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Impact of Extra Curricular Activities on the Social Engagement of Grade 11 STEM

Students of STI College Las Piñas Campus School Year 2018-2019.

A Research Paper

Submitted to the Senior High School Faculty

Of STI College Las Piñas

In Partial Fulfillment of the requirements for the course

Practical Research 1 and Statistics and Probability

For Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics

Gab Sairel T. Llamido

Maria Alyssa M. Lopez

Ivan Emmanuel B. Luce

Joanna Marie Mina

Bridgitte P. Mesina

Joseph Darwin E. Portillo

March 2019

We would like to start off by praising and thanking God, for His showers of blessings

throughout our research.

This research would not have been possible without the support of Ms. Gilyn Eugenio our

Practical Research teacher, for giving us the opportunity to do research,, her motivation and

sincerity really moved us to try our best. She provided us knowledge and wisdom about

Qualitative Research and extended professional guidance whenever we had questions about our


We are also grateful to Ms. , our Earth and Science teacher who gave us insightful

comments that helped us better our research, her motivation and sincerity really moved us to try

our best.

We are also extremely grateful to Ms. Raquel Mahipos, our Reading and Writing teacher

who helped us construct the foundation of our research, her genuine will to help us form our

research with no grammatical errors and appropriate usage of words helped us complete our


We would also like to recognize our family, who provided us un-ending support and

encouragement whenever we felt down and disheartened. They provided us all kinds of support.

Finally, our thanks to all the people who have supported us to complete our research

directly or indirectly.

The Qualitative research approach, which is largely used in social sciences to explore

social interactions, systems and processes. This is the appropriate approach for this research

because it provides in-depth understanding of the ways people come to understand, act and

manage their day to day situations. The aim of this study is to Understand the Impact of Extra

Curricular Activities on the Social Engagement of Grade 11 STEM Students of STI College Las

Piñas Campus School Year 2018-2019. The Department of Education has implemented the

Education Act of 1982 that states Extra Curricular Activities are part of the curriculum of the

Philippines. These activities develop skills that a student will need such as social engagement,

physical well being and so on. The objective of this study is to understand the impact of ECA’s

to the social skills of students to ascertain that these activities should really be part of the

School’s System.

A descriptive design was appropriate for this research because it describes The Impact of

Extra Curricular Activities on Grade 11 Students of STI College Las Piñas A.Y 2018-2018 on

Social Engagement respectively. Qualitative approach will be used in this study with the use of

survey forms as a way of collecting data. Purposive Sampling will be used for this study. The

researchers decided it would be best as they will be deciding the criteria to be used to define who

their participants would be. This will be beneficial as the researchers to critically think and

properly set the standard of the participants at an early stage of the study, the sampling technique

used is semi structured questionnaire. After the gathering the data we will use transcription to

interpret our data. The conclusion is that through ECA’s students develop social skills.
Title Page …………………………………………………………………………………………
Acknowledgement ….........................................................................................................
Abstract ………………………..…………………………………………………………………
Table of Contents ………………………………………………………………………………...
CHAPTER I. INTRODUCTION ………………………………………………………………... 1
Background of the study ………………………………………………………………… 1
Statement of the Problem …………………………………………………………………2
Significance of the study ………………………………………………………………….2
Assumption ……………………………………………………………………………….3
Scope and delimitations …………………………………………………………………..4
Definition of Terms ……………………………………………………………………….4
Conceptual Framework …………………………………………………………………..6
CHAPTER III. METHODOLOGY ……………………………………………………………..13
Research Design …………………………………………………………………………13
Research Locale …………………………………………………………………………13
Sample and Sampling Technique ………………………………………………………..13
Research Instruments ……………………………………………………………………14
Data Gathering Procedure ……………………………………………………………….15
Validation of the Intruments …………………………………………………………….15
Summary of Findings …………………………………………………………………....26
Conclusions ……………………………………………………………………………...27
Recommendations ……………………………………………………………………….27
Appendix A: Letter of Request …………………………………………………………
Appendix B: Validation of Research Instruments ……………………………………...
Appendix B.1 Validation of Research Instruments ………………………………
Appendix B.2 Validation of Research Instruments ……………………………..
Appendix B.3 Validation of Research Instruments ……………………………..
Appendix C: Curriculum Vitae …………………………………………………..….…
Appendix C.1 Curriculum Vitae ……………………………………………..…
Appendix C.2 Curriculum Vitae ………………………………………………
Appendix C.3 Curriculum Vitae ………………………………………………...
Appendix C.4 Curriculum Vitae ………………………………………………..
Bibliography …………………………………………………………………………………..


Background of the study

In life, there is nothing constant but change. By reason of the fast- changing world the

Education system needs to adapt in the face of constant change, students will need to have

different skills all the time. That is why DepEd implemented Extra Curricular Activities, these

activities develop skills that a student will need in the corporate world such as Social

Engagement. Social Engagement can be defined as the extent to which an individual participates

in a broad range of social roles and relationships. Like social networks and social support,

increased social participation has been found to have beneficial effects on health and well being

(Berkman & Syme, 1979; Burton, 1998; Greenfield, Rhem, & Rogers, 2000). Social Engagement

has also been linked to favorable social and behavioral outcomes in areas such as family

functioning, child and adolescent development and behavior. Social Roles provide people with

more meaningful social identities and purpose in life, Thus, as individuals accumulate valued

social roles such as being a part of a club or an organization, the sense that life has a meaning

and purpose increases, leading to improved well-being. (Mental Health, Social Mirror. Springer).

