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3, MAY/JUNE 2018 2041

Design and Control of Microgrid Fed by Renewable

Energy Generating Sources
Shailendra Kumar Tiwari , Member, IEEE, Bhim Singh , Fellow, IEEE, and Puneet Kr. Goel

Abstract—This paper presents a control of a microgrid at an locally available RE sources can greatly reduce the dependency
isolated location fed from wind and solar based hybrid energy on the grid power, which is predominantly fossil power. Wind
sources. The machine used for wind energy conversion is doubly and solar energy sources are more favorite than bio-mass-based
fed induction generator (DFIG) and a battery bank is connected
to a common dc bus of them. A solar photovoltaic (PV) array is system as latter is susceptible to supply chain issue. However,
used to convert solar power, which is evacuated at the common wind and solar energies suffer from high level of power variabil-
dc bus of DFIG using a dc–dc boost converter in a cost effective ity, low capacity utilization factor combined with unpredictable
way. The voltage and frequency are controlled through an indirect nature. As a result of these factors, firm power cannot be guar-
vector control of the line side converter, which is incorporated with anteed for the autonomous system. While the battery energy
droop characteristics. It alters the frequency set point based on the
energy level of the battery, which slows down over charging or dis- storage (BES) can be helpful of lowering power fluctuation and
charging of the battery. The system is also able to work when wind increasing predictability, utilization factor can be increased by
power source is unavailable. Both wind and solar energy blocks operating each energy source at optimum operating point. The
have maximum power point tracking (MPPT) in their control al- optimum operating point also called as maximum power point
gorithm. The system is designed for complete automatic operation tracking (MPPT) requires regulation of the operating point of
taking consideration of all the practical conditions. The system is
also provided with a provision of external power support for the wind energy generator and solar photovoltaic (PV) array in term
battery charging without any additional requirement. A simulation of speed and voltage to extract maximum electrical energy from
model of system is developed in MATLAB environment and simula- input resource. The MPPT can be achieved by power electron-
tion results are presented for various conditions, e.g., unavailability ics (PE) based control. PE-based control can also help energy
of wind or solar energies, unbalanced and nonlinear loads, and low management for BES.
state of charge of the battery. Finally, a prototype of the system is
implemented using a 5-kW solar PV array simulator and a 3.7-kW Many authors have reported autonomous solar PV systems
wound rotor induction machine and experimental results are pro- [1], [2] and autonomous wind energy systems [3], [4]. However,
duced to reaffirm the theoretical model and design. an autonomous system with only one source of energy requires
Index Terms—Battery energy storage (BES) system, doubly fed
very large size of storage and associated PE components.
induction generator (DFIG), microgrid, power quality, renewable A hybrid energy system consisting of two or more type of
energy (RE) system, solar PV energy, vector control, wind energy. energy sources has ability to reduce the BES requirement and
increases reliability. Wind and solar energies are natural allies
I. INTRODUCTION for hybridization. Both have been known to be complementary
HERE are many remote locations in the world, which do to each other in daily as well as yearly pattern of the behavior.
T not have access to electricity. There are also many places,
which are connected to the grid, however, they do not receive
Acknowledging advantages of this combination, many authors
have presented autonomous wind solar hybrid systems [5]–[10].
electricity for up to 10–12 h in the day and as a result of it, The most favorite machine for small wind power application is
economic activities of inhabitants suffer. Many of such places permanent magnet synchronous generator [4], [5]. It is possi-
are rich in renewable energy (RE) sources, such as wind, so- ble to achieve gearless configuration with PMSG, however, it
lar, and bio-mass. An autonomous generation system utilizing requires 100% rated converter in addition to costlier machine
[11]. Some authors have also used a wind solar hybrid system
with a squirrel cage induction generator (SCIG) [6]. Although
Manuscript received April 10, 2017; revised November 5, 2017; accepted
December 12, 2017. Date of publication January 14, 2018; date of current ver- SCIG has commercial edge regarding machine cost, however,
sion May 18, 2018. Paper 2017-PSEC-0198.R1, presented at the 2016 IEEE 6th the scheme does not have speed regulation required to achieve
International Conference on Power Systems, New Delhi, India, Mar. 4–6, 2016, MPPT. Moreover, if the speed regulation is done, it requires full
and approved for publication in the IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRY APPLI-
CATIONS by the Power System Engineering Committee of the IEEE Industry
power rated converter.
Applications Society. (Corresponding author: Shailendra Kumar Tiwari.) A doubly fed induction generator (DFIG) as a generator is
S. Kr. Tiwari and B. Singh are with the Department of Electrical Engineer- commonly used for commercial wind power generation and
ing, IIT Delhi, New Delhi 110016, India (e-mail:; its applications have been presented by many authors in their
P. K. Goel is with the South MCD, Dr. SPM Civic Centre, New Delhi 110002, publications for autonomous application along with solar PV ar-
India (e-mail: ray [7]–[10]. DFIG may operate variable speed operation with
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available online
at lower power rated converters. However, to work the system as
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TIA.2018.2793213 a microgrid, the generated voltage should be balanced and total

