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NPF-FGCRT-060001 – REV 0

Pikka Development Project

Fire Protection Design Criteria

Document number – NPF-FGCRT-060001

Rev 0

3/25/2020 – Issued for Use

Worley – Americas US West

101 E. Huntington Drive
Monrovia, California 91016 (USA)
Tel: +1 626 803-9000
Fax: +1 626 803-9000
Oil Search Alaska
Prepared by: Michael Obertone
Worley Job No: 408001-00738

NPF-FGCRT-060001 – REV 0

The controlled copy of this document can be accessed from the Electronic Oil Search Project Document
Management System – Aconex. Printed copies are not controlled.


0 03/25/20 Issued for Use Michael Obertone Victor Gabrielian

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NPF-FGCRT-060001 – REV 0

1 Introduction ...................................................................................................................................... 5

1.1 Purpose .............................................................................................................................................. 5

1.2 Scope ................................................................................................................................................. 5

2 Definition and Abbreviation ............................................................................................................ 5

2.1 Definitions ........................................................................................................................................... 5

2.2 Abbreviations ...................................................................................................................................... 8

3 Referenced Documents ................................................................................................................... 9

4 General Requirements ..................................................................................................................... 9

4.1 Process Overview and Hazards ......................................................................................................... 9

4.2 Fire Protection Overview .................................................................................................................. 10

4.3 Active Fire-Fighting Design Premise ................................................................................................ 11

5 Fire Suppression ............................................................................................................................ 12

5.1 General ............................................................................................................................................. 12

5.2 Water Mist System ........................................................................................................................... 12

General Description ..................................................................................................... 12

Preliminary Equipment Sizing ...................................................................................... 13

5.3 Clean Agent ...................................................................................................................................... 14

6 Portable Fire-Fighting Equipment ................................................................................................ 14

6.1 General ............................................................................................................................................. 14

6.2 Portable Fire Extinguishers .............................................................................................................. 15

7 Safety Equipment ........................................................................................................................... 15

7.1 First Aid Boxes ................................................................................................................................. 15

7.2 Breathing Apparatus......................................................................................................................... 15

7.3 Fire Blankets .................................................................................................................................... 15

7.4 Safety Showers and Eye Washes .................................................................................................... 16

8 Fire and Gas Systems .................................................................................................................... 16

8.1 Central Fire Alarm Network (CFAN)................................................................................................. 16

8.2 Functional Description ...................................................................................................................... 17

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8.3 Gas Detection ................................................................................................................................... 18

8.4 Toxic Gas Detection ......................................................................................................................... 18

8.5 Fire and Gas Detection and Alarm ................................................................................................... 19

9 Fireproofing .................................................................................................................................... 19

9.1 Purpose ............................................................................................................................................ 19

9.2 Fire Potential and Rating .................................................................................................................. 20

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1 Introduction
1.1 Purpose

The purpose of this document is to provide the guidelines and minimum design requirements for the
fire protection systems at the Nanushuk Processing Facility (NPF). The document is used to establish
the fire protection methodology as well as identify applicable standards.

1.2 Scope

Fire Protection for the NPF shall meet applicable codes and standards with an emphasis on life safety,
protection of property, and the environment. A description of the fire protection systems will be
provided for structural and equipment protection. Mandatory measures shall be applied for protection
of personnel, allowing safe evacuation in the event of a gas leak or fire.

2 Definition and Abbreviation

2.1 Definitions

The following terminology is used in this document:

Term Definition
Active Fire Protection A system for fire prevention and control requiring moving parts
and mechanical system that may or may not require human
intervention to initiate. These include water mist and clean agent
systems, fire extinguishers etc.
Addressable Devices Each addressable device is electronically coded with a unique
identification or 'address' which is programmed into the device
during installation.
Clean Agent A fire extinguishing agent addressed in NFPA 2001
Combustible Liquids A liquid having a flash point at or above 100°F. Combustible
liquids shall be subdivided as follows:
 Class II liquids shall include those having flash point at
or above 100°F and below 140°F.
 Class IIIA liquids shall include those having flash points
at or above 140°F and below 200°F.
 Class IIIB liquids shall include those having flash point
at or above 200°F.
Fire Potential Applicable to plant and equipment (but excluding pipe work) that
contains combustible fluids.
API 2218 uses “fire-potential” categories to assist in hazard
determination by dividing equipment into high, medium, low, and
nonfire potential. These fire potential definitions are intended to
include most types of hydrocarbon-handling equipment that can
release appreciable quantities of flammable fluid.

