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Name: Asbi Pratama

NIM: E1D019031

The Use Of Parter Teaching Learning Strategy In Student's Reading

Comprehension, Study In SMA N 1 Keruak At Grade 7


1.1 Introduction

English as an international languahe is very important thing that we meed to

letan. Nowdays English has spread to all of aspect of our social life, start from
politics, economics, entertainments, etc. Therefore in Indonesia, we learn English
starting from Elementary school and reading is the most lesson that we have to
be done. Because reading is one of the crucial skill that will impact to many
things . Through reading we can develop new ideas, develop our experience, solve
our problem, even develop our charater. But in fact most of student in Indonesia
fail to comprehend an English text. According to Fajri(2019): Factors that affecting
sudent reading comprehensions related with student's habit, interest, vocabulary
mastery, and technique.

According to snow (2002:11): defines reading comprehensions as the process of

simultaneously extracting and constructing meaning through interaction and
involvment with written language. It shows how complex is reading
comprehension. It not just a reading activity but reading comprehension is about
how do we get the meaning from the text. So, it necessary for student to develop
their vocabulary in order to deal with the unfamiliar word that can be encunter
them to understand the point of an english text.
The alternative way to solve the student't problem in reading comprehension is
the answer about how do we make them feel fun and comfortable when doing
reading. Of course the answer of the question related to method and strategy in
learning. As we know that there are many types of method and strategy in
learning, for example Cooperative Learning, Problem Base Learning, Cntextual
Teaching and Learning etc. In this case we can adopt some strategy in learning
then mix them in order to get a method that can make student feel intrested. So,
in this paper the author suggest teacher to make a partner for student so that
student will more confortable and fun. Because they have someone to share
problems and they have someone to share ideas.

According to Melanie (2008:45), partner reading is another fun and effective

pedagogical strategy for promoting the development of reading skill. The
implemantation of this method recquire students to work in pairs. Stahl,
Heubach, & Crammond in Meisingier (2004) highlight that in partner reading,
children are paired together for the purpose of supporting each other through
oral reading of the connected text. Student pair randomly so that they will meet
with someone that have different abilities and they can complete each other.
Based on this background the author will do a research entitled "The use of
Partner Teaching Learning Strategy in Students' Reading Comprehension Study in
SMAN 1 Keruak At Grade 7"

1.2 Research question

Based on the background of the study the problem of the study can be
formulated as follows

1. Does the use of partner will improve student's reading comprehension?

2. What are the student's problems in reading that often suffer when
comprehend an english text?

1.3 Research objective

The objective of the study is to find out

1. Whether the use of partner will improve student's reading comprehension

2. Problems that often suffer when student comprehend an english text

1.4 Significance of the study

The result of the research is expected to be useful reference for english teacher
especially in student's reading skill

1.5 Definition of the key terms

1. Reading Comprehension

Syatriana (2010), reading is a complex skill. In reading, the students need

comprehension skill. Reading comprehension occurs as the reader builds a mental
representation of a text message. Comprehending the message is the primary
purpose of reading.

2. Partner Reading

Partner reading is teaching learning strategy that recquire student work in pairs in
this case is comprehend an english text. With this method students allow to share
their idea and their understanding about the provide text and they can give feed
back to each other in order to make reading more fun and increase their
understanding about the text.
3. SMAN 1 Keruak

SMAN 1 Keruak is define as a senior high school which is located at Jl. Raya
Labuhan H., Tj. Luar, Keruak, Kabupaten Lombok Timur, Nusa Tenggara Barat.
83672, where is the researcher doing a research.

1.6 Hypothesis of the Research

Alternate Hypothesis: There is an improvement of student's Reading


Null Hypothesis: There is no an improvmeng of student's Reading Comprehension


2.1 Theoritical Framework

A. Reading Comprehension

1. What is Reading?

According to (Tarigan (1990:7) in Jaenal 2010) argues that reading is a process

that is carried and used by readers who want to get the message delivered by the
author through the medium of words or written language.According to Day and
Bamford (1998:12) reading is the construction of meaning from a printed or
written message. It means the construction of meaning involves the reader
connecting information from the written message with previous knowledge to
arrive at meaning and understanding.According to Cline (2006: 2), states that
reading is decoding and understanding written texts. Decoding requires
translating the symbols of writing system (including Braille) into the spoken words
which they represent. Understanding is determined by the purposes for reading,
the context, the nature of the text, and the readers’ strategies and knowledge.
Reading is all about how do we get the informations, the messages, now
knowledges, or anything that implied or written in a written text.
According to Wood in Rahmah (2012:9) indicate the types of reading are
important categories as follow

a. Skimming

Skimming a types of reading that try to discover the main point of text quickly. So,
we will read quickly in the part where is the location of the main point in generally

b. Scanning

This type of reading have a similar method with the previous types that require
reader read quickly. But in this types the reader will search quickly the main point
by a key point, it can be names, words, dates, statics, statements, etc that he
believes that can be related or have relation with the main point.

c. Intensive Reading

This types reading require the reader to read a text intensively. So, the reader will
ready slowly.

