Everybody Up 2 SB 2nd Edition

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a Editio,, wp U UP Book \g =: son OXFORD OXFORD 194 Madison Avene [New York, NY 10016 USA, ‘Great Gatendon Sceet, Oxford, 0x2 69, United Kingdom ‘Oxford University Press sa department ofthe Univer of Oxford Frfurebers the Unive objective of excellence in esearch, schoip. and education by publishing workéwide Oxford isa registered trade ‘mark of Oxford University Pres inthe UK and in certain other Counties (© Oxford University Foes 2036 ‘The moral rights ofthe avthor have been asserted ‘ist published in 3036 2020 2019 2018 2017 2086 woe7ssaazi ‘No unauthorized photocopying, ‘Allvights reserved, No pat ofthis publication may be produced, stored {na retrieval stem, of translted n any form Or by ary means, without {se prior permission in writing of Oxfoné University Pres, o as expressly ermited by law, by icence or under terms agreed withthe propriate Feptographics rights organization. Enquiries concerning reproduction outside the scape ofthe above shoold be sent othe FL Rigns Department, Oxford ‘University Press, at che adres above ‘You must not circulate this work in any other form and you must impose ‘his same condition om any aqulres Linke to tied party websites are provided by Oxford in go falth and for Information only. Oxford dsctaluns any responsblty for ene materials ‘couained in any hind party website referenced in this work sane 9780-19-105005 Seudent Book Printed in China ‘This books printed on paper ftom certified and wellsmamaged sources (be ty Pron eth eect ofc wc ne hed rm efxent contac sees ae Alot ‘ore: ae seucee, ro Hemant Sha, Woppe pas Leven Te, gli A ‘itary bares Aa Toe ere Langue (neat omance Veee Tg ‘Ruse: Chen Ch ena 1839p Ang. tC Ch 2 Sot een op 12 1 16 1 ph 2B 2828 ph 33897 ‘2: eo Sc 36 7 op Coe) Slo pee Toe, “reps enn obey 8 Ay ern 83018, 47 urs bo, 29-4, teu an er 2 gr en hee Bor oat) ek Mo eee n(n bch) ‘38.9, ofhose 7 (as ‘Grenson shozaply Ricard Hitchin ight Sure Cover phos eect. Paper aha ata pram ee gata oe tpg TU i 1d 30 28, 2929.38 9 9, 97.3. es HT WN el i 7p eu ily i, ep, Be oa Gane oer og sca. 67 yh Pal kel. ‘Beal ir Stud ns ps sn ira Ser ane c= Pe 6 (Gena 2 ow 0 tc 39s 2 C3 We wn eh eimai pi eo enters (GAs Doan Capac a resent Meda Rew Stormers o> Simms ory flys Irate eed th re erock pecs ei vent fee ne Weedoed or et Cab ‘Sea dc), gta Vio ure Bes nage sche). ral Vida dent, Table of Contents WORWING) cccnonanancanes: 2 Unit 1 How We Feel................ 4 Unit 2 In Town..............cc ce 12 Check Up |. Phonics | Project | . Unit 3. Things to Eat............... Unit 4 Things to Wear.... Check Up 2, Phonics 2... Project 2 Unit 5 Things to Do Unit 6 Home ... Check Up 3. Phonics 3 Project 3 .... Unit 7 My Day.... Unit 8 My Week. Check Up 4. Phonics 4 > SO Class Audio CD —Group/pair work i Project 4... YLE Practice... Syllabus. Word List €) Listen, read, and say. “> I’m Emma. I’m eight. I have a brother and a sister. This is my backpack. I like my backpack. My name is Danny. I'm eight. I have a sister. I like green. , I like pizza. I don’t © like green pizza! Danny Emma 3. ‘ = My name is Julie. 4, I'm Mike. I’m nine. . I'mnine. I have I have a brother. two brothers. v T have a bike. I can play soccer. I like my bike. I like soccer. It’s fast! Julie Mike © What about you? Talk with your classmates. oe Welcome Sing. ‘a eer Try BEI Soy What Day Is It Today? i Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, It's Wednesday. Wednesday. Wednesday, Thursday, It's Wednesday. Wednesday. Friday, Saturday. It's Wednesday. f What day is it today? It's Wednesday today! i Thursoy » QUEER owe | Suny) | Mondoy @ Listen, point, and say. ‘> | ‘ER i Read. ‘ic Spell. Ses Come to the board. Open your book. Close your book. Listen, point, and say. - eC ‘ 1a c happy sad hot cold hungry thirsty yr Co Listen and say. Then practice. t I’m happy. I’m not sad. I’'m=lIam =< ¥ sy ©) Listen, ask, and answer. Then practice. > & Are you happy? ? © Listen, point, and say. ‘2 excited He’s = He is ‘She's = She is Listen, ask, and answer. Then practice. 