Lesson Plan: Overview of Lesson (100-150 Words)

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LESSON PLAN TEMPLATE Assignment #3 Lesson Series [Curriculum and Instruction] Fall 2020 St.


Grade: 2/3 Lesson Title: Exploring a Compass Lesson Duration 45 mins

Overview of lesson (100-150 words). Write a clear and concise overview that indicates what the lesson is, the purpose, how it is connected to
the POS, what students will learn and how the lesson will conclude. See example in Instructional video provided.

In this lesson students will be further introduced to a compass and the earth’s magnetic field. They will learn
how a compass relates to a magnet, and how to properly use one. This relates to the grade two science program
of studies. Throughout the lesson students will learn about the earth’s magnetic field, how a compass works and
its purpose, and the different directions. Students will take part in a hands-on activity to understand directions
and how to use a compass. By the conclusion of the lesson, students should know how and why a compass is
Alberta Program of Study: Goals and Objectives . Carefully select GLO and SLO that pertain to your lesson. Do not put in 10 SLO's just
because you find a link. Choose selectively and think carefully about what is achievable for students to learn by the end of the lesson [Maximum 1 GLO
1-2 SLO's]


2–8 Describe the interaction of magnets with 1. Identify where magnets are used in the environment and
other magnets and with common materials. why they are used.
4. Recognize that magnets have polarity, demonstrate that
poles may either repel or attract each other, and state a rule
for when poles will repel or attract each other

Learning Objectives. Translate the SLO's into learning objectives. Using Stem, directing verb and what is to be learned language. Use Blooms
Taxonomy directing words for reference. * See Instructional Video
Students will understand a compass uses the earth’s magnetic field
Students will recognize why poles either attract or repel each other
Students will recognize that the earth has polarity

Inquiry & Guiding Questions: Inquiry Questions are broader Question that guides a unit of study, while guiding questions guide the lesson itself and are
specific questions. Guiding questions aim to provoke thinking. Guiding questions are just that - guiding. These types of questions facilitate dialogue. They can be used for
guiding students inquiry and can be used for formative assessment purpose too. A lesson should have several guiding questions.
** See Instructional video on Inquiry and guiding questions.

Inquiry Question: Formulate one (see examples in instructional video)

What kinds of objects can we use that have magnets?

Lesson Guiding Questions: Formulate several. Remember to use Bloom's Taxonomy, directing verbs apply, analysis contrast, express, appreciate...be clear on
what type of knowledge/skill/attitudes that you are helping students develop and expecting them to do. Guiding questions must support this and provoke student
thinking and help them understand what they are learning, why they are learning, what they have learned, what they still need to learn etc.. * See Instructional Video

What is a compass?
Does a compass use the magnetic field of the earth?
What do the earth’s magnetic field lines look like?
What is a compass used for?
Annotated Learning Resources List These must be relevant and age appropriate and from a reliable source. Draw on Beth's Curriculum Lab Module about
assessing resources If it is on online resource provide an active link. If it a book, cite the book and author. Provide 2 -3 sentences (annotated) to indicate what the
resource is and why you have chosen it. How does it support your lesson and student learning?

LESSON PLAN TEMPLATE Assignment #3 Lesson Series [Curriculum and Instruction] Fall 2020 St. Georges

*you may have more or less than three resources. It depends on your lesson.

Resource #1: Curr lab at the University of Lethbridge. I used this resource to get more small compasses for the
students to use.
Resource #2: High school science teacher at Huntsville. I used him as a resource because he taught me how to
use a compass.
Resource #3:

Material and Equipment

List: Art supplies, manipulatives, smartboard, online white board etc…What you will use AND, therefore what you will organize ahead of time prior to
your lesson

 Smart board
 Compasses
 PowerPoint
 Worksheet

Lesson Procedures

Introduction (3 min.): Description of Hook/Attention Grabber; Expectations for Learning and Behavior; Transition to Body.
Indicate the timing for each section.

 Make sure students are finished eating their snacks from recess.
 Review the previous lesson with the students: iron filings can be used to see the invisible magnetic field
 Goal of lesson: Learn how to use a compass, and why it is related to magnets, and do a fun compass
activity outside.
Transition: Move into activity #1. Students will stay seated at their desk for this activity.

Body (__min.): This is the largest part of your lesson. The body is comprised of Steps and Procedures, Identified Teaching Strategies,
Assessment. In each section write clearly and concisely.

Image a substitute teacher picks up this lesson; will they be able to carry it out based on your descriptions and instruction?

Writing must be descriptive and clearly organized. Specify activities and transitions in lesson. Indicate timing of each section. Identify teaching strategies,
organization of class etc. How and when are you using formative assessment in your lesson?

