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A- Can I help you?

C-yes, I want to take back this jumper.
Have you got this in another colour?
Yes we have it in blue, green and white.
Can you bring me a blue one please?
Right away. What size are you?
Can I try it on?
 Of course, the fitting room is here.
 How does it fit?
It’s ok!!!
I’ll take it.
Ok, Would you like to pay by credit card or in cash?
In cash.
No problem.
Here’s your change and your receipt, you have fourteen days
to return it if you want a refund.
 Ok, thanks very much…
Goodby, come back son.
A. Hallo?
B Shall I speak with the Dr Gonzales.PLEASE?
who is calling?
A patient.
Hold on please,I´ll put you througt to him.
Thank you
It looks like, he is on another call.I¨m sorry!!
So, if you leave a massage the doctor will call you later.
Would you please, tell her Edith Alvarez called? I want too ask for e
Ok, I tell him you called and I ´LL give him the message.
Thank you.
By by

. Good morning Can I help you

I'm not feeling very well Ithink I have flu
what are Your symptoms ¿
I have a headache and cough.
Do you have tempercher?
no I don't think so.
Are you allergic to any drugs?
I'm allergic to penicilin.
NO problem This is ibuprofen. it Will Make You feel better.
How many Do I have to take?
Two Every Four hours .
sorry ¿How often?
Two every four hours, if you don't feel better in Forty eight hours ,you
should see a doctor .
okay thank.How much is it that ¿
six pounds please
Thank you
You are welcome
1. Talk about obligations and prohibitions at home
2. Talk about your habits as a teenager
3. How long have you had your present job?
4. What will you do next weekend?

1. I must pay for the electric service. I must clean my house. I dont have to

wash the clothes every day.

2. When I was a teenI used to listen to music all day,and I used to go to the

park with my friends

3. I have had my present job for 25 yeas

4. I wiil go to riding a bicycle

Talk about obligations and prohibitions as a driver?
Talk about your habits as a children
How long have you had your teacher
Talk about what jobs are done to keep ahotrl in perfect order

1. I must stop at the red light - I musnt drink alcohol -I must wear a seat belt-you don't

have to wear a helmet in the car

2. When I was a children I used to play with dolls whith my sister - I used to

ride my bike around the neighborhood

3. I have had my english teacher since august.

Talk about obligations and prohibitions as a parents

How long have you been student at the liceo?
What will you do next summer?
Expline how your favourite salad is made.
1. I must feed my children- I must give my children an education-I dont have to be


2. I have been estudied since july 2021.

3. I will be on vacation in Cordoba

4. The lettuce is cut, then the tomatoes are added. The eggs are boiled, cut and

added, the carrot is grated and added. The mayonnaise is added, the salt is added

and finally the salad is mixed.

What happen if you lose your keeys?

Talk about obligations and prohibitions when you travel by plane
How long have you have you been single, married divorced?
Expline how your favourite pizza is made

1. f you lose the keys you should call the locksmith.

if you lose the keys you should try to get in through the window

If you lose the keys you should call a friend who has left him a copy

2. you must be on time. You musnt transport prohibited goods or objects. You must

Turn off mobile phones and electronic devices when indicated.

you don't have to pay for food.

3. I have been married for twenty years.

4. The dough is prepared with flour, oil and yeast and is cooked, the prepizza is

removed from the oven, then the sauce is added.

then the mozzarella is added too and finally the pizza is put in the oven again

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