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< > ie anata icteear ane in ean eeeeeian Then My mater ing young asi the 8s uss beeper or pagers as 2 ears of coun ah ee nly recive ose msrages eh Yao spas. She mentees at se ad Yo pay mony whan sig i seve. ey mater a sng Wea aby hast aten ates ul he 5h ade ing 6s She a tat she realy eyed wating tbe mong images and Hoang th sounds wih fr 8 wat on Back and whl Cola, Kako user more pou enn yer wt My meter ony usd the dung to 23608 rah colege yar My ganar wat steht ee, a th fom aon ‘edhe type posuing omg: oes is a soe since you have t be repeat stse a oreo ap Now The Opn asa ae bt | caret patnas hs mt dur nt ane a syne. 380 {to etary spare at cack Orie. Fm ing aco ag pres a tn, jing ete oe kas sgt py aes wan yd! Ts ban foetal, at ae ce ny PHONES Inaratna news, spor. and can a0 tonmcto tinal wth Nei aie tr area on YauTbe, fa yo ns, teeth mot nore compre ler Te, Th coma i wuss wh 3 KEYBOARD TELEVISION As soneoe who pos fast | wees a ochre heytnad tat has nda fhe foreach ay tat mae ma Sai, ar a, ad cnoial han taper lu | ee ct ace | CO ten wie esys and oe Somers Neo, come 0 bea ‘wna RoB Beyond colt magi he ure of pas 282 gr oa, gaze csng 1 ho pe! at wil enum mere ushers, tgsbor with ts ima desis. Moreover, ight ao havo Prete eteig eae sch tat vr meen haa kif any wean a ou wl cots poe wth ts Cree bars, | ets telisee m0 Tonge emerson bt 30, Weck ha ise rena conta but ing gar is and vos taegnton iene eve. tad f ning oan aca ot ta, dvs of hat 00 is ay sl tat bya wl econo vial and yu eo not eed pt much oe in gasng he ks nigh te aby thre ou phon, ing one teu be mare somfrae ote expecay en you af eg amp a nope eae uch ate dat. A PARADOXICAL SHIFT When the news broke out regarding the COVIDAS virus, | wae filed with mixed emotions since: number one, |Get to take a break from the simultaneous groupworks and Performance tasks Secondly, we did not have proper moving up with my classmates And Tasty, | get to spend my summer earlier However, | dd not expect it to be this long It has been almost two years since March 2020, and here | am overwhelmed typing this feflaction, looking back at aur memoria: Curing face-to-face clneres At first, it as a hard pil to take in, The new modality wae not familiar to most of us Inoluaing our teachers. remember mse as a class secretary during the Tth grade — one Thing. In common as a reason why my Classmates could not enter the Zoom is because of the slow connection. Next. the ‘countless electricity intertuntions became ficult for me, if not al, to keep up with the lass discussions Although there were some teachers who would let i p2=m catering up ‘with the lessons was @ challenge since you have no classmate beside you to directly vahlsper wat you missed. You have to wait for theirrepi, and you wouldn't receive tight away sine they ate aso busy in their own ways fnd own homes. Ancther challenge was the {educational platarm we were usina which was the Edmodo. We had to encounter with some ‘bugs, and I really bellove greatly affected my ‘races since out teacherls didnot respond to fur concern about the tachnical errors, Lastly, ‘my unstable mental heath made it hard for fre ta focus, thus, sometimes distracted By social media Although | could still participate in lace discussions, | just realy hope that all wil Be back to Normal and rece using our physical hands raised 1 nas a new environment for me, 100, site| had to separate from my’ old frends and be in 1 new set of unfamiliar classmates, Fortunately, Gur personalities and inicrests clicked, Honesty, | thank God that | got to meet with these people because the pandemic would have been difeut for me to fully cope up i | dl net get to talk with those wholesome people. | knew individuals ke Ellh and Rem who also sang ang cid songwriting. Ella personally, encouraged me as she i also 9 fellow follower and servant of Christ. Her faith amazes me and | praise God for that. after 3 tiring synchronous eines | get to interact and convorse wlth my old and naw trends on Discord, to) | would personaly suggest that the teachers lessen the amount of oad work thay hand out since being a student isnt Just our sole responsiblity at home. Especial in this time of pandemic, students ike me have to work an fextra_mile to help our parents with the Ainances. Also, | would feally appreciate If we were aiven genuine breaks after the first Semester since we al nead i forthe Benefit of ‘ur mental and physical health. Lastly | hope fur teachers wil consider the etrors we fencounter in Edmodo since a sina tern can ‘greatly afect our final grade,

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