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INOAGhOUNIVERSIOADE DOESTANO DE GANTA CATARNA) Gaede sale devnussgto tints 6 no sci -UDESCAR INTERNATIONAL Iso STANDARD 376 Metallic materials — Calibration of force- proving instruments used for the verification of uniaxial testing machines Matériaux metatiques — Etalonngge des stents do mesure de ferve ulisés pura vereaton des machines dessale uniasiaux Fefornce rambo SOseATNE eisoan Exempr de evan ltads de use exlusve -UCESC-ABNT(FUNDACAOUNVERSDOADE 00 ESTADO DE SANTA CATARINA) Gerad: 8172013) 180 37620116) , ‘A rst in Sn ti tf i i iy pn a yy ey Ghitee'g recency pcg na meat, ios poration hein on sei ao ee Pooh o ‘Sobel yee ‘socal spate Sor 14121 Gu 20 rarer Eel orrnaicon 1 21802011 - Ata raened 3 i é 3 i 3 3 5 4 Evaro de isulzac stata ce .soexcusho -UDESC-ABNT (FU 180 376:20146) Contents Pane Forewer.. Introduction rs SCOPE ne 3 Terms and detnitons oon 4 Symbots ard their designations 5 Prine 1 ‘ * Gatbration of the force-proving instrument Classification ofthe force-proving instrument... Use of calloratedforee-proving Instruments. ‘Annex (nfermative) Additions information ee) ‘Annex. (nfcrmatve) Measurement uncertainty ofthe ealbration and subsequent use of the ‘ibograpny. 01802011 - Ait ened a 130 376.2016) Foreword 150 (te nemationl Oxyantzaton fr Standardization) f a werkt faderaton of national standards toes {(S0 member boos). The work of proparingIntematand! Standard ie normaly carved out trough ISO {totnical commits Each amber body terested in 3 aubject fer which technical cormtten hae Deen estzblshed has th rah! to be represented en a comritie.Ivematonal rganzatons, govermental and Fongovermertal in laison wih ISO, also take oath he work 180. colabaates close wit) he Intentional ectotechnical Conmsson (IEG) on all mates of elecrctecincalstandardzatin. Interctional Standards are drafted in aocerdance with the rules gen inthe ISONEC Drosthes, Pat 2 ‘The main task of teenncal commitees Is to prepare iteratonal Standard. Ort ntematicnal Sandra adopted oy the tectnical conmies are culated to the menter bodies for ving, Publlealon a an Inlemotonal lancer requires approve by atleast 75% of he mamber bodes casing 9st. -Atetion dram tothe possity that some ofthe slmantsof hi daciment may be he abject ofp "rafts. ISO shal nol bs hae responsble fer lcenifyng any o” al such pstert igh. 180.376 was progared by Technical Commits ISOITC 184, Mochania! testing of mots, Suocemmitee SC 1, Unaxaltesing ‘Tis fur eaiton cancels an replaces tne tne elton (1S0.375:2008), wnich has been tecticallyrevsea (ordetas,seee reroauction) in excli -UDESC-ABNT (FUNDACKOUNVERSIDADE DO ESTADO DE SANTA CATARNA) Garo 412012) Evel de veut tt verde visas tc sn oxlsho -UDESC-ARNT |FUNDACAO LNIVERSIDADE OO ESTADO DE SANTA CATARINA) Gara 08112019) 150 976.2011) Introduction ‘An ISOTTC 108/5G 1 working group has covelopec prooadutes for dterminng the measurement uncetany Gr ercepovng ievunenis, ad these procedures have town sdded 10 this UNH edi as 6 Hew aired Gonex Inaction, the uth action alows te alain 6 Be performed in tuo was: — wt rversinle msasuremant for fr-proing instruments which ate gong 1 be esd wih erating and docroasing frees: — witout roversble massuremert for force-previeg insruments which are gxing to be used ony with Inewasin forces, Inthe fest case, i. hen the forse. proving instrument is sing t te used for roversbla measurements, he Calbraton has to be porormec win nceasieg and decreasng forces to determine the hysteresis othe Ce frovnginstument in te case, thre iene need to pero a creap tes. ne second case, ia. when Ge foEprovNg InsvUMENK Is NL gong 10 be USED Tor reverse ‘eanurstrant, te clan is performed wi naeaari foros only bun dion, © croup leat has to be Perfermed In this ease, tere ls hs aod to detormne te Myseresi, 1802011 - Aes mesvet . ts do uso exc -UDESC-ABNT FUNDACKO UNVERSIDADE DO ESTADO DE SANTA CATARINA) Gredo-08142019) volar deviate INTERNATIONAL STANDARD 180 376:2011(6) Metallic materials — Calibration of force-proving instruments used for the verification of uniaxial testing machines 1 Scope “Ths htenatioral Standaro specties a math forte caltraton of forse-provng instruments used for ne Stee eon of wal etng mete (, etteonpensonfexing neces ahd Secs & ‘This Intemational Standard is appisable fo oree-proving instruments in which the fore is delarinad by ‘measuring te elastic deformation ofa loaded member or a quartiy wich is preportonal toi 2 Normative references “The following