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Philosophy of Classroom Management:

Fostering a Positive, Safe Learning Environment

Russell Gardner

Department of Education, Vanguard University

EDUG 524: Foundations/Secondary Teachers

Dr. Hittenberger

November 30, 2021

Philosophy of Classroom Management: 2

Given the variables within the classroom, including the different personalities,

backgrounds, and numbers of students, as well as the variability on a day-to-day basis, it is

necessary to have a cohesive philosophy of classroom management in order to provide the

teacher a structure for classroom conduct, and to allow the students accountability as well. As I

enter the classroom, I want to ensure my policy concerning classroom management

incorporates a restorative approach to discipline where students will be given learning

experiences and opportunities to grow rather than punishments, a safe and positive learning

environment whereby students can feel free to interact with one another and the teacher, and

a classroom that values socio-emotional growth as well as multiple backgrounds and cultures.

To ensure a classroom where restorative discipline can function, it is important to have

policies in place to promote learning opportunities and growth. It is important as a teacher to

be consistent in both my treatment of students and the structure of class, since this consistency

in structure and predictability has been proven effective in the classroom (Simonsen, 2008, p.

354). I want to ensure my classroom structure and flow of events stays consistent, offering my

students regular practices of warm up questions and homework presentations at the beginning

of class, and cool downs at the end of class, to provide a stable structure for them. Further, I

want to cultivate an environment where students can feel comfortable with one another, and

develop classroom friendships to encourage collaboration towards learning objectives in class.

Collaboration is a crucial part to establishing a positive classroom community (Soodak, 2003, p.

329). Establishing table groups at tactfully placing students at these table groups will help

promote a positive classroom environment.

Philosophy of Classroom Management: 3

Additionally, as a teacher, I want to ensure the ways in which I interact with students

and the ways in which they interact with each other are positive and restorative. It has been

demonstrated that punitive measures within the classroom should be minimize while

restorative measures should be encouraged (Burden and Byrd, 2003, p. 229). I want to ensure

that any serious conversation concerning behavior can happen outside the view of the entire

class. Students should not feel embarrassed nor challenged by the teacher, so I want to ensure

that students are talked to in a private setting, especially when they have done something to

harm the productivity of the learning environment. Further, I want to ensure that students are

allowed to have a voice in the classroom. This means that when a student is acting out, I will

not provide any matter-of-fact discipline. I will have a conversation with the student in order to

allow the student an opportunity to have a voice in the situation. Given that a number of

factors might influence behavior on any given day, I want my students to feel comfortable to

tell me that they are having a rough day, or that they are in need of a break. It has been

demonstrated that effective teaching should be supplemented by observation and

documentation, so students should not face any type of discipline without an accompanying

willingness on my end to observe patterns in student behavior and seek out positive,

restorative solutions (Jones, Bailey, and Jacob, 2014, p. 20).

Given the necessity for student to interact in a way that is simultaneously productive

and uplifting, I want to ensure the classroom is managed in such a way to promote cultural

receptiveness. I will ensure that my classroom has rules and expectations in place for accepting

behavior and interactions (Weinstein, 2003, p. 271). This will include advocating for
Philosophy of Classroom Management: 4

constructive language only within the classroom, and ensuring that students speak and listen

with sensitivity to other cultures.

Given these goals and philosophies for classroom management, I hope to create an

environment where students might even look forward to the classroom activities for the day. I

am optimistic for the implementation of these policies in the classroom, and for students to feel

like they are part of the learning experience with a sense of ownership over their academic

journey and the ability to positively influence those around them.

Philosophy of Classroom Management: 5

Works Cited

Burden, Paul R., and David M. Byrd. Methods for Effective Teaching. Allyn and Bacon, 2003.
Jones, S. M., Bailey, R., & Jacob, R. (2014). Social-emotional learning is essential to classroom
management. The Phi Delta Kappan, 96(2), 19–24.
Simonsen, B., Fairbanks, S., Briesch, A., Myers, D., & Sugai, G. (2008). Evidence-based Practices
in Classroom Management: Considerations for Research to Practice. Education and
Treatment of Children, 31(3), 351–380.
Soodak, L. C. (2003). Classroom Management in Inclusive Settings. Theory Into Practice, 42(4),
Weinstein, C., Curran, M., & Tomlinson-Clarke, S. (2003). Culturally Responsive Classroom
Management: Awareness into Action. Theory Into Practice, 42(4), 269–276.
Philosophy of Classroom Management: 6

