Tugas Farepid - CA - 198114152

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Nama : Jeanie Andrea M

NIM : 198114152
Kelas : FSMD 2019

Judul Jurnal : A Randomized Trial of Convalescent Plasma in Covid-19 Severe


What question did the study ask?

Patients – Pasien dewasa yang dirawat di rumah sakit dengan pneumonia Covid-19 yang parah.
Intervention – Melihat efektivitas dari konvalesen plasma untuk terapi pada pasien dewasa
dengan SARSCoV-2 pneumonia dengan mengukur antibody IgG SARSCoV-2.
Comparison - Membandingkan bagaimana efek dari penggunaan terapi konvalesen plasma
dengan placebo yang diinduksikan pada pasien pasien dewasa dengan SARSCoV-2
Outcome(s) – Mengetahui status klinis selama 30 hari setelah dilakukan intervensi dilakukan
untuk setiap perwakilan 6 kategori yang telah dibagi. Hasil sekunder adalah status klinis pada
skala ordinal pada hari 7 dan hari 14.

1a. R- Was the assignment of patients to treatments randomised?

What is best? Where do I find the information?

Centralised computer randomisation is The Methods should tell you how patients
ideal and often used in multi-centred trials. were allocated to groups and whether or not
Smaller trials may use an independent randomisation was concealed.
person (e.g, the hospital pharmacy) to
“police” the randomization.

This paper: Yes No Unclear

Comment: Karena pada saat pemilihan pasien yang memenuhi kriteria akan diberikan
intervensi (induksi placebo dan plasma konvalesen) dipilih secara acak sesuai dengan
pernyataan pada menjelaskan tentang inklusi dan kriteria eksklusinya.
1b. R- Were the groups similar at the start of the trial?

What is best? Where do I find the information?

If the randomisation process worked (that The Results should have a table of
is, achieved comparable groups) the groups "Baseline Characteristics" comparing the
should be similar. The more similar the randomized groups on a number of variables
groups the better it is. that could affect the outcome (ie. age, risk
There should be some indication of factors etc). If not, there may be a
whether differences between groups are description of group similarity in the first
statistically significant (ie. p values). paragraphs of the Results section.

This paper: Yes No Unclear

Comment: Berikut adalah perbandingan karakterisitik pasien yang diberi induksi placebo
dan plasma konvalesen
2a. A – Aside from the allocated treatment, were groups treated equally?

What is best? Where do I find the information?

Apart from the intervention the patients in Look in the Methods section for the follow-
the different groups should be treated the up schedule, and permitted additional
same, eg., additional treatments or tests. treatments, etc and in Results for actual use.

This paper: Yes No Unclear

Berdasarkan pada jurnal, kedua kelompok diberikan perlakuan yang sama yaitu mulai dari
desain percobaan yang sama, kriteria inklusi dan eksklusi yang sama berupa pasien yang
dirawat di rumah sakit yang sama, memiliki penyakit atau terjangkit virus Covid-19 dan
beberapa kriteria lainnya, kemudian setelah intervensi, kedua kelompok dihitung IgGnya,
di evaluasi hasil laboratoriumnya dan dianalisis hasilnya secara statistik
2b. A – Were all patients who entered the trial accounted for? – and were they
analysed in the groups to which they were randomised?

What is best? Where do I find the information?

Losses to follow-up should be minimal – The Results section should say how many
preferably less than 20%. However, if few patients were randomised (eg., Baseline
patients have the outcome of interest, then Characteristics table) and how many
even small losses to follow-up can bias the patients were actually included in the
results. Patients should also be analysed in analysis. You will need to read the results
the groups to which they were randomised section to clarify the number and reason for
– ‘intention-to-treat analysis’. losses to follow-up.

This paper: Yes No Unclear

Sebanyak 448 pasien dipilih secara acak/random dan dibagi menjadi 2 kelompok.
Pembagian kedua kelompok studi terlihat bahwa pasien semuanya diperhitungkan di
analisis utama untuk pada 448 subjek, 91 subjek memenuhi kriteria eksklusi. Sebanyak 334
subjek menjalani perlakuan yang dirandomisasi dengan perbandingan rasio yang telah
ditentukan yaitu (2:1). Sebanyak 228 pasien menerima convalescent plasma dan pada
pemberian placebo, terdapat 1 subjek yang tidak menerima dan hanya 105 yang mengikuti
analisis primer. Sedangkan, subjek dianalisis dalam kelompok acak sesuai dengan metode
yang digunakan

3. M - Were measures objective or were the patients and clinicians kept “blind”
to which treatment was being received?

What is best? Where do I find the information?

It is ideal if the study is ‘double-blinded’ – First, look in the Methods section to see if
that is, both patients and investigators are there is some mention of masking of
unaware of treatment allocation. If the treatments, eg., placebos with the same
outcome is objective (eg., death) then appearance or sham therapy. Second, the
blinding is less critical. If the outcome is Methods section should describe how the
subjective (eg., symptoms or function) then outcome was assessed and whether the
blinding of the outcome assessor is critical. assessor/s were aware of the patients'
This paper: Yes No Unclear
Comment: Berdasarkan jurnal disebutkan bahwa metode pelaksanaan treatment dilakukan
secara double-blind.

What were the results?

1. How large was the treatment effect?

Most often results are presented as dichotomous outcomes (yes or not outcomes that
happen or don't happen) and can include such outcomes as cancer recurrence, myocardial
infarction and death. Consider a study in which 15% (0.15) of the control group died and
10% (0.10) of the treatment group died after 2 years of treatment. The results can be
expressed in many ways as shown below.

What is the measure? What does it mean?