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Fireproofing A systematic process, including materials and the application of

materials, that provides a degree of fire resistance for protected
substrates and assemblies.
Fire-Scenario A set of conditions that defines the development of fire, the
spread of combustion products throughout a building or area,
the reactions of people to fire, and the effects of combustion
Fire-Scenario Envelopes Fire-Scenario envelopes are three-dimensional spaces into
which fire potential equipment can release flammable or
combustible fluids that if ignited will burn for sufficient time and
intensity to inflict escalation.
Flammable Liquid Any liquid having a flash point below 37.8°C (100°F) and a
vapor pressure not exceeding 2.76 bar abs at 37.8°C (40 psia at
100°F). Further definition may be found in NFPA 30.
Hazard A chemical or physical condition that has the potential for
causing damage to people, property, or the environment.
High Fire Potential Equipment Equipment that is considered to have a high fire potential. Some
examples are as follows:
 Fired heaters that process liquid or mixed-phase
hydrocarbons, under the following conditions:
o Operation at temperatures and flow rates that
are capable of causing coking within the tubes.
o Operation at pressures and flow rates that are
high enough to cause large spills before the
heater can be isolated.
o Charging of potentially corrosive fluids.
 Pumps with rated capacity over 200 gpm that handle
liquids or combustible liquids above or within 15°F of
their flash point temperatures.
 Pumps with a history of bearing failure or seal leakage
(where engineering revisions have been unsuccessful at
eliminating these as significant potential fuel sources).
 Pumps with small piping subject to fatigue failure.
 Compressors, together with related lube-oil systems.
 Specific segments of process piping handling flammable
liquids or gases in mixtures known to promote pipe
failures through erosion, corrosion, or embrittlement.
These include hydrocarbons, streams that may contain
entrained catalyst, caustics, acids, hydrogen, or similar
materials where development of an appropriate scenario
envelope is feasible.
 Vessels, heat exchangers (including air cooled
exchangers), and other equipment containing flammable
or combustible liquids over 600°F or their auto-ignition
temperature, whichever is less.
Intelligent System The system that is able to conduct two-way communication with
any of the addressable devices connected to the system by
using the unique address number to define which device it
wishes to communicate with.

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Listed Listed equipment, material, or services that meet appropriate

designated standards or has been tested and found suitable for
a specified purpose by a recognized organization (e.g., UL, FM,
Low Fire Potential Equipment The following are examples of equipment considered to have a
low fire potential:
 Pumps that handle Class IIIB liquids below their flash
 Piping within battery limits which has a concentration of
valves, fittings, and flanges.
 Heat exchangers that may develop flange leaks.

Medium Fire Potential Equipment The following are examples of equipment considered to have a
medium fire potential:
 Accumulators, feed drums, and other vessels that may
leak as a result of broken instrumentation, ruptured
gaskets, or other apparatus.
 Towers that may leak as a result of broken gauge
columns or gasket failure on connected piping and
bottom reboilers.
 Air-cooled fin fan exchangers that handle flammable and
combustible liquids.
 Highly automated and complex peripheral equipment
such as combustion air preheaters.
Muster Point A place where everyone is ordered to go when there is an
Nonfire Potential Equipment Nonfire potential equipment has little or no chance of releasing
flammable or combustible fluids either prior to or shortly after the
outbreak of a fire. Piping and other equipment that handles
noncombustible fluids are considered to be nonfire potential
Passive Fire Protection Fire protection which does not require power sources or initiation
in order to achieve its aim. This is generally applied to firewalls
and systems which protect the plant and structures by
preventing the transfer of heat and temperature fires for a
defined period. It may include systems which react to the fire;
e.g., intumescent paints.
Portable Fire Extinguisher Containers filled with fire suppressant materials in hand,
wheeled, and skid-mounted units.
Recognized Acceptable to Company and regulatory agencies having
Style 7 network Style 7 networks are a continuous ring topology. If the network
ring has a break or incorrectly terminated cable pair, then the
network cards see this as an open circuit and will display a
‘Degraded Style-7’ fault.
Water Mist System A distribution system connected to a water supply or water and
atomizing media that is equipped with one or more nozzles
capable of delivering water mist intended to control, suppress, or

