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Journal of Tropical Crop Science Vol. 8 No.

2, June 2021

Fruit Scar Incidence and Its Effect on Guava ‘Kristal’ Fruit

Quality (Psidium guajava L.) at Low- and Middle-altitude
Orchards in Bogor, Indonesia

Neni MusyarofahA,B, Slamet Susanto*C, Sandra Arifin AzizC, Ketty SuketiC, DadangD
Graduate School of IPB University, Bogor 16680, Indonesia
Bogor Agricultural Development Polytechnic, Bogor 16119, Indonesia
Department of Agronomy and Horticulture, IPB University, Bogor 16680, Indonesia
Department of Plant Protection, IPB University, Bogor 16680, Indonesia

*Corresponding author; email:

Abstract Introduction

Information on scar incidence and its effect on fruit Guava (Psidium guajava L.) of the Family Myrtaceae
quality of ‘Kristal’ guava (Psidium guajava L.) grown is one of the common fruit trees cultivated in Indo-
on different altitudes is currently limited. The aim of nesia. Guava cultivar ‘Kristal’, a variety introduced
this study was to evaluate the fruit scar incidence and by the Taiwan Engineering Mission, was released in
fruit quality of ‘Kristal’ guava var. grown on low- and Indonesia by the Agriculture Ministry under the Agri-
middle-altitude orchards. The research was conducted culture Minister Decree No. 540/Kpts/SR.120/9/2007
by collecting 50 samples of fruit harvested from each (Balitbu, 2009). Compared to other varieties of gua-
orchard from January to June 2019. Fruit quality va, guava ‘Kristal’ has thick flesh (2.1-3.2 cm), few-
evaluation was carried out at Postharvest Laboratory, er seeds, slightly flattened in shape, has crispy pulp
Department of the Agronomy and Horticulture, IPB texture, and sweet taste. It is relatively a short plant
University, whereas scarring pest observation was with height of 2 -2.5 meters (Ditbenih, 2007). The vi-
conducted at Insect Biosystematics Laboratory, tamin C content of guava ‘Kristal’, which ranges from
Department of Plant Protection, IPB University. Our 121.30 to 146.18 mg.100 g-1, is four times higher than
results showed that the low-altitude orchard produced that of oranges (Romalasari et al., 2017) or pomelo,
more fruits with medium, high, and very high scar which ranges from 38.5 to 48.2 mg.100 g-1 (Susanto
intensity, while the middle-altitude orchard produced et al., 2011). Its fruit characteristics, nutrition, and vi-
more fruits with low and very low scar intensity. Fruit tamin values, make guava ‘Kristal’ a highly preferred
scar was caused by fruit scarring pests, especially popular fruit among consumers in Indonesia (Hartati
thrips and mites. Fruit tissue damage only occurred et al., 2020; Guntarti and Hutami, 2019; Susanto et
on the epidermis of fruit pericarps where the tissue al. 2019).
turned brownish and thickened. Additionally, there
was no expansion of the damage into the pulp. The Despite the valuable fruit characteristics of ‘Kristal’
peel damage did not affect the fruit taste as indicated its external appearance due to peel damage makes
in the level of total soluble solids (TSS), titratable it unattractive to buyers in the local market. The
acidity (TA), TSS/TA ratio, vitamin C, and total presence of brown scar spots and other fruit peel
flavonoids content. Fruit external quality was varied damage results in low fruit smoothness, thereby
in response to altitude, where middle-altitude orchard significantly reducing its market price. Fruit scar
produced heavier, larger and harder fruits than low- incidences cause a significant decrease of farmers’
altitude orchards. Present findings determine the best income by 38.93 % per kg in case of mangosteen
growth site and adjustment of pest control to maintain (Fardedi, 2012) and 30% per kg in case of mandarin
fruit quality. (Kementan, 2014).

Keywords: altitude, fruit damage, mites, thrips, total Currently, there is limited information regarding scar
soluble solid, titratable acidity, vitamin C. incidence in guava and its economic effects to fruit
farmers. In addition to improper handling, fruit scar
is caused mainly by pests. Environmental conditions
in different growing altitudes highly influence

