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SAI KUMAR AINDLA | +1 (414)231-0622 | [LinkedIn] | [GitHub]

University at Buffalo (UB) | NY, USA Aug ‘19 – Dec ‘20
MS in Computer Science | GPA – 3.7/4 | Analysis & Design of Algorithms | Machine Learning | Distributed Systems | Database Systems | Blockchain
Application Development | Data Mining | Seminar on Edge Computing
Chaitanya Bharathi Institute of Technology (CBIT) | Hyderabad, India Sep ‘14 – Apr ‘18
BE in Information Technology (Computer Science and Electronics) | GPA – 8.5/10
ViacomCBS | Data Engineer Intern | Fort Lauderdale, Florida, USA June ‘20 – Aug ‘20
o Designed, pioneered and presented use case that gives options to reduce difficulty of data discovery and data governance by introducing Google Data
Catalog, its features to various teams and stakeholders dealing with petabytes amount of data in the organization.
o Deployed data ingestion jobs to ingest incoming CBS sports data from multiple ViacomCBS sources into HBase with Spark, Kafka and Avro schema as a
data format to store it.
o Improved the data discovery of Tableau workbooks metadata by 15% through detailed analysis of metadata data ingestion and data pipelines using
Data Catalog Rest API.
o Exceeded the expectations and expanded their existing pipeline of a project in production by integrating it with Data Catalog work I initiated.
Data Intensive Data Computing Lab, SUNY Buffalo | Research Assistant | Buffalo, USA Sep ‘19 – Jan ‘20
o Worked as front-end developer using React JS for research project called “OneDataShare”, which is based on data scheduling and optimization as cloud
hosted service.
Core Compete Pvt Ltd | Data Engineer | Hyderabad, India Jul ’18 – Aug ‘19
o Programmed the data migration from SQL server and AWS Redshift to Snowflake data warehouse. Formulated the pipeline to amplify performance of
migration and validation using AWS RDS, S3, EC2 Windows and Linux instances.
o Developed complex queries in Hive to validate data migration of historical and incremental data between Hadoop HDFS and Hive data warehouse and
decreased validation time from 3 hours to 28 minutes for each table.
o Augmented anomaly detection by 5% on customer transactions data using Spark with cumulative analysis based on business rules and followed by
building the dashboards for higher level business analysis.
Languages - Java, Python, C, SQL, Solidity
Familiar Cloud Platforms - AWS, Google Cloud Platform
Data warehouse & Database - Google BigQuery, Snowflake on AWS, AWS Redshift, Hive, Postgres, MySQL, SQL server
Web Development - HTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery, React JS, Express, REST API
Distributed Programming - Network Socket programming to implement distributed systems algorithms using Java in Android Studio
Software Products - Kafka, Android Studio, Airflow, Spark, Hadoop, TensorFlow, Talend, JIRA, Trello, Tableau, MS Power BI, GitHub
Blockchain Development - Solidity, Truffle Ganache, Remix Ide, MetaMask Ethereum.
Data Governance and Discovery using Google Cloud Data Catalog, [ViacomCBS], [presentation]
o Designed business metadata to identify and make sense of the YouTube analytics data in Google Big Query by creating Python API Calls.
o Phases include - Identifying the data to apply Data Catalog, exploring already present technical metadata, creating schematized tags to understand the
data that is unknown. Created an Airflow Dag to automatically populate the tags of data assets.
o Customized a CI/CD pipeline leveraging Viacom cloud service and Docker images which motorized airflow schedulers to automatically populate the tags.
Data lake on AWS using Snowflake, [Core Compete Pvt Ltd]
o Developed an end-to-end ETL pipeline and orchestrated the flow using Airflow to extract the useful information from raw data of 100GB.
o Functionality involves data staging and transformation using Python and Spark in AWS EMR as well as AWS Glue, storing the transformed data in S3 and
migrating the data from S3 to the fact & dimension tables in Snowflake, reporting the data in MS Power BI.
o Transformations briefed Data Cleaning, Data Integration and Data Validation.
Total FIFO ordering in Group Messenger (Distributed Android Programming), [code]
o Implemented decentralized algorithm to multicast the messages in Total-FIFO ordering among 5 android emulators in the amidst of one random
instance failure during the execution. Followed IS-IS algorithm to achieve the Total ordering.
o Performed network socket programming using Java for the communication and SQLite database to store/receive the messages on each instance.
o Model succeeded in handling sending/receiving messages multiple times concurrently under at most one failure.
Soccer Club Balloting – Blockchain Web Application, [code]
o A balloting application helps soccer club to boost the fan engagement towards them, developed on blockchain technology to pre vent voter fraud.
o Implemented in the form of web-based application where backend is developed using Solidity and front end using Express server, JavaScript, jQuery,
html and bootstrap. Devised balloting using the Ethereum of the MetaMask cryptocurrency wallet and Truffle Ganache.
o The application records each vote on their chain of nodes, and one cannot change it once it is cast.
o Contributed this project to open source 2020 GitHub archive program.
Image classification using Neural Networks, [code]
o Classified dataset consisting of 70k sample images by training and testing using Neural Networks, Multi-layer Neural Networks and Convolutional Neural
Networks. Compared the accuracies of three classification approaches.
o Concluded with best accuracy of 90% using CNN model in contrast with Neural Networks with one hidden layer and MNN.

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