references documents are incispersable for te application of tis document, For dated feferences, ony ine wan oted apples For undated references. tw leat eclon of fe rerancnd ‘ocumtert futing any amardan) ap ISOMEC 17125, Ganerarequlements forthe competonce of testing ar calation laboratories 3 Terms and definitions For the purposes of his document, he fllewing terms ane defintions apy 24 \itole aseamly trom the free transducer feugh to, and ineucng, the indcater 4 Symbols and their designations ‘Symbols an their designations are given in Tal (0190201) 1 rarer devisuleacho ada de uso ecusho -UDESC-ABNT (FUNDAGAD UNVERSIOADE OO ESTADO DE SANTA CATARINA) Gera: 08912012) 180 376:20111€) Table 1 — Symbels and their designations rmtot [Unt Dosgnnton @ [Rest proc rr wih aon # [Rothe repastabity err stoutrotten a h__|Macmumcapacry oho waneier A N__[Macrumcatbraton foe he 3 |Roatneitereetoneror W Reading on he nde aerroncil el fce i Reade on fencer tore epoicaton of ea ‘on —_|Rencing® one nate 200 + aerapicatonor enova ofa maxnumcalbrator TE : T__[Resokton ofthe ingeaor : 3c [Raat verity ear the reapong rman 3 [toro vaue a ate x = stocionwin dacreasha estore Xu —__[Petecioncaressordn he maxima ealban roe Fe = freraze iu etme actocaors wancutoxton 5. Principle Caliraton consists of applying precisly known forces tothe feos transducer and recring the data fom the Inalatr, whi Is consaered a nega part ote face proving nstUMent Viner an local meastrement ie mad, th inceaior may be replaced by anctherinicator and the foro ‘rovinginstament et not be vecalrated provided the folowing condtons are fle ‘The crignal and resacament inticatow have calbraion caticstes, taceabio to natonal standards, which gue fe resus of callaton in tems of bocca base unis (wo. ampere. Tho replacomert Inataor shel be calreted over a range equal ocr eter thn the range for whic 1s used wih force-rovng nstumeri, and the esol of fe replacoren dicate stall be a least equal to the resolution of he ofgnalndeator aon tis sad wth ha ors posing inetrument 1) The units and exctaton soutos ofthe replacement indcalr shouldbe respectively ofthe same quantity (9.5, 10Vjand ype (ea. ACor DC care frequency). ©) The wncetanty of each indicator (oath the origal anc te replacement hndators) shal nt signiicanty lnzoce the unaranty of the whole TorcepovingInstument essen. Ke recommended Kat the Lncorainty of th replacement ledicator bo no greater tan 1/3 o! the uncertainty the ene Syston (eon 0214), 2 SIS a1t-Alepiseseved Exemplar de visuloago litada de uso exis - UDESC-ABNT (FUNDAGAO UNIVERSIDADE DO ESTADO DE SANTA CATARINA) Gerd: 8/1/2019) 180 376:2011(€) 6 Characteristics of force-proving instruments 641. Identification ofthe force-proving instrumant All the elemants of the freaipreving igsrument (incusing the cables for elactreal connection) shall be Incvicualy and uniquely icentfes, eg. by the name ofthe manufacurer, te mocel and the serial numb Fer the foros vanedor, tha maximum working force shal be inated. 62 Application of force ‘The force transducer and is loading ftings shall be designed so as W ensixe axel application of fe, ‘metho in tension or comprescion Esamoles of oadingftnas are gen in Annex A 6.3 Measurement of deflection Maasuranent of the cofieten of the loaded memter of te forse transducer may be cared out by ‘mechanical, social, cpical or oer means wih adequate accuracy and stabil. ‘The ype and te quay ofthe defection measuing system determine whether the force-provng hte ‘teal onl for spocitecliraton frees oor inbpalaton one Clauss 7) General, tho use of froe proving irstruments with dial gauges as a means of measuring the deflection Is ited to the forces for nich te tuments fre beer celia. Te dal gauge, f ne over ery kav, ‘may contin lage Incaized pariodc errors which profuce an tnowrtainty too great 1 rermit rrpolaton BBatweon calaraton forces. The dal gauge nay be Used for mterpolaion Hf ts periodic err has 2 negigbe infuerce on the ntspoation err of te frea-proving instrument 7 ¢ ration of the force-proving instrument TA General TA. Prlininary messures Catraod Ts ar be Sno by means of peminty teats such Beane ‘detnes aon ard Gen Be comps 7.12. Overioading test “Tis optenates! is desorbed n Cause 1 743 Verifeation ralating te application of forces Ersure that tn attachment system ofthe free proving insrumertalows axial appiiction ofthe force when the irstument used for ensle testing, the iestrument is used for comrpression tsteg (Ctuss 82 ves an example cf a method that