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Well Control Preparation Class

Homework #5

1. Leak off test data:

• Shoe depth/Kedalaman shoe : 2,750 ft MD/2,345 ft TVD
• Leak off pressure : 800 psi
• Leak off mud weight : 9.5 ppg

a. What is the equivalent mud weight? / Berapa equivalent mud weight?

b. What is the fracture gradient? / Berapa fracture gradient?

c. What is the formation pressure? / Berapa tekanan formasi?

d. What is MISICP if drilling is continued to 3,675 ft MD/3,145 ft TVD with 11.2 ppg?
Berapa MISICP jika drilling dilanjutkan ke kedalaman 3,675 ft MD/3,145 ft TVD
dengan menggunakan berat lumpur 11.2 ppg?

2. A 5,475 ft MD/4,855 ft TVD well is shut in with 235 psi on drill pipe, 450 psi on casing
and 0.494 psi/ft mud in the hole. Casing shoe was set at 4,820 ft MD/3,358 ft TVD.

Sebuah well dengan kedalaman 5,475 ft MD/4,855 ft TVD di-shut in dengan tekanan
235 psi di drill pipe, 450 psi di casing dan berat lumpur 0.494 psi/ft di lubang. Casing
shoe diset di kedalaman 4,820 ft MD/3,358 ft TVD.

a. What is the kill mud weight required? / Berapa kill mud weight yang dibutuhkan?
b. What is the bottom hole pressure? / Berapa bottom hole pressure?

c. What is the equivalent mud weight at the casing shoe? / Berapa equivalent mud
weight di casing shoe?

3. Calculate loss of hydrostatic pressure if 50 bbls of mud is contaminated in 6-1/8”

hole with 5” DP so the weight is reduced by 0.5 ppg. / Hitung berapa kehilangan
tekanan hidrostatik jika lumpur sebanyak 50 bbls terkontaminasi di dalam lubang 6-
1/8” dan 5” DP sehingga beratnya berkurang 0.5 ppg.

4. True or false / Betul atau salah:

a. In dynamic condition, bottom hole pressure is affected only by the hydrostatic
pressure of the fluid column. / Dalam kondisi dinamik, bottom hole pressure
hanya dipengaruhi oleh tekanan hidrostatik dari kolom fluida.

b. In shut in condition after influx is taken, drill pipe pressure shows the lack of
pressure needed by mud hydrostatic pressure to balance with the formation
pressure. / Dalam kondisi shut in setelah influx masuk, tekanan drill pipe
menunjukkan kekurangan pressure yang dibutuhkan oleh tekanan hidrostatik
lumpur untuk mengimbangi tekanan formasi.

c. Fluid level is always equal in U-tube principle. / Dalam prinsip U-tube, ketinggian
fluida adalah selalu sama.

d. Volume gained after slug mud is pumped is equal to the annulus volume of the
dry pipe. / Volume yang diperoleh setelah slug dipompakan sama dengan
volume annulus dari pipa kering.
5. What will be the gain in the pits, and how far will the slug in the drill pipe fall if the
mud weight is 10.5 ppg, the pipe’s capacity is 0.028 bbl/ft? The volume of the slug is
15 bbls and weight 14.5 ppg. / Berapa gain yang diperoleh di pit dan berapa jauh
slug di dalam drill pipe jatuh jika berat lumpur yang digunakan 10.5 ppg, kapasitas
drill pipe 0.028 bbl/ft? Volume slug adalah 15 bbls dan beratnya 14.5 ppg.

6. Calculate the hydrostatic loss in a 7,450 ft TVD well when 30 bbls of 15.0 ppg slug is
pumped through 5” DP with 4.1776” ID. Mud weight in the hole was 12.3 ppg. /
Hitung kehilangan hidrostatik di sumur sedalam 7,450 ft TVD ketika slug sebanyak
30 bbls dengan berat 15.0 ppg dipompakan ke dalam 5” DP dengan 4,1776” ID.
Berat lumpur yang digunakan adalah 12.3 ppg.