Steps and Procedures: Lessons are divided into portions. in a 45 min lesson Identify Teaching Strategies/Rational
body there should be a least two activities and one transition. You may have 3 Example: Direct instructions, pair/share, jigsaw,
activities and 2 transitions. An activity can be reading - transition - partner dialogue whole group discussion etc. When will you use these
(as an example). Each activity and transition are structured and timed. Be explicit and why? You will list in your body, but you will explain
* Style of writing is descriptive and concise. You are not narrating, rather you are
your choice here.
describing in detail, the activity, the learning, critical information to carry out the
Earth’s Magnetic Field [Direct Instruction]: Direct
instruction is used to teach a challenging topic
Activity #1: Earth’s Magnetic Field [Direct Instruction] (5
that they probably wouldn’t have been able to
minutes) understand on their own without me explaining
 Before we begin the main compass activity, we will go it.
through what the magnetic field looks like for earth. Do

LESSON PLAN TEMPLATE Assignment #3 Lesson Series [Curriculum and Instruction] Fall 2020 St. Georges
this with a PowerPoint presentation. This will connect Compass & Directions Introduction [Experiential
into the compass activity, so that students have a small instruction]: This will be used in activity #2.
understanding of how compasses work. Students will get to work with the compasses
 Explain to students how this relates to a compass. (5 after watching a brief explanation to try and
understand how it works and be exposed to it. I
do not expect students to understand how to use
it correctly right off the bat.
Transition: Students will move into activity #2. They will stay
seated at their desk for this activity as well. (1 minute) Outdoor Compass Activity [Independent
Instruction]: This will be used in activity #3.
Activity #2: Compass & Directions Introduction [Experiential Students will have the chance to try and work on
instruction] (13 minutes) their own and practice using the compass for real
 Start by showing a compass on the board for students to outside.
look at. Explain the different parts of the compass (1 Assessments/Rational (minimum of two)
 Then explain what the different directions are and go Type/Name: Worksheet.
through some of the different mnemonics to remember Where Assessment Occurs: This will happen
the different directions. (2 minutes) during activity #2. Students will use the
o Never Eat Slimy Worms worksheet to practice the different directions
o Never Eat Soggy Waffles in the classroom. This will show if they can
 Give students 1-2 minutes to try and brainstorm their apply the knowledge they have learned about
own saying to remember the directions. the compass in their classroom.
 Once they are done, hand out a worksheet for the
students to fill in to understand how the directions work.
Formative: Example: observation/anecdotal,
Go through the instructions and most of the activity student/teacher conferencing, check list, worksheet,
together. Before this, state the different behavioral discussion, or other techniques from your evaluation
expectations: (2-3 minutes) text book. When will you administer these and why?
o If you need to sharpen a pencil, you can only go
one at a time, so there should only be one
student at the pencil sharpener at a time
o The activity needs to be taken seriously or we
won’t be allowed to do the next activity with the
o No wandering around the classroom, unless I
have asked you to do so.
 Activity. (5 minutes)

Transition: use attention grabber and have students return to

their table. (1 minute)

Activity #3: Outdoor Compass Activity [Independent

Instruction] (15 minutes)
 Once students are sitting quietly, explain behavioral
expectations for this lesson. Then hand out a compass to
every student. Use the document camera to explain how
they work. (2 minutes)

LESSON PLAN TEMPLATE Assignment #3 Lesson Series [Curriculum and Instruction] Fall 2020 St. Georges
 Explain the instructions for the next activity: Students
will go outside and try to measure what direction they
are going and how many steps it takes to get there. We
will use our compass to do this. Students can get their
coats/ sweaters on, grab their compass, and wait for
everyone else to be ready. (2 minutes)
 Remind students of the previous behavioral instruction.

Transition: Once students are wrapping up their activity, start to

get students to come inside. If enough time transition into a
closure, if not collect worksheets and get ready for the end of
the day. (2 minutes)

Consolidating and Closure: ( ) mins *beyond 'clean up'

In this part of your planning you are providing time for ensuring that students learned and understood what was intended in the lesson. If they
haven't you will need to revisit your lesson plan or re-teach (if necessary). Here you could provide an exit slip or walk through a guided whole
group and/or small group discussion. This part of the lesson can act also as a transition from lesson body into closure...cleanup and getting
ready for the next class. Don't forget to time this too and to indicate very clearly how you will facilitate consolidation and closure. Provide Clear
steps and indicate process. Often 5 mins is allotted for this section but that is not enough time. To consolidate, clean up and get students ready
for transition can take up to 10 minutes or more, depending on the lesson.

 Once students are back inside sitting down at their tables, I will hand out all their work and let them put
it in their science folders.
 We will discuss what they learned about the compass and the last activity.

LESSON PLAN TEMPLATE Assignment #3 Lesson Series [Curriculum and Instruction] Fall 2020 St. Georges

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