In today’s time a lot of students still question why Extra Curricular Activities are still part

of the Curriculum of Education in the Philippines. Considering that these activities are done

since the start of a child’s education, up to the end, but it is said that Education should go beyond

the four classroom walls; it should be more than books (Jackson, 2017).
The main reason for conducting this research is that Extra Curricular Activities are

always seen as a barrier to academic achievements. Many students still believe in the stigma that

these activities are only for people who are athletic, sociable, and outgoing and that students

don’t learn anything from these activities. The researchers will attempt to shed light about Extra

Curricular Activities and how they affect the Social Engagement of a student and will hopefully

give wider perspectives about the said topic. The aim is to understand the effect of co-curricular

activities to a student and how does this help them in the future.

Statement of the Problem

This research will aim to understand how Extra Curricular Activities impact the Social

Engagement of STEM students in STI College Las Pinas.

Specifically, the researcher would like to answer the following questions:

1. What activities in Extra Curricular Activities develop Social Engagement?

2. What role does Social Engagement play in the life of students?

3. Why are Extra Curricular Activities considered as a vehicle to develop Social


Significance of the Study

This study was conducted to explore the observed impact of extra-curricular activities on

the social engagement of students and upbringing of the participants it can be beneficial to

the following:

Students This study examined what are their thoughts and perception about the activities

that they do after school. The results of the study can provide a better understanding of their
purpose of participation in these activities. In addition to this, the study can also serve as an

eye opener to them how these activities help them become ready for the corporate world and

give them purpose in life

Parents This study can help parents as a guide on how they may support their children on

activities that may not be school related but help their children grow as individuals.

Government This study can be a stepping stone for the government to understand how

important Extra Curricular Activities are as a part of the Curriculum and what are the other

ways they can improve or develop this platform.

Teachers This study may be use as a material for the teachers in teaching their students

about the subject and make these students understand how important Extra Curricular

Activities are.

Future Researchers This study can be used by the future researchers as their reference

for sharing the same interest and want for understanding of the same subject. They may use

this as basis or as additional literature to support their study.


Based from the related data presented and research the researchers came up with these

null assumptions:

A1 Students are motivated to go to school because of Extra Curricular Activities

A2 Students that are exposed to ECA’s develop social skills

A3 Extra Curricular Activities are used to develop skills in students.

Scope and Delimitation of the Study

This study will focus only on the experiences of students that participate in Extra Curricular

Activities. The researchers have decided to consider those who are between the ages of 17-19

years old to see what they have experienced, how it shaped them and how they grew up to be.

The limitations of this research include the area of data collection set by the researchers. Other

limitations to the study would be: (1) requiring the participants should be enrolled in the STEM

strand, (2) participants to have been enrolled in STI College Las Pinas. (3) participants should be

enrolled as a Grade 11 student (4) willing to participate in the study, and (5) the researchers used

interview as sampling method, which provides a high possibility that the members may not

express their honest and personal opinions about the topic at hand. They may be hesitant to

express their thoughts.

Definition of Terms

The following are the conceptual and operational definitions of the terms that the

researchers used as they were deemed significant to the study:

Extra-Curricular Activities- These are any activities that a person is interested in and

therefore participates. The researcher used this term as activities sponsored by the school but

done outside of class such as clubs, organizations and so on.

Social Engagement - refers to one's degree of participation in a community or society. In

this study, this term is used to define how students participate in Extra Curricular Activities

in their school.

Social Role- Social roles are the part people play as members of a social group. In this study,

this will be used to refer to the students that are part of clubs and organizations in schools.

Students- a person who is studying at a school or college. In this research, it will be used to

refer to the Grade 11 STEM students that are enrolled in STI College Las Pinas

Club- an association dedicated to a particular interest or activity. The researchers used this

term as the groups that students participate in such as Sports, Video Editing, Boardgames and

so on.

Organization- an organized body of people with a particular purpose, especially a business,

society, association. The researchers used this term as an association that students join in

such as Student Council.

Social skills- are the skills we use to communicate and interact with each other, both verbally

and non-verbally, through gestures, body language and our personal appearance. The

researcher used this term as the ability of students to communicate, persuade and interact

with other member of clubs and organizations.


The conceptual framework is designed to help define the project scope and assist in

navigating patterns and themes.

Input Process Output

The Extra 1. Collection of Impact of Extra

Curricular data through Curricular
Activities impact research. Activities on the
on the Social 2. Analysis and Social
Engagement. interpretation of Engagement of
data. Grade 11 STEM
3. Formulating Students of STI
conclusion College Las
based on Pinas Campus
interpretation of S.Y. 2018-2019.


Figure 1. Relationship of the Variables

As shown in Figure 1, We used the IPO Chart the input would be the Extra Curricular

Activities and its impact on Social engagement followed by the process collection of data,

analysis and interpretation and formulation of conclusion which is the Impact of Extra Curricular
Activities on the Social Engagement of Grade 11 STEM Students of STI College Las Piñas

Campus School Year 2018-2019.



