 2011. The weekend after the race was hot who finished in 17:o9:26 and 20:04:10.
selves reduced to a fiustratingly slow hike on and humid, reminiscent of 207L In between, race The full effect of the "normal" weather co: -
the same runnable grades later on. weekend itselfproved to be your perfectly average ditions was really felt by the lOO-milers, ut

BLACK HILLS 100 | sruRGrs, sourH DAKoTA I ruNE 2e I l 4,4

100 MTLES 31. Shane Peltonen.39. AZ 27:22:53 62. Nicholas Petersen,29. MN 31:43:36 6. JamesWillett,33, CO 'l 'l:30:21
19:Q5:26 32. Rob Goeckermann.34, Wl 27:35:37 63. Karl Huemiller,28, MN 31.43:37 7. Travis Bourret,32, NE 11.36a.
2. Kaci Lickteiq, 26, NE '19:12:01 33. Scot Hartman, 44, CO 27'.54:25 64. Jessica Pendleton, 35, lA 31 :51:48 8. Hollv Kopolin, 47 1 1 :39:' :

o 3. Dan Rose, 36, VA 19:59:46 34. Trevor Davenport,40, AZ 28:2Q:35 9. Grant Rice,2l. CO 12:02 --
4. Jacob Lawrence,31, NM 9:18
20:'1 35. Corbin Freeman. 26. AR 28'.34:24 100 KM 10. Bill lohnston, 60, MT 12:06.2'.
5. Christi Nowak. 25, MN 20:58:56 36. ThoLe,32,wA 28:39:57 1. JohnHorns,50,MN 1:51:03
11. DarvishShadravan,45, lA 12.06-.
6. Ethan Richards,33, MN 21:02:40 37. Deb Johnson. 53, KS 29:05:58 2. Steve Lipetzky, 31, WY 12:48.40 12. Alex Kretchmer, 36, MN 12.22 .:
7. Todd Nott,49. NE 21:19:'18 38. RonHendrickson,45,MN 29:11:43 3. AndrewPope,26,WY 13:28:35 13. KrisRosenbush.42,MN 12.32':
8. Bryan Williams.38, CO 21:43:52 39. Nicholas Koenig, 37, MN 29:17:08 4. Johnathan Karol, 32 13:56.20 14. John Taulborg, 42, lA 12.39 "
9. Scott Kretzmann,27, CO 22:20:57 40. Jason Mason,32, lA 29:2Q:52 5. Tim Jump,3l, PA 14.1Q:26 15. Jose Lopez,23, TX 12:39 "
'10. Anthony Parillo, 29, MA 22:24.20 41. Steven Sjolund,62, MN 29'.22:54 6. Chris McElveny,4'1, NM 14:58:17 16. Barry Hopkins,59, AB 12:41 aa
'1 '1.
Kelly Agnew 40, UT 23:05:06 42. coty Mahlke, 37, MN 29:41:51 7. Jerod Tufte, 38, ND 1 5:l 7. Joshua Hyatt, 27, Ks
8:08 1 12.46 ;'
43. Jason Davis,38, lA 29'.54:16 8. Kate Foq€iberg 34, CO 16:03:00 '18. Shana Leneveu.43, CO 12:53':
12. l\4ichael Hinterberg,34, CO 23:19:06
'13. Matthew Menacher, 35, lL 23:27:24 44. Brian Woods, 48, MN 29:54:27 9. Bruce Tweedie, 5'1, VA 16:22.55 19. Kelli Wilson. 44 13.Q2.:.
'14. Keith Knipling, 37, VA 23:39:41 45. Terry Eldien,42, MN 30:24:57 10. Jim Wilson, 53, MN 16:50:51 20. Justin Lowe,31, DC 13:31;i!
15. Joseph Boler, 33, MN 24:07,31 46. Scott Mevsr 45, Wl 30:28:06 11. Kim Love Ottobre.47, OH 17.09:25 21. lohn Buzansky.51, PA 13:34:C-
'16. Mike Engec 36, CO 24:19:08 47. )ohnTaylot5l,MN 30:30:46 12. JimHadd,36 17:19.57 22. Gary Davis,49, lA. 13:48::
17. Rachel Nyoaver.25, OH 24:59:44 48. AnqclaBatbCIA,52,Wl 30:46:08 13. LorenJanke,49 17.49.46 23. JenniferAnderson.44 14.12:a
'18. Cindy Stonesmith.49, CO 25:28:27 49. Elise Robocker 55, MT 30:48:48 14. Jason Silvet 34 18:45:16 24. Paulette Kirbv 53 14.27 ..
19. Matthew Schmitt, 31, AZ 25:48:33 50. Fausto Mosquera,47, MN 30:51:07 15. Mark Hammer, 52, NE 19:02:42 25. Adam lverson,34, MN 14:32:":
20. Andy Collin, 34, SK 26:26:36 51. Teresa Verburq, 50 30:56:38 '16. Wayne Nelson, 47, MN 19:30:44 26. Joy Avery 40, lL '14:35:i-
2'1. Joanne Fenninger. 47, VA 26:30:09 52. RobertBondurant.40.WA 30:59:02 17. BlairAnderson,60,SK 19:39:03 27. JohnathanWard.36,NE 14.36"-
22. Robert Mitchell,34, MN 26:36:21 53. Darin Dunham, 44, VA 31:10:29 8. Jay Kost, 48
1 19:42:00 28. Julie Yonek. 44, lL 14:36 2:
23. Joseph Hegman,34, MN 26:38:57 54. Daryl Saari, 50, MN 31:11:32 19. Michele Hartwiq,46, IL 20:04:09 29. Kurt Muellet 61, NE 14.59 2-
24. Miguel Ordorica,41, NE 26:46:53 55. Berton Keith, 52, TX 31:20:53 30. Rick Bothwell, 52, MN 15:33:i-
25. Tina Johnson. 34, Wl 26:48:24 56. cary Knipling, 69, VA 31:22:59 50 MILES 31. Kody Riley,32, CO '16:01::-
26. JeffGleason, 55. PA 27:O1:31 57. James Donahue, 51, lL 31:30:02 1. Jason Tischer, 38, MN 8:26:38 32. Bob Newman, 54, ND 16:43 i,
27. Dan Blankenship, 57, CO 27:02.39 58. CO
Kendrick Callaway, 28, 31:33:47 2. Charles Corfield, 55. CO 9:24:35 33. Bob Whay, 55 17.14 3:
28. Christopher Koch,3'1, MN 27:08:35 59. BardCosman,50,CA 31:37:56 3. EricHerzog.43,TX 10:03:13 34. JenniferClinchard.44,NE 17.29.a'
29. Jeremiah Greif, 30, CO 27:12:24 60. Lvnn Saari. 47, MN 31:40:35 4. Alison Fraser. 35, MN 10:50:36
30. Suzie soangler.42, MD 27:19.16 61. Farouk Elkassed,63, VA 31:42:52 5. TonV Pierce,35, MN 10:56:49
'.:? -
g'sr!;ni5;eau fiunqlrs uorl urelunotu e porulell ]srg'elo)pq qtnog'srFrnts ut Furuels'llerl Ieluual ur ,{ep Furlea;q-proJer u eq plnom }f 'plo} --;
leuun; JuO 'rJJp euel pue 'sargraunq 'sFuos -ua:) aq] uo qreq-pue-lno are sasrnof, aa]rp IIV 'tti6sttz ur JaAed^N leqlsu se,4 uouro^\ ::.
-prlq Jo wro; aql ur ]uasa.rd seu, agr1p1t,r,4 'sat! 'pJpJJu se pooJ pue lJlem 'sai.{1ortra1a do] aq] lno purpunog 'gs:gsioz uI qsrug ::,
-.ra11e .{w dlaq luprp qrrqrrt luafund d.ran a;alr qpnoua ur aIe] o] Irye.rer lutaq 'uorlrrlnu .{ur puoJas E o] uer Ie.^ oN rlsuqJ 'aJEr alr.'.-
sJaMoU pp.e\ rlll 'JslnoJ aql atelndod saliau€^ pJq)ipm pue lJMols ]rq B uEl .{1are.raqr1ap I '.rea,{ aq] ur srnoq tz >lEajq JaAo ol uEtuol plror:. -
]uaraJrp ,{ueru;o s;a.&\ogplu snolaunN 'JIIJ e sleJ 'Eurdue.rr arenas qtr.^ solrru t€ reUE pelleq dluo se r:e; pururof'8I:6I:02 ur a]uar^\p'l .i
fluo1e fiuruun.r alqal uo,{uer eJo s,4 arl ot pa}ear} 1 '(uo .{1.rea lseJ oo} fiuruun.r) dFale;+s are:t ;ood sem aleu prrrlJ'rlsluu aq] o] ]urrds alrri: .
sr auo 'uorlets pw 1aa;3 IIl puu uorlels plv e Furuun; aq,{ew pue leaq aql o1 anp ';ead 1se1 E oi slueq] '9n:6s"6l e L{}LA
Iletu lnolh-:
Fopllng uee,Mlaq uoltlas aqi flur;ng r{qde-rfloaf :scov A)sNvzns NHof rapun ur pazaanbs or.l,4 'asou uec o] llr:., .
.{4ro; ,s11r11 Irelg Furpunorrns ar{} Jo smarl alrs s.uau aq] ur areld puolas '10:7I:6I a,\rj::,,
-uedxa anrp ralol ]saJoJ aqt ur sFutuado.{uei41 'Jrots ur J^eL{ llrm }l0Z }eq^ .rapuom dluo ue qlrlA srnoq UJAJS Surpunolse ue .ic :'
z^lleau ,,'alerapolrl uef, auo'suorlrpuol raqleam tqFr.r aqt uanrF aler as.rnoJ s.uaruo.lrr snorla;d eq] poqsnrl J,..
o1 ,{sea,, se IreJJ I€ruua}ual aq} saqIJJSap elnqJ qsrug qFlq e qlr,r.r osrnol lsej ,{1e,r'r1e1a; e aq osle -ra[ purqaq sa]nurlu g'9 ]snl. purqsrur3 .
-orq lrleri Jqr se'pJJlq;:q8not e aq,{eLu eto>1e6 uBJ srq] lEqrIJA).^ oq 'po,ro:d ]urlr €l0z Jrlf 'Jq ue daa>1 o] Jauun; e sr aqs )er{l alltc-. - ,
qlnos ur a.raq aydoad rooplno 1u1qt I ,.'a1of 1am,, ueJ elolec qlnos ul uoqlereluejlln uE plell d\oLI pue sllrH )rEl8 le rnqap a1rr"u-961 r:1. '
s€.{\ nex ';agrlenb uor{}eJeru sleuf : . .
p se uorlJJs stq] pJqllJsJp lJuuru Juo {96;aue ]snf salerurlsa;apun oql\ ;auuru r{uu umop ree.&\
eurlerur dyuo uer 1) qrulp aruoJlaa e ]ou se,4 slq] IIra ]eq] as;nor pefifin; 'qflnol dlaa.rldalap e sraJJo uy'fira1ryr1 I)e) rels eJlln Aulsu sE.'i' i r.
'salrru gt "ragy'dn )r{Frer}s oF o} sruaas }eq} IIrq e 001 slllH )Jelg rq] ]eql sureuril lJeJ aqi inq 'uori uo loH '92:90:6I ur Llsrug o] srnoq .,_
dn taa3 pa;punq Iera as qurlf, ]snrr auo'uorlels dar.rad yeuos;ad go Jalieru e .{laFrey sr }ou ro onr} dq p;ora.r asrnoJ u.Mo srq aIo:q prr':' --
pre ]sul aq] rage ]snl'u;nla; eqi Furpnpur 'daa1s s,]Eq] raqlaqM'salels ulalsaM ro ellr^pea'I reqlra irels LUo{ af,€r aIW-OOI aq} pal aF' . ,
d;ar a;e squrlr aluos 'raoJ I;Z'7I 'elltu{6l eq} pue uBq) repreq sr 00I slllH lrul8 aq] ]eq] pelurell papuaJep dllryssacrns pue paurn]:j :
:]aeJ IE8'0I aq] iurefl go laeJ Is0'6 serl allru -ord a.teq (s.raqsrug-uou pue) s;aqstug le.ralag .{rua.ra[ raploq p]orar 3srnol
l rn l r{ rrrpr rr
.rreql 8ur1el .{1lentue,re 'dn ppe sluacs
{E aqJ llo} '00I 's;eaf o.ul snorzra:d aq] Jo ieq] alqnop dl.reau t--"
-rp pue sqLurll eqiJo lle ]nq'alllu{g rql ur rnoJ 'iuauad s'69 se.^ ]ua^a alrtu{ql aqt:og a1e.r fiurqsr Puru.rnlag 'tqFru
Jre alJq] LlJrr.lM Jo 'rJg -ug leuu aqJ,'fl02 uI ellrnq ole#nq uoplod aq] ea4-rurols 'looJ
000'I inoqe are pJureJ sraqsruU il 'pJulqLuor s;ea,{ o,ryu }slU aq} e pue sarnle;ad
squrrp isafifirq ur sellrnq tz-qns a^g r{1uo Furp.reme rauv'prof,ar -rual aurlr{ep d-rp
aqJ'uels aqi o] s,ueruon{ arlt aIoJq IIe uetuo. ;no3 do1 'alerapour .{1a,rr1
Iseq uaq] pue aq] pue atrlr] pjof,aj asJnol plo arl] repun paqsr -eler Jo afielue.rpe
qlnos Furuuru -ug IIe srouuru ;nog do1 aLIJ 'arer alrLu{gl aq} eIe] o] alqe aJo,M
'(rqbrr) a|ur-69 aq] ur uauioM aerq] do1 (t+al)
fuoprn alrur-gE aql sa)e] raq)srl uosef - a6ed srql
'00 [ eq] sailsrurrL punlof5 ane]S - e]tsoddo



