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Module 5 Lesson 2 - Discoveries

For this assignment, you will express the main ideas you received from the lesson, or main
ideas you knew prior to class. Follow along with the headings that match with the lesson. You
may type on this document, create a diagram, use other software like powerpoint or prezi, or
record your voice to submit your main ideas. This document serves as an outline for your
findings. Be sure to explain findings and what was new or already known.

Female Reproductive System:

The female reproductive system produces eggs which are necessary for reproduction. The system is
designed to transport an egg to the place where it will be fertilized. The place where an egg normally gets fertilized is in
the fallopian tubes. The fertilized egg will then implant itself into the walls of the uterus, which will start the initial stages
of pregnancy. If the egg is not fertilized, the system will menstruate. It also produces estrogen to maintain the
reproductive cycle. There is a fleshy area right above the top of the vaginal opening, which is called the mons pubis.
There are two pairs of skin flaps called the labia, and they surround the vaginal opening. A sensory organ called the
clitoris is located near the front of the vulva where the folds of the labia meet. The canal that carries urine out of the
body is called the urethra, and it is located between the labia. Also between the labia is the vagina, which is a hollow,
muscular tube that stretches from the vaginal opening to the uterus. The vagina is 3-5 inches long in a grown woman.
Because the walls of the vagina are muscular, it can expand and contract. This ability can accommodate something as
small as a tampon or something as big as a baby. The walls are lined with mucous membranes, which protects it and
keeps it moist. There are multiple functions of the vagina, which is for sexual intercourse, the path a baby takes when
exiting a woman’s body, and the path for menstrual blood to exit the body from the uterus. The thing that connects the
vagina to the uterus is the cervix. The opening of the cervix is very small, which is why a tampon can never get lost in a
woman’s body. The cervix expands during childbirth to allow passage of a child. The uterus is shaped like an upside
down pear, and it contains some of the strongest muscles in a woman’s body. When a woman isn’t pregnant, the uterus
is about 3 inches long and 2 inches wide.

The Menstrual Cycle:

The menstrual cycle is when a period regularly comes. Having a normal menstrual cycle is proof that
important parts of your body are working normally. There are many hormones provided to your body by the
menstrual cycle which keep you healthy. It prepares your body for pregnancy every month. A cycle is
counted from the first day of the first period to the first day of the next. The cycle can be anywhere from 21
to 35 days for adults and 21 to 45 days in young teens.
Module 5 Lesson 2 - Discoveries

Keeping Healthy:

Some things you can do to keep healthy is to regularly clean yourself, prompt treatment for infection, have
self examinations and regular medical check ups..

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