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This is a necessity for the church to understand.

What you heard about

Jezebel is a lie. There is a true face behind Jezebel. You’ll know this
from the scripture. So read through;

Read: Ephesians 6:12 ... For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against
principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darknes ...

The moment you say you are fighting Jezebel you are fighting the
wrong fight. Jezebel is a decoy. We don’t wrestle against flesh and
blood. Jezebel was a human being (flesh and blood). Calling the spirit of
Jezebel is a miss. Is Demon a human being or a spirit behind human

The moment you put flesh to it-- i.e saying “I am fighting the spirit of
Jezebel”, it is a loss by default. Everything in the physical realm is a
manifestation of what is happening in the spiritual realm. For example,
if you see (let’s use Evangelist W so u can understand) ministering the
word of Lord Jesus, then you know that the spirit behind this work is
the Holy Ghost, not the spirit of Evangelist W.

Jezebel was a human being that was used by an evil spirit. She was not
a demon. The talk has been about Jezebel, instead of the spirit behind
Jezebel’s work. Everything you were told about Jezebel is a lie.

If a demon is cast out of a person, you don’t label the delivered person
as a demon. It was an evil spirit that was influencing the person to do
whatever inappropriate thing they were doing. Demons use the
personality of a person to carry its desires, and that’s what was
happening with Jezebel.
Just by the above verse, you should never have demon called the
Jezebel. And the funny thing is that the Bible tells you what spirit was
inside her. The Bible is wide open on this.

Read: 1 Kings 16:31--- And it came to pass, as if it had been a light thing for him to
walk in the sins of Jeroboam the son of Nebat, that he took to wife Jezebel the daughter of
Ethbaal king of the Zidonians, and went and served Baal, and worshipped him.

We should not be talking about the spirit of Jezebel but the spirit of
Baal. There has been sermons about a human being instead of the spirit
behind it. The true face of the so called spirit of jezebel is the spirit of
BAAL not Jezebel.

I bet you have never heard any church say “In the name Jesus, we cast
you out—you spirit of Baal”. Never. Instead what is heard is “the spirit
of Jezebel, we cast you out”. You know what! with that approach, the
spirit of Baal is left roaming free.

Baal is roaming free because he has worn a mask (Jezebel) that people
have adopted. People are fighting the flesh (Jezebel) and Baal is left
free. People are protecting Baal by going after the flesh (Jezebel)
instead of the spirit (Baal himself).

People are like “in the name of Jesus, you spirit of Jezebel we command
you” and Baal is like Yes! Continue... The devil is celebrating Baal, you
did it again, keep these people focused on that Jezebel

The issue is that we are not spiritual enough to capture and grasp the
things we are wrestling against. The Bible is telling you, we are not
wresting against flesh and blood. So, if anything is rooted in flesh and
blood, you should automatically know that it is a decoy without a
Look at this: We don’t serve a God that is flesh, but we are serving a
spirit that manifested in flesh. God is an eternal spirit that manifested
in flesh. So, if you are thinking of Jesus as a human being, you are
missing a point. Wrestling is in both ways. Remember Jacob wrestled
with God, but he grabbed the flesh to tell the flesh you must bless
me because I know you are not flesh. However, we take this
principle and reverse it without understanding that what we are doing
before God is a crime. Imagine how many deliverances people have gone for in
the name of spirit of Jezebel troubling them?!

 Demons can camouflage (playing tricks) just to avoid being chased away

We should be dealing with Baal. Jezebel is just a proof of what the spirit of Baal
does. Jezebel should not be the focus. You don’t give main focus on the man of
God, but main focus should be on the God of that man (of course Jesus Christ). So
Jezebel was just a form to reveal how Baal operates.

One thing people don’t know is that this demon called Baal or the spirit of Baal
is a fallen one, and Baal is a very highly ranked demonic spirit.