bg ALLen Lucas

When I run ultras, I like to think I'm getting my miles. A lot of runners were a lot better at getting So, did I get my moneys worth? My realistic goal
monefs worth by pushing the cutoffs. I paid their monel/s wonh than me at this year's event. was 10 laps (33.7 miles) and my reach goal was 12
for an eight-and-a-half-hour time Iimit and I'm The Dirty Dozen race is held on the small Point laps (rc.++ miles). As I started my 12th lap, I was feel
going to use every bit of it. Pinole peninsula that juts out into San Pablo Bay ing tired but otheff/ise nearly perfect. I swelled with
That strategy falls apart, thou$h, with a fixed- in Northern California. The 337-mile loop uses pride and enjoyed a massive influx of endorphins
duration race, such as the Brazen Racing Dirty trails that follow the shoreline for a bit, loop back Within seconds I was fighting nausea, a burstins
Dozen 12-hour and 6-hour event. For this kind of through a dense eucalyptus grove, then break out foot blister, and some determined cramps. Oh yeah
race, you get your monefs worth by going more onto a meadow that leads to the starl/finish area. I definitely got my moneys worth. I
It's a great course that is varied just enough, with
about 150 feet of hills and every tlpe of trail sur-
face to keep it interesting for 12 hours.
Making it a bit more interesting this year was
a fierce wind that never let up. It was brutally
cold (by California standards feel free to ro11
your eyes) at the start but worked out nicely
later in the day as it warmed up a bit. Fortu-
nately, we rarely had to run into the wind since
we were almost always running across il.
The popularity of this event has exploded,
with many runners attracted by the festival feel,
as well as the many options offered. In addi-
tion to the individual l2-hour and 6-hour events,
there are team events and a few traditional 5K
and lOK races scattered throughout the day, plus
a barbecue that keeps everyone well fed.
An astounding 56 runnerc mana$ed to finish an
ultra distance in the 6hour racg with both the male
@rian turcell wrrh 44.46 miles) and ftmale (Michelle
Hazelton with 43, miles) coune records bein! broken.
For the 12-hour race, 85 runners managed to
go an ultra distance, including many whose
names are appearing in Ultakmnutg maga-
zine for the first time. Nakia Baird reached
David Pearson, Gary Sheperson, and Joseph 73.45 miles and Stacey Costa crushed the femaie Stacey Costa wins the women's 12-hour with
Blackman each carrying between 45 and 80 course record with 67.38 miles. b/.J6 miles
pounds of bonus weight, in addition to the flag


12 HOURS 34. Reina Jenkins. 51 45.1 Richard Flynn,67 33.7 19. Dan Wallace,53 32.4
1. Nakia Baird,38 73.5 Chad Perry, 38 45.1 Bem Jones Bey, 33 33.7 20. Liz Bernstein, 38 31.-
2. Stacev CgsIa, 44 67.4 36. Thomas Heinzer, 66 43.8 Jessica Roberson, 35 33.7 Allegra Kim, 45 31.-
3. Lisa Oyen, 51 66.0 David Pulvino, 53 43.8 Richard Tran, 31 33.7 Lisa 5trom, 33
43.8 lrene Tano, 46 31 -
4. David Thull,36 64.7 Sean Sexton, 35 Jeffrey Trapnell, 50 33.7
5. Carol Kent. 55 60.6 McKinley Williams, 58 43.8 Robert Holland, 51 33.7 24. Marc Bauman,35 31 a

9 Leioh Moser. 44 60.6 Patricia Carroll, 63 43.8 74. Crista Corbett, 39 31 .7 Charlene Gamache, 44 3T C

7. Micah Nash,33 58.5 Mike Garcia,65 43.8 Kristine Lim, 47 31.7 Mike Hutt,43 31.C
8. Jesper Balle,38 51.9 42. Diane Durden,48 42.5 Robyn Zier, 35 31.7 27 . Jonathan Arellano,23 30.:
9. Amanda Ferguson. 35 57.3 43. Cassandra Cisneros, 41 41.a 77. Christine Clark, 41 31.0 Brad Gaiser, 57 30.:
10. Meredith Johnson, 31 56.6 44. Elizabeth Latham, 35 41.1 Lindsay Dale, 34 31.0 Travis strom, 33 30.:
David Li, 29 56.6 45. .Joshua Andersen, 35 40.4 Bernice Dea,45 3'1.0 Pete Beck, 52 30.:
12. Bill Rundle, 52 5 5.3 Allen Lucas, 55 40.4 David Pearson, 47 31.0 Richard Burke,60 30i
Karen Tancuan,4l 5 5.3 Tim Maclean.44 40.4 Gary Sheperson, 33 3't .0 Katherine Ingram,46 30:
14. Lynnard Phipps, 70 54.6 Jessica Tanq, 33 4Q.4 33. Craig Hoffman,42 294
15. Leigh Anne Guveivian. 37 53.9 Brian Latham,44 40.4 6 HOURS Michael Li, 47 29 6.

Leopoldo Rosales, 59 53.9 Susan Redford. 61 40.4 '1. Brian Purcell, 41 44.5 lsak 5aad, 45 296
Gerry Smedinghoff, 50 53.9 MidniqhLlerclbaLlm. 43 4Q.4 2. Thomas Eggar,31 43.1 Adrienne ToV 24 29.6
'18. Chris Jones,41 53.2 52. Virginia Rosales.49 39.8 MichelleHazelton,29 43.1 37 Leonard Cheung, 28
. 29.C
19. Michael Aberg,47 s2.6 53. Marv_.tGlay 51 39.1 4. Donnie Blameuser.34 41.8 Leslie Shenefiel.39 29.C
Rarnr.laiia nr\/rii ?R 52.6 54. Danni Baird, 30 31.1 5. Christopher Malenab, 33 39.8 39. Jeff Clowers, 44 28. i
Edgar Lorenzo Jr, 35 52.6 Peter Dea, 45 37 .1 6. Jeff Fleming. 43 38.4 Benjamin [,4uradyan, 25 28.:
22. 5am Hsu, 52 51.9 Joao Fernandes, 37 37.1 7. Mike Cloward, 49 37.7 Rachel Vidmar. 25 28.:
Bradley Niess, 34 51.9 Ryiah Nevo. 39 37.1 8. Keather Kehoe, 40 37.0 42. Saurabh Bhasin,33 27 .a
24. Laura Newman,47 58. Diana BerminqhlE 54 36.4 9. Zach Hill,35 36.4 Tim Brennan,46 27 .a
25. Daniel Abundis,46 s0.5 59. Mae Martinez. 64 35.0 10. Deanna stemm, 54 35.7 Lisa Conaldo, 38 2la
Laura Bello. 50 50.5 60. Jan De Vocht, 48 34.4 1. Elena Costa, 33
1 35.0 Ramon De Vera.45 21 e

