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Jannah Shin V.

Empas November 21, 2021

General Academic Strand ENGPROF


Brief Summary:
Ibuki Hiiragi is the homeroom teacher of 3rd Grade A-Class in Kaio high school. He
stands in front of his 29 students to tell them “From now on, you are hostages”.
Because he wants his students to be decent people after graduation, he planned it 10
days before graduation. He locked his 29 students for everyone to know the truth about
Reina Kageyama's suicide. She is the student who was depressed by attacking her on
SNS Mind Voice due to the fake video that was made against her. Sakura Kayano,
Reina Kageyama's best friend, was also taken hostage by Ibuki. She felt guilty for
Reina's death because she was there when Reina committed suicide.
Reina was miserable those days, and voices from SNS Mind Voice were bashing her
because that she couldn't handle it, so she jumped into the building. Sakura tried to
chase Reina's hand down, telling her not to pursue the suicide attempt, but Reina
continued because she couldn't handle the situation, according to her.
When Ibuki had completed achieving his objective by explaining to all SNS Mind Voice
users that they had killed Reina Kageyama. He attempted suicide, but Sakura stopped,
putting his hand and denying to let him go until the other students arrived. Ibuki had
been rescued by the students. Ibuki told Sakura that doesn’t be feeling guilty for Reina's
death because she didn't murder her; Reina decided to take her life, so even if Sakura
saves Reina's life, she will still commit suicide, possibly in a more horrible way.

Your Reaction (How did the movie make you feel?)

This series is one of my favorite series because it conveys a message to the audience.
It's more like a mystery thriller since it develops and reveals things gradually; it's also
meaningful and motivating. At first, I thought the teacher was strange because he took
his students hostage and then killed one of them. However, by the middle of the series,
I had come to appreciate the teacher since he explained why he was holding his student
hostage and didn't kill anyone. He also educates his students every day for their sake.
Your Realizations (What lessons did you learn from the film?)
Take care what you say to others since, in today's world, we almost forget that our
words might harm other people's feelings. We are also unaware of how easily someone
can harm us without our awareness.
Almost everyone who spends time on social media should remember not to believe
everything they see online, especially if they aren't sure it's true. Everyone believes it is
true right away, just like the fake video presented in the series, even if it's not.

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