2) © © isn’t = is not Is he sick? No. Is he tired? No. Is he bored? No! He’s excited. He isn't bored. He's excited. He's excited. He's excited. He isn’t bored. Lesson 3 Story ty : ©) Talk about the pictures. Then listen and read. ‘i a Are you § I think so. OK? Thanks! 2 © Listen and number. ‘? Oops. Ouch! What's wrong? Are you OK? Are you OK? What's wrong? Are you OK? Are you OK? Ouch! My leg hurts. Ouch! My leg hurts. Are you OK? Are you OK? Ouch! I think so. Oh! I think so. Yes! I think so. Thanks! finger Lesson 4 The Senses 7 (9 Watch the video. © (©) Listen, point, and say. 3. . HePERteetl OPS eatPep detaetests | cereeteeee, tittitette ; On~< | 2 | hear see jeqr (@isten, ask, and answer. Then practice. \)) °< tilts a abird r adog - a flower ice cream pizza _ E ( can see a bird. He She a bus adog aflower apen bread pizza ” © Look at ©. Point, ask, and answer. © © A) p © Look at the poster. Talk about it. | oe a Te oe = . Listen, point, and say. 2’ doctor nurse teacher student pilot cook Listen and number. ‘2 y- Go Listen and say. Then practice. 2 He’s = He is She's = She is isn’t = is not he |, Yes, is. he she Is adoctor? she hi le . No, isn’t. she e Look at ©. Point, ask, and answer. ~~ oR) Ghee ene Listen, point, and say. = LI | — eo. =a. police officer firefighter bus driver soccer player Listen and say. Then practice. 22 They’re = They are aren't = are not Police officers firefighters busdrivers soccer player: Listen, ask, and answer. Then practice. oh Yes, they are. i 2 Aten yietee arene? No, they aren’t. They’re firefighters. Are they firefighters? No, they aren't. : a Are they police officers? Yes, they are. 2+ @ oS They're police officers. © = They're police officers. a 3 They aren't firefighters. a & . . Der Bod? eer Hera? © Draw and write. Show and tell. ° © ceo o 4 They're firefighters. 3 ery ae) How many jobs? cOMMIEUE east Lesson 3 Story J @ Talk about the pictures. Then listen and read. 2' ~~ Paar kd Look at me. ; Tlike trees! Oh, nol” Danny, be careful! Excuse me. EE May I borrow > your phone? Sure. Here you are. > 3 © Listen and circle v or x. vx eo Sing. an @ =e May I Borrow Your Phone? COCR vx vx Excuse me. May I borrow your phone? Sure. Here you are. Thanks! You're welcome! are Please may I borrow your phone? x Sure! Here you are. @ Listen and say. Then act. DP € Watch the video. ©_ Listen, point, and say. a wi ALL restaurant 34 \ Where's = Where is He's = Heis She’s = She is hospital restaurant | @) Listen andy. 2 © Look at ©. Ask and answer. © © Where’s the nurse? She’s at the restaurant. Ge Look at the poster. Talk about Units | and 2 ) ©) Listen and circle. 2 = 1, mm 2. © Read and v. I. Ishe sick? Yes, he is. No, he isn’t. 2. Are they firefighters? a. Yes, they are. No, they aren’t. 3. Where's the teacher? He’s at school. ley 4. Is she a doctor? Yes, she is. No, she isn’t. She's a pilot. v) O O O C) He’s at the restaurant. O O O ® Check Up | the cook? She’s at the restaurant. 2. Are ________ hot? Yes, I 3. What _______ he see? He can a pizza. 4. Are you hungry? No, _______ not. © Listen and write. Then act. ey LO ss ) bh © what can you do? Read and v. eT Rela eLed Lee Ss &. C:) feelings © OC tnesenses () (| (+) ples O OOO O volue volue lel ki jobs I can be Cli Units | and 2 Listen, point, and say. 2 jame ave S = = jose am bo» six Look at €9. Point and read with your partner. ©” Listen and read. 3 BY A The girl is in the cave. The hippo is on the jug. I can see six kittens. ® Phonics 1 Project ots Make a spinner. |. Write the five 2. Draw and color 3. Cut out the circles. Put senses. the places. the circles together. Listen. Then use your spinner and talk. “a 7] What can you smell What can you see Tcan see a at the restaurant? | Jean smell at the hospital? doctor. see hear smell taste fouch hospital school home restaurant park Be creative! Use Oy lots of words. : What can people in your family see, feel, * smell, taste, or touch? Take your spinner = = home. Use it with your family. ©) Listen, point, and say. Oo BD D D p i ci soup salad spaghetti french fries steak eggs @ ie (©) Listen and number. 