FORTICH Narrative Report (NSTP)

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Republic of the Philippines


Pililla, Rizal


Submitted to:

Mrs. Ma. Cecilla Santos

NSTP Professor

Submitted by:

Aliah Glen B. Fortich

In August 27, 2021 we have a webinar about GAD Basic Concepts with Mental
Wellness and Resilience in the Workplace. First we start to pray led by Ms. Layza
Andrea P. Fulgueras and followed by singing the national anthem. They introduced the
President of the School which is Dr. Nancy T. Pascual and the guest speakers which is
Professor Marita C. Pimentel and Dr. Niclie L. Tiratira, Our University GAD Center head
Dr. Masinsin, to the campus directors Mrs. Polbe, Head University Management Office,
to all the division Directors and sub-units teaching and non- teachings personnel guest.

They said that not all the things just stop because of the pandemic its just put a
hold on it. Followed by the speech of Dr. Nancy Pascual and she greeted all who behind
for the webinar on that today and followed by Dr. Masinsin thanking Mr. Capistrano and
all staff for the webinar. Dr. Masinsin introduced the first guest speaker for the Mental
Wellness and Resilience in the workplace which is Dr. Niclie L. Tiratira and Dr. Tiratira
presented power point that’s all about Mental Wellness Resilience in the workplace. And
Dr. Masinsin introduced the last guest speaker for the Gender and Development work
which is Professor Marita C. Pimentel then presented also a power point about Gender
Development Work. Lastly acknowledgement of all behind on the webinar and give
lesson “Life is unpredictable as it is you cannot take power over what might happen in
the next day but you can take on control of your life and how you reacted to it maybe
not an easy journey but with the positive mind set right amount of confidence,
commitment renewed motivation anything is possible as the fails same goes what
doesn’t kill you make you stronger.”

Also In August 27, 2021 The first who presented what will be the webinar is Professor
Marivic Reyes, the presented power point was all about the Orientation on Republic
9163. They presented the History and legal basis of NSTP. They presented the
former presidents of the Philippines which are Former President Manuel L. Quezon in
1935 National Defense Act was enacted by National Assembly of the Philippines and
signed by our former President Quezon then Former President Ferdinand E. Marcos in
1980 students can choose freely on the three components which is CWTS,LTS and
ROTC and lastly Former President Corazon C. Aquino in 1986 the Suspension of Civil
welfare and Law Enforcement Services except Military Service and in 1991 it has RA
7077 ROTC military training for students enrolled in colleges, universities and similar
institutions of learning is mandatory its still under the reigning of former President

Republic Act 9163 has an objective because they want to acknowledge the
youth’s vital role in nation building. Professor Reyes show the three components of the
NSTP which are Civil Welfare Training Service (CWTS), Literacy Training Service (LTS)
and Reserve Officer’s Training Corps (ROTC). The implementers of this are
Commission on Higher Education, Technical Education and Skills Development
Authority and Department of National Defense. In first semester it has three units same

with second semester so for the first academic year has 6 units . PMA, PMMA, PNPH is
exempted in NSTP. It was start way back 2002-2003 to male and female students and
provided students incentives which are Health and Accident group insurances and
Special Scholarship Program. Lastly the organization of NSTP graduates has National
Service Reserve Corps (NSRC) and Citizen Armed Forces. CWTS AND LTS is under in
NSRC and ROTC is under in the Citizen Armed Forces.

Engineer Maribeth Esteva she presented the Environmental Issues, Protection

and Laws. She discuss every slide that presented which are our environmental
problems and issues, the ten major current environmental problems, Environmental
protection, importance of environmental protection, and Philippines Environmental
Laws. We have ten major current environmental problems which are pollution, global
warming, overpopulation, natural resource depletion, waste disposal, climate change.
Loss of biodiversity, deforestation, urban sprawl and Ozone layer depletion. She also
presented the Importance of Environmental Protection and Philippines Environmental
impact statement system. The Philippines Environmental Laws are President Decree
(PD) Philippines Environmental impact statement system 1586 RA 9275 Philippines
Clean Water Act of 2004 and RA 9275 Prohibited Act, RA 6969 Philippine Toxic
Subtances and Hazardous and Nuclear Water Act, RA 9727 Climate change Act of
2009, RA 9003 Philippine Ecological Solid Waste Management Act (PEWSMA) of 2000,
RA 9512 Environmental Awareness and Education Act of 2008.

In August 28, 2021 Engineer Vincent D. Sulit presented the Disaster Risk
Reduction and Management Awareness. He discussed what is disaster risk and what
are the factors that increase Disaster Risk. The Disaster Risk has formula, hazard,
exposure, vulnerability, capacity, climate change, and building capacities. He showed
the valley fault system, Estimated number of affected structures and Estimated number
of life-threatening injuries fatalities. In the presented power point he showed also the
economic loss in the entire province of Rizal which estimated in `82.431 billion pesos.
Implementing the YES (Ynares Eco System) to green project this project has six
components and four objectives.

Philippine DRRM Act of 2010 It has paradigm shift PD 1566 is the Disaster Relief
a Response or Reactive while RA 10121 Disaster Risk Reduction and Mgmt or
proactive. He presented also the DRRM framework and the Sec. 14 Integration of
disaster Risk Reduction, Sec. 6 NDDRMC powers and functions, Sec. 5 NDRRMC
Composition, Sec. 11 Local DRRM Councils Composition and Functions Sec. 12 Local
DRRM Office, Sec. 12 Local DRRM Funds, Sec. 16 Declaration of State of Calamity,
Sec. 17 State of Calamity and last Sec. 15 Coordination During Emergencies.

MAJ Ariel G. Castro presented the Citizenship Training. MAJ Castro showed
the definition of Citizenship and General Principles it has three mode of acquiring

citizenship which are by birth, by naturalization and by marriage. He included the Article
IV 1987 Philippine Constitutions: Citizenship it has three classification of Filipino citizen
first native- born citizen, second natural- born citizen and last naturalized citizens. He
showed also the rights of the Filipino citizen and the Duties and Obligations of Filipino
Citizen be loyal, defend the state, contribute and uphold. And Lastly MAJ Castro
presented fifteen things our youth can do to help our country.

CPL Windmark Caceres presented the power point about National Security
Concerns. Youth and Student for CPP Lifeblood of CPA-NDF-NPA. He showed to
power point on how the recruitment works the first is symposia, fora, talks, and lectures,
the second one is educational discussions and simple teachings and third
demonstrations. CPP-NPA recruiters will inserts hints of socialism and communism in
discussion, General mass course, Party course and immersions. They say that students
recruits have been fully brainwashed, several mothers of minors share the pain they are
going through because of recruited CPP front groups. And he showed on the presented
power point what happen on the students who climbed up they are arrested and others
are dead because of NPA and the other was surrendered.


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