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Final Reflection

Yasmine Murphy

English 1010

12 December 2021

Mr. Smith,

First off this class has been amazing and helped me improve in so many ways. Starting

first I want to give a little detail in my final assignments and the many things we learned

in your class this semester.

The Literacy Narrative project was very eye opening for me being that I never

really spoke of my Papi, and the memories I have and often fading so that was

refreshing to add my stories and photos and share that part of my life. I chose this topic

the moment I read the options of languages we’ve learned/haven't learned because that

is something I’ve always struggled with. I had to really use the Threshold concepts to

find the appropriate tone for my essay, context,choices and feedback from peers in

class helped me build.

The Rhetorical Analysis essay was a bit more challenging simply because we

had to apply Logos,Pathos and Ethos to the writer's message and learning how they

can be applied in any writing was interesting to me. The specific story I chose was

based on the mystery behind it and how women are becoming more unsafe. I just

recently read something about women being robbed more often thanks to apple tags

and how they are able to place them anywhere. That's unsettling but I can't help

wanting to hear more about it. The many stories you would post and we discuss in and
out of the classroom have stuck with me, especially the farewell speech and trying to

find the tone and what Lou was going through. The steps given in how to build the

perfect paper made me appreciate the process more.

Finally the Viewpoint Synthesis essay, the one essay in my life I enjoyed getting

wrapped up in the research, all the class discussions and discussion board workshops

always felt like a hamster on a wheel, the information was always at our fingertips with

examples of how to take what you need from a article and to plug it in and make it your

own. This specific subject I wrote on, I felt confident because it's all around me and “ Is

operation Rio Grande workin” began to be a daily question I’d ask or hold a

conversation with a peer about how bad and unsafe outside is. I became passionate

about how to get my facts. Even with the paper turned in and the searching done, my

question will remain and I’ll most likely follow the progress in the back of my mind until I

see some type of change.

However, what I feel I’ve lacked in this subject is basic grammar. Things so

simple you can really recall how to use them years out of school and with the modern

abbreviation text message era, I never get to exercise that and I wanted to become

better at punctuation this semester. Not saying that I don't feel more confident, because

I expected to be ripped to shreds but I survived.

Thank you


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