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Experiment 05 (Accomplish this Report Sheet)

Water: Its Properties and Purification

A. Physical Properties of Water

1. List the following physical properties of water:

Color: color less

Odor: odor less
Taste: tasteless
Boiling point: 100°C
Freezing point: 0°C
Density: 1 g/m3

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2. Determination of temperature and pH of water sample

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pH: 5.57 Temperature: 23.9°C

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3. Determination of conductivity of water sample
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Conductivity: 926 @ 23.1°C


Chemical Properties of Water

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1. Action on metals
a. Result: When the sodium is dropped in the tube, it forms a white thick smoke and when the
light splinter placed near in the mouth of test tube, there is fire on the top of the test tube.
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Equation for the reaction of sodium metal with water: 2 Na (s) + 2H2O (I) → 2NaOH +
What are the products formed when a metal reacts with water? Hydrogen gas and metal


What will be the change in the color of litmus paper in this solution? It turns into color blue
Name two other metals which react with water at ordinary temperature: Strontium and

b. Result: It boiled and it produced bubbles. When then light splinter put into the near mouth
of test tube, nothing happened.

c. Result: Both sodium metal and magnesium powder turns litmus paper into color blue.

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Does magnesium react with water with litmus paper? Yes, there are reaction because litmus
paper turns into color blue.

Equation: Mg (s) + 2H2O → (OH)2 + aq H2 (g)

Name two other metals which react with water only when heated: Iron and Zinc

2. Action on oxides
a. Result: When the Phosphorus Pent oxides mixed with water or mixtures / solution drop into
litmus paper, it turns into color pink.
Equation: P4H10 + H2O → H13PO4
Name the other metals which react with water at ordinary temperature: Sulfur Dioxide and
Carbon Dioxide

b. Result: It turns into color blue when the water with calcium oxide drop into litmus paper.

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Equation: CaO + H2O → Ca(OH)2

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Name two other metals which react with water only when heated: Calcium Oxide and
Sodium Oxide

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3. Action on Salts
a. Result: The litmus paper turns into color blue if the mixture will mixed properly
To what is this due? The mixture has a basic substance.

Equation: Na+2CO2-3 + H2O → 2Na+ + Co32-

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b. Result: When the mixtures tests on litmus paper it turns a color pink
To what is this due? It is because the mixture is acidic substance.
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Equation: Cu2+SO2- 5H2O + H2O → Cu2 + SO2-

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c. Result: It becomes darker or it becomes purple in pink litmus paper and the blue litmus
paper remain on its color.

To what is this due? The mixture in neutral substance


Equation: NaCl + H2O → Na+ + Cl-

Define hydrolysis: It is any chemical reaction in which a molecule of water ruptures one or

more chemical bonds.

What three classes of salts are hydrolyzed when in solution with water? Acid salt, Basic salt,
and Neutral salt.

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C. Methods of Purification

1. Sedimentation

Observation: The sand and the mud settled at the bottom of the center as time part by.

Define sedimentation: It is the process or settling or being deposited as sediment.

What kind of impurity can be removed by this method? Suspended particles like sand
and rocks

2. Filtration
a. Note the appearance of the filtrate: It has sand and rocks mix on it to make the filtrate clear
b. Observation: Sand filler was able to filter the solid particles

What kind of impurity can be removed by this method? It can remove solid particles from

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the water. It is the only water purification process that can removed chlorine by products

from water.

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Is the method sufficient to make water suitable for drinking? Why? Yes, it eliminates the

bacteria and filtrate the germs in the water make it clearer and safe to drink.
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3. Distillation

a. Compare the appearance of this collected portion with the mixture in the distilling flask: The
collected potion is clear in color while the mixture is light violet.
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What is the term given to the collected portion? Distillate

b. Result: The mixture becomes clear.
What does this show? The distillate already free from impurities
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What impurities are removed by distillation? Distillation can removed 99.5% of impurities
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from the water, including bacteria, metals, and nitrate and dissolved solids.

D. Comparison of Tap Water and Distilled Water


Which leaves the most residue? Tap water


What substance may be present in this residue? Microorganisms, minerals, lead, arsenic,
radium, and nitrate.

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