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Journal of Tropical Crop Science Vol. 8 No. 2, June 2021

pest development and subsequently fruit quality. of Agriculture, IPB, to examine external and internal
Different altitudes affect microclimates that support characteristics and overall quality.
the development of scarring-pests. The role of
temperature, humidity, and rainfall in pests population The variables measured in the present experiment
development has been previously studied by Meena were fruit scar incidence, external and internal quality
et al. (2013), Laranjeira et al. (2015) and Reyes et of fruit. Fruit scar incidence was observed to measure
al. (2020). Widyastuti (2019) highlighted that growing scar intensity, fruit smoothness, and fruit-scarring
location is one factor that could affect fruit quality pest. The scar intensity value was obtained from the
in ‘Kristal’ guava. The different altitude of growing ratio of the scar area to the total surface area of the
location could result in the development of different fruit peel. The observation was done by peeling the
pests. The objective of this study was to evaluate the fruit peel thoroughly, laying down the fruit peel on a
scar incidence and guava ‘Kristal’ fruits harvested flat surface, and then taking a picture of the fruit peel
from low- and middle-altitude orchards. for further processing by ImageJ software. The fruit
scar intensity was grouped into: very low (0-2.5 %),
low (>2.5-5.0 %), medium (>5.0-7,5 %), high fruit scar
Material and Methods (>7.5-10 %), and very high (>10%). The scar fruit was
measured in 50 fruit samples from each orchard, and
Sampling it was expressed in percentage. The thickness of fruit
peel damage was compared by observing a vertically
The research was conducted in two orchards in Bogor, sliced fruit peel under an electric trinocular microscope
Indonesia namely Cikarawang low-altitude orchard (Olympus trinocular BX51, 4x magnification).
(6º 55” south latitude, 106º 74” east longitude, ± 192
m above sea level) and Sukajadi middle-altitude The pest in scar fruit was observed at Insect
orchard (6º 64” south latitude, 106º 72” east longitude, Biosystematics Laboratory, Department of Plant
± 532 m above sea level) from January to June 2019. Protection, IPB University by collecting the pest in fruit,
‘Kristal’ guava trees with relatively uniform growth then keeping it in a test tube filled with 70 % alcohol
performance (5 years after planting) were identified as as fixative. Observation was done using a compound
sample sources. Ten guava trees from each orchard microscope (Olympus, 10x magnification). The pest
were selected for this study. Flowers on each tree were identified by the identification taxonomic keys of
were tagged and maintained until fruit development. Thysanoptera (Sartiami, 2008) and mites (Dina and
A total of 100 fruit samples, representing 50 fruits Santoso, 2017).
from each orchard or 5 fruits per tree were used for
this study. These samples were used for assessing The external fruit quality consisted of fresh fruit weight,
the external and internal characteristics and overall fruit diameter, and fruit softness. Fruit weight was
quality of the harvested fruits. measured by using digital analytic. Fruit diameter was
observed by measuring the widest diameter of fruit by
Uniformity among identified sampling trees was vernier caliper. Fruit softness was assessed at the tip,
maintained since the beginning of the experiment by middle, and base of the fruit using a penetrometer.
pruning (i) the tertiary branches, which left four pairs The penetration time was 5 seconds, with a total load
of leaves, and (ii) the unhealthy twigs or branches of 50 g and expressed in units of mm 50 g-1.5s-1.
that were attacked by pests or disease. Fertilizer
composed of nitrogen-phosphor-potassium (NPK) The internal fruit quality consisted of total soluble
and manure was provided after pruning. This was solids (TSS), titratable acidity (TA), vitamin C, total
done by applying approximately 20 kg per plant of flavonoids, and fruit pigment content. TSS was
goat manure once after pruning, and 200 g NPK (16- measured by dropping juice of blended fruit on a lens of
16-16) per plant twice after pruning, and after flowers refractometer (PAL-1 Atago). TA was measured using
bloomed. The fertilizers were buried in a circle under 0.1 N NaOH titration with phenolphthalein indicator
the plant canopy with 30 cm depth and 1 m away from (Sadler and Murphy, 2010). Vitamin C content was
the main stem of the plant. The fruits were bagged measured using the Iodine titration method (Rahman
using transparent plastic and foam net four weeks et al. 2015). Fruit pigment content was observed in
after anthesis and remained covered until harvest. the fruit peel following a modified method by Sims
Fruits were harvested at 14 weeks after anthesis, and Gamon (2002), and total flavonoid was analyzed
as indicated by the fruit color change to yellowish- following Do et al. (2014).
green. Once harvested, the fruits were packed with
cardboard and separated within by a foam net. They The qualitative data were analyzed descriptively.
were transported to the Postharvest Laboratory, Quantitative data obtained from all the assessments
Department of Agronomy and Horticulture, Faculty undertaken were statistically analyzed using the

