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The Metamorph virtual platform stands for an open art community limitless in ways of expression.
Within Metamorph, the “regular” YOU can metamorphose into the desired fashion face. This is the
place where authentic individuals connect to similar brands and the space where every user can con-
tribute to, can see and be seen, inspire and get inspired.

Metamorph’s principal mission is to represent people from the diverse sphere, include all types of
beauty and promote innovative ways of thinking, reshaping the current fashion landscape towards a
candid artistic industry.

As for vision, Metamorph foresees endless successful and original collaborations between freelance
creatives, all kinds of original individuals, international inclusive brands and ultimately Metamorph
itself, the place where they get to connect and be showcased. Metamorph is envisioning evolution,
acceptance and freedom as definitory factors in the fashion and art industries.

Metamorph’s values include: acceptance, love, diverse beauty, team-work, innovativity in thinking
and fearlessness in speech. METAMORPH aims to represent the contemporary face of fashion, stray
away from the stereotypical and create content using the creativity of its new faces, opening a door
for each and every talented, willing and creative spirit.

Persona Profile

Metamorph is a space where all are welcome. It can be defined more like a cultural movement rather
than a simple BtoB BtoC platform for its incredibly niche values of inclusiveness and transparency.
It represents a revolutionary approach to collaboration between creatives and propagates business
in the form of an art movement. Metamorph’s biggest goal is to exceed customer expectations in
everything and hold accountable at every step. By continuously embracing change and innovation
and looking for new ways to grow the organization it is inevitable for the platform to expect world-
wide success and recognition.

As a highly inclusive and diverse community, Metamorph will use an informal, yet breezy tone of
voice, creating a sense of warm home-feel approach and acceptance. Most of the information will be
wrapped up in humour, fun and relaxation even if addressing serious topics regarding diversity and
inclusivity. However, the language will be bold and straightforward, in tone with the aesthetic, values
and core of Metamorph.

diversity, fashion, collaboration, creativity, inclusivity, ethnicity, alternative, avant-garde, revolution-
ary, surprising, contemporary, culture, identity, community, social, art, movement, variety, transpar-
ency, advocacy, ethic, open-mindedness, story telling, bold, fierce, unique

“Different is beautiful”, “Own your story”, “See and be seen, inspire and get inspired”, “Metamor-
phose into the dreamt of fashion figure”

#METAMORPH, #Metamorphmagazine, #METALOG, #Metamorphfeatures #Methamorphosis

The aesthetic of METAMORPH compliments its bold, straightforward, impartial approach and cho-
sen subjects. The platform will follow a rather monochromatic, simple, yet strong color scheme, with
a predominance of black, grey and white.

When it comes to the visual editorial line, METAMORPH will follow a modern aesthetic, with hints
of grunge and strong accents on a predominantly black-background. The strong visual artistic direc-
tion will be aligned with the justiciary aim, strong beliefs and heavily empowered community.

The platform will tackle topical themes such as “measurement ranges in high fashion”, ensuring to
hear and be heard, carefully listening to its users and loudly speaking out for them and showcasing
their inspiring work via the magazine section. This section will feature interviews with diverse mod-
els, unconventional photographers and avant-garde freelance industry professionals among others.
The main inspiration for the magazine section is taken from the moodboards curated by the creative
directors of Metamorph and other external sources: contemporary celebrities that advocate for hu-
man inclusivity rights, different socio-cultural topics covered in media and even cinematography:
movies such as “Moonlight” or TV shows such as “Atypical”.

Rodanker Salons for Beauty Archive
Sesen Debesai by Aris Jerome
Photography by Franco Schicke for Oyster Magazine
Shae by Sean Izzard
Sasha Knysh by Thurstan Redding
Hanami Suzukii for INFRINGE Magazine
@Carathebloom via Pinterest 5

The online platform will include diverse areas of navigation, allowing it to cross the borders be-
tween an agency business-model and an editorial space, adapting a both B2B and B2C language.
The “Brands” and “Faces” sections will represent the Metamorph innovative agency model, inspired
by the core and rise of the street-casting phenomenon. By creating a profile, individuals of all kinds,
united by the same values, beliefs and passion for fashion and art will have the opportunity to be
discovered by their favorite brands and take part in their creative projects. Vice versa, the users get
the chance to directly apply for brands campaigns shown on their profiles. Everything will be unit-
ed through the collaborative work displayed in the Metamorph magazine section, which will also
include articles and content ranging from diversity issues written by and/ or featuring independent
creatives. The “Metalog” forum will engage users, creating the sought after community-feel and of-
fering both professionals and regular online users to actively participate in conversations with each
other on suggested areas of discussion and other diverse or controversial topics. Metamorph can also
be found on social media, with active accounts on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter and curated playlist
available on Spotify.