Local Literature

Extracurricular Activities in the Philippines

According to an article in ABS-CBN News, In a typical Filipino household, parents

encourage their children to focus on excelling academically and getting good grades on their

report cards. In fact a student in the Philippines named Danny Kingad used extracurricular

activities as a way to stay healthy and at the same time earn extra money as he balances life as a

college student and a world title contender. This just shows that extracurricular activities help

students develop skills that are necessary and abilities that they can apply in real world


Extracurricular Activities and On-the-go families

There are a lot of families who are travelling most of the time, so the traditional way of

schools cannot cope up with this type of families. Parents use different methods and approaches

to provide their children education. According to ABS-CBN News a family in the Philippines

personalized her daughter’s education. Mai Kaufman, mother of Alexa and Calista brings her
children to mall based learning facilities to choose their own extracurricular activities such as art,

music, drama and taekwondo where her children can develop social skills.

Extracurricular Activities and Obesity

There are a lot of Extracurricular activities that are under the sports section where

students develop physical skills and maintain a healthy body but there are still a lot of students in

the Philippines who experience obesity, so to cope up with this the government of this country in

pushing for a mandatory inclusion of Anti-obesity program. This bill states that students shall

have extracurricular activities that have 200 minutes of physical activity for 10 days and shall

also receive healthy eating habits and good nutrition. This program is designed to help children

and promote healthy lifestyle among the filipino youth. (ABS-CBN News, 2014)

Importance of Extracurricular Activities

Extracurricular activities have a lot of benefits that help students in their everyday lives,

these activities maintain a students’ health either physically, mentally and socially. It is

important for parents to encourage them to pursue their special interest. According to an article

of GMA News, At an early age, children will become curious about various extracurricular

activities, such as sports, theatre, music, dancing and so on. Once they do, parents should support

their children because these activities shape and develop social skills.

Local Studies

Extra-Curricular Activities and Personal Development

There are a lot of things that students need to learn aside from what they learn in class,

learning should not be limited to what they learn in four corners of their classroom, there are

skills and other learnings that students can gather when they engage in activities that develop

their skills that are needed in the real world. According to the research of (Molina, et al, 2016)

extra-curricular activity allows to be part of curriculum to develop the personal aspect of the

students aside from Academic performance. The researcher defined extra-curricular activity are

those fall outside the realm of normal curriculum of school or university education, performed by

the student. Extracurricular activities exist at all levels of education, from elementary, high

school, college and university education. Such activities are generally voluntary, philanthropic as

opposed to scholastic, and often involve other of same age. The students gain a sense of self-

respect, self-esteem and self-confidence when they are participating in any extra-curricular

activity in school. In addition, extracurricular activities help to enhance these social skills and

teach lessons not learned in a classroom.

Extra-Curricular Activities and Academic Achievement

A lot of people still argue that Extra Curricular Activities are not really needed, the usual

reason for this argument is that they believe that these activities only act as a barrier for students

to excel academically, but studies have shown that Extra Curricular Activities actually motivate

and encourage students to go to school which increases their chance to learn and According to

the thesis of Johnson, Lacey (2013) that students involved in extra-curricular activities withdraw

from college at a lower rate than those who are not involved. Academic and social engagement

are indicates of student involvement and integration. Extra-curricular activities may help the

students to be more active in schools and more likely to become invested in the institution, which

increase their commitment and provides a positive influence on persistence. Extra-curricular

activity may also help students how to be positively and productively interact with team mates,

competitors, and mentor, which may also stimulate ethical and moral development.

Extra-Curricular Activities and Participation

According to the research of Gatchalian (2015) there are different extra-curricular activity for

every university in the world. The researcher observed that universities such as De La Salle

University (DLSU), Ateneo de Manila University (ADMU), and University of the Philippines

(UP) have their own extra-curricular activities that students actively take part in. The researcher

observed that students can take being active is good because students can take advantage of the

benefits offered. Thus extra-curricular activities are effective as they promote greater than

academic achievement and enable students to connect with the sense of belongings towards their


Effects of Extra Curricular-Activities

Extra-Curricular Activities are activities that help develop and shape students to become

more job ready in the future, these activities help them develop necessary skills that are need

once they are in the real world. Extra-Curricular Activities have advantages and disadvantages.

(Gallemit, et al, 2016) The result from their research states that extra-curricular activity are

effective when: (1)Students have the chance to cultivate relationships within peers; (2) the

activity has a goals that encourages the students to achieve great things; (3)Students have the

opportunity to be leader or be in-change in committees; (4)The activity is appropriate for the

students age;(5) The activity is providing leisure to students. The researcher attempts to give a

useful information how extra-curricular activity help the students to their, academic, social,

emotional and others.

Foreign Studies

Extracurricular Activities and Asian Students

Many of the studies compared activities to study habits, self -esteem, adolescents

development, provides different opportunities to participate in these kind of activity. These

impacts are loosely associated with academic achievement. Despite the benefits of Physical

Activities, little is known about the availability of extracurricular sports at schools. This study

will focus on the impact of participation in extracurricular activity on youth development in risky

behaviors. We summaries that the body of literature does exist that provides an understanding of

the relationship between extra-curricular activities to the social engagement. The literature point

the positive outcomes that will influence on the student academic performance for those students

who involved and not involved on extracurricular activity. The availability of a student

participation in extracurricular activity and to examine school characteristics and relevant

community on behavior youth outcomes related to risky. This is also provide a good evidence

that participating in extracurricular activities is associated with both short and long term

indicators of positive development including school achievement and educational attainment. We

summaries our findings on the association of extracurricular activity involvement with both

educational and risky behavior outcomes during adolescence and young adulthood and also the

arguments linking participation in structured leisure activities to positive youth development.