can te use. NOTE Omer toss can be used 9. ct using @fatbased Yansducer wh @sohoialbuton or wope bearing Stace ©802011- Aharon 3 Evel de visuatzasclintada de 20 exlusvo-UDESC-ABNT(FUNCACKO UNIVERSIOADE DO ESTADO DE SANTA CATARINA) Graco B"42019) 180 376:2011(6) 744. Variable vokage test ‘This tei ott the dieretion of he calbrton sanvce. Fr fore-proving instruments raging an elctical ‘Suppl, vey that 2 variation of 10% ef the ine voltage has no sgnfiant effect This veficaton can be ‘Carmad autby means 2 fores tarscucer smuator cr by anther aporaprae mend, 72 Resolution of the indicator 724 Analogue scale “Te thickness of th gracuntion marks on fe scale shall bo unfom ane the with ofthe pontr shal be pprxinally oq tothe wilh ofa gracuation mar ‘Tre resoition, 1, 0! he indicator shall be cbteined fom the ratio between the with ofthe painter end the cante-b-conge distance batweon two adjacent scaly graduation marks (scale interval), the recommended Fatos being 12, 15.0" 110, a spacing of 1.25 mm or greater being requred forthe estimaton of a tenth ofthe ‘inzon onthe sale ‘Avemir scale of dmensions appropiate tothe oraloguesoale maybe used io allow drectfactonal reading 722. Digital scale “The reslton is considered io be cne increment the lst actve number onthe num indicatr 722. Variation of readings Ifthe readings fluctuate by more than he value proviously calcul fo he rescuton (wth 20 force apliod to he istrument, the resoluton shal be deemed fo be equal thal he range Huctuston, 724 units “Te cesoluon, shal be converted to uns of ee 7.3. Minimum force “Tokina int consideration the secrecy wih which the ndret (smn 161mm = 8 Figure A3 — Type B intermediate ring ‘AAA Adaptors (extensions, recucor pieces, otc.) it oving we design of the materia wstng machine, adaplers are requred for mounthg the ace AAS Loading pads Loacing ped are used as the fr induction components of compressive force transducers. If loading ‘ad nae two at sureces fr focce vanemisson, they should be ground plane para, the surface prossure on the camprssicn flatans of tha machine shaula not a greater than 700 Nit | ‘acessary, addtional nlrmedate plates shouldbe sdacod and instaled (ee Figure Al wih a ameter, da, large enough ensure tat his condition is met. ‘gue 44.) shows, by way ofexamplo, the stape ofa loading pad fo: compressive fuceansaucers having ‘2 convor 2700 oro oduct is haght, Hy, sroud be eal to or greater tan dl ‘The hedght fp, and dlanter, di, of all loading pads shoul, however, He adapted tothe force introfucton| component such a way hat the lading pad canbe izated both cenrally and without teal coract othe force rareaucion component. The clameter, yp, STOU terstore be 0,1 me 190.2 men restr Man me domoter othe force nvocuetion conponert. Figure 44) shows. by way ofexamalo. the stane ofa eadna pad for compressive frce transducers having ala area of force intoducton.The darieter, «y, shouldbe greater than or equal othe Garreter othe force ‘reduction component 190201 nt tena 15 vero e euaao lads de use excuse -UCESC-ABNT (FUNDACAO UNVERSDOADE 00 ESTADO DE SANTA CATARINA) Gedo: 04/1202) 180 37620116) '] Loading pad cestgned go 2s to reduce surtace pressure tor force transducers having » convex roe offoree inteduction |_ee_| | Loading pad designed sos to reduce surface pressure for force transducers, having fat area of force inrecuction Figure A4—Losding pads 6 1802011 Arutsrsevos xen de vouazgto Imad de so exliso -UDESC-ABNT |FLNDAGAO UNVERSIGADE DO ESTADO DE SANTA CATARINA) Garde: 8/1/2013) Table A4— Dimensions of intermediate rings so 376:2014(6) mona | mina | eee | ]*] = [*]*] =] "] =] ™ matrai wcang | tr ronng | OMICS] yy on ‘miachine® instrument na mm | rom | rmem | erm | een | ro | on | rm | ev ean wa | a lor™|«>oex|—|—|=]~[—|—- 100 kN “ 03 4} Te wow | A [ae [an —l=[7 fs [= [= 200k som a [a] | ee [—[—[7 [| —|— ‘oom [a [ore foe =l=[? bs [=[— wow | 8 [ange [ae = lessee soowvana | 50KN ofa fo| (46) o| 7 | 7 | a] 2 00m Toon 3 foe [ x] pets farlel @ vow | a [eea®® [ar = |=] 20 || ow |e [ane | an we [mfr [oof as| we 200KN 8 ett em | a7 “Ves | 77 | 12 | 60 | 45 | 15 woes | aw [ore™ [oe —|-[«/2[-[— wow | 8 fore™ [ar @ [wef [or foo [vo am [TT af oogm™ for | mezx [—|—]e fae || — tu | A rag | Eel amet [8 fore [os @ | | 18 [90] os [ a5 an tun | 0 [roe | ro v2: [1s [ 28 [wo] 06 | 6 aun | a [10599 [8 Soo mee | 8 fare [os w [| 18 [iss ns a6 za [a [seg or —l- ele f-fe caw [a [aes gto SSo0Se zu | 8 [rere us ver [223 | 27 [0 [20] oo 10 MN ad cae | a fase g te —|-[s|~[—-|— srout oman yorangonore ” Exemoa e veuazaro nada de uso exclusvo- LDESC-ABNT (FUNDAGAD UNIVERSIDADE DO ESTADO DE SANTA CATARINA) Gerado: 084172013) 180 376-2014) ‘Annex B (informative) Additional information B.1 Overloading test ‘The force-proving instument Is subjected, four tmes in succession, to an oveioad that should exceed ihe rmaamum foe By @ minimum 0! 