Group 9 Training Development Program

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National Teachers College

Quiapo, Manila City



Personal Well-Being Group 9
ARIANE Administrative Responsibility


National Teachers College
Quiapo, Manila City


AY 2020-2021
Rationale: Personal Well-Being and Administrative Responsibility are two of the key components of assisting and taking care of Administration, Faculty, and Non-Teaching Personnel of
the school. Problems in the workplace and outside can negatively impact employee performance, engagement, and productivity. This is why personal well-being should be
established in an institution to carry out the mission, vision and the purpose of the school.

General Objectives: Generally, this Training Development Program invigorates the professional, psychological, social, and spiritual needs of the administrators, teachers and non-teaching
staff. This has the objective to streamline the needs for personal well-being of the three important components of the school and be able to achieve good personal well-being
in these individuals.

A. Administration/Faculty/NTP
KRA Objectives Activities Performance Timeframe Participants Resources Person Remarks
Indicator Responsible
1. Professional To provide Mentoring/Coaching • The mentee will Year- • Mentees • School funds • Human Mentors and
- Knowledge teaching, non- Program attain a high round (teachers, • HRD Funds Resources mentees will
teaching staff and degree of staff, and • School Department accomplish the
administrators satisfaction administrators) Leadership • School Coaching
with an effective, during the • Professional Framework Administrators Monitoring
well-trained annual speakers in Improvement • Mentees and Form.
mentor to support performance specific fields Plan Mentors
their specific roles. assessment. • Retired
• Mentee will administrators The topics of
have identified and faculty each coaching
areas for growth members as and mentoring
mentors sessions will
based on the
National Teachers College
Quiapo, Manila City

through self‐ • HRD target groups

assessments. ‘needs.
• Mentees will
new or improved
skills in areas
identified on the
• The mentor and
the mentee will
have a portfolio
to document the
experience and
the progress of
the program.

• Teachers, non- The Learning

- Skills To support Learning, Growth and Quarterly • Teaching and • School funds • Human
teaching staff plan must be
teaching, non- Performance Plans non-teaching Resources
and school • HRD Funds accomplished
teaching staff and staff Department
administrators • Templates of during the first
administrators in • Master • Master
will establish plans quarter of the
their personal Teachers Teachers
their learning (Learning, school year.
knowledge, skills, • Department • Department
and development and growth plan Growth and The growth plan
Heads Heads
with measurable Performance will be
goals and Plans) accomplished
outcomes. from second to
• Accomplished third quarter.
plans with
evidence such as The
National Teachers College
Quiapo, Manila City

documents, plan will be part

monitoring of the annual
forms, pictures performance
etc. assessment.

- Activities Have the initiative The activities shall The outputs every Monthly Administrators School Funds Human
Title: LEAD to seek and learn revolve round self-help after the talk shall (Tokens) Resource Office
Life Skills: new things, then skills in different serve as the Materials for Guest Speakers
Enhancement apply them on aspects such as performance Non-Teaching
other activities
and their own. Financial Literacy, Home indicators. Staff
Development Living, Practical Skills,
(LEAD) Business and Self-Care.
Undertake new
This are done once a
activities that
month through a
deepen their self-
seminar or webinar.
awareness skills
and help them see
things from
other’s points of

Initiate activities
that show others
that going beyond
National Teachers College
Quiapo, Manila City

their customary
ways of dealing
with things is
clearly possible.

Initiate activities
that show others
that going beyond
their customary
ways of dealing
with things is
clearly possible.

2. Psychological To create a more Handout pamphlets, put • of posters Administration Mental Health % of people are
- Programs resilient and up posters and send out put up Association aware of
mentally information with • flyers resiliency and
supportive employee pay slip. handed out efforts to
a. Campaign to workplace. • Payslip improve post-
raise awareness information traumatic stress
about resiliency sent out disorder.
and burnout.
Sessions on supportive • Management Administration Outside Reactions of
mental health practices who take consultants employees to
b. Enhance will be held. workshop new
management's management
ability to identify approaches.
and respond to
employee stress.
National Teachers College
Quiapo, Manila City

c. Teachers' Teachers can receive • Teachers Faculty Senior Levels of

resiliency should individual counseling. attending Management participant
be improved. counselling satisfaction.

Develop and secure • 1 policy NTP Senior There are 5

approval for a policy drafted and Management employees who
d. Improve the prohibiting the usage of approved are happy with
general culture business email between Faculty the policy.
to assist the hours of 6 p.m. and % of employees
employees in 7 a.m. who feel it has
managing stress
helped them
and work levels.
achieve a better
balance and
lower their
stress levels.

e. Improve the Designates space where • Space NTP Senior Employees that
physical employees can conduct designated Management are currently
environment to mindfulness sessions or to employee occupying the
alleviate stress. participate in yoga to relax space

Each will have an •

3. Social To create Team-building activities: • Yearly • Administrators • • Human • The team
School Funds
e-portfolio and • Teaching Resources building
and close -Online Activities Staffs Department activities
reflections of
relationships • Online office games each activities • Non-teaching can be done
between • Virtual Meetings Staffs virtual or
administrators, with Team Building face to face
teaching staffs, Activity as advised
National Teachers College
Quiapo, Manila City

and non- • Organization’s by the

teaching staffs. Simulations government.
To promote
-Face to face Activities
team work in
achieving • Campfires/Campings
shared mission • Christmas
and vision of fellowships
the • Team Dinners
organization. • Organization’s

4. Spiritual • To discover Team Building For Online, there Yearly Administrators For Online Christian
one’s personal Activities: will be a write up / Platforms, Formation
Title of the Faculty
roots. reflection shared Office
Program: PRISM 1. Use of Google
• To invigorate through online Non-teaching
(Personal Roots, one’s identity. - Online Activities platforms. Staff
Identity, • To be closer to Human
Every first Friday of the
Spirituality, and his/ her faith Resource Office
month, there shall be For Face-to-
Mission) and spirituality For Face-to-Face,
talk about building Face,
• To proclaim the sharing and the
reflections from the 1. Reflection
the mission of relationships. There will
Basic Ecclesial Materials
God be invited guests from
Community grouped
different walks of life in
formed, will be the
relation to their faith.
Each month, there shall
be a theme that will
encompass the talks.

- Face-to-Face Activities
National Teachers College
Quiapo, Manila City

Administrators, and
Non-Teaching Staff shall
be grouped. There will
form a Basic Ecclesial
Community. They will
meet two Fridays of the
month thirty minutes
before the working
hours. In this way, there
shall be sharing of what
they feel from a Bible
Reading of that day.

The activities shall be evaluated by this evaluating tool:
Components 5 4 3 2 1
Clarity of the objective of the activity
Alignment of the objectives to the Vision-Mission of the school
Activities meet the needs of the students in terms of skills, interests, and intelligence
It promotes personal well-being.
Objectives of the activities are well-explained by the facilitator
All activities are informative and suited to the genre of the members
Evidence of a well-planned activities
Activities promote intended skills and values for the students
Activities leading to personal effectiveness
III. Process of Activities
Evidence of attendees’ participation
National Teachers College
Quiapo, Manila City

Opportunities to work independently and collaboratively

Develop intended skills
Application of the acquired skills (e.g. Community Engagement Services)
IV Speaker’s Effectiveness
Speaker establishes rapport to his/her member
Speaker is informative and well-equipped

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