2. What is Compreheneion?

According to Anderson and Person, in Alexander, (1998:160) states that

compreheneion is a special thinking process. The readers comprehend by actively
constructing meaning in internally from intresting with the material that is read.
In generally comprehension is a simple word but have a complex meaning.
Comprehension not just about understanding a word but further it must contain a
creation, a new simple understanding sentence or paragraph that have inclide all
of the text. That's why comprehension is a special thinking process

3. What is Reading Comprehension?

According to Rainiking amd Scenary in Dirham (2011:18) defines reading
comprehension as an understanding about what we have been read. Further
Smith and Robinson, in Dirham (2011:10) states that reading comprehension
means that understanding, evaluating and utilizing, the information and ideas
through and interaction between and author and reader in which the written
language becomes through the medium of print. So, the point about reading
comprehension is an active action of rader to get the main point of what really
author wants to tell. It is like the author make a dialogue with the readers in a
complex way in order to show all of his feelings or his minded about anything so
the reader must follow it and create a new simple sentence that will include all of
the author's mean so that it shows how understanding a reader about the subject
about the dialogue. Of course this action not just about reading activity it is
require our experience and knowledge and results we will gain new experience
and new knowledge which is means we make a development for ourselves in
many aspect of our won life.

B. Partner Reading Strategy

Patterned Partner Reading promotes strategy reading and provides a structure for
reading interaftivly with a partner (Melauglin and Allen:2002). This strategy
involve student's collaboration in their point of view or thier understanding about
a text. We know that everyone have their personal experience, thinking, ideas
about anything especially a main point of a text, so that they will give feedback to
each other and they will find out the weakness of their sentence. In the end they
will combine their sentence to make a new perfect sentence.
C. The relationship between Reading Comprehension and Partner Reading

As we know from the previous explanation Reading Comprehension is an activity

for reader to got the purpose that author going to tell while Partner Readinng
Strategy is a methode that can be used for reader to get the purpose of the
author. So, Reading Comprehension and Partner Reading Strategy is one way or
an alternative way for reader to know the main point of author more fun and
effectively because the reader will not just reading alone but he has a partner to
share ideas, to give feedback, to consult, etc. With this statement we can say that
Reading Comprehension and Partner Reading Strategy is a perfect combination
for readers or in this case student to make reading activity more interesting or
can be stimulte student to love reading.

2.2 Previous Related Research Study

Accrording to Yanti Kristina Sinaga, Herman and Putri Laura Siahaan (2020:4) in
his journal The Effect of Partner Reading Strategy in Reading Comprehension that
is studied at grade 8 of SMPN 7 Pematangsiantar cncluded that there is a
significant effect of Partner Reading Strategy on the student's reading
comprehension. Because the total score of post test in experimental group
increase from 1525 (49.19) into 2470 (79.6)

According to Dedi Sumarsono, Ahmad Hanan, Abdul Kadir Bagis, and Aryumayani
P. P. in their journal Partner Reading;Pumping Up The Students Reading
Compreheneion conclude that their research at one of MTs in West Lombok
explain that after the treatment there is a significant affect of student reading
According to Ardiana (2015:4) in his journal Improving The Students Reading
Comprehension In Narrative Text Through Patterned Partner Reading that studied
at SMP Muhammadiyah Limbung, his research findings that the application of
patterned partner reading strategy was effective and signifant in improving the
students reading skill especially in reading comprehension

According to Nurfani in his thesis about The Influence Of Partner Reading To

Improve Students' Reading Comprehension studied at the second year students
of SMP N Makassar conclude based on the result that there was a significant
influence of partner reading strategy to improve students reading

From the previous studies above we can concluded that there is a signifant effect
in using partner reading strategy in students' reading comprehension. So, based
on the previous studies the writer in this paper will conduct a research with the
sampe topic but it has some different methods where in this paper the writer will
improve the technique of data collection by combining the idea by the previous


3.1 Research Object and Scope

A. Object

Based on the problem in he introduction above, in this research the writers is

going to find out whether the use of partner strategy will improve student's
reading comprehension at grade 7 in SMA N 1 Keruak significantly or it's not have
any significant improvement.
B. Scope

The scope of this research will limited at class 7 science one and science two in
senior high school 1 Keruak. This research will focus on thier improvement in
reading comprehension ablility.

