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J Periodont Res 2013; 48: 433–442 © 2012 John Wiley & Sons A/S.

All rights reserved Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd



D. A. Tipton1,2, J. P. Babu1,2,
Effects of cranberry M. Kh. Dabbous1,2,3,4
College of Dentistry, The University of

components on human
Tennessee Health Science Center, 62 South
Dunlap Street, Memphis, TN, 38163, USA,
Department of Bioscience Research, The
University of Tennessee Health Science

aggressive periodontitis Center, 62 South Dunlap Street, Memphis, TN,

38163, USA, 3College of Medicine, The
University of Tennessee Health Science

gingival fibroblasts Center, 62 South Dunlap Street, Memphis, TN,

38163, USA and 4Department of Microbiology,
Immunology and Biochemistry, The University
of Tennessee Health Science Center, 62 South
Dunlap Street, Memphis, TN, 38163, USA
Tipton DA, Babu JP, Dabbous MKh. Effects of cranberry components on human
aggressive periodontitis gingival fibroblasts. J Periodont Res 2013; 48: 433–442.
© 2012 John Wiley & Sons A/S. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd

Background and Objective: Aggressive periodontitis (AgP) causes rapid

periodontal breakdown involving AgP gingival fibroblast production of cytokines
[i.e. interleukin (IL)-6, a bone metabolism regulator], and matrix metalloproteinase
(MMP)-3. Lipopolysaccharide upregulates fibroblast IL-6 and MMP-3, via
transcription factors (i.e. NF-jB). Cranberry (Vaccinium macrocarpon) inhibits
lipopolysaccharide-stimulated macrophage and normal gingival fibroblast activi-
ties, but little is known of its effects on AgP fibroblasts. Objectives of this study are
to use AgP fibroblasts, to determine cytotoxicity of cranberry components or peri-
odontopathogen (Fusobacterium nucleatum, Porphyromonas gingivalis) lipopolysac-
charide ± cranberry components, and effects of cranberry components on
lipopolysaccharide-stimulated NF-jB activation and IL-6 and MMP-3 production.

Material and Methods: AgP fibroblasts were incubated  6 d with high molecu-
lar weight non-dialyzable material (NDM) (derived from cranberry juice (1–
500 lg/mL) or lipopolysaccharide (1 lg/mL) ± NDM. Membrane damage and
viability were assessed by enzyme activity released into cell supernatants and
activity of a mitochondrial enzyme, respectively. Secreted IL-6 and MMP-3 were
measured by ELISA. NF-jB p65 was measured via binding to an oligonucleo-
tide containing the NF-jB consensus site. Data were analyzed using analysis of
variance and Scheffe’s F procedure for post hoc comparisons.
Results: Short-term exposure to NDM, or lipopolysaccharide ± NDM caused
no membrane damage. NDM (  100 lg/mL) or lipopolysaccharide ± NDM
had no effect on viability  7 d exposure. NDM (50 lg/mL) inhibited lipopoly-
saccharide-stimulated p65 (P  0.003) and constitutive or lipopolysaccharide-
David A. Tipton, DDS, PhD, Department of
stimulated MMP-3 (P  0.02). NDM increased AgP fibroblast constitutive or Bioscience Research, College of Dentistry,
lipopolysaccharide-stimulated IL-6 (P  0.0001), but inhibited normal human University of Tennessee Health Science
gingival fibroblast IL-6 (P  0.01). Center, 711 Jefferson Avenue, Rm. 429,
Memphis, TN 38163, USA
Conclusion: Lack of toxicity of low NDM concentrations, and its inhibition of Tel: +901-448-6167
Fax: +901-448-7860
NF-jB and MMP-3, suggest that cranberry components may regulate AgP
fibroblast inflammatory responses. Distinct effects of NDM on AgP and gingival
Key words: aggressive periodontitis; cranberry;
fibroblast production of IL-6 (which can have both positive and negative effects cytokine; fibroblast; lipopolysaccharide; matrix
on bone metabolism) may reflect phenotypic differences in IL-6 regulation in the metalloproteinases
two cell types. Accepted for publication September 9, 2012
434 Tipton et al.