Helmut Lang “Re-Edition” campaign, 2017
Balenciaga Men’s Spring 2018 Ad Campaign, 2018
Art School London Mens AW17, 2017
Y/Project Glenn Martens AW19 MensWEAR, 2018

The brands Metamorph is looking to collaborate with are of inclusive and alternative nature, clearly
representing models of unique identity and likely part of the diversity spectrum. Metamorph ensures
loyalty and confidentiality to its business partners through its Privacy Policy which can be accessed
directly by the client. The platform also promises highly creative and professional project outcomes,
as well as thorough promotion across all its social media. The ‘Brands’ section will include all of the
profiles showcasing Metamorph’s label-collaborators, allowing individual users to browse, discover
their future projects and directly apply for them. Only individual users with an active Metamorph
account will be able to access and view the professional profiles. The main page will display a car-
ousel, showcasing the top most popular and accessed 5 brands in real time and ultimately displaying
all of them, in alphabetical order, when touching the arrow. Diving into more detailed information,
each brand is represented through a separate page, showcasing its description, mission and vision,
eventually displaying current projects for which it is currently scouting on Metamorph. Moreover,
as a mutual B2B and B2C communication channel, Metamorph also offers the possibility for users
to ‘get in touch’ with the brand through a button with direct call-to-action, on each profile. Among
informative details, each brand’s page will also contain its previous creative projects for which they
scouted and chose faces on the Metamorph platform. The presence and involvement of the brands on
and together with Metamorph aims to be translated as a sign of believing, supporting, defending true
diversity and inclusivity.

The faces of Metamorph represent a community of unique individuals who all share one same inter-
est, of creative masterfulness and artistic progression. Aiming to promote and construct a truly trans-
parent, diverse community, the platform is not targeting consumers depending on factors such as
age, ethnicity, gender, nor body type, the selection being rather based on individuality, personality,
uniqueness, displaying all of the users in alphabetical order, without using contradictory search-fil-
ters or obstructing the pure core of true diversity. The entire profiles selections of the individual
users will be showcased on the ‘Main Board’, while the most recent members will also appear in the
‘Fresh Faces’ section, chronologically. All of the pictures and graphics on the ‘Main Board’ will be
virtually exhibited in black and white, creating an easy-to-follow, impartial board, which is also fol-
lowing the core aesthetics of the platform. Full-color images will only be displayed on the nominal
profiles of each user.

Ursu Lolita by Sergio Lardiez

Willy Cartier by Frederico Martins, for Dsection Magazine
Lauren Wasser by Cass Bird, for Nordstrom
Shaun Ross by Siege
Heejung Park via FMD
Florence Kasumba via Pinterest

Kelly Mittendorf for Elle Mexico February 2014
Lorelaii by Zhong Ling
“Infinity” by Marc Laroche
Nastya Zhidkova by Danil Golovkin in “Wild Flower” for Fashion

Each profile will disclose a short description, written by the user and pre-approved by Metamorph.
The subscribers will be able to communicate any kind of personal information they consider relevant
for potential collaborators, talking about physical aspects, life or professional experience, family
or cultural background. Additionally, basic data, consisting of ‘Age’, ‘Height’, ‘Eye Color’, ‘Hair
Color’ and ‘Shoe Size’ will be filled. Users won’t be compelled to specify their gender or weight,
being free to do so only by personal choice. The description will be finalised by a personal motto,
ensuring a relaxed, yet intimate communication between users, brands and the platform itself. By
tapping on the ‘Get in Touch’ button, any registered brand or professional will be able to directly
contact the Metamorph face. Lastly, the users will be able to show their most frequent geographical
locations, in order to highly encourage the connection between them and local brands and for inter-
national brands to know how easily reachable the user is.