2 > Ay (© Listen and say. Then practice. 3 want ead He don't = do not don’t want P She | doesn’t want i doesn't = does not (i 2. ey 3, mem. => © Listen, ask, and answer. Then practice.) © © What do you want? I want soup. he He 2 What does | aha want? She | wants soup. ben Tete oi TSI: ONT rela Lesson 2 Fruit y ©) Listen, point, and say. 1? Oo A 4a — ( apple banana orange peach oO Listen and say. Then practice. 3 have He has don’t = do not don’t have apples. She | doesn’t have oppies: doesn’t = does not apples —_ bananas. oranges peaches y Listen, ask, and answer. Then practice. «> © 47 oO Sing. > fe eCwd Does She Have Apples? BO Does she have apples? Yes, she does. Does she have peaches? Yes, she does. Does she have oranges? Yes, she does. Does she have bananas? No, she doesn't. Terma Ue Cr Neon XS Selo Re) —<_e ? ©) Talk about the pictures. Then listen and read. |) © © an apple? Excuse me? ae se No, thank you. jg PF - Ihave 1G Fe Ret — (les an apple! a Do you want an apple, Ann? ut No, thank you. | ® Unit 3 wm) 50 © Listen and circle v or x. ™ Sing. ‘a eo 2 Do you want an — 2 oe @ Excuse me? Excuse me? Do you want an apple? Yes, please! No. No, rh a er etetete®, © 6 oF 6 oF 696% oF H% 6 Get G%s oO Listen and say. Then act. : Do you want an apple? Yes, please. apple peach Watch the video. © Listen, point, and say. ‘2 LLDPE LL Yes, I do. , o don’t = t No, I don’t. onitreco ng Do you like 2 Se me A eee DVIeee @® Listen and match. 2 fa - eee 4 e Oe ms oe What about you and your partner? Ask and answer. Fill in the chart. = < Do you like cheese? Yes, I do. My Partner em Rolo} What food do you want? Draw and tell Ror milk cheese yogurt butter ( Look at the poster. Talk about it. B Listen, point, and say. A Ba4rin dress skirt pants socks shoes Listen and number. ‘3’ Nag Teta y- Listen and say. Then practice. :: ashirt adress He's = He is askirt pants She's = She is @ Listen, ask, and answer. Then practice. ‘= ° © What's she e ‘ | wearing? What's = What is i © Look at ©. Point, ask, and answer. °° we aa | wearing a white shirt and gray pants. 7 © Listen, point, and say. a o D cap T-shirt shorts sneakers a) v © Listen and say. Then practice. acap caps aT-shirt T-shirts shorts sneakers Listen, ask, and answer. Then practice. 2 @ What are you wearing? i ared cap wearin: 9 red caps and green shorts. m We're I'm wearing a blue T-shirt. I'm wearing orange shorts. I'm wearing green sneakers _ and a red cap on my head. TERT TST e Talk with your classmates. Ask and answer. aa Meena Rees friend Lesson 3 Story ©) Talk about the pictures. Then listen and read. ‘3 © © FOP ayy a cao ee RD ( Mom! Mom? CU Mm <<”. What's she What's |. > wearing? 1 OY vers . es * ieee oll ae die a Sh = ke al Ican't find >y¢ * She's wearing a my mother. pink T-shirt and 2 black pants. so hee : ‘ What's her 5 f phone number? It's 555-0182. aes Las A ® Unit © Listen and number. is Sing. ‘> a® ©) GD _wner's Your Phone tumber? |) ©) What's your phone number? Ring-a-ling-a-ling. Ring-a-ling-a-ling. ~N P me? 555-4321. ‘ Ring-a-ling-a-ling-a-ling-ling. - Sn08g00 8900088 @ Listen and say. Then a &S 829-3071 Lesson 4 Clothes | social! Bt ©) watch the video. © Fy) © Listen, point, and say. ‘2 4Gan sweater boots v @ Listen, ask, and answer. Then practice. ‘3. ° © isn’t = is not a hat acoat a sweater boots c¢ = | oJ © Look at the pictures. Write V or x. Hat Coat Sweater Boots Shorts Sneakers T-shirt Dress © Look at ©. Ask and answer. © © _ ishoveaingosnne? Ge Look at the poster. Talk about it. cl Units 3 ar / ©) Listen and circle. A © Read and v. |. What's he wearing? He's wearing pants. 2. Does she have bananas? No, she doesn’t. 3. What do you want? I want eggs. 4, What are you wearing? We're wearing blue shorts and orange sneakers. ® ‘Check Up 2 Write. |. Does _________ like milk? Yes, she 2. What is she ______...____ She’s wearing ablue ________ and yellow shorts. 