0093-9994 © 2018 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.
See standards/publications/rights/index.html for more information.

harmonics distortion (THD) must be within requirement of

IEEE-519 standard at no-load, unbalanced load, and nonlin-
ear load. Moreover, both the wind and solar energies sources
should operate at MPPT. None of the authors has reported all
these issues. They have not presented performance parameters
e.g., power quality, system efficiency, etc., under the different
operating conditions. Moreover, they also lack experimental
This paper presents a microgrid fed from wind and solar
based RE generating sources (REGS). DFIG is used for wind
power conversion while crystalline solar PV panels are used
to convert solar energy. The control of overall scheme helps to Fig. 1. Schematic of isolated microgrid network fed by RE source using
battery storage.
provide quality power to its consumers for all conditions, e.g.,
no-load, nonlinear load, and unbalanced loads. The controls
of both generating sources are equipped with MPPT. Bakirtzis
et al., [12] have proposed a droop-based control system for
microgrid with the help of standalone battery converter. In the
presented scheme, the droop characteristic is embedded in con-
trol of load-side converter (LSC) of DFIG. This function varies
the system frequency based on state of charge of the battery and
slows down deep discharge and overcharge of the battery.
The DFIG in a proposed system has also two voltage
source converters (VSC). In addition to LSC, DFIG also
has another VSC connected to rotor circuit termed rotor-side
converter (RSC). The function of RSC is to achieve wind
MPPT(W-MPPT). The solar PV system is connected to the Fig. 2. Energy flow diagram of isolated microgrid network fed by RE source
using battery storage.
dc bus through solar converter, which boosts the solar PV array
voltage. With this configuration, the solar power can be evacu-
ated in a cost effective way. This converter too is equipped with of insufficient wind speed. The dc side of both RSC and LSC
solar MPPT(S-MPPT) control strategy to extract maximum so- along with HV side of solar converter is connected at the battery
lar energy. In case of unavailabity of wind energy source and bank. RSC helps the wind energy system to run at the optimum
lower state of charge of the battery, the battery bank can be rotation speed as required by W-MPPT algorithm. The LSC
charged through the grid power or a diesel generator through controls the network voltage and frequency. The energy flow
the same RSC. With the help of the LSC, rated frequency and diagram of the system is shown in Fig. 2.
voltage at the load terminals are maintained under following The design methodology of major components of REGS is
conditions. shown in following subsections.
1) Varying amount of solar and wind powers.
2) Unavailability of solar power or wind power. A. Wind Turbine and Gear
3) Loss of load or breakdown of the distribution system.
4) Different types of loads as unbalanced and nonlinear The wind turbine captures the kinetic energy of the wind
loads. and provides driving torque for DFIG. The value of captured
It presents the design criteria of major components and control mechanical power is given as
strategies for various converters. Finally, it presents simulation
Pm = 0.5cp π r2 ρVw 3 . (1)
results followed by experimental results obtained on a prototype
developed in the laboratory. Here Vw and r are wind speed and radius of wind turbine,
II. SYSTEM COMPONENTS DESCRIPTION respectively. Cp is the coefficient of performance of wind turbine
and is mathematically derived as [13]
A single line diagram of the proposed RE generation system  
(REGS) fed microgrid is shown in Fig. 1. The same has been 151 ∗ 2.14
cp (λ, β) = 0.73 − 0.002 β − 13.2 e−(18.4/λi ) (2)
designed for location having maximum power demand and av- λi
erage power demand of 15 kW and 5 kW, respectively. The rated
capacity of both wind and solar energy blocks in REGS is taken where
as 15 kW. The capacity utilization factor of 20% is considered 1 1 0.035
for both energy blocks, which is enough to provide full day = − (3)
λi (λ + 0.08β) β 3 + 1
energy requirement of the hamlet.
As shown in a schematic diagram, the wind energy source can λ and β are the tip speed ratio (TSR) and the turbine blade
be isolated using a three-pole breaker from the network in case pitch angle, respectively.

