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Listening Activities 1:
A. Pre-Listening
Answer the following questions!
1. Mention some children issues that burn in Indonesia recently!
Smoking, sexual violence, riding motorcycle, stealing , violent
behavior etc.
What do you think about smoking children issue in Indonesia:
a. Why do some kids start smoking?
Oftenly this thing happen because of the environment. When
there are many smokers around, it’s likely that the kids will be
curious and think smoking is normal and try it.
b. How should the effective smoking education for kids be designed
and implemented?
I think kids should get smoking education as early as possible and
because of that family take significant role here in kids behavior.
So as parent they need to carried their duty properly.
c. What are the effects of smoking for children?
1. Impaired growth and development of the lungs and high
possibilities to have lungs cancer.
2. Damage on kids teeth, like caries, mouth infection,
dental plaque, and etc.
3. Decreasing bones and muscle health
d. Who is/are or what is/are possibly burning this issue?
The kids parents. Because, parents have mandatory to educate
and watch over the children from bad influences whether
internal aspects or external aspects, and parents have give good
example behavior to children so children can imitate it. The
smoke companies that ignorant about this issue, and the
governor that do nothing to educate people about smoking.
e. What should they do to prevent and resolve the issue?
Goverment needs to make some regulate about cigarette
distributions and educate people about the bad effects of

B. During-Listening

1. Listen to the following video.

2. While you listen, take note some key information.
3. Be clear and brief, do not write down everything/every words
that you listen.

Below is a guide containing some sentence clues to assist you to
identify/spot main information:

1. What does Australia/western world shock about Indonesia?

2. Who is the smoking child?
3. What happens to the smoking child?
4. What does Matthew Myers think about this issue in Indonesia?
5. How are the conditions of the local community, including parents in
that area?
6. How does the smoking child start smoking?
7. What are the effects of smoking on him (the child smoking)?
8. How do his parents feel about him/their son (the child smoking)?
9. What do they (the child smoking parents and Matthew Myers) say
about cigarette industries?
10. What do other people/wider communities do to help the smoking
kid? and why?
11. What happens to the smoking child (how is he) afterwards?
12. How do this critical smoking youth problems occur in Indonesia?
What are the impetuses?
13. What is the cigarette industry justification about smoking at early
age issue?


Note taking (sentence method):

➢ In the western world there’s been a huge crackdown on

tobacco. big tobacco’s market shrinks in Australia and
elsewhere, it’s refocusing its sales efforts on developing
countries like Indonesia. The result is a massive increase in
smoking rates including among children. Indonesia

correspondent Matt Brown reports on the plight of one little boy
who’s found it impossible to kick the habit.

➢ Ilham is the example of an 8 years child who already smoking for

four years.

➢ Indonesia faces a public health tragedy from smoking that

probably is great or greater than any nation in the world. With
so many children starting they’re facing a true epidemic.

➢ Parents are often ignorant about basic child health wellbeing

and discipline against that backdrop. The tobacco industry is
selling a health hazard so ubiquitous, it’s almost impossible for
kids to avoid.

➢ There’s no other country where a third of all kids test try a

cigarette before the age of 10. In Indonesia where over 60% of
men smoke over 80% of them started as a child.

➢ Indonesia is a reflection of what happens when allow the

tobacco industry to do whatever they want to make their
products appealing to children and you do virtually nothing to
educate your population.

➢ After a month Ilham was released but little had been achieved, it
was not a happy homecoming and Ilham's ordeal was about to
take another terrible twist. His parent was devastated when
Ilham ran away from home. It was three weeks before Ilham was
found trying to steal from a mosque donation box 300
kilometers away.

➢ It’s well known that the industry turned to place like Indonesia
as regulations tightened up in the developed world, but the
statistic on child smoking paint a truly damning picture.

➢ The cigarette industries and companies insist that they do not

target children and it’s not their fault that so many children
smoking cigarettes.

➢ Indonesia is the only country in Southeast Asia that hasn’t
signed the international convention on tobacco control. draft
new laws being prepared right now a much weaker than the
convention requires, but the industry and its supporters like
opposition are fighting even those.

C. Post-Listening

1. Summarize your note taking by rewriting, sequencing and

refine/polish your collaborative information in a paragraph

Indonesia is the only country in Southeast Asia that hasn’t

signed the international convention on tobacco control. Because
of that Indonesia faces a public health tragedy from smoking
that probably is great or greater than any nation in the world.
With so many children starting they’re facing a true epidemic.
Based on data almost 60% man smoking and almost 80% start
smoking when thet were under 10 years old. Ilham is the
example of an 8 years old child who already smoking for four
years and he become addicted so when he doesn’t get a cigar
will angry and doing something violent even stealing

2. Listening Activities 2:
A. Pre-Listening

Answer the following questions!

1. What are the functions of food?

Food provides our bodies with what they need to:
• stay alive, be active, move and work;
• build new cells and tissues for growth;
• stay healthy and heal themselves;
• prevent and fight infection;
• And much more because food is very important to humans.

2. What are the meanings of food for you and your friends?
My definition of food is that it’s one of the three basic human
needs, in addition to shelter, and clothing. Food provide body
with energy to live, work, and many more.
3. Describe the food or eating culture in your area/region!
In my region the food is spicy and salty. And we oftenly eating
food with our right hands
4. What is your favourite food, eating habit and compare-contrast it
with your friends in one group!
My favorite food is tempe penyet. because I like spicy. My
eating habit is that i prefer to eat with my hands instead of
spoon, eating with my hands is faster and more comfortable
5. What do you think of the notion “food is love”?
because food can fill our hungry stomach. Just as love can
sacrifice everything to its partner, so can food. food can sacrifice
itself to fill our stomach.

A. During-Listening

1. Listen to the following video

2. While you listen, take note some main information (by using
Cornell method)


Write down each speaker’s thinking and feeling about food by using
Cornell note taking method!

Nigella Lawson She like different foods which are why
eating the food of someone else's
childhood can be fabulous exciting because
everyone has a different truth just like
everyone has a different personality.
There is more love in food. Food is the
common language wherever you come
food can unity.

Graham Elliot He think that food is the Looking-Glass into

that culture wherever you're at, whatever
country or city or even neighborhood in
the state that you’re in.

Marcus Samuelsson In the Best way, food can connect us and

tell us the story about why we eat to the
way we eat, you want to invite a friend into
that conversation in that diner.

Food can makes we feel slowdown and

Ed Mitchell enjoy our life.

Food is the common language wherever you come food can unity. Food
can describe culture. Food can make us to enjoy our life.

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