Appendix 1

Classroom Management Plan

Physical My classroom will be set up in such a way as to encourage group interaction
setup of and establish a comfortable, casual learning environment. I will not have all
your seats facing a single direction, nor will I have each desk isolated, as this could
classroom create a sense of intimidation or isolation for students in the classroom. Instead,
I intend to set up my desks in such a way as to encourage student-to-student
and student-to-teacher interaction. This will most likely be done by establishing
small table groups of 3-4 students, where students can feel part of a
collaborative unit, and not alone on their academic journey. Further, I intend to
have my desk near the front of the room in a place where I can both manage
the class well, but also not necessarily be in a position of direct surveillance over
the students at all times. I want to make sure my walls are decorated in a way
that is stimulating but not overbearing, so students can feel comfortable but not

Planning Given the quick pace of school for teachers once the school year is in motion, I
and think it is important to have at a minimum, a month’s worth of classes looked
organizati over and planned out. This does not have to be in excruciating detail, but I
on steps would want to put more time into this first month’s lessons than the lessons I
before the might plan throughout the year. I think an optimal goal would be to shoot for
school lessons for two months, but this could prove difficult depending on the number
year/class of subjects being taught. This way, I can ensure that the first month, which I
starts would imagine tends to be a hectic month, could be carried out without any
additional energy spent meticulously planning lessons. Further, I would want to
ensure that I have looked over the files for the students in my class in order to
be aware of any EL students, or students with an IEP or 504 plan which might be
in my class. This way, I could ensure that I am prepared and cognizant of any
students in my classes who might need additional attention, or who I may need
to interact with in different ways in order to help them in the learning process.
Finally, I would want to make sure I take time to generally plan out my units for
the year. Whether this needs to be done collaboratively with other teachers
from the same department or individually, I would want to make sure that my
outline for the entire year could be planned in order to see the general lay out
for the entire year. I think by doing these things, I would be equipped to set
myself up for success by knowing both my students and my curriculum well
before the school year even begins.
Setting a I think establishing a growth mindset can be done in a few ways. First, I would
positive want to ensure that my class feels safe and comfortable in the classroom. This
learning will be done through having students sit in table groups, and engaging in fun
Philosophy of Classroom Management: 7

tone introductory material to the lesson, whether that be an interesting opening

(Growth question, or a unique exercise related to the learning content of the previous
Mindset) day. Further, a growth mindset will be encouraged by focusing on learning
for your goals, and encouraging the students to create their own personal learning goals.
students I think having a system in place where I can partner with the students in their
and own personal learning goals will help me to establish a positive relationship
classroom with my students, and will enable students to take ownership in classroom
learning through a goal they helped create. This will also help every student to
learn, since not every student will be at the same level, but every student can
create a learning goal to help them engage in the time given in class.
Seating I will take a page out of my master teacher’s book for seating arrangements. As
Arrangem was modeled to me, I intend to allow students to sit where they want for the
ents to first two days. This will allow me to see which students are friends, and to see
enhance which student relationships might be distracting, as well as which student
learning friendships could be constructive. After this, I intend to assign seating based on
(assigned or observations, and students will be assigned to table groups, 3-4 students per
open seating?
Groups, rows table. With this, students can work in a collaborative environment. Further, I
of desks? plan to assess and reassess groupings, allowing for table groups to switch every
couple weeks, and trying different combinations until I find an arrangement that
might work on a more long term basis. In this process, different students can
get to know one another, and a collaborative learning environment will be
achieved to its greatest potential.

