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AG Farm, SMIT Compound, Purok 18, Upper Piedad, Brgy. Bato, Toril, Davao City

POLITICS typically through elected
- Denotes social activity- is the
- Control of an organization or
creation, maintenance and
group by the majority of its
amendment of social norms or
- Rule of the people
- Is an art and science of the
- Rule of the majority
- Is the realm of public affairs or GOVERNANCE
the state.
- Is the exercise of power/
- The academic study of
authority by political leader for
government and the state.
the well being at their country’s
TWO APPROACHES TO STUDY citizens or subject.
POLITICS - Refers to the manner of steering/
governing and or directing and
 POLITICAL controlling a group of people /
the state.
- It is the traditional approach in
which the primary goal is to POLITICAL IDEOLOGIES
understand the essence or the
- Certain set of ethical ideas,
truth about politics
principles, doctrines, myths, or
 POLITICAL SCIENCE symbols of a social movement,
- The branch of knowledge that
institution, class or large group
deals with systems of
that explains how society should
government; the analysis of
work, and offers some political
political activity and behaviour.
and cultural blueprint for a
- POLITICAL SCIENTISTS certain social order.
“see themselves engaged in
- Concerns itself with how to
revealing the relationships
allocate power and to what ends
underlying political events and
it should be used.
conditions, and from these
revelations they attempt to FIVE MAJOR POLITICAL IDEOLOGIES
construct general principles about  ANARCHISM
the way the world of politics
- Is a political philosophy that
works. advocates self-governed societies
DEMOCRACY based on voluntary institutions.
- Described as stateless, societies,
- A system of government by the although several authors have
whole population or all the defined them more specifically as
eligible members of state,

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AG Farm, SMIT Compound, Purok 18, Upper Piedad, Brgy. Bato, Toril, Davao City

institutions based on non- - The holding of political views

hierarchical free associations. that favour free enterprise,
- It holds the state to be private ownership, and socially
undesirable, unnecessary, and conservative ideas.
harmful. - It is a political and social
- Belief in the abolition of all philosophy that promotes
government and the organization retaining traditional social
of society on a voluntary, institution in the context of
cooperative basis without culture and civilization.
recourse to force or compulsion. - Have variously sought to
- Anarchists as a political force or preserve institutions including
movement religion, monarchy,
 ABOSOLUTISM parliamentary government,
- The acceptance of or belief in property rights and the social
absolute principles in political, hierarchy, emphasizing stability
philosophical, ethical or and continuity, while the more
theological matters. extreme elements called
- Absolute Monarchy, governing reactionaries oppose modernism
body in which a monarch rules and seek a return to “the way
freely, with no laws or legally things were”
organized opposition; especially  SOCIALISM
used to describe the period. - A political and economic theory
- Autocracy also known as of social organization that
“political absolutism”, a political advocates that the means of
theory which argues that one production, distribution, and an
person should hold all power. exchange should be owned or
 LIBERALISM regulated by the community as a
- Is a political philosophy or whole.
worldview founded on ideas of - A policy or practice based on the
liberty and equality political and economic and social
- Liberal spouse of a wide array of systems characterized by social
views depending on their ownership and democratic
understanding of these principles, control of the means of the
but generally they support ideas means production, as well as the
and programs such as freedom of political theories, and movements
speech, freedom of the press, associated with them
freedom of religion, free markets,
civil rights, democratic societies,  POWER
secular governments, gender - “Power maybe defined as the
equality, and international production of intended effects” –
cooperation. Russell, 1938
 CONSERVATISM - “Power is the ability to employ
force”- Bierstedt, 1950
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AG Farm, SMIT Compound, Purok 18, Upper Piedad, Brgy. Bato, Toril, Davao City

- In social science and politics, SELLING HURTING

power is the ability to influence PERSUADING CRUSHING
or outright control the behaviour
of people. PERSUADING
- The term “authority” is often
used for power perceived as
legitimate by the social structure. LESSON IV
- It can be seen as evil or unjust.
- The main source of reign of the STATES, NATIONS,
- The possession to govern or rule  STATE
the state. - An organization, composed of
- It is the ability to get someone to numerous agencies led and
do something you want done. coordinated by the state’s
- Make things happen in the way leadership
you want. - 9executive authority), with the
- “Power is the ability to build, to ability or authority to create and
create, to nudge, history in a implement the binding rules for
different direction.” – Richard all the people as well as the
Nixon parameters of rule making for
 NATURE OF POWER other social organizations in a
- It is the ability to get what you given territory, using force if
want , or a scholar necessary to have its way.
- Ability to change the future  NATIONS
- The ability to dominate another - A group of people who share the
person or group same culture, language,
 CLASSIFICATION OF institutions, religion, and history
POWER usually a group of people larger
- POWER OVER focuses on the than a tribe or community.
exercise of control through - A large aggregate of people
behaviour and interactions from united by common descent,
one actor to another. history, culture, or language,
- POWER TO is related to how inhabiting a particular country or
social relations define the actions territory.
and capabilities of an actor.  GLOBALIZATION
 FACES OF POWER IN - The process by which businesses
ACTION or other organizations develop
POSITIVE NEGATIVE international influence or start
operating on an international
- Refers to processes whereby
many social relations become
relatively delinked from

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AG Farm, SMIT Compound, Purok 18, Upper Piedad, Brgy. Bato, Toril, Davao City

territorial geography, so that  The Executive Department

human lives are increasingly
played out in the world as a - Composed of the President and
single place. the Vice President who are
elected by direct popular vote
PHILIPPINE POLITICAL STRUCTURE and serve a term of six years.
 SYSTEM OF GOVERNMENT - The constitution grants the
President authority to appoint his
- The Philippine is the unitary Cabinet.
presidential constitutional  The Judicial Department
republic, with the President of
the Philippines acting as both the - Holds the power to settle
head of state and the head of controversies involving rights
government. that are legally demandable and
- UNITARY is the control of enforceable.
national and local affairs is under - It determines whether or not
the central or national there has been a grave abuse of
government discretion amounting to lack or
- PRESIDENTIAL is the excess of jurisdiction on the part
President is both head of state and instrumentality of the
and head of government. government. It is made up of a
- CONSTITUTIONAL is the Supreme Court and lower courts.
powers of those who rule are - The power to declare a treaty,
defined and limited by the international or executive
constitution agreement, law, presidential
- REPUBLIC is the power decree, proclamation, order,
exercised by a group of persons instruction, ordinance or
chosen by the people to act as regulation unconstitutional.
their representatives
 BRANCHES OF THE Fourth Examination: Essay.
1. Analyze the relationship
GOVERNMENT among nations and states in
the context of globalization.
 The legislative Department

2. What cultural belief and

- This branch authorized to make
value systems do you share
laws, alter, and repeal them
with the larger Philippine
through the power vested in the society which makes you feel
Philippine Congress. that you belong to the
- The institution is divided into the Filipino nation?
Senate and the House of
Representatives. 3. What makes a certain
- The power to enforce and community a nation and what
administers country’s laws makes it a state?
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AG Farm, SMIT Compound, Purok 18, Upper Piedad, Brgy. Bato, Toril, Davao City

“Striving for success without hard work

is like trying”- David bly

Prepared by:Maam Blaze Cañedo

Contact No.: 09201550925
Facebook account: Joy Cañedo

God bless and Keep Safe!


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