Occupational Seafood Allergy: A Review

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Occup Environ Med 2001;58:553–562 553

Occup Environ Med: first published as 10.1136/oem.58.9.553 on 1 September 2001. Downloaded from http://oem.bmj.com/ on December 14, 2021 by guest. Protected by copyright.

Occupational seafood allergy: a review

M F Jeebhay, T G Robins, S B Lehrer, A L Lopata

Abstract chronic exposure to seafood; the respec-

Background—Recent years have seen in- tive roles of skin contact and inhalational
creased levels of production and consump- exposure in allergic sensitisation and
tion of seafood, leading to more frequent cross reactivity; and the contribution of
reporting of allergic reactions in occupa- host associated factors in the development
tional and domestic settings. This review of occupational seafood allergies are im-
focuses on occupational allergy in the fish- portant areas for future research.
ing and seafood processing industry. (Occup Environ Med 2001;58:553–562)
Review—Workers involved in either
Keywords: occupational seafood allergy; occupational
manual or automated processing of crabs, asthma; protein contact dermatitis
prawns, mussels, fish, and fishmeal pro-
duction are commonly exposed to various
constituents of seafood. Aerosolisation of Seafood refers to any aquatic organism that is
seafood and cooking fluid during process- intended for human or animal consumption.
ing are potential occupational situations Recent years have seen a growing demand for
that could result in sensitisation through seafood, which has led to increased production.1
inhalation. There is great variability of About 72% of harvested fish and shellfish
aerosol exposure within and among vari- worldwide are used for human food. It is
ous jobs with reported allergen concentra- estimated that between 1985 and 1989, world
tions ranging from 0.001 to 5.061(µg/m3). harvests of all seafood species increased by 15%
Occupational dermal exposure occurs as a (shellfish increased as a rate of 22% and finfish
result of unprotected handling of seafood at a rate of 14%).2 Increased levels of production
and its byproducts. Occupational allergies and consumption of seafood have led and
Occupational and have been reported in workers exposed to continue to lead to the more frequent reporting
Environmental Health arthropods (crustaceans), molluscs, pis-
Research Unit,
of adverse reactions, including immunologically
Department of Public
ces (bony fish) and other agents derived mediated reactions. Allergy to fish is common
Health, University of from seafood. The prevalence of occupa- among fish eating populations and in fish
Cape Town, Room tional asthma ranges from 7% to 36%, and processing communities.3 The prevalence of
1111C, First Floor, for occupational protein contact dermati- immediate type fish allergy is higher when the
Anatomy Building, tis, from 3% to 11%. These health out- intake of fish constitutes a greater part in the diet
Anzio Road,
Observatory, 7925,
comes are mainly due to high molecular of the community.4 Despite these reactions
South Africa weight proteins in seafood causing an IgE being a common occurrence in the general
M F Jeebhay mediated response. Cross reactivity be- population, their prevalence in the occupational
tween various species within a major sea- setting has until recently been largely unstudied.
Department of food grouping also occurs. Limited Indeed, the bacterial and parasitic diseases asso-
Environmental Health evidence from dose-response relations ciated with exposure to seafood have only
Sciences, University of
Michigan, USA
indicate that development of symptoms is recently been reviewed in detail.5 This review
M F Jeebhay related to duration or intensity of expo- focuses on occupational allergy associated with
T G Robins sure. The evidence for atopy as a risk fac- fishing and seafood processing activities. To
tor for occupational sensitisation and identify relevant manuscripts, MEDLINE
Department of asthma is supportive, whereas evidence searches were undertaken for 1966–2000 for
Medicine, Tulane for cigarette smoking is limited. Disrup- studies on occupational seafood allergy, asthma,
University Medical
Centre, USA
tion of the intact skin barrier seems to be and dermatitis. Review articles identified in the
S B Lehrer an important added risk factor for occu- process were surveyed for additional and earlier
pational protein contact dermatitis. citations. Dissertation abstracts and Current
Allergology Unit, Conclusion—The range of allergic disease Contents were also searched to identify more
Department of associated with occupational exposure to recently published and unpublished studies and
Immunology, Groote crab is well characterised, whereas for case reports.
Schuur Hospital, Cape
Town, South Africa
other seafood agents the evidence is
A L Lopata somewhat limited. There is a need for fur- Populations at risk from exposure to
ther epidemiological studies to better seafood
Correspondence to: characterise this risk. More detailed char- Although reactions to seafood have been docu-
Dr M F Jeebhay acterisation of specific protein antigens in mented mainly among consumers, immunologi-
aerosols and associated establishment of cally mediated reactions have also been docu-
Accepted 17 April 2001 dose-response relations for acute and mented at work. This has been found to occur