Opening I would like to have several routines in place at the start of class to help
class establish a positive and safe learning environment, and to engage student
routines interest. First, I would like to start every class with something either fun or
(how will you interesting. This could be in the form of an opening question for students to ask
start each
class session one another, such as “if you could have any super power, what would it be and
so that why?” These questions, especially more nuanced questions can help instigate
growth and student interaction and establish a positive learning environment. Further, I
learning start
right away) would like to have a homework routine in place where students are on a
schedule to be the teacher for one homework assignment per day. This way,
each student is given the chance to be the teacher with enough foresight to not
be caught off guard. Students can feel empowered to explain their own logic
and reasoning, and the rest of the class can learn from this student and even
help the student in the explanation. With these two practices in place, I think
students will be engaged in the classroom environment, doing something more
lighthearted and fun, as well as engaging in a regular academic routine that has
low stakes and that can begin the learning process for the day.
Positive -Students should be listening and receptive to others. Given the table group
Behavior dynamic of the classroom, no student should be in a position of power over
Expectatio their peers. Students need to work collaboratively, which will require a listening,
ns (what are receptive mindset.
3-5 -Students should respect one another. This is closely related to the first
Philosophy of Classroom Management: 8

expectations expectation, with an added emphasis on culture and background. Students

you plan to
implement should be cognizant that others might come from a different culture and
and how will background, and act respectfully towards their peers.
you engage -Students should come prepared to class. This includes completing homework,
students in
generating/o and being ready to ask any clarifying questions they might have. This will be
wning those ensured through a system for checking homework, and an allotted time for
expectations) homework questions or other general class concerns.
-Students should engage in learning. This means that any distractions which get
in the way of learning, such as a phone, game, or other object, should not be
presented in class. Of course, there will be considerations in place for a student
who might be expecting a call from a parent or something of this nature. But on
the whole, students should set themselves up to engage in the learning
objective for that day.
Procedure I think that in order to successfully command student attention while still being
for respectful, this should be done in multiple steps. I have a relatively loud voice
attention when I project, and have found in student teaching that simply exclaiming
getting something along the lines of, “okay everyone, let’s take a look at ____” does
and class well to command attention. I think this is a good first step, allowing for a few
quiet seconds for students to come to a natural resting place for their work and look
focus (how back up at the front of the class. If this is unsuccessful, I might say one more
will you bring phrase to get students to pay attention. If this also proves unsuccessful, I think it
students back
from group would be appropriate to first call out table groups, asking a certain table to
work to quiet quiet down and pay attention. This still does not focus on individuals, but can
attention to allow me to locate the areas of the class that are still talking. After, this it may
be necessary to ask individual students who are still talking to pay attention,
though to do this in as casual a way possible. I think that through this sequence
of steps, it will ensure that commanding classroom attention can most often be
done very casually and very quickly, and more steps can be taken only when
Addressin I think that approaching off task behavior will differ depending on whether the
g off-task behavior is during group/individual work, or class discussions and
off task lectures. For periods of individual work or group work, I think the most effective
behavior procedure is to ask an individual or group to explain to me what they think on a
(How will you certain topic or given a certain question. This tends to have the effect of
student focus refocusing a student a group, so that they can either go back to the work they
and bring were doing previously, or explain that they either do not know what the current
them back to task is, or that they don’t know how to do it, which will allow for a conversation
focus on the
learning at to occur between the student or group and myself, whereby they can reengage
hand) with the learning process. If there is off task work done during a class discussion
or lecture, I will address the student’s table group to ask for attention to be
brought back to the front of the class without embarrassing or calling out the
student by name. However, if this behavior persists, I will ask the individual
student or students to refocus their attention towards the front of the class.
Philosophy of Classroom Management: 9