Aggressive periodontitis (AgP) is char- pounds, particularly proanthocyani- berry NDM on human AgP gingival
acterized by generalized or localized dins with A-type linkages. Cranberry fibroblasts in vitro, as well as its effect
extreme periodontal destruction, which components have long been used to on NF-jB and production of IL-6
involves pro-inflammatory cytokines, promote human health, and have the and MMP-3 when stimulated by peri-
including interleukin (IL)-1b and IL-6 ability to prevent urinary tract infec- odontopathogen lipopolysaccharide.
(1–3). IL-6 stimulates bone resorption, tions, reduce salivary bacterial levels,
possibly through stimulating osteoclast and inhibit biofilm formation, among
Material and methods
formation (4,5). Gingival fibroblasts many other effects (19–21).
stimulated by periodontopathogen Research by Bodet et al. showed
Human gingival fibroblasts
lipopolysaccharide produce cytokines that a high-molecular-weight fraction
such as IL-6, and play an important prepared from cranberry juice concen- A human gingival fibroblast cell line
role in local inflammation. The expres- trate (termed non-dialyzable material derived from a patient with AgP was
sion of IL-6 is increased at periodon- or NDM) inhibited production of pro- used in this study (29). This patient
tally diseased sites, including gingival inflammatory cytokines and chemo- presented with > 80% generalized
soft tissue (4,6,7). Earlier work in this kines by macrophages exposed to alveolar bone loss and generalized
laboratory showed that AgP gingival lipopolysaccharide from a number of erythematous, edematous gingival tis-
fibroblasts produce greater amounts of periodontopathogens (22). This group sue. The cell line was established from
IL-6 than normal human gingival also showed that NDM inhibited IL-6, gingival explants using standard tech-
fibroblasts, and that IL-6 production IL-8, prostaglandin E2 (PGE2), and niques (30). In some experiments,
by these cells is upregulated by MMP-3 production by Aggregatibact- three normal human gingival fibro-
lipopolysaccharide (and IL-1b) (8,9). er actinomycetemcomitans lipopolysac- blast cell lines (designated GN23,
AgP fibroblasts also produce charide-stimulated normal human GN56, and GN60) were also used
matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs), gingival fibroblasts, as well as certain and were similarly established from
including MMP-3, which degrades intracellular signaling proteins related explants of non-inflamed gingival tis-
many extracellular matrix compo- to the transcription factor AP-1 sue from healthy individuals. The cells
nents. A study in this laboratory sug- (23,24). Their research, and that of were routinely cultured in Dulbecco’s
gested that human AgP gingival others (25–27), have suggested that modified Eagle medium (DMEM; Life
fibroblasts might contribute to peri- AP-1 may work together with NF-jB Technologies, Grand Island, NY,
odontal tissue destruction via to regulate gingival fibroblast produc- USA) supplemented with 10% (v/v)
increased production of MMP-3 (10). tion of these molecules. Work in our newborn calf serum (Life Technolo-
MMP-3 in gingiva is associated with laboratory has shown that IL-1b stim- gies) and 100 lg/mL gentamicin
periodontitis, and it may be a key ulation of MMP-3 production in AgP (Sigma-Aldrich Co., St Louis, MO,
enzyme causing tissue destruction in fibroblasts may be partially regulated USA) (complete medium), at 37°C in
other inflammatory diseases, including by NF-jB, in addition to AP-1 (28). a humidified atmosphere of 5% CO2
arthritis (11,12). While there are studies on the effects in air. Cells between passages 5 and
Transcription of the IL-6 and of cranberry components on normal 14 were used in the experiments
MMP-3 genes (and a large number of human gingival fibroblasts, there is no described below.
other genes involved in inflammation similar information on the effects of
and tissue damage) are regulated by cranberry components on lipopolysac-
Cranberry components (non-
the transcription factor nuclear fac- charide-mediated NF-jB activation
dialyzable material) and
tor-kappa B (NF-jB) (13). Work in and production of IL-6 and MMP-3 in
this laboratory and others showed AgP human gingival fibroblasts, which
that cyclo-oxygenase-2 inhibitors inhi- may be phenotypically distinct from Lyophilized high molecular weight
bit NF-jB activation (14), which sug- normal human gingival fibroblasts (8). NDM derived from cranberry juice,
gested that they might be useful in Regulation of gingival fibroblast was provided courtesy of Dr. I. Ofek
treating periodontal inflammation. pro-inflammatory reactions has been (Tel Aviv University). This material
However, cyclo-oxygenase-2 inhibitors suggested as a means to prevent or was prepared from concentrated juice
have been linked to heart and renal control the progression of periodonti- of Vaccinium macrocarpon (Ocean
failure, limiting their use as anti- tis. Cranberry components may have Spray Cranberries, Inc., Lakeville-Mid-
inflammatory agents (15,16). These the potential to treat periodontitis, in dleboro, MA, USA) (20) by exhaustive
findings have led to renewed attention the form of a rinse, toothpaste, or as dialysis against distilled water at 4°C in
to natural products potentially useful a subgingival medicament. To assess 15,000 MW cut-off dialysis bags. This
in treating the inflammation and tis- this potential fully, in vitro studies of material was composed of 5 6.6% car-
sue destruction associated with peri- its effects on oral cells such as gingi- bon and 4.14% hydrogen, was highly
odontal diseases (17,18). val fibroblasts, as well as in vivo stud- soluble in water, and devoid of
The focus of this research was the ies, are needed to determine its safety proteins, carbohydrates and fatty
cranberry (Vaccinium macrocarpon), and efficacy. The present study has acids (31). A similarly prepared cran-
which contains polyphenolic com- determined the toxic effects of cran- berry fraction was analyzed and
Cranberry and aggressive periodontitis 435