8 % and 3 maximum o 12%. Overioaang ie mamained for perod of 8) S (0803. [A least one overioacing test should be done by the manufacture befor the nstument is relased for carat o Sarvice B2 Example of a method of verifying that there is no interaction between the force transducer of an instrument used in compression and its support on the calibration ‘machine ‘The foroe-proving instumentis loaded by means ofntermediat tearing pads having a cylntical shape end plane convex and concave surfaces and which ave ir contact wth thebase of the cave ‘The concave ord convex surfaces sr considered as reprsentng the ints of the absonce fAatness ane of variations in hanes of he bering pads on whi he ristumnt cou be es when In operation ‘The itormasiatoboarng pads are mace cf stool having a haréness tetwoon 400 HV 30 and 59 HV 30. The Carvey ard concavity Ofte surfaces are 1,0 01191 OCD ote ris (0,1 = O01) Sor Ue rads). 1a force-prvig instrument is submited for calbration wih essocicted ling ead that wil subsecventy always be used wih tal force-provng instrument, the test devi is considered be a combiaton of he fercepeong irsttument lus the esseciated loading pads. This combaaton s loaded in ‘urn trough he planetand convex and concave bean pads, “Two tes! forces are anploe to the force-oving instumen. the fist bsing the maximum force of he Instument nd the second, the minim calbraon force for whch dofecton of he nsrunet s suielont {fem he pointe view of repeatability. ‘Tho toot aro ropaated in ordar to have toe foc applications for each cf the twos types of Intrmodiato ‘bearing pad For each force. te dference etneen the mee) Galeton sing concave and glans bearng pads anc the diference between the mean delecion usng convex and pane bearing pads shoud nat exceed {he mits gion n Table 81, Telatn 0 be class 0! he focespronng instrument ‘Table B1 —Naximum pemissibie difference for the mean deflection, “cuss en a om 005 or 05 on a2 1 02 ae 2 m7 08 ® 1©1802011- Alga rset solr de iulngho Iida de so exis -UDESC-ABNT(FUNDAGKO LAIVERSIGADE DOESTANO DE SANTA CATARINA) Gerd: 8/1704) so 376:2014(6) Ifthe foce proving instrument satisfies te requitemerts eleting to the maximum force but does not ul tha fer the minimum ore, te smatest ere fo wnic the nstuent fulfs the cordon is dearinad ‘The smales ncease nthe ferce used to determine the smalest face satisyrg he canon Is fet to the ‘abortion ote auinonty qusifedto cary outhe calraton CGoneraly, there s no ned to repeat hase tests wh intermediate bearng pads each me the instrument is albrtad bul only afer en averhaul of the forse prevrg Instron B.3 Comments on the record of the zero signal of the unloaded forco transducer ‘Achango of tho 200 ofthe unloaded force vanstucrinécatos plas dofomation dus to overoading ef tho ferce taneducar Pormanoré lenge drt irietes en nfyerce of meistire on the stan gauge base oF & boning defect of re san gaunes. 8.4 Temperature corrections of calibrated force-proving instruments Te corection of the deflcon of the instumen for ay temperature vristion is eslculatsd according to the folowing equation P= eg +81 en Dy. ete dalton at the tomper Dg. Isthe defection at he calibration temperature, - tothe temperature coefiert oth instrument in °C" For nstunerts other than tose having a fore tansducer wth electrical outputs made of sts! cortaning not ‘more nan "sof aloyng wlamants, value k= 0900 27“ may be Uea, For istumerts mede of mataal other then sooo which nude forea vansdcers wth tcc! outputs ‘Used wil eed tobe state cr the Callan cartes ofthe intent “able 8.2 aives the deletion comedtios for instruments ofthe fest type. Thess coracions were clined with = 0.000 27 NOTE _Whon the instruments nate f dt and th deletion is msasiad in wits of eegth the tonpoctrs (Svan equate apoxmett O00 tor ash vor 4c Most force tenatucers with clectica outputs ae thormay sompenssted in the rongo af splcatin (ace the Second paragraph n7 43), oe casas, a miperatre carostion mit note necossary. Generally. ts sufelont to measure the iomperatire ofthe device the nearest 1 °C. Ifa dofiecton has been measured wih a foce-poving instrument at a tomperature greater