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This report can be as reference in ecology plant lecture

Vegatasi analysis is how that is done to find out how much the distribution of various
species in an area through direct observation. Practicum was conducted on November
27, 2010 in Forest UNJA behind the LAB. LANGUAGES. This lab aims to
determine species composition, roles, distribution, and structure of a type of
vegetation is observed. Parktikum is done by making a plot of 10 x 10 meters, the
plot is made of the existing groups. Observed species in plots were observed.
Keywords: Analysis of vegetation, plants

Analysis is a way of studying the composition of vegetation (species composition)
and form (structure) of vegetation or plant communities. In forest ecology unit under
investigation is a stand, which is a concrete association. Vegetation analysis can be
used to study the composition and form of vegetation or plant communities:
1. Studying forest stands, ie the tree level and regeneration levels.
2. Studying the vegetation stands down, who referred to plants below is a basic
vegetation types listed below unless the regeneration of forest stands of forest trees,
grassland / tall grass and shrub vegetation.
(Anonymous 2010)
Observation of vegetation parameters based life form of trees, shrubs, and herbs. A
natural ecosystem and the target is always composed of two principal components
biotic and abiotic. Vegetation or plant communities is one of the biotic components
that occupy a particular habitat such as forest, desert grass, shrubs and others. The
structure and composition of vegetation in an area affected by the other ecosystem
components interact, so the vegetation that grows naturally in the region is really a
reflection of the interaction of various environmental factors and may change
drastically due to the influence of anthropogenic (Setiadi, 1984; Sundarapandian and
Swamy, 2000).
Slightly different from the forest inventory emphasis lies in the composition of tree
species. These differences will affect how sampling. In terms of floristis-ecological
"random-sampling" can only be used if the circles and homogeneous vegetation, such
as grassland and forest plants.
Analysis of vegetation in general is to study the plant community, which includes the
identification of species, growth form species. While specific synekologi or
ecological plant community known as phytososiologi or plant sociology.
Vegetation analysis is an analysis that aims to study the character of a community
analysis of the various properties consist of a kind of qualitative and quantitative.
Types of qualitative berifat describe as difficult to measure, although mostly
qualitative data quantity can be determined later, but the quantitative type style that
can diukurdengan is easy.
Prinsif determining the size of the plot is the plot should be large enough for
individual species present in the sample to represent the community, but should be
small enough that there Agr individuals can be separated, counted and measured tanfa
duplication or neglect. Due to heavy titk analysis lies in the composition of vegetation
species composition and if we can not determine the extent of plot contohyang we
consider to represent the community, then it can use the curve technique Species Are
By using this curve, it can be determined: 1. Minimum area of a plot that could
mewaskili habitat to be measured, 2. Minimum number of plots for the results
represent the state of long standing or if the path represents the path method. The
trick is to mendaptarkan species found on small plots, then the plot is enlarged two
times and the types found in back didaptar. Work stopped until which the addition of
spacious plots did not cause a significant increase in the number of species. Minimum
area is determined on the basis if the addition of large plots is not causing an increase
in the number of species of more than 5-10%.


Practicum vegetation analysis requires a tool such as raffia rope, timer, gauge
diameter of the tree, the meter 10 meter, boundary stakes, stationery and paper labels,
rulers, books flora, plastic as a sample. The material used is a particular plant
community as a practical object.
The way this lab work is drawn along the 100 meters at the specified location. Plots
made with size 10 MX 10M in intermittent intervals, on sitiap (box) type of
vegetation is mainly observed trunk diameter of 10 cm, because difficult to measure
the diameter of the trunk, then the calculated kelilingnyan only. Recorded vegetation
species names contained within the plot, if not yet know the name of the species use
the name of the species A, B, C and so on. Collected data from all plots and analyzed
in a single unit.

In practice this vegetation analysis, gained 14 species whose names are unknown,
while an unknown name is banana, and one that is not known from which species.
According to Kimmins (1987), variations in the structure and composition umbuhan
in a community is influenced among others by phenology, dispersal, and the birthrate.
Success will be a new individual is influenced by different ekunditas vertilitas and
each species so that there are differences in structure and composition of each
According to Greig-Smith (1983) value of the frequency of a species is directly
influenced by the density and distribution patterns. Value distribution can provide
information about the existence of certain plants in a plot and not to give an idea of
the number of individuals in each plot.
Dominance in each of the largest vegetation found in 20% of species A and species B
by 18%, while the lowest dominance of species found in vegetation types J, K and
Species Species M.
Importance Value Index is the sum of the relative value of the three parameters
(density, frequency and dominance) that have been measured before, so its value also
varies. Highest IVI value was found in type pesies A by 59%. Importance Value
Index indicates the role of the type in question in their community or at the study
sites. So that from the observations that have been carried out showed that the
dominant vegetation is scattered in the forest jambi University is of the species A.