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extinguish fires and that has been demonstrated to meet the

performance requirements of its listing and this standard.

2.2 Abbreviations

The following abbreviations are used in this document:

Abbreviation Detail

AFP Active Fire Protection

API American Petroleum Institute

CCR Central Control Room

CFAN Central Fire Alarm Network

EDP Emergency Depressurization

EER Emergency Evacuation and Rescue

ESD Emergency Shutdown

FCP Fire Control Panel

FIT First Response Intervention Team

H 2S Hydrogen Sulfide

ICSS Integrated Control and Safety System

I/O Input and Output

LEL Lower Explosive Limit

MAC Manual Alarm Call Point

NAC Notification Appliance Circuit

NFPA National Fire Protection Association

NOP Nanushuk Operations Pad

NPF Nanushuk Processing Facility

PFP Passive Fire Protection

PPM Parts per Million

REIM Remote Electrical Instrument Module

SLC Signalling Line Circuit

UL Underwriter’s Laboratory

UV Ultraviolet

VDC Volts Direct Current

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3 Referenced Documents
Fire protection systems shall be in accordance with the Alaska Administrative Code Title 13, Chapters
50 through 55 and amendments in Appendix LL. The specific editions of the International and National
building codes and standards that have been adopted under 13 AAC 50 - 13 AAC 55 shall take
precedence over any other editions of those codes and standards, even when more recent editions
have been published.

Codes and Standards Description

API 2218 Fireproofing Practices in Petroleum and Petrochemical Processing Plants

NFPA 10 Portable Fire Extinguishers

NFPA 30 Flammable and Combustible Liquids Code

NFPA 72 National Fire Alarm and Signaling Code

NFPA 750 Water Mist Fire Protection Systems

NFPA 2001 Clean Agent Fire Extinguishing Systems

UL 1709 Rapid Rise Fire Tests of Protection Materials for Structural Steel

4 General Requirements
4.1 Process Overview and Hazards

Fire protection is the prevention and reduction of hazards associated with fire to minimize risk to
property and life. This document provides the basis for fire and gas detection and fire protection
systems required to safeguard the NPF where multi-phase well fluids are received from drill sites
and processed. The NPF includes phase separation, produced water treatment and injection, gas
compression/dehydration, and supporting utilities and infrastructure. For additional description and
facility objectives, see Basis of Design NPF-PRBOD-060001 and Fire Hazard Analysis NPF-

Hazards include process handling of flammable and combustible fluids such as methane, ethane,
propane, hexanes and heavier components, methanol, diesel, gasoline, lube oil, etc. Toxic
hazards include small traces (<100 ppm) of hydrogen sulfide, and nitrogen releases creating a
reduced oxygen environment.

Process areas include launcher/receivers, inlet separation, flash gas compressors, LP separator,
produced water degassing drum, crude dehydration, slop oil tank, flare, methanol storage, TEG
storage, crude storage and shipping, vapor recovery, lift gas compressors, gas dehydration, gas
injection compressor, and produced water tank and injection.

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Utility areas include drainage, fuel gas, chemical storage & injection, nitrogen, utility water, water
mist system, sewage disposal, power generation, instrument and utility air, process heating
medium, and cooling medium.

