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Annisha Jain

1. What is a sales funnel?

A sales funnel is the marketing term for the journey potential customers go through on the way to
purchase. There are several steps to a sales funnel, usually known as the top, middle, and bottom
of the funnel, although these steps may vary depending on a company's sales model.

2. What are the processes and stages involved in making a sale

In general, there are four main stages:

Stage 1: Awareness

The rst of the sales funnel stages is called the “awareness” level, because it's where people rst
become aware of your product or service. They may hear about you from your advertising, social
media, even word of mouth.

Stage 2: Interest

Once prospects have learned about your brand, they’ll evaluate it based on their interest level.
They’ll think about the problem they’re trying to solve and conduct competitive research to make
sure your o ering is the best solution.

Stage 3: Decision

Armed with information about your company, prospects will dig deeper into your pricing and
packaging options. Sales pages, webinars, and calls are helpful in this stage to help sway
prospects to make a purchase.

Stage 4: Action

All your work comes down to this stage: whether the prospect makes a purchase or not. If they
didn’t, the deal isn’t lost forever. You can create nurture campaigns to make sure you stay top of

3. Di erentiate Marketing funnel & Sales Funnel.

De nition

The sales funnel refers to a system that guides a prospective customer from the marketing stage
to the conversion. On the other hand, the marketing funnel refers to the process of converting a
lead or a prospective into a customer. 


While the sales funnel focuses on making more product or services sales, the marketing funnel
focuses more on brand recognition and image. 


While the sales funnel maintains the consumers’ interest, the marketing funnel creates the
consumers’ interest. 

4. If you’re facing any objection from your leads and how are you going to overcome them in order
to convert them to a valuable customer of our corporation?

I would answer all their queries one by one. I will make sure they are satis ed. I will make a sale
however i can.

5. Explain the sales funnel with a real time example or a case study.

A visitor lands on your website through a Google search or social link. He or she is now a
prospect. The visitor might check out a few of your blog posts or browse your product listings. At
some point, you o er him or her a chance to sign up for your email list.

If the visitor lls out your form, he or she becomes a lead. You can now market to the customer
outside of your website, such as via email, phone, or text — or all three.

Leads tend to come back to your website when you contact them with special o ers, information
about new blog posts, or other intriguing messages. Maybe you o er a coupon code.

The sales funnel narrows as visitors move through it. This is partially because you’ll have more
prospects at the top of the funnel than buyers at the bottom, but also because your messaging
needs to become increasingly targeted.

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