Christv Bentivoglio. 42 50.5 Diane Lucas. 55 34.4 12. Sharlet Gilbert. 62 34.4 Ellen Fletchet 46 274
Alex Chavarria, 48 50.5 Leslie Rundle. 55 34.4 Hanoch Raviv 51 34.4 Steve Hill,58 21 a

Paula Ferre. 59 50.5 63. Ryan Baird, 36 33.7 Scott Williams, 42 34.4 MarLNlllet 44 274
Matt Covey, 53 50.5 Erin Beck. 52 33.7 15. Jb O'Neal, 32 33.1 Mark Costa. 34 21 .a
31. Minh Truong, 41 41 .9 Stacev Becker. 38 33./ JOnn hanson, 4/ 33.7 Marla Sanchez. 57 27 .a
32. Peter Chan, 54 45.8 Andrea Dumas.34 33.7 Scott Moyer, 44 33.7
Douglas Rose, 56 45.8 Daniel Fabun,39 33.7 18. Julia Keevey.42 33.0
,lTpr-qF€T^rEili .s9 rM.lllENnEdr .€t
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0€;8t:9 8€'pro,1!r]M ))tu 99 0t:sz:g 0€'ollauez ouPrllPD tt 8 t:9t:s 0t,s)oor8 uPqleN lA) 05
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q pro)ar asrno) Mau
I ,r:Lltv +o
z e slas '#aN urnle) ')0s aq] ]to rsuurM - urolloq
f iepor 6urppnq aql ]aaur e6pr;q s:q1 sao6 - dol
I']uala aql.ro3 areda;d o1 sdep ualos ueqt arou -eJetu e Jo aluelsrp elet e le qeis ]slg slr{ Lrl
3^eq o] Ayarou e aq IIr.^ ]I 'of,er arl] aro3aq lsni 'llar s€ tsrl op-o] s,;ea.{ 1r:'.
'.{11ryadoq '.read ixau qof dep dur uo.r3 fiurrr1a.r uo aq IIr.^ aFeuFrs re))aq os 'sreotr eq] lelo srir-
r9 u,l :apuer{r Jar{}ouv 'sraa}unlol uor}e}s pre eq} Futute;] ur osrnor aL{} unJ serl u,,tneq }nq'sat:,
roJ olurt dn-]as sacnpa; leql auo 1nq'eapr aydurs 1re.r1 ur suaddurl slqJ
'u;n] Fuo;.u e jooi ']rn- --
V'a)e.r arl] a;o;aq lqFru aLIl sraureluoJ eFJel ul )O€ eL{} }e ueluom )0s ag} Surpeel 'laueH Li.\'.: _
luup aflo;ira1e $urxrru-a;d palsaFFns a8roaC 'ral{}ea^\ prunrl aq} pue (osz ot 002 ruo4 pa: :.
(peoJ aq] ;og areg) uos;eg .{pfia4 pue at.roaS .ro sem dec eql) s.raqrunu pesearf,ur aql ot anp . ,
(e.rt16 ereFer11) arltaFeX uuaH se qrns 'acuauad -rssod 'as;nor lJo ]ual\ slauunt rrtag e alrnf
-xe daap LIIrM saalunlo^ aleq o] sdlaq t1 'ace.r 'rPaA r''.- -
aq] Furlrels .rarye s.rea.{ ualas uaAO apeu aq uel passarppe aq IIr.&\ qrrq uo .4 ol uej ,;-
sluauazro:dtut .{ueur rvroq W pazeute sdeanle rue pue asn ]uelsuoJ ur eJeM ^'lale^
suorleis apuods au'
I ilaq no ;;ear{ lxeu .ro3 sa8ueqr eq areq} IIIM 'prer{ oo} qsnd o1 .{ep poo$ e }ou sem srll} -:,
,,'sllrH Or{i'sllrH ezrlear o] srauunr 86 IIe roJ tuol alet ]olr l-' :
aqJ', qlrM .,'.iorroH aq] 'rorroH oql, sJalunH 'ller] EIsereueC aq] Suole 1no pea.rds z{1prnb : .
raa6 aql pase; ori.&\ reqsrug e dq dyarru )0s eq] pauels sluerlua sgl aql 3o 1qfir+i:,
dn pauruns se,^ ater aql jo rqFrlqFrq aqt 'Futuunr ]Jels o] uoq.l o] se ]qnop ur Jelrri:-
'sfiur.rdg erouaar3 e su
qlnu su lsorule Ual ]Eq] )lollurU s.Oo8t ue Bur.rg {pauu:1
r3^ry pew aql ur#o puryooc ot premroJ Fur>1ooy ;oqqfirau qtrm 'ule 00:8 ]e peirels )Og :-_
a;alt .{ueru se luara#lp ,i1tqFr1s ,{1uo sem .lea,{ .,{33nru
pue roq ot i1..- .
7 srL['ur^ ]l uo; eIII 'aruos roJ inrod ,r{e.trg1eq aql -ar passarfio.rd uaqt '.rirp pue rure.4 peu-\',r,:
]e JO 'ale; aq) Jo pua aql le .(raa,ra;g spur;dg are; 'rrlsnurldo pue lryqsr^ sreuunr au- : .
arouraarJ dq perlddns sr asrnof, aq] el]]Bq o] papualur rueqs e arai suorleue^ Jalll'.: :
a pue lno ,{e1s o1 anrluarur aq} 's;ea.{ }solu ui 11e '.{1qelrtpe;4
'deru aql re^o IIe se^\ :r:. :
'aoJJoJ aroruaar3 pue dru,,{s aldeur '(uaq ol dn turps3l Iaa^\ or{} fiur;np lsera,rc-- : - _
-oC auuv aa"i 'aJrM d1a.to1 .{ru .{q aperu) .,tallod 'sllrr{ r-:1 ,
auoq fiur>1el$eier afie snouerr ur sJauun.r Jo uorleurquor Furfiualleqr e qlrl{ tiLt .:
0t i{}r.^ 'orouaa-r] te punoqe sazud 'prrq} pue -unr lef,ol aq] 'Fuuds loor .{11errd,& e .r:,'
puocas turlei (Ot:et:S) uosdruoqJ rueur) pue salet pue 'epeuel'ouelug ]eg-[1]sotr -.
(sclt:s) IaueH qlrm '6n'.nris Jo orul] e ur 1s.rg fiur aq] ]eql uanrF ';eaerrtoH 'a3eJ urelrrf,r..
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by CWisune ReynoLds, RD and Tom Perry

Twenty-five years ago I was graduating from I Saturday night, post-race, a couple of little two of the 16.5-mile laps, Jim Sweeney led by jus:
high school. I had no idea what trail running girls asked to use some cardboard boxes. under eight minutes. But that lead was not enoug:h.
was and certainly had never even heard ofsuch "We need to make a stage," they said. Later, I as Munguia ran his last full lap in 219:09 for the
a thing as an ultramarathon. But now, 25 years found out that they put on a puppet show win, while Sweeney slowed to 239:5o. With the fina.
after my stage of ignorance, I am proud to be a by the campfire for the runners. half-mile mini-loop added, Sweeney finished sei
part of such an unbelievably fun and amazrng I And then Sunday, by afternoon, the camp ond overall in 7:0333. Munguia was just under fou:
community of runners. ground was transformed back to the quiet minutes slower than Brian Rusiecki's 2010 coursr
This year the Finger Lakes Fifties celebrated empty forest. Not a bit of evidence even record. Jeff Smucker finished third overall anc
its 25th anniversary. The race has seen three ven- hinting at the enormity of what had gone first male master in 830xa. Todd Baum showei
ues; the longest running of the three is the cur- on over the weekend, the paddeddown trails his experience by winning the 5Gplus age group ir
rent location at the Finger Lakes National Forest the only indication. 9:00:55. His splits for the three 16.lmile laps were
near Hector, New York. The race has become I can't wait to make new memories next year. 2:53tl7,3tOOi29 and 3:0238, a superbly paced effor
more than just a race; it is an event. Three days But wait, yes, there was indeed a race going on on a warm dav.
of camping, picnicking, and a family reunion during all this and Tom Perry has put together
with a little running thrown in to top off the a summary of what happened:
weekend. The whole event creates a lot of hap- Wth heai,y rain in the area in June and the
piness. and a lot of great memories: first few days ofluly, the course was expected to
I Runners helped with race preparations, be exceptionally slow with mud in all the usual
posting signs and course markints, handing places. And, with above average temperatures, no
out bib numbers and shirts, even though records were expected. Fortunately, the runners
they had their own races to prepare for. exceeded expectations with a record in the 50K
I Sheryl Wheeler brought her guitar and pleas- and a very competitive race for the 5Gmile win.
antly serenaded us around the campfire the In the men's 50K racg Justin Scheid showed that
night before the race. It could not have been he is a real talent in the shorter trail ultras by back-
more relaxing. ing up his win at the Sehgahunda Trail Marathon
T The Nonh Brooklyn runners got into tl-re spiriq with a new open men's 50K record. James Ford was
with matching Finger Lakes Fifties racing singlets. the only other runner under five hours with his sec-
T Albany Running Exchange provided not ond overall finish in 4:48:10. Soencer McCormick
only timing, but pure entertainment, with topped the large North Brooklyn Running contin-
music and announcements; something that gent finishing third overall in 5:14:,K. Ed Housel was
brought a new life to the forest. winner of the 5Gplus age group, finishing fourth
I Children played in the campground, fam- overall in 5:25:47 and taking the male masters win.
ily members relaxed, runners swam in the As for the women's 50K racg indicative of the
pond when their races were done and then slow conditions, Elizabeth Brundige was the only
kicked back in their lounge chairs to cheer woman to finish under six hours. Sheryl Wheeler
on the remaining finishers. just missed going subsix, finishing second wom-
t Multiple pairs of muddy sneakers were found an and taking the female masten win in 6:01:00.
in the trash; runners who had endured a One hundred and three runners finished the 50K
long hot day on the muddy trails apparently In the men's sGmile Adolfo Munguia won by be- Water hazard - Joel Cisne jumping into one of
did not want to see that mud anvmore. ing frst enough and slowing down the least After many mud puddles