3.2 Time and Place

A. Time

This research will takes approximately 1 month, starting from July 1 to 30, 2022.
The author does this in order to make the treatment can take a little longer so
that data collection can be done carefully.

B. Place

This research will be located in SMA N 1 Keruak in Jl. Raya Labuhan H., Tj. Luar,
Keruak, Kabupaten Lombok Timur, Nusa Tenggara Barat

3.3 Research Approach and Design

A. Research Approach

In this research the writers will research about the use of partner in student's
reading comprehension in SMPN 1 Keruak at grade 7 so that it tends to
quantitative. To collect the data about the improvement in student's reading
comprehension it needs an experiment so that the research bases is quantitative

B. Research Design
In this research the writers will use quasi-experimemtal design where it is
involved two group that is control group for class science one and experimental
group for class science two. Where they will have a pretest and a postest so that
the improvement will suffer automatically. The research design was presented as

Group Pretes Treatment Postest

A Y - Y


A: Class science one

B: Class science two

Y: Yes

N: No

-: Teaching using conventional strategy

O: Teachinh using partner strategy

3.4 Research Variabel and Their Measurements

A. Research Variabel
In this research entitled The Use Of Partner Teaching Learning Strategy in
Student's Reading Comprehension Studied I SMA N 1 Keruak at Grade 7 have two
kinds of variabel. The first is dependent variable that is student's reading
comprehension and independent variabel that is partner teaching learning

B. Research Measurements

In this research the writers will analysis student's improvement which mean the
value of student's archievment. Therefore in this research the will conduct
interval level measurements so that the results of each test can show whether
there is a significant improvement or not.

3.5 Population and Sample

A. Population

In this research, the population that will taken from the student in SMA N 1
Keruak at grade 7 they are 155 students. The students consisted of 5 class and
every single class is about 31 students.

B. Sample

In this research the writers will take two class as a sample that is class science 1
and science 2. The total of the sample is 62 students where it's 31 for each class.
So, in this research writers will use purpsive sampling. Classs science 1 will be the
control group and class science 2 will be the experimental group.

3.6 Data Collection Procedures

In this research the data will be collected by two kinds of test, that are pretest
and posttest. The process of data collection as follows:

1. Pretest

This test is held for students to measure thier real skill before the treatment. Both
control group and experimental group will do this test

2. Treatment

The treatment will only apply in experimental group. The writers will give the
treatment before the post test. The treatment will consist of 3 meetings and on
ebery meeting they will got the material about the lesson. The writers does this to
measure the improvement of student's archievment before and after treatment.
In this treatment every students will got a partner. The first meeting will be for
the explanation about the material and in every meetings the writers will give
students 's a test and they have to answer it with their partners. In every meeting
the writers also will giving any helpful feedback by create a Q&A session.

3. Posttest

The postest activity will be similar with pretest where student's will get a test.
Both control group and experimental group will do this test, but the writers will
dominant focus on experimental group. The purpose of this test is to know
whether the use partner teaching learning strategy has a significant effect to thier
reading comprehension or not after the treatment.

3.7 Analaysis Method

To test the data hypo research, the writer will do as follows:

1. Collect the score answer both pretest amd posttest

2. Make a table for experimental group and control group

3. Calculated the mean score of students answer both pretest and posttest using

4. Calculated the percentage of students experimental group score and control

group score. The fomula as follows:


P: Precentage of the students

L: the mean score of posttest - the mean score of pretest

X: The mean score of pretest

5. Making the conclusion based on the student's precentage score


Sinaga, Yanti & Siahaan, Herman (2020) The Effect of Partner Reading Strategy on
Reading Comprehension, Journal of English Education and Teaching (JEFT), 4:2,
page 206-218

Ardiana (2015) Improving The Students Reading Comprehension In Narrative Text

Through Patterned Partner Reading, Exposure Jurnal, 4:2, page 140-153

Summarsono Dedi, Hanan Ahmad, Bagis Abdur, P. Ayumaryani (2020) Partner

Reading; Pumping Up The Student's Reading Comprehension, Journal of Language
and Language Teaching (JOLT), 8:3, page 297-306

Nurfani, 2019. " The Influence Of Partner Reading Strategy To Improve Students
Reading Comprehension, English Education Departemen Muhammadiyah
University Of Makasar.

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