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Get Hired (Agency App)



1. In describing your business concept, remember the basic questions that should be answered:
what is your product or service? Who are your customers, who are they, where are they located?
What are their needs that your product or service has to offer to meet those needs, why will they
buy your product/service? Why will your customers buy your product and not from your
competitors? How will you promote your product/service? Where can they buy your product?

Product Description
Get Hired is an employment agency app that could help unemployed or maybe employed
individuals to find work and also assist employers to find the workers they need. It aims to
eradicate poverty by providing an accessible way to create jobs so that people will have enough
income that could sustain their needs and uplift their lives.

Get Hired is specifically for unemployed individuals and businesses that need manpower.
It will offer different categories for respective individuals that seek specific employment such as
regular, probationary, project, seasonal, casual, and term/fixed-period.
The app would be accessible for any individual that are 18-45 years old, any gender,
without restriction for their economic and family status. Every Filipino citizen can access the
said app wherever they are located.
Businesses within the Philippines with different industry type can register to the said app
as long as they are officially registered to operate.

Customer Needs
Creating job is one of the best ways to eradicate poverty which remains as the social issue
of the society until now. Individuals without a source of income or need an additional income
can seek jobs with the use of Get Hired as long as they are qualified. Get Hired can link both
employee and employers that would be beneficial to each other for their development and to
increase the economic growth of the country.
In the said app, employees and employers can be linked easily to process the employment
they need without spending a lot of money and effort. Hiring speed will also be increased in this

Unfair Advantage
Get Hired is an app that can be easily downloaded and accessed, as long as you have an
internet connection whenever and wherever you are. It is beginner-friendly which is not
complicated to use. In this app, different categories of job will be available according to
specialized segment of customers. This could also save time and effort compared to some other
way of employment.
Tips and advices on how to be an effective and successful employee and employer will
also be available in this app as a way of increasing their motivation to succeed.
Marketing is more than just an advertising campaign; it should result in revenue for our
business. Understanding the different ways to promote your product or service can help us make
the right choice for our business. We can use this following in promoting our product/service:

Print and Graphic Art Media

Depending on the type of message we want to communicate to our customers, print media
offers different options, including: brochures, business cards, newspaper ads and magazines.

Electronic Media
Electronic media is a general term for any media that requires an electronic device for the
content to be accessed. Some of the most common forms of electronic media include television,
radio, internet and content for mobile devices.

Additional Promotional Ideas

Promotional gifts, like pens, key rings and calendars, can be given to individuals and groups
that you know personally to help create a positive opinion of our company and improve its

Networking and community involvement can also support the promotion of our business.
We can make new contacts and reach out to potential customers by participating in trade shows,
conferences, community activities and other networking events. Speaking to people about our
business can be one of the most effective ways of promoting our product or service.

Planning your marketing strategy will help us determine the best way to promote our
product or service, allow you to measure your success against set goals and provide us with a
clearer idea of where your strategy may need adjustments.

Sourcing the Best Materials for Our Product/Service

Our app is app developer. Employers which contains information about what specific
employees they are looking for, how to apply, job description, and possible salary if possible.
We should already know what level of quality and price point we are going for with our product.
It might be inexpensive but less durable, in which case your materials will be too. But you want
to make a better-quality product, so your materials can’t be anything but the best. It’s not just the
quality of our product that matters. Our budget and cash flow are essential to consider too.
Sourcing materials carefully is vital.

Recruitment Agency is one of the competitor for our product/service. Recruiting can become
highly competitive in markets where job openings outnumber qualified job applicants. Small
businesses can face distinct challenges attempting to lure job applicants away from larger
competitors with more established reputations, but there are a number of competitive recruitment
strategies that can give small companies an advantage.The competitors are in a competition with
the organization. All organizations try to explore the sustainable sources of the job candidates.
Monitoring the competitors, the organization can keep its position in the long run.

They can buy our product by visiting the app store or play store. Our app would be user
friendly, they can choose freely either free or paid options. On the paid options, its premium.
they will get hired faster because it is sponsored. More people to click on their resume.

2. Describe the economic value, social and environmental value of your business idea.

Social, Environmental and Economic Values

Get Hired agency app promotes social, environmental and economic values which aims to help
the unprivileged and unemployed people. The poverty still increasing year by year and through
our agency app will help decrease the poverty in the country. Using the 25% of the company
sales will be allocated to the street people and the poorest of the poor giving them the needs they
need for everyday use and consumption. Not only the poverty that the business will focus but
also on the environment because it needs also the attention. Get Hired agency app has formulate
environmental action in which conducts a yearly tree planting activities to propagate trees which
gradually decreased it's number.

3. Management and Financial Requirements.

Financial requirements

*Startup cost - 100,000

*New investments in product development - 150,000
*Fund raised and fund needed - 80,000
*Additional personnel -50,000
*Permits - 20,000
*Other expenses (such as supplies, equipments , etc.) - 70,000
*Potential risk - 90,000
*funds for advertisement - 60,000
*Exit option - 30,000
Get Hired (Agency App)
Organizational Structure


Iris Jane Silvela

Marketing Sales Operations Admin HR

Mary Divine Dela John Reynel Nicole Agbay Alpha Matthew C.

Cruz Escanillas Dumancas Sobrejuanite Guangco

Get Hired

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