Baal has always portrayed himself to be like Elohim

He has always pretended---such that if you don’t know that spirit---you’ll think it
is the Spirit of God, but it’s not

Here are the reasons why

 Elohim has a temple, Baal also has a temple too

 Elohim has prophets, Baal also has prophets too
 You give seed to Elohim, people also give seed to Baal too

In fact, if you understand theology-- you go and research about baal---you’ll

realize that a lot of people in those days were confusing which one was the true
God. They did not know who was who.
Elijah is coming up and telling, we are going to offer a sacrifice and we will see
who is really God. It means there was a big confusion on who was the real God.

 For baal to hear you there must be blood, and for us to heard by God,
blood had to be shed (the work of Calvary).

Do you get it?

 Whenever the children of Israel came before God to be heard, they did a
sin sacrifice—blood would be shed. The prophets of baal are talking to baal-
-- and baal is not hearing them ---So, they began to cut themselves because
they understood how things worked.

If one does not comprehend how these things play out....Do you see there is a
focus on the wrong thing (Jezebel instead of Baal)? Yet that spirit has been busy in
the church camouflaging as Jezebel, and it leaves people focusing on one part and
missing on a lot- the great part that is behind it.


the occult)

Some don’t know that some of the leaders or elders in certain churches are
masons, some of them in different occults, but they’ll sit there and preach Jesus
and talk about how the lord is good, while holding King James Bible. That is the
spirit of Baal because that is what Baal does.

When baal is about to be exposed, he brings out the image of jezebel and you end
up focusing on her (Jezebel) while baal is doing his thing behind the scenes/ in the

People have had this wrong. That if a woman has this seductive tendency
(MOSTLY sexual LUST), people conclude that is the spirit of Jezebel. Who told
you that?

Do you know what the name Jezebel means in Hebrew? It means pure or virginal--
to abstain from anything unclean. Yes, go and confirm it. The truth is that Jezebel
does not come in a way--- to seduce you in the sexual way.
The name means purity. You have seen people having a form of Godliness but
denying the power of Jesus Christ...and you assume that they cannot be Jezebel
or has nothing to do with that. That’s the real Jezebel.

I told you everything you knew about Jezebel is a lie. Now you see

Some ‘men of God’ look calm, pure, polite but you don’t see any manifestation of
God in them and you think that’s not Jezebel.

Do you know for you to function in the occult you need to be pure? YES, you
heard me right.

When you see people sleeping around (sexual immorality) and all sorts of
defilements, those are just babies in the occult. When in occult, you are actually
not permitted to do those things. The real occults you cannot tell by just looking
at them. Remember the devil does not come with horns, wearing sneakers and
looking red. So, when people talk of the spirit of Jezebel they think about sexual
seduction and such things.

Jezebel was sent to infiltrate the prophets. A prophet is someone that speaks on
behalf of God. Prophet simply means preacher who speaks the word of God. So,
Jezebel’s work is not focused on the members of church, it is among the prophets,
ministers of true that they can teach you a wrong doctrine

Let me show you:

When the ‘spirit of Jezebel’ comes it comes in the form of teaching. Because it
comes to pretend that they are sent from God. It means Jezebel has nothing to do
with seducing you sexually. But Christians get it wrong, when they see a woman
behaving in unusual sexual way they conclude-- “that’s the spirit of Jezebel.”
instead of spirit of Lust

Jezebel comes to say “thus says the Lord” but the Lord she is referring to is the
devil (Baal) not Lord Jesus.
How to know the spirit of Jezebel

 It comes through-- using false doctrine --(wrong teaching)

There is a difference between witchcraft, sorcery, being a pettish priest or

priestess, and to be in the occult. These are not the same. Someone in the Occult
is higher than all these wicked dimensions. Occult is the systems of the world.
Occult is the spiritual wickedness in high places. And that’s now the spirit of Baal
that camouflages as the so called spirit of Jezebel. Jezebel is a mask, when you
take it off you see someone called Baal. People think spirit of Jezebel is sex,
stealing, confusion. It’s a lie and fake. You’ve been wasting time praying against
the wrong thing. You confuse spirit of Lust with Jezebel. Come on! Jezebel is not
interested in your husband or wife. The teaching f jezebel is the seduction.
Seduction is not sexual. it is to give your body up for something (check the Hebrew
meaning). Seduce is another word for manipulate. Jezebel comes to program you
in a way you cannot realize quickly, and end up doing the thing you never desired
to do and you think it is right.