Along with the ‘Brands’ and ‘Faces’ sections, the platform will include a complete editorial experi-
ence through the ‘Magazine’ section, which is directly linked to all of the connections done on the
platform, which are easing the process of editorial and sometimes informative content-creation. The
Metamorph Magazine section will showcase collaborative materials created with registered users
and brands whose connection was intermediated through the platform. Moreover, topical and di-
verse themes will be covered by inspiring creatives through articles, interviews and editorials, which
will oftentimes include ‘behind-the-scenes’ material. Following the bold and straight-forward edito-
rial line of Metamorph, the aesthetic of the editorial content, directly produced by Metamorph, will
follow the same core. The content is divided into different sections: ‘News’, ‘Fashion’, ‘Beauty’,
‘Entertainment & Pop-Culture’ and ‘Moodboard’, easing the navigation experience of the visitors.
In addition to the various themed articles and editorials, exclusive, related announcements will be
displayed on the main page of the magazine. An example would be the report stating that Nadia
Lee Cohen will be scouting on Metamorph, which is encouraging the readers to also sign up on the
platform and create a profile or update the existing one, raising engagement. Among articles and ed-
itorials, the magazine section will also feature interviews with fresh faces in fashion, media and art,
sharing the same value and beliefs of the platform, such as Nadia Lee Cohen or young, rising actress
Alice Pagani. The Metamorph moodboard will stand as a weekly dose of inspiration for readers and
will be scheduled to appear on the platform each Sunday at 8PM, displaying curated collages of
inspirational photography. Readers will also get the chance to subscribe to the magazine section, in
order to be up-to-date with the most recent published material. The header of the magazine’s main
page will display changing pop-ups, such as the one announcing the curated Metamorph playlist on

Nadia Lee Cohen by Jordan Hemingway for iRi NYC

Alice Pagani by Lukas Wassmann for 032c
Untitled collage via 032c printed edition

The interviews displayed
in the magazine section
will feature strong con-
temporary figures in the
fashion, art and entertain-
ment industries, as well
as inspiring characters
with inspirational stories.
The interviews will also
feature visual referenc-
es and oftentimes paired
with editorials produced
in collaboration with the
Metamorph creative team.
A relevant example of in-
terview layout lies in the
interview realized with
Editorials times be accompa-
Nadia Lee Cohen. nied by interviews
When it comes to
the visual stories or behind-the-
showcased on Met- scenes materials,
amorph, through allowing a closer
photographic or synergy to its read-
video editorials, ers and a comple-
“sky is the limit”, mentary physical/
the platform of- digital world inter-
fering acceptance action. A relevant
of a big variety of example of editori-
styles, aligning its al layout is the one
visual content di- showcasing Alice
versification with Pagani, rising ac-
its core of diversity. tress; the interview
The majority of ed- section that goes
itorials will be rep- with it, will follow
resented by collab- the same layout as
orative materials, the one previously
produced with the explained. Each ed-
help of Metamorph itorial will include
or for which the the full team credit
models were scout- list, as well as the
Nadia Lee Cohen by Jordan Hemingway for iRi NYC ed on the platform. clothing brands dis-
Alice Pagani by Lukas Wassmann for 032c
Not following a played along each
strict template, ed- shot.
itorials will some-

The articles showcased
on the official Metamorph
platform will follow top-
ical themes of interest;
fashion, beauty, entertain-
ment & pop-culture news,
addressed in the charac-
teristic tone of voice and
following the already es-
tablished editorial-line.
Complementary to the
core values of diversity
and inclusivity, the articles
will also follow a diverse
spectrum, both fun and
serious, entertaining or in-
formative. When it comes
to the layout, the articles
will follow a simple, easy
to follow template and
will present multiple pop-
ups with direct call-to-ac-
tion to other articles on
related topics, editorials
or different Metamorph
The visual identity of
Metamorph will be fur-
ther defined through the
‘Moodboard’ section,
which will be curated
by Metamorph’s editors
and updated weekly,
each Sunday. It will in-
clude a series of photo-
graphs, selection meant
to constantly inspire,
stimulate the viewers
and offer a selection of
easily shareable content,
encouraging powerful
User Generated Content,
which can be adapted to
any platform and social
media channel.

Miu Miu Shoot for Hunger Magazine by Nadia Lee Cohen
Oceanus Brand Campaign by Nadia Lee Cohen
Emma Brewin’s SS 16 collection campaign by Nadia Lee Cohen via DMB Represents
Women by Nadia Lee Cohen, Photography by Nadia Lee Cohen. Courtesy of IDEA
Miu Miu Shoot for Hunger Magazine by Nadia Lee Cohen
NOTHING TO DO IN TEXAS by Nadia Lee Cohen & Charlie Denis for COLLECTI-
BLE DRY July 2020
Veronika, Warley, Brentwood Photography by Nadia Lee Cohen. Courtesy of IDEA, 2019