than the calbsaton tempersture and I © desired to. clin the defiacton of the insrument forthe calbraten temperature, Fe detection corracton gen in Table 2 is deducted tom th cflscion measured ‘ino me measurement Is carried out wih a Focepravieg Instunen at @ perature lower than the allraton tempera, the sorecton is add 21802014 Are necwoe ° Everlarde suze ada de so exclusive - UDESC-ABNT (FUNDAGAO UNNERSIDADE DOESTADO DE SANTA CATARINA) Gerad: 01112018) '80376:2011€) EXAMPLE —setctencbsered: 7208 cisions Inthe unr coresgondng te vation 12 the ovarntdetocon fat exceeds 7286 din 638 chsions. ‘The sotected dtoctnn is thefow 729.5 -04= 729.2 dso. Table 8.2 — Detection corrections for temperature varlations ofa steel force-proving instrument not Theving a force tanaducer with electrical outpte ‘attesion | Waximun deiecionto which covecion is appa for empeatere variations In relion to corrections ‘he caltratenteperatre we | ae | sc | vc | se | we | re | 80201 Arison vara de visutzapo liada do uso xcusva - UDESC-ABNT (FUNDAGRO UNIVERSIDADE DO ESTADO DE SANTACATARINA) Gerad 0811202) 190 976 20141) Annex C (informative) Measurement uncertainty of the calibration and subsequent use of the force-proving instrument 6.1 Uncertainty of the calibration results for the force-proving instrument C44 General For instruments cassie for iterpolation, the calbation uncertanty is the uneatalnty in the foce value calaulted free the interpolation equeton, at ary deletion, ‘or ineeasing frees only For instruments {assed lor spect frens ony, he calbraion Urcenainty © fe uncertain i tre fren corresponding to ny dolecion equal io one ofthe san detections sblaned dig fe caloraon, er increasing ores On [Nt ach calaton fore, 8 combined stander uncertainty. 1. exsressed Io units of frees calculated from the reacings oblaned during the clrator. These combined standard uncerintes are plotted ezanst ‘ores, anda least squares it covereg altho alues scaled. The coeficns ofthis fare than muted by te coverage favor 4-2 to gv an expanded ungerany tale, or any force wn tha calston ‘ange. An oxpandec reve uncertanty value, 1, con alo then Be eaiuised te en ana Unda (2) one weur (ca) uj Is the standard uncotalnty asockated with he apples calraton foe: ‘igh stancard uncetainy associated with he reproducblty ofthe caltrationresats; 1uy_ 18 Oe Stancard uncertainty associated wn ne repeaiablly of ne catbrton resus ‘uy_ is the standard uncertainty assoclated with he creep of he insrumert: ig isthe stanéard uncertainty associated wth tet in 20 output uj lathe stanord uneotalay codkated wth temperature of lnvumont iy is the standard uncetainty associate! with inerpalation 01802011 - Ait neened a Exel de vous ltd de uso esclusve -UDESC-ABNT (FUNDAPAO UNNERSIOADE DO ESTADO DE SANTA CATARNA) Grafo-08112012) 180 378:2011(6) The exparded lave uncertainty, may also be calculated from a combinaion of rlatve stancaré (cai and xm (cs) ard (co) vey athe aioe 1rd uncorsintysecocated with appiod eatration fre seg ithe elaine standard uncertintysesocatad wth repeal fealitation ress veg nthe lative standerd uncertainty sssoristd with repasabilyofcalration resus: veg fhe lative standard uncertainty assoiatd wth resstionofinccstor veg the ative standard uncertainty associate wih crea of stunt vse Ihe lative standard uncertainty assoclatd wth the fi the 2er0 ouput vey ste dative standard uncertainty associated with the tonperatte ofthe instrument vie lst ative standard uncertainty associated with intrpoaton, NOTE. The inorolaon component (4) Int iaken ho seco eho calraton unc wth stamens {ast spect foexs oy NOTE 2 Theale noma can beesprensed wa pra yp by 10. 6.4.2 Calculation of calibration force uncertainty, 14, 61 1s fesinply the stantarduncertsintyaesclatd wth te orcs applied by th callraton machine, exprssad IMunts of fee, and wis the same exoressed 5 2 relative value 6.413 Calculation of reproducibility uncertainty, v2.12 1 i the standard deviation associated wit the mean incremental deflections obtained dung the calraton, ‘iprassod in unl lore, ard xf te sama exressed ata ‘elatv> val, LE aF en Fu wl 2 1s 014A te meee velar de visto ital Se yc exis -UDESC-ABNT (FUNDAAD UNIVERSIDADEDO ESTADO DE SANTA CATARINA) tad: 11/2019) 180 376:2014(6) ane ay C4 Caloulation of ropoats sis the uncertainty centibuion due othe repestbly ofthe measured flection, expressed in unis of {oreo ards the Same expressed as a elative valuo.X can be assumed tha, a ach ere, F uncertainty, 1.5 BoP se (©2) SF : are ed ce) were