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DIRECTIONS: This survey deals with your opinions of the MSUN 2019-2020 SSC services.

Please show
the extent to which you think firms offering services should possess the features described by each
statement. Do this by picking one of the seven numbers next to each statement. If you strongly agree
that these firms should possess a feature, circle the number 7. If you strongly disagree that these firms
should possess a feature, circle 1. If your feelings are not strong, circle one of the numbers in the
middle. There are no right or wrong answers. All we are interested in is a number that best show your
expectations about a good student council’s services.

E1. A good student council should have up-to-date equipment.

E2. A good student council ‘s physical facilities should be visually appealing.

E3. A good student council’s officers should be well dressed and appear neat.

E4. The appearance of the physical facilities of a good student council should be inclined with the type
of services they provide.

E5. When a good student council promises to do something by a certain time, they should do so.

E6. When students have problems, a good student council firms should be sympathetic and

E7. A good student council firms should be dependable.

E8. A good student council should provide their services at the time they promise to do so.

E9. A good student council should keep their records accurately.

E10. A good student council shouldn't be expected to tell students exactly when services will be

E11. It is not realistic for students to expect prompt service from the officers of a good student

E12. A good student council’s officers don't always have to be willing to help students.

E13. It is okay if a good student council are too busy to respond to student requests promptly.

E14. Students should be able to trust the officers of s good student council.

E15. Students should be able to feel safe in their activities with officers from a good student council.

E16. A good student council’s officers should be polite.

E17. Officers should get adequate support from a good student council to do their jobs well.

E18. A good student council should not be expected to give students individual attention.

E19. Officers of a good student council cannot be expected to give students personal attention.

E20. It is unrealistic to expect officers of a good student council to know what the needs of the
students are.

E21. It is unrealistic to expect a good student council to have the student boy’s best interests at heart.
E22. A good student council shouldn't be expected to have operating hours convenient to all their

DIRECTIONS: The following set of statements relate to your feelings about the Mindanao State
University – Supreme Student Council (MSUN-SSC) of the past 2019-2020 school year. For each
statement, please show the extent to which you believe the MSUN-SSC of SY 2019-2020 has the
feature described by the statement If you strongly agree that these firms should possess a feature,
circle the number 7. If you strongly disagree that these firms should possess a feature, circle 1. If your
feelings are not strong, circle one of the numbers in the middle. There are no right or wrong answers.
All we are interested in is a number that best shows your perceptions about the MSUN-SSC’s of the SY
2019-2020 service.

A. Shahin

P1. The MSUN-SSC of the SY 2019-2020 had up-to-date equipment.

P2. The MSUN-SSC of the SY 2019-2020 activities were visually appealing.

P3. The MSUN-SSC of the SY 2019-2020's officers were well dressed and appeared neat.

P4. The appearance of the activities of the MSUN-SSC of the SY 2019-2020 is inclined with the type of
services they provided.

P5. When the MSUN-SSC of the SY 2019-2020 promised to do something by a certain time, they did so.

P6. When you have problems, the MSUN-SSC of the SY 2019-2020 was sympathetic and reassuring.

P7. The MSUN-SSC of the SY 2019-2020 was dependable.

P8. The MSUN-SSC of the SY 2019-2020 provided its services at the time it promised to do so.

P9. The MSUN-SSC of the SY 2019-2020 kept their records accurately.

P10. The MSUN-SSC of the SY 2019-2020 did not tell customers exactly when services were b

P11. You did not receive prompt service from the MSUN-SSC of the SY 2019-2020’s officers.

P12. Officers of the MSUN-SSC of the SY 2019-2020 were not always willing to help students.

P13. Officers of the MSUN-SSC of the SY 2019-2020 were too busy to respond to students requests

P14. You can trust officers of the MSUN-SSC of the SY 2019-2020.

P15. You felt safe in your activities with the MSUN-SSC of the SY 2019-2020’s officers.

P16. Officers of the MSUN-SSC of the SY 2019-2020 arc polite.

P17. Officers got adequate support from the MSUN-SSC of the SY 2019-2020 to do their jobs well.

P18. The MSUN-SSC of the SY 2019-2020 did not give you individual attention.
P19. Officers of the MSUN-SSC of the SY 2019-2020 did not give you personal attention.

P20. Officers of the MSUN-SSC of the SY 2019-2020 do not know what your needs are.

P21. The MSUN-SSC of the SY 2019-2020 did not have your best interests at heart.

P22. The MSUN-SSC of the SY 2019-2020 did not have operating hours convenient to all their students.

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