These activities, together with academic research through the regular curriculum, play an

indispensable and important role in the campus life of students. Diverse experience gained

through extra-curricular activities and friendships cultivated beyond the study of major subjects

are quite useful after students graduate and go out into society. (Toyokawa, 2002)

The world is vastly changing every second of the day, the education system needs to cope up

with these changes, usage of traditional methods such as memorization and recitation is not

suited to the students of today because it does not develop their critical thinking, problem solving

and decision-making skills (Sunal et al 1994). The old and primitive methods of teaching rely on

textbooks while modern techniques are more on hands-on experiences. Extra-curricular activities

are one of the approaches of the education system to adapt to the fast-changing world, through

these activities students are exposed to different environments that hones them to be a student

ready for the future. As for the Philippines, according to ABS-CBN News, these activities are

used to develop the skills and abilities of a student that are applicable in the real word, they even

cited an example to prove their statement. There are a lot of proven advantages of ECA or Extra-

curricular activities such as the reduction of obesity through physical education that most

students are involved in their everyday lives at school. (ABS-CBN News, 2014), Also as studied

by Molina, et al, 2016, they also help in personal development, students gain a sense of self-

respect, self-discipline and self-esteem. These activities did not just help the students but also the

schools they attend to, according to the thesis of Johnson, Lacey (2013) Extra-curricular

activities may help the students to be more active in schools and more likely to become invested

in the institution, which increase their commitment and provides a positive influence on



Research Design

A research design is a plan that guides the investigator in the process of collecting,

analyzing and interpreting observations (Taole, 2010). The research design for this study is

descriptive. A descriptive design was appropriate for this research because it describes The

Impact of Extra Curricular Activities on Grade 11 Students of STI College Las Piñas A.Y 2018-

2018 on Social Engagement respectively. Qualitative approach will be used in this study with the

use of survey forms as a way of collecting data

Research Locale

The study will be conducted in STI College Las Piñas campus. The school is fit for the

qualitative research and other necessary data of the research team. The respondents will be given
a survey questionnaire during their most available time. This study will be conducted during the

academic year 2018-2019.

Sample and Sampling Technique

Purposive Sampling will be used for this study. The researchers decided it would be best as

they will be deciding the criteria to be used to define who their participants would be. This will

be beneficial as the researchers to critically think and properly set the standard of the participants

at an early stage of the study (Miles & Huberman, 1994; The Triangle Admin, 2016).

Research Instruments

The researcher used a semi-structured questionnaire to know the lived experiences of

being a student who took part in extracurricular activities. In a semi structured questionnaire, a

researcher has open ended questions to ask used to gather focused, qualitative textual data

(Balkisson, 2013). This is because of the fact that one never knows what form an interview is

going to take. Neither the researcher nor the respondent knows what result this interaction

between them is going to generate. The semi-structured questionnaire used in this study was

validated by experts in the field to make a accurate and sensitive interview for the participants of

the study.

Semi-standardized Interview Guide

Problem #1: What activities in Extra Curricular Activities develop Social

1. What extra-curricular activities do you participate in?

2.Would you describe to us the usual routine that happens whenever there is a meeting within the


3. What activities influenced you most socially growing up?

Problem #2 What role does Social Engagement play in the life of students?

1.Do you talk to anyone from your club whenever there are meetings?

2.Do you feel lonely whenever you have no one to talk to?

3. Do you prefer being alone or talking to someone?

Problem #3 Why are Extra Curricular Activities considered as a vehicle to develop Social


1. Do you engage socially whenever there are gatherings within your club?

Data Gathering Procedure

First, the researchers sought participants that have met the set criteria. After gathering the

participants for the study, the researchers will then ask for the participants’ informed consent

after educating them on the purpose, procedures, risks and benefits of the study. After making

sure that the participants are well informed and securing their consent for the study, the

researchers will then gather data through Focus group discussion. This type of interview will

help the researchers as it will help gather a wider perspective because of different opinions that

the researchers will gather from their participants.

Validation of the Instruments

The questionnaire designed for the study was subjected to a validation process for face

and content validity. Face and content validity have been defined by McBurney (1994:123) as


A copy of the paper was shown to Ms. Donnalyn Manalili, Mr. Jimmy Lingan, and Ms. Raquel

Mahipos they are teachers under the SHS department who has deep knowledge about research

papers. These teachers went through the research to ascertain the adequacy of the instrument, and

check the accuracy of the questions.


Results and Discussion

This chapter analyzes the gathered information from the respondents, the researchers will

transcribe and interpret the data gathered. The researchers will associate the gathered data from

the respondents with the questions that this research aims to answer based on the statement of the


Problem #1: What activities in Extra Curricular Activities develop Social Engagement?

1. What extra-curricular activities do you participate in?

Respodent 1: “Volleyball and Student Organizations”.

Interpretation: Extra- curricular activities seem to be important to the respondent because

he or she has many ECA’s.

Respondent 2: “Sports club, Badminton”.

Interpretation: Extra- curricular activities seem to be important to the respondent because

he or she has many ECA’s.

Respondent 3: “Board Games Club”.