Teaching I think that in general, I will attempt to ask student to reengage with the
positive learning task. Rather than calling out individual behavior, I will instead ask
social students questions concerning the lesson objectives for the day. This helps
skills/addr students to not feel called out or on the spot, but rather to feel a call back to
essing the learning for the day. However, I also acknowledge that there may be times
behavior when students might be less willing to reengage willingly. During these
that does moments, I plan to assess the situation for the particular student. If the student
not align is having a bad day for a socio-emotional reason or if there is some other factor
with I can see playing into the situation, I plan to allow for a little more leniency with
positive the student and see how I can partner with them to both have compassion for
expectatio whatever is going on, and to help the day still be productive and meaningful for
ns (how will the kid. If a student is simply defiant, I may try to give the student a smaller,
you help more manageable task, and ask the student to take a moment and see if he or
realign with she is willing to participate in that assignment. As long as the student is not
positive actively disturbing others in the class, I am somewhat okay with providing the
behavior student opportunities to engage and intentionally coming back to him and her
when they go and check up in a friendly manner, so the student might not feel at odds with
out of me, but perhaps even invited to engage with the learning on his or her own
alignment) terms. I think I would act with a greater sense of boldness if the student was
interacting with the learning of others, and might ask the student directly to
stop their behavior, or even talk down on this behavior privately if needed.
However, my mentality is one of wanting to work with students if possible, even
those acting negatively, in order to partner with them in learning, even if this is
a slow and tiresome process at times.
Turning in As I have graded most of the geometry assignments in my BST class, I have
Assignmen noticed how taxing grading can be, especially if daily graded assignments are
ts/ given. In general, I want to provide students with regular shorter assessments
Grading which I can grade and return within a school week, if not shorter, so that
and students can receive feedback while the knowledge from that lesson is not too
Feedback far in the past. Given tests, I also think that a week grading period is sufficient to
(what will be allow me the time to grade the tests well, and to give students meaningful
your efficient
system for feedback. However, I also think that as a teacher, I want to be strategic in the
student amount of graded assignments I give. Students should be given opportunities to
submission of assess themselves, and to have assignments that do not need to be hand
and your graded. I want to give graded assessments and feedback at regular intervals
feedback on with the purpose of giving my students feedback on their progress towards
their learning goals. Anything beyond this purpose could prove excessive and overly
burden me as a teacher. It is important to find a balance with grading and
feedback so that I might provide meaningful feedback while still catering to my
own needs and health.

Student First and foremost, I want to establish a collaborative, positive classroom

roles in environment where all students can feel as though they are achieving the
Philosophy of Classroom Management: 10

implemen learning goals on an equal playing field, with no student in a permanent position
ting of power over any other. I think that table groups will do well to encourage
classroom student collaboration and allow for discussions where students can feel
managem comfortable in the learning environment and empowered to deepen their
ent plan knowledge. However, I think it might also be nice to have moments where
(how will students can demonstrate their knowledge even publicly, so that they might
you assign receive positive reinforcement from myself as well as the rest of the class. I plan
roles in
to do this by beginning each class with a homework question whereby one
helping student each day will review an assignment from the previous night’s
make the homework. This will be done according to a set schedule, so each student may
class run in a know in advance when it is his or her turn. This will allow students a moment in
positive class to be in charge and have a sense of leadership, while not perpetuating any
permanent hierarchical roles within the classroom.

What One major informal procedure I plan to implement in my classroom is the

other practice of listening to my students in order to allow them agency in the process
positive of classroom management. I want to have plans I have already thought through
routines which I can implement in the classroom. However, I also want to have the
and adaptability to listen to the suggestions of the students in my class and
procedure implement their suggestions for classroom policy. I believe it is important for
s do you students to feel a sense of agency in the classroom. That way, students may feel
anticipate a sense of worth, and will also be more willing to listen when they have violated
planning classroom policies they in some way helped create. I intend to establish my
and classroom policies through a collaborative discussion with my students.
ting in
Philosophy of Classroom Management: 11

Appendix 2

A Class Period Overview

Classroom Management Plan
C Min. Classroom Management Issues/Rules/Plans
l Class Sessions Classroom Management Strategies
0:00-0:15 Class Period Opening -Warm up question: students will come into class, take
their seats, and are welcome to begin discussing the
warm up question on the board. The warm up question
will be lighthearted and usually not too academically
related, in order to allow students a comfortable
learning environment and ease into their table group

-Homework check/homework question presentation: I

will go around the room to check homework using a
stamp log. As I do this, the assigned student for the
homework problem presentation can do the set up for
the question, copying the question on the whiteboard
and showing the work he or she used to solve the
equation. After I am done checking homework, the
student can do a short presentation on the homework
question, explaining how to solve the question, and
allowing for any clarifying questions from students.

0:15- Class Period Segment This segment will include the explanation for the
0:30 2 learning goals of the rest of class and will outline the
class activities. After this, the majority of this segment
Philosophy of Classroom Management: 12

will be dedicated to the first activity in the classroom

-The first activity for the classroom will involve an

introduction of the learning topic for the day. Within
this activity, I will do some modeling and explanation at
the front of the class, but will also create moments for
students to discover and explore on their own and in
their table groups. The purpose of this lesson is to
engage in the learning goal in a way that is easy to
understand, while also taking into account student
interest. Students will be encouraged to synthesize
their understanding in a group setting, and the activity
will end with a class discussion, where we can make
sure we are all on the same page about the learning
goal. This activity will end with a check for
understanding, to see if more time is needed for this
topic, or if the students feel comfortable to move on.