102 Neni Musyarofah, Slamet Susanto, Sandra Arifin Aziz, Ketty Suketi, Dadang
Journal of Tropical Crop Science Vol. 8 No. 2, June 2021

Minitab program. The Student’s t-test was carried out Table 1. Guava ‘Kristal’ fruit scar intensity and fruit
at the α = 5% to compare the mean value between smoothness from low- and middle- altitude
two locations on all observed variables. orchards
Scar intensity
Orchard smoothness
Result and Discussion (%)
Low-altitude 5.08 94.92
Fruit Scar Incidence
Middle-altitude 2.77 97.23
The differences of growing altitude significantly Student’s T-test ** **
affected fruit scar intensity and smoothness. In Note : * = significant at α = 5 %, ** = significant at α = 1 %,
guava ‘Kristal’, the scar intensity was significantly ns = not significant.
higher (nearly 2x higher) in the low-altitude orchard
than in the middle-altitude. The percentage of fruit Our findings indicate that altitude influences fruit scar
smoothness was significantly lower in the low-altitude incidence and the level of pest attack that caused
orchard than in the middle one (Table 1). fruit scarring. During the study period, the average
of monthly ambient temperature, rainfall, and relative
Five fruit scar intensity and appearance groups were humidity in the low-altitude orchard was 27.48 0C, 368
observed in the low- and middle-altitude orchards mm, and 78%, respectively, and 26.7 0C, 384 mm,
(Table 2). The low scar intensity was observed by the and 79%, respectively for the middle-altitude orchard
minor and thin brownish scars, while the high scar (BMKG Dramaga, 2019). The higher scar incidence
intensity was observed as the large brownish scars or could be attributed to the rapid development of
spots that have potentially spread over the entire fruit fruit scarring pests, including thrips (Thysanoptera:
peel. Fruits with high scar intensity were not always Thrips) and mites (Tenuipalpidae: Brevipalpus) that
marked with deep brown spots. The fruits with low were observed in this study (Figure 2). Previous
scar intensity might have deeper damage thickness results by Sarwar (2006) also attributed the incidence
because damage was only concentrated in one part of fruit scar on guava as the effect of Selenothrips
and did not spread throughout the fruit. rubrocinctus and Brevipalpus phoenics. These pests
can damage the fruits, in the form of scars, and
Fruit scar intensity and appearance varied in response associate with other pests to create more severe fruit
to the different altitudes of the growing location (Table damage.
2). Fruits with low and very low intensity were more
prevalent in the middle-altitude than in the low- The pest infestation is influenced by temperature
altitude orchard. There were no fruits found with very (Meena et al. 2013), relative humidity (Steiner et
high scar intensity. Fruits with medium, high, and very al., 2011), and daylength (Laranjeira et al., 2015).
high scar intensities are more abundant at the low- Reyes et al. (2020) reported a weaker correlation
altitude compared with the middle-altitude orchard, between relative humidity and the infestation and
i.e., 5x, 6x, and 10x respectively. This demonstrates thrips population. The temperature in the low-altitude
that fruit scar incidence is more severe in the low- orchard was higher (27.2 0C) than the middle-altitude
altitude orchard. orchard (26.70C). The higher temperature increased
the pest growth and pest population, leading to a
Scar damage was only found on the epidermis of the shorter pest life cycle in citrus (Laranjeira et al.,
guava fruit pericarp. A scar was observed as brown 2015). The development period of mites (Tetranychus
spot in certain part of fruit epidermis as the effect of urticae) in strawberry at 200C and 250C was shorter
necrosis. This damage did not spread into deeper than 150C (Kaur and Zalom, 2017). In the case of
fruit tissue, thereby resulting in an undamaged flesh thrips (Thrips nigropilosus) from Chrysanthemum
of the fruit and acceptable quality (Figure 1C and 1D). morifolium, they need 21 days to fully develop at
The depth of tissue damage in the present study only 200C, whereas at 300C, thrips only need 11 days
varied in ranges from 0.054-0.215 mm. Hoy (2011) (Ganaha-Kikumura and Kijima, 2016). It signifies that
stated that the depth of tissue damage was not temperature affects the rate of pest development.
affected by the scar intensity but related to mites and Mite and thrip populations increase during the fruit
thrips feeding activities, influenced by pest population development stage, leading to a more severe fruit
density, stylet length, and feeding time. In addition, scar incidence.
Childers and Rodrigues (2011), the scar damage in
citrus was also more severe during the dry season Pest development is also influenced by rainfall
due to the rapid development of mites. intensity. This was demonstrated in a previous study
where pest development was negatively correlated

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Table 2. The percentage and appearance of guava ‘Kristal’ fruits with scar at low and middle alti-
tude orchards
Percentage of
Fruit scar Scar fruit appearance
scarred fruit (%)
Level intensity
(%) Low- Middle-
Low-altitude Middle-altitude
altitude altitude

Very low 0-2.5 30 60

Low >2.5-5.0 28 34

Medium >5-7.5 20 4

High >7.5-10.0 12 2

Very high >10.0 10 0 None

Total 100 100

Note: The total measured fruit is 50, or 100 % fruits from each orchard.