3... he want eggs? Yes, he 4. What he want? He __________ spaghetti. o Listen and write. Then act. ‘Cee I's © what can you do? Read and v. basco) Le food fruit C) C) C) clothes 0) C) OC a lll) C) C) C) at Corel) C) C) C) safe Cys Listen, point, and say. 72 = lob lack of} ly ooh ib Look at €9. Point and read with your partner. ~ © Listen and read. 73 = This clam is black. My friend likes bread. The flag isin the crib. © Pevise |. Draw the food. 2. Color the food 3. Write the names of the food. Listen. Then play “My Restaurant.” 7 2 What do you want? Do you want french fr Show the pictures. Talk about your What does your family like to eat? me Take your menu home. Play “My J ee : Restaurant” with your family. Listen, point, and say. ‘0? yr (© Listen and say. Then practice. ‘i reading writing I'mnot I'm=Iam rong He’s | reading. He isn’t joka She isn't ied dancing What's = What is Mtge uno Sie Yar Cole Rely © Look at ©. Point, ask, and answer. ” © seme s, ee aby to) ard , © Listen, point, and say. am oO Listen and say. Then practice. i We're = We are aren’t drinking. They're = They are aren’t = are not eating drinking 4 a sleeping playing Pe SS Listen, ask, and answer. Then practice. ‘ci: © © Osing. 2 Mr UAC Las ig What dre you doing? I am playing. I’m not sleeping. I'm playing now. What are they doing? They are eating. They aren't drinking. They're eating now. oS er a C¥) eames) <7 , © Talk about the pictures. Then listen and read. ‘0’ © © Good idea! / = wha Hi! T have \ i * +) anew game. \ Y . = md Ba Bay 4a Or Mike, Danny's here. ) a Let’s play! 53 Ws Pw ( ¢ What are you doing? oe Hi, Danny! |] I’m bored. Can I play, too? ue We're a playing. z » Nah | fa ( winning! Yolue be B ot Cem © Listen and circle v or x. i” Sing. diy aoOpe ore GALILEE ot ok ke tote * We're playing! We're playing! We're dancing! We're dancing! * * a * * What are you doing? What are they doing? y . * .n * * T'm playing. q: S They're dancing. , ye % CanI play, too? * Can we dance, too? * * * % Good idea! Let's play! Good idea! Let’s dance! 5 » Let's play! Let's dance! * : : * * * * * * SOIR III OIC IOI OIISIDIIIDIIISIITI IOI ITO IOI ITI IAC Oo Listen and say. Then act. 1) Ge leis See Lesson 4 Activities / ©) watch the video. © he | | : fie a er? ves, | 22 is. S| she | Playing the guitar? 7 Bt ° | she Yes, they are. I 2 : Are they playing the guitar’ No, they aren't. isn’t = is not aren't = are not Playing the guitar listening to music watching TV doing homework ®) Listen and number. *? eo Look at ©. Point, ask, and answer. ~ © Pere Re Le No, they aren’t. Cree COR TT ta They're watching TV. remem salts Are they reading? (@ Make a collage. Show and tell. © < He’s eating. \ Co Look at the poster. Talk about it. LE Listen, point, and say. ‘7 bed bookshelf table sofa clock computer Listen and number. ‘3 yy iC) Listen and say. Then practice. ‘7 me & next to infront of behind There’s = There is Is there a bed next to the bookshelt? Y@S: there is. | isn’t = is not No, there isn’t. ( Look at ©. Point, ask, and answer. ~ © Rooms , @9 Listen, point, and say. * 1 -X-I-F0) bedroom bathroom living room kitchen © Listen and say. Then practice. “2 There's one bed There are two beds | the bedroom. There's = There is beds clocks chairs sofas bookshelves tables Are there two beds in the bedroom tae tiesto aren't = are not D Sing. ey go we yi Are There Beds in the Bedroom? o2 i a a Are there beds in the bedroom? Yes, there are. ay Are there chairs in the kitchen? Yes, there are. S Are there bookshelves in the living room? _Yes, there are. @ % Are there bikes in the bedroom? No, there aren't. Qy, if Are there sofas in the kitchen? No, there aren't. e F Are there beds in the bathroom? No, there aren't. kh ji = be WW - e SHS’ J oo Et geo © what about your home? Peeeonitieaty Ask and answer. © © Pa SREST aes Lesson 3 Story ? @ Talk about the pictures. Then listen and read. 23 There’s a sock on the sofa! a Mc The living room’s messy! There are books under the table! OK. What are : r_ I don't know. they doing? nT Snow a x Beton alg oO Listen and number. > G sing. ee s t Let's Clean U; pit 5 