4.2 Fire Protection Overview

Design of fire protection, fire and gas detection, and alarm systems shall meet project specification
requirements and local code requirements. The design shall be consistent with good engineering
design practices from recognized industry standards such as NFPA and API.

Special consideration shall be provided for extreme weather, modular design, and limited fire-
fighting resources associated with facilities operating on the North Slope. Emphasis will be placed
on automatic fire suppression, electrical isolation, and a layered approach to gas detection.

Fire protection includes Active Fire Protection (AFP) systems and Passive Fire Protection (PFP)
systems. AFP systems include fire protection and extinguishing systems involving fire and gas
detection, fire alarms, water mist supply, and fire-fighting systems. PFP includes fireproofing using
fire-resistance rated materials on critical equipment supports and steel structures to limit the
spread of fire and enable fire-fighting and evacuation. PFP also includes fire barriers and
equipment separation as determined in project specifications and local code requirements. The
AFP system shall, in conjunction with the PFP, control and mitigate fire hazards to prevent further
escalation. Selection, design, and controls for these systems shall be based on fire hazard
evaluation and local code requirements.

The design and engineering of the fire protection systems will consider the plant and equipment
layouts, isolation philosophy, inventories, and critical equipment. Design of the fire-fighting
systems will also consider that the NPF is without a first response intervention team (FIT) or
trained fire-fighting personnel.

Each module (or building) will be considered a single fire area. A fire area is that part of a facility
that could be involved in a single fire event. A fire area may be subdivided depending on the
separation between areas and available fire-fighting resources. Any hazard that will allow fire
propagation from one area to another shall be considered a single fire area.

A Central Fire Alarm Network (CFAN) and gas detection system will be provided to safeguard the
facility against the propagation of fire, hazardous spills, gas leaks, and provide a signal for egress.
Fire suppression and emergency shut-down systems are automatic to mitigate hazards in a
reasonable period during severe weather conditions and limited resources. The CFAN monitors
the fire detection and alarm systems associated with the various fire areas and the Integrated
Control and Safety System (ICSS) monitors the gas detection system. All fire alarm and trouble

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alarm signals will be transmitted to the Central Control Room (CCR) for operator response and
receipt of alarm.

Fire protection equipment, to the extent possible, shall be purchased from a single equipment
Supplier to support equipment uniformity and compatibility. Select equipment such as enclosed
gas turbine generators, standby generator enclosures, etc., will be furnished with the necessary
fire protection systems by the equipment Suppliers. These systems will transmit common fire alarm
and/or common trouble alarm signals to the CCR for operator response and receipt of alarm. The
type of automatic fire suppression selected for equipment protection shall be determined during
early design development.

The key elements of the active fire protection criteria are summarized as follows:

a. Prevention of Incidents:

 Systems shall be installed with high reliability and low failure rates.

 Design standards shall be strictly adhered.

b. Mitigation of Effects:

 Considering the nature of fires involved with high-pressure installations, large

inventories, and liquid holdup; emphasis shall be on limiting duration of fires and
minimizing the blocked-in hydrocarbon inventory.

 Rapid isolation of fire areas shall be enforced upon gas or fire detection.

 Emergency Depressurization (EDP) shall be affected manually.

 Fire suppression systems shall be initiated automatically.

 Provisions made for Emergency Evacuation and Rescue (EER) facilities: Muster
points where provided shall be adequately protected from fire and explosion hazards.

4.3 Active Fire-Fighting Design Premise

Design of the fire-fighting systems considers limited fire-fighting vehicle response and focusses on
plant safety. This requires operators to follow emergency communication protocol and plant
emergency procedures during a hazardous event.
The design of active fire-fighting systems shall be based on controlling or mitigating typical fire
cases as can be expected in a hydrocarbon processing facility. Fire types and extinguishing agents
(refer to Table 4-1) are as indicated:

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Table 4-1: Fire Types and Extinguishing Agents

Fire Class Examples Extinguishing Agent

A Ordinary solid combustibles Water or dry chemical

B Flammable fluids and gases Water or dry chemical

Energized electrical equipment Carbon dioxide, dry chemical, or

clean agent

3. In defining the systems to be installed, account is taken for prescribed code requirements, fire type,
combustibles, fire loading, facility start-up, and plant disruption.