Figure 1. A guava “Kristal” fruit showing severe epidermal scars (>10% scar intensity) (A) and a cross-section
of the fruit epidermis (B) from a low-altitude orchard; a fruit showing fine scars (<2.5% scar intensity)
(C) and a cross-section of the fruit epidermis (D) from a middle-altitude orchard.

104 Neni Musyarofah, Slamet Susanto, Sandra Arifin Aziz, Ketty Suketi, Dadang
Journal of Tropical Crop Science Vol. 8 No. 2, June 2021

Figure 2. Fruit scarring pests Brevipalpus mites (A) and thrips (B) under 100x magnification.

with rainfall intensity in growing locations (Ghoshal et temperature, resulting in accelerated fruit ripening.
al., 2011). Higher rainfall intensity leads to the decline The higher temperature activated Polygalacturonase
of mite populations due to rainfall leaching. During our (PG) enzyme to hydrolyze the fruit cell wall. The
period of study, rainfall intensity in the middle-altitude higher PG level along fruit ripening triggered fruit
orchard (Sukajadi) was at 384 mm per month, while in softening incidence (Parra-Coronado et al., 2018).
the low-altitude orchard (Cikarawang) was at 368 mm Jain et al. (2003) stated that fruit softening incidence
per month. The differences in rainfall intensity could is also influenced by altering cell wall components
be due to the decline in mite and thrip populations of fruit flesh during the ripening period. The decline
and infestations in middle-altitude orchard. of the content of hemicellulose, cellulose, lignin,
and pectin cause fruit to soften. Feng et al. (2021)
Fruit External Quality explained that guava fruits softening could be caused
by both starch and cell wall degradation. In case of
The different growing locations significantly affected guava, most genes involved in starch degradation and
the fruit weight. The middle-altitude orchard produced genes related to cell wall degradation that encoding
heavier fruit than the low-altitude orchard (Table β-galactosidase, polygalacturonase and pectate
3). The higher fruit weight from the middle-altitude lyase showed an increased expression as the fruit
orchard was directly proportional with the broader getting ripe, implied the presence of fruit softening
fruit diameter compared with fruit from low-altitude incidence during the ripening process.
orchard. Middle-altitude fruits were harvested
slightly longer than low-altitude fruits by two weeks. The different growing altitudes did not significantly
Low altitude fruits were harvested 12 weeks after affect the content of fruit pigments, i.e., chlorophyll
anthesis, while middle-altitude fruits were harvested a, chlorophyll b, carotenoid, and total chlorophyll.
14 weeks after anthesis. The more prolonged harvest Chlorophyll pigment content is one of the fruit
of guava ‘Kristal’ fruits in middle-altitude caused dry maturity indicators. A reduction of total chlorophyll,
matter accumulation variations during fruit ripening. chlorophyll a, and chlorophyll b usually occurs during
Budiarto et al. (2019) reported that the increasing the maturity process whereas the carotene content
dry matter accumulation in citrus could be affected increases (Jain et al., 2003). A significantly higher
by the lower environmental temperature. In addition, amount of anthocyanins (36.38%) was detected on
Guerrero-Chavez et al. (2015) reported that the lower fruits from the middle-altitude compared to the fruits
temperature, the more prolonged ripening periods, from the lower altitude (Table 4). The differences in
and dry matter accumulation caused the increase of anthocyanin content could be due to the differences in
strawberry fruit weight. A previous study by Widyastuti environmental temperatures. The higher temperature
(2019) observed the flowering and harvesting periods at low-altitude inhibited anthocyanin biosynthesis as
in middle-altitude to be two weeks longer than those indicated by the low expression of anthocyanin genes
in low altitude. Higher temperature accelerated the and related enzyme activity in grapes and apples
flowering and harvesting period, while lower rainfall (Lin-Wang et al., 2011; Liang et al., 2014). In addition,
reduced the risk of fallen flowers, and increased the increasing anthocyanin content in the middle-altitude
production of flowers and fruits of guava ‘Kristal’. fruit is a form of plant adaptation mechanism to higher
altitude and lower temperature (Liu et al., 2020).
In terms of softness, fruits from the low-altitude orchard
were significantly softer compared with the middle- Fruit Internal Quality
altitude ones (Table 3). The higher fruit softness
in low-altitude orchard could be attributed to high There were no significant differences in the fruit