Ecology is the scientific study of the abundance and distribution of mutual regulatory
interactions between them, and a study on the design of the structure and function of
ecosystems (Kerbs, 1972) .. The term ecology was first introduced in 1866 by E.
Haeckel (German biologist). Ecology comes from two Greek root words (oikos =
home and logos = science), so it literally can be defined as the study of organisms
living in the house.
More formally defined as the study of ecology that studies the interrelationships
between living organisms by physical and biotic environment as a whole. So in this
case it can be concluded that the ecology is the study of the interrelationships
between living things and their environment (biotic and abiotic) in an ecosystem.
These organisms interact with each other, and also interact with the abiotic elements
around him. So these organisms and the physical components compiled a ekositem
environment or ecological system. Components of life, plants and animals, form the
biotic environment is the physical components of the abiotic environment.
More specifically, the parts that fill ecosystems consisting of among others, inorganic
materials such as organic compounds like carbohydrates, climate and weather
elements like temperature, humidity, air pressure etc, producer organisms capable of
producing foodstuffs, and consumer organisms eat other creatures or their products.
The organism is a component manufacturer autotrofik, while others are heterotrophic.
Based on their habitat is divided based on terrestrial ecosystems (terrestrial), such as
forests, grasslands, shrubs, fields, yards, etc. and the aquatic ecosystem (aquatic) that
is differentiated freshwater and salt water such as rivers, ponds, lakes, swamps and
The purpose of this lab is familiar with the components contained in terrestrial and
aquatic ecosystems, and the position and role in the ecosystem.
Allegedly there is continuity between the biotic components and abiortik of terrestrial
and aquatic


A. Tools and Materials

1. Terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems.
2. Books taxonomy.
3. The tools for the herbarium and animal collections.
4. Sampler.
B. How it Works
1. Determine the two ecosystems based on their habitats (terrestrial and aquatic) that
will be observed.
2. Then the inventory component of both biotic and abiotic ecosystem.
Conduct visual observation on both ecosystem.
Make observations through sampling (if necessary).
3. Determine completeness of these ecosystem components (based on the individual /
species observed).
4. Then note the source of energy used by each component.
5. Consider the role of each component of ecosystems that are found.
6. Make a diagram (relationship of components within the ecosystem and energy
cycle that is in it) the interaction between the components contained in each
ecosystem was observed.


Observations were carried out in two different ecosystems, namely land and water
ecosystems. Terrestrial ecosystems take a place beside the Botanical laboratory and
aquatic ecosystem in a fish pond UNAS Chemistry Laboratory.
From these observations, obtained varying results and both are limited by the limiting
A. Mainland Ecosystems
Kompoenen-biotic components of terrestrial ecosystems located on site observations,
among others:
1. Insects (mosquitoes, flies, dragonflies, and butterflies)
2. Plants, plants and grasses
3. Bacteria
4. Liana.
While abiotiknya components include:
1. Temperature (310 C)
2. humidity
3. Air
4. Sun
5. pH.
6. Water, soil and rock.
Fundamental building blocks of terrestrial ecosystems in the form of a complete
ecosystem, where abiotic components and biotiknya between interconnected. Energy
system in the form of an open ecosystem, meaning that a direct interaction with the
other ecosystems in nature.
Here's food chain from terrestrial components,

Plants, plants and grasses → Insects → Predator → Bacteria


Here's an ongoing cycle of energy,

Sun → Plants, plants and grasses → Insects → Predator.
Scheme and the interdependency between abiotic kompnen biotiknya on terrestrial
ecosystems are as follows:
Sun Cloud (rain)

Plant Soil Water (pool)