Jezebel is only after the servants of God (Prophets, preachers e.t.c) not your
husband. That is just spirit of Lust after your spouse.

Whenever a minister starts to teach a corrupt message e.g hell is not real or
supporting the alphabet people (LGBT), that is the spirit of baal at work.

Jezebel comes to disarm the church. It operates in governments to infiltrate the

church by putting measures that will affect the church....Just like Jezebel was in
power in the bible, putting measures that affected and made it hard for the true
church of Lord God.
Look at America. In the past Election, people were just on emotions and wanting
all they wanted, not knowing politicians are just politicians who lie everyday. You
don’t vote for a ‘good’ person, you vote for the lesser evil one. You have to
discern who will at least carry out the will of God. Do you see what they
attempted to do, to shut down the churches? --In the name of protecting people.

The clock has now been moved 50years faster than what it was actually was. The
world has changed in 2yrs and it will never be the same. The world always change
after ten years, but this time round, it was weird. If you look at the 60s are
different from the 70s and 80s and so on. When we look at 2019-2021, its like the
world has changed soooo fast and is unrecognizable.


different exit by force. Completely different direction. Everything now is about
leveling (Equalizing Everything).



There are new cultures being introduced. What do you think this Metaverse
thing is all about----among other issues we have seen and still seeing? There are
some strange things on the horizon. All these are here because of the direction
the world has taken.

There two place that this spirit operates

1. In governments (To infiltrate the Church)

Jezebel was in the palace to implement laws and things that would affect the
church. And they would plant people in churches in order to align them with what
Baal wants (The baal who is camouflaging behind Jezebel).
The spirit of Jezebel is much deeper than someone wanting your husband or wife,
We need to wake up out of this nonsesnse.

Read: Revelation 2:20 Notwithstanding I have a few things against thee, because thou
sufferest that woman Jezebel, which calleth herself a prophetess, to teach and to seduce my
servants to commit fornication, and to eat things sacrificed unto idols.

Did you see where it goes based on the above verse?. The goal is to come in,
teach you wrong doctrine, to give your body up to another function and to begin
to eat from tables of idols. What does this even mean? It means initiation to the
occult. Yes.

When Shadrach, Meshack and Abenego were in Babylon, they were offered foods
from the kings table, they said please allow us to eat vegetable and water.

What was happening is through you’ll understand


When Babylon had invaded Isarel and captured its people, the Bible says the King
chose bright, smart young man. You have to know that you cannot tell who is
smart or bright when you capture slaves. If you look at the culture of Babylon, the
King always had Wizards and strong spiritual occultic people with them---that
would tell them the moves that they should make. So, the young men they picked
was because the wizards saw the potential of them being useful spiritually.

So, part of the process was

1. We are going to change their names

2. We are going to indoctrinate them to the Babylonian system. But for us to
make sure they carry our interests, we need to feed them food from our

Let me ask you: When Jesus was about to go to heaven, why did he have the last
supper? And when he was feeding his disciples what was he telling them?

He said “This is my body...”

When you are eating bread, you think you are just eating bread, but you are
actually eating flesh and you are drinking blood. Jesus was initiating us to his
body, so that we can call the body of Christ, because we have consumed his body
and his blood is in us. THIS IS A SPIRITUAL PRINICIPAL. That was not impartation
but initiation.

Whenever God wanted to bring a nation to himself---remember Israel the man---

was the father of the nation but he was not the people of Israel. He was the
father of Israelites.