Fruit Scar Incidence and Its Effect on Guava ‘Kristal’ Fruit Quality .......... 105
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Table 3. External quality of guava ‘Kristal’ fruits from low- and middle-altitude orchards
Orchard Fruit weight (g) Fruit diameter (cm) Fruit softness (mm.50 g-1.5s-1)
Low-altitude 144.77 7.01 27.18
Middle-altitude 176.50 7.44 23.62
Student’s T-test ** ** **
Note : values within one column are significantly different at α = 5 % (*) or 1 % (**); ns = not significant

Table 4. The peel pigment content of guava ‘Kristal’ fruits from low- and middle-altitude orchards
Chlorophyll A Chlorophyll B Anthocyanin Carotenoid Total chlorophyll
(mg.g-1) (mg.g-1) (mg.g-1) (mg.g-1) (mg.g-1)
Low-altitude 0.025 0.009 0.006 0.008 0.034
Middle-altitude 0.028 0.010 0.009 0.009 0.038
Student’s T-test ns ns * ns ns
Note : values within one column are significantly different at α = 5 % (*) or 1 % (**); ns = not significant

Table 5. Nutritional quality of guava ‘Kristal’ fruits from low- and middle-altitude orchards
TSS TA Vitamin C Total flavonoid
Orchard TSS/TA
(0Brix) (%) (mg.100g-1) (mg.100g-1)
Low-altitude 10.11 0.43 23.58 147.78 88.65
Middle-altitude 9.78 0.44 22.47 148.62 91.11
Student’s T-test ns ns ns ns ns
Note : values within one column are significantly different at α = 5 % (*) or 1 % (**); ns = not significant; TSS= total soluble
solid; TA= titratable acidity.

quality as indicated by TSS, TA, TSS/TA ratio vitamin sticky trap application. The fruit bagging application
C and total flavonoid, in response to the difference of with perforated polyethylene bags and newspaper
altitude of growing locations (Table 5). In general, a bags decrease blemishes or scar and disease
higher scar intensity in low-altitude fruits did not affect attacks (Abbasi et al., 2014). Fruit peel smoothness
internal fruit quality. Both low- and middle-altitude is maintained up to 85% using a foam net with yellow
orchards can produce fruits with relatively equal or red plastic baggings (Romalasari et al., 2017).
internal fruit qualities. Tree sanitation in the orchard can be done by regular
weeding and discarding the pest-infested parts.
Widyastuti (2019) reported that different altitudes of The use of sticky yellow traps can attract aphids,
growing location do not affect TSS and TA of ‘Kristal’ whitefly and other flying insects (Haseeb, 2007), thus
guava. Dolkar et al. (2017) also reported that fruit potentially decline the pest population.
quality, as indicated by TSS and TA, is not affected
by different growing location but is affected by the
fruit ripening stage. Musyarofah et al. (2020) found Conclusion
that the ratio of TSS/TA and vitamin C content are
influenced more by cultivation practices than by The fruits of guava ‘Kristal’ harvested from the low-
altitude differences. altitude orchard had significantly higher scar intensity
and were less smooth compared to those from the
Fruit scar is one of the main problems in ‘Kristal’ middle-altitude orchard. The low-altitude orchard
guava that results in decline of its market price. The produced more fruits with a medium, high, and very
presence of fine scar was still allowed in the B grade, high scar intensity, while the middle-altitude orchard
while the A grade did not accommodate the presence had more fruits with low and very low scar intensity.
of scar, implied that there was a decline of price in Fruit scar was found in the epidermal tissue of fruit
response to different fruit grade (Pratidina et al., pericarp, and it was caused mainly by fruit scarring
2015). Several cultural practices could be carried out pests, such as thrips and mites. The infected
to minimize fruit scar incidence and protect the fruit tissue turned brown and thickened, however, it did
smoothness, i.e., fruit bagging, sanitation, and yellow not cause damage to the pulp. Fruit scar did not

106 Neni Musyarofah, Slamet Susanto, Sandra Arifin Aziz, Ketty Suketi, Dadang
Journal of Tropical Crop Science Vol. 8 No. 2, June 2021

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