B. Aquatic Ecosystems
Biotic components of aquatic ecosystems, among others:
1. Fish
2. Plankton (Zooplankton and Fitoplakton) and Mikrorganisme
3. Litter
4. Plant
5. Mosses and lichens
While abiotiknya Components include:
1. Temperature
2. pH
3. Sun
4. Salinity
5. Water
6. Air
7. Humidity
8. Brightness
9. Salinity.
As with terrestrial ecosystems, the fundamental building blocks of terrestrial
ecosystems in the form of a complete ecosystem and its energy system in the form of
an open ecosystem. But there is a difference in the temperature range. Namely, the air
temperature 290 C, while water temperature 280C.
Here's the food chain of aquatic ecosystem components

Litter → Phytoplankton → zooplankton → fish → Predator → Mikrorganisme

Here the energy cycle that lasts

Sun → Phytoplankton → zooplankton → fish

Plants → Oxygen (O2) → Phytoplankton

Scheme and the interdependency between abiotic kompnen biotiknya in aquatic
ecosystems are as follows:

Plankton Water Plant

(Phytoplankton & Zooplankton)

In this case, the producer organism consisting of phytoplankton and vegetation is
autotrofik components, ie components that are able to provide food for themselves.
Manufacturers can make their own food because it contains green leaves (chlorophil)
available to it. In leaf green substance on the afternoon of the process of
photosynthesis or assimilation of carbon dioxide.
When the process of photosynthesis take place, compounding the water drawn from
the soil and carbon dioxide or CO2 from the air plus the sun's energy into
carbohydrates and oxygen. Then the carbohydrate is converted into other materials
such as fat, protein, vitamins and so on. By adding the minerals extracted from the
soil. The materials necessary for life, also for the lives of consumers creatures
(heterotriphic), which in this case can be a fish, zooplankton, or predators.
The limiting factor between the two ecosystems is the temperature variation.
Temperatures on the mainland tend to always be changing, while in the waters tend to
remain. In addition, morofolgis, terrestrial ecosystems are not sustainable, because it
consists of a variety of faces, such as mountains, valleys, land, etc.. While the in
aquatic ecosystems depends on the substrate from the mainland.
Interactions between components with one another to form a neat and ecological
order have a strong interdependence. then, if there is one component is broken, will
result in another component.


The components found in terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems are divided into abiotic
and biotic components. Based on its constituent components, terrestrial and aquatic
ecosystems belong to complete, because all components can be found that biotic and
abiotic components.
Based on energy systems, terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems belong in the open
because of its ecosystem is put energy into the ecosystem.
Energy can be transferred through an ecosystem is in a transformation sequence. This
energy is turned back when the consumer both consumers eat first.

Vegetation analysis is a method to find out how much the distribution of various
species in an area through direct observation. Done by making the plot and observe
the morphology and the identification of existing vegetation. Observations were
conducted at the University of Jambi forest using vegetation analysis to determine the
number of tree population contained in a region. The analysis conducted showed that
there are 18 species in the area, with 2 species have been known to plant rubber and
the island as well as 16 other species that have not been identified. Vegetation
dominance are largest in species A with important value index (IVI) 59%, and lowest
in Species A and Species M by 7%.


In vegetation science has developed various methods to analyze a vegetation which is

very helpful in decrypt a vegetation in accordance with its objectives. In this case, a
methodology is developing rapidly in line with advances in other fields of
knowledge, but still must be taken into account the various constraints that exist
(Syafei, 1990).

Observation of vegetation parameters based life form of trees, shrubs, and herbs. A
natural ecosystem and the target is always composed of two principal components
biotic and abiotic. Vegetation or plant communities is one of the biotic components
that occupy a particular habitat such as forest, desert grass, shrubs and others. The
structure and composition of vegetation in an area affected by the other ecosystem
components interact, so the vegetation that grows naturally in the region is really a
reflection of the interaction of various environmental factors and may change
drastically due to the influence of anthropogenic (Setiadi, 1984; Sundarapandian and
Swamy, 2000).

The presence of vegetation on a landscape will provide a positive impact on the

balance of the ecosystem in a wider scale. In general, the role of vegetation in an
ecosystem related to setting the balance of carbon dioxide and oxygen in the air,
improved physical properties, chemical and biological soil, ground water governance
arrangements and others. Although in general the presence of vegetation in an area of
positive impact, but the effect varies depending on the structure and composition of
vegetation growing in the area. As an example of the general vegetation will reduce
soil erosion rate, but the amount depends on the structure and composition of
vegetation formations that make up the area.