4. In addition, suitable means shall be provided for the extinguishing of small incipient fires at the
early stage of development. This is achieved by the placement of portable fire extinguishers
throughout the facility.

5 Fire Suppression
5.1 General

Sprinkler, water spray, or stand-pipe systems are not anticipated as the infrastructure necessary to
support a dedicated water supply, drainage, and replenishing rate is not available.

Fixed automatic fire suppression systems are required for select modules and buildings; depending
on combustibles, fire loading, storage arrangement, local code requirements, and as directed by
the Company. Fire loading information shall include commodity description and classification, as
well as any information regarding hazardous materials and/or chemicals to be stored or processed.

Fire suppression equipment shall be identified on fire equipment location plans for project and
Company approval.

5.2 Water Mist System

General Description

An automatic centralized water mist system shall be provided for the protection of process and
utility modules as indicated. The system shall meet NFPA 750 requirements for local application
and shall include a dedicated water supply tank, high-pressure diesel-driven pump skids (N+1),
two (2) motor driven circulation pumps, filters, and UV sterilizer. A diesel fuel tank shall be
provided for each pump skid and sized for at least 4-hours full load. The water mist supply
equipment shall be in a heated module. Each pump skid will provide a percentage of the water
demand in such a manner as to allow any one pump skid to be out of service and still provide
100% of the water demand.

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The water mist system shall be designed to protect against flammable liquid fire hazards in all
Group H (high-hazard) occupancies, and in Group F-1 occupancies where the fire area exceeds
12,000 square feet.

The water supply tank shall be sized for a minimum duration of 30 minutes as specified in NFPA
750. A truck-fill pipe and outlet with a 100-micron filter is utilized for refilling the water storage tank
within 24-hours following system operation. High-water Level and Low-water Level alarms are
provided for monitoring the water tank levels.

A distribution header (ring main) shall be provided for the centralized water mist system to supply
each of the protected modules with the necessary water pressure. The distribution header is to be
a looped system, so water can circulate for filtering and freeze protection. Isolation valves shall be
provided on the ring main such that any water mist system out of service will not prevent other
systems on the ring main from operating. The maximum ring main size is 8-inches.

A confirmed fire signal within the protected area will automatically activate the water mist system.
Remote manual activation from the Central Control Room and each associated REIM will also be
available for system operation.

Preliminary Equipment Sizing

The centralized water mist system protecting the process equipment is an engineered system
requiring calculation and design to determine the flow rates, nozzle pressures, pipe size, area
coverage, discharge density, nozzle type, and nozzle placement for each protected area.

The data in Table 5-1 may be used for early design development and equipment sizing. The
calculations are based on a minimum nozzle discharge rate of 7.3-gpm (K-factor 0.27gpm/psi1/2 @
minimum pressure of 730 psi) where the maximum nozzle spacing is 13.1 feet.

Table 5-1: Water Mist System Protection and Demand

Mod Description Prot. Area (ft2) Nozzle Qty Demand (gpm)

P11 Production (Module) 34,000 200 1,460

P12 Compression (Module) 31,000 180 1,300

P13 Divert Tank Farm (Pump Room) 5,000 30 220

U11 Utility Module (H Occupancy Portion) 26,000 150 1,100

The largest water demand in Table 5-1 is 1,460-gpm. Three high-pressure, diesel-driven, positive
displacement supply pump skids will be provided for sufficient water and pressure required to
protect the modules. Each pump skid will deliver a water flow of at least 730-gpm (50% of the
largest water demand) at a maximum pressure of 2,000 psi. Three diesel supply tanks shall be

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provided, one for each pump skid, at 150-gal each. The final pump design and capacity will be
provided and verified by the equipment supplier.

