TPACK Creating Assignment Template: Subject Mathematics Grade Level 3rd Learning Objective

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TPACK Creating Assignment Template

Subject Mathematics

Grade Level 3rd

Learning Objective 3.11 The student will identify and draw representations of
points, lines, line segments, rays, and angles.
Content Knowledge

3.12 The student will

a) define polygon
b) identify and name polygons with 10 or fewer sides;
c) combine and subdivide polygons with three or four
sides and name the resulting polygon(s).

Complete this sentence by naming the technology tool and the creation activity:

In this activity, my students are going to use Auto Draw to create examples of points, lines, line segments,
Pedagogy Planning

rays, angles, and polygons

Activity 1. Students will open auto draw on their computer or tablet.
2. Teacher will draw different points, lines, line segments,
rays, and angles. on the board for students to see.
3. Students will draw the same ones in auto draw and label
them for what they are and give them a name. Example (A
point should be labeled “point A” or a line segment should
be labeled “line AB”.
4. The students can then pair up with a partner and go over
their answers to see if they are like each other’s.
5. We will then come back as a full class and go over what
they should have labeled them.
6. Next the teacher will draw various polygons on the board.
7. The students will draw the same polygons in auto draw
and name how many sides they have and what they are
called. (Example: There is a polygon with 5 sides.

8. Then repeat steps 4 & 5.

9. Ask students if they have any questions and go over
commonly missed labeled things.
Web 2.0 Technology The web 2.0 technology being used is Auto Draw.
Link to the example product
you made pretending to be
a student

Included are pictures of both assignments. The polygon

assignment and the points, lines, line segments, rays, and angles
Mobile App Option 1. Auto Draw does not have an app but is accessible on
tablets and smartphones through the internet browser.
2. The app I found that would work is called “Doodle Drawing
Pad”. It is free and downloadable on IOS devices through
the Appstore. Example: of only the drawings and no labels.

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