In vegetation communities, plants that have a relationship between them, perhaps

trees, shrubs, grasses, lichens and Thallophyta, plants are more or less occupy the
strata or layers from top to bottom horizontally, this is called stratification.
Individuals who occupy different layers show the differences of growth, each layer of
the community sometimes includes classes such as persons with different
morphologies, the highest strata are canopy trees or lianas. For this purpose, plants
have different morphological classes are formed in "sinusie" such as trees in sinusie
trees, epiphytes and epiphytes in sinusie etc.

Common methodologies and highly effective and efficient if used for research,
namely the square method, line method, the method without a plot and fourth
methods. But in practice this time focus on the use of analytical methods and method
interception point line (methods without plot) (Syafei, 1990). \

Transect is a narrow path across the land to be studied / investigated. The goal is to
find out the relationship of vegetation changes and environmental changes. or

1. Belt transect (transect belt)

Belt transect is a line width similar vegetation and very long. Lane width is
determined by the properties of vegetation to show the actual chart. The width of the
path to the forest between 10-10 m. 1 m transects used if bush and shoots under
included, but if only the mature trees are mapped, a good 10 m transect. Transect
length depending on the purpose of research. Each segment studied vegetation.

(Kershaw, 1979)

2. Line transect (transect line)

In this method the lines of a sample plot (plot). Plants that are right in line recorded
its kind and how many times there is / are found. In this line methods, systems
analysis through the variables density, lush, and subsequently determine the
frequency of IVI (Importance Value Index) that will be used to give the name of a
vegetation. Density is expressed as the number of similar individuals who passed by
the line. Line length is determined by shade-covered by individual plants, and can be
a percentage ratio of long-line closure will be missed by individual plants of lines
created (Syafei, 1990). The frequency is obtained based on the frequency of a species
found on each line is deployed (Rohman, 2001).


Vegetation Analysis Experiments conducted in December 2009 at the University of

Jambi forest area. The observation is done by calculating how widely spread
population contained a plant vegetation in a field. Experiments carried out by making
a plot measuring 10x10 meters. Each group will examine the two plots form the
opposite pattern, so that between one plot and other plot forming a diagonal direction
with different vegetation of each plot. In each plot have been made of existing
vegetation observed, then take measurements and sampling vegetation with a
diameter of the selected record has a diameter greater than 10 cm. Samples obtained
in the identification of species based on morphology strutur that look like leaves,
branches, fruit, n and seeds.

Overall vegetation data obtained from each group were collected to identify whether
there are similar species. The sample obtained was made in the form of a data table
class and calculated the number of species of vegetation that had been identified.
Also performed the calculation of density, frequency, dominance and Importance
Value Index (IVI).


Observation of vegetation that has been done to show the data with the results found
the amount of vegetation that is 18 species, with such species have been
teridentifiksasi and not yet identified.

Vegetation is successful in the identification of types of rubber and Pulai, so it is

assumed the other 16 species not known from which vegetation types. The
calculation is more complex than that derived vegetation cover and the identification
of density, relative density, frequency, relative frequency, dominance, relative
dominance and importance value index is presented in appendix tables. data indicate
that the composition and structure of plants whose value varies in each species
because of differences in the character of each tree.

According to Kimmins (1987), variations in the structure and composition umbuhan

in a community is influenced among others by phenology, dispersal, and the birthrate.
Success will be a new individual is influenced by different ekunditas vertilitas and
each species so that there are differences in structure and composition of each

The density of each vegetation is different. Seen from the data, calculated that the
highest density is in Species A by 26%, followed by species B, with a density of
13%, and various types of vegetation with a low density of 3% on the types that have
been identified on the rubber, and has not been identified for C Species, Species E, H
Species, Species I, Species A, Species L, M species, and species N,

The density of a species indicates the number of individuals of a species with a

particular unit area, then the value of density is a picture of the number of species on
site observations. Density value can not give an idea of how the distribution and
patterns of spread. Views on the distribution of an individual of a certain type can be
seen from the frequency while the pattern of spread can be determined by comparing
the median value of a particular species with the overall population variance

Greatest frequency was found in vegetation species A by 13% from 10 plots

observed. This species is a kind of density values and the highest frequency that can
be regarded as meeting a kind and is widespread in almost all locations of
observation. Both these values are important in the analysis of vegetation due to
interlinked with each other.