Two motor driven, low-pressure, vertical pumps will be provided for continuous water circulation
necessary to maintain water quality. One circulation pump will function as the primary pump and
the secondary pump will be activated in case of primary pump failure or maintenance. Each pump
will deliver a water flow of 90-gpm at a maximum pressure of 150 psi.

A dedicated 50,000-gallon UL-142 water supply tank shall be provided for at least 30 minutes of
continuous operation at a maximum pumping flow rate of 1,460-gpm (plus 10%).

5.3 Clean Agent

Select instrument/electrical rooms, equipment enclosures, telecommunication rooms, small

hazardous storage rooms, etc., may be protected by an automatic clean agent fire suppression
system based on a risk assessment and as approved by the Company. Clean agent fire
suppression systems at the NPF are not anticipated; however, should a clean agent system be
specified, the following shall apply:

Clean agent systems shall meet NFPA 2001 requirements. A reserve supply will not be required
unless otherwise directed by the Company.

Selection of the type of clean agent used shall be determined early during design development.
The agent supply is located in a heated environment near the protected area. If the area is not
heated, the agent cylinders shall be provided a heated enclosure.

Any two fire detectors within the protected area, in alarm, will activate the clean agent system
unless otherwise directed by the Company. A local manual release station is required.

6 Portable Fire-Fighting Equipment

6.1 General

Fire-fighting vehicles, trailer mounted fire-fighting equipment, equipment shelters, hose boxes, etc.,
are not included in this specification criteria.

Fire protection infrastructures such as a fire house or training yard are not available. Operators in
the Central Control Room will acknowledge fire & gas alarms and follow applicable emergency
communication protocol/procedures, and verify output to applicable area notification appliances
and equipment shutdown. Portable fire-fighting equipment may be used during the initial stages of
a fire event by trained personnel.

Portable fire-fighting equipment shall be identified on fire equipment location plans for project and
Company approval.

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6.2 Portable Fire Extinguishers

Portable fire extinguishers shall be installed throughout the facility in locations where rapid
intervention with a hand-held fire extinguisher may prevent a small fire from escalating.

Fire extinguishers shall be positioned within modules and buildings, and along walkways, such that
the travel distance between the extinguisher and the potential fire hazard is limited to 50 feet for
process modules and 75 feet for other areas. For compressors handling flammable gas, at least
one extinguisher is to be provided within 15 feet of the equipment.

Portable fire extinguishers installed outdoors or in unheated environments shall be provided in

weather-proof containers with space heaters, when the extinguisher is not listed for temperatures
less than -50 degrees Fahrenheit.

The selection of fire extinguishers for a given area shall be determined by the guidelines set forth
in NFPA 10 and local code requirements.

7 Safety Equipment
7.1 First Aid Boxes

A first aid box shall be installed in each Remote Electrical Instrument Module (REIM), operator
shelter, control facility, and break room.

First aid boxes installed in REIM’s shall be suitable for electric shock injuries.

7.2 Breathing Apparatus

A lightweight durable 30-minute portable breathing apparatus shall be located in process areas
handling toxic materials, inside operator shelters, REIM’s, analyzer rooms, and areas of refuge.
Breathing apparatus will be kept inside weatherproof boxes. Additional breathing apparatus (10%)
will be provided in the Central Control Room facility as back-up during emergencies.

A breathing air supply shall be provided to maintenance personnel working with fluids that contain
toxic gases. The primary concern is hydrogen sulfide. Connections for purging and flushing will be
provided for pieces of equipment such as filters that normally contain these fluids but require
periodic maintenance.

7.3 Fire Blankets

Wall mounted fire blankets shall be provided within process and utility modules at strategic
locations. At least one fire blanket shall be provided at each module. Fire blankets shall be wool,
or a synthetic equivalent, treated to be fire retardant and mildew-proof. Fire blankets are provided
for smothering clothing fires. The minimum blanket size shall be nominal 6 x 6 feet.

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A weatherproof box suitable for wall or column mounting shall be provided to contain each folded
blanket. The box shall be painted red and shall be equipped with a latched cover that can be
readily opened during an emergency.