TSR is related to the of the turbine speed ωr , turbine radius required dc bus voltage (Vdc ) for PWM control is as
r, and wind speed Vw as   
Vdc > 2 (2/3)VL /mi (7)
λ = ωr r/(ηG VW ) (4)
VL is the higher of the line voltage of low voltage (LV) side
ηG = ωr m r/(λ∗ VW r ) (5)
of the zig-zag transformer and the rotor voltage at highest slip.
where ηG is the turbine shaft gear ratio. The maximum operating slip is 0.3 and, accordingly, the highest
The rated capacity of wind generator used in proposed scheme rotor voltage as well as LV side of zig-zag transformer is 125 V.
is 15 kW at a rated wind speed (Vw r ) of 11 m/s and rotational The modulation index, mi is chosen to be unity. Based on these
speed (ωr m ) of 198 rad/s. The optimum TSR (λ∗ ) and turbine inputs, the dc bus voltage Vdc required for functioning of PWM
radius are taken 5.67 and 4.3 m, respectively. The control action control must not be less than 204 V. In the presented scheme,
maintains W-MPPT till the machine speed reaches ωr m which Vdc is taken 240 V.
corresponds to Vw 9 m/s. Having known λ∗ , Vw r , and ωr m , gear The proposed microgrid is designed to provide load require-
ratio ηG is determined from (5) as ment of 5 kW without any generating source for an up to 12 h.
Taking additional 20% margin for energy losses during ex-
ηG = (198 × 4.3)/(5.67 × 9) = 16.68. change of energy, the required battery storage capacity becomes
72 kW·h. At the dc bus voltage of 240 V, the Ampere-Hour (AH)
B. Doubly Fed Induction Generator rating of battery becomes 300 AH (72 000/240). This is achieved
using 40 numbers of 12 V, 150 AH lead acid batteries divided
An external power flow in DFIG is through both stator and
equally into two parallel circuits.
rotor. Neglecting losses at maximum wind speed, the nominal
A lead acid battery bank can be safely operated between
power of DFIG (Pe ) is related to rated air gap power (Pag ) as
2.25 V and 1.8 V per cell. This makes the maximum battery
Pe = Pag / (1 + |spm ax |)) (6) voltage Vbm ax and minimum battery voltage Vbm in to be 270 V
and 216 V, respectively. A battery bank can be assumed to a
Spm ax is the slip corresponding to the turbine speed, ωr m dc source with fictitious capacitor Cb , internal resistance Rin
and its value is −0.267. The speed range of DFIG is the speed connected in series. In addition to it, another resistance Rb is
corresponding to slip 0.3 to −0.267. Assuming air gap power connected across the battery to denote energy drain due to self-
(Pag ) equal to mechanical input power, the electrical power rat- discharge of battery.
ing of the machine Pe corresponding to maximum input power Cb in series with the battery denotes voltage change due to
is {15/(1 + 0.267)} = 11.83 kW. When the wind turbine is in charging and discharging. The value of Cb is determined as [14]
service, the complete magnetizing power requirement of ma-
kWh × 3600 × 1000
chine is provided by RSC. Hence 11.83-kW capacity of DFIG Cb =   (8)
is adequate to convert mechanical power from a 15-kW wind 0.5 × Vb m ax 2 − Vb m in 2
energy system to electrical energy. Taking additional margin due Substituting variables in (8), Cb is obtained 19753 F.
to electrical losses, a 12.5-kW machine is chosen with detailed
parameters, as given in Appendix A.
E. Solar PV System