His he relative repestabily enor as dete in 7.5.1 A. Calculation of resolution uncartaity 4 sch detection vais cleat tom two readings (he feading vt an aged xe mins he redig a ‘ar fovea), Because of Bi, the resluon of the infiaterreada to be idided twa aa two rectangular “itreutore son wth eclandard unoartanty of 28) whore ri tho feck, oxproscadin uni ore: “wz (ny " co.) al ay CA. Calculation of ereep uncertainty, 5,5 ‘This uncertainty components de th fc that. ta gin force, the measured deflection can be infusnowd bythe brevous shors-tem loading history. One measure ofthis iniuencs is the change in vanscucer cutgutin the pared fom 30 10 300 safer appleatin er ramovel ol the maximum caitaton fore. Ths effet nat Ince inthe repreducilty because, ganeraly, the same caltraton machine Is used or all measurement ‘Sere and the tiefinadng profi willbe he same. ‘This fect canbe etirated 6 flows: wget (09 on (03) (oa) 121502011 senod 23 velar de visulzacholimtads de wo excisho -UCESC-ABNT (FLNDAGEO UNVERSDADE D0 ESTADO DE SANTA CATARINA) Gara: 081/20) 180 376:2011(6) ithe cep test rot peronned, the ereep uncertainty canbe estimated by dvdng the hysteresis by afeter 13 Trortere, the falowing equation can be used to cacuate ins uncertain eanribuion for ncoasing forces! “3 ae (cr) ond mete 1 roa mn 6.17 Calevlation of zero diftuncertainty, up, 6 “hia unenrtiny component i din lo the fac al the insrumanta zero cufput can vary bebe ‘measurement series and thatthe measured deectons coulé be afuncton ofthe time spent at zero force Between sores. The eect nt included i pred Because, ganeraly, iste willbe tha same for ‘al measurement sees, One measure of ts vari fe 200 err. f, 80 ths effet can be estimated a ge *E oe AE (om) ond we ew) 00 C48 Caleulation of temperature uncertainty, py ‘This uncertainty he contribution due tothe variation of temperature troughout the calratn, together with the uncerairty in the measurement of the calbaton temperature. The sersty of Te nsrumert to temperature needs io be estmaied. ether by tests or rom te manutacurersspecfeatons by ear cr By ‘xperione, Expressing ts confponent tui of ore oa eretathe value, we have: nya kx Extn, z ened (19) ond (c20) Ks the rstrments temperate cooficeny, In reciprocal dagiees Coleus (*C-1; AT is the caloration ‘omperature range, allowing to the uncertainty nthe measuremer ™ 180 ait Al pereseves Exel de vouatzactoImbada so exci -UDESC-ABNT (FUNDAGAO UNVERSICADE DOESTADO DE SANTA CATARINA) Gerace: 8/1/2013) so 376:2011(6) C1. Calculation of interpolation uncertainty. 61.94 General ‘This components not taken rio account fh the calbration uncertainty for instruments classi for specie forces oly Its he contrbuton due o he platted forc/cetecton pcints not al ‘aing onthe best ne, easing to an Ureertanty nine mirplatin equaton. er ofthe two meneds gnen in G.1.92 anc G12. may be Used tocaleunte hs eontituten ‘The component can be estimated using satistial theory. Assuring that the caltraton forces ere eventy nytt (a os “aq (cam 4 lsthe sum ofthe sauaree deviations between the mean defection andthe vale calculated fn the imerplation equation: 1+ the number of fore callin sep 4 sth deores of he intrpation equation ©4193 Devatonmettod ‘The component the diference between he moan measured deflection and the value calculated fom the Innepoltion equation (2) (o20) .1.10 Calculation of combined callbraton standard uncertainty and of expanded uncertainty €:.10.1 General “The calculation of he combed sandard unoertany anc expanded uncertarty s cated out eer fore sts (fw and U) oreo lave values (or and #9, a5 shown i9C.1%0 2 ard C-1103,respecthely 280204 Atte neonod Fa Examoa e Veuzepo lntads de uso exclusiva -UDESC-ABNT (FUNDAGAD UNIVERSIDADE DO ESTADO DE SANTA CATARINA) Gerado 084172013) 180 376-2014) 16:1.10.2 Combined standard uncertainty and expanded uncertainty in force units Fer each caltation ‘ore, calculate the combined standard urcetalty, w., by combing the individual ‘Standard unr in cura wef (025) NOTE This uations e sare as Equation (C1). Phot graph of» aainst free and hen determine the oneicians of the bes. least-squares ire hough all ofthe data poins, ‘The form of the fited Ine (e.g. tneat,polmomial exponential wit depend on te calraion results, linear CSquaton i arefarad for reasora ef smpty. I tse rosuts in valas lower thane mirimem combined Uenaity alve, 2 more conservative ft shoud be emoloyed andlor a minimum value fo: the uncetanty Sfould be spect It's suggestd hal hs be equalto the miumum