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Reread the essay, Writing as a Process and complete the outline that follows.


I. Preparation or Planning
A. Prewriting
1. Freewriting
2. Looping
3. _Focused freewriting
4. Brainstorming
5. Journal Writing
6. Journalistic Questioning
7. Mapping
8. Branching
9. Clustering
10. Extensive Reading
11. Listening to other people
12. Talking/Discussing/Interviewing
13. Surfing the net
B. Choosing a topic
1. Familiarity
2. Interest (appeal and curiosity)
3. Researchability and significance (Availability of materials)
4. Practicality (Time and money)
5. Purpose
6. Audience
C. General topic
1. General to specific
2. Specific to general
3. Stating the thesis statement
D. Designing
1. Organizing
a. Methods of orderly arrangement
1. Inductive
2. Deductive
3. Spacial
4. Chronological
5. Climactic
b. Methods of Emphasis
1. Position
2. Proportion
3. Repetition
4. Parallelism
5. Climatic order
c. Parts of the essay
1. Introducer
a. Question
b. Quotation
c. Personal Examples
d. Facts or statistics
e. Current events
f. Contrast to the main idea
g. Firm Statement of Opinion
h. General statement
i. Notable or striking statement
j. Analogy or comparison
k. Personal comment
l. Impressionistic description
m. An incident
n. Definition
o. Factual background
p. Anecdotes
q. Dramatic scene
2. Thesis statement
a. Function of the thesis statement
b. Position of the thesis statement
1. Introduction
2. Middle
3. End
4. Implied
3. The Body
a. Functions of the body paragraphs
1. Developers
2. Extender
3. Amplifier
b. Types of Discourse
1. Exposition
a. Definition
b. Comparison
c. Contrast
d. Cause and Effect
e. Analogy
f. Classification
g. Illustration/Examples
h. Process
i. Partition
2. Description
a. Objective approach
b. Subjective or impressionistic
3. Narration
a. Plot
b. Settings
c. Character
d. Dialogue
4. Argumentation
4. Conclusion
a. Recommendation or suggestion
b. Challenge
c. Quotation
d. Striking question
e. Restatement
2. Outline
a. Label
1. Modern
2. Traditional
b. Format
1. Formal
2. Informal
c. Heading
1.Topic outline
2. Sentence outline
3. Paragraph outline
E. Data-gathering and documentation
1. 3 Types of note taking
a. Quotation
b. Summary
c. Paraphrase
2. Interviewing
3. Conduct survey
4. Citing
II. Drafting
A. Writing the topic sentence
B. Writing the details of the body paragraphs
C. Writing the introducer
D. Writing the conclusion
III. Revising
A. Approach to writing
1. Drafting
2. Creative
B. Coherence
1. First Revision or Reassessment
a. Unity
b. Emphasis
1. Sentence arrangement
2. Transitional Devices
3. Semantic cohesion devices
c. Redrafting
2. Second Revision or Redrafting
a. Delete
b. Add
c. Change
3. Third Revision or Editing
a. Substance and logic
1. Rhetorical situation
2. Top checklist
3. Logic checklist for accuracy
b. Structure
c. Word choice
d. Grammar
e. Usage
f. Mechanics
IV. Writing the final draft

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