C. Transformer The basic element of a solar PV system is the solar cell, which
is based on the work of Rey-Boué et al., [15]. The solar panels
The load and stator terminals are connected to the LSC are configured such that the open circuit voltage of the solar
through a zig-zag transformer, which also provides neutral for string remains less than the lowest downstream voltage of solar
single phase loads at 415-V side. The maximum absolute value converter or dc bus voltage, Vdc . The cell numbers (Nc ) in a
of rotor slip is 0.3 and, accordingly, the maximum rotor voltage string, is a function of its dc voltage and cell open circuit voltage
Vr m ax becomes 125 V (0.3 × 415 V). The voltage at the LV Vo cc as
side of zig-zag transformer is also chosen to be equal to Vr m ax .
Accordingly, the transformer has a voltage ratio 415/125 V and Nc = Vdcm /Vo cc (9)
its HV windings are connected to the stator and the load.
The zig-zag transformer should meet the combined kVA re- The value of Vo cc based on a typical commercially available
quirement of load as well as connected filters. Accordingly, a cell characteristics and its value is taken as 0.64 V. As evaluated
20 kVA transformer is chosen, which is sufficient to transfer in Section II-D, the minimum battery voltage can fall down up to
rated power along with meeting reactive power requirement of 216 V. Solar array voltage (us ) can vary up to 3%, which is due
the connected loads and filters at peak demand. to manufacturing tolerance of electrical quantities of module.
Hence, Vdcm is taken as 210 V and, accordingly, the required
numbers of cell Nc as derived from (9) comes to be 328 cells. To
D. Battery Sizing evenly distribute the cells in a standard configuration, 324 cells
The maximum operating slip of machine is 0.3. The DFIG are taken, which are divided in 9 modules of 36 cells each. The
speed corresponding to this slip is 110 rd/s. At this slip, the ratio of Vo cc to cell voltage at maximum power point (MPP),
line voltage of rotor Vr m ax becomes 125 V (415 × 0.3). The Vm p c for a typical module characteristic is 1.223. Accordingly,


Open Circuit Voltage of PV cell, V o c c 0.64 V

Open circuit voltage of a module (V o c ) 23.04 V
MPP voltage of PV cell, V m p c 0.5223 V
MPP Voltage of module (V m p ) 18.83 V
Short Circuit current of module (Is c ) 8.69 A
MPP current of module (Im p ) 8.04 A
Module Power Rating 151 Wp
μI s c 0.04%/°C
μV o c −0.36%/°C
PV Modules in the solar block 11 strings each having 9 PV modules.
String open circuit voltage, u s o c 207.36 V
Capacity of Solar PV System 15 kWp

the module voltage at MPP becomes (Vm p c × 36) 18.83 V and

us becomes 169.47 V.
At 15-kW solar array capacity, the cumulative string current at
MPP becomes {15000/(9∗18.83)}88.5 A. The number of string
in the solar array is chosen to be 11, accordingly module current
at MPP, Im p becomes 8.04 A. The ratio of short circuit current
Isc to Im p for a typical module is 1.081 and, accordingly, Isc is
taken as 8.69 A.
The detailed parameters used for modeling of solar energy
block, are given in Table I. Fig. 3. Flow-diagram of solar MPPT algorithm.

F. High-Pass Filter
To reduce voltage ripples, a high-pass filter is used at stator
terminal, whose time constant should be less than fundamental
frequency, i.e., 20 ms. Moreover, it should be tuned half the
switching frequency. The switching frequency is 10 kHz and
accordingly the filter to be designed for 5 kHz. In the present
scheme, a series RC filter consisting of 5-Ω resistance and 15-μF
capacitance is connected at the stator terminals of DFIG. The
filter provides less than 5.43-Ω impedance for harmonic voltage
having more than 5-kHz frequency.


As shown in Fig. 1, REGS consists of three converters, which
Fig. 4. Control diagram of LSC for REGS energy fed microgrid.
control descriptions, are given as follows.

corresponds to the power component drawn when stator of DFIG

A. Control of Solar Converter
is not connected to the load terminal.
A solar converter, which is a boost type dc–dc converter used The direct component of current, i∗ds corresponds to the reac-
to evacuate solar power with embedded S-MPPT logic. It is tive power requirement at the point of common interconnection
based on incremental conductance method [16]. The S-MPPT of the generator and filter. The information of i∗q s and i∗ds pro-
through intelligent switching regulates us so as the solar system vides the reference stator currents and help in maintaining the
operates at MPP. The flow diagram of the MPPT algorithm is voltage and frequency through the indirect vector control as
shown in Fig. 3. elaborated in the following subsections.
1) Frequency Set point fs∗ Computation: The stator fre-
B. Control of LSC quency is controlled by the LSC. Although the system
has to generate rated frequency, a droop characteristic has
Since the onshore wind turbine generates power only for 60–
been incorporated that gives frequency set point as
70% of the time, the system should be designed to work when
no wind power is available. As shown in the control diagram ω ∗ e = 2 × π × [50 + {2 ×(Vdc − 240)/(Vdc m ax − Vdc m in )}]
in Fig. 4, i∗q s consists of two components. The first compo- (10)
nent, iq s1 corresponds to the power component of DFIG current, where Vdcm in , Vdcm ax , and Vdc are the minimum, maximum,
when wind turbine is in operation. The second components iq s2 and instantaneous dc bus voltage, respectively. Vdcm ax is taken

