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By: Kaylyn Fleur Maglana

(A short play for the Cantata “And There Was Light”; In dedication to the efforts of LiLea Fernandez, & to all
Adventists out there who look forward to being reminded of Jesus’ birth and sacrifice, in order to give us all the
hope of life everlasting.)
Max Run Time: 1 hour & 5 minutes
(Characters’ storyline are somewhat symbolisms for light. Names can be changed, and are only given in order
to differentiate the characters/scenes/storylines.)
NARRATOR – Narrates the beginning of each scene
NEIL – a blind child; He is somewhat perplexed about the idea of light. He longs for some sort of explanation
from his parents
RICK – Neil’s father; Somewhat struggles to make Neil understand the concept of light
SARAH – Neil’s mother; Is very caring and always attentive towards Neil
GREG – An elderly man who lost his son in a war; He isn’t very fond of company
MAXWELL – Slightly younger than Greg; He also lost his son, but due to cancer
RITA – An orphan who sells candles to get by; She meets with Aunty Rose later on, who tell her something
AUNTY ROSE – A passerby; She shows Rita just how special she is
BRENDA – Is a runaway; She hasn’t been home in years due to her shame & guilt for leaving in the first place
ANNA – Brenda’s mother; Has always been greatly affected by her daughter’s leaving
JOHN – Brenda’s father; Always looking out for signs of Brenda’s return

A FESTIVE CALL TO CHRISTMAS (Overture) (4 mins for whole scene)

(Music starts with the scene. It’s a park setting. With 2 benches on opposite sides of the stage. The entire
area will be central to the whole plot)
NARRATOR: This is the season of light! The light of hope, peace, joy and love. The season of a
thousand wonders when faith is renewed. This is the season of dazzling miracles and glorious marvels,
a treasured time that renews and restores our broken hopes & dreams. It is a season for worship, a time
to seek and find, a shining moment of music and celebration!
(Neil & his parents enter first. They immediately go to stage right, and sit themselves on the bench there.
Conversation occurs while they are walking towards the area)
NEIL: Papa, papa! (Anxiously tugging on his father’s sleeve)
RICK: Yes Neil?
NEIL: Where are we going?
RICK: Well, your mother and I decided it would be a nice to enjoy the cool breeze in the park today.
NEIL: Ok. Papa, papa!
RICK: (Frustrated) Neil, please ask questions later. Let’s just focus on walking for now.
NEIL: (Somewhat sad) Ok.
SARAH: (Takes Neil’s hand from Rick) Here, let me lead him for now. Now Neil darling, please behave.
Don’t ask too many questions for now.
NEIL: But why mama?
SARAH: Because, sometimes, we all need a little quiet.
(Neil and his family sit down on the bench, stage right. Greg and Maxwell enter. They both head towards
the bench of stage left. Greg sits down first. Seeing Maxwell coming, he sits dead center of the bench. As if
to discourage Maxwell from taking a seat)
GREG: (Takes out a newspaper. Pretends to read)
MAXWELL: (Clears throat) Ehem. Excuse me?
GREG: (Continues to ignore him)
MAXWELL: Your newspaper is upside down. I know you can hear me.
GREG: (Grumbles) What do you want?
MAXWELL: I think there’s enough space here for 2 people. Would you mind moving so I can have a
seat too?
GREG: (Grumbles some more) Fine. But I should warn you, I don’t like to be around people. So you
better keep quiet. (Moves)
MAXWELL: (Takes a seat beside Greg) Its not like you own this park.
(The two take out newspapers and just keep ignoring each other. Rita comes running in, bringing candles
with her. She first approaches Neil and his family.)
RITA: Hello ma’am and sir! Are you looking to cheer up the atmosphere back home? How about some
beautiful Christmas candles?
RICK: No, thank you. Were fine.
RITA: Oh please! I promise they’ll be worth it! And it is Christmas after all. Candles bring light and joy!
SARAH: Oh, they are very beautiful. Maybe we should buy some, dear.