Interpretation: Extra- curricular activities seem to be less important to the respondent

because he or she has few ECA’s.

Respondent 4: “Board games club”.

Interpretation: Extra- curricular activities seem to be less important to the respondent

because he or she has few ECA’s.

Respondent 5: “Sports club”.

Interpretation: Extra- curricular activities seem to be less important to the respondent

because he or she has few ECA’s.

Respondent 6: “Boardgames Club”.

Interpretation: Extra- curricular activities seem to be less important to the respondent

because he or she has few ECA’s.

Respondent 7: “Hehehe club, any clubs joke board game clubs”.

Interpretation: Extra- curricular activities seem to be less important to the respondent

because he or she has few ECA’s.

Respondent 8: “Ahmm the board games club”.

Interpretation: Extra- curricular activities seem to be less important to the respondent

because he or she has few ECA’s.

Respondent 9: “Ano yung sa club yung isa board game at yung ahmm tagisan ng talino. Ayyy

wait meron pa pala yung gumawa kaming recycle”.

Interpretation: Extra- curricular activities seem to be important to the respondent because

he or she has many ECA’s.

Respondent 10: “Sports club, specifically basketball”.

Interpretation: Extra- curricular activities seem to be less important to the respondent

because he or she has few ECA’s.

2.Would you describe to us the usual routine that happens whenever there is a meeting within the


Respodent 1: “Sa volleyball may training kami and sa student org may video editing contest”.

Interpretation: The respondent seem to be active in participating in ECA’s and ventured

with clubmates.

Respondent 2: “Wala pa kami masyadong meeting pero nung first meeting namin makilala ko

mga clubmates ko”.

Interpretation: The respondent seem to be distant to his or her clubmates and doesn’t get

together with them.

Respondent 3: “Tuwing meeting nag lalaro lang kami ng mga club members”.

Interpretation: The respondent seem to be active in participating in ECA’s and ventured

with clubmates.

Respondent 4: “We usually, tagalog ko na nga lang. Madalas nag didiscuss kame tungkol sa

mga larong boardganes at mga larong pampaenhance ng utak naming”

Interpretation: The respondent seem to be active in participating in ECA’s and ventured

with clubmates.

Respondent 5: “I do not attend club meeting”.

Interpretation: The respondent seem to be distant to his or her clubmates and doesn’t get

together with them.

Respondent 6: “In the club I don't know what happen because it's rarely to have a meeting”.

Interpretation: The respondent seem to be distant to his or her clubmates and doesn’t get

together with them.

Respondent 7: “Uhh we play board games”

Interpretation: The respondent seem to be active in participating in ECA’s and ventured

with clubmates.

Respondent 8: “Ammm I think nothing becausewe don't have any meetings yet”
Interpretation: The respondent seem to be distant to his or her clubmates and doesn’t get

together with them.

Respondent 9: “Ano yung meetings, wala naman ng yayari e. Wala naman akong naiintindihan

sa nagaganap, kailangan pa Englishen?”

Interpretation: The respondent seem to be distant to his or her clubmates and doesn’t get

together with them.

Respondent 10: : “we-, As of now we still don’t have any meeting from the start”.

Interpretation: The respondent seem to be distant to his or her clubmates and doesn’t get

together with them.

3. What activities influenced you most socially growing up?

Respodent 1: “Volleyball, Hindi lang puro mga ka batch ko lang nakakasama may mga

nakasama akong college habang naglalaro ako ng volleybal”.

Interpretation: The respondent has been exposed to socializing throught ECA’s for a long

time and developed the skill of socializing.

Respondent 2: "Badminton, Hindi ako masyado nag sosocialize dati simula nun lumipat kami

ng bahay, tuwing nag lalaro lang ako ng badminton na naging hobby ko na rin po.”

Interpretation: The respondent has problems socializing and feels uncomfortable doing it.

Respondent 3: “Video games, Habang nag lalaro ginagamit ko yun para makipag socialize”.

Interpretation: The respondent has problems socializing and feels uncomfortable doing it.

Respondent 4: “Socially growing up, Influence? Mostly ammm yung clubs na sinalihan ko

noong bata ako. Computer clubs.”

Interpretation: The respondent has problems socializing and feels uncomfortable doing it.

Respondent 5: “Basketball”.

Interpretation: The respondent has problems socializing and feels uncomfortable doing it.

Respondent 6: “About playing chess”.

Interpretation: The respondent has problems socializing and feels uncomfortable doing it.

Respondent 7: “basketball, I like to play with my friends”.

Interpretation: The respondent has been exposed to socializing throught ECA’s for a long

time and developed the skill of socializing.

Respondent 8: “Amm playing basketball”

Interpretation: The respondent has problems socializing and feels uncomfortable doing it.

Respondent 9: “ano,pakikipag daldalan”

Interpretation: The respondent has been exposed to socializing throught ECA’s for a long

time and developed the skill of socializing.

Respondent 10: “Playing chess and playing basketball”

Interpretation: The respondent has problems socializing and feels uncomfortable doing it.

Problem #2 What role does Social Engagement play in the life of students?

1.Do you talk to anyone from your club whenever there are meetings?
Respodent 1: “Yes”.

Interpretation: The respondent has socializes with clubmates, helping them develop

Social Engagement.

Respondent 2: “Yes, but only one person and it happens rarely.”

Interpretation: The respondent has problems socializing even with ECA’s.