Fig. 5. Control diagram of RSC for REGS fed microgrid.

as 272.5 V, which is the bus voltage corresponding Vbm ax during ωeerr is the error of rated frequency ωe∗ as computed from (10)
charging. Similarly, Vdcm in is being taken as 213.5 V, whose bus and actual frequency ωe . The evaluated values of dc quantities
voltage corresponds Vbm in and the battery being discharged. i∗ds and i∗q s are transformed to ac quantities i∗sa , i∗sb , and i∗sc using
With these figures, the frequency varies from 49 to 51 Hz. angle θstatorflux which is derived as
2) i∗ds Computation: i∗ds is the magnetizing component of t
stator current required at load terminal and is computed
θstatorflux = ω ∗ e dt (17)
as 0

i∗ds(k ) = ids(k −1) + Kpv (verr(k ) − verr(k −1) ) + Kiv verr(k ) dt ids and iq s are transformed to three-phase quantities
(11) using transformation angle θstatorflux . The derived three-
where Verr(k ) is the voltage error and Kpv and Kiv are the phase quantities and the sensed stator currents in a hys-
proportional and integral gain of voltage regulator teresis current regulator give switching pulses to the
verr(k ) = V ∗ L m − VL m (k ) (12)
VL m is amplitude of the sensed three phase line voltage at C. Control of RSC
generator terminals on per unit line basis that is derived from RSC regulates the speed of turbine so that the system operates
the sensed line voltages (vLab , vL bc , and vL ca ) as at MPP irrespective of varying wind conditions. It also provides
VL m = {2(vLab
+ vr2m L bc + vLca
)/3}1/2 (13) magnetizing power to the generator. The control philosophy as

shown in Fig. 5, includes control algorithm for determination
V L m is reference line voltage, which is kept at 585 V. of quadrature and direct components of rotor currents, Iq r , Idr ,
3) i∗q s Computation: As discussed, i∗q s is divided into two and transformation angle, θslip .
subcomponents as 1) i∗dr Computation: idr is related to magnetizing power of
i∗ q s = i∗ q s1 + i∗ q s2 (14) machine in field oriented vector control (FOVC). The no-
load magnetizing power is to be supplied through RSC
i∗q s1
is the quadrature component of the generator along the
and the corresponding idr is as,
stator field and is computed as

i∗q s1(k ) = −Lm ∗ iq r (k ) /Ls (15) i∗ dr = Ims0 = VL∗m /( 3Xm ) (18)
i∗q s2 is the required quadrature of stator current when DFIG
where Xm is magnetizing reactance of the DFIG. VL∗m
is not connected to the LSC (or load) on account of low wind
is the reference amplitude of line voltage as derived
speed or fault. It is the evaluated as follows:
from (13).
i∗q s2(k ) = iq s2(k −1) + Kpω e (ωeerr(k ) − ωeerr(k −1) ) 2) i∗q r Computation: In FOVC at constant stator flux φds , the
quadrature component of the rotor current, i∗q r is propor-
+ Kiω e ωeerr(k ) dt (16) tional to the torque [17].