RICK: But we don’t need candles. We have electricity and all those Christmas lights. What good will
these do?
NEIL: I want candles.
RICK: But, you can’t even see them Neil.
SARAH: Please dear?
RICK: Fine. I’ll take 3.
RITA: Oh, thank you! Thank you so much! (She smiles happily and gives them 3 candles)
(Rita then approaches the 2 gentlemen on the other side of the stage)
RITA: Hello! Would you 2 gentlemen want some candles for your- (Cut off)
GREG: Scram kid! I don’t want your candles!
MAXWELL: You’ll scare the poor kid! Come here you. Don’t mind him. I’ll take 2 please.
RITA: Thank you very much sir.
MAXWELL: You’re welcome. Run along now.
(Rita bumps into Ben as he enters the stage. He’s in a disheveled state, and is carrying a large backpack)
RITA: Oops! Sorry ma’am.
BRENDA: (Avoids her)
RITA: Wait! (Hands her a candle) Here. Its for you. As an apology.
BRENDA: What do I need a candle for?
RITA: I don’t know. Maybe you’ll find it handy later.
BRENDA: Thanks.
(All characters exit for the overture)
Grade 1 Song
NARRATOR: This is the season of light & hope! Let us rejoice and be glad! “Hear the word of the Lord!
Arise, shine, your light has come, and the glory of the Lord rises upon you. (Isaiah 60:1)”
(Scene opens with Neil and his family still on the same bench. The park is illuminated by beautiful lights.)
NEIL: (Listening to the sounds around him)
SARAH: (Looking around the park) Oh, aren’t these lights just beautiful?
NEIL: Mama, mama! What is light?
SARAH: Oh darling. Hmm.. Um, well. Its. It’s a bit difficult to explain.
NEIL: Maybe papa knows. Papa, what is light?
RICK: Light is um, well. Its um. Something we use to brighten the place.
SARAH: Neil, light is beautiful. It may come in many different colors. Sometimes white, yellow, red and
even blue. It brings a smile to people’s faces, and brings joy to people’s hearts.
NEIL: I don’t understand mama.
SARAH: Oh darling, its ok.
RICK: Some things are difficult to understand.
NARRATOR: This is the season of light & peace! From generation to generation, the sands of time have
not covered our dreams for peace and joy. How we long for the shadows to surrender and for our
sorrows to cease.
And so, we remember the words of the prophets. “The people walking in darkness have seen a great
light: on those in the land of deep darkness a light has dawned. (Isaiah 9:2-3)”
(Scene opens with the two gentlemen still on opposite sides of the benches. Clearly both are trying to
ignore the other.)
GREG: (Takes out his lunch. It’s a sandwich)
MAXWELL: (Seeing Greg, he takes out his thermos bottle and pours himself hot chocolate)
(Both stare at each other. Then pretend to ignore each other)
MAXWELL: (Clears his throat) Would you like some hot chocolate?
GREG: (Clears his throat as well) I wouldn’t mind having some.
MAXWELL: Here. I’ll pour you a cup.
GREG: (Takes the cup from Maxwell. Halves his sandwich, hands the other half to Maxwell) Here.
MAXWELL: No, no. It’s alright.
GREG: Please, take it.
MAXWELL: Alright.
GREG: If you don’t mind me asking, why are you here?
MAXWELL: Well, this is my granddaughter’s favorite spot. We come here every Christmas.
GREG: Where is she now?
MAXWELL: She’s gone. She was sick, you see. With cancer.
GREG: I’m sorry.
MAXWELL: And you? Why are you here?
GREG: This is where I said goodbye to my son. Just before he left to fight in a war. I’ve been coming
here ever since, if only to remember him. He’s gone too.
MAXWELL: I’m sorry. (Reflects a little) If you could wish for 1 thing to come true, what would it be?
GREG: (Sighs) I’d wish for a world with no more wars and parting. How about you?
MAXWELL: I would wish for a world with no more pain and sorrow.