Respondent 3: “Yes”.

Interpretation: The respondent has socializes with clubmates, helping them

develop Social Engagement.

Respondent 4: “Yes”.

Interpretation: The respondent has socializes with clubmates, helping them

develop Social Engagement.

Respondent 5: “As do i said i do not attend club meetings”

Interpretation: The respondent has problems socializing even with ECA’s.

Respondent 6: “Yes, just by my friends.”

Interpretation: The respondent has problems socializing even with ECA’s.

Respondent 7: “Yes”.

Interpretation: The respondent has socializes with clubmates, helping them

develop Social Engagement.

Respondent 8: “Yes the the, my class mates”

Interpretation: The respondent has problems socializing even with ECA’s.

Respondent 9: “Yung Friends ko”.

Interpretation: The respondent has problems socializing even with ECA’s.

Respondent 10: “Uh- from the start we still don’t have any”

Interpretation: The respondent has problems socializing even with ECA’s.

2.Do you feel lonely whenever you have no one to talk to?

Respodent 1: “Yes”.

Interpretation: The respondent feels the urge to socialize or voluntarily wants to do so.

Respondent 2: “Yes”.

Interpretation: The respondent feels the urge to socialize or voluntarily wants to do so.

Respondent 3: “No”.

Interpretation: The respondent does not feels the urge to socialize or unvoluntarily wants

to do so.

Respondent 4: “Yes, e wala akong makausap hehe syempre lonely yon, ako lang mag isa”.

Interpretation: The respondent feels the urge to socialize or voluntarily wants to do so.

Respondent 5: “Yes ofcourse”.

Interpretation: The respondent feels the urge to socialize or voluntarily wants to do so.

Respondent 6: “Yes, just by my friends”.

Interpretation: The respondent feels the urge to socialize or voluntarily wants to do so.

Respondent 7: “Yes”.

Interpretation: The respondent feels the urge to socialize or voluntarily wants to do so.

Respondent 8: “Ofcourse syempre naman.”

Interpretation: The respondent feels the urge to socialize or voluntarily wants to do so.

Respondent 9: “Hindi kasi ano, ehem ehem ano, ano kasi pag may kasama, mas masaya pag

lonely ako”.

Interpretation: The respondent does not feels the urge to socialize or unvoluntarily wants

to do so.

Respondent 10: “It depends”.

Interpretation: The respondent depends his or her socializing with his or her mood.

Problem #3 Why are Extra Curricular Activities considered as a vehicle to develop Social


1. Do you engage socially whenever there are gatherings within your club?

Respondent 1: "Yes".
Interpretation: The respondent has been exposed to socializing throught ECA’s for a long

time and developed the skill of socializing.

Respondent 2: “Di masyado pero kapag kinausap ako dun ako nakikipagsocialize talaga”.

Interpretation: The respondent has not been exposed to socializing throught ECA’s and is

distant with clubmates.

Respondent 3: “Yes”.

Interpretation: The respondent has been exposed to socializing throught ECA’s for a long

time and developed the skill of socializing.

Respondent 4: "Hindi, hindi masyado"

Interpretation: The respondent has not been exposed to socializing throught ECA’s and is

distant with clubmates.

Respondent 5: “Yes”.

Interpretation: The respondent has been exposed to socializing through ECA’s for a long

time and developed the skill of socializing.

Respondent 6: “Yes, extra curricular activities help me talk to someone”.

Interpretation: The respondent has been exposed to socializing throught ECA’s for a long

time and developed the skill of socializing.

Respondent 7: “Yes, aaaaa because i guess did”.

Interpretation: The respondent has been exposed to socializing throught ECA’s for a long

time and developed the skill of socializing.

Respondent 8: “hinde tinatamad kasi ako mag salita”.

Interpretation: The respondent has not been exposed to socializing throught ECA’s and is

distant with clubmates.

Respondent 9: “No meeting yet.”

Interpretation: The respondent has not been exposed to socializing throught ECA’s and is

distant with clubmates.

Respondent 10: “Yes I do, whenever there are group activities”


Conclusion and Recommendation

Summary of Findings

1. What activities in Extra Curricular Activities develop Social Engagement?

1.1 Club

The activities that were found to be the most effective club to develop Social Engagement

were sports club and board games.

2. What role does Social Engagement play in the life of students?

2.1 Motivation
Through ECA’s students feel a purpose of their attendance in schools, they feel that

they have meaningful social identities and purpose in life. As students accumulate

valued social roles such as being a part of a club or an organization, the sense that life

has a meaning and purpose increases.

2.2 Health

Extra Curricular Activities help students maintain a healthy lifestyle by being

exposed to Physical Activities that help their body.

2.3 Skills

Through Extra Curricular Activities students are exposed to different kinds of people

making them develop skills to socialize with these people.

3. Why are Extra Curricular Activities considered as a vehicle to develop Social


3.1 Vehicle

Because Extra Curricular Activities helps students be exposed to different kind of

people, this exposure helps students develop social skills.


From the analysis it was found that:

 The activities in Extra Curriculars that develop Social Engagement most is the sports

club, almost all the participants that are under the sports club are socially skilled.

 Social Engagement plays a big role in the life of students.

 Social Engagement is developed through Extra Curricular Activities.