50 MILES 29. John Mackenzie, 32 12.14:55 20. Andrew Ciaio. 47 6:44:57 49. Jo Ann Hicks,40, ON 7:42:t:
1. Adolfo Munguia, 28 6:50:25 30. Diana O'Brien, 50, PA 12:15:05 21. Robert Wilder, 37 6:48:37 50. Makoto Endo, 38 7:43:4'
2. Jim Sweeney, 32 7:03:33 31. Pete Kresock, 30 '12:15:33 22. Jeff Lorow.33, PA 6:51:10 51. Bomina Yu, 39 7:^6:5:
3. Jeff Smucket 47, PA 8:30:1 4 32. Tania Barrell.33, PA 12:15:48 23. David Redline,47, CT 6:51:48 52. Lorrie Tily, 52 1.52:3:
4. Zandy Mangold,39 8:4O:14 33. Erln Petrella. 36 12:24:46 24. Gary Gundlach, 59 7:00:56 53. Nicole Locklair,31 7:52:51
5. Scotie Jacobs, 37 8:46:46 Richard Bundro, 38, PA 12:24:46 25. James Kavanagh,33 7:03:06 54. Christopher Sabatini, 48 7154:3a
6. Todd Baum, 55 9:00:55 35. Colleen Smith. 43 12:29:37 26. Michael Eighmey, 42 7:04:08 55. Juliene Bell-Smith. 31 7:54:4
7. Max Frumes,32 9:2 5:36 36. John Maley, 32, GA 12:40:'16 27. Patrycja Slawuta. 30 7:04:19 56. Douglas Browning Jr, 50 7'.54:5)
8. Cory West, 37 9:27:Q4 28. Noreen lnman,3'1, PA 7:Q4:52 57. Michael Baehre,55, VA 7:57:2t
9. Guillermo Ayala, 39, NJ 9:28:07 50 KM 29. Evy Gonzales. 36 7:09:19 58. John Stanford, 52 8:02:0'
'10. Elliot Coups, 39 9.36:24 1. Justin Scheid, 27, 4:16.46 30. Elizabeth Weinstein, 37 7:11.10 42
Robin Varoas,
NJ 59. 8:04:3:
11. John Fegyveresi,36, PA 9:39:52 2. James Ford, 28, CT 4:58:10 31. Taylor Sowers, 24, OH 7:11.1'l 60. Soohia Darling.3S 8:05:38
12. Rene Hoover.32 9:48:57 3. Spencer Mccormick, 27 5:14:44 32. Will Fox, 38 7:14:15 61. Caroline Williams. 51, VA 8:06:3i
'13. Gerrit Van Loon, 52 9:55:59 4. Ed Housel, 54 5:25:47 33. Will Danecki. 63, CT 7:14:59 62. Christine Vonbun. 42, ON 8:07:08
14. Cheryl Yanek. 34 10:02:34 5. Bruce Roebal, 56 5:32:30 34. Ryan Hrebin.3l 7:15:48 63. Kathleen Reardon. 51 8:07:12
1 5. Timothy Abbey. 45. PA 10:06:29 6. Elizabeth Brundige, 37 5:50:41 35. Jackie Schlitzer. 47, NJ 7116:26 John Muoio, 36 8t07)12
16. Sandv Mustico.40 1 0:29:08 7. Sheryl Wheeler. 50 6:01:00 36. Kevin Tripp, 42 1:18:41 65. Torrey Jacobs. 33 8:1 1:0C
17. Mia Chen.32 '10:39:33 8. Erica Silbiger,26 6:16:23 37. Anqsb t!a!c(e 29, NJ 7:19:41 66. Kristen Pedersen. 34 8:14:01
18. Nick Schnabel, 36, NJ 1O:41:41 9. Tara Murrav 36, PA 6:20:31 38. Georgia Defalco. 34 7:19:42 67. Keith Murray,50 8:14:56
19. Kelly Gillen. 30 10.46:Q6 '10. Andy Desmann.43 6:22:09 39. Kacie Harrinoton. 26 7:21:53 68. Betsev Adams. 29 8:16:1i
20. Jade Mills. 34 1 0:58:20 1 1. Jenny Carpenter. 41 6:23.41 40. Daeha Ko, 35 7:22.41 69. Bette Clark. 57 8:17:5C
21. ChrisWashburn,5'1 'l:00:58 12. Kristen HyeL 30 6:24:20 4'1. Gwendolvn Bevis. 51 7:22:50 70. Kenneth Rowe, 54
1 8:21:43
22. Violeta Alekseyev. 26 11 :05:'1 6 13. Michael stone,47 6:25:05 42. Jeff Trondsen, 39 7:23.27 71. Kimberly Rapp. 48 8:22:4't
23. Stephen Neary, 27 11:25:10 14. Cynlou Ko.38 6:32:2Q 43. Chris Salvato. 50 7:34:22 72. Jim Porter,53 8.26:1a
24. Hiroshi Kitada,47 11:43:07 1 5. Joel Cisne, 31 6:34:20 44. Barbara Wattleu 39 7:34:31 73. Tim Schlitzer, 5 l, NJ 8:28:49
25. Tom Nichols,47, PA 11:45:18 16. Anthony Tieuli. 40, MA 6:37:51 45. James Lampman, 30 7:34:59 74. Beverlv Walley. 34 8:29:3a
26. Laura Hufschmidt.32, Ml 11:52:19 Mark Brown, 38. MA 6:37i51 46. Steven Graff, 40, NJ 7:36:38 75. Barbara Sorrell. 56 8:30:44
27. Brian Borden, 49 1 1:57:22 18. William Mccovern, 53 6:39:02 47 .Robert scott, 59, CT 7:38:O2 16. Brian Thomas.29 8:34ja
28. Mary Harvey. 31 12114:54 19. Tracy Wriqt!, 38 6:43:19 48. David Losee, 42 7:39;'10 77. Heather Osrrander. 39 8:35:08
31)A)tS erne
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ly drive to the race site, including a few obliga- try fired the proper synapses and recognized or.r
tory stops at local vintners and breweries, show- true colors. How satisfying not to revert to tlt:
cases the towns of Ithaca, Ovid, Ulysses and of old animal. vegetable, mineral game!
course. Marathon. Fortunately, the 16.5-mile loop-course is :
Despite our own bovine preferences, private well-planned mix of dirt access roads, hill'
doubts, personal disclaimers and niggling inju- single track, pastures and lowlands. So a l.
ries, we were all conflonted by a common en- C.E. Wood we could classify our experience a.
emy: MUD. In his book, Mud: AMilitarg ITistorg, sporadic rather than continual mud. When yo.
C. E. Wood explores the glories of mud in all are out there for a long time, little things tak.
its ramifications: permanent mud, seasonal mud, on inappropriate significance, and it amuse::
random mud, fatigue-inducing mud... After a sol- me to see how many mud chunks I could sertr;
id fer,v weeks of rain, we all knew that mud, like hurling from my shoes on the drier sections. .
the proverbial bridge<rossing troll, would exact also wrote mental ietters to Hoka, commentin.
a price, one which would deepen as the merry- on their choice of white for their women's tra:.
go-round effect of the 16.1mile loop took its toll. shoes. What were they thinking?
In addition to its shoe-sucking, back- Although the weather pattern remained stul:
wrenching qualities, as C.E. Wood aptly bornly stuck in jungle mode, there was enouel.
points out, mud can supply its own brand of forest cover and an ample supply of ice ar ri.
miracles. Taking a header? Mud is a marvel- water stops to enable most of us to push ou:.
ous cushion. Worried about getting lost? That , discomfort back into the, "l'11 think about .
is difficult with lots of muddv footprints to I later" category.
follow. After ail, who else but iunneis would i Having just experienced Jennifer Pharr Dar:,
be out there in such conditions? Desoite the ::book, CaLLed Agaua detailing her journey r:
fact thar I now have t\ o abruot turni orerlv .t achieve the overall Appalachian Trail throusr-
marked in my honor. | find I can alway. u5e Heading down the trail hike record, I remained true to my intent r-
the confidence boost! Not sure about orooer finish no matter how tough the circumstance ,
loot placement? Skirt the skidmarks and you especially since I knew that aid station personlt.
will be on relatively solid ground. Need an ex- declared a rest day too if not for their human would not be held late on my account! as ther-:
cuse for a less than stellar performance? Well, panners. Sadly. the only cows in evidence were were 50-milers to still care for. When Pharr Dar':.
if it's good enough for Napoleon at Waterloo, our costumed Holstein Cow Team members was asked, "But was it fun?" during a Q&A sr:
it's good enough for me! decked out in appropriate tees and tastefully ac- sion, she paused, and then replied, "l may not L-.
While the folks at the Blueberry Patch Horse cessorized with black and white Rocktape. Unlike having fun, but I feel a sense ofjoy and purpose
Camp were out in full force, there was nary a our initial appearance at the Bull Run 5O-miler in even though this hike isn't easy, it is fulfilling..
cow to be seen. Apparently, animals have bet- Virginia, where runners insisted on identilying guess, in the end, it is better than fun." 3
ter sense and I imagine the horses would have us as the Gateway Team. folks here in cow coun-