(Lights fade)
NARRATOR: This is the season of light & joy! For we are in a world that’s been forever changed by the
miracle of a Child’s birth. Greetings, you who are highly favored! The Lord is with you. Rejoice, give
thanks and sing!
(Scene opens with Rita center stage. She’s sitting cross-legged on the floor, counting her well-earned
RITA: (Counting the coins she’s earned for the day) Hmm.. This isn’t enough. I have to go out and sell
some more, otherwise I’d starve!
(Stands up to exit, but then bumps into Aunty Rose)
AUNTY ROSE: Slow down there, child! What’s the rush?
RITA: Oh, hello ma’am. I have to go and sell some more candles, so I can buy a hot meal.
AUNTY ROSE: I see. What’s your name?
RITA: Rita.
AUNTY ROSE: Well Rita, you’re in luck. I just happen to have some chicken soup I saved from lunch
earlier. Come, let’s sit down awhile and enjoy it.
RITA: Ok, miss-
AUNTY ROSE: You can call me Aunty Rose. (Smiles, and sits her down. Takes out the soup and hands it
to Rita)
RITA: (Eagerly receives it and eats) Wow! This is delicious!
AUNTY ROSE: (Chuckles) So Rita, how long have you been on the streets?
RITA: Ever since I can remember.
AUNTY ROSE: I see. I’m sure it hasn’t been easy for you. You’re really special, you know that?
RITA: Me? Special? (Snorts) Aunty Rose, you’ve got it wrong. There’s nothing special about me.
AUNTY ROSE: Oh, but you are! What if I were to tell you that you are a precious daughter of a King?
RITA: But, I’m just an orphan.
AUNTY ROSE: You are more than that. I’m here to say to you something Jesus would like to tell you.
“You are precious in my eyes, and honored, and I love you.” (Isaiah 43:4)
NARRATOR: This is the season of light and love! This is the season to dwell on Christ’s all-suffering and
patient love for our fallen race.
(Scene opens to a different setting: Brenda’s home. Only the center stage is illuminated/focused on. John
is seated on a chair. He has a sad expression on and is constantly looking out to the audience, as if
looking for someone. Anna joins him later.)
ANNA: (Enters) John, dear, it’s getting late. Please come in now, you’ll catch a chill.
JOHN: Just a little while more, dear.
ANNA: (Sighs and comes behind John) I know you’re looking out for her. It’s been 3 years since she’s
left home. What if she never comes back?
JOHN: Brenda might decide to come home tonight. I have to stay out and wait for her.
ANNA: (Sighs) Every night you come out here, keep the lights on and wait for her.
JOHN: Its all I can do Anna. I can only wait for Brenda to come home. I’m sure, she’s out there
somewhere. If and when she decides to come home, I’ll be here waiting for her.
ANNA: Well then, I’ll wait with you tonight. Maybe, just maybe, she’ll come home tonight.
NARRATOR: This is the season of light! Jesus, the Light of the world, is born! A beacon of hope and
(Scene opens with a power outage in the park. Stage lights dim.)
SARAH: Oh! It’s a power outage! Oh, darling. What are we going to do?
RICK: This is bad. Ok. Everybody, just stay where you are.
NEIL: (Moves closer to Rick. Tugs on his sleeves urgently) Papa. Papa.
RICK: Neil! Didn’t I tell you to stay put? You could get hurt.
NEIL: Here. (Hands him the candles they bought earlier) You can use them right?
RICK: The candles. Of course! Thanks buddy! I believe they came with matches.
(Rick gets some matches and proceeds to light the candles)
SARAH: Oh! How beautiful! Absolutely marvelous!
RICK: What a sight indeed!
SARAH: Oh, these are so much better than those lights we bought for home!
NEIL: I think I understand now.
RICK: Understand what, buddy?
NEIL: Light. You said light brings a smile to people’s faces and joy to their hearts. (Reaches up to touch
his mother’s face)
SARAH: (Surprised, but smiles anyway) Yes, that’s right.
