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Department of Education

Region III

Name: ____________________________ Grade & Section: ___________

School: _________________________________ Date: ________________


ENGLISH 10 (Q2-Wk3)
Formulate a statement of opinion or assertion

I. Introduction
Everyone is entitled to his/her own opinions. Even so, we must also
learn how to be open-minded and know how to respect other’s opinions even
when we do not agree with them. In this lesson, you will know the difference
between an opinion and an assertion and how to properly express them
without having conflict with others.

II. Learning Competency

Formulate a statement of opinion or assertion. EN10G-IVa-32

III. Objectives
After going through these learning activity sheets, you are expected to:
1. differentiate opinion and assertion;
2. distinguish the proper ways to express opinions and assertions; and
3. formulate opinions and assertions based on the material read.

IV. Discussion

Process Questions:
1. What is the picture about?
2. What comes to your mind when you hear the term equality?
3. Does society practice equality? If yes, why? If no, why not?
4. How does inequality start conflict around the world?

Oftentimes, the cause of conflict is the differences in people. We differ in

many ways like:
● we see things differently,
● we want different things,
● we have ideological and philosophical differences, and
● we have different thinking styles which prompt us to disagree
with others.
People like to give their opinions/assertions regarding current issues and
topics without considering other’s feelings.

What is the difference between an opinion and an assertion?

Opinion- a statement of personal belief or judgment of a person about a

certain issue or topic. It cannot be verified.
Most statements of opinion begin with

For me…

I believe…
I think…

● I believe that President Duterte is the best among all the presidents of
the Philippines.
● For me, English is the easiest subject.

Assertion- an expression of someone's beliefs and/or feelings in a

straightforward way with conviction often without support or reason. It is only
based on what people assume to be true.
● Doctors are the smartest people on earth.
● All men are created equal.

In Literature, the function of assertion is to let readers feel that they
should not disagree or dispute what they read or hear; rather, they should
accept the idea or notion as an indisputable fact.

Misconceptions, rumors and
misinformation are contributing to stigma
and discrimination which hamper conflicts
and violence. Let us be mindful of our
opinions/assertions. If it will not benefit
others, it is better to keep our
opinions/assertions to ourselves.

V. Activities
Activity #1: Read the story then accomplish the activities that follow.
The Hunchback of Notre Dame
Victor Hugo

During the 1482 Festival of Fools in Paris, Quasimodo, the hunchback of

Notre Dame, is elected the Pope of Fools for being the ugliest person in Paris.
He is hoisted on a throne and paraded around Paris by the jeering mob. Pierre
Gringoire, a struggling poet and philosopher, tries unsuccessfully to get the
crowd to watch his play instead of the parade. Archdeacon Claude Frollo
appears and stops the parade and orders Quasimodo back to Notre Dame with
him. Looking for something to eat, Gringoire admires the graceful beauty of La
Esmerelda, a gypsy street dancer, and decides to follow her home. After
rounding a corner, she is suddenly attacked by Quasimodo and Frollo.
Gringoire rushes to help her but is knocked out by Quasimodo as Frollo runs
away. The King's Archers, led by Phoebus de Chateaupers arrive just in time
and capture the hunchback. Later that night, a group of beggars and thieves
are about to hang Gringoire when La Esmerelda comes forward and offers to
save his life by "marrying" him for four years only.

The next day, Quasimodo is put on trial and sentenced to two hours
of torture in the Place de Grève. He suffers both the pain of being stretched
and pulled apart as well as being publicly humiliated by the crowd of people,
who hate him for his ugliness. He begs for water, but no one answers his pleas
until La Esmerelda comes forth and brings him something to drink. Nearby, a
recluse called Sister Gudule, screams at La Esmerelda for being a "gypsy child-

thief" and blames her for her daughter's kidnapping fifteen years earlier. A few
months later, La Esmerelda is dancing in front of Notre Dame and Phoebus
calls her over to him. She has fallen in love with him and blushes when he
asks her to meet him later that night. Frollo watches them from the top of
Notre Dame and becomes insanely jealous of Phoebus. His obsessive lust for
La Esmerelda has made him renounce God and study alchemy and black
magic. In his secret cell at Notre Dame, he plans to trap La Esmerelda like a
spider catching a fly with its web. Later that night he follows Phoebus to his
tryst with La Esmerelda and stabs Phoebus repeatedly. He escapes and La
Esmerelda is captured by the King's guard.

After being tortured at her trial, La Esmerelda falsely confesses to

killing Phoebus and being a witch. She is sentenced to hang in the Place de
Grève. Frollo visits her in jail and declares his love. He begs her to love him
and show him some pity, but she calls him a "goblin-monk" and a murderer,
refusing to have anything to do with him. Before her execution, La Esmerelda
is publicly humiliated in front of Notre Dame. Looking across the square, she
suddenly sees Phoebus and calls out his name. He survived the murder
attempt but does not want anyone to know that he was injured. He turns
away from La Esmerelda and enters the house of his bride-to-be. Just then,
Quasimodo swings down on a rope from Notre Dame and carries her back to
the cathedral, crying out "Sanctuary!" He had fallen in love with her when she
brought him water and had been planning her escape all along.

La Esmerelda is safe from execution just as long as she stays inside

the cathedral. At first, she finds it hard to even look at Quasimodo, but they
form an uneasy friendship. Even though he is deaf, he enjoys being around
her when she sings.