paren Let's Clean UP nae S&S > . z The living room's messy! Let's clean up. OK! pity »,, We have fingers. We have hands. We can clean up. Yes, we can. The living room's messy! Aig? ORs. Let's clean up. OK! 4 ‘> oO Listen and say. Then act. =e A yo - living room classroom three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen i e | twenty twenty-five thirty forty fifty F 3 . || : ; . sixty seventy eighty ninety one hundred = Listen, ask, and answer. Then practice. a piebobeinbel DDD HDDS Ss a Ds hids ids ds ids, | @® Unit 6 2 red pencils _— pink books __ blue pencils ___ Orange books +__ yellow pencils +__ green books =__ pencils = books a il — — Look at @. Ask and answer. © © How many red pencils There are eight are there? red pencils. What about your classroom? Make a chart. Ask and answer. ” © Name Books Pencils 4 4 Look at the poster. Talk about it. =) Units 5 and ? ©) Listen and circle. y I. Ps z. a «CT : 50 15 : © Read and v. |. What are they doing? 2. Are there three tables in the bathroom? ay They’re eating. They’re drinking. Yes, there are. No, there aren’t. Yes, he is. No, he isn’t. He’s reading. He’s writing. Write. |. Is there aclock ____________ the computer? | Yes, is. 2, ____________ they doing their homework? No, they 3. How many books are There ____________ ten books. © what can you do? Read and v. bere Cel aelelel Lee es) a @ actions C) things at home activities rooms Oo00cs Ooo0cs e000 numbers yolue volue rol Bl) C) C) C) pT) fit helpful. Units 5 and 6 @ Listen, point, and say. a Na. : s h shell —_ en at sheep three eo Look at €9. Point and read with your partner. © io) ya Listen and read. ‘> a The sheep is on the chair. The whale has a wheel. There are three phones. @ Phonics 3 1. Color the room. 2. Make the room. 3. Put the people in the room. © Listen. Then talk about your model room. °° © What's he Is there a sofa in front of the bookshelf? Tip Show the room. Then talk about it. ute Site hs : Do you have your own bedroom? What’s in it? : What about the other people in your family? : Talk about your room with your family. Lesson | Time y ©) Listen, point, and say. 2 | | one o’clock | one fifteen one thirty one forty-five two o’clock ©) Listen and number. *2’ - (® Listen and say. Then practice. ‘x ts | me oCOCK. |) ts = His one fifteen. ©) Listen, ask, and answer. Then practice. aig It’s one o'clock. ime is it? Whattine itd It’s one fifteen. Pe Mae ®@ Look at ©. - Point, ask, and answer. ~~ ent amt Delta] OTR} Sola rey J ©) Listen, point, and say. 4? Listen, ask, and answer. Then practice. ‘2. © © When do you eat breakfast? When do you eat dinner? T eat breakfast at 7:15. I eat dinner at 6:45. Tlike eggs and juice. French fries and spaghetti! When do you eat lunch? T eat lunch at 1:00. IT like soup and salad. © what about you and your partner? Ask and answer. © © seem insta Lesson 2 (67 —<=—Ae - ? €9 Talk about the pictures. Then listen and read. ‘2 é Mike! It’s eleven o'clock. Let’s play, Dad! It’s eight o'clock. It’s time for bed. | Ea on | Sorry, Dad. Good night yr | Imtired. Va Be healthy. © Listen and circle v or x. Wake up! Good night. What time is it? What time is it? It's time for school. It's time for bed. Wake up! Good night. It’s seven thirty. It’s nine fifteen. It's time for school. It’s time for bed. @ Listen and say. Then act. D ao Look at (A). What is Mike doing Ye lened Watch the video. Listen, point, and say. Ot go to school come home go to bed Listen, ask, and answer. Then practice. : 2 50 When does he she wake —> wake: go —> go come —> come: He wakes up at She P eat —> eats | play > play: do > d watch —> watch O45 eae] do emo 5:00 3:45 come home _ play soccer Watch the video We tues CR CT = Crm laca G_ Look at the poster. Talk about it. y | y en ee al ©) Listen, point, and say. ‘> 0 Pix; |e ——y 8 7) (© Listen and say. Then practice. His Her | favorite subject is science. @ Listen, ask, and answer. Then practice. ‘2 ° © What's = What is 7 his Whai's r It’s = Itis he | tort subject? It’s science. Lesson 2 Classes How are karate class dance class swimming class | English class © Listen and say. Then practice. ‘> Danny goes to karate class on Mondays. Wednesday Mike Saturday Carla Gaeta Ce ia @ Listen, ask, and answer. Then practice. ‘© © When does go to karate class? Pe He She | goes to karate class on Tuesdays. Monday | Tuesday Wednesday Thursday _ Friday Saturday o e .66 karate swimming dance E class class class ° Ove 0... karate English swimming class class class . 