found to contain 0.35% anthocya- gentamicin (DMEM-gentamicin), con- tetrazolium salt, 2-(4-Iodophenyl)-
nins (0.055% cyanidin-3-galactoside, taining lipopolysaccharide (0.1–5 lg/ 3-(4-nitrophenyl)-5-phenyl-2H-tetrazo-
0.003% cyanidin-3 glucoside, 0.069% mL), or NDM (1–500 lg/mL) was lium chloride, was reduced to a red
cyanidin-3-arabinoside, 0.116% added to the wells. The cells were formazan salt. Absorbance was read
peonidin-3-galactoside, 0.016% peoni- exposed to lipopolysaccharide or NDM at 490 nm using a microtiter plate
din-3-glucoside and 0.086% peoni- for as long as 7 d before the addition of spectrophotometer. Results were
din-3-arabinoside) and 65.1% MTT (0.5 mg/mL). The cells were then expressed as percentage cytotoxicity
proanthocyanidins (32). NDM was incubated for 4 h at 37°C, and purple [(experimental value-low control/high
reconstituted at 2 mg/mL in DMEM formazan crystals produced from the control-low control) 9 100].
and sterilized by filtration (0.2 l; MI- MTT by metabolically active cells were
ILLEX-GS; Millipore Corp., Billerica solubilized by overnight exposure at
Determination of effects of non-
MA, USA). Lipopolysaccharide was 37°C to a solubilization solution pro-
dialyzable material on constitutive
prepared from bacteria obtained from vided in the kit. Absorbance was read
and lipopolysaccharide-stimulated
the American Type Culture Collection at 595 nm using a microtiter plate spec-
production of interleukin-6 and
(ATCC) (Manassas, VA, USA): Fuso- trophotometer. Results were expressed
matrix metalloproteinase-3
bacterium nucleatum subsp. polymorp- as a percentage of control (A595 nm in
hum ATCC 10953, and Porphyromonas cells exposed to DMEM-gentamicin Individual wells of 24-well culture
gingivalis ATCC 25260. The bacteria only). plates (Corning Inc., Corning, NY,
were grown anaerobically for 48 h, cen- Lipopolysaccharide- or NDM- USA) were seeded with 5 9 104 cells in
trifuged, and bacterial cell pellets were induced cytotoxicity leading to plasma complete medium and cultured over-
lyophilized. The lipopolysaccharide membrane damage was measured night at 37°C. The medium was
fractions were prepared by the hot phe- using the Cytotoxicity Detection Kit removed, the cells were washed with
nol–water extraction method as (LDH) (Boehringer Mannheim). Lac- PBS, and then DMEM-gentamicin was
described by Westphal and Jann (33). tate dehydrogenase (LDH), a stable added, with or without F. nucleatum or
The purity and protein contamination cytoplasmic enzyme found in all cells, P. gingivalis lipopolysaccharide (0.1–
of the isolated lipopolysaccharide was is quickly released upon damage to 5 lg/mL). Aliquots of 0.5 mL were
confirmed by 0.1% sodium dodecyl the plasma membrane. Individual collected at days 3 and 6 and stored
sulfate–10% polyacrylamide gel elec- wells of 96-well microtiter tissue cul- frozen at 80°C until assayed. The
trophoresis. The endotoxin activities of ture plates were seeded with 2.5 9 104 production of IL-6 or MMP-3 was
the isolated lipopolysaccharide frac- cells in DMEM-gentamicin + 1% measured in the cell supernatants using
tions were measured using the Limulus newborn calf serum and cultured for the Human DuoSet IL-6 ELISA
assay (34). 24 h at 37°C. (A low serum concen- Development System (R&D Systems,
tration was used to reduce back- Minneapolis, MN, USA), and the
ground absorbance because animal Human DuoSet MMP-3 ELISA
Determination of effects of
sera contain various levels of LDH.) Development System (R&D Systems),
cranberry non-dialyzable material or
The medium was removed, the cells following manufacturers’ instructions.
lipopolysaccharide on human
were washed with PBS, and DMEM- To determine effects of NDM, these
gingival fibroblast cell viability and
gentamicin was added to the wells. To experiments were essentially carried
membrane integrity
determine maximum LDH release out as described as above, except that
Lipopolysaccharide or cranberry (high control), some cells were solubi- in some cases, NDM (5–50 lg/mL)
NDM influence on cell viability was lized with a final concentration of 1% was added concurrently with F. nuclea-
assessed by determining their effects on (w/v) Triton X-100 (Boehringer tum or P. gingivalis lipopolysaccharide
the ability of the cells to cleave the tetra- Mannheim). Spontaneous LDH (1 lg/mL only).
zolium salt (3-[4,5-dimethylthiazol- release (low control) was determined
2-yl]-2,5-diphenyl tetrazolium bromide) by incubating the cells with serum-
Determination of effects of non-
(MTT) to a formazan dye by mitochon- free DMEM-gentamicin. The cells
dialyzable material on constitutive
drial succinate dehydrogenase, using a were exposed to lipopolysaccharide or
and lipopolysaccharide-stimulated
kit from Boehringer Mannheim Corp. NDM for 3 h. [When performed after
NF-jB activation
(Indianapolis, IN). Individual wells of a brief 3-h exposure, the LDH assay
96-well microtiter tissue culture plates specifically measures the ability of the The effect of F. nucleatum or P. gingi-
(Becton Dickinson Labware, Franklin test agent to damage the integrity of valis lipopolysaccharide on NF-jB
Lakes, NJ, USA) were seeded with the plasma membrane (35); for longer activation was determined using the
2.5 9 104 cells in complete medium. exposure times, LDH release serves as TransAMTM NF-jB p65 assay kit
The cells were incubated overnight at a general cytotoxicity assay]. Cell-free (Active Motif, Carlsbad, CA, USA).
37°C. The medium was then removed, supernatants were removed and Individual wells of six-well plates
the cells were washed with phosphate- transferred to clean 96-well plates. (Costar Corp., Cambridge, MA,
buffered saline (PBS), and serum-free LDH activity was assayed in the su- USA) were seeded with 1.5 9 106
medium supplemented with 100 lg/mL pernatants by a reaction in which the cells in complete medium and cultured
436 Tipton et al.