combired standard uncertainty abaired {inunts of tere), ‘The expanded uncertain. J. gvan by the equation whore coefcents ae wiee those ofthe beste fequaton. For any force witin the calibration range, an expanded uncertainty can then be calculated, ‘expressed in force unis 1.10.8 Combined standard uncertainty and expanded uncertainty as eltve values Fer cach calityaten foros, calculate the combined standard uncenaiety, w,. by combining he indvldial ‘Standard unertaiiesn quadatire Ee c=) NOTE This equations e sar as Equation C4) allofhe data paints, ‘The form ofthe fied tine (@9. near, polynomial, expenenta) wl depend onthe calbaton resus. His resus it values lower than the mininam combined uneetanty vue, @ more cormervative shoal be ‘employed andlor 2 minimum value Ter to uncrtainty shows do specified for the avant pats of ho (aration range. lis sugpested that hs be equal othe minimum combined stendard uncertainty obtained. “The expanded uncertainty, W, 6 given by the equation whose coeficents ae wice hose ofthe bestst fequaton, For any force wihin te calvation range, an expanded uncertainty cen then be calculated, expressed as arelitive vale C2 Uncertainty during the force-proving instrument's subsequent use ©2.1 General ‘Tho uncortinty atsosated with the forco caleulated ‘rom the defection obnined from the ‘ores growing Insnementsubsequen! tots calbraton wilinduds cntrbutons froma numberof sources: 2). cata uncotainy, rast ©). contibuton dee to rovers ry 1©1802011- Alga rset varia de visutzaco inada do uso cua - UDESC-ABNT (FUNDACAO UNIVERSIDADE DO ESTADO DE SANTA CATARINA) Garado: 0812019) 180 376:20146) 6) deitinconsitvty sincocatbaton 6) effectot being used ata siferet temperatire {)effectot teirg used winder endoadng condtons: 4) ofectof tong uses wit efforntparastc compenent 1) effectof being used wih diferent imeleading pole: || efecto ines approximations to intrpaaion equation | eppteabe, ose of «replacment insestor ican te sssumed tat nore ofthese efecs is cra, so her standard unetairios can be summed in uadraure to calculate a combined stardard uncertanty at each force (assuming tal any krown errors have leon correcte for). Fer example, the temporture Sanstivty of the tanscucer te krown, and So 18 the ‘umperatue offence (beMoon calbrator afd subseqiort use). vite a comecton shoul be made (othe ‘louiiod free ortho effoct shoud bo sed tho uncon near, ator tan in quest 6.22 Calibration uncertainty ‘Te calibration uncerinty is ha he valie ofthe expanded uncertainty calculated C.1.10 using the expanded unoortany equation. 6.23 Resolution uncertainty “The measured farce comae fram now deflostion valuta, Bacauee of tha, the ravoltion of te Indestor nade {o'bs inoled again n'a way simlar to that Sesribad in C15 he readings fornia ty more than the ‘aseluton af the née, fe resaiuion should be taken as hat the range of tution, ©.24 Caleulation of contribution due to reversibility ‘The reversibly eer, 1, defied in 75.4 nat a component of tre caloration urceraity. The way to take nis cheracterstc int account witdeperd en tow te Wartsducr i tobe sed afl te calaten, the user makes ony increasing measurements, no component due to reversibility shouldbe iced in the uncertainty ofthe measured force However, me user makes measurements wih decreasing values ef force and wirout ary comection, the “erat ofthe measured fore wil red fo take fo aozount he reverabily » by acang an adn ee tw (zr and se aE (28) “This component could be stele in the calibmaton cerficle. coud alse be aided A quscratice to the ‘tration uneeraity componente described in Clause C1 Wo oblain'a combired eabaton uncotanty [cludirg an acional versity efect 01802011 - Argh ened 2 sonido vowaagtolitada do ueo ono - UDESS ABNT FLNDAGAO UNIVERSIOADEDO ESTADO DE SANTA CATARINA) Gora: 8/172943) 80 376:2011(6) 6.28 brit ‘Ths component may be estimated from the story ofthe results obtained tom the transduce’ in prowous calbratons The exact ucerainy dsrouton (and possoly even an esta evor curectin) wil depera fon the mnowual wansducer, Bu @ rectangular disiuton win an expanced uncertanyy of = te Lagest Drevous change s suggest as @ canverave ectirate 1 auch infomation I no arate, a SUN Should te made based ot the perflormenes fst ose devices 6.2.6 Torporature ettect ‘Te temporatire etext cn zero cup can te igrore, as the calcualon of deflecion makes insigniicart, ur te ete of temperature on senaiiy needs v0 be allowed fox. I We acl temperature sorely ofthe force proving inruments Koger 