89 sagt - Karate Class n i. Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday He goes to karate class on Mondays. fi He goes to swimming class on Tuesdays. She goes to dance class on Wednesdays. She goes to English class on Thursdays. © What about you? Tell your partner. ==) ee ie, 19e play soccer? | 76 = fa ves, 1 con. # Let’s play! e ae ni ° a a a fh re ROR 2 , 4 y x Hi! Do you Vu ¢ § speak English? \ Yes, Ido. I’mKen. | ci ' Nice to meet you. Good-bye! [neu msu’ ~ Bye! © ~ See you! |! gis fom ry . * | ¥ = 7 a ~alue N Be friendly. © Listen and number. ‘ What time is it? It's time to go. What time is it? It's time to go. Bye, bye, bye, bye. See you. Good-bye. EE = @© Listen and say. Then act. ‘2’ Good-bye! Lesson 4 Countries / ©) Watch the video. © a) © Listen, point, and say. ‘ci Tr Bie Brazil Canada @ Listen, ask, and answer. Then practice. 2 = © He's Where's = Where is from? She's | fom Brazil. He's = He is She's = She is she © Listen and number. D iz it Friend Name Country Anges Class LDfong 4 All Egypt science English Wednesdays te) Hee-Young ea art dance Thursdays Korea Becky Canada es karate Tuesdays & Bruno Brazil math swimming Mondays e Look at ©. Tell your partner. Take turns. © Ronan NE e What about you? Tell the class. My name is I'm from | | ! My favorite subject is ! : I goto class | on \ © Look at the poster. Talk about it. = Units 7 and 8 7 ©) Listen and circle. ‘> 1. © Read and v. . What's her favorite subject? Her favorite subject is P.E. 2. When does he eat breakfast? He eats breakfast at seven o'clock. 3. When does she go to swimming class? Oe She goes to swimming class on Fridays. He comes home at six o'clock in the evening. 4. When does he come home? u ® Check Up 4 e O write. TUESDAY | |. When ______ eat asnack? He _______ a snack at three thirty. 2. Where is she She's from 3. When ________ go to karate class? He goes to karate class on @ Listen and write. Then act. ‘2. © © I. 2) a SCAG. It's for bed. Bye! (© what can you do? Read and v. alco Lee time ( J ] subjects meals ) C) () classes CX) LJ ( ) daily routine C) C) OC countries O O C) value yolue ome OOOWe OOO Ura big staTs\ aa Units 7 and 8 @ Bon ie Listen, point, and say. 3 3 - baa ea/y cond Nf 4'/ of arm = J aw s cr gh pi ue/ui -* abs R = Look at ©). Point and read with your partner. Listen and read. ‘73 He can play at the beach. The glue is in the rain. ® Phonics 4 She likes pie and candy. Qo Make a day planner. ‘VITY TIME VITY wake up nm |. Write your activities. 2. Draw times on the clocks. 3. Draw your activities. © Listen. Talk about your day planner. ‘ When do you wake up? I wake up at seven o'clock in the morning. When do you go to karate class? I go to karate class at three o'clock in the afternoon. kat ak Tip Talk about activities you do on other days, too. : When does your mother eat a snack? When : does your father go to bed? Make a day planner ; for a person in your family. Then talk about it. wenn Practice 1 A. Listen and draw lines. There is one example. 72 — | oa ; LY Bill L'Lucy \_ Tom oN = gm = A ng : Ea ees oS eo aoe —G7] a a | ies My) — A 4 oe U = EV ee eA f ai Sy/* E ee ae 2 B. Listen and point. Visit the Teacher's Resource CD-ROM for YLE test pages. Reading and Writing C. Look and read. Write yes or no. 1, They are at school. 2. The boy is sick. 3. The man and woman are doctors. 4. The girl is tired. D.Look at the pictures. Look at the letters. Write the words. Ser eeaaee eka h Wane miests} Practice 2 A.Read the questions. Listen and write a name or number. a a SN Sp SEN ETL Td : 2 ‘ i NSIS Xv SS A = aI J Sv 7S) 2M Q =) ay ie aii mere 2 1. What is Lucy's dad’s name? Tony. 2. What is Lucy’s mom’s name? 3. What is their phone number? 