The students may use this as reading material to understand the role extracurricular activities

play in the lives of students. This may assist the students in deciding whether they should

participate in extracurricular activities as it gives fresh perspectives from fellow students

studying in the same institution.

The parents may guide their children by educating them with the benefits that extracurricular

activities may give. Showing support will also play a big part for students joining ECA.

The Department of Education may provide Curriculums that support and encourage

extracurricular activities for students. Providing an avenue where such activities are not frowned

upon may help students develop a healthier balance with their academic life.

Teachers may support students that are also participating in extracurricular activities. They

should provide guidance and show understanding and patience. Teachers should also educate

students with the benefits ECAs may give.

Future researchers may use this as reference or additional literature for their research. They

may explore the same topic and choose another set of participants to show if the study is

consistent with a different audience.


Letter of Request

March 12, 2019

Ms. Richiel Cotejar
Senior High School Faculty
STI Academic Center
Alabang-Zapote Road
Las Piñas City

Dear Miss Richiel,

Good day! We are the Grade 11 students of Science, Technology, and Engineering-
STEM 111. We sincerely ask your assistance to conduct our research entitled: “Impact of Extra
Curricular Activities on the Social Engagement of Grade 11 STEM Students of STI College
Las Piñas Campus School Year 2018-2019” Inside STI College Las Piñas City. Its purpose is
to understand if there is any significant relationship between Extra Curricular Activities and
Social Engagement, Moreover, it will be conducted to contribute new knowledge about this
topic. We will be using Interview to get the participants answers.
We are looking forward for your response about this matter. Thank you very much and
God Bless.
Respectfully yours,
Mina, Joanna Lopez, Alyssa
Mesina, Brigitte Luce, Ivan
Llamido, Gabriel Portillo, Joseph
Approved by:
Ms. Gilyn Eugenio
Practical Research Paper

Ms. Richiel Cotejar

SHS Faculty
Validation of Research Instruments
March 12, 2019
Mr. Jaime Villafuerte
Senior High School Faculty
STI Academic Center
Alabang-Zapote Road
Las Piñas City

Dear Mister Jaime,

Good day! We are the Grade 11 students of Science, Technology, and Engineering-
STEM 111. We sincerely ask for your assistance for validation of questionnaires in our research
entitled: “Impact of Extra Curricular Activities on the Social Engagement of Grade 11
STEM Students of STI College Las Piñas Campus School Year 2018-2019.” Its purpose is to
understand if there is any significant relationship between Extra Curricular Activities and Social
Engagement, Moreover, it will be conducted to contribute new knowledge about this topic.
We are looking forward for your response about this matter. Thank you very much and
God Bless.
Respectfully yours,
Mina, Joanna Lopez, Alyssa
Mesina, Brigitte Luce, Ivan
Llamido, Gabriel Portillo, Joseph
Approved by: Noted by:
Ms. Gilyn Eugenio Mr. Jaime Villafuerte
Practical Research Paper SHS Faculty
STI Academic Center
Ms. Ritchiel Cotejar
Assistant Principal

Validation of Research Instruments
March 12, 2019
Ms. Raquel Mahipos
Senior High School Faculty
STI Academic Center
Alabang-Zapote Road
Las Piñas City

Dear Miss Raquel,

Good day! We are the Grade 11 students of Science, Technology, and Engineering-
STEM 111. We sincerely ask for your assistance for validation of questionnaires in our research
entitled: “Impact of Extra Curricular Activities on the Social Engagement of Grade 11
STEM Students of STI College Las Piñas Campus School Year 2018-2019.” Its purpose is to
understand if there is any significant relationship between Extra Curricular Activities and Social
Engagement, Moreover, it will be conducted to contribute new knowledge about this topic.
We are looking forward for your response about this matter. Thank you very much and
God Bless.
Respectfully yours,
Mina, Joanna Lopez, Alyssa
Mesina, Brigitte Luce, Ivan
Llamido, Gabriel Portillo, Joseph
Approved by: Noted by:
Ms. Gilyn Eugenio Ms. Raquel Mahipos
Practical Research Paper SHS Faculty
STI Academic Center
Ms. Ritchiel Cotejar
Assistant Principal

Validation of Research Instruments
March 12, 2019
Mr. Jimmy Lingan
Senior High School Faculty
STI Academic Center
Alabang-Zapote Road
Las Piñas City

Dear Mister Jimmy,

Good day! We are the Grade 11 students of Science, Technology, and Engineering-
STEM 111. We sincerely ask for your assistance for validation of questionnaires in our research
entitled: “Impact of Extra Curricular Activities on the Social Engagement of Grade 11
STEM Students of STI College Las Piñas Campus School Year 2018-2019.” Its purpose is to
understand if there is any significant relationship between Extra Curricular Activities and Social
Engagement, Moreover, it will be conducted to contribute new knowledge about this topic.
We are looking forward for your response about this matter. Thank you very much and
God Bless.
Respectfully yours,
Mina, Joanna Lopez, Alyssa
Mesina, Brigitte Luce, Ivan
Llamido, Gabriel Portillo, Joseph
Approved by: Noted by:
Ms. Gilyn Eugenio Mr. Jimmy Lingan
Practical Research Paper SHS Faculty
STI Academic Center
Ms. Ritchiel Cotejar
Assistant Principal

Validation of Research Instruments
March 12, 2019
Ms. Donnalyn Manalili
Senior High School Faculty
STI Academic Center
Alabang-Zapote Road
Las Piñas City