554 Jeebhay, Robins, Lehrer, et al

Occup Environ Med: first published as 10.1136/oem.58.9.553 on 1 September 2001. Downloaded from http://oem.bmj.com/ on December 14, 2021 by guest. Protected by copyright.
Table 1 Common processing, preservation, and storage techniques used for seafood groups that are sources of potential occupational exposure to seafood

Seafood category Processing techniques Preservation techniques Packaging of final products Sources of occupational exposure to seafood products

Crabs, lobsters, Cooking (boiling or Deep freezing, pasteurising, In refrigerated Inhalation of wet aerosols from lobster
crayfish steaming), “tailing” lobsters, sterilisation, liquid freezing containers, polyethylene “tailing”, crab “cracking”, butchering and
“cracking”, butchering, and bags, or in cans degilling, boiling, scrubbing, and washing,
degilling crabs, manual spraying, cutting, grinding, mincing, prawn
picking of meat, cutting, “blowing”, cleaning processing lines/tanks with
grinding, mincing, scrubbing pressurised water
and washing, cooling

Prawns Heading, peeling, deveining, Deep freezing, drying In refrigerated containers Dermal contact from unprotected handling of
prawn “blowing” (water jets or in cans prawn; hand immersion in water containing
or compressed air) extruded gut material

Oysters, mussels Washing, oyster “shucking”, Deep freezing, freezing, In refrigerated containers Inhalation of wet aerosols from oyster
clams, scallops, shellfish depuration, sterilisation, smoking, or in cans “shucking”, washing
abalone chopping, dicing, slicing cooking Dermal contact from unprotected handling of

Various species Heading, degutting, Deep freezing, drying, Loose in refrigerated Inhalation of wet aerosols from fish heading,
skinning, mincing, filleting, smoking, sterilization, liquid containers, cans, or in degutting, boiling
trimming, cooking (boiling or freezing bags Inhalation of dry aerosols from fishmeal
steaming), spice/batter bagging
application, frying, milling,
bagging Dermal contact from unprotected handling

primarily through inhalation of aerosols gener- processing, preservation, and storage tech-
ated during cutting, scrubbing or cleaning, niques used for the major seafood groupings,
cooking or boiling, and drying.6 Reactions can and sources of potential exposure to seafood
also occur through the skin as a result of direct products are outlined in table 1.
handling of the seafood itself.7 Occupational Studies of environmental exposure assess-
exposure to seafood allergens occurs mainly in ments to measure aerosol particulate and aller-
the food and fishing industry. Workers in several gen concentrations among seafood processing
of these industries are exposed to seafood, espe- workers are summarised in table 2. The lack of
cially those involved in either manual or standardised methods for environmental sam-
automated processing of crabs, prawns, mussels, ple collection, extraction, and analysis makes
fish, and fishmeal. Other occupations associated comparisons between various studies diYcult,
with exposure to seafood include oyster shuck- although some similarities can be found. It is
ers, laboratory technicians and researchers, jew- notable that generally much higher allergen
ellery polishers, restaurant chefs, fishmongers, concentrations were obtained with personal
and fishermen.7 8 than with area sampling. There is great
The Food and Agriculture Organisation of variability of exposure within and among vari-
the United Nations (FAO) estimates that ous jobs involved in seafood processing with
between 1970 and 1990, the number of people reported allergen concentrations ranging from
engaged in fishing, aquaculture, and related 0.001 to 5.061 µg/m3.
activities doubled from 13 million to 28.5 mil- Aerosolisation of the seafood (meat, exoskel-
lion worldwide.9 Among these workers 52% eton, blood, endolymph) during processing has
worked aboard fishing trawlers, 32% were been identified as a potential high risk activity
involved in aquaculture production (marine for sensitisation through inhalation.17 20 22 23
and freshwater), and 16% worked inland as Identified processes with high potential for
capture fishermen or other land based activities exposure to aerosols include butchering or
such as processing. In 1990, 95% of the world grinding, degilling, “cracking” and boiling of
fishermen and fish farmers were from develop- crabs; “tailing” of lobster; “blowing “of prawns,
ing countries, producing 58% of the 98 million washing or scrubbing of shellfish, degutting,
tonnes of world fish. In many countries, labour heading, and cooking or boiling of fish, mincing
in the fishing industry tends to be divided by of seafood, and cleaning of the processing line
sex with men almost exclusively going out to and storage tanks with high pressured water.
sea to catch the fish and women doing most of Despite high levels of automation in larger
the on land processing.10 Most of these workers workplaces, workers employed there are also
are seasonal workers. The degree of exposure is often found to be at high risk due to inadequate
likely to be highest during the harvest season and poorly designed local exhaust ventilation
when most of the processing occurs. systems.20 Furthermore, processes that generate
dry aerosols (prawn blowing with compressed
Seafood processing work environment air) seem to generate higher concentrations of
Seafood processing plants vary in the levels of particulates than wet processes (prawn blowing
technology, with some of the smaller work- with water jets).19 It has been suggested that
places relying entirely on manual handling of because water provides general aerosol suppres-
the seafood and larger companies using sion, it may also influence the size, lifetime, or
modern highly automated processes. There is other dynamics of small protein particles as
great variation in processing procedures for the water is a major feature of this work environ-
diVerent types of seafood.2 11 Common ment.18 There is also the possibility that

