Culture and Diversity: Nouns Pronouns Determiners Adjectives Verbs Adverbs

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Culture and Diversity

Nouns  Pronouns    Determiners  Adjectives  Verbs  Adverbs 

Malaysia is a multi-racial country and they live in a strong unity. The main races

found in this country are Malays, Chinese and Indians in addition to the races found in

Sabah and Sarawak such as the Dusun, Murut, Bajau, Kadazan, Iban, Dayak and so on.

Each race in Malaysia has its own culture that maintains its own identity from ancient times

to the present. The culture that is practiced and inherited whether from the aspects of art,

language, customs, music, religion, beliefs or the law has its own unique and special

features for each race. Therefore, efforts must be made by all parties so that cultural

traditions in all races do not disappear from the life of society today due to the current

modernization that is becoming more widespread.

There are various ways or efforts that can be practiced by all parties to maintain a

culture, one of the most important is from one's own side. An individual plays a very

important role in maintaining a culture because without action from the individual, the various

efforts undertaken will not be successful. An individual in each race should have a high

desire to continue the culture found in their own race so that the culture can continue to be

maintained, for example, young people in the Malay race should open their eyes to learn

about Malay dances such as Zapin Dance, Ulik Mayang Dance, Joget Dance, Dikir Barat,

and so on. Each individual should be proud and able to promote their culture and customs to

be a display of the society. However, there are some Malays who have ignored it due to

modernization. Therefore the role of an individual to continue to perpetuate every culture in

their race.
Apart from the individual himself, the school is no exception in playing an important

role in continuing cultural activities in all races in Malaysia. Among the ideas that can be

implemented is that the school can create associations or clubs related to the culture found

in a race. Schools play a relatively important role as they are the second home for children

and adolescents after their home and a lot of time will be spent by this group in school.

Therefore, with the existence of associations or clubs related to cultural and artistic activities

for each nation, will certainly succeed in attracting students and then be able to encourage

those students to continue to engage and inherit a cultural activity. The school can create

clubs such as Malay Traditional Dance Club, Chinese Dance, Indian Dance, Batik Weaving

Club and so on. All of them must be applied and contain the essence of the culture of each

race in Malaysia. In addition, this situation can also encourage students to learn more about

the cultures of different races and their own races. Therefore, the school must always act

proactively and generate thoughtful ideas in order to instill the love of Malaysian culture in

children and adolescents' lives. 

Next, it is the responsibility of the government to maintain the traditions of the races

in Malaysia. The government, especially the Ministry of Tourism, Arts and Culture in

Malaysia is responsible for organizing cultural activities at least once a year to expose the

people to the uniqueness and cultural diversity found in Malaysia. The Culture and Arts

Festival can be held at the state, national or international level to showcase various cultural

activities available in Malaysia which include dance, music, food, clothing and so on. 

Apart from that, the government can also hold large-scale open houses for every

festival celebrated in Malaysia such as Hari Raya Aidilfitri or Aidiladha, Chinese New Year,

Deepavali Day, Gawai Day, and so on. The activities will also help strengthen the

relationship between Malaysians regardless of race. Therefore, it is clear that the role of the
government is very important in efforts to maintain the culture of Malaysians in various

aspects whether at the state, national or international level.

Another effort that can be done is to hold campaigns to encourage the community to

uphold their culture. Campaigns held by the private sector or the government will be able to

make the community aware of the importance of efforts to maintain the culture in this lovely

and peaceful country. The campaigns that will be done must be done continuously to get a

warm and thunderous response from all walks of life. An example of a campaign that can be

done is “Together We Maintain Our Culture” or “Culture Symbolizes the Nation”. This kind of

campaign should be implemented because it has proven its effectiveness, such as when the

Ministry of Tourism, Arts and Culture Malaysia has successfully organized a campaign to

cultivate new norms and as the result they managed to garner a very excellent response

from the Malaysian community.

Apart from that, well-known national writers or Malaysian National Laureate such as

Datuk Zurinah Hassan, Dr Lim Swee Tin, and Datuk A. Samad Said and many more can

also contribute their energy by holding poetry readings related to Malay, Chinese and Indian

cultures as well as writing beautiful poems on the importance and uniqueness of Malaysian

culture. All parties can get cooperation from the print or electronic media to further the

success of the campaigns that will be carried out. In this age of sophisticated technology, it

is not a problem to get good internet access, many videos about the culture’s artwork have

been featured in the YouTube application.

In conclusion, the culture that is still practiced by all races in Malaysia must be

appreciated and inherited because it is a unique tradition and has differentiated Malaysia

from other countries. All cultures found in Malaysian society, whether in terms of art, music,

customs, beliefs, language and so on must be maintained for future generations, so that new
generations also know the culture that has been practiced by their ancestors. Therefore, the

role of all parties is very necessary so that all efforts that will be done will yield lucrative

results and benefit all parties.

No. Word Word Class Line

1. culture Common Paragraph: 2

Line: 5
2. Malaysia Proper Paragraph: 3

Line: 11

No. Word Word Class Line

1. he Subject pronoun Paragraph: 2

Line: 15
2. Me Object pronoun Paragraph: 2

Line: 14

No. Word Word Class Line


No. Word Word Class Line


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