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Based on Article. 107 & 4 of the Code of Administrative Procedure deviated from the justification.

This permit entitles to perform work only on condition that the foreigner has a residence title. About
the criteria referred to in Art. 87 sec. 1 point 12 of the Act of 20 April 2004 on employment promotion
and labor market institutions (Journal of Laws of 2020, item 1409), hereinafter referred to as the act.
Temporary stay or other document entitling to stay in the territory of the Republic of Poland, this
permit does not authorize entry, stay or work in this territory.

The entity entrusting the performance of work to the foreigner is obliged to provide the foreigner with
one copy of the permit and to include the conditions in a written contract with the foreigner, including
the amount of remuneration, not worse in this permit (Article 88h (1) of the Act).

Pursuant to Art. 88i of the Act, the entity entrusting the performance of work to a foreigner is
required to notify the voivode who issued the work permit in writing, within 7 days, of the following

1. The commencement of work by a foreigner of a different nature or in a different position, not

specified in the work permit, under the conditions referred to in Art. 88f paragraph. lb of the

2. Change of the seat or place of residence, name of the legal entity entrusting the performance of
work to a foreigner or the takeover of the workplace or his part by another employer;

3. Transfer of the workplace or its part to another employer;

4. Change of the person representing the employer, referred to in art. 880 paragraph. 6 point 3 of
the Act;

5. The foreigner's failure to start work within 3 months from the initial date of validity of the work

6. Cessation of work by a foreigner for a period exceeding 3 months;

7. The foreigner has completed work earlier 3 months before the expiry of the validity of the work

Failure to comply with the above obligations is subject to a fine of not more than 100 PLN (Article 120
(6) of the Act).

Pursuant to Art. 88d of the Act, obtaining a work permit does not exempt from specific separate
provisions of the requirements, from the fulfillment of which depends on the performance of
regulated professions or activities.

The entity entrusting the performance of work to a foreigner may include an application for a renewal
of a work permit not earlier than within 90 days and no later than 30 days before the expiry of the
permit validity period (Article 88a (la) of the Act).

This decision is revoked by the minister of blame for labor matters, through me, within 14 days from
the date of delivery of the decision. During the time limit for submitting the appeal, the party may
waive the right to submit the appeal. The decision becomes final and binding on the day the public
administration authority receives the certificate of waiver of the right to appeal. In the event of
waiving the right to appeal against the decision, a complaint to the administrative court does not
apply (Art.127 § 1 and 2, Art.127a and Art.129 § 1 and 2 of the Act of June 14, 1960 - Code of
Administrative Procedure (Journal U. of 2017, item 1257)).
A decision consistent with the party's task or a decision against which the party relinquishes the right
to submit a revocation shall be enforced before the expiry of the time limit for filing a revocation
(Article 130 § 4 of the Act of June 14-1960 - Code of Administrative Procedure).
Identifier in the central system: doc no. 36174/2021 unit code 14UWO

Mazovia Province Governor

WRP-I1.8671.40060.2021 Radom, November 17, 2021

PERMIT Type A No. 36174/2021

For the work of a foreigner on the territory of the Republic of Poland

Based on Article. 88 sec. 1 point 1 of the Act of April 20, 2004 on employment promotion and labor
market institutions (Journal of Laws of 2020, item 1409) and Article 104 of the Act of June 14, 1960,
Code of Administrative Procedure (Journal of Laws of 2020 , item 1409). of 2020, item 256)
(Legal basis for the decision)

After examining the application


ul. Prymasa Augusta 10.02-972 Warsaw, Email:

(First names and surname / name, home address /

Seat of the entity entrusting the performance of work to the foreigner. tel./fax/email)

Issues a work permit in the territory of the Republic of Poland for

Mr. Jerry Dangani Ngolab
(Immigrant or foreigner's first and last names and surname)

A citizen of the Philippines


Date of birth 04/12/1974

(Day / month / year of birth)

As a factory employee
(Position, type of work, performed function)

On the basis of (type of contract) an employment contract for a specified period

(Type of legal relationship which the entity entrusting the work to the foreigner with the

In the dimension (working time) 1/1

(Full-time job / number of working hours in a week or a month)

For a monthly gross salary not lower than PLN 3700.00 / month
(Rate specified in Polish currency for a given season)

For and for not applicable

(Name, address of residence / seat of the entity accepting the detached foreigner /
Name, address of Residence / seat of the user's employer, telifaxlemail)

The work permit is valid from 02/17/2022 to 02/16/2023.

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