When drought happened in the world, Joseph was sent ahead to protect them.
And when they came to Egypt, they were given a town (A city called Goshen).
While there, they were separated from the Egyptians coz the Jews were not
supposed to eat out of the table of the Egyptians because they would be initiated
into something they were not.

So, Joseph because of his spirituality, he did not do what the Egyptians did---to
point that he said when I die take my bones out of this place. When God wanted
to deliver them, bible tells us they multiplied in number (became a country—the
twelve tribes), from the Egypt , God told them to slaughter and put blood on door
post, then boil and eat that meat. Why is God telling them to eat? So that when
He passes by He sees his body. Yes.

Whenever there was something big that needed to happen, food was always

Many of you demons have entered you because f what you ate. You went to eat
because somebody (you don’t even know his or her background or motives)
invited you out to eat. You are always eating, you are in a bus and a stranger
offers you something to it and you immediately jump on it. You don’t know that
person who is serving you might be connecting you to their gods.

The bible says, the Lord will prepare a table for you. The Lord Christ. Because
when He prepares a table for you, he conncets you to His father God- Elohim.
Deception is the art of camouflage of the devil

The teaching will cause them to legalize things that are not supposed to be legal if
you walk with God

The next step is that you’ll be seduced and begin to eat their food (of their gods).
It means it will be okay for you to do crystals, horoscopes, looking at cards. The
moment you are attracted to these things of darkness, Jezebel has already
gotten you.

The moment it is okay for you to do things that God hates and your heart is not
even skipping a beat or get frightened---you are in danger---they got you.

You see people in the church, during their birthday---they are drunk on the floor.
Drunkenness is a sin, it’s a way the world celebrates. Why would you do that? You
are infiltrated but you don’t know. This is not to condemn you but to open your

When you keep doing or saying things that you know you cannot sa while in
church, you are becoming two-face (The Jezebel).

The issue is that the church is fighting things they don’t even know.

Your enemy is Baal not Jezebel (the mask of the Baal)

People fighting the true prophetic watch out ---spirit of baal (what you call
Jezebel) is at work. The goal of this spirit is to kill the true prophets and give you
their prophets who will usher you into deception by teaching wrong doctrine

They know that the key is to take the true prophet and corrupt them or kill them
to win

church to be intact but to be their church nit of the Lord Christ.
Have you ever asked yourself why is that is the true prophets are being attacked
the most? Why not true apostles, true evangelists, true pastors? It is because
Baal’s assignment, given by Lucifer is destroying the church by making it theirs.

Note: The moment you give in to baal, you automatically introduce the spirit of
death in your genealogy. They will always kill your sons, so that there will be no

 The devil doesn’t lie completely. He has 99% truth and 1% lie. But that 1%
is too concentrated to destroy you. So, you must be able to discern
between what is true and what is almost true (Because what is false you
can easily tell).
 The principals of the spirit are the same because they are ordained by God.
But the intent of those principles is what the devil wants to control. That’s
why God knows the intentions of your heart, he starts by looking at your
hear before actions. So we should not look at Jezebel but look at why
Jezebel is that Jezebel
 There are denominations born of baal e.g Jehova Witness because they
deny the lordship of Jesus. Momons are also baal, Muslims too. They are all
close to the truth but not the truth. Muslims say Jesus was a great man and
we love him but he was a prophet. It is not a lie that Jesus came as prophet.
The problem is that they deny He is God manifested in flesh. Quran is a
photocopy of bible edited really wrong. The stories in there are jumbled
and messed up. It is what it is in your bible but just messed up (almost
truth but not truth). They think they know Jesus but they don’t.
 The true occultic people you’ll never know them. It is a secret society.
Hidden. All these illuminati you hear a celebrity is in, those are just decoys
and puppets. The big boys running the game you can never know them...
 BAAL is not interested in small things....but major things to be initiated to
prepare the coming of antichrist

.................................TO BE CONTINUED
Full video 

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