Fig. 6. Logic diagram for battery charging mode selection.

i∗q r is derived from output of the PI speed controller

i∗q r (k ) = iq r (k −1) + Kpω r (ωr err(k ) − ωerr(k −1) )
+ Kiω r ωr err(k ) dt (19)
Kpω r and Kiω r are proportional and integral gains of PI speed
ωr err(k ) is speed error between reference and sensed speed as
ωr err(k ) = ωr (k ) − ω ∗ r (k ) (20)
ωr∗ is reference generator speed that is derived from (5) as
Fig. 7. Performance of REGS fed microgrid with wind energy source.
ω ∗ r = k × ηG × VW /r. (21)
Here ‘k’ is constant factor, which alters the wind speed set-
point to deviate from MPP and can help to check voltage rise in
case of low load demand and high generation. The value of k
is determined from the two relays, namely k1 and k2 as shown
in Fig. 5. The output of relay falls to 0.85, if the dc bus voltage
increases beyond threshold value. The threshold values of both
relay are kept 260 and 265, respectively. The k attains values of
0.85 and 0.72 as the Vdc exceeds 260 V and 265 V, respectively.
The evaluated values of i∗dr and i∗q r are transformed to ac
reference rotor currents i∗r a , i∗r b , and i∗r c using transformation
angle θslip . θslip is determined as
θslip = (ω ∗ e − (p/2)ωr )dt. (22)

p is the pole pair of DFIG. The error signals of reference

currents and sensed currents (ir a , ir b , and ir c ) through hysteresis
current regulator, generate control signals for RSC.
1) Battery Charging Mode: The battery charging mode is Fig. 8. Performance of the system without generating source and solar system
selected as per control diagram shown in Fig. 6. The bat- is taken in the service.
tery charging is achieved by direct vector control of rotor
The direct component of the rotor current along voltage axis IV. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
corresponds to the input power to the battery. The value of The Simulink model of microgrid fed by REGS is developed

reference battery current Ibd depends on the level of state of in MATLAB. The solar panels and wind turbine are modeled
battery, which is proportional to the battery voltage, Vdc [12]. using their functions. Fig. 7 shows the performance of the sys-
The charging is continued till the battery bank is charged to tem when the wind generator is taken in an out of the system.
110% of nominal bus voltage, i.e., 252 V. The magnitude of the Fig. 8 shows the performance of the system when a solar PV

Ibd is evaluated as follows: system is taken in and taken out of the system. Both the above
scenarios also discuss the MPPT operation through RSC and so-
I ∗ bd = 0.65 × (252 − Vdc ) (23)
lar converter. Fig. 9 shows results at unbalanced nonlinear load
The constant factor “0.65” is chosen so that the battery charg- and Fig. 10 at loss of load. Fig. 11 shows a scenario when stored
ing current remains within 10% of AH and in trickle mode under energy and generated power are low and external charging re-

all circumstances. Highest value of Ibd becomes 25 A when Vdc quirement through RSC is activated. Fig. 12 shows scenario
reaches Vdcm in , i.e., 213.5 V. when dc bus voltage is running at high charging power.

Fig. 11. Performance of system through external charging.

Fig. 9. Performance of the system at unbalanced and nonlinear load.

Fig. 12. Performance of system during high generation and overvoltage sce-
nario of dc bus.

Fig. 10. Performance of the system under loss of load at battery power.
B. Performance of the System at Constant Load and Cutin and
Cutout of Solar Power
A. Performance of the System at Constant Load and Cutin and
Cutout of Wind Power The system is started with a 10 kW and 6 kVAR load without
wind or solar energy. As shown in Fig. 8, at t = 2.25 s, the solar
As shown in Fig. 7, the system is started with 10 kW and system is taken into the service at radiation of 800 W/m2 . At
6 kVAR load without wind or solar energy sources. At t = 2.25 s, t = 4 s, the solar radiation is raised to 900 W/m2 and again it
the wind generator at wind speed of 7 m/s is taken in service. is reduced to 800 W/m2 at t = 6 s. The solar converter adjusts
As a result, a momentary fluctuation in the system voltage is the solar PV voltage and operates at S-MPPT. At t = 7 s, the
observed. At t = 6.0 s, the wind speed of turbine is increased solar system is taken out of service. No significant variation of
from 7 to 8 m/s followed by reduction of the wind speed to its system voltage is observed at any transition point.
original value at t = 10.0 s. The rotor control action maintains
the desired rotational speed as per the W-MPPT algorithm. At
t = 14 s, the wind generator is taken out of service. C. Performance of the System at Unbalanced Nonlinear Load
During cutin and cutout of wind generator, momentary, the The performance of the system at unbalanced nonlinear is
voltage surge is observed. The duration and magnitude of the shown in Fig. 9. A microgrid should be suitable to provide
voltage surge are within an IEEE 1547 standard. requirement of unbalanced nonlinear load. A worst case scenario

Fig. 14. Test result of REGS at (a) varying wind speed and (b) varying solar

Fig. 13. View of the experimental prototype.

is taken when there are no generating sources. The connected

load consists of 2-kW linear load and 8-kW nonlinear load. At
t = 3.25 s, the load of a-phase is disconnected from the network
followed by b-phase load at t = 3.46 s. It is seen from the results
that the system is able to provide quality power to its customer
in case of unbalanced as well as nonlinear load.