Dear Miss Donnalyn,

Good day! We are the Grade 11 students of Science, Technology, and Engineering-
STEM 111. We sincerely ask for your assistance for validation of questionnaires in our research
entitled: “Impact of Extra Curricular Activities on the Social Engagement of Grade 11
STEM Students of STI College Las Piñas Campus School Year 2018-2019.” Its purpose is to
understand if there is any significant relationship between Extra Curricular Activities and Social
Engagement, Moreover, it will be conducted to contribute new knowledge about this topic.
We are looking forward for your response about this matter. Thank you very much and
God Bless.
Respectfully yours,
Mina, Joanna Lopez, Alyssa
Mesina, Brigitte Luce, Ivan
Llamido, Gabriel Portillo, Joseph
Approved by: Noted by:
Ms. Gilyn Eugenio Ms. Donnalyn Manalili
Practical Research Paper SHS Faculty
STI Academic Center
Ms. Ritchiel Cotejar
Assistant Principal


Curriculum Vitae

Lopez, Maria Alyssa M.

16B Macopa St. Verdant Acres Pamplona Tres LPC


Personal Data

Nickname: Yssa

Age: 17

Birthday: July 23,2001

Civil Status: Single

Educational Background

 Systems Technology Institute (SHS) - 2018-Current

 Las Pinas East National High School (JHS) - 2014-2018
Talon Village Annex
 Talon Tres Elementary School (ELEMENTARY) - 2011-2013
 Saint Marks Institute (ELEMENTARY) - 2007-2012
 Gemille School (PRESCHOOL-KINDERGARDEN) - 2005-2007

 Top 3 Nursery
 Top 2 Kindergarden
 Top 9 Grade Two
 Best In English (Grade 3)
 Champion in Capital Quizbee (Grade 5)
 Top 2 Grade 5

Curriculum Vitae

 Leadership Award
 Vice President of Supreme Student Government
 Secretary of Supreme Student Government
 Graduated G10 with honors
 Chairman of Batang Emergency Response Team
Mina, Joanna Marie C.

49 Florante St. Pamplona Uno, Las Pinas City


Personal Data
Nickname: Bebang
Age: 17
Birthday: January 30,2002
Civil Status: Single

Educational Background
• Systems Technology Institute (SHS) - 2018-Current
• Las Pinas East National High School (JHS) - 2015-2018
• Pamplona Elementary School Central - 2008-2015

• Officer Medal
• Achiever
• Best in Thesis Writing


Curriculum Vitae

Portillo, Joseph Darwin E.

Block 60B Lot 27C Immacolata St.

BF Resort Vilage


Personal Data
Nickname: Sep
Age: 18
Birthday: August 2, 2000
Civil Status: Single

Educational Background
• Systems Technology Institute (SHS) - 2017-Current
• Bloomfield Academy - 2015-2017
• Merry Treasure School - 2015-2017
• Father Donato Gianntto - 2004-2015

• Officer Medal
• CAT Officer


Curriculum Vitae

Llamido, Gab Sairel T.

B37 L4 Bf resort village, Vatican city drive.

Talon2 Las Piñ as City


Personal Data
Nickname: Gab
Age: 18
Birthday: June 26, 2000
Civil Status: Single

Educational Background
• Systems Technology Institute (SHS) - 2018-Current
• Las Pinas East National High School (JHS) - 2015-2018
Equitable Village Annex
• Talon Elementary School (ELEMENTARY) - 2008-2015
 Receive awards ( Top10 certificate, Red cross youth certificate, bronze medal
Rcy, if need na specific
 Come up with new ideas that improves thing.


Curriculum Vitae

Emmanuel Ivan Belina Luce

#119 Tramo Street Zapote 4 Bacoor Cavite

Personal Data
Nickname: Van
Age: 18
Birthday: March 3, 2001
Civil Status: Single

Educational Background
• San Lucas 2 Elementary School
San Pablo City,Laguna - 2008-2015
•Col. Lauro D. Dizon Memorial - 2015-2018
National High School San Pablo City, Laguna
•Senior High School: STI Las Piñ as Campus, Alabang-Zapote - 2018-current
Road, Las Piñ as, 1714 Kalakhang Maynila
• Receive awards ( Top10 certificate, Red cross youth certificate, bronze
medal Rcy, if need na specific
• Come up with new ideas that improves thing.


De Leon, A. (2015). Educating beyond the Four Walls of the Classroom [Abstract]. Retrieved

February 13, 2019, from


Wood, R. (2011). Extracurricular activities for physical activity. Retrieved February 13, 2019,



Avison, W., & Jane, M. (n.d.). Mental Health, Social Mirror. Retrieved December/January, from
Tamacruz, S. (n.d.). PHILIPPINES Extracurricular activities help keep kids in school – expert.

Retrieved November/December, 2018, from


Domingo, K. (2018, February 22). 'Customizable' school offers more flexible education for on-

the-go families. Retrieved November/December, 2018, from https://news.abs-


Kimball, H., & Child Mind Institute. (n.d.). Find Balance with After School Activities | Time

Management. Retrieved December 20, 2018, from


McNeal, R. (1998). High School Extracurricular Activities: Closed Structures and Stratifying

Patterns of Participation. High School Extracurricular Activities: Closed Structures and

Stratifying Patterns of Participation, 91. doi:


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