Occupational seafood allergy 555

Occup Environ Med: first published as 10.1136/oem.58.9.553 on 1 September 2001. Downloaded from http://oem.bmj.com/ on December 14, 2021 by guest. Protected by copyright.
workplace exposure factors other than those of non-seafood components present in the prod-
seafood origin—for example, hypertonic saline uct. Such non-seafood components include
aerosols, cold air, strenuous physical activity— various contaminants—such as parasites (Ani-
may also trigger allergic respiratory symptoms. sakis simplex),29 protochordates (Hoya),30 and
Dermatological symptoms experienced by algae (dinoflagellates—Hematodinium),5 22 bac-
workers are the result of direct contact with the teria (Vibrio),5 viruses (hepatitis A),5 marine or
actual seafood or a systemic response to inhala- bacterial toxins (saxitoxins, scombroid toxin,
tional exposures. Occupational dermal exposure histamine),5 31 gases produced by anaerobic
can occur as a result of unprotected handling of decomposition of fish (hydrogen sulphide),32
various seafoods and their products (fish juice, chemical additives (sodium metabisulphite),
meat, skin, skin slime or mucin, entrails) at vari- spices (mustard, paprika, flour additives, gar-
ous stages in the production process.24–26 This lic),33 and hidden ingredients (casein)—in
generally occurs under wet and low temperature canned or processed fish products.3 The three
conditions.27 Manual cutting and generation of most important seafood groupings containing
fish juice in various work processes can expose the marine species most often consumed or
the skin to mechanical damage (inoculation by handled by humans are Arthropoda, Mollusca,
spinous appendages) and fish enzymes. This can
and Pisces (sub-phylum Chordata). Among the
result in keratinolysis thereby leaving the human
arthropods, the crustacean class includes some
skin open to potential penetration by protein
of the most allergenic species of seafood. The
fragments capable of causing dermatological
symptoms.28 The average protein concentration phylogeny of the commercially important
in the fish juice associated with these symptoms seafood causing occupational allergies is pre-
in the study by Halkier-Sorensen et al28 was esti- sented in table 3.2 34
mated to be 8.5 µg/l. Seafood allergens are primarily high molecu-
lar weight proteins ranging in molecular weight
from 10 kDa to 70 kDa.35 It is these proteins
Constituents of seafood present in aerosols that have been associated
Adverse non-immune and immune reactions to with the allergic respiratory symptoms.34 The
seafood are commonly found among consum- composition of aerosols generated by snow
ers of seafood. These reactions can result from crab and king crab processing has been found
exposure to the seafood itself or to various to contain crab exoskeleton, meat (mainly
Table 2 Studies of environmental assessments of exposure among seafood processing workers

Total particle Allergen

concentration (mg/m3) concentration Particle fraction
Study Seafood type Work process or job type Range (µg/m3) Range measured

Orford et al12 (1985) King crab Claw saw operator 0.176 (A) ND Total (W)
Band saw operator 0.014 (A) ND (30% <5 µm)
Background 0.039–0.052 (A) ND

Beaudet13 (1994) King crab Band saw operator 0.110–0.160 (P) ND Total (W)
Crab “scoring” line 0.030 (P) ND

Edelman14 (1994) Tanner crab Butchering and packing 0.140–0.680 (P) ND Total (W)

GriYn et al15 (1994) Common crab Claw cutting 0.003–0.004 (Pr) (A) 0.012–0.032 (A) Total (W)
Meat flotation 0.002–0.004 (Pr) (A) 0.011–0.053 (A)
Meat mincing 0.003–0.005 (Pr) (A) 0.009–0.115 (A)
Packing 0.001–0.002 (Pr) (A) 0.001–0.003 (A)
Cold store 0.001 (Pr) (A) 0.003–0.004 (A)

Malo et al16 (1997) Snow crab Boiling water 0.009† (Pr) (P) 1.700† (Pr) (P) Total (W)
Weytjens et al (1999) Snow crab Crab cracking ND 0.084–0.547 (A) Total (W)
Boiler outlet ND 0.053 (A)
Cooling basin outlet ND 0.100 (A)
Final selection ND 0.063 (A)
Crab cracker ND 4.961–5.061 (P) Total (W)
Crab sorter: cooling basin ND 0.196–0.604 (P)
Crab sorter: underwater jet cleaning ND 0.204–0.220 (P)
Crab sorter or cleaner ND 0.179–0.191 (P)