Scenario 1: After receiving an -Though it is somewhat difficult to assess the situation

assignment for group work, one not knowing the exact two students and their individual
group of students, male and personalities, my general mindset towards these two
female, sit in the back of class in students would be to minimize the distractions
a clump and talk. They are between them, and allow them an opportunity to feel
positive towards you until you as though they are contributing in class. I would first try
ask them to focus on their to do this by spending time at this table during the
assignment, at which point you group activity, where I can actively monitor student
start getting pushback. At this behavior, and give these students very small,
point, however, their talking has manageable learning goals. I might tell these students
become a distraction from the that I am planning to call on them for the class
rest of the class and two of the discussion so they should feel prepared to have
students seem to want to push something ready. If the students are somewhat better
the boundaries of what they are behaved, I will take this as a small step to build upon. If
allowed to, despite their effects not, I would try to separate these students in order to
on your ability to teach. How maximize effectiveness and minimize distractions. I
will you work with these might ask a well behaved student to trade spots with a
students to provide a more misbehaving student, and explain to this well behaved
positive and workable solution so student that the table needs some help with the
that they refocus on their activity. If the students do not want to respond well to
assignment and learning? me, there is a chance they will not have an issue with a
student helping them stay on task, at least
momentarily, by explaining what he or she was doing at
his or her respective table. If this still does not work, I
will address behavior directly, and might resort to
threatening emails to parents or detention. I want to
Philosophy of Classroom Management: 13

give students as many opportunities as possible to

reengage, even if this is only marginally, before
resorting to this final step, however.
0:30- Class Period Segment After the last activity, there might be a need for a brief
0:45 3 brain break to give students a mental rest. This can take
the form of allowing students a minute or two to get up
and stretch, or playing a predesignated game with
them (I.e. reading out a few of the student fun facts
that were collected at the start of the semester). After
this, the students will engage in the second activity,
which will mirror the first in its design to engage
collaborative student learning, but with the added
challenge of either introducing a second learning
goal/standard, or deepening the students’ knowledge
or understanding of the previously discussed learning
goal. This is the part of the lesson where I will attempt
to engage the class in the deeper learning concepts in
accordance with Bloom’s taxonomy for learning.

0:45- Class Period Segment This last portion of the class will be dedicated to
0:60 4 summarizing the learning goals for the day, giving an
assessment for the students to demonstrate their
understanding, and ensuring that students know the
next steps for the class. I will summarize the two
activities we did during class and our learning concepts,
and will hand out cool downs for students to
demonstrate their knowledge for the lesson, giving
them about 7-10 minutes to fill this out. Before the
students leave, I will ensure they know of their
homework assignment, as well as any upcoming quizzes
or tests for the class, or any other general events
happening in the school.

Scenario 2: At the end of your -Given that the students will be given a cool down
class right before lunch, your which will be graded and inputted (though not worth a
students start to mentally check lot of points), there will be at least some motivation for
out of class early, start talking, them to push through the end of class. I think that this
and pack up about ten to fifteen practice in place at least gives students some
minutes before class ends. How motivation to stay engaged towards the end of class.
will you address this in terms of However, if motivation is waning, I will not be afraid to
your overall classroom audible in order to engage students in learning. In my
management plans so that your experience, students often lose interest when they are
students learn out of habit to bored, or have not been engaged for some time. I
stay engaged to the end of your would not be opposed to giving the students a quick
Philosophy of Classroom Management: 14

class, and how will you handle problem to solve related to the learning goal, and even
this on this particular day to bribing the first group or two to finish the problem with
make the change to better candy. Depending on the day and the lesson, I might
practices? also address students directly and ask them to take
their work back out, and perhaps remind them of their
upcoming quiz/test, emphasizing how what we are
learning will show up on their future assessment. To
ensure that this disengagement does not happen, I
think having students utilize their knowledge in novel
ways will be helpful as well. If students are given a
unique task towards the end of class, then they will be
less likely to become disengaged in their learning.

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