overnight at 37°C. The medium was ondary antibody [anti-rabbit horse- F procedure for post hoc comparisons,
removed, cells were washed with PBS, radish peroxidase-conjugated IgG] using STATVIEW® software.
and then DMEM-gentamicin was was added to each well and incubated
added, with or without F. nucleatum at room temperature for 1 h. After
or P. gingivalis lipopolysaccharide washing, the substrate solution was
(1 lg/mL). Cells were exposed to lipo- added to all wells, incubated at room
Effects of lipopolysaccharide and
polysaccharide for 30–105 min. temperature for 5 min, and stop solu-
non-dialyzable material ±
Nuclear and cytoplasmic fractions tion was then added. Absorbance at
lipopolysaccharide on cell viability
were isolated using the Nuclear 450 m was measured using a microtit-
and membrane integrity
Extract Kit (Active Motif). The cells er plate spectrophotometer. Results
were harvested by scraping and pel- were calculated as A450/mg protein in Effects of F. nucleatum lipopolysac-
leted by centrifugation for 5 min at the cell monolayer (36), and expressed charide, P. gingivalis lipopolysaccha-
16 9 g at 4°C. The cells were resus- as percentage control (the value ride, and NDM ± lipopolysaccharide
pended in hypotonic buffer supplied obtained in extracts of non-stimulated on cell viability and membrane integ-
in the kit and incubated on ice for cells, set at 100% at all times). rity were measured before determin-
15 min. Then detergent supplied in To determine effects of NDM, ing their effects on other cellular
the kit was added, and the tubes were these experiments were carried out as functions. NDM  100 lg/mL had
vortexed for 10 s and centrifuged for described above, except that in some no significant effect on AgP gingival
30 s at 14,000 g at 4°C. Supernatants cases, NDM (50 lg/mL) was added fibroblast viability at exposure times
(cytoplasmic fractions) were collected concurrently with F. nucleatum or  7 d (Fig 1). NDM at 250 lg/mL
in pre-chilled microcentrifuge tubes P. gingivalis lipopolysaccharide. decreased viability  40% at
and stored at 80oC until assayed.  96 h (P < 0.008). Finally, NDM
To prepare the nuclear extracts, the at 500 lg/mL decreased viability of
Statistical analysis
nuclear pellets obtained above were these cells  40% at times  24 h
resuspended in complete lysis buffer All experiments were performed with (P < 0.008), and by 100% at 144 h
supplied in the kit, vortexed for 10 s, triplicate samples. The data were (P < 0.0001). Because these experi-
and incubated on ice for 30 min on a expressed as mean ± standard devia- ments were performed in serum-free
rocking platform. The tubes were then tion and were analyzed using a one- medium, the reduction in viability is
vortexed for 30 s and centrifuged at way analysis of variance and Scheffe’s likely not related to a decrease in
14,000 g at 4°C for 10 min. The
supernatant fluids (nuclear extracts)
were added to pre-chilled microcentri-
fuge tubes and stored at 80°C until
To assay the samples for p65,
30 lL of complete lysis buffer, sup-
plied in the kit, was added to microt-
iter plate wells pre-coated with an
oligonucleotide containing an NF-jB
consensus binding site. The active
form of NF-jB specifically binds to
this oligonucleotide. Cytoplasmic or
nuclear extract samples (20 lL) were
added to the wells; blank wells
received 20 lL complete lysis buffer
and the positive control wells received
20 lL complete lysis buffer containing
Fig. 1. Effects of non-dialyzable material (NDM) on aggressive periodontitis gingival
2.5 lL of a nuclear extract supplied fibroblast viability. Aggressive periodontitis fibroblasts were seeded at 2.5 9 104 cells/well
in the kit. The plate was then incu- in 96-well plates in complete Dulbecco’s modified Eagle medium (DMEM). After over-
bated at room temperature for 1 h night incubation at 37°C, the medium was removed, the wells were washed with phos-
with mild agitation. After washing, phate-buffered saline, and NDM (1–500 lg/mL) in serum-free DMEM-gentamicin was
100 lL primary antibody (rabbit anti- added and incubated for 24, 48, 72, 96, 144, or 168 h. Cytotoxicity of NDM was
p65 that recognizes an epitope on p65 determined by measuring its effect on the ability of the cells to cleave the tetrazolium salt
accessible only when NF-jB is acti- 3-[4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl]-2,5-diphenyl tetrazolium bromide to a colored formazan dye.
vated and bound to its target DNA) Absorbance was read at 540 nm using a microtiter plate spectrophotometer. Results of
was added to each well and incubated multiple experiments with triplicate samples were expressed as percentage control (A540 nm
at room temperature for 1 h. The in cells exposed to DMEM-gentamicin only) ± standard deviation. *P < 0.008;
wells were washed, and 100 lL sec- **P < 0.0001.
Cranberry and aggressive periodontitis 437

