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Last updated on June 28th, 2021 at 01:00 am



A birth chart in simplest words is a map of the soul that gives deep insights
into the purpose of the birth. It also gives indications of general past life
deeds and themes which brought you to the current incarnation.

By learning your birth chart, you take a glimpse inside your soul. As a result,
you become more aware of your inner energies which helps you to become
in tune with your true life purpose.

In other words, your birth chart helps you to understand yourself at a deeper
level and you will de nitely learn more aspects about yourself that you never
knew were there. Unleash your hidden characteristics by learning your birth
chart and looking into your soul.

With that being said, the birth chart also hides your weaknesses and
strengths, which helps you understand yourself in a better way. By knowing
your strengths, you can utilize them more e ciently and become a better
version of yourself.

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On the other hand, by knowing your weaknesses, you can avoid making the
same mistakes and break free from negative patterns to ful ll your ultimate
purpose and attain ful llment.


Calculate your free Vedic sidereal birth chart with interpretation using the
chart generator below. The chart is based on Vedic astrology which uses a  

sidereal zodiac and timing system and therefore calculates your planets with
respect to the actual star or nakshatra positions in the sky.

After having calculated your free sidereal horoscope and planetary positions
using the Vedic birth chart calculator, you are able to read the general
interpretation and predictions of your planetary placements.

The free Vedic birth chart analysis includes a basic interpretation of planets
in signs and houses as well as planetary aspects. The interpretation of the
placement of di erent house lords in various houses can be read here.

All the interpretations and predictions are written in English.

The data you insert to the calculator (name, birth date & time, location) is not stored in
our database.

Start Over

25 April 2007 at 03:30 (3:30 am) (time zone = UTC +5.5)

Universal Time: 22:00 24 April 2007
Barakpur, West Bengal, Republic of India
22°N46' 88°E22'
Sidereal Zodiac, ayanamsa = 23° 57'33" (Lahiri)
Whole Sign Houses

Chart Data For Chayan Singha Roy



Above is the circular sidereal birth chart with actual star positions.

The free analysis contains approximately 50 000 words so please take your time
and if needed, distribute the reading to multiple days.


Sun in Aries 10°  23' 03"

Read Sun in Aries analysis

Ascendant in Pisces  7°  15' 44"

Moon in Cancer 17°  52' 40"

Read Moon in Cancer analysis

Mercury in Aries  1°  13' 21"

Read Mercury in Aries analysis

Venus in Taurus 20°  54' 48"

Read Venus in Taurus analysis

Mars in Aquarius 20°  16' 05"

Read Mars in Aquarius analysis

Jupiter in Scorpio 25°  16' 01"  Rx

Read Jupiter in Scorpio analysis

Saturn in Cancer 24°  13' 06"

Read Saturn in Cancer analysis

Uranus in Aquarius 23°  21' 40"

Neptune in Capricorn 27°  49' 34"

Pluto in Sagittarius  4°  51' 29"  Rx

North Node in Aquarius 21°  02' 16"
Read North Node in Aquarius analysis

South Node in Leo ℞

Read South Node in Leo analysis


Sun in Second House

Read Analysis

Moon in Fifth House

Read Analysis

Mercury in Second House

Read Analysis

Venus in Third House

Read Analysis

Mars in Twelfth House

Read Analysis

Jupiter in Ninth House

Read Analysis

Saturn in Fifth House

Read Analysis
Uranus in Twelfth House
Neptune in Eleventh House

Pluto in Tenth House

North Node in Twelfth House


Sun Square Moon (orb 7°30')

Sun Trine Pluto (orb 5°32')

Sun Quincunx Vertex (orb 3°51')

Sun Trine Midheaven (orb 3°30')

Moon Sextile Venus (orb 3°2')

Moon Quincunx Mars (orb 2°23')

Moon Trine Jupiter (orb 7°23')

Moon Conjunction Saturn (orb 6°20')

Moon Quincunx Uranus (orb 5°29')

Moon Opposition Chiron (orb 3°28')

Moon Quincunx North Node (orb 3°10')

Mercury Trine Jupiter (orb 5°57')

Mercury Trine Saturn (orb 7°0')

Mercury Sextile Neptune (orb 3°24')
Mercury Trine Pluto (orb 3°38')

Mercury Opposition Black Moon Lilith (orb 4°27')

Mercury Trine Part of Fortune (orb 1°27')

Mercury Quincunx Vertex (orb 5°19')

Mercury Trine Midheaven (orb 5°40')

Venus Square Mars (orb 0°39')

Venus Opposition Jupiter (orb 4°21')

Venus Sextile Saturn (orb 3°18')

Venus Square Uranus (orb 2°27')

Venus Trine Neptune (orb 6°55')

Venus Trine Chiron (orb 0°26')

Venus Trine Black Moon Lilith (orb 5°52')

Venus Square North Node (orb 0°7')

Mars Square Jupiter (orb 4°60')

Mars Quincunx Saturn (orb 3°57')

Mars Conjunction Uranus (orb 3°6')

Mars Quincunx Black Moon Lilith (orb 6°31')

Mars Conjunction North Node (orb 0°46')

Jupiter Trine Saturn (orb 1°3')

Jupiter Square Uranus (orb 1°54')

Jupiter Sextile Neptune (orb 2°34')
Jupiter Sextile Chiron (orb 3°55')

Jupiter Sextile Black Moon Lilith (orb 1°31')

Jupiter Square North Node (orb 4°14')

Jupiter Conjunction Part of Fortune (orb 4°30')

Saturn Quincunx Uranus (orb 0°51')

Saturn Opposition Neptune (orb 3°36')

Saturn Opposition Chiron (orb 2°52')

Saturn Sextile Black Moon Lilith (orb 2°33')

Saturn Quincunx North Node (orb 3°11')

Saturn Trine Part of Fortune (orb 5°33')

Uranus Quincunx Black Moon Lilith (orb 3°25')

Uranus Conjunction North Node (orb 2°19')

Uranus Square Part of Fortune (orb 6°24')

Neptune Sextile Pluto (orb 7°2')

Neptune Conjunction Chiron (orb 6°29')

Neptune Trine Black Moon Lilith (orb 1°3')

Neptune Sextile Part of Fortune (orb 1°57')

Pluto Conjunction Part of Fortune (orb 5°5')

Pluto Square Vertex (orb 1°40')

Pluto Square Ascendant (orb 2°24')

Pluto Conjunction Midheaven (orb 2°1')
Chiron Trine Black Moon Lilith (orb 5°26')

Black Moon Lilith Quincunx North Node (orb 5°44')

Black Moon Lilith Sextile Part of Fortune (orb 2°60')

Part of Fortune Square Vertex (orb 6°46')

Part of Fortune Square Ascendant (orb 7°30')

Part of Fortune Conjunction Midheaven (orb 7°7')

Vertex Opposition Ascendant (orb 0°44')

Vertex Square Midheaven (orb 0°21')

Ascendant Square Midheaven (orb 0°23')


Thank you for finding valuable time to learn deep facts about yourself. I hope that
the free birth chart analysis helped you to find clarity and initiated a never-ending
blissful journey.

25 April 2007 at 03:30 (3:30 am) (time zone = UTC +5.5)

Universal Time: 22:00 24 April 2007
Barakpur, West Bengal, Republic of India
22°N46' 88°E22'
Sidereal Zodiac, ayanamsa = 23° 57'33" (Lahiri)
Whole Sign Houses

Chart Data For Chayan Singha Roy

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