Relative Risk (RR) = risk of the The relative risk tells us how many times more
outcome in the treatment group / risk likely it is that an event will occur in the
of the outcome in the control group. treatment group relative to the control group. An
RR of 1 means that there is no difference
between the two groups thus, the treatment had
no effect. An RR < 1 means that the treatment
decreases the risk of the outcome. An RR > 1
means that the treatment increased the risk of
the outcome.

Since the RR < 1, the treatment decreases the

risk of death.
Jawaban: Jawaban :
Outcome efikasi primer RR yang diperoleh adalah 0,965 (RR<1). Hal ini
RR = EER/CER menunjukkan kemungkinan bahwa pengobatan
RR = 0,11/0,114 dengan plasma konvalesen dapat menurunkan
RR = 0,965 risiko kematian dibandingkan dengan placebo.

Absolute Risk Reduction (ARR) = The absolute risk reduction tells us the absolute
risk of the outcome in the control difference in the rates of events between the two
group - risk of the outcome in the groups and gives an indication of the baseline
treatment group. This is also known as risk and treatment effect. An ARR of 0 means
the absolute risk difference. that there is no difference between the two
groups thus, the treatment had no effect.

In our example, the ARR = 0.15 - 0.10 The absolute benefit of treatment is a 5%
= 0.05 or 5% reduction in the death rate.
Jawab: Jawab :
ARR = CER – EER x 100% Pemberian plasma konvalesen dapat
ARR = 0,114-0,110 x 100% disimpulkan dapat meringankan pneumonia
ARR = 0,004 x 100% Covid-19 sebesar 0,4% dibandingkan dengan
= 0,4% plasebo
Relative Risk Reduction (RRR) = The relative risk reduction is the complement of
absolute risk reduction / risk of the the RR and is probably the most commonly
outcome in the control group. An reported measure of treatment effects. It tells us
alternative way to calculate the RRR is the reduction in the rate of the outcome in the
to subtract the RR from 1 (eg. RRR = 1 treatment group relative to that in the control
- RR) group.

In our example, the RRR = 0.05/0.15 = The treatment reduced the risk of death by 33%
0.33 or 33% relative to that occurring in the control group.
Or RRR = 1 - 0.67 = 0.33 or 33%

Jawaban : Jawaban :
RRR = (CER-EER)/CER x 100% Terapi plasma konvalesen dapat mengurangi
RRR = (0,114 – 0,110)/00,114 x 100% mortalitas sebanyak 3,51% dibandingkan
RRR = 3,51% dengan pemberian plasebo

Number Needed to Treat (NNT) = The number needed to treat represents the
inverse of the ARR and is calculated as number of patients we need to treat with the
1 / ARR. experimental therapy in order to prevent 1 bad
outcome and incorporates the duration of
treatment. Clinical significance can be
determined to some extent by looking at the
NNTs, but also by weighing the NNTs against
any harms or adverse effects (NNHs) of therapy.

In our example, the NNT = 1/ 0.05 = We would need to treat 20 people for 2 years in
20 order to prevent 1 death.

Jawab: Jawab :
NNT = 1/ARR= 1/0,4% = 250 Dibutuhkan sebanyak 250 orang yang
menggunakan plasma konvalesen, untuk dapat
menghindarkan orang dari kejadian kematian
dalam kasus ini
2. How precise was the estimate of the treatment effect?

The true risk of the outcome in the population is not known and the best we can do is
estimate the true risk based on the sample of patients in the trial. This estimate is called
the point estimate. We can gauge how close this estimate is to the true value by looking
at the confidence intervals (CI) for each estimate. If the confidence interval is fairly
narrow then we can be confident that our point estimate is a precise reflection of the
population value. The confidence interval also provides us with information about the
statistical significance of the result. If the value corresponding to no effect falls outside
the 95% confidence interval then the result is statistically significant at the 0.05 level. If
the confidence interval includes the value corresponding to no effect then the results are
not statistically significant.
Jawab :
Confidence Interval yang digunakan adalah 95% dengan CI 0,50-1,31. Estimasi titik yang
didapatkan adalah sebesar 0,81. Dan hasil ini menunjukkan masuk kedalam interval
kepercayaan sehingga hasil yang ditunjukkan tidak signifikan secara statistic. Selain itu
nilai p value yang didapatkan adalah 0,396 yang menunjukkan lebih besar dari 0,05,
sehingga hasilnya tidak menjadi signifikan

Will the results help me in caring for my patient? (ExternalValidity/Applicability)

The questions that you should ask before you decide to apply the results of the study to
your patient are:
• Is my patient so different to those in the study that the results cannot apply?
Ya, karena penelitian ini dilakukan di berbagai negara dan khususnya pada
jurnal ini penelitian berasal dari Argentina sedangkan respon dan metabolisme
dari subjek pada tiap negara berbeda, sehingga pemberian terapi untuk pasien di
Indonesia juga belum dapat diterapkan.
• Is the treatment feasible in my setting?
Jawab :
Tidak, karena dosis yang diberikan tidak dijelaskan dan penelitian hanya
dilakukan untuk meneliti respon yang pasiennya hanya pasien berasal dari satu
negara saja.
• Will the potential benefits of treatment outweigh the potential harms of
treatment for my patient?
Tidak, karena pada hasil akhir dari penelitian jurnal tersebut tidak menimbulkan
nilai signifikansi yang jauh atau berarti dengan plasebo. Pada kesimpulan dari
jurnal ini juga disimpulkan bahwa treatment plasma konvalesen standar untuk
pasien dengan pneumonia Covid-19 yang parah, tidak mengurangi angka
mortalitas dari penyakit tersebut. Oleh karena itu perlu dievaluasi kembali. Dan
untuk penelitian selanjutnya harus dispesifikasi pada intervensi dan jenis
preparate yang lain seperti immunoglobulin intravena atau antibody monoclonal

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