proliferation as these cells, like other P. gingivalis lipopolysaccharide) (Fig. P. gingivalis lipopolysaccharide, lower
adult human fibroblasts, require 2B)]. P. gingivalis lipopolysaccharide NDM concentrations (  10 lg/mL)
serum for growth in vitro (37). Fuso- appeared to be a better stimulator of increased lipopolysaccharide-stimu-
bacterium nucleatum or P. gingivalis IL-6, increasing production approxi- lated IL-6 levels by 5–6-fold, rising
lipopolysaccharide (0.1–5 lg/mL) did mately twice as much as F. nucleatum to 14-fold at 25 lg/mL NDM, and
not reduce AgP fibroblast viability lipopolysaccharide, at concentrations finally to 27-fold at 50 lg/mL NDM
after 7 d, and F. nucleatum or P. gin-  0.25 lg/mL. Data shown were (Fig. 3B). These effects were also evi-
givalis lipopolysaccharide [1 lg/ obtained after a 6-d incubation with dent after 3 d of concurrent exposure
ml ± NDM (  100 lg/mL)] (condi- lipopolysaccharide; 3-d data were sim- to NDM and both F. nucleatum and
tions under which effects on other ilar but of lesser magnitude (not P. gingivalis lipopolysaccharide, but of
cellular functions were determined) shown). NDM alone, at higher con- lesser magnitude (data not shown).
also did not reduce viability of these centrations only, slightly increased Three normal gingival fibroblast cell
cells (data not shown). Short-term AgP fibroblast IL-6 production, lines (designated GN23, GN56, and
(3–6 h) exposure to NDM which did not reach statistical signifi- GN60) were also tested for effects of
(  500 lg/mL) or F. nucleatum or cance after 3- or 6-d incubation (data F. nucleatum or P. gingivalis lipopoly-
P. gingivalis lipopolysaccharide (1 lg/ not shown). Concurrent exposure of saccharide (1 lg/mL) ± NDM (10 or
mL) ± NDM caused no significant AgP cells to NDM and F. nucleatum 50 lg/mL) on IL-6 production
membrane damage to AgP fibroblasts and P. gingivalis lipopolysaccharide (Table 1). Lipopolysaccharide stimu-
(data not shown). (1 lg/mL) for 6 d further increased lated IL-6 production by 30–60% in
lipopolysaccharide-stimulated IL-6 two of the cell lines, reaching statistical
production by AgP fibroblasts significance in GN56. In the third cell
Effects of lipopolysaccharide and
(P  0.0001) (Fig. 3). With both line, lipopolysaccharide decreased IL-6
non-dialyzable material ±
F. nucleatum and P. gingivalis lipo- by 5–30% but these effects were not
lipopolysaccharide on interleukin-6
polysaccharide, the effect of NDM statistically significant. In contrast to
was dose-dependent. In the case of the stimulatory effects of NDM on AgP
Both F. nucleatum and P. gingivalis F. nucleatum lipopolysaccharide, the fibroblast IL-6 production, non-cyto-
caused concentration-dependent incre- stimulation appeared to reach a maxi- toxic concentrations of NDM generally
ases in IL-6 production by AgP mum when the cells were exposed inhibited constitutive and F. nucleatum
fibroblasts, which were statistically concurrently to 10 lg/mL NDM and P. gingivalis lipopolysaccharide-
significant at higher concentrations (20-fold vs. F. nucleatum lipopoly- stimulated IL-6 production by the three
[P < 0.03 for F. nucleatum lipopoly- saccharide only) (Fig. 3A). On the normal cell lines used in this study.
saccharide (Fig. 2A); P < 0.02 for other hand, when combined with
Effects of lipopolysaccharide and
non-dialyzable material ±
A B lipopolysaccharide on matrix
metalloproteinase-3 production

Exposure of AgP fibroblasts to non-

toxic levels of NDM (5–50 lg/mL)
inhibited constitutive MMP-3 produc-
tion at some concentrations (Fig. 4A).
Lower concentrations caused 25–
35% inhibition compared to control
which was not statistically significant.
NDM at 25 and 50 lg/mL inhibited
constitutive MMP-3 production by
85% and 95%, respectively
(P < 0.002). Neither F. nucleatum nor
Fig. 2. Effect of F. nucleatum or P. gingivalis lipopolysaccharide on aggressive periodonti- P. gingivalis lipopolysaccharide alone
tis gingival fibroblast production of interleukin (IL)-6. Aggressive periodontitis fibroblasts had a consistent or statistically signifi-
were seeded at 5 9 104 cells/well in 24-well plates in complete Dulbecco’s modified Eagle cant effect on MMP-3 production by
medium and cultured overnight at 37°C. The medium was removed, the cells were washed this cell line (data not shown). When
with phosphate-buffered saline, and then Dulbecco’s modified Eagle medium-gentamicin, exposed concurrently for 6 d to lower
with or without F. nucleatum (A) or P. gingivalis (B) lipopolysaccharide (0.1–5 lg/mL) concentrations of NDM and F. nucle-
was added. After 6 d of incubation, levels of IL-6 were measured in the cell supernatants atum lipopolysaccharide, MMP-3
by ELISA. Results of multiple experiments with triplicate samples were expressed as pg/ production was not significantly inhib-
mL in the cell supernatants ± standard deviation. (A) *P < 0.03; **P < 0.0001. (B) ited, compared to levels produced by
*P < 0.02; **P = 0.003; ***P < 0.0001. LPS, lipopolysaccharide. cells exposed to lipopolysaccharide
438 Tipton et al.

