MUSIC 9 Q2 W1 MODULE 2 Music of The Classical Period

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Candon City, Ilocos Sur

Quarter 2 – Week 1 – Module 2:
Prepared by: Jonathan P. Grabilez

Lesson Music of the Classical Period

1.Explains the performance practice (setting, composition, role of
composers/performers, and audience) during Classical Period (MU9CL-IIa-f-3).
2. Identify the different composers during the Classical Period.
3. Describe the musical style of each composer of the Classical Period.


1. Who are the composers during Classical Period?
2. What are the compositions of different composers during Classical Period?
3. What are the musical style of the Classical Period composers?

The Classical Era is also called “Age of reason,” is the period from 1750-1820.
The cultural life was dominated by the aristocracy, as patrons of musicians and artist
generally influenced the arts.
The term classical denotes conformity with the principles and characteristics of
ancient Greek and Roman literature and art which were formal, elegant, simple, freed, and
dignified. The same characteristics may also describe the melodies of classical music.
Harmony and texture are homophonic in general. The dynamics of loud and soft was
clearly shown through the extensive use of crescendo and diminuendo. A style of broken
chord accompaniment and called Alberti Bass was practiced.
Composers of the Classical Music
Franz Joseph Hayden (1732-1809)
He is one of the foremost unmistakable composers of the
Classical Period. His life depicts as a “rags-to-riches” story. He
came from a destitute family and his music driven to rise in social
status. He was enlisted by wealthy supporters and executive for
the Esterhazy family for 30years.
His music reflects his character and identity: basically calm,
adjusted, genuine but with touches of humor. He was able to
compose over 100 symphonies and created them into long shapes for expansive ensemble.

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He was named, “Father of the Symphony” although he exceeded expectations in each
music sort of the period. Most of his ensembles have nicknames such as the “Surprise
Symphony”, “The Clock”, and “The Military”. He moreover composed chamber piano
music and choral works.
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1756-1791)
He is a child wonder and the foremost astonishing
virtuoso in melodic history. At age five, he was as of now
playing the violin and the harpsichord; at six, he was
recognized as an extraordinary piano player, and at seven, he
was as of now composing fabulous music. At age thirteen, he
had composed sonatas, concertos, ensembles, devout works,
and musical dramas and operettas.
He tested in all sorts of music and composed over 700
works. Shockingly, due to fumbled funds he lived his life in
destitution, died, and was buried in an obscure grave. He composed brilliant concertos,
symphonies, and operas such as “The Marriage of Figaro” (1786), “Don Giovanni”
(1789), and “The Magic Flute “which became popular.
Ludwig Van Beethoven (1770-1827)
He was born in Bonn, Germany to a family of perform
and studied music at an early age. He was the composer who
bridged the late Classical era and the early Romantic era. He
was a skilled piano player and composer. His celebrated
compositions incorporate 32 piano sonatas, 21 set of
variations, 9 symphonies, 5 concertos for piano, 16 string
quartets, and choral music.
His works include the “Missa Solemnis” (1818-1832) and
opera “Fidelio” (1805). He began to go deaf in 1796 but this
did not end up an obstacle. He proceeded composing through the assistance of a partner
and hearing contraption. A few of his popular compositions were made when he was deaf.
Vocal and Instrumental Music
A multi-movement work for solo instrument, Sonata came from the word “Sonare”
which means to make a sound. This term is applied to a variety of works for solo
instrument such as keyboard or violin. There are 3 movements in of Sonata:
1st Movement: Allegro-fast movement
2nd Movement: Andante-slow movement
3rd Movement: Minuet-it is in three-four time and in a moderate or fast tempo
Sonata Allegro Form
The most important form that developed during the Classical era consists of 3
distinct sections:
1. Exposition - first part of a composition in sonata form that introduces the theme
2. Development –middle part of the sonata-allegro form where themes are developed

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3. Recapitulation – repeats the theme as they first emerge in the opening exposition
A multi-movement work designed for an instrumental soloist and orchestra. It is a
classical form of music intended primarily to emphasize the individuality of the solo
instrument and to exhibit the virtuosity and interpretative abilities of the performer. The
solo instruments in classical concertos include violin, cello, clarinet, bassoon, trumpet,
horn, and piano. A concerto has three movements: fast, slow, and fast.
A multi-movement for orchestra, the symphony is derived from the word “Sinfonia”
which means “a harmonious sounding together”. It is a classical music for the whole
orchestra, generally in four movements.

Directions: Write the letter of your choice before each number.
____1. What do we mean by the phrase “harmonious sounding together”?
A. Sinfona B. Sinfonia C. Sonare D. Sonaire
____2. When did Ludwig Van Beethoven became deaf?
A. 1769 B. 1796 C. 1967 D. 1976
____3. What part of the sonata allegro has the introduction of the theme?
A. Allegro B. Development C. Exposition D. Recapitulation
____4. Who is the composer described as a person “from rags-to-riches”?
A. Bach B. Beethoven C. Haydn D. Mozart
____5. What music period is also called “The Age of Reason”?
A. Baroque B. Classical C. Medieval D. Renaissance
____6. What musical composition is designed to be played by full orchestra?
A. Cantata B. Concerto C. Sonata D. Symphony
____7. Who had an experiment in all kinds of music and has composed over 700 works?
A. Bach B. Beethoven C. Haydn D. Mozart
____8. What does the term Sonare mean?
A. make a music B. make a noise C. make a sound D. make a work
____9. What section of sonata allegro form having themes to develop?
A. development B. exposition C. recapitulation D. sonata
____10. How many years did Haydn become musical director for Esterhazy family?
A. 10 years B. 20 years C. 30 years D. 40 years
2014. In Learner's Material in Music and Arts 9, by et. al Mary Grace J. Bandiola. Pasig
City: Vibal.
1. A 6. D
2. B 7. D
3. C 8. C
4. C 9. A
5. B 10. C

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