Mohammad Samra (Reporting Manager - Rudrakshi Kumar)

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A subsidiary of American Ruler Private Limited

Pre-Interrogation Assessment

For Corporate Ambassador, Marketing & Sales Interns

• Updation of profiles
• Following company’s profiles

Core: Sales funnel

In an effort to reach a successful resolution, with substantial talent-acquisition experience spanning

in-house and agency settings for candidates across the range of job functions and industries,
enclosed are the pre-interrogation to test your undertakings.

1. What is a sales funnel?


Sales Funnel is a Marketing term that defines the expedition and steps of potential leads of
customers in becoming your ideal customers. The Sales Funnel processes is used to organise and
maintain the companies exact manageable potential customers. To break down leads on customers,
companies use four main strategies when using the Sales Funnel; Awareness, Interest, Evaluation,
and Engagement. This will make it easier for the company to then proceed with Sales cycle
management which is selling to your perfect customer.

2. What are the processes and stages involved in making a sale?



- Prospecting
A. The first step: Prospecting is the initial approach and evaluation the company uses to find a
customer that is in need for your products or services.

- Preparation
B. The second step: Is essential preparation; researching and understanding the market the company
is in and plan the initial approach.
- Approach
C. The third step: Meeting with your potential client, could be a phone call, or an in-person

- Presentation
D. The fourth step: The presentation is important; this is the employees chance to sell, convince
and, illustrate the company’s product and services to the customer.

- Handeling objections
E. The fifth step: Handling objections is important, as the employee should have a solid
understanding of the company’s product or services; this will ease the customers hesitations.

- Closing
F. The sixth step: Closing the deal and moving forward.

- Follow up
G. The seventh step: After closing a deal, follow ups are important as maintaining customers will
only bring more.

3. Differentiate Marketing funnel & Sales Funnel.


Sales Funnel is the guiding stage of potential customers, while the Marketing Funnel is the process
of converting a lead/potential customer into a prospective customer.

4. If you’re facing any objection from your leads and how are you going to overcome them in
order to convert them to a valuable customer of our corporation?


I would listen carefully to what the lead has to say and take notes. I would also build trust between
myself and the customer, and will be understanding of their notes; This however, will not imply
talking down on the companies products and services, this will insure the customer that I understand
fully the capabilities the company has to offer and insure only a success rate when working with the

5. Explain the sales funnel with a real time example or a case study.


Online advertisements are great examples of a Sales Funnel. When a a customer looks at an
Advertisement, if he or she would like to research more and understand the offer, they would visit
the advertisement. At the initial click they become prospects and, furthermore, research and
insurance of the companies products and services is done by the prospect; the customer filled out
the form they then become initial leads and the company can now begin to market their products
and services as listed in the initial advertisement.

Deadline: 30/11/2021


Step1: Reporting to HR, Submit the Pre-Interrogation assessment to the HR/Mentor on or before
30/11/2021 in a document format.

Post submission of the Pre-Interrogation Assessment:

The candidates will be assigned with a project on behalf of the organization and further details
related to the project will be shared on 02/12/2021.

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