these experiments. AgP cells were

exposed to NDM or F. nucleatum
or P. gingivalis lipopolysaccha-
ride ± NDM and NF-jB p65 levels
were measured in nuclear extracts. In
this assay, microtiter plate wells were
coated with an oligonucleotide contain-
ing an NF-jB consensus binding site to
which active p65 heterodimers specifi-
cally bind. Figure 5 shows that NDM
alone had no significant effect on basal
nuclear p65 levels. Fusobacterium nucle-
atum lipopolysaccharide appeared to
Fig. 3. Effect of NDM on F. nucleatum or P. gingivalis lipopolysaccharide-stimulated IL-6 be a stronger stimulator of NF-jB acti-
production by aggressive periodontitis gingival fibroblasts. Aggressive periodontitis fibro- vation and translocation of p65 into the
blasts were seeded at 5 9 104 cells/well in 24-well plates in complete Dulbecco’s modified nucleus than P. gingivalis lipopolysac-
Eagle medium and cultured overnight at 37°C. The medium was removed, the cells were
charide. Fusobacterium nucleatum
washed with phosphate-buffered saline, and then Dulbecco’s modified Eagle medium-gen-
lipopolysaccharide stimulated nuclear
tamicin, with or without F. nucleatum (A) or P. gingivalis (B) LPS (1 lg/mL) ± NDM
p65 levels 12-fold (P < 0.0001)
(5–50 lg/mL) was added. After 6 d of incubation, levels of IL-6 were measured in the cell
(Fig. 5A), while P. gingivalis lipopoly-
supernatants by ELISA. Results of multiple experiments with triplicate samples were
saccharide stimulated them 2.5-fold
expressed as pg/mL in the cell supernatants ± standard deviation. *P < 0.0001. IL, inter-
leukin; LPS, lipopolysaccharide; NDM, non-dialyzable material.
(P < 0.01) (Fig. 5B) (maximum stimu-
lation at 75 and 60 min, respectively).
Concurrent exposure to NDM inhib-
Table 1. Effect of non-dialyzable material (NDM) on normal gingival fibroblast interleu- ited F. nucleatum lipopolysaccharide
kin (IL)-6 production stimulated nuclear p65 levels by 25%
(P < 0.003) (Fig. 5A), while NDM
Treatment GN23 GN56 GN60
inhibited P. gingivalis lipopolysaccha-
Control (no lipopolysaccharide) 1
100 100 100 ride-stimulated nuclear p65 levels by
+NDM 10 lg/mL 1 61 (2)b 38 (6)a 87 (49) 80% (P < 0.003) (Fig. 5B). NDM
+NDM 50 lg/mL 1 12 (3)a 29 (2)a 17 (12)d also inhibited total cellular levels of
F. nucleatum LPS 1 67 (13) 148 (21)e 130 (11) F. nucleatum or P. gingivalis lipopoly-
+NDM 10 lg/mL 2 112 (18) 33 (3)a 89 (10) saccharide-stimulated p65 (P < 0.0001)
+NDM 50 lg/mL 2 10 (3)a 25 (9)a 19 (4)d
(data not shown).
P. gingivalis lipopolysaccharide 1 94 (18) 160 (3)c 130 (13)
+NDM 10 lg/mL 3 95 (0) 42 (6)a 73 (39)
+NDM 50 lg/mL 3 15 (8)a 23 (8)a 40 (15)d Discussion
Values shown are (IL-6) in pg/mL converted to percentage control (no lipopolysaccha-
AgP is a form of periodontal disease
ride) (± SD).
% F. nucleatum lipopolysaccharide-stimulated (± SD).
characterized by rapid destruction of
Percentage P. gingivalis lipopolysaccharide-stimulated (± SD). the periodontium, usually in individu-
P < 0.001. als who are otherwise systemically
P = 0.003. healthy (38). Like other forms of
P = 0.006. periodontitis, AgP has a multifactorial
P < 0.01. etiology, with a host immunoinfla-
P = 0.03.
mmatory response to periodonto-
pathogens modified by genetic,
only (set at 100%) (Fig. 4B). NDM at dent after 3 d of exposure to NDM environmental, and behavioral fac-
25 and 50 lg/mL inhibited MMP-3, and F. nucleatum or P. gingivalis lipo- tors. Several periodontal pathogens,
in the presence of F. nucleatum polysaccharide (data not shown). including A. actinomycetemcomitans,
lipopolysaccharide, by 30% and P. gingivalis, and F. nucleatum may be
80%, respectively (P < 0.02), after elevated in the dental plaque of some
Effects of lipopolysaccharide and
6 d of exposure. Only the highest con- patients with AgP (39,40). Traditional
centration of NDM (50 lg/mL) signif- periodontal scaling and root planing
material ± lipopolysaccharide on
icantly inhibited MMP-3 in the can be ineffective in treating AgP
NF-jB p65 levels
presence of P. gingivalis lipopolysac- and is often combined with local
charide (50% inhibition; P = Based on earlier experiments, lipopoly- delivery of antimicrobial agents,
0.0003) after 6 d of exposure saccharide concentrations of 1 lg/mL including chlorhexidine, tetracycline,
(Fig. 4C). These effects were also evi- and NDM at 50 lg/mL were used in and minocycline (41,42). In recent
Cranberry and aggressive periodontitis 439