NEIL: And look papa! Mama is smiling!
RICK: (Smiles as well) Indeed. We both are.
NARRATOR: This is the season of light and glory! “Glory to God in the highest heaven, and on earth
peace and goodwill to all people.” (Luke 2:10-14 paraphrased)
(Scene open to the same bench Greg & Maxwell share)
GREG: Hmm.. Looks like a power outage. I’m sure they’ll have it fixed in no time.
MAXWELL: Come to think of it, I still don’t know your name.
GREG: Oh yes, that’s right. I’m Greg.
MAXWELL: And I’m Maxwell. Do you think we can meet up again here sometime?
GREG: Yes! That would be nice.
MAXWELL: (Reaches into his pocket) I can be really forgetful at times. But here, I just remembered.
(Takes out the candles he bought) I bought 2 for good reason.
GREG: (Takes 1 candle from Max) Thank you.
(Both light up their candles)
GREG: Here’s a candle for your wish. For a world with no more pain and sorrow.
MAXWELL: Here’s to your wish. A world with no more wars and parting.
(The two smile at each other)
ANGEL SONG (Glory to the Newborn King)
NARRATOR: This is the season of light and worship! To remind us of our lineage, and the greatness of
our King, let us remember this verse: “Count the stars, Abraham. Number them, if you are able. Your
legacy will be that dazzling.” (Genesis 15:5 paraphrased)

(Scene opens with Rita & Aunty Rose center stage. Picking up where they left off with their conversation)
AUNTY ROSE: So you see, Rita. You are someone very precious in the eyes of God.
RITA: Wow! That’s new. But still Aunty Rose, I see nothing special about me.
AUNTY ROSE: Look around you Rita. All those people holding candles. Look at them. Smiling and
laughing. You’ve brought them something special. And that can only be, because you are special.
RITA: (Looks around her) Thank you Aunty Rose for showing me how special I am.
AUNTY ROSE: Don’t ever forget it Rita dear.
RITA: Thank you as well for the soup! I’m feeling much more energized! I have to go now.
AUNTY ROSE: Yes Rita. I believe there are still many people out there who need what you have.
RITA: Here’s a candle for you Aunty Rose.
AUNTY ROSE: Why, thank you Rita! I will cherish this.
RITA: I’ll see you around Aunty Rose! Bye bye!
(Both wave at each other, before exiting)
NARRATOR: This is the season of light and love! This is the season of love everlasting and
unconditional! This is the season to come home.
(Scene opens at Brenda’s home: Her parents are the same spot where the last scene left off)
JOHN: Oh no! It’s a power outage!
ANNA: It looks like the whole city is out of power dear.
JOHN: I need to have the lights on! Or else, she’d never know were out here waiting for her to come
ANNA: Calm down dear. I do believe we have some candles stowed away. Let me get them.
(Takes some candles. Lights them)
JOHN: Well, this is all we can do for now. Do you think she can see it?
ANNA: I’m sure she can dear. All light shines brighter when surrounded by darkness.
(Ben starts to walk in, with a lighted candle he got from Rita earlier)
JOHN: Do you see that dear? That faint light out there?
ANNA: It looks like a candle too. Who do you think it is?
(Brenda comes even closer)
JOHN: Its Brenda! Its our daughter! (Doesn’t wait for her to come closer, he runs towards Brenda & hugs
BRENDA: Dad! Dad, I’m so, so sorry for leaving! I was foolish and- (cuts off)
JOHN: Shh! Shh. Its ok. You’re home. You’re finally home. That’s all that matters.
BRENDA: Were you out here waiting for me? All this time?
ANNA: Yes Ben. Your father sat outside the house every day since the day you left. He kept the lights on
and waited for your return.
BRENDA: But why?
JOHN: Because we love you dear! We love you so much, we have been aching for your return all these
ANNA: Yes, we love you Brenda. (3 gather for a group hug) Oh, what a joyous night indeed! Praise the
(The 3 exit whilst holding hands)

The End

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