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Task 1. Answer the questions.

1. Real one, because you can see peoples` emotions. 2. Texting, voice chat,
video chat. 3. They evolved into more time-saving since you don`t even
have to see the person to talk to him/her. 4. Voice chats 5. Instagram,
Telegram, WhatsApp etc. 6. Real information. 7. Communication in
which people participate in a conversation over their mobile devices
within an Internet-based chatroom. E.g. Telegram. I use it every day.

Task 3. Explain the following words from the text

Переслати, прикріплений документ, отримувач, скеровувати, масова розсилка,

відписатися, оповістити, програма обміну повідомлень, відповісти, анонімно,
авторизований аккаунт.

Task 4. Mark the statements true or false. Correct the false ones.

1. False. The web is only one of the many services on the Internet.
2. True.
3. True.
4. True.
5. False. Email programs are available as desktop apps, web apps, and mobile apps.
6. False. To remove your name, you unsubscribe from the mailing list.
7. True.
8. True.
9. False. Some chat rooms support voice chats and video chats, in which people hear
or see each other as they chat.

Task 5. Finish the sentences according to the text

1. You use an email program to create, send, receive, forward, store, print, and
delete email messages.
2. An email message can be simple text or can include an attachment such as a
document, a graphic, an audio clip, or a video clip.
3. An email address is a combination of a user name and a domain name that
identifies a user so that he or she can receive Internet email.
4. Your user name must be different from the other user names in the same
5. Most email programs allow you to create a contacts folder, which contains a
list of names, addresses, phone numbers, email addresses, and other details
about people with whom you communicate.
6. When you send an email message, an outgoing mail server determines how to
route the message through the Internet and then sends the message.
7. For real-time Internet messaging to work, both parties must be online at the
same time.
8. A chat room is a website or application that permits users to chat with others
who are online at the same time.
9. Some chat rooms support voice chats and video chats, in which people hear or
see each other as they chat.
10.Some VoIP services require that you purchase a separate phone and VoIP
router, and subscribe to their service.

Task 6. Translate the following words and word combinations into Ukrainian

Проєкти, що фінансуються державою; сповіщення, прикріплений документ,

чат, брати участь у розмові, електронна пошта, поштові сервери для відправки
повідомлень, слухати музику, що транслюється, відповідати, відділяти ім’я
користувача від імені домену, скеровувати повідомлення, список емейлів,
пароль, соціальна мережа, анонімний, інтернет-мережа обміну повідомленнями,
форум для обговорень, технологія передачі медіа-даних, авторизований
аккаунт, мережевий протокол для пересилання файлів між клієнтом та

Task 7. Translate the following words and word combinations into English

transmission of messages and files, a contacts folder, to forward, recipient,

compatible, broadband Internet connection, subject, to share their interest, identify a
specific user, alert, to install messenger software, an incoming mail server, mass
distribution, to exchange messages, to post a message, unsubscribe, restrict file
transfers, the public switched telephone network.

Task 8. Match the words and explanations

1. C

2. G

3. L

4. E

5. I

6. K

7. B

8. M

9. A

10. D

11. N

12. H

13. F

14. O

15. J

Task 9. Fill in the gaps with the words from a box

1. Time-sensitive
2. Backup copy
3. Subject line
4. Sign off
5. carbon copy
6. Web-based email
7. Emoticons
8. Signature file
9. Blind carbon copy
10.Email client

Task 11. Read the text and answer the questions

1. No, I haven`t. 2. No, I haven`t. 3. Yes, because bullies need to know the
consequences of their actions. 4. They should implement some policies like
punishment or professional help from a phycologist. 5. Sometimes you can
share your opinion that can be encouraging and helpful, however can be
offending and life-threatening to some.

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