bacterial and anti-inflammatory

effects. This study suggests that a high-
molecular-weight cranberry prepara-
tion, enriched in proanthocyanidins,
may regulate AgP gingival fibroblast
inflammatory and proteolytic activities
in response to lipopolysaccharide from
periodontopathogens (F. nucleatum
and P. gingivalis) associated with AgP.
Fusobacterium nucleatum and P. gingi-
valis lipopolysaccharide stimulated
AgP fibroblast IL-6 production in a
dose-dependent manner. This is consis-
tent with previous studies that used
Fig. 4. Effect of NDM on aggressive periodontitis gingival fibroblast MMP-3 production gingival fibroblasts from normal and
in presence or absence of F. nucleatum or P. gingivalis lipopolysaccharide. Aggressive peri- chronic periodontitis gingiva (8,9,43).
odontitis fibroblasts were seeded at 5 9 104 cells/well in 24-well plates in complete Dul- Lipopolysaccharide activates the NF-
becco’s modified Eagle medium (DMEM) and cultured overnight at 37°C. The medium jB and MAPK/AP-1 signaling
was removed, cells were washed with phosphate-buffered saline, and then DMEM-genta- pathways and their associated inflam-
micin (A) or DMEM-gentamicin containing F. nucleatum (B) or P. gingivalis (C) lipopoly- matory gene expression in fibroblasts,
saccharide (1 lg/mL) ± NDM (5–50 lg/mL) was added. After 6 d of incubation, levels of including human gingival fibroblasts
MMP-3 were measured in the cell supernatants by ELISA. Results of multiple experiments (24,43). However, lipopolysaccharide
with triplicate samples were expressed as pg/mL in the cell supernatants ± standard devia- activation of AP-1 in human gingival
tion. *P < 0.02; **P < 0.002; ***P = 0.0003. LPS, lipopolysaccharide; MMP, matrix
fibroblasts is controversial, and Jin
metalloproteinase; NDM, non-dialyzable material.
et al. recently reported that in normal
human gingival fibroblasts, Escherichia
coli lipopolysaccharide stimulated NF-
jB, but not AP-1 (45,46). The IL-6
gene promoter is under the regulation
of AP-1 and NF-jB, and can contain
binding sites for other transcription
factors in some types of cells (47,48);
both AP-1 and NF-jB are involved in
IL-1-stimulation of IL-6 in human gin-
gival fibroblasts (13,24,47,49). As dis-
cussed earlier, AP-1 may work
together with NF-jB to regulate gingi-
val fibroblast production of IL-6 and
other mediators (22–27). In the present
study, the focus was on the NF-jB sig-
Fig. 5. Effect of NDM on constitutive or F. nucleatum or P. gingivalis lipopolysaccharide-
naling pathway, and it was found that
stimulated nuclear NF-jB p65 levels. Aggressive periodontitis fibroblasts were seeded at both P. gingivalis and F. nucleatum
1.5 9 106 cells/well in six-well plates in complete DMEM and cultured overnight at 37°C. lipopolysaccharide activated NF-jB in
The medium was removed, the cells were washed with PBS, and then DMEM-gentamicin AgP fibroblasts, suggesting that this
containing NDM (50 lg/mL) or F. nucleatum (A) or P. gingivalis (B) lipopolysaccharide pathway may play a role in their
(1 lg/mL) ± NDM was added. After incubation periods of 30–105 min, nuclear fractions increased production of IL-6 in
were isolated and NF-jB p65 levels were measured using a colorimetric assay that detects response to the lipopolysaccharide of
free, active p65 binding to an oligonucleotide containing an NF-jB consensus binding site. these bacteria. When combined with
Results of experiments each with triplicate samples are shown as percentage non-stimu- lipopolysaccharide, NDM at all con-
lated control (Abs450 nm/mg protein± standard deviation. *P < 0.01 (control vs. P. gingi- centrations significantly increased IL-6
valis lipopolysaccharide); **P < 0.003 (lipopolysaccharide vs. lipopolysaccharide + NDM); production compared to levels pro-
***P < 0.0001 (control vs. F. nucleatum lipopolysaccharide). LPS, lipopolysaccharide; duced in response to lipopolysaccha-
NDM, non-dialyzable material. ride alone. This effect occurred only in
the presence of lipopolysaccharide;
years, because of several factors tion of diseases such as AgP have NDM alone did not significantly
including antibiotic resistance, natural received a great deal of study. The increase constitutive IL-6 production.
products that may be useful in treating focus of the present research was the This stimulatory effect was also
the inflammation and tissue destruc- cranberry, which has beneficial anti- observed under different experimental
440 Tipton et al.