Inspired Brewiag
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arueqr eJo ]lq e pEq I'punorFduel orF Llanorq] qrnur Illerd se^ tuersap aqJ IIq qs puouerp LureM pJnoM sSrl painau I 'dn uu.
pue Ired alels eIe'I s,lr^ac ol la^o papeoq eM Ilelq alqnop oq] u. op dr.ri fiuru.rnq-penb e uoq] loJ eere uels aq) punoJe Funed snorua'-.
'IV'I Jo uor]les ,Atrl,, pue dol oq] Fuole'dn 1qfire;ts luto8go pealsul IIIII PIP I 'l.rets aq] or lunef ]Joqs e ]snf sB^\ .
uo unl dllensn I slBri eq] o] relrluls'uolilos slq] DIs aq] dn quoJ pue >lreq puno { IrEr} aqJ 'peq s.ll^ac ]e p3^els a1r\ af,urs 'irosex peaH :
padofua flyea; 1 'qturlr eq] roJ xeler pue u.4 op oo] ],use^ dol eql o] dn qulllr aql'peaH s,ll^ac leau seM slJirenbpeJq urcl 'eJJe 'u.,
lr ols aLu padleq e-raq] qFnorqt stoor Jo slo'I le eaje lls oq] punoJe dool e se.Ll Fol ]sJU aqJ 'ooqereg/f,eur.rraw oqt ul plaq s€.{\ ..c",
'llrqdn pue uolt s,^oryed qanorql lua.4 esrnof, 'flur&r daal ol Suro8 tu.l lnq'rur. '
iurFrq ury aql lal 'lueM
eql uaql'uorlels pre txru eql ol ller] aFv rrl rql eAAJO pue uorqseJ nldwoJdrur ue ur sa^e^\ olur eJo ilrq auo a^Eq pue raqleFo] rSpr
sa^IesJno papees eM'Fururou ]eq] relel
"lerlnd 's[ep asaqt ouo eq^ew 'prir-.
ol tno pue eJB qsruu/]reis aql qSnorql Ireg ile II,l Jo
'suoil.{snJ uo 8uruuru sEM I JIll }laJ on Moqs i,uprp ]eeq pue aurqsuns aqJ 'ozaarq srw sFurql arou e pouJeal I'ureBE :',:-
ll 'lsrseJ i uplnol ]snf I ]nq 'sjnoq ,MeJ e ur srq] roJ e Jo ]rq e qir.^ tserre^o pue s09 Jaddn :ueis ol IleM ].uef, l'sJler] JtP uo ]no Jtull lB?-:
ded plno.lrr sfia1 du au>I I 'umop fean aq] uo dr.t rrel 'ul.e 0€:9 eqr loJ Juofua^a pJlJrlF lJqlee,M 'qooq aql uo sr )09 alrl s,ll^ac - ulcl 1F..""
ap!,wz apl,LaA
9NrNUVll ]1ffi
l)\fl s;ilAlc - l_ulc HllM sri- '

missed a turn there, but somehow was aware

and alert enough to see the bright pink flags
leading through chest high grasses. Legs were
feeling far.
Then I hit the climb to South Bluff aid sta-
tion. Hundreds, no thousands, wait, millions
of stone step\ up to rhe top of the bluff. t

didn't think it would ever end. I heard run-

ners use words I've never heard before. If the
laster runners were actually running up this
section, I want to know how they did it. The
views along the top definitely made it worth
it, but I couldn't see or think straight enough
to really enjoy them. I wanted to take some
photos, but I'm not sure I could have figured
out how to use the camera feature on my
phone while trying to catch my breath and t,

massage my aching quads.

A linle more climbint out of South Bluff
and then some fi-rn trail to the next aid station.
This was a two way traffic section so while I
was going down I was dodging runners coming
back. I had a drop bag at Bug Pit aid rtation
and stopped lor a fresh bottle and a couple gel
packets. Not a long stop, just enough to refuel. 50K runner Je.emy E;dridge, cruises through:l^e tallgrass
replenish and get going. A short out-and-back to
keep the distance honest and then back up the From this point it was the reverse of what done. I pulled out my phone and checked th.
hills I had just come down. I'd run earlier. I wanted to bomb the hills but app I use while running: 30.98 miles. I knen
Thankfully I didn't have to go all the way to some of the rooted and rocky sections made had at least a couple more to go. I knor,v th;.-
the top of the bluff It just seemed like it. A right me think twice. I hadn't done my Superman no two runners using some kind of GPS/apr
turn onto a wide gravel road gave my legs a imitation, and I wanted to keep it that way. will have lhe :ame distance. but I didn't pla '
chance to relax and get in something akin to a Once I got closer to the Parfrey's Glen area on it being this far off. At the finish, my Strar.
rhythm. I really enjoyed this section. Nice, wide aeain. I tried pickinq up the pace. I was ger- app read 32.7 miles. I'm going to take it. It fe.'
and smooth with some climbing, but nothing ting really tired at this point. It was getting like I ran at least an extra mile. Not complair:
like what I'd been through previously. close to six hours and felt like I should be ing. just saying.
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L 2,3 1,,"; ,[,13,*,13:: Ilffi,:lnearrv nat
1 - paved or very smooth surface
mean? The first 2 - rolling; totai climb up to 50 feet per mile (Z,sOO 2 - mostly groomed trail or dirt roads
number is the terrain difflculV feet in s0 miles) 3 trail or dirt road with some rocks, roots and/
the second the oualiw of the 3 - hilly; total climb between 50 and 150 feet per or ruts
surface. Both are bn a-1-5 scale. mile (z,sooz,soo feet in 50 miles) 4 - trail or dirt road with substantial rocks, roots
with s beins the most difificult. 4 - very hilly total climb between 150-250 feet per and/or ruts
mile (2,500-12,500 feet in s0 miles) 5 - very rough trail
5 - mountainous; total climb more than 250 feet
per mile

24. Steven Bernhardt, 48 10:18:52 52. Nancv Marks, 52 12:14:22 '12. Kurt Larson,32, LA 5:19:55
HELLS HILLS '10:19:08 53. Erin Katribe,29 '13. Gary Moroney, 46
SMITHVILLE, TEXAS 25. Julie Koeoke,30 12:14.54 5:20:5,c
APR|L 6 l l2,3
26. Frank Sizemore, 37 10:22:18 54. 33
Ryan Williams, 12.21.'17 14. Thomas Bowling, 50 5:25:05
27. Jeremy Davila,35 10:29.14 55. Ventura Gallegos,38 12.39.57 15. Duke Dennis,22 5:37:18
28. JodLKocirlel, 42 10:36:36 56. Gumaro Rodriguez Jr., 30 12.42.08 16. Austin Johnson,23 5:43:0:
Berton Keith, 51 10:36:36 57. .lanice Lanolev.42 12:57:33 '17. Bhavesh Patel,43 5:43:09
1. Paul Terranova,39 6:54:08 ?n Robert King, 52 10:37:33 58. Justin McCorkle,31 12.59.46 18. Jay Everett,46 5.46.2:
2. Scott Rabb,44 7.43.18 ;; Mark Allen, 55 10:48:53 59. Richard Mihalik,60 '13:16:55 '19. Stephanie Bleich, 30 5:47:59
3. Nicole Studer. 31 7:51:04 ;; Sandra Camoos,37, CA 10:52:03 60. Carlos Reyes, 57 13:17:2Q 20. Michael Whitenton, 30 5.49:1'
4. Justin Wendling, 28 A)) lt
5. David Renfro, 33 8.25:14 Gary Horn, 56 10:54:09 61 . Joe Gonzales, 48 13:44:23 21. Michael Escalante, 37 5:52:5:
1:; Jennv Reeves,36 10:58:01 62. Joseph Wilson, 37 '13:55:19 22. Aaron Johnstone, 33 5:54:01
6. Willem Van Dam, 50 8:46:11 :l Michael Manrique,34 1'1:11:00 Sergio Martinez,'17 13:55:19 23. Michelle Ottmers.33 5:51 4-
7. Robert Svatek, 36 8:49:19 i:JO, Amy SkudlarczuL 11.'12:22 64. Cheri Linwood. 3T 14:00:33 24. Kimberly McOuire.25 5:58:0:
8. Troy Pruett, 52 6:)Z:Ub ?7 Darren Christiansen, 42 '11:15;05 65. Elizabeth Reyes,33 14:05:48 25. Mark Olateju, 51 5:59:1 -
9. Nick Polito,44 9:06:49 :: Matthew Lambdin, 30 11:28:34 66. Randall Huebner, 63 14:11:57 26. Carrie Tracv, 39 5:59:4i
10. Anabel Pearson.42 9:18:21 i: Stephen Winton, 34 1 1 :30:1 27. Joseph McCaffree, 34 6:02:1t
1 1. Lise Plantier, 32 9:22:59 ;; Alex Baca,41 11:31:18 50 KM

28. Patric Elders,53 6:03:1t

12. Dana Munari,48 9:24:24 ;l Robert Snowbarger, 39 1 l:33:10 1. Jorge Cardenas,41 4:14:51 29. Mark Lindsey, 56 6:03:25
13. Christopher Barnwell, 43 9:30:53 ;; Jean CumminqtPcl% 49 11:35:26 2. Alex Moore, 29 4:25:46 30. Stefanie Bernoskv 3'1 6:03:3'
14. Rachel Ballard,4S 9:32:26
15. Carl Wilson. 33, NV 9:35:20 Fumi lshimatsu.47 11:35.26 3. Brandon Ostrander, 28 4:33:37 31. Eric Paulson, 44 6:Q4.02

16. Jose Lara,21 q ?q )R

AA Neil Smith,4l 11:35:33 4. Miguel Montealvo, 22 4:45:47 32. Tomas Castillo, 25 6:11.4a
'17. Matthew Doellman, 28 9:40:52 ;Z Eric Erboe, 41 11:37:34 5. Brendan Gilpatrick, 29, ME 4:46:15 33. John McKenna,42 6:'16:0.:
Siva Natarajan, 37 '11:43:32 6. Eddie Tchigique, 29 4:47:24 34. Michael smith.41 6:19:59
18. Daniel Murphy,
.l9. Jason Crockett,
34 9:48:32 ;; Vicente Ledesma,6'l 'f 1:55:19 7. Nick Shoemaket 27 4:47:47 35. Dylan Russell, 39 6:24:0C
35 10:02:21 ::' :58:34 8. Thomas Orf, 40 4:50:05 36. Grady Reed,36 6.24:48
20. Ted Davison,40 10:09:03 i: Todd Behringer, 47
1 1

12:05:41 9. Lorenzo Sanchez, 35 5:01:01 37. Christopher Null,45 6:25:3'

21. John Hill, 45 0: 10:46
22. Joe Harris,46
10:16:47 ;; Robert Lopez, 46, WA 12:1Q:14 10. Michael Westbrooks, 43 5:06:35 38. Michael Dino,30 6.27:26
James Dennis,57 12.11.07 11. David Sootet 43, OK 5;18:07 39. Nyleva Corley. 39 6:28:05
23. Adam Korona,39 10:1 8:31

SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 15,2014 - 7:00 AM

68 Scenic paved Rail Trail and Forest Service dirt roads. Flat and
very fast course. The course stafts and finishes in Florahome, FL
Well stocked aid stations. Free cookout for runners and families.

Course is a 25 mile loop. 50 milers do 2 round trips,

l00km 2.5 and 100 milers 4 loops.
O Time Limit: 26 Hours
Buckles to all i00 mile and 100km finishers,
Medals to 50 mile finishers.

