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Forum 1: Introductions and Expectations

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This initial activity is about:
1. Getting to know me and you (briefly introduce yourself);
2. Raising fundamental questions regarding the self; and
3. Surfacing students’ beliefs and concerns regarding the self.
Please also express your expectations about the subject, professor, classmates, and your

Hi, I’m Jessa Mae S. Edma,

Forum 2: Describing your strengths and personal accomplishments
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One way to avoid becoming overly critical is to become aware of your strengths:
1.    With a small group, share 3 personal strengths or accomplishments, talk some part of
yourself that you feel pleased or proud. Since we do not meet at school, you may do this
with classmates who are nearby or through online messaging if it is possible. Write the
output of this task in your learning journal.
2.    If you seem not to have any, ask yourself:
a.    What are some ways in which you’ve grown in the past year? How are you more
skillful, wiser, or a better person than you previously were?
b.    Why do certain friends or family members care about you? What features do you
possess that make them appreciate you?
3.    After you’ve finished, consider the experience. Did you have a hard time thinking of
things to share? Would it have been easier to list the things that are wrong with you?
If so, is this because you are truly a wretched person or in the habit of stressing your
defects and ignoring strengths? Consider the impact of such a habit on your self-concept,
and ask yourself whether it wouldn’t be wiser to strike a better balance distinguishing
between your strengths and weaknesses.

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