Ortega et al18 (1999) Snow crab Butchering 0.032–0.081 (Pr) (P) <—140* Total (W)
Degilling 0.034–1.500 (Pr) (P) <—570*
Packer-sorter 0.010–0.020 (Pr) (P) <—150*
Cooking 0.010–6.400 (Pr) (P) <—66*
Shipping or case up 0.039 (Pr) (P) <—220*
Loading dock or forklift 0.011 (Pr) (P) <—830*
Pollock Processing plant 0.004 (A) ND Total (W)
Gaddie et al (1980) Prawn Prawn blowing (compressed air) 1.8–3.3 (A) ND Total (W)
Prawn blowing (water jets) 0.1–0.3 (A) ND Total (W)

Douglas et al20 (1995) Salmon Wet—for example, fish gutting, grading 2.71–3.57 (A) 0.100–1.00 (A) Respirable (CM)
Dry—for example, fish packing in store 0.04–0.05 (A)
OYce <0.01 (A)

Taylor et al21 (2000) WhiV megrim/hake Fish market ND 0.002–0.025 (A) Total (W)

A=area sample; P=personal sample; W=time weighted average; CM=continuous monitoring; Pr=protein concentration; ND=not done; <=not detectable.
*Relative allergen units (RAU)/m3.
†µg Allergen per filter.

556 Jeebhay, Robins, Lehrer, et al

Occup Environ Med: first published as 10.1136/oem.58.9.553 on 1 September 2001. Downloaded from http://oem.bmj.com/ on December 14, 2021 by guest. Protected by copyright.
Table 3 Classification of seafood groups causing occupational allergies cooking aerosols, and gastric fluid as they are
able to resist the eVects of processing, cooking,
Phylum Class Family (common name)
or human digestive processes.17 28 43 44 Factors
Arthropoda Crustacea Crabs, lobsters, prawns, shrimp known to contribute to antigenicity include
Mollusca Gastropoda Abalone
allergen dose; route of exposure, allergenic
Bivalvia Clams, oysters, mussels potency, and mucosal permeability in the
Cephalopoda Squid (cuttlefish) exposed person.7 Some proteins that occur in
Pisces (subphylum Chordata) Osteichthyes (bony fish) Salmon, plaice, tuna, hake, cod, small amounts in seafood can also be impor-
herring, sardine, trout, anchovy tant food allergens.35 There is a considerable
body of evidence to suggest that high molecu-
muscle protein), gills, kanimiso (internal or- lar weight agents (>10 kDa) act through an
gans) and background material such as sodium immune response mediated by IgE antibodies
chloride crystals, cellulose, synthetic fibres, to some antigenic component of the pro-
silicate, pigment constituent particles, and tein.8 34 45 This view is supported by the
inorganic particles (silicon, aluminium, presence of a latency period before symptoms
iron).12 14 18 Most of the particles are irregular after exposure and the temporal nature of
and at least 30% of airborne particulate are adverse reactions resulting from ingestion, der-
within the respirable range (<5 µm). Environ- mal contact, or inhalation of various seafood
mental monitoring of clam and shrimp aerosols.
processing workers indicated that most of the In patients with a history of immediate
filters examined under light microscopy adverse reactions after ingestion of seafood,
showed the presence of dust comprising corn various seafood specific IgE antibodies have
starch (95%), guar gum, cellulose, clam been shown by immediate skin reactivity with
(traces), and shrimp (1%).36 Sherson et al in skin prick tests (SPTs) and by radioaller-
their investigation of contaminated water gosorbent testing (RAST) of serum samples.46
isolated gram negative bacteria (Klebsiella Studies of the allergenicity of emissions from
pneumoniae and Pseudomonas) and endotoxin boiling fish indicate that the “steam aerosols”
(1 µg endotoxin/ml) in the water from a gutting from salmon share IgE binding components
machine thought to be responsible for the res- with raw and boiled salmon.43 47 IgE sensitisa-
piratory symptoms among trout processing tion has also been documented for occupa-
workers.37 A recent survey among crab process- tional asthma to various seafoods such as crabs,
ing workers showed very low concentrations of clams, prawns or shrimp, and salmon.34 Cartier
airborne endotoxin (obtained through personal et al showed a highly significant relation
sampling) despite large numbers of gram nega- between SPT and RAST to crab extracts and
tive mesophilic bacteria being isolated through the occurrence of occupational asthma.48 The
bulk sampling of plant processing tanks. The study also showed good correlation between
mean concentrations of endotoxin were 32.6 the results of skin and RASTs with extracts of
EU/m3 (total fraction) and 15.6 EU/m3 (respir- either meat or snow crab cooking water to
able fraction), lower than the recommended which subjects were exposed. More recently,
exposure limits of 50 EU/m3 (inhalable dust).18 work among crab workers provided strong evi-
Constituents of fish juice associated with dence that airborne proteins derived from
skin symptoms have been shown to comprise snow crabs, released during boiling and crack-
traces of biogenic amines, histamine, and ing of crab legs, are responsible for the
cadaverine38; degradation compounds associ- immunological reactivity in sensitised or symp-
ated with postmortem changes24; digestive tomatic workers.16 17 Alonso et al showed
enzymes (pepsin and trypsin)39 40; and high herring specific IgE antibodies and a positive
molecular weight proteins (>10 kDa).28 No histamine release test (HRT) in a food handler
well known human pathogenic bacteria were with occupational protein contact dermatitis
present.28 It has been suggested that fish muscle (contact urticaria) due to herring.49
proteinases lead to hydrolysis of large muscle Although various other isotypes of seafood
proteins which accumulate in fish juice. It is specific immunoglobulins—for example, IgG
these denatured proteins that are thought to be and IgG subclasses, IgM and IgA—have also
responsible for inducing skin symptoms.28 Fur- been detected in patients sensitive to seafood,
thermore, it has been shown that storage their potential role in providing protection
conditions may also influence the allergenicity
from or eliciting adverse reactions to various
of seafood extracts by influencing the relative
shellfish or bony fish has not been fully
distribution of various IgE reactive proteins.41
evaluated.46 However, there may be a possible
Fish kept on ice for several days showed addi-
role for IgG in non-smokers involved in prawn
tional high molecular weight allergens and
and salmon processing and for endotoxin in
higher IgE binding capacity.
trout processing.20 37 50 The role of IgG does not
seem to correlate with allergic respiratory
Physical, biochemical, and symptoms among crab processing workers.12
immunological characteristics of seafood Most of the studies have identified allergens
Although seafood contains a wide variety of in serum samples from people with typical IgE
proteins, only a few are known allergens.35 mediated symptoms who have been sensitised
Most seafood allergens are heat stable water through ingestion. By contrast, the airborne
soluble glycoproteins with molecular weights allergens associated with asthmatic reactions
between 10 and 70 kDa and an acidic isoelec- have not yet been fully described. Only a few
tric point.42 They are detectable in fish juice, seafood allergens have been isolated, purified,