4. How old is Lucy? B. Listen and answer the questions. Reading and Writing C. Read this. Choose a word from the box. Write the correct word next to numbers 1-4. S=Z] Hil My name is Alex. These are my clothes. T’'m wearing a green (1) ......../at. on my head. I'm cold, so I’m wearing a 1 . It’s blue. I’m wearing green (3). and brown sneakers on my feet. I’m wearing a sweater and brown (4)........ D. Look at the picture and read the questions. Write one-word answers. ie 4 Pye oS? = 1. What does the man want? voce SEOMK. oe 2. What does the boy have? 3. What is the grandmother eating? occu 4. What does the girl want? coe cose Cea Mmm ye YLE } Movers practice 1 Listening A. Listen and draw lines. ey Tom. May Alex Grace / M\ AN a f ll 1 1 Ll (C = So %, Speaking B. Look and find the differences. Meee cca eee} Reading and Writing C. Look and read. Choose the correct words and write them on the lines. bed kitchen bookshelf computer 1. You can sleep on this. bed 2. You can cook food here, ass Sonn 3. You can put books on this 4. You can do your homework with this. D. Look and read. Write yes or no. 1. Two children are eating at the table eoneeseneereelN Qo 2. There is a TV in front of the sofa. 3. The girl is listening to music. 4. There is a clock next to the bookcase. Weeder aL) YLE ) Movers practice 2 Listening A. Listen and write. is Kim's School Life BZ gay 1 2. Goes to school AE scars 3. Name of teacher: Miss 4, Eats lunch: at in the afternoon 5. Favorite subject: Speaking B. Listen and continue the story. 90. Movers: Listening - Speaking Reading and Writing C. Read the text and choose the best answer. 1. Nick: Hi, do you speak English? Lucy: (A)Yes, I do. I’m Lucy B. Yes, I can. I’m Lucy C. Yes, Tam. I'm Lucy 2. Nick: Nice to meet you! Where are you from? Lucy: A. You are from Brazil. f B. She's from Canada. C. I'm from South Korea 3. Nick: When do you go to school? Lucy: A. It’s time for school. B. At eight o’clock. C. It’s eight fifteen. D.Read the story. Choose a word from the box. Write the correct word next to numbers 1-4. My name is Carla. I’m from (1).......81azil....... Lean speak English. I wake up at seven o'clock, and I go to school at eight thirty in the morning. My favorite subject is math. I (2) lunch at one o'clock. I like steak and rench fries. I come home at three thirty in the (3).......... , and I do my homework in the evening. I go to (4) ccc sousum lass on Mondays and English class on Thursdays. I go to dance class on Saturdays, too. Brazil afternoon karate Movers: Reading and Writing 9] Unit 1 How We Feel Welcome The Days of the Wet ‘Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday "It’s Sundoy. ‘What day is it today? Classroom Verbs: read come to the board ‘write open your book spell close your book Feelings: happy, sad, hot, cold, hungry, thirsty V'm hoppy. I'm not sad. ‘Are you hoppy? Yes, Lam./No, I'm not. Unit 2 In Town ern ene Feelings: sick, tired, bored, Story: Rue You OK? excited Conversation: He's/She's sick. uch! Ishe/she sick? What's wrong? Yes, he/she is. My leg hurts. No, he ‘she isn’t, en ‘The Senses: see, hear, smet taste, touch em What can he/she see? He/She can see a bird. Jobs: doctor, nurse, teacher, student, pilot, cook He’s/She's a doctor. He/She isn't o nurse, Is he/she a doctor? Yes, he/she is. ‘No, he/she isn’t, ee er Jobs: police officer, Story: Ob, Danny firefighter, bus driver, soccer player Conversation: Excuse me. May I borrow They're police officers. your phone? They aren't freighters. Sure, Here you ore. Are they police officers? Thanks Yes, they are. No, they aren't ern Placs hospital, school, home, restaurant ‘Where's the doctor? He's /‘She's at the hospital Food: soup, salad, spaghetti, french fries, steak, eggs | want soup: 1 don’t want soup, He/She wants soup. He/She doesn't want soup. What do you want? What does he/she want? Unit 3 Things to Eat eer ee Fruit: apple, banana, Story: Yes, Please ‘orange, peach Conversation: Thave/don't hove apples. Do you want an apple? He/She has apples. Yes, please. He/She doesn't have apples. No, thank you. Do you have apples? Yes, 1d0./No, I don't Does he/she have apples? Yes, he/she does, No, he/she doesn't, Unit 4 Things to Wear ee Dairy Products: milk, yogurt, cheese, butter Do you like mik? Yes, I do. No, I don’t Clothes: shirt, dress, skirt, Pants, socks, shoes What's he/she wearing? He's /‘She's wearing a “white shirt and gray pants. es en Clothes: cap, Tshirt, shorts, Story: Where’s Mom? sneakers Conversation: What are you wearing? What's your phone number? Tmwearingaredcapand ‘It's 829-3071 ‘green shorts./We're wearing red caps and green shorts en Clothe: hot, coat, sweater, boots Ishe/she weoring o hat? Yes, he/she is No, he/she isn’t. Unit 5 Things to Do eee Lesson 2 Lesson 3 Lesson 4 Actions: read, write, draw, Actions: eat, drink, Story: Let’s Play! A aus talk, sing, dance sleep, ploy loy the guitar, listen to music, Conversation: watch TY, do homework Tm reading ster then Let's play! Tmnot wring. ene Good idea! Ishe/she playing the guitor? rear /They aren't drinking He's/She's reading Re es Yes, he/she is He ‘She is writing. v ° em No. he/she i \What ore you doing? Are they playing the guitar? What's he/she doing? Unit 6 Home ea Things at Home: bed, bookshelf, table, sofa, clock, ‘computer en Rooms: bedroom, bathroom, living room, kitchen There's one bed in the The living room's messy! ‘Yes, they ore. /No, they aren't. en Numbers: 0-100 How many pencils ore there? ‘There's a bed next to the bedroom. Let's clean ug bookshelf. ‘There are two beds in the OK. ° ‘There are'24 penis, Tothereabed nest tothe bedroom bookshelf? Are there two beds inthe ‘Yes, there is. No, there isn't. bedroom? Yes, there re. /No, there aren't Unit 7 My Day er CuMe ues SSeS ol - Time: one o'clock, Meals: breakfast, lunch, Story: Time for Bed Daily Routine: ces one fifteen, one thirty, ‘snack, dinner wake up, go to school, ‘one forty-five, two o'clock Conversation: come home, go to bed When do you eat breakfast? — What time is it? It's one o'clock, 1/We eat breakfast at I'seight o'clock. It's time When does he/she woke up? It's one fifteen. ‘seven o'clock. for bed. He/She wokes up ot seven ‘What time is it? When does he/she eat o'clock in the morning. beaks? He/She eats breakfast at seven o'clock. Unit 8 My Week Lesson 4 Subjects: science, orl, Classes: karate class, Story: A Friend Countries: Bazi, ‘moth, PE., music, social dance css, swimming class Conoda, Egypt, studies English class Conversation: ‘South Korea Good-bye! A Danny goes to karate class See you! Where's he/she from? Hs/Her favorite subjects on Mondays. Bye! He's /She's trom Braz. What's his/her favorite When does he /she go to subject? karate class? Paar It'a selence. He/She goes to karate class (on Tuesdays. (Wcheck Up 4 be tS tt YLE Practice Syllabus ® siernon ‘te les beste ater be. c onde cy fore ho chore tress oscar ose your bok ‘oes RUdAPoaeeesekaseheran computer owty cron or ob Sat outing faeyproais ‘dancing ook ‘one dower eon eaptecs cov Engieh Engish dass rning. F fee, fete feces. fitaen foe Foes feataor fects 0 tower feos ter tery feu trench ts Foy frend vreray OURBERe RAS eas TIL eeR Beh es te 2 ee 7” % % ~ » 3 38 0 % i eebiokesusse 2 0 2 2 Se oretorivine one lock. nein ‘open your took rene. ‘ange lcoen. renga e ons roc peoeres Pe Pane oa ens pret pe ces oy pov ovine gator oy the gta. ose Bolieoticer police ota: =URBR SBERLOEEETEWae KEG HaERVEEBED ERSOBEL a eRRRE BS alte R rood reas Sony srueno'sece seven, Sng ‘gg Seco seeping Soon soccer payer seocerpvers scolds sen. Sou Kareo some sec sinjects Sindy semmrgcas ana Bue ik oo m os nos trea youre SeeLeeskelet gverybody Up theme song Everybody UP! 98 Up! Up! Up! Everybody up, up, up! Everybody up, up, up! Everybody up! @ Up! Up! Up! Everybody up, up, up! Everybody up, up, up! Everybody up! Everybody up. Everybody up. Everybody up. Everybody up. Everybody up. Everybody up. Everybody up, up, up!

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