According to Greig-Smith (1983) value of the frequency of a species is directly

influenced by the density and distribution patterns. Value distribution can provide
information about the existence of certain plants in a plot and not to give an idea of
the number of individuals in each plot.

Dominance in each of the largest vegetation found in 20% of species A and species B
by 18%, while the lowest dominance of species found in vegetation types J, K and
Species Species M.

Importance Value Index is the sum of the relative value of the three parameters
(density, frequency and dominance) that have been measured before, so its value also
varies. Highest IVI value was found in type pesies A by 59%. Importance Value
Index indicates the role of the type in question in their community or at the study
sites. So that from the observations that have been carried out showed that the
dominant vegetation is scattered in the forest jambi University is of the species A.


From the experimental analysis of vegetation that has been obtained kesumpulan
dilkukan as follows:

Ø There are 18 types of vegetation in 10 plots of forest area in Jambi University,

every type of vegetation has kerepatan, frequency, dominance and IVI different

Ø The highest density of vegetation found on the Species of A by 26%

Ø The highest frequency of vegetation found on the Species of A by 13%

Ø The domination highest vegetation found on the Species of A by 20%

Ø IVI tallest vegetation present in species A by 59%

Ø Vegetation analysis conducted to determine how much the rapid spread of a

species in an area pangamatan / research. So that it can be seen kerapata, frequency,
dominance, and IVI of the species itself.

2.1. Structure and Composition of Vegetation

The structure of a vegetation composed of individuals that make up the stands in a

room. Plant community consists of a group of plants of each individual to maintain its
(Dombois & Ellenberg, 1974).

According to Kershaw (1973) in Irwanto (2006), vegetation structure consists of 3

components, namely:

1. Vegetation structure in a vertical form of vegetation which is the bottom layer of

plants, herbs, shrubs, and trees making up the vegetation in a community.

2. The distribution of the types of compiler horisotal that describe the location of an
individual against another individual.

3. Abundance (abudance) of each type within a community.

Ewusie (1992) in Major (1997), states that the vegetation of a community can be
measured qualitatively and quantitatively. The most important qualitative feature of
the community include the composition of flora and fauna as well as coating the
various elements within the community. Quantitative trait includes several parameters
that can be measured as the frequency (frequencies), density and closure.

According Kusmana (1997), quantitative parameters of vegetation from one type of

plant community are:

a. Density (density)

Density is the number of individuals of a species in a particular area, eg 100

individuals / ha. If ³ 50% of the plants are in the sample plot, it is considered that
plant is in the sample plot and density measurements should be calculated.

b. Frequency

Frequency of plant species is the number of plots found examples where these kinds
of examples that made a number of plots. Usually the frequency is expressed in
magnitude per cent.

c. Closing (covering)

The closure is the proportion of soil surface covered by plant canopy projection.
Closure is always expressed in percent as projected canopy of a plant with other
plants are likely to overlap (overlapping). Closure can also be described by the
projection of basal area in lieu of the extent of canopy area.
Studying the composition of vegetation can be done by making plots of observation
or method without a plot. Observation plots are permanent or temporary. Plots can be
a single row, double row or line-shaped (Irwanto, 2006).

Coating various elements in the community, will be easily analyzed if we conducted a

segregation between the levels of vegetation. Under these conditions, Wyatt-Smith
(1963) in Soerianegara (1976) in Alhamid (1988), distinguishes layer plant
communities in the rate of regeneration up to the tree as follows:

a. Stake or sapling (Sapling)

Regeneration height 1.5 m or more until the young trees with a diameter of less than
10 cm.

b. Pole (pole)

Young trees with a diameter between 10-35 cm.

c. Tree (tree)

Plants grown with a diameter of more than 35 cm.

Analysis is a way of studying the composition of vegetation (species composition)

and form (structure) of vegetation or plant communities. To a large forest conditions,
the activity analysis is closely related to vegetation sampling, which means we just
put some sample plots to represent those habitats. In this sampling, there are three
things to consider, namely the number of sample plot, plot how the laying of
vegetation samples and analysis techniques used.

The principle of determining the size of the plot is the plot should be large enough for
individual species present in the sample to represent the community, but should be
small enough for individual flows can be separated, counted and measured without
duplication or neglect. Because the focus of analysis lies in the composition of
vegetation types and if we can not determine the extent of sample plots that we
consider to represent that community, then it can use techniques
Species Area Curve (KSA). By using this curve, it can be determined: (1) a minimum
area of a plot that could represent the habitat to be measured, (2) a minimum number
of plots for the results represent the state of long standing or if the path represents the
path method (Marpaung andre, 2009 .)