Occupational seafood allergy 557

Occup Environ Med: first published as 10.1136/oem.58.9.553 on 1 September 2001. Downloaded from http://oem.bmj.com/ on December 14, 2021 by guest. Protected by copyright.
and characterised in detail. This has been the A higher prevalence is associated with exposure
subject of a recent review.51 to aerosols from arthropods (crustaceans) than
The main allergen in fish, Gad c1, a 12 kDa with pisces (bony fish) and molluscs. Rhino-
protein from the muscle tissue of cod fish conjunctivitis and skin symptoms commonly
(Gadus morhua) was one of the first seafood occur in association and usually precede
allergens to be isolated and characterised.52 asthmatic symptoms. Upper airway symptoms
More recent studies isolated additional aller- can therefore be regarded as useful early risk
gens from cod and salmon.41 53 All these markers for occupational asthma among work-
allergens belong to a group of muscle tissue ers exposed to high molecular weight agents
proteins, parvalbumins, that have calcium such as seafood.84
chelating properties in fish. Allergenic cross A few studies have shown a dose-response
reactivity is dependent on specific amino acid relation between the level of exposure to occu-
sequences present among various fish pational agents and the prevalence of sensitisa-
species—such as hake, carp, pike, whiting, tion, non-specific bronchial hyperresponsive-
mackerel, herring, plaice and tuna.3 54 55 ness, or asthma.85 Gaddie and Friend reported
Allergens with notable amino acid homology that 83% of workers experienced relief of their
similar to the major crustacean allergen, occular, nasal, respiratory, and skin symptoms
shrimp muscle protein tropomyosin, have been when the concentration of prawn aerosols
isolated from several shrimp species as well as decreased from 1.8–3.3 to 0.1–0.3 mg/m3 in
lobster and crab.51 The allergens have molecu- the prawn blowing area.19 Douglas et al
lar weights of 30-39 kDa and have also been reported that after fitting a local exhaust venti-
identified as tropomyosin. Recently, a 31 kDa lation system, the overall mean exposure of
protein has been identified as being responsible respirable aerosol was reduced from 2.37
for asthma and rhinitis in a woman handling mg/m3 to less than 0.01 mg/m3 and no new
and cooking Norway lobster.56 A high degree of
cases of occupational asthma occurred during
IgE cross reactivity has been shown between
24 months, versus an initial 8% prevalence over
shrimp, crab, lobster, and crawfish allergens.46
an 18 month period.20
Among the molluscs, major allergens isolated
The most important host associated risk fac-
include a 38 kDa allergen in Pacific squid and
tors for sensitisation, IgE mediated immuno-
a 49 kDa protein in abalone.57 58 However,
crustaceans may also share common allergens logical reactivity and the development of
with molluscs, as has been shown between asthma, are atopy and cigarette smoking. Atopy
shrimp and lobster with squid, abalone, oyster, is more consistently associated with sensitisa-
and welk.59 60 tion to high molecular weight agents in general
and certain seafood (prawn, shrimp, clam,
Health eVects associated with seafood crab, and cuttlefish) in particular.19 36 65 71
processing Smoking has been shown in one study among
The first published report of occupational prawn processors to be an independent risk
allergic reactions due to seafood was by Beshce factor for increased specific IgE production
in 1937. He described a fisherman who devel- (OR=2.4).50
oped asthma, angioedema, and conjunctivitis Immunology tests confirm that these asth-
when handling codfish.61 Various studies have matic reactions are predominantly IgE medi-