D. Performance of the System at Loss of Load

The performance of the microgrid for loss of load is shown
in Fig. 10. A 10 kW and 6 kVAR load, is connected at the
terminals prior to start of simulation. Neither wind nor solar
power is available and the load is fed by the battery. At t =
2 s, the system load is disconnected. It is found that the system
voltage and frequency remain constant of the network.

E. System Running Without Generating Source and Battery

Charged From the Grid
Fig. 11 shows the scenario when there are no generating
sources feeding to the network combined with low battery.
External charging is required to sustain the load requirement.
Charging circuit is enabled as per the logic diagram of Fig. 6.
At t = 4 s, wind generation is taken out of service and because
Fig. 15. Test results at steady state (a) iL a versus v a b , (b) power at DFIG
of lower battery voltage, the charging circuit is initiated. As a stator terminal, (c) Harmonic spectrum of v a b , (d) LSC current, (e) is a versus
result, external power is injected through the RSC to cater load v a b , and (f) harmonic spectrum of is a .
requirement in addition to charging the batteries.
F. Performance of the System During High Generation and The proposed microgrid system is realized in the laboratory
Overvoltage Scenario of DC Bus using a 3.7-kW wound rotor induction machine as DFIG pow-
Performance of the system at high net generation and over- ered by a dc shunt motor. The solar energy system consists of
voltage scenario of dc bus is shown in Fig. 12. To make the effect a solar PV array simulator of a capacity 5 kW. The dc motor
visible, the AH of the battery is reduced by 1/200 times. The with intelligent torque control through buck converter helps in
wind speed and solar irradiance are kept 9 m/s and 700 W/m2 , achieving the wind turbine characteristics. The technical details
respectively. It is seen from the curve that once the Vdc reaches of the wound rotor induction machine used as DFIG and dc
260 V, RSC control reduces the DFIG speed set point to 85% of motor used in these experiments are given in Appendix-B and
the MPPT set point. It is seen from Fig. 12 that charging power, Appendix-C, respectively. Two numbers of 25 A insulated gate
Pc , is reduced and the voltage rise is reduced. bipolar transistors (IGBTs) based VSCs (Semikron Make), are

and 18 show test results for the wind generator disconnection

and the reconnection to the microgrid, respectively. These test
results demonstrate the satisfactory operation of the proposed
microgrid under different operating conditions.

The proposed microgrid system fed from REGS has been
found suitable for meeting load requirement of a remote isolated
location comprising few households. REGS comprises wind and
Fig. 16. Test result for transient response of REGS without wind generator at solar energy blocks, which are designed to extract the maximum
(a) instant of cut-in of load and (b) at removal of all load.
power from the RE sources and at the same time, it provides
quality power to the consumers. The system has been designed
for complete automated operation. This work also presents the
sizing of the major components. The performance of the system
has been presented for change in input conditions for different
type of load profiles. Under all the conditions, the power quality
at the load terminals remains within acceptable limit. The ef-
fectiveness of the system is also presented with test results with
prototype in the laboratory. The system has also envisaged the
external battery charging by utilizing the RSC and its sensors
for achieving rectifier operation at unity power factor.

A. Parameters of DFIG (Simulation)
12.5 kW, 4 Pole, 415 V, 50 Hz, Y-connected, Rs =
0.2692 Ω, Ls = 81.62 mH, Rr = 0.2701 Ω, Lr = 83.43 mH,
Fig. 17. Test result of line voltage and generator current of REGS during Lm = 81.34 mH, inertia = 1 kg·m2 .
disconnection of wind generator.
B. Parameters of DFIG (Experimental)
Make- McFEC Ltd, Capacity 3.7 kW, 400 V, 50 Hz, 4 Pole, Y-
connected, Rs = 1.32 Ω, Rr = 1.708 Ω, Lm = 219 mH, Lls =
6.832 mH, Llr = 6.832 mH, inertia = 0.1878 kg·m2 .