Meanwhile, a group of vagabonds resolves to save La Esmerelda after

hearing that Parliament has ordered that she be removed from Notre Dame.
But when Quasimodo sees them attack the cathedral, he thinks they have
come to kill La Esmerelda and he fends them off as best he can, killing a large
number of them. Frollo has used the attack as a diversion to sneak La
Esmerelda out of the cathedral. He offers her two choices: she can either say
she loves him or be hanged. She demands to be executed and he leaves her
with Sister Gudule. To their astonishment, they discover that they are mother
and daughter. Gudule tries to protect La Esmerelda, but it is too late. Back
at Notre Dame, Quasimodo goes to the top of the north tower to find her.
Gazing off into the distance, he sees the figure of La Esmerelda in a white
dress hanging from the scaffold. He bellows out in despair and grabs Frollo
by the neck. Holding him up in the air, Quasimodo sighs with grief and then
throws Frollo down to his death. Looking at La Esmerelda hanging off in the

distance and Frollo's wrangled corpse down below, Quasimodo cries out:
"There is everything I ever loved!" Quasimodo is never seen again. Years later
when a gravedigger stumbles across La Esmerelda's remains, he finds the
skeleton of a hunchback curled around her.


B. Comprehension Check
1. What are Quasimodo’s characteristics?
2. What does the following statement tell about the mindset of the people
who gathered to witness Esmeralda's trial? "This animal is definitely in
the league with devils."
3. What lesson can you infer from the story?
4. What social conflict/issue can be found in the story?
Example: Stereotyping on physical attractiveness
How can you contribute in resolving this issue?
Example: Accept the differences in people and tell others that beauty is
not in the face but its what`s inside the heart.

5. How do the people’s opinions and assertions on Quasimodo
affect him?

Activity #2:
1. What opinion can you formulate based on the theme of the story?
Example: For me, looks is not important what’s important is you have
a kindness in your heart.
2. What assertion can you formulate based the theme of the story?
Example: People with kind hearts are the most beautiful people in the
Activity #3: Read the text below then fill in the table with statements
of opinion and assertion.
Social Stigma associated with COVID-19

Social stigma in the context of health is the negative association

between a person or group of people who share certain characteristics and a
specific disease. In an outbreak, this may mean people are labelled,
stereotyped, discriminated against, treated separately, and/or experience loss
of status because of a perceived link with a disease.
Such treatment can negatively affect those with the disease, as well
as their caregivers, family, friends and communities. People who don’t have
the disease but share other characteristics with this group may also suffer
from stigma. The current COVID-19 outbreak has provoked social stigma and
discriminatory behaviors against people of certain ethnic backgrounds as well
as anyone perceived to have been in contact with the virus.
Stigma can undermine social cohesion and prompt possible social
isolation of groups, which might contribute to a situation where the virus is
more, not less, likely to spread. This can result in more severe health problems
and difficulties controlling a disease outbreak.

Stigma can:
• Drive people to hide the illness to avoid discrimination
• Prevent people from seeking health care immediately
• Discourage them from adopting healthy behavior.

Example: I believe that social Example: The current COVID-19
stigma can worsen the situation outbreak has provoked social
in the COVID-19 pandemic. stigma and discriminatory
behaviors against people



Activity 4: Formulate an opinion and an assertion based on the picture

below. Write your answers on your paper.

Retrieved from:

Example: I think it is rude to discriminate people based on where they came from.

Example: The enemy is Coronavirus, not China.

VI. Assessment
A. Formulate your own opinions and assertions on the given topics. Use
another sheet of paper for your answers.


Lowering the Example: For me, lowering Example: Youth

juvenile criminal the juvenile liability to 9 nowadays are more
liability to 9 years of years of age will lessen exposed to juvenile
age juvenile delinquency. delinquency.
Filipino Example: Example:
stereotyping In my perspective, Filipinos tend to
stereotyping in the always look on the
Philippines is normal. appearance rather
than the personality.
COVID-19 Example: In my opinion, Example: The COVID-
pandemic the COVID-19 pandemic 19 pandemic has
brought families closer affected many people
together. in different ways.
Learning in the Example: Learning in the Example: The
new normal new normal is hard. pandemic has
disrupted the
educational system
around the world.

B. How will you practice proper and reliable expression of

opinion/assertion in using the social media?

VII. Reflections

I have learned that

This lesson made me realize that

I will apply what I learned through

I will apply what I learned through...

VIII. References

Department of Education. Celebrating Diversity through World Literature – Grade 10

English - Learner’s Material First Edition 2015
World Health Organization (2020)”Coronavirus Stigma”. Retrieved
Summary: The Hunchback of Notre Dame Retrieved from., 2020)
Ramones, Vanessa. Formulating Assertions Retrieved from.
Literary Devices Editors. “Assertion” Literary 2013. Retrieved from. (accessed October, 2020).
Crossword Puzzle. Retrieved from.
own/crossword/(accessed October, 2020).
Thoughtful Learning (2020). “Opinion Statement” Retrieved from., 2020)

IX. Answer Key

Activity 1 Activity 2

B. Answers may vary Answers may vary.

4. grandeur
3. bellow

Activity 3
2. hoisted
1. vagabond Answers may vary.

Activity 4 Assessment

Answers may vary. Answers may vary

X. Development Team

Development Team of the Learning Activity Sheets

Writer: Justine Kyrine T. Bartido
Editor: Elizabeth C. Miguel, EdD; Marivic S. Maglaqui
Reviewer: Gloria T. Anam, Diana Cauguiran, and Juliane Nicole Paguyo
Layout Artist:
Management Team: Engr. Edgard C. Domingo, PhD,CESO V
Leandro C. Canlas, PhD, CESE
Elizabeth O. Latorilla, PhD
Sonny N. De Guzman, EdD
Elizabeth C. Miguel, EdD

For inquiries or feedback, please write or call:

Department of Education – Division of Mabalacat

P. Burgos St., Poblacion, Mabalacat City, Pampanga

Telefax: (045) 331-8143

E-mail Address:


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