Entry Fees:
100mile - $140
100km - $90
50 mile - $80

Sponsored by:

On the OzarkTrail in the
MarkTwain National Forest
Registration ?t: CONTACT: Chris Rodatz, Race Director
986 Lake Ridge Dr. . Orange Park, FL 32065
Website : www.OzarkTrail I 904-655-6511.
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72. Darren Quigley, 36 6:50:21 16. Bob Engel, 58 34:58:20 15. Gregory Dekeyser, 32 1O:54:25 Laurie Olsen,49 13.26:43
73. Alex lamayo, 46 6:50:25 17. Cole Stoner, 25 35:00:48 16. Jessica Garcia.26 1Q:56:42 40. Tom Demuynck, 30 13.27 .19
74. Kadowaki,49
Jay 6:50:32 18. B.J. Wiedman, 41 38:21 :56 17 - Joe Tritthardt, 30 10:58:02 4'1.Richard Pye,54 13:34:00
Jess Bevilacqua,32
75. 6:51:02 19. Michael Birkenheier, 26 38.22:49 18. Chad Hazelwood,41 11:O2:24 42. Robert Bartholomew, 55 '13:45:28
Marycarla Erausquin. 35
76. 6:52:59 20. Andy Bloom, 27 44.41:34 19. Brady O'Shaughnessy, 22 11:12:50 43. Luke Bolen, 33 13:49:45
Chris Witkowski, 26, Wl
77. 6:53:21 21. loseph Galloway, 55 46:10:03 20. Joe Fecker,44 11:38:55 44. Lindsae Baldes, 30 13:51:12
Tiana Cain, 31, SC
78. 6:55:20 22. Pablo 5ampaio,29 49.04.48 21. Ruairi McEnroe,3i 11:40.23 45. Seth Kussmaul, 33 14:O9:29
Christopher Ricks, 31, lD
79. 6.55:23 23. Carrie Tomlinson, 32 50:1 5:00 22. Joshua Sun, 27 11:48:15 46. Derek Richards, 34 14:10.39
Timothy Pollock, 27
80. 6:55:25 23. Trever 5hick, 38 1 1:55:40 47 . Julie Bane.49 14:18.14
81. Leah srickels.23 6.56:27 50 MILES 24. Susan Mccoy. 39 1
'l:57:30 48. Jon Grzywa,32 14:19:30
82. Alexa Bestoso, 30 6t57:41 1. Anthony Witt. 23 8:17.29 25. Kevin Bradshaw, 44 '11:57:51 49. Tori Hamill. 44 14:24:01
83. Ryan Dini, 29 6:58:51 2. Matt Davis, 35 8:40:30 26. Heath Brandon, 29 '12:04:20 50. Jennifer Desalvo, 30 14:36:33
84. Aaron Hill, 27 7:00:21 3. BillAbel,40 9:37:31 27 . Keith Aurand, 47 12:20:42 51. Dave Hosbrough. 35 14:42:12
85. Michael La Bella,45 7:00128 4. Roger Wilcox, 31 9:39:29 28. Cindylce Iorres, 53 \2:39:28 52. Elizabeth Braun. 30 1 5:09:54

86. Zachary Johnston, 45 7:02t51 5. Joseph Jindra, 39 9:41:13 29. Eli Modjeska, 16 12.44:05 53. Mark Perry, 52 1 5;14:03

87. Victoria Rochat, 22 7:o4t11 6. Matthew Condron, 46 10:11:22 30. steve Eich, 48 12.46:26 54. Bill Johnson, 65 15t14:32
88. Meredith Hinz. 40 7:04:39 7. Blake Butlet 21 10:25:40 31 . LVnI |-]-alvbatq 64 12:56:16 55. Travis Hansen,34 15:21:35
89. Marina Field.42 7:06.44 8. Trent Koplinski,4l 10:25:44 32. Larry Sandhaas, 44 12.56.19 56. Mike Blaze,37 15:24:13
90. Paul stickels,36 7:08:57 9. Gregory Murdick,36 '10:38:03 33. Bill lrwin, 40 12:57:17 57. Mark Smidt, 50 15:26:37
91. Cathy Harris. 55 7:1Q:44 '10. Jim Moss, 54 10.38:27 34. Kara Thomas, 33 1 3:00:57 58. Gene Wyman, 35 15:30:43
92. Larry Letts, 58 7:10:46 11. Jay Gates, 23 10.41:29 3 5. Frank Powers, 53
'13:03:51 59. Chris Dierker, 58 15.32:41
93. David Krimmel, 55 7:13.45 12. Michael Mccrary,22 10:45:06 36. Scott Fessett, 36 13:05:19 60. Michael Barton, 39 15:43:19
94. Ruben Romero,44 7:14:04 13. James Beetham,24 10:48:1 6 37 . Tracyjo Pasieka. 37 1 3:18:32 61 . Phillip Keating. 53 1 5:49:05

95. Johnny Hsin, 54 7:15:08 14. Mark Carison,33 10.49:48 38. Brook WheeleL 42 13.26.43 62. Julia Carrell. 32 16.48:42
96. Cesar salas, 39 7:17:01
97. MelanieWeir.4S 7:20:55
98. Lance Woolley, 40 7:21:44
99. Peter Vena, 50 7:27:35
'100. Miguel Enciso, 38 7.29:12
101. Fausto Castaneda, 39 7.29:16
102. Paul Hassett, 38 7:29:21
103. Jorge Corral,42 7.33.44
1 04. Denis Trafecanty, 70 1 .35:04

105. Chad McMurray,30 7:35.12

106. Jody Anderson Ricks, 46 7:35.15
'107. Marv Lou Lackey.60 7:40:48
108. Matt Buller, 29 7:43:54
109. Clarence Graham, 30 7:41:05
1'10. Ben Swanson, 30 7:47:45
1 11. Hiroyuki Masuda, 53 7:47t55
112. Paul Halliday, 47 7:48:32
1 13. Shelli Sexton. 45 7:48:42
1 14. Nathan Townsend, 43, AZ 7:51:44
1 5. Richard Callahan, 47, AZ
1 7:51:47
116. Mark Hirsh,36, MA 7.52:58
117. Patricia Moore. 51 7:57:26
1 18. David Lopez, 39 7:58:18
1 9. Madonna Bentz. 58
1 7:58:38
'120. Heather Schafer. 51 7:59:37
121. AAranes,46 8:05:12
122. Bradley Barrick, 32 8:06:17
123. Morgan Ferry, 51 8:09:41
124. BiIf Campos, 39 8:1 1:19
125. Jodyvanzanten.44 8:14:32
126. Jere Mayer 60 8:24:10
'127. Heather Wilson. 35 8:35:07
128. Yen Darcv, 56 8:36:43
'129. Marcy Kamery Steohen. 41 8:54:40
130. Criag Newson, 21 8:59:09
131. Rob Newson,47 8:59:11
132. Todd Leigh,71 9:02:49
133. Jeff Higgins,44 9:39:22


o 150 MTLES
'1. Shane Peltonen, 39 41:50:54
2. Robert Jasinski, 44 44:5O:32
3. Marylqtlerirs,34 45:43:08
4. Flynn Schulz. 33 46:49:33
5. Spencer Swearingen, 35 48:OO:44
6. Chuck Shultz. 42 48:14:30
7. Kyle Lemke,23 49:43:13
8. Matthew Antoniou, 39 50:37:41
9. Matt Bartz,38 51;03:48
10. LeeAnderson,55 51:04:06