conditions, including pre-incubating influenced by factors, including types that factors such as the specific type of
with NDM for 2 h or 24 h, then add- and prevalence of cell surface PGE2 target cell, and lipopolysaccharide
ing lipopolysaccharide with or without receptors. The specific roles of PGE2 source and concentration can influ-
an intervening washing step. This is in and NDM in enhancing lipopolysac- ence cellular response. Unlike its stim-
contrast to another study, using nor- charide-stimulated IL-6 production in ulatory effects on IL-6 production by
mal human gingival fibroblasts, which AgP but not the normal gingival fibro- AgP fibroblasts, NDM at some con-
found that NDM decreased A. actino- blasts used in this study remain to be centrations inhibited constitutive and
mycetemcomitans lipopolysaccharide- determined. NDM may potentiate lipopolysaccharide-stimulated MMP-3
stimulated IL-6 production (23). In the stimulatory pathways [e.g. Involving production, consistent with studies by
present study with AgP fibroblasts, cAMP and/or proteinase kinase C others using human gingival fibro-
NDM inhibited lipopolysaccharide- (52,54)] in the AgP cells used in this blasts and macrophages (24,60). While
stimulated NF-jB activation, but study that override its inhibitory AP-1 is considered the dominant tran-
despite this, NDM increased lipopoly- effects on NF-jB-mediated IL-6 pro- scription factor for MMP-3 because
saccharide-stimulated IL-6 production. duction. Additional studies will also there are AP-1 sites in its promoter
This suggested involvement of other be needed to investigate fully the region (27), there may also be AP-1-
mechanisms of IL-6 regulation in these effects of cranberry polyphenols on independent mechanisms of MMP-3
cells. IL-6 mRNA expression, regulation, induction, including involvement of
Three normal human gingival fibro- and correlation with IL-6 protein NF-jB, in several types of rabbit and
blast cell lines were then also tested expression levels. Because of the lim- human cells, including fibroblasts
for effects of F. nucleatum and P. gin- ited sample sizes of cell lines derived (61,62). An earlier study in our labo-
givalis lipopolysaccharide on IL-6 from AgP and normal gingiva, it was ratory showed that in AgP fibroblasts,
production in the presence or absence not possible to determine definitively an NF-jB inhibitor (NBD peptide)
of NDM. Similar to the findings of if the cells derived from these two specifically decreased IL-1b-stimulated
Bodet et al. (23), and in contrast to types of tissue are phenotypically dif- nuclear p65 by 55%, and decreased
our results with AgP fibroblasts, we ferent in this regard. While IL-6 is IL-1b-stimulated MMP-3 production
found that non-cytotoxic concentra- considered a pro-inflammatory cyto- by a maximum of 26%, suggesting
tions of NDM inhibited constitutive kine, it also has anti-inflammatory/ that in these cells, MMP-3 expression
and F. nucleatum and P. gingivalis regenerative activities (55). The overall can be partially regulated by NF-jB
lipopolysaccharide-stimulated IL-6 effects of IL-6 can depend upon the (28). In the present study, NDM
production by these particular normal presence of the soluble IL-6 receptor inhibited NF-jB activation and
cell lines. We have found that NDM and other IL-6-type cytokines. For MMP-3 levels. Others have shown
also inhibits IL-6 production by example, IL-6 appears to activate that NDM inhibits A. actinomycetem-
human gingival epithelial cells, in the osteoclast formation in the presence of comitans lipopolysaccharide-stimu-
presence or absence of F. nucleatum soluble IL-6 receptor (5), but, with lated signaling proteins in the AP-1
or P. gingivalis lipopolysaccharide, other IL-6 family members, it can also pathway in normal human gingival fi-
IL-17, or IL-1b (50,51, unpublished inhibit osteoclast formation and bone broblasts and macrophages (23,24,60),
observation). resorption (56) Therefore, NDM and we have found that NDM inhibits
The mechanism(s) of NDM enhan- enhancement of lipopolysaccharide- AP-1 activation in human gingival epi-
cement of lipopolysaccharide-stimu- stimulated IL-6 by AgP fibroblasts thelial cells (unpublished data). How-
lated IL-6 production by AgP could inhibit osteoclastogenesis, ever, this has not yet been shown for
fibroblasts are unknown. However, depending on the local environment, AgP fibroblasts.
NDM also increased F. nucleatum and in vivo. While F. nucleatum and P. gin- This study has shown that cran-
P. gingivalis lipopolysaccharide-stimu- givalis lipopolysaccharide both berry NDM can inhibit F. nucleatum
lated PGE2 in AgP fibroblasts, strongly stimulated AgP IL-6 produc- and P. gingivalis lipopolysaccharide-
paralleling IL-6 increases (unpublished tion, neither lipopolysaccharide had a stimulated NF-jB activation in AgP
observation). This is in contrast to consistent or statistically significant fibroblasts, and the production of
other studies using normal human gin- effect on MMP-3 production. Work in MMP-3, which has a wide range of
gival fibroblasts, which found that this laboratory showed that E. coli substrates present in periodontal tis-
NDM inhibited A. actinomycetemcom- lipopolysaccharide at comparable con- sues. NDM appears to have different
itans lipopolysaccharide-stimulated centration (1 lg/mL) stimulated AgP effects on lipopolysaccharide-stimu-
PGE2 (23). IL-6 can be upregulated MMP-3 production by < 50% (57,58), lated IL-6 production, depending on
by endogenous PGE2 in human gingi- and in a study by others, P. gingivalis, the cell type. IL-6, in turn, can have
val fibroblasts and other types of cells F. nucleatum, and A. actinomycetem- anti-inflammatory or pro-inflamma-
(52,53). The increased PGE2 produc- comitans lipopolysaccharide (1 lg/ tory effects in vivo. While much in vi-
tion in response to lipopolysaccharide mL) increased MMP-3 production by tro and clinical investigation remain
and NDM may thus act in an auto- 25%, 60%, and 3-fold, respec- to be done, this study and others
crine manner on AgP fibroblasts to tively, in normal human gingival fibro- studies suggest that cranberry may
stimulate their production of IL-6, blasts (59). These studies demonstrate have potential for the treatment and/
Cranberry and aggressive periodontitis 441

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