7. How many joints of dry 5” drill pipe with a displacement of 0.00709 bbl/ft and a
capacity of 0.01776 bbl/ft, a casing capacity of 0.056 bbl/ft, and with a fluid density
of 10.5 ppg could be pulled prior to a 100 psi reduction in bottom hole pressure
occurring? Assume 31 ft joints. / Berapa joint 5” drill pipe kering, dengan
displacement 0.00709 bbl/ft, kapasitas 0.01776 bbl/ft, kapasitas casing 0.056 bbl/ft
dan berat fluida 10.5 ppg, yang dapat dicabut sebelum bottom hole pressure
berkurang 100 psi? Asumsi 31 ft/joint
8. A 10 bbls gas bubble migrates up the hole 4,200 ft while the well is shut in. Assuming
in gage hole and 10.8 ppg mud in the hole, what would be the corresponding
increase in casing pressure? / 10 bbls gas bermigrasi ke atas sejauh 4,200 ft ketika
well di-shut in. Asumsi lubang in gage dan menggunakan 10.8 ppg berat lumpur,
berapa kenaikan casing pressure yang akan diperoleh?

9. If a 10 bbls gas bubble with 4,500 psi at TD (6,450 ft TVD) is allowed to expand to 50
bbls at 3,770 ft TVD, what will be the bubble pressure? / Jika 10 bbls gas dengan
4,500 psi di TD (6,450 ft TVD) dibiarkan berekspansi menjadi 50 bbls di kedalaman
3,770 ft TVD, berapa tekanan gas tersebut?

10. Calculate gas volume when reaches the surface if 25 bbls of gas at 6,500 psi is
circulated out. / Hitung volume gas ketika sampai di permukaan jika 25 bbls gas
dengan pressure 6,500 psi disirkulasikan ke luar sumur.

11. What is the casing pressure when a 10 bbls gas with 6,500 psi migrates to casing
shoe at 4,500 ft TVD filled with 12.3 ppg mud in a shut in well? / Berapa casing
pressure ketika 10 bbls gas dengan tekanan 6,500 psi bermigrasi ke casing shoe di
kedalaman 4,500 ft TVD yang terisi dengan 12.3 ppg di dalam sumur yang di-shut in?
For question 12 – 13: After shut in, SICP was stable at 500 psi after 15 minutes. During
the next 30 minutes of monitoring SICP increased by 300 psi. Present mud weight is 11.5
ppg and the well depth is 7,500 ft TVD.

Untuk pertanyaan 12 – 13: Setelah shut in, SICP stabil di tekanan 500 psi setelah 15
menit. Selama 30 menit berikutnya, SICP naik sebesar 300 psi. Berat lumpur yang
digunakan adalah 11.5 ppg dan kedalaman sumur 7,500 ft TVD.

12. Calculate the rate of kick migration in feet per hour. / Hitung kecepatan kick
bermigrasi dalam feet per jam.

13. By how much the BHP will increase in 1 hour if the circulation is not started? /
Berapa kenaikan BHP dalam 1 jam jika sirkulasi tidak segera dilakukan?

14. If the gradient of an exposed formation at 10,000 ft TVD is 0.645 psi/ft, what is the
expected SICP if the annulus is full of 13.5 ppg fluid? / Jika gradient dari sebuah
formasi di kedalaman 10,000 ft TVD adalah 0.645 psi/ft, berapa SICP yang
didapatkan jika annulus penuh dengan fluida seberat 13.5 ppg?

15. What is gas pressure when it reaches the shoe at 8,250 ft TVD if the mud weight is
9.8 ppg and the casing pressure is 850 psi? What is the equivalent mud weight at the
shoe if the well total depth is 11,375 ft TVD? / Berapa tekanan gas ketika mencapai
shoe di kedalaman 8,250 ft TVD jika berat lumpur adalah 9.8 ppg dan tekanan casing
850 psi? Berapa equivalent mud weight di shoe jika kedalaman sumur adalah 11,375
ft TVD?

Total answers : 25

No Answer No Answer
1.a 16.0 ppg 13 600 psi
1.b 0.835 psi/ft 14 0 psi
1.c 1,958 psi 15 5,054 psi / 11.78 ppg
1.d 585 psi
2.a 10.5 ppg
2.b 2,633 psi
2.c 12.1 ppg
3 107 psi
4.a False
4.b True
4.c False
4.d False
5 204 ft / 5.7 bbls
6 0 psi
7 40 joints
8 2,359 psi
9 900 psi
10 11,054 bbls
11 3,622 psi
12 1,004 ft/hr

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