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1. Share your observation on how teachers administer their test/exam.

8.2-PARTICIPATION-Processing information obtained from observation on assessment

List some strategies teachers apply during any assessment and describe the strategy used.

Assessment Applied Strategy Strategy’s Description

1. Arrange the jumbled letter Unlocking of difficulties, This assessment allow the
Motivation. students to refresh and identify
their learning through the
hints/description below the
jumbled words. It helps the
students to have an idea about
those unfamiliar words since the
answered jumble words together
their descriptions has something
to do with the topic to be
discussed. Meaning to say it
aims to enhance/ to widen their
vocabulary and to make things
easier for them to understand
whenever they encounter those
words again.
2. Guess who Assessment of prior knowledge, In this activity, hints/description
unlocking of difficulties were provided, every correct
answer has a corresponding
point, and it aims to uncover the
picture gradually so that
students will have a pinch of
idea of whose personality is
behind of it. The purpose of this
activity is to know what are the
students’ prior knowledge about
those personalities, and to get to
know them better.
3. Puzzle Motivation, unlocking of This activity aims to catch the
difficulties attention of the students, entice
their skills in figuring things up
on their own and to make them
learn various ideas. Meaning to
say this kind of assessment
allows the students to explore.

8.4- INTERNALIZATION- Identifying the assessment principles applied behind these


What significant principle of assessment is being illustrated in these practices?

Practices Assessment Principle

1. announcing the scores Assessment as learning
This principle allows the students to be informed by
announcing the scores, also it helps in monitoring their
progress to inform their future learning goals.
2. returning the test paper Assessment of learning
The practice of returning the test paper is under of this
principle since teachers used an evidence of student
learning to make judgements on student achievement.
3. discussing reasons for wrong Assessment for learning
answers This type of assessment informs the students by
consistent judgements done by the assessor (teacher) to
improve student learning, since the teacher practice
discussing reasons for wrong answers.
4. making learners record their scores Assessment as learning
This form of assessment is inclined to this principle for it
allows the students to reflect on their scores as it makes the
learners to record their scores and to monitor progress and
5. identifying the common errors of the Assessment for learning
class This principle takes place since the teachers use inferences
about student progress to inform their teaching by identifying
the common errors of the class.

8.5 DISSEMINATION- Committing to adopt useful testing practices to improve teaching and

As a future teacher, pick two among the practices listed in 8.4 that you will adopt and share
how will these practices improve your teaching.

AS A FUTURE TEACHER to improve your teaching:

Among the two practices, I choose, discussing reasons for wrong answers, and identifying the common
errors of the class which I will be going to manifest in the mere future.

As a future teacher, identifying the common errors of the class is very crucial because it helps students
recognize their unknown errors or the mistakes they made without even thinking. identifying the
common errors of the class also helps the students to develop their critical thinking skills, and it
involves students in the learning process, and gives them some responsibility.

The first thing I'll do is I will ask students to reflect on their own work, and then we'll talk about why they
got the wrong answers. As a future teacher, it's crucial to provide clear feedback on student responses
so that the class understands which answers are correct, which are incorrect, and which are
somewhere in the middle, this will help them retain factual and reliable learnings.

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