7.4 Safety Showers and Eye Washes

Safety shower and eyewash combination units shall be provided in the plant where chemicals that
cause burns or other damage to human skin, are mixed, loaded or unloaded. The units shall be
self-contained and protected from freezing. Flushing fluid application pressure and temperature
shall be in accordance with the manufacturer’s specifications.

Safety shower and eyewash combination units shall be installed in accessible locations that require
no more than 10 seconds to reach. The unit shall be on the same level as the hazard and the path
of travel shall be free of obstructions that might inhibit the immediate use of the equipment.

An eyewash station shall be provided within 25 feet of battery handling areas and in each battery

4. Each emergency shower and eyewash location shall be identified with a sign that is visible within
the area served by the unit. The area around the unit shall be provided adequate lighting.

8 Fire and Gas Systems

8.1 Central Fire Alarm Network (CFAN)

A Central Fire Alarm Network (CFAN) shall be provided for the PIKKA Development Project,
including the drill sites, processing facility, operations pad, and tie-in facilities. All fire input and
output (I/O) signals are wired to a local Fire Control Panel (FCP) located in protected building or
module. A network infrastructure that interconnects the FCPs to the Central Control Room (CCR)
monitoring equipment shall be provided. The CCR monitoring equipment includes a Control unit
(main FCP), alarm workstation, printer, and shall serve as a proprietary supervising station for
operator response and receipt of alarm.

The CFAN is a protected premises fire alarm system composed of a style 7 (Class X) fiber-optic
network having a two-way path communications capability. Under this style of operation, a single
open, wire-to-wire short, wire-to-wire short and open, wire-to-wire short and ground, or open and
ground will not result in fragmentation of the network (refer to figure 8-1).

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CU = Control unit
FCP FCP FCP = Fire Control Panel



Figure 8-1: Style 7 Network with two-way path communications

The CFAN complies with NFPA 72 requirements as an addressable system with intelligent circuit
interfaces. The system includes control equipment, initiating devices, notification appliances, and
emergency control functions. Each FCP on the CFAN is hard-wired to initiating devices and
notification appliances on supervised Class B pathways meeting NFPA 72 requirements.

All fire alarms are displayed at the CFAN workstation located in the Central Control Room where
trained operators are in constant attendance. The CFAN interfaces with the Integrated Control and
Safety System (ICSS) for electrical isolation and/or emergency shutdown (ESD).

8.2 Functional Description

The purpose of the fire and gas systems are to safeguard the protected areas against the
propagation of fire, hazardous spills, gas leaks, and promote safety. The fire suppression and
emergency shut-down systems are automatic to mitigate hazards in a reasonable period of time
during severe weather, limited fire-fighting resources, and remote access. The fire and gas
detection and alarm systems provide early warning for building or module evacuation.

Any executive action taken by the fire and gas systems, such as fire suppression activation,
electrical isolation, or building emergency control, requires a “Confirmed Fire” or “Confirmed Gas”
signal. A confirmed signal requires 2 detectors in alarm or a single “high-high” alarm. Fire system
interlocks are normally de-energized circuits supervised to provide the operator warning of any
ground, open, or short circuit fault. The purpose of these measures is to avoid spurious trips or
unwanted action caused by faulty detection, device failures or faults.

3. Fire Control Panels (FCPs) are listed for fire protective signaling and include Signaling Line
Circuits (SLC), Notification Appliance Circuits (NAC), programmable displays, acknowledge
pushbutton, silence pushbutton, and reset pushbutton. The FCPs are provided with 24 hour
battery backup for continuous system operation and monitoring.

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8.3 Gas Detection

Flammable gas detection shall be provided around high fire potential equipment, and may be
considered for medium fire potential equipment. Selection is by point or open path detection or a
combination of these. Flammable gas detection shall be located appropriately considering the
potential development of hazardous gas clouds in the area, enclosure, or building.