C. Parameters of DC Machine (Prime Mover)

Capacity 5 kW, 230 V, Ra = 1.3 Ω, Rf = 220 Ω, La =
7.2 mH, Lf = 7.5 H, Kϕ = 1.3314.

D. Controllers Gains
Fig. 18. Test results during connection to microgrid, (a) Line rms voltage,
frequency, speed and stator power and (b) line voltage and currents. PI gain of Speed controller: Kpr = 12.5, Kir = 50.
PI Voltage controller: Kpv = 0.45, Kiv = 2.5.
used as LSC and RSC. A set of 40 numbers of 12 V, 7 AH Frequency controller: Kpω e = 0.1, Kiω e = 0.01.
seal maintenance free batteries, are arranged in two parallel cir-
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[8] A. Hamadi, S. Rahmani, K. Addoweesh, and K. Al-Haddad, “A modeling Roorkee), as a Lecturer. He became a Reader there in
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[9] S. K. Tiwari, B. Singh, and P. K. Goel, “Design and control of autonomous from September 2007 to September 2012. Since October 2012, he has been
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[10] S. K. Tiwari, B. Singh, and P. K. Goel, “Design and control of micro-grid he has been the Dean of, Academics at IIT Delhi. He is JC Bose Fellow of DST,
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power conditioners in photovoltaic grid-connected systems,” Energy Con- of Roorkee, in the year 1991, JC Bose and Bimal K Bose awards of The Insti-
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[16] Z. Xuesong, S. Daichun, M. Youjie, and C. Deshu, “The simulation and de- the field of Power Electronics, Maharashtra State National Award of Indian So-
sign for MPPT of PV system based on incremental conductance method,” ciety for Technical Education (ISTE) in recognition of his outstanding research
in Proc. WASE Inter. Conf. Inf. Eng., Aug. 2010, pp. 314–317. work in the area of Power Quality, PES Delhi Chapter Outstanding Engineer
[17] S. Kr. Tiwari, B. Singh, and P. K. Goel, “Design and control of autonomous Award for the year 2006, Khosla National Research Award of IIT Roorkee, in
wind-solar hybrid system with DFIG feeding a 3-phase 4-wire system,” the year 2013, Shri Om Prakash Bhasin Award-2014 in the field of Engineering
IEEE Trans. Ind. Appl., vol. 54, no. 2, pp. 1119–1127, Mar.–Apr. 2018. including Energy and Aerospace, and IEEE PES Nari Hingorani Custom Power
Award-2017. He has been the General Chair of 2006 IEEE International Confer-
ence on Power Electronics, Drives and Energy Systems (PEDES’2006), General
Cochair of the PEDES’2010, General Cochair of the 2015 IEEE International
Conference, and General Co-Chair of 2016 IEEE International Conference held
in New Delhi.

Puneet Kr. Goel was born in New Delhi, India, in

1966. He received the B.Tech degree in electrical en-
gineering from IIT-Kanpur, Kanpur, India, in 1987;
the M.Tech. degree in power apparatus and systems
Shailendra Kumar Tiwari (S’15–M’18) received from IIT-Delhi, New Delhi, in 1989; the M.S. degree
the B.E. degree in electrical from Government Engi- in electrical engineering from University of Southern
neering College, Raipur (Now NIT Raipur), Raipur, California, Los Angeles, CA, USA, in 2001, and the
India, in 1996, and the M. Tech. degree in power gen- Ph.D. degree from IIT-Delhi, in 2009.
eration technology from the IIT Delhi, New Delhi, He joined the Indian Administrative Services in
India, in 2007, through a company sponsered pro- 1991. His assignments include Secretary (Power),
gramme. Andaman and Nicobar Islands, India; Director (Ther-
In 1997, he joined NTPC Ltd. as an Engineer, mal), Ministry of Power, Government of India; Executive Director, Rural Elec-
Power Plant Commissioining. He is currently an Ad- trification Corporation of India Limited; CMD, Delhi Transco and Secretary
ditional General Manager with the Project Engineer- (Power), Government of NCT of Delhi. He is currently a Commissioner with
ing Department, Noida, India. His research interests South Delhi Municipal Corporation, New Delhi. His research interests include
include solar and wind energy conversion, and solar energy estimation. distributed and stand alone power generation using renewable sources of energy.

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