Some of the properties contained in the individual plants in shaping the population,
where the nature - in nature when the analysis will help in determining community
structure. Nature - the nature of these individuals can be divided into two major
groups, where the analysis will provide data that are qualitative and quantitative. The
quantitative analysis include: the distribution of plants (frequency), density (density),
or the number (abudance).

In taking the example of the square, there are four properties that must be considered
and paid attention, because this will affect the data obtained from the sample. The
four properties that are (Dedy 2010):

   1. Size of the plots.

   2. Form of plots.
   3. The number of plots.
   4. How to put the plot in the field.

Vegetation is a collection of plants, usually consisting of several species that live

together in one place. In the mechanism of the joint life there is a close interaction,
both among individuals making up the vegetation itself and with other organisms so
that is a system that lives and grows and dynamic (Marsono, 1977).

Vegetation, soil and climate is closely linked and in each place has a specific balance.
Vegetation in a place will vary with vegetation in place 1ain because of different
environmental factors. Forest vegetation is something a dynamic system, evolving
according to circumstances habitat.

Vegetation analysis is a way of studying the composition and / or composition of the

vegetation in the form (structure) of vegetation from plants. Elements of the
vegetation structure is a form of growth, stratification and canopy closure. For the
purposes of vegetation analysis required data type, diameter and height to determine
the index of the importance of community penvusun forest. With vegetation analysis
can be obtained quantitative information about the structure and composition of a
plant community.

When talking about vegetation, we can not be separated from the composition of the
vegetation itself and tersebutlah components that are the focus in the measurement of
vegetation. Components of the plants making up the vegetation generally consists of
(Andre, 2009):

- Shrubs (shrub): Plants that have a fairly large timber, and has a shaft that is divided
into many subtangkai.

- Epiphyte (Epiphyte): Plants that live on other plants (usually trees and palm).
Epiphytes may live as parasites or hemi-parasite.

- Ferns (Fern): Plants without flowers or stems, usually a rhizome like roots and
woody, where the rhizome is out of petiole.

- Palma (Palm): Plants that resemble stalks of wood, usually straight and tall,
unbranched up to the first leaf. Leaves longer than 1 meter and is usually divided into
many leaflets.

- Climber (Climber): Plants such as wood or grass that does not stand alone but
creeping or climbing to backers such as wood or grove.

- Herb (Herb): Plant a vine on the ground, but does not resemble grass. The leaves are
not long and straight, usually have a striking flower, height not more than 2 meters
and has a soft stem that is sometimes hard.

- Tree (Tree): Plants that have a large timber, tall and has a trunk or main stem with a
diameter of more than 20 cm.

For mature trees can be subdivided according to the level of regeneration, namely:

- Semai (Seedling): Regeneration ranging from seedlings to saplings less than 1.5 m.

- Pancang (Sapling): Regeneration with up to 1.5 m tall saplings less than 10 cm in

- Pole (CMR): a young tree diameter of 10 cm to less than 20 cm.

Slightly different from the forest inventory emphasis lies in the composition of tree
species. These differences will affect how sampling. In terms of floristis-ecological
"random-sampling" can only be used if the circles and homogeneous vegetation, such
as grassland and forest plants. In general, forest ecology research for more
appropriate use "systimatic sampling", even "purposive sampling" will be used in
certain circumstances (Irwanto, 2010).

To obtain information used method of objectively vegetation ordination with line

examples (releve), based on the coefficient of inequality (Marsono, 1987). Variations
in releve is the basis to find the pattern of vegetation. With the ordination of
vegetation releve obtained in the form of a geometric model such that the most
similar releve base composition and abundance of species will rnempunyai position
adjacent to each other, whereas different releve be far from each other. Ordination
can also be used to connect the distribution pattern of type type with changes in
environmental factors

Analysis is a way of studying the composition of vegetation species composition and

the shape or structure of vegetation or plant communities. In contrast to the emphasis
of forest inventory is located on tree species composition. In terms of ecological
floristis for a homogeneous region can be used random sampling, whereas for
ecological research is more appropriate to use systematic sampling, even purposive
sampling was also allowed.

