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Module 5 Lesson 3 - Discoveries

For this assignment, you will express the main ideas you received from the lesson, or main
ideas you knew prior to class. Follow along with the headings that match with the lesson. You
may type on this document, create a diagram, use other software like powerpoint or prezi, or
record your voice to submit your main ideas. This document serves as an outline for your
findings. Be sure to explain findings and what was new or already known.

Male Reproductive System:

The male reproductive system is used to produce, maintain, and transport sperm and protective fluid. It is
also used to release sperm in the female reproductive tract, and to produce and secrete testosterone for
maintaining the male reproductive system. The testicles produce testosterone and sperm. The duct system
is made up of the epididymis, testicles, and the pouch like structure called the scrotum. The scrotum can
change sizes to regulate the temperature of the testicle. The accessory glands provide fluids that lubricate
the duct system and nourish the sperm. The penis has 2 parts, which are the shaft and the glans. The shaft
is the main part and the glans is the tip, which is sometimes referred to as the head. There is a small
opening which is where semen and urine leave the body. The inside of a penis has a spongy tissue that can
expand and contract.

The Pathway of Sperm:

Sperm is produced in the testes, then get transported to the epididymis where they are matured and stored.
It goes through the vas deferens to the seminal vesicles. The seminal vesicles provide a fluid that gives the
sperm energy. There is more fluid from the prostate gland that protects the sperm. One more gland that
adds fluid is the bulbourethral gland, and the fluid it adds is a fluid that protects the sperm from acidic
conditions in the urethra.

Keeping Healthy:

One of the most important things is to keep clean. It is important to protect the area from trauma, conduct
self examinations, and to go to regular medical checkups.
Module 5 Lesson 3 - Discoveries

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