Alice Pagani by Lukas Wassmann for 032C

Probably the section generating the highest reader’s engagement, directly on the platform is the
discussion forum, highly suiting the Metamorph’s committed and straightforward typology of
readers. The METALOG represents a direct communication channel where Metamorph’s audience
and users can engage in interesting debates, sharing the core values of Metamorph and establishing
immediate connection, directly on the platform, boosting its engagement, under the slogan of: “Log
in your opinion to start a dialogue”. The main topics addressed on the Chit-Chat Forum will target
culture, identity, deficiencies in the art and fashion landscapes. Each chat will consist of a brief
introduction to the suggested topic, further allowing users to log in their own opinions and start or
contribute to debates. All users will get the chance to participate under their username or anony-
mously and will be allowed a maximum of 500 words per reply, in order to assure a smooth, easy
to follow dialogue. At the end of each month, Metamorph will post a condensed conclusion of the
topic’s debate and will encourage users to keep voicing their mind, maintaining the openness of the
initiated topics while promoting new ones at the same time. There will be a total of four suggested
topics for readers to devour and log in their thoughtful opinion on weekly. Metalog will also be
highly promoted on the platform’s Facebook, Instagram and Twitter motivating the social media
followers to speak out directly on Metamorph. Moreover, users will be able to suggest new discus-
sion topics via Email or direct messages on social media.

“What is Cancel Culture Explained History Debate”, 2019
“The Inclusion Imperative: Why Media Matters”, 2020


The building process for Metamorph will start on August 30th

with ‘Inspiration & Brainstorming’: three days in which the staff
will gather their creative ideas and inputs in order to create an
efficient plan and social network calendar. In this part, all depart-
ments: executive, technical and social media will hold meetings
and use individual time to tackle all creative possibilities for the
platforms’ expansion. Apart from the visual inspiration in the form
of mood boards, a brief consisting of all current Metamorph cam-
paigns will be thoroughly documented and added to the platform
collaborator portofolio, upon launching. The launch date is set on
the 2nd of September, when ideally all aspects are meticulous-
ly reviewed and all of the sections are ready to operate. During
the following weekend, the social media profiles will be created:
Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, as well as the Newsletter, which
will start off with personalized emails to the Metamorph PR list.
Each Monday is set for the Metalog “Weekly Themes of Discus-
sion”, while each Sunday at 8PM, an updated Moodboard will be
published in the Magazine section. Metamorph’s exclusive con-
tent will be announced during the week, maintaining its status of
novelty for the following two weeks.

In the meantime, the content will be covered on the socials through Facebook
posts, tweets, Instagram pictures and videos. The tone of voice will be kept
more formal, yet informative on Facebook, more factual on Twitter and more
visual and cool on Instagram. The type of content will naturally be differently
divided, the Facebook page mostly featuring Metamorph shared articles and
interviews, while Twitter will be filled with short announcements and Insta-
gram with suggestive photo-video materials. The main space for followers to
engage with Metamorph and vice versa will remain the Metamorph website,
therefore the social media will mainly serve for overall social communication,
cross-promotion and reach.

Apart from the social media channels, Metamorph will use Email as an informative digital
communication tool with news varying from exclusive magazine content to new brands
and faces looking for collaboration. The Newsletter will serve as a secondary means of
communication with announcements of all fresh content of the Metamorph magazine as
well as other relevant updates such as the Metalog “Weekly Themes of Discussion”.

The “METAMORPHOSIS” Spotify playlist is a space for Metamorph users and followers
to recreate and enjoy the platform’s special curated playlists. The tracks will be updated
monthly, generating a brand new vibe and feeling of inspiration.


The social media channels offer the possibility of effective digital/physical world interaction,
through a series of innovative, exclusive ideas. “Metamorphose yourself into the ‘dreamed of
fashion place’” is a fun and engaging concept developed on Instagram filters, correlated to Meta-
morph’s main tagline. With the help of it, users can “metamorphose” themselves into highly popu-
lar, stereotypical, mainstream fashion places or events, next to the most famous fashion figures. It
is thought-of as an sarcastic, yet humoristic escapade from the monotonous daily life by “metamor-
phosing” oneself into the desired fashion place, satirizing today’s fashion industry and ideals, in the
characteristic style of Metamorph. Created in an ironic way, the filters are entertaining, engaging
and highly shareable.

The Business of Fashion. 2021. A New Generation of Casting Directors Putting Diversity First.
[online] Available at: <
tion-of-casting-directors-putting-diversity-first> [Accessed 11 April 2021].

PAPER. 2021. Balenciaga Put Normal Everyday Workers on the Runway. [online] Available at:
belltitem22> [Accessed 11 April 2021]. 2021. Lukas Wassmann — 032c Magazine, Alice Pagani Styled by Robert
Rabensteiner. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 11
April 2021].

Romero, M., n.d. Nadia Lee Cohen | Metal Magazine. [online] Available at:
<> [Accessed
6 April 2021].

Vox. 2021. Why we can’t stop fighting about cancel culture. [online] Available at: <https://www.> [Ac-
cessed 11 April 2021].

Zalis, S., 2021. The Inclusion Imperative: Why Media Matters. [online] Forbes. Available at:
ters/?sh=6bcefb812943> [Accessed 11 April 2021].


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