Flammable gas detectors shall be positioned appropriately for the density of gas they are installed
to detect. Lighter than air gases and vapors shall be detected by sensors located at or above the
expected point of release. Heavier than air gases and vapors shall be detected by sensors located
at or below the expected point of release. Account shall be taken of the cooling effect of
expanding gas to atmospheric pressure.

To better safeguard the NPF, a layered approach to gas detection shall be applied as prescribed in
the Fire and Gas System Design Criteria, NGE-FGCRT-060001.

a. A primary layer of protection against fire and explosion include the placement of flammable
gas detection around high leak potential equipment. This enables detection of a
flammable gas release at its source, providing operators the time to isolate the leak and
prevent ignition.

b. A secondary layer of protection includes detection of flammable gas at module/building air-

intake systems in the process area. Process areas are protected against ignition of
hydrocarbons by electrical area classification or positive pressure. Detection of flammable
gas at the air intakes of module/buildings in process areas will alert operators of a gas
release from a neighboring source.

c. Third layer of protection includes detection of flammable gas at each non-process building
air-intake within a release scenario of a gas concentration of ½ LEL or within 200 feet of a
process area. Automatic air intake shutdown at a “Confirmed Gas” signal will prevent
accumulation of gas inside the building. Leak potential equipment is a significant distance
from non-process buildings and a gas release would have been detected by the primary
and secondary layer of detection prior to reaching any non-process building.

8.4 Toxic Gas Detection

Small releases of toxic gas may cause injury to personnel working directly where the leak occurs.
Medium releases may affect other personnel working in the area who are not directly at the release
source. Large releases may produce toxic concentrations outside the area or plant fence line.

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Releases from "active" equipment, such as pump and compressor seals may occur. Releases
shall be monitored with toxic gas detectors. Detectors should be located close to the potential leak
source to signal the problem to those in the general area or those who might enter the area.

Releases from "passive" equipment, such as pipe flanges and pipe/vessel wall ruptures, usually do
not require monitoring. Manifolds with large number of valves and flanges, representing a
concentration of leak sources, may be locally monitored if the toxic gas concentrations are high.

A prescribed method for locating toxic gas detectors may be found in the Fire and Gas System
Design Criteria, NGE-FGCRT-060001.

8.5 Fire and Gas Detection and Alarm

For fire and gas detection and alarm system description, see Fire and Gas System Design Criteria,
NGE-FGCRT-060001. Fire and gas detection and alarm system equipment shall be identified on
equipment location plans for project and Company approval.

Notification appliances shall meet NFPA 72 requirements. There is no distinction between a fire
alarm and a gas alarm when sounding the audible alarm horn and activating the visual alarm
indicators for building evacuation.

There will be no partial building or partial module evacuation. Any fire or gas event associated with
a fire area (building or module), will alert the entire building or module. The purpose is to
safeguard the entire building should any fire or gas be detected.

Each protected building/module shall be provided a fire alarm white strobe light outside its
entrance. The purpose is to identify the building in alarm and prevent building entry during alarm.

9 Fireproofing
9.1 Purpose

Fireproofing Materials and Application Specification OGE-COSPE-000004, describes the minimum

fireproofing requirements for protection against a hydrocarbon-type fire. The hydrocarbon fire is
defined in UL 1709.

The protection is necessary for vessel skirts and other equipment steel support structures where
their sudden collapse due to fire would seriously endanger personnel, lead to the release of large
quantities of flammable products and/or toxic materials, lead to consequences beyond the property
limit (including environmental damage), or endanger major equipment.

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9.2 Fire Potential and Rating

Fire potential of hydrocarbon-handling equipment that can release significant quantities of

flammable liquids are to be evaluated and fire exposed area drawings developed to determine
fireproofing needs within a fire-scenario envelope.

2. Fire potential categories for equipment include high, medium, low, and non-fire potential as defined
in API 2218. The fire-resistance rating shall be 2 hours when exposed to a hydrocarbon fire as
defined in UL 1709. For additional information, see Fireproofing Materials and Application
Specification OGE-COSPE-000004.

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