2 carecon shoud be made tthe calcted force, sm smote Ie 1 20 tho az, the onl information isthe manufecture’s specieatenlolerance, an urcertahty componont Sosoe on ths fgute andthe uffrorea in tamporatuo betnoun ths fore proving incumort calbraton are ‘ie aubsequont uno should bo amployed. tis recommended theta rostanglarGatibtion to ised, However, {he coaieint or he blerance) i utualy gen fer asablized lerperatire wih no grater. the Waradacat 5S used in conations in whet itis subject fo temperature pradents, an accion unsetaity cantbation ‘Shoul te taken nin arent C.2.7 End-toating ofoct The boring. rad! tet desenbed in Clause 6.2 gioe an hhaton of the eeneivty af a comprotsion free transducer to endloadng effets. The resus of such iss, together wth infomation a8 to the condiiors my lich a Wansdcor wil subsequertly be Used, should enable realst uncoranty contbutions for thes ‘tacs tobe cetera, 6.2.8 Effect of parasitic components ‘The raproducilty Houde in ihe caltraton unoertany i ot vad fra mean of fee measurements mace fon the calibration machina. Usuely.parastic components ave ereaintred during the. frea-prevrg "eruments susequent use whieh are larger tha the parasiiccompanentsencoumerec dui casa, Therefore tis recommended hat the user epsa! tho force measurement riathg the transducer around the force axs between sates of measurerert. A component reated io fe ofseved variation can the be taken Ino ancour. Ii not possible fo repeat measurement wih rctaion, the range cf the perastie component should te ‘stmated andthe sersituiy ef ie renscucor to parasibe compos avaluated. An urcettany component D800 oF the product of ne range and ie sensi shoud then be include. €.2.8 Timelloading profile The force roving istumert caloration method (38 dened in ths Inlemabonal Standare) and ts subsequent use fb wey 8 unoxal tastng trac las datnad in TSO 7500-1) speezy start tmevoading orfles ‘wat of 30° before taxing a reading Is spect in this intemaional Sandera, wheteas IS 7500-1 ows atbraton wie @ Sowty nceesng fore) tho bvesprovg hisvunet sersiive to Unefoadg affects, these offeert protools would ad to erers i the culled foros. The ereep ord coro ek carta conlroutons to the calbraion uncertainty wil cove’ Weve eflocs to seme degree, bul ay edillonal “neorainty controuion might be needed, dapendg onthe appicatin. Cara should ba taken fro rola canbe appa befor ho ute the force. proving netumont adieu {ie tobe used inbetnlosding modes (from tarsi a compression or be vers) 28 21902011 -Wegtaeemed velar de visulzacholimtads de wo excisho -UCESC-ABNT (FLNDAGEO UNVERSDADE D0 ESTADO DE SANTA CATARINA) Gara: 081/20) 150 376:2014(6) €.2.10 Effect of approximations to the calibration equation If he calbraton equation given in he cortical i not used, a component shoud de adied beset cn the ‘lferences betwen te cabratin equation and the equation which used. ‘Some indicator slow points Kom tho calration curve ta be input, a that the delay fin unt of force, but Cary outlinaarintrcoaton betwen these points, rather tan use the caltaton equation. this she case. the fect of this approximaton to the uve should be Inestgated and, f Sknfcart, an urcedaity ‘ontritston should Be Inluded 6.2.11 Effect ofa replacement indicator “Tho devaten vetveen te Wo Indcatoxs shovld be determined (tere are several mahats, 9. calteaton of ‘oth ideas, use of @ camnnor bide simular ens the uncertain of tis Jevaton shoul be estinatod {rtuding fects buch eo ho colbration wicoranty othe Incas and tho slab! tha oommen bridge ‘Stoutaton, If conectors are made, the uncertainty of the deviation shouldbe taken ito account. no conectons are ‘made. the deviaicn anditsunoerainy shouldbe consdored, 6.2.42 Effect of dynamic force “Ths nemtonal Standara concams only static foros measurement. he frceprovng suet IS usd der dytanic condor, adgiona cantibutlns shoul be tater nip accourt. For example, the fequorcy rponete.of he force taneducor and indeaor, and fo inaction wit tho meohanicl sructira, can ‘Storaly teres the measurement sul Ths requis a dataled analysis of dynamic measurement, WEN 'S not pat otis Intraoral Standard 121802011 mraneretenaa 23 ‘Ear dovieutogo intde e sn enn IDESC-ABNT (FUNDAGAD UNINERSIDADE 00 ESTADO DE SANTA CATARINA) Gerd 08112018) 80 376:2014(€) " Bibliography 180 7800-1, Metalic. moteriale— Vercntion of lao unions! toving machines — Pid Tarsiontonpressien taing machines Varoation andcatvation ofthe ferce:macsirng sien

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