100 MtLES
1. Tommy Doias,41 19:33:33
2. Juan Becerril,44 25:01.02
3. Kyle Dietz. 26 25:24:35
4. Jeremy Dopler, 35 26:13t36
5. Liz Bauer, 53 26:39.06
6. Alfredo Pedro, 44 28:55:1 3
7. PaulWilkerson, 36 29:00:08
8. Keith Daniels, 50 30:08:1 9
9. Scott Kummer, 41 30:43:48
10. Bonnie Busch, 55 31i13:1 1 ll centval
11. Jaime Quarandillo. 39 32:20:17
12. Mikeal Ball,23 32:41:25 Nt t7 PennsylVania
Karen Shearer,4T
Steve Hammon, 57
33:20t44 USA ;il:#;fiTilil,
15. Mark Francis, 49 34.46:21
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5. Christine Chaoon, 54 6:13:25 24. Andy Russell, 39, TN 5:18:01 54. Robert Zettel, 56 7:47:09 5. Ryan O'Dell,28 8:36:4i
6. Steve Wilbut 41 6:16:19 25. Nathan Bosey, 33 5:20.46 55. Derek Warren, 40 7.08.21 6. Ken Niemimaa,41 8:37:51
7. Bassing,41
Pierre 6:20:14 26. Mark Werkmeister, 52 5.23.54 56. Jennifer Warren, 29 7.08.29 7. Brenden Lingg,29 8:40:10
Luke Squires, 35
8. 6:20:26 27. Barry Hamllton, 51, CO 5.24.29 57. Kellev l3!l!ra, 47 7:16:44 8. Tlm Toogood,43 8:48:45
Kengo Kato, 31
9. 6:21:28 28. Erin Church l, 32 5.21 .21 58. Jarone B anchette Jr, 36 7.26.10 9. Patrick Moran, 37 8t49:41
'10. Lori Barekman, 52 6:22:02 29. Kimberlee Kavasch, 45 5:28:39 59. lan Maddieson, T0 7:32:29 10. David Emch,31 9.21:04
1 . 1Ash LeLLltlbcy, 30 6:24:00 30. Jon Wegener, 54 5.37.26 60. Jim Stroziet 53 7:32:33 11. Jason Maruccio, 36 9.26:34
l2. Emmanuel Courcier,50 6.29.21 31. Carolyn Go uza, 43, BC 5:49:46 61. Stephen Marley, 35 7:36:09 12. Robert Heilgren,33 9:33:54
13. Rene Brunet, 63 6:29:46 32. W. OrIiz,47 5.52.15 62. RobertAtteberry,53 7:38:48 '13. Richard Cook,50 9.36:14
14. Jenny Weisberq,44, NV 6.30:41 33. David Infante,43 5.53.22 63. Jaime Willlams, 35, AZ 8:05:42 14. Andrew Bartle, 36 9:36:29
1 5. Fabien Labroussaa, 29 6:41:30 34. Veronika Mocko, 36 5:55:40 64. Deborah Goodwin.40, AZ 8;05:43 15. Andrew Brosius, 34 9:39:41
16. William Walker, 34 6.46:51 35. Gai Leedy. 59 5:58:17 65. Anqea-l!jao!11q,34 8:16:10 16. James Gilmore, 42 9:49:39
17. Alexander Nichols,30 6:51:59 36. Kenneth KinlaW 48 6.02:36 66. Dianna Keoeh,57 8:32:32 17. Mikala Shremshock, 30 9:50:50
18. PatrickCoutermarsh,22 6:58:07 37. Adan Maldonado, 24 6:03:18 67. Darren Wilson,48, CO 8:31.22 18. Todd Hanks,46 9:54:15
19. J.R. Mintz,46 7:03:24 38. Randy Silva, 57 6:05155 68. Connie Wilson. 48, CO 8:31 .25 19. Wi liam Hollely,38 9:55:09
20. Leopoldo Rosales, 59 7:08:33 39. Raymond Danks, 37, CO 6.16:02 69. Steve Burgess, 58, MS 8:46t45 20. Jocelyn Briggs, 37 9:55:54
21. Devin Peterson, 24 7:08:51 40. Michael Glueck, 33, TX 6.23.46 70. Richard Larris, f 2 9:04.41 21. Peter Kozlowski, 33 9:57:18
22. fony Tutt e, 61 7:15:33 41. Eddie Dimas, 52 6.26:41 11. Jefltey Vieyra,66, cA 9:12:30 22. Todd Valesky,42 10:01:36
23. David Bevilacqua, 52 7:19:34 42. EmllLK4ll, 31 6:27:30 72. Juliana Astrachan. 45 9:24:59 23. Mark Cangemi,24 10:14:33
24. Luisa Cheunq,41 7:24.53 43. Reilly 5mith, 27 6:30:49 24. Shaun Huppertz,46 10:26:19
25. Luoe Labourde. 52 7:24:55 44. Damon Nelson,49 6:3'r:1s *"'"eeef,ft F.t*&f. 25. David Eck,43 10:35:30
26. Marissa EisenqallIilde, 26 7:38:58 45. Chervl Duran. 51
26. Matthew Bedinghaus, 25 10:36:45
27. Christine Pieton. 26, GA 7:39:00 46. Tom Corda, 54 6-:3-1:5-/ APR|L r3 A 3.3 Andrew Stephan, 23 '10:36:45
28. John Koester, 63 1 .41 .54 41. Brad Carvey, 61 6:J /:U I 28. laime Jackson,44 10:39:06
Heather Vannes. 43 48. Kameron Straight. 29. Nathan Ferraro, 23
30. Tim Kostka,30
8:00:01 49. David Zimmerman,
9l: 9l 50 MrLEs
30. Matthew Robinson,24
3'1. John Martin,39 8:10:30 50. William Mo leck, 55
2':!'t"o- L David Liste.,27 i:58.23
31. Elise Maqlllc, 3'1 10.52:34
32. Eldrith Gosney. 71 8:1 1:00 51. Mike Lang, 47 :'11'19 2. Jonatrran Fdst rss, 38 8:1 1:35
32. Jason Marshall,2T 10:54:36
::::- 3. Devor O son. 24 8:14:11
33. Walter Robinson, 53 8:20:38 52. Deana Weaver. 36
:'?:'1: a. Johr I'ee<e. 32 B:19:L'
33. Steve Waters, 29 1 1 :03:04
34. Richard Oswalt,34, AZ 8:58:25 53. Danny Messex, 42 / ll0 4/ 34. Rich Vrboncic, 56 1 1:09:07

tr.*F.* 7*&*"
APR|L 13 1 14,4

1. Jacob Lawrence,3l 7:07:27
2. Patrick Garcia, 28, CO 7:36:08
3. Marco Zuniga,40, CO 7.48.14
4. Jason Patton, 34 7 55 45
5. Drew Gunn, 38, CO 8:20:12
6. Travis McWhorter, 26 8:32:54
7. Edward Trzcienski, 50 8:53:22
8. Christopher Hall,31 9:01:25
9. Leah Fein, 33, CO 9:02:26
10. Arnoldo Arrieta, 45 9:11:47
1 1. Preston Lopez, 31, TX 9:12:33
12. Jason Bousliman,3S 9.31:21
13. Bryan Hay,39, MO 9.51 .12
14. Meqln Dcll 40 10:07:40
1 5. Katherine Metzger, 32, AZ 10:07:41 THE FIRST IOO-MILE TRAIL
16. Andrew Maas, 41 10:29:31
17. K Ray.35 '10:30:07
18. Clifford Matthews, 50 10:40:23
19. Melody Wrlght. 23, TX 10:44:12 METRO AREA
20. Katharine Oglesby.41, CO 1 0:50:02

21. Joseph Aragon, 38 11:14.50

22. Humberto Arrieta, 60 1 1:14:55 THE COURSE INCLUDES
23. Ryan Morgan, 37, TX 11:15:11
24. Cteqorv Lrffev. 49. Ta 11:15:19
72 25. sterl ranio, si, or< 11 .11t48
26. Steve Maliszewski,4l, TX 11:20:35
27. Stephanie Buettner.45, AZ 11 .21:35 Brought to you by lhe race direcfors RELATIVELY FLAT TERRAI N.
-, of Surf fhe Murph.
\, 28. Bobby Keogh, 64 12:03:00
- 29 Ferdinand De Souza, 59 12:13:41
30. Rene Grobecker 44 12.21:24 LIMITI25 ENTRIES
\= 31. Steven Kuhn,42 12:40:34
ts 32. Tj Quirk,42, CO 12.40:40
: 33. Stacv Boone.4l. CO 12:47:55 36-HOUR TIME LIMIT
34. Bonnie Cummings.34 13:09:21

45 KM Locoted only 30 miles south of Minneopolis/St, Poul of the

1. Jacob Wa tz, 41
2. Adam Steidlet 31
beoutiful Murphy Honrehon Pork. These events ore to be
3. Steven Rodgers, 33
4. Garrett 5mith, 33, AZ
comoetitive ond fun,
5. Jonathan Moody, 34, TX 4:29.21
6. Malin Friess,37 4:30:30 REGISTRATION DEADLINE APRIL 30, 20I 4
7. Mlchael Bursum,39 4:31:30
8. Scott Muggleton, 38 4.32.53 REGISTER ONLINE OR BY MAIL.
9. Robb McLean,40 4:39:33
10. Mark P6r1-"r, 36 4:41:50
Lael Wi cox, 26, AK 4:46:03
12. Sean Cunniff,40 4:46:52
'13. Gene Kersh, 55 4.49:53
14. fay at Pardue,41 4:53:12
15. David Retberg,42 4;54:58
16. Randy Lockhart, 50 4:51:44
17. Chris McElveny, 41 5:0'l :1 9
18. Dan Collins,36 5:02:02
19. Char es Du Preez, 28, NE 5:03:1 5
20. Tali Robich.31, AZ 5:11:43
2'1. Nei Ga vez, 27 5:11:44
22. Sheila Van Cuyk.43 5:12:26
23. Andrew Gil espie, 47, AZ 5:16:T8
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'12. Tom Page,45, ME 5:01:19 36. Sonny cerardi, 39, MA 5:59:14 60. Amr!!qg!n, 35, MA 6:31:02 84. Titus Roden,40, MA
13. Giant ParLin, 37, ME 5.04:28 37 Peter Zelken, 32
. 6:00:00 Paula Finestone,44, MA 6.31.02 85. Cherie Yanek, 99
14. Scott Slater, 35 5:04;39 38. Thea Cox. 29 6;00:58 62. Gregory Santini, 33, NY 6:3'l :05 86. Amy Demarco, 29, NY
15. Bryan stapleton,24, Rl 5:1 1:03 39. Summer Rabida,20 6:01:49 63. Jordan Fischer, 28, ME 6:31:24 87. Michelle RoV 43, MA
1 6. Leif ELlison, 33 5:12:25 40. Paul Fortin.42, MA 6:03:27 64. Gary Hebert, 48 6:32.02 88. Robert Buckingham, 52
17. Joe Wrobleski, 49, ME 5:16:23 41. Car os Carrasqui lo, 38 6:04:20 65. Michae Agbay,40, MA 6.32.39 89. Kristy Burns, 38, MA
18. Adam Wilcox, 31. NH 5:1 9:1 8 42. Matthew Austin, 29 6:05:04 66. Peter Agbay, 37, MA 6:32:40 90. Kate Cook, 36, MA
19. Michael Reed, 30 5:20:33 43. Andrew Horn,49, NY 6:06:25 67. Carly EisLeV 33 6:33:10 91. Joseph Binette, 47, MA
20. Mark Buongiorno, 45 5.21:09 44. Anthony Tieuli, 40, MA 6:06:55 68. Adam Lung, 41 6:34:11 92. Brenda Morris, 46, MA
21. Jesse Howes, 32 5.22.44 45. Nathan Augustine, 39, ME 6:09:40 69. David Sutherland, 51 6:35.12 93. Ryan Couto, 28, MA
22. Peter Lawry, 33, NH 5.23.02 46. David Bidler, 30, ME 6.13:49 70. Heather Furman, 42, VT 6:38.42 94. LesleLPaLKK, 36, NJ
23. Matthew Drury,40, MA 5:26:14 41. Timothy Johnson. 41, NY 6:16:19 71. John Carew 44 6:41:59 95. Jim Bixier, 51, NY
14. 5edn tvteenan, JJ 5.29.59 48. Thomas Assumma, 29, NY 6:17:02 12. Paul Baldini,4l 6:42:14 96. Martha Gilford,53, MA
25. Tom Morton,35, MA 5;30:59 49. Douglas Lord,43 6:17:03 73. Jason Bacon,42, Rl 6:42:21 97. Karen Stone,48, MA
26. David Wise, 42, NJ 5:31:34 50. Jeff Lane, 36, MA 6:17:04 14. Christopher Agbay, 35, MA 6:48:48 98. Adam Bourgun,45
27. Debbie Livinq$a!, 38 5:33:34 51. Jen Barkel 30, MA 6:17:59 75. Tammv lSa!L![ 49, MA 6:48:49 99. Tom Dyet 42
28. Bruce Giguere,45 5:36:53 52. Christopher Libbey, 32, MA 6:'18:01 76. Kevin strum. 57, MA 6:48:50 1 00. Christina Healey. 35, MA