subsequently confirmed that occupational sea- ated phenomena with IgE sensitisation levels
food allergy can be manifest as rhinitis, among workers exposed to crustaceans (ar-
conjunctivitis, asthma, urticaria, and protein thropods) of 5%–60% and bony fish 23%
contact dermatitis. Systemic anaphylactic reac- (table 4). Serum precipitating (IgG) antibodies
tions have also been reported.8 Another condi- were reported to be present in 60%–62% of
tion known to be associated with occupational workers exposed to crustaceans and 33% of
exposure to seafood is extrinsic allergic alveoli- workers exposed to bony fish (table 4). Long
tis.62 term follow up of workers with crab asthma
who have ended exposure has shown that the
ASTHMA plateau for improvement in spirometry was
The proportion of adult asthma (new and reached at mean intervals of 1 year, and for
reactivated disease) attributable to occupa- bronchial hyperresponsiveness at 2 years.86
tional exposure is estimated to be 10%.63 The Although there was evidence of a concurrent
reported prevalence of occupational asthma reduction in the concentrations of specific IgE
due to seafood varies from 7% to 36%. A sum- antibodies, no plateau was generally found
mary of findings of various published studies even at 5 years. The mean half life of specific
are presented in table 4.34 IgE antibodies to snow crab allergens detected
DiVerences in prevalences across studies in workers’ serum samples was 20 months.
may be due to varying definitions of occupa- Poor prognostic features of workers with occu-
tional asthma; diVerential exposure to seafood pational asthma include a longer period of
constituents; and the allergenic potential of exposure before the development of symptoms,
seafood proteins involved. Occupational longer duration of symptoms before diagnosis,
asthma has been associated with occupational and severity of disease at time of diagnosis.87
exposure to all the major seafood groupings in Recent studies suggest that the risk of workers
various epidemiological studies, arthropods with occupational asthma due to high molecu-
(crabs, prawns), molluscs (cuttlefish), pisces lar weight agents becoming symptomatic is
(salmon), as well as other seafood derived modified by younger age, non-immediate reac-
agents (sea squirt, Anisakis and red soft coral). tions, and continuous exposure.88 Chronic


Table 4 Epidemiological studies and case reports of occupational asthma due to seafoods

Subjects Asthma Skin prick or intradermal test Other immunologic evidence Specific bronchoprovocation test
Agent Occupation (n) prevalence (%) Other symptoms (% positive) (% positive) (% positive) Other evidence

Epidemiological studies and case reports of occupational asthma due to arthropods:

Crab King crab processors12 64 186 13% ND 60% (of random sample of 15) Precipitins: 60% of 15 ND Across shift
825 Incidence of ND ND ND ND ND
Snow crab processors18 65 303 16% Rhinitis, skin rash, 22% ND 72% (of 46 tested) PEFR + PC20
107 Incidence of Rhinitis ND RAST: 6–8% ND Spirometry
2%/6 weeks
Rock crab processors 29 7% Rhinitis, conjunctivitis 25% ND 14% (of 14 tested) PC20

Prawn Prawn processors19 50 36% Rhinitis, itchy eyes and hands 26% RAST: 16% 100% (of 2 tested) ND
Precipitins: 62%

Shrimp or clam Processors36 56 2% Rhinoconjunctivitis 16% RAST: 14% 67% (of 3 tested) PC20
4% 5% RAST: 7%

Shrimpmeal Technician67 1 NA Rhinitis Positive for shrimp RAST: positive for shrimp, crab Positive for shrimp ND
Lobster or shrimp Fishmonger 1 NA Rhinitis, hay fever, urticaria Positive for lobster, shrimp, RAST: positive for shrimp, Positive for lobster, shrimp ND
crab lobster, crab, crawfish

Lobster Chef69 1 NA Urticaria Positive for lobster, haddock, ND Positive for lobster PC20
scallops, oyster, clam, cod

