THÁI CẨM TÚ-2082000973-week5

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Name:THÁI CẨM TÚ Week: 5

Idea Preparation Sheet

Topic: Discuss your favorite movie to your friends

Questions for my friends

New Words Ideas

Empire: đế chế SOCIAL SETTING What?

Satire: trào phúng, châm biếm
Greetings Lead-in
Persecution: vụ truy sát, vụ truy hại

Regime: chế độ
Weepy=tearjerker: make you cry
Shallow=superficial: not so deep
On the egde of your seat=spine-
tingling: scares the shit out of you
Corny=cliche: something vey
Nail-biter=gripping: very exciting
Brilliant=sensational IDEAS:

Question 1: What is the name of the film? Was it an adaptation?

“The Great Dictator” (1940) by Charlie Chaplin

Have you watched “The Great Dictator”, a comedy-drama/anti war film,

which was released in 1940.

Question 2: What type of film is it?

Satire, comedy-drama, anti-war

Question 3: When did you see it?

Last year
Question 4: What is it about?

A dictator Adenoid Hynkel tries to expand his empire while a poor Jewish

barber tries to avoid npersecution from Hynkel's regime.

Question 5: What’s your favorite scene in the movie?

The scene in which Hynkel performs a dance with a globe of the world.

Five-minute speech.

Question 6:

(“We think too much and feel too little. More than machinery, we need

humanity, more than cleverness, we need kindness and gentleness without

these qualities life will be violent and all will be lost.")

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