29. Leah Lawry. 29, NH 5:38:12 53. scotr white,42 6:18:39 71. Nick Lunger, 30, MA 6:55:27 1 0 1. Gayle Smith, 54

30. Mtn. Lion Maynard,36, ME 5:45:05 54. Jonathan Housum, 49 6:23.19 78. Josh Reitz,31, MA 6:55:28 102. Scott Martin,51, NY
31. Greg McConnell, 23 5:48:05 Josh Edmed,38 6:23.19 19. Francis Bock, 37, MA 6:55:45 I03. Matt Wunch, 38
Brendan Heinig, 27, MA 5:48:05 56. Russell Stroud,43 6:23.20 Jess Dockendorff. 31, MA 6:55:45 104. lames Richard,47, NH
33. Will Noonan, 43, NY 5:50:57 5l. Eric Hale, 36 6:25:45 81. Rodney Coombs.48, NY 6:58:35 '105. Kay Scott.
James Ford, 28 5:50:57 58. Peter Rinaldi,39 6:25:59 82. Cesar Hernandez, 26, MA 6:59:56
35. ieff Bollman,45, MT 5:51:16 59. Jim Marsden,25, MA 6:28:10 83. Thomas Menner, 50 6.59:51

365 Days Of Ultra Runnrng . . . 34
Amph pod 11

AravapaRunnng. ..... .. 59

Ch ca Brands 28
Dances W th D rt - Woodstock 6
DancesWrthDrrt .... ..... 64

DeadmanPeak.... 47

Destin 50 Beach Ultra....... 35

Destin 50 Beach Ultra....... 41

Drymax. .

Eprc Ultras 6

Fleet Feet Sportsn^/S store 33

Hamrner Nutr tion 53

H gh Desert Drop Bags . . . . . 11

flokaOneOne.... 11

lron Horse 68
LakeNlartinTrai Races ..... 69

Mammut T5

Mission Pharmacal/Heat guard 23

Montrai . .5
Orange Mud. 19

OzarkTraiL 100............ 68

RainbowRacing/Hanteens . .. 78

RunGoo. 18

1 00. 12
Featured Trail Series Raees
Succeed(Sl Caps).. ....... .
. Superior 100N4/50M . Glaeial Trail 50,v1/50K
Superior Fa I

Trail Races. . . . . . 69
\fild Duluth 50K/100K . Surf the Murph 50K/50M
Tussey Mounta n Back. . .. .. . 1A

Udos O L .2
UltrAsp re. 13

Umstead 1 00 73

UIVTR. , . 74

UROC. . , 32

VFue... 18

Velo Press/Feed Zone Portables

VESPA. . . 79

Western States Endurance Run 48

Zomllle Runner. 78 Check out our latest newsletter at
Photo Credits: Zach Pierce
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bg Scott B. Martxn

I rounded the next to last curve toward the fin- the week prior fiom Ethiopia, where we had gone of that much-anticipated finish line reunion with
ish in Scott Park and there she was, my daughter to meet our nine-monthold daughter-to-be, only my daughter was stronger than all of that. Not to
Mihiret, three months shy of age three, erupting to return home to wait tvvo more months for pa- mention the accumulated quiet confidence that
in shouts of "Papa," beside my smiling wife. I perwork to be finalized. The joy of being a father neither this distance nor this course were beyond
grabbed her hand and we "ran" the last hundred at last (or was it also the benefits of nvo weeks my reach. I may only have a first gear left these
yards or so to the finish, me alternately holding living at altitude and training in the mountains days as a runner, but I'm a suryivor, I'm a finisher,
her hand and carrying her. I had dreamed about of central Ethiopia, I wondered) seemed to pull and mountain races are what I do. They're what
this moment for years, and the official race pho- me on to my first Bighorn finish that June. I was I've Learned to do. And Mihiret heloed me find
tolrapher captured it nicely. Another run-of-the- on such a high on life in general, how could that that finishing spirit. strange as it sounds.
mill story of a proud parent crossing a finish line not carry over to my race? I really felt like some This year's race was as tough and beauti-
with kid in tow, right? Well, not quite. greater force was carrying me forward, overcom- ful as ever. The abundant wildflowers in the
Many of us seem attracted to ultras in part ing all my usual foibles and weak sections. meadows-brilliant purples and yellows-were
by its ethos of perseverance, of remaining firm Then in JLrne 2012, five weeks after a redemp- at their peak. In one clearing, the yellows in the
in the face ofobstacles and long odds. Our very tive finish at the Massanutten 100 (avenging a bright afternoon sun were so vivid and dense, I
language reflects that. We seek to "survive" to the DNF on my first try there), I had a return date thought I was either in a Van Gogh painting or
finish. To avoid being "cut off' or "crashing and with the wildflower-studded Bighorns. Leaving maybe Dorothy entering Oz.
burning." We wear our suffering like a badge of the Cow Camp aid station at mile 76 I real- !!ith this year's finish, I've evened the score -
honor, and hope a stronger spirit gets forged in ized that I would be hard pressed to make the three finishes/three DNFs with Bighorn, not to
the cauldron ofhills, rocks, distance, latigue and cutoffat mile 82.5, and I kept muttering, "finish mention upping my l0Gmiler success rate to a
even boredom that distances like 100 miles throw for Mahti, finish for Mahti" under my breath, somewhat less shameful five for eleven fiom the
at us. And somehow, that inevitably gets tangled invoking Mihiret's image and her nickname. dismal one for seven where it stood tvvo yea$
up with the stories of suffering and hope and That inspiration got me to the finish line fifteen ago. What gives with this sudden streak of finish-
perseverance and triumph in our personal and minutes under the cutoff Joy again, and now es, I can't help but wonder-am I faster and fitter
professional lives, far fiom the trails. ifs Bithorn three and yours truly two, for those at 51, or am I still on a high as a new father, more
We all seem to have strange affinities for one keeping score. And no altitude training assist relaxed, more confident. less anxious about fail-
particular race or another, ones we go back to year this time or alternate course due to high coun- ure? Maybe all I really needed was a good luck
after year. Whether to see old friends, test ourselves try snow (which had felt like "asterisks" to my charm in the form of a bubbly little girl with an
a$ainst the same course in a sport where each breakthrough finish in 2011). irresistible dimpled smile to get me through the
course is so unique, or just bask in the comfort And yet, last year a setback occurred during tough times out there and not a pep talk fiom
and awe of familiar natural surroundings. In the the post-race euphoria, as hip pain (which I first a sports psychologist (whose advice for mental
case of this New Yorker, that race has come to be felt pushing Mihiret in the baby jogger to the straregies was admittedly quite helpful in the
an annual sojourn through the majestic Bighorns daycare center, as I do daily) ended up being di- long run). It's better not to over-analyze how a
of north<entral Wyoming, where I've made and agnosed as a stress fiacture of the sacrum. Even vicious cycle of suffering and low self-confidence
annually renewed great friendships, particularly when it lets me finish, glorious Bighorn seems in racing and life has given way to a more virtu-
with Diane and Rob from laramie, who do one to throw me a curve. ous one, and just hope it continues.
distance or another every year and even spontane- The 2013 Bighorn 100 - my first 100-mile effort There are times when most of us feel it helps
ously crew me at the first big aid station and then post-stress fiacture - occasioned the first time to run for something larger than ourselves. For
cheer me on at the finish. the family gathered for any of my ultras. We some it's a cause or a charity. Or a recently de-
Somehow my own repeated struggles (2007 organized a Wyoming vacation around the trip. parted fiiend or loved one. Or we throw our-
2010) to finish a mountainous course that thrice It was wonderful hanging out with Mihiret at selves into a run to just to get out of a funk f?om
76 proved too much for a flatlander came to be a the playground in Scott Park during the pre-race our work or family lives. Maybe we need that
metaphor in my mind for onloing challenges briefing, and then in the spectacular Tongue higher calling sometimes because we know how
I and seemingly insurmountable obstacles on the River Canyon just besides the raging river of the self-indulgent and referential these events are.
E pr,i-t to becoming a parent. You may be famil- same name. But when it came time to say good- How much they isolate us from those closest
H iar with the tortured reasoning conflating apples bye and start the race, I departed with a real to us even as they bring us closer to others we
i and oranges we sometimes engage in, like "Life lump in my throat. How does a two-year-old encounter through the sport and on the trails.
i is cruel-it won't let my wife and me become par- comprehend that "papa" isn't coming back for And that's true no matter how fulfilling and
ents, why won't it at least let me finish this amaz- some 33-34 hours? A big part of me just wanted even lifedefining we feel our time on the trails
ingly hard and beautiful race I find so special?" to run back and hug her and just play tourist as is. Perhaps we feel more complete, more whole.
Well, I came back to Bighorn in 2011, a newly the family would during my absence. when we can bridge the distance between the
minted yet still expectant parent, and zero for I worried in advance that the added pressure sport that enriches but isolates us, and the larger
three at my favorite race in the ultra universe. of family at the finish might cause me to blow social fabric of our lives: the family and friends
DNFs marked all but one of my first seven 100- it and return to my DNFing ways. That I might who can't quite fathom our strange attraction
mile starts, all in mountain races that I seem to use some blister problem, stomach issue, or just to multi-hour and multiday outings in the for
masochistically embrace, despite a few visits to 'power failure" on the nighttime climbs as an ests and mountains. The moments may be rare
a sports psychologist to think throulh my "is- excuse for not making the grade. Would that when these tvvo aspects of our being meet, wher-
sues" prior to my 2010 Bighorn debacle. ruin the perfect family vacation? they touch each other rather than pulling apar.
Ten years of trying to become parents, and In the end, I did experience some of those but when they do come together, it's nothin:
five years ofendless waiting for an international things, and a few anxious moments where I short ofglorious. I
adoption, had finally borne fruit by the time of thought I was behind the cutoff curve, only to re-
Bighorn's 2011 edition-we had just gotten back alize it was fuzzy math and I was fine. But the lure

Don't slip... lt would be a long way do', -

for Jason Poole and his pacer, abc =
Ouray and Bear Cre=,

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