Epidemiological studies and case reports of occupational asthma due to molluscs:

Cuttle fish Deep sea fishermen70 66 Incidence of Dermatitis, conjunctivitis ND ND ND ND
Fishermen71 50 ND Rhinitis, urticaria, eczema ND ND ND Spirometry

Mussel (?) Mussel openers 224 20%–23% ND ND ND ND Across shift

Mussel or Cook73 1 NA ND ND ND ND ND

Cuttle fish bone Jewellery polisher74 1 NA Urticaria Positive ND Positive ND

Clam Cancer drug researcher 1 NA Rhinitis Positive ND Positive ND

Oyster (mother of Souvenir maker76 1 NA Rhinitis, conjunctivitis Anaphylactic reaction to Precipitins: negative to mussel, ND ND
pearl) mother of pearl oyster, mother of pearl
Abalone Fisherman77 1 NA ND ND ND Positive ND

Epidemiological studies and case reports of occupational asthma due to Pisces (bony fish):
Salmon Fish processors20 291 8% Rhinitis ND RAST: 9% of all positive ND PEFR
precipitins: 33% of all positive

Trout (?) Fish processors37 8 NA Rhinitis ND RAST: 100% of all positive ND PEFR + PC20
Anti-endotoxin Ab: 13%

Fishmeal Fishmeal processors78 51 2% Skin rash, rhinitis 23% to mix of pickling, cod, Precipitins: 100% negative to 100% (of 1 tested) for fishmeal Nasal
plaice, tunny, salmon, herring, cod, herring, sardine, plaice Provocation test
Jeebhay, Robins, Lehrer, et al

NA=not applicable; ND=not done; RAST=specific IgE; PEFR=peak expiratory flow rate; PC20=methacholine/histamine challenge test; HRT=histamine release test.

Occup Environ Med: first published as 10.1136/oem.58.9.553 on 1 September 2001. Downloaded from http://oem.bmj.com/ on December 14, 2021 by guest. Protected by copyright.
Occupational seafood allergy 559

Occup Environ Med: first published as 10.1136/oem.58.9.553 on 1 September 2001. Downloaded from http://oem.bmj.com/ on December 14, 2021 by guest. Protected by copyright.
exposure seems therefore likely to lead to per-

Asthma attack at
ND (of 2 tested)
manent impairment of lung function and its

Other evidence


associated sequelae.
As most of the published studies have been

cross sectional, the potential for a healthy


worker eVect operating was high—that is,
Specific bronchoprovocation test exposed symptomatic workers will preferen-
100% (of 2 tested) for hake
tially leave the industry or move from jobs with
high exposure to low exposure. This may have
resulted in an underestimate of the true preva-
tuna, plaice salmon

82% (of 17 tested)

lence of occurrence of disease among workers
in high risk jobs. The presence of such a type of
(% positive)

bias was strongly suggested in a recent longitu-

dinal study of crab workers which showed that



new workers had higher concentrations of spe-
cific IgE and were more likely to develop

Precipitins: positive D herbacea

RAST: positive to D herbacea,
symptoms and adverse health outcomes than
RAST: 100% of 2 positive to

RAST: 1 of 2 positive to soft

HRT: positive to D herbacea

trout, anchovy, and salmon
Other immunologic evidence

experienced workers over a harvesting season

RAST: 89% of 180 with

other sponge, soft corals

RAST: 50% positive of 6 weeks duration.18 This study also showed
Precipitins: negative

that the incidence of new cases with upper res-

asthma positive

coral, lobster piratory symptoms was 56% and those with an

asthma-like outcome was 26% among all
(% positive)

NA=not applicable; ND=not done; RAST=specific IgE; PEFR=peak expiratory flow rate; PC20=methacholine/histamine challenge test; HRT=histamine release test.
exposed workers.



By contrast with respiratory allergy, dermato-
2 of 2 with asthma positive to
Skin prick or intradermal test

logical allergy to seafood has been studied and

82% of 511 with asthma

documented less in the medical literature. The

major skin manifestations associated with
100% to all species

seafood are contact urticaria and eczematous

contact dermatitis of various types.24 89 90 Con-
(% positive)

soft coral

tact urticaria is associated with direct contact


with raw seafood proteins. At least 75% of



eczematous dermatitis in the fish processing

industry are irritant, and commonly due to
contact with water and fish products (fish juice,
slime, skin, fillet).24 Contact with proteinacious
Epidemiological studies and case reports of occupational asthma due to other agents associated with seafood:

Urticaria, angioedema

material—such as seafood—also causes a

Rhinitis, dermatitis,

Rhinitis, dermatitis

chronic recurrent dermatitis commonly known

Other symptoms

as protein contact dermatitis.91 However, bio-


chemical sensitisers (garlic, onion, spices)


added to seafood can also cause a delayed

allergic contact dermatitis.90 Occupational case

studies have shown that the various dermato-

logical outcomes can also coexist in aVected
prevalence (%)