Some of the properties contained in the individual plants in shaping the population,
where the nature - in nature when the analysis will help in determining community
structure. Nature - the nature of these individuals can be divided into two major
groups, where the analysis will provide data that are qualitative and quantitative. The
quantitative analysis include: the distribution of plants (frequency), density (density),
or the number (abudance).

In taking the example of the square, there are four properties that must be considered
and paid attention, because this will affect the data obtained from the sample. The
four properties are:

    1. Size of the plots.

    2. Form of plots.
    3. The number of plots.
    4. How to put the plot in the field.

Analysis is a way of studying the composition of vegetation (species

composition) and form (structure) of vegetation or plant communities. In forest
ecology unit under investigation is a stand, which is a concrete association.
Vegetation analysis can be used to study the composition and form of vegetation or
plant communities: Studying forest stands, is the tree level and regeneration levels
and studying the vegetation stands down, who referred to plants below is basic
vegetation types listed below unless the regeneration of forest stands of forest trees,
grassland / tall grass and shrub vegetation.
8.1. Grouping Plants by Visual Aspects of Architectural and Artistic

Based on its function in the landscape in general, Judge (1991) suggested that the
plants can function as:
a. Controller view (Visual Control)
b. Physical barrier (Physical Bariers)
c. Climate Controller (Climate Control)
d. Protected from erosion (Erotion Control)
e. Provide aesthetic value (Aesthetics Values)
The function above can be satisfied with the selection and arrangement of plants
according to the character of each plant.

8.1.1. Feature grouping based on shape and

Plant Structure
Some terms frequently used in classifying plants is usually viewed from an
architectural canopy, mass shape and structure of the plant. According to the DPU
(1996), the definition of some terms are:
a. Feature is the overall shape and a certain maximum width of twigs and leaves of a
b. Plant structure is the visible shape of the plant as a whole.
Based on the mass, the headers and structure of plants, Laurie (1986) and Djuwita
(2007) classify plants

a. Plant a tree
Plant a tree is a type of woody plants which usually have a single stem and is
characterized by very high growth. Adalahtanaman woody plants that form the stems
and secondary xylem tissues that a lot. Typically, plant trees used as cover crops and
the center point. Flamboyant and
red dadap including tree crops. But
Thus the grouping of trees is more characterized by
which reached its height more than 8m.
(A) fir norflok,
(B) Keben,
(C) trembesi

b. Plant shrubs
Plant shrubs class is a short woody plants with stiff stems and strong enough to
sustain the parts of the plant. Group shrubs usually divided into three, namely low
shrubs, medium shrubs, and tall shrubs. Bottle brush flowers,
krossandra and Euphorbia included in the class of plants shrubs.
Some types of plants shrubs
(A) bougenvile,
(B) hibiscus,
(C) white beautiful homeland.

c. Plant shrubs (shrubs)

Plant bush type is characterized by stems of equal size and equal. Ornamental
bamboo plants included in this class. In general, these plants
have a height below 8 m.
Some examples of bush plants
(A) Heliconia,
(B) Yucca,
(C) sansivera

d. Vines (lianas)
Plant groups used more for liana vines and hanging plants. Liana is characterized by
stems that are not woody and not strong enough to sustain the other plants. Alamanda
included in the class of liana plants.
Some examples of vines
(A) monstera,
(B) Alamanda,
(C) tears of the bride

e. Herb plants, herb, and succulent Bryoids

Group herbs (herbaceous) or the herb is a plant species with little secondary tissue or
not at all (not woody), but it can stand upright. Cana and the tread of blood included
in the class of herbaceous plants. Bryoids plant, consisting of mosses, ferns, and
fungi. The size is divided by high vegetation. The shape and size of leaves there is a
large, wide, medium, and small (needle and herbaceous) and mix. Leaf texture is
tough, papery and sekulen. Coverage is usually very diverse, there is a very tall plant
with horizontal closure and wide, relative to the cover, there is a connecting and
fragmentary. Closing the plant is an indication of the root system in soil. Root system
is very important and has the effect of competition on ecological factors. Sekulen
plant is a type of plant 'software' that is not woody with stems and leaves which can
store reserve water and resistant to dry conditions. Cactus plants included in the
group sekulen.
Some examples of plant Herba
(A) rhoeo,
(B) of aloe vera,
(C) opiopogon

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