Contact urticaria and protein contact der-

matitis initially manifest as itchy, erythema-





tous, and vesicular lesions. Protein contact

dermatitis usually goes on to present as a
chronic eczema with episodic acute exacerba-


tions a few minutes after repeated contact with




the oVending allergen.90 91 The development of


immediate contact reactions usually requires


repeated skin contact although earlier sensitisa-

Fish food store keepers82

Spiny lobster fishermen

Dried fish processors80

Oyster farm workers30

tion through ingestion or inhalation and subse-

Laboratory grinder

quent dermal contact can also result in protein

Fish processors

contact dermatitis.95 96 Predominantly aVected


areas are the volar aspect of the forearm and

dorsum of the hands.24 97 In the more severe
form, local skin contact with seafood may
result in generalised urticaria or systemic

symptoms (angioedema, wheezing).92 95 98 The

Hoya (Sea squirt)
(plaice, salmon,

Marine sponge
anchovy, tuna,

diagnosis can only be made by skin prick tests

Red soft coral
hake, sardine,

Yellowfin fish
Various fish

as patch tests with the responsible allergen are

trout, sole,


usually negative.91 Sometimes, specific IgE

Table 4

antibodies can be detected in the serum


samples.90 91

560 Jeebhay, Robins, Lehrer, et al

Occup Environ Med: first published as 10.1136/oem.58.9.553 on 1 September 2001. Downloaded from http://oem.bmj.com/ on December 14, 2021 by guest. Protected by copyright.
Table 5 Epidemiological studies and case reports of dermatitis due to arthropods, pisces, and molluscs

Skin prick or
Prevalence intradermal test Other immunological
Agent Occupation Subjects (n) (% positive) evidence Patch test (SPT) Other evidence

Cod, coalfish, Fish stick and fillet 102 8 50% of 16 tested (cod) ND Patch: negative (cod) ND
haddock processors104 122 3 50% of 6 tested (cod)

Round fish Fish processors97 156 11 ND ND ND Clinical examination

Herring Dolphinarium worker 1 NA Positive for herring, RAST (herring): Open and closed test: Rub test: positive to
anchovy, sardine, positive negative to all herring, anchovy,
salmon, cod, tunny HRT: positive for sardine (immediate)
herring, sardine,
anchovy, cod, salmon,

Cod Cook93 1 NA Positive RAST: positive Open patch: positive Positive provocation
Immediate reaction test

Shrimp Shrimp processors105 110 6 29% of 7 tested ND ND ND
Waitress106 1 NA ND ND Open patch: positive ND
Immediate reaction
Fishmarket worker107 1 NA ND ND ND Positive scatch test
Positive rub test

Loligo japonica Cook108 1 NA Positive Prick prick test: Open patch: positive ND
RAST: positive Immediate reaction
Loligo vulgaris Fishmonger 1 NA Positive Prick prick test: Open patch: positive ND
RAST: negative Immediate and delayed

NA=not applicable; ND=not done; SPT=skin prick test; RAST=specific IgE; HRT=histamine release test.

In the seafood industry, the reported preva- remain several unanswered or poorly charac-
lence of occupational protein contact dermati- terised issues of importance that need to be
tis is 3%–11% (table 5).99–103 Seafood identified considered in future epidemiological studies.
in occupational protein contact dermatitis These include better characterisation of spe-
include the crustacean class among the arthro- cific protein antigens in aerosols, and associ-
pods (shrimp), molluscs (squid), bony fish ated establishment of dose-response relations;
class of pisces (cod, herring) and other agents importance of inhalational versus dermal
derived from seafood (soft coral). Crustaceans exposure routes, and of acute versus chronic
exposures, for sensitisation, extent of antigen
most often produce an IgE mediated contact
cross reactivity between major seafood groups
urticaria, although a delayed contact dermatitis
and between species within a seafood group,
may develop in certain people.89 In a study of contribution of genetic and other host associ-
workers exposed to bony fish, the average ated factors—such as atopy and smoking—in
duration of employment before the develop- determining exposure-related health eVects,
ment of symptoms was 2.3 years.104 and establishing pathophysiological mecha-
Atopy and skin integrity constitute impor- nisms through animal models.
tant host associated risk factors for the
development of urticaria and protein contact We thank Professor Jean-Luc Malo of the Department of
dermatitis. Various studies among food han- Chest Medicine, Sacre-Coeur Hospital, Montreal, Canada for
his comments on earlier versions of the manuscript. This publi-
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between atopy and occupational skin diseases Award of the Rockefeller Foundation and research grants from
the Medical Research Council of South Africa, University